Capital Women Edited by MARIAN LOWKS FISCHER ( Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon. Friday, August 19, 1949 Salemites Plan Trip To Coast A Urge group of Salemites will be at the beach this week end to take in the Devil's Lake Yacht club's regatta, members of the Salem Cherrians partici pating in some of the program events. The coronation of the queen eomes Friday evening at the Coaster, the boat parade is ear ly Saturday afternoon, and Sat urday evening brings the street parade. On Sunday afternoon, Cher rians will gather with their families for their annual picnic at the Paul Stege home at Road s End. Mr. and Mrs. Cedric T. Rea ney, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Schles- inger and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Claggett make up one of the (roups and they will be at the Reaney beach home at Wecoma for the week-end. Deryl Myers, King Bing of the Cherrians, and Mrs. Myers will be week-end guests at the Paul Stege home at Road's End, Other groups are to be at the Taft Heights hotel and other places, and among other Cher rians and their families to at tend the week-end festivities will be Walter Bondell, Vince Bodakowski, Douglas Yeater, Dr. E. E. Boring, Wayne Rose, Marvin Van Cleave, Douglas Hobson, Paul Hale, Don Arm preist, Charles Hedges, B. M. Donaldson, Arthur Lewis, Frank A. Doerfler, Hal Randall, Don Doerfler, Hunt Clark, Greg Lancaster, Joe Randall, Elmer Mathieson, Claude Bird, Ed Jones, Jerry Anderson, William Z. Healy, Ed Randle. Rhinehart-Clark Independence Miss June (Mickey) Clark, daughter of Mrs. Bud Stalnaker of Indepen dence and D. E. Clark of Salem was married to Louis Rhinehart, ion of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Rhine- Dart of Buena Vista, August 13 The wedding rites were held at 4:30 o'clock in Dallas,-per formed by Charles Gregory. The bride wore a navy blue tailored suit with white carna tions as her flowers. The maid of honor, Miss Marie Cain, sister of the bridegroom, wore a blue suit with a corsage of pink and white carnations. Serving as best man was Donald Jenkins of Mon mouth. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Carpenter also attended the wedding. The couple will be at home at 143 2nd street, Independence, until they leave for Portland, where Mr. Rhinehart will finish school. For Bride-Elect Twenty - eight attended the miscellaneous shower and party for which Mrs. Axel Jacobsen was hostess last evening to hon or Miss Joan Hoereth, who is to be married to Theodore Covalt n August 28. At the party were Mrs.' Hoer eth and her mother, Mrs. F. X. Hoereth, Mrs. Ferrel Covalt, Mrs. Carl Wellman, Mrs. C. S. Hamilton, Mrs. E. W. Emmett, Mrs. A. Coffel, Miss Marian Coffel. Mrs. Hpnr nnncfarH Mrs. Addie Curtis, Mrs. L. c! McShane, Mrs. R. D. Paris, Miss Jane Ashford, Mrs. E. Parcher. Mrs. Jack Quiring, Mrs. C. Swenwold, Mrs. Monte Jones, Mrs. Albert Evans, Mrs. W. Zim merman, Miss Bonnie Zimmer man, Mrs. H. J. Clements, Mrs. Daisy Mclntyre, Mrs. Ed Zielin kl, Mrs. Junior Eckley, Mrs. J. f. Wirth. Mr R Fni-cfor K.T Jessie Bush Mickelson, and the Hostess. HOME from a stay in San Francisco is Mrs. Raymond Walsh. She visited her daugh ter, Miss Jane Walsh, and her son, Raymond Walsh, both of whom are now in the Bay area. 'v HOME FROM a two weeks vacation trip are Mr. and Mrs. Iverett Wood ind daughters, Gloria and Donnella. They motored to San Francisco through the Redwoods highway nd en route home took in the Oregon Caves and Crater lake. Goes to Camp Mrs. Walter L. Spaulding, president of the Santiam area council of Girl Scouts, left Fri day to make her official visit to the scout camp at Smith Creek in the Silver Falls recrea tional area. As a special treat for the girls in camp, Mrs. Spaulding took a supply of ice cream for all the girls there. Miss Roth Wed Aug. 14 Albany One of the attractive mid-summer weddings in Albany was that on Sunday, August 14, at 4 o'clock in the afternoon at the First Methodist church when Miss Helen Christine Roth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dan B. Roth, was wed to Bernard Lynn Tiland, son of Mrs. Peter Keppro, Albany. The Rev. George Huber read the service. The wedding vows were re peated as the bridal party stood before the chancel with a back ground formed by white gladi oluses, gardenias and woodwar- dia fern in tall white baskets. Seven candelabrums with white tapers were placed among the flowers. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a dress of blush satin and lace, with under skirt of lace. Her veil was of blush net and was fingertip length. It fastened on a Juliet cap made to match the yoke of the dress and embellished with seed pearls. The bride carried a white Bible and on top of it was a large white orchid to which were attached streamers of satin tied with small white orchids. Miss Dorothy Roth was her sister's maid of honor. She wore a dress of teal green satin with low neckline, the collar resting on the edge of the shoulders Her small hat was made of the same material as her dress. The skirt was draped to the waistline on one side of the front and was fastened with gardenias. She carried a nosegay of white gar denias. Acting as bridesmaids were Miss Glenna Hurst and Miss Betty Jo Byerley, Albany and Miss Beverly Plummer, Coos Bay. They wore gowns of rose satin with matching hats. Their dresses were made similar to that of the maid of honor. Each carried a nosegay. Little Miss Gayle Hunter of Eureka, Calif., counsin of the