EsSV.1.: P - -wSfV CT jtn ' Practical Value of Aviation Will Be Stressed in Show Emphasis will be placed on the part the airplane has in this modern world at the Aviation day program to be held at McNary field Sunday, August 28. Arranged through the cooperative efforts of the commercial operators at McNary field, the National Guard and the U. S. Navy, Aviation day feature the- m r - I ,rrrrr3 f!feg- i ' ---m.- "TZZZZJZM ptfvf c is i .sii---- - , " - usual in airplanes rather than the unusual and stunts. Pilots all over the state have received invitations to take part in some of the events. The guests will begin registering at 10 a.m. and on hand to greet them will be representatives from the Sa lem Cherrians. Salem CAP members will have charge of air traffic and park ing. Breakfast will be served the visitors at the field after which they will be free until the show starts in the afternoon. Coming from Portland will be at least eight National Guard planes, under the command of Mai. Gordon Doolittle. .The East Salem Expansion New homes along Lynn (top, left) and Vaughan avenues (right) constructed in the expanded East Salem during the past five years. Lower, left: Ebner's mar ket, now owned by T. O. Christofferson, a new enterprise that followed the population into the new district. Center: Part of the old Henry W. Savage farm on Garden road. The walnut tree near the barn was a large one when Mr. Savage occupied the place 72 years ago. Right: Assembly of God tabernacle under construction at Garden road and Park avenue. Important Spot in Census Held by East Salem District By BEN MAXWELL If the 1950 census shows the population of Salem has Increased from 31,000 to 50,000 or more in a single decade no small per centage of this has sought homesites east of Salem between the Garden and Silverton roads and eastward to Lancaster arive. In this region the city limits extend northward from Market aiui.g w , ujj u.. i pital .Mission Lee cemetery and obscure lanes extending to Sil verton road. Now the new East Salem is where the threshing machines hummed 20 years ago. U. 5. Population Up 200,000 a Month Washington, Aug. 19 VP) The United States population growing at the rate of 200,000 a month and may reach 150,000 000 by November 1. This report from the cusus bu reau said that the estimated po pulation was 149,215,000 on Ju ly 1. The bureau also estimated that in April this year there were 38,537,000 families in the U.S., as compared with 32,166,- 000 in 1940. reaches Evergreen avenue ex tending in the same direction. Then the boundary turns east ward until Lansing avenue ts reached and followed to the Silverton road. A map in the city engineer's office shows the area comprises seven or more subdivisions. Tad Shelton, Marion county assessor, recalls that this area was a center of hops and general farminir a few years ago. His explanation for the develop ment of the area is based upon years of official observation. - First North Salem and High land developed and land became occupied and expensive. The same was true of South Salem in a general way. Property available for a northeasterly ex pansion was open, available and cheaper. A further advantage was level ground where con struction could be accomplished at a minimum eost. And well water could be had at a mini mum depth. A leading Salem realtor at tributes rapid growth of the locality to proximity to Engle- wood school, always rated among the better of Salem's public schools. And roads and streets in this locality were easily constructed to facilitate transportation to school and for business development. In less than a decade many of these new, east Salem suburbs have been platted, subdivided and developers have undertaken construction of modern homes. Housing on Lynn and Vaughn avenues are good examples of this trend. Additional stores and enter prises are coming into the community. On the southeast corner of Park avenue and Garden road a large tabernacle under the aus pices of the Assembly of God is under construction. East Salem is expanding be yond the old limitations that used to confine the city within planes (F-51s) are to arrive j Airlines and Pan-American Air East Salem People Attend Annual Farmer Union Camp East Salem, Aug. 19 Several from Middle Grove community attended the Farmers Union junior camp at Molalla the past week. Attending different sessions were Sue Anglin, Robert and Eldon Beutler, Donald Bassett and Mrs. Paul Bassett who was one of the teachers in handwork, a 111 Ttle annual family picnic for Lioya a. Lee on Poultry Board Corvallis, Aug. 19 (IP) The Oregon Poultry Improvement association elected G. A. Boying- ton, Hood River, president at the annual meeting at Oregon State college yesterday. He suc ceeds Don Anchors, Grants Pass. F. E. Fox and Richard Han son, Corvallis; J. R. McRae, Mil- waukie; Lloyd A. Lee, Salem, were elected to the board of di rectors. Holdover directors are Anchors and George Gilmore, Junction City. The association agreed to dis card pullorum controlled rating from the Oregon poultry im provement plan. This follows similar action in neighboring states. Silverton Mrs. Bermard Gaffey (Evelyn Solum) has re turned to her home from several days' special treatment at the Silverton hospital where she was very ill. members of the Hollywood drive Merry-Go-Round club was held at Paradise Island Sunday. In attendance were: Mr. and Mrs. H. Rahfeldt, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Barham and son, Michael, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fisher, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wenig, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Forgard, Mr. and Mrs. Os car Poe, Mr. and Mrs. K. M. LaDue, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Gibb and three children, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin LaDue and three children, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Laudie and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Holler and three sons, Miss Florence Kleeman and Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Holler. Driving to Tillamook Sunday for the Dalke-Cooper wedding were Mr. and Mrs. Menno Dalke and Mr. and Mrs. Grover Welty and son of Swegle community and Mr. and Mrs. Lee Singer and three children of Salem. A guest last week in the Men ho Dalke home on East Garden road was her brother, A. J. War kestin from Lancaster, Calif. Britain has decreed that all railway locomotives be painted black. about 2 p. m. and after flying over the field will be parked on the west side of the field for in spection by the public. During the day the Salem Naval Air Facility on the East side of the field will hold open house, with the public invited to inspect the facility and what planes are available. McChord field has also been invited to exhibit a C-82 (Fly ing Boxcar). The large new apron complet ed this summer on the west side on the field has been reserved for air carriers and invited to send planes here are United Air Lines, Northwest Air Lines, West Coast Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Friday, August 19, 1949 7 Lines. Dealers in light planes will also have planes on display. For the farmer an exhibit of dusts and sprays used on crops is being arranged by Leo (Ace) Demers in his hangar on the west side of the field. Demers will give a dusting and spraying demonstration and has arranged for a helicopter to be brought here to give a dusting demon stration. Brooks handicap race will be one of the events for pilots and there will also be an event for visiting pilots only. Demonstrations are to be giv en by Evelyn Whitmaker of the state board of aeronautics office, in a light plane in dead-stick landing, spot landing and the es sentials for securing a private pilot's license. In cooperation with the CAA control tower at the field she will give a demon stration of ground and air con trol by the CAA tower. After the show in the after noon courtesy flights are to be given by a selected group of pilots to persons whose names have been drawn for flights. Thousand now cfatw rink, cars, pi without fear of aaonaa narta.l 1W STAZS, amastng aw araacn at a aana tubtl STAZI Mali aatoa TttNTI Bclpa keep out anaoying foot! arlal.t Money-back fuarantoa. Oat lit IT US I tazi mlk rum norm, i Bernard M. Baruch 79 Years Old Today New York, Aug. 19 (IP) Ber nard M. Baruch 79 years old today says his doctor has told him he may live to be "well ov er 100 unless you get hanged or shot." The financier, who has served as adviser to presidents, made the wisecrack last night as he declared there will be no birth day party "if I can help it." Relieve Menstrual Pain New Jill Tabs New Ask your druggist for further information Northwest Drug & Chemical Products Co. 3108 S.E. 50th Ave., Portland HOSIERY AND SWEATER MENDING ... Miller's Downstairs 'Vince's Electric" Vacuum Cleaner SALES SERVICE REPAIRS RENTALS On All Types Household or Commercial Also Waxers ALL WORK FULLS GUARANTEED Free Pick-np and Delivery PHONE 3-9239 Another METRO MARVEL! Vanilla FIG. BARS Regularly 25c Per Pound NOW ONLY SATURDAY SPECIAL THI STORES OF BETTER' VALUES t 136 North Commercial Salem, Oregon first to MARILYN'S THEN Back to School mm ffUvlfw bppilykck U schocff i repe JUte Soles! BLACK SUEDE BROWN SUEDE GREEN SUEDE AMiuaraattaa" byA - J'j I Goad RauakMalnf I "sSilaiS BROWN GREEN ELK WHITE ELK RED ELK IN SIZES TO 10 AAA TO C Choose the eompu$ favorites ... oil with those wonderfully long - wearing crepe rubber soles! SHOES 387 Court St. Dial 3-8155 PEGGY SAGE' Lipstick Combination S2.00 Value for m An easy-to-keep-clean envelope type case of soft plastic, containing two Peggy Sage Lipstick Convertibles. Handy for re-use in holding pen and pencils or your lipstick and lipstick brush. $2.00 Value f 125 lor X pi... ua t Or if you prefer a light shade for daytime wear and a darker one for evening. Your choice of three shade combinations, in an all plastic compact box that can be re-used as a bobby pin container, safety pin stronghold or a "what-not box." Capital Drug Store BRINGS TO SALEM Dab America's World Famous Fine China You May Purchase One Piece or a Complete Set BUDGET TERMS ARRANGED A Small Down Payment and a Little Each Week or Month on Anything in the Stare, including Livesley Building Diamonds Watches Silverware China, Glass Jewelry 390 State St. Salem, Oregon IT'S AT AND THE MOST BEAUTIFUL HOME HEATER EVER MADE! SAVES UP TO 25 ON FUEL BILLS 13 Beautiful Models for Your Choice 1 IT'C Alanl USE YOUR CREDIT TAKE PLENTY OF TIME TO PAY As Low as $5.00 DOWN Small Size Large Size $55.00 $84.95 Two striking new Duo-Therm designs inspired by famous "period" furniture! The Hepplewhite Models, with a rich waintit finish; the Chippendales, in modern blonde. Either of these beautiful new Period designs will modern ire your liv ing room keep you warm without work without dirt! IOOK AT THtSl IXCLUMVI HATVKttl FAMOUS DUAL CHAMBER IUIKI gets more htatfrom every drop of oill PATENTED rOWEI-AIR U0WEI -dktribvta beat evenly saves up to 25 in had bills! SIMPLE BEAT CONTIM-yoa tend the fire by taming a dial I NINETEEN OTHER important features to give yoai men comfort more economy! Notice to Duo-Therm Owners The New Duo -Therm Power-Air Blower Can Be Installed Today to Cut Fuel Bills 25 Tomorrow! oooeoooooooo NOTICE TO THOSE NOT SO FORTUNATE: The Famous Duo -Therm Draff Regulator Is Now Available for only $2.25. FAMOUS CREDIT TERMS -USE YOUR CREDIT S3 V7RJiraT7n