bridegroom, was flower girl. Her costume matched that of the maid of honor. Eddie Hunter, Portland, cousin of the bride groom, was ring bearer. ' Larry Roth, brother of the bride, was best man and the ushers were Royal Collins, Al bany; Hal Okholm, Eugene, and Dick Smart, Albany. Candlelighters were Miss Nancy Philips, Albany; Richard Gilberg, Menlo Park, Calif., and Gene Gilberg, Sonora, Calif. . Providing the wedding music were Mrs. Hazel Ewing, organ ist; Miss Carol Ann Cleaver, violinist and Sidney Burt, vocal ist. Music at the reception held immediately following the cere mony, was given by Lural Burg graf, pianist. The reception was held at Leech hall, adjacent to the church. Receiving the guests were the bridal party and the parents of the bride and bride groom. The bridal couple left on a wedding trip to Lake Tahoe, and Yosemite. They will make their home in Eugene, where Mr. Tiland is a student at the Uni versity of Oregon. The bride re ceived her junior certificate at Oregon State college last spring. She is a member of Delta Gam ma sorority. ARRIVING Fririav in (h. or.i. tal were Dr. and Mrs. Ronald S. Haines and their thrp ,n. Richard Scott. David Stewart and John William, of Phini Ariiona, to visit at the home of Mrs. Haines' parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Scott, and 1n nn the coast. They plan to return 10 rnoenix the first of the month. Mrs. Haines will be remembered as tile former Lillian V. Scott. Miss Polster Is Betrothed At a party given last evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. O, J. Polster, announcement was made of the engagement of their daughter, Miss Florence Polster, to Eugene Peter DiLoreto, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. DiLoreto of Portland. No date has been set for the wedding. Both young people at tended Willamette university last year. The announcement party table was arranged in white and gold In the center from the silver candelabrums white ribbon streamers reached and held tiny figurines of boys and girls in white and gold yarn in a circle on the lace tablecloth. Each guest received a napkin with the engaged duo's name printed in gold with a heart- shaped picture of the couple folded inside. Mrs. Abner K. Kline was at the coffee urn, Miss Joann Pol ster, sister of the bride-elect. presided at the punch bowl, and Mrs. O. J. Polster assised at the party. Invited to the party were Misses Barbara Albrich, Patricia Dardis, Kathleen Emmons, Eve lyn Forman, Carmen Given, Rose M. Gottfried, Ila-Vey Jungwirth, Alberta Kloos, Rita Lancaster, Theresa Meier, Mary McCor- mick, Minan Rom, Rita Scbwarz, Mary Toohey, Theresa Thomas, Jeannette Waser and Gladys Zielinski, Mrs. Kline, Mrs. Pol ster and Joann and Florence Polster. Silverton Girl To Wed in Fall Silverton Mr. and Mrs. J. H, McCullough are announcing the betrothal of their daughter, Miss Marianne McCullough of Santa Monica, Calif., to Siegfred Meek of Los Angeles, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Meek of Flushing, Long Island, New York. The wedding is to be in October. Miss McCullough is a gradu ate of Mt. Angel academy and of St. Joseph s school of nursing, Vancouver, Wash. She served three years in the army nurse corps in World War II, during which time she was with the 125th General hospital in Eng land, and later was at Lawson General in Atlanta, Georgia. Since leaving the service she has been with the veterans' facility at Sawtelle, Calif, and is a mem ber of the army reserves. Mr. Meek is a veteran of the recent World War and will enter the Univerisity of California at Los Angeles this autumn. Miss McCullough will be at the home of her parents for a brief visit during September. MONMOUTH A kitchen shower honoring Miss Marcella Richards, whose marriage to Al fred L. Pfeifer will be an event of September 3, was given at the Corvallis home of Mrs. Leslie L. Davis with Mrs. Adam Sches- sler as co-hostess. Twenty-five friends were invited to honor the bride-elect. From out of town were Mrs. William Av erill, Portland; Mrs. Gordon Graham, Dayton; Mrs. V. C. Jones, Eugene; and Mrs. Albert Saxton, Foster. At the close of the afternoon the hostess served refreshments. 1 Bride in July Mrs. Albert Roderick McMullen, the for mer Elizabeth Rose Guttridge, daughter of Mrs. Joseph L. Guttridge of Estacada, was married July 24 in Salem. Mr. McMullen is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert McMul len of Taft. (McEwan studio picture) Visitors Here Visitors in Salem are Mrs, Fletcher Johnson and little son, Fletcher Austin Johnson, who recently arrived from Keflavik, Iceland. They are guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William H. Johnson, parents of Mr. John son. The Johnsons have been in Iceland the past several months, Mrs. Johnson having gone there in December. They flew to New York City and Mr. Johnson, who is with the International hotels, left there for Bolivia and Mrs. Johnson came west. She and the son will join Mr. Johnson in Bolivia later. The visitors will leave here Sunday to spend a few months in Portland before going to South America. GATES The Gates Woman's club met at the home of Mrs. Elmer Klutke. Following a no- host luncheon served at 1 o'clock the business meeting was called with. Mrs. Elmer Stewart presiding. A report was made by Mrs. Klutke, chairman of the building committee, who stated that $30 had been collected by Mrs. Robert Lewis, by public donation to add to the building fund. The next regular meeting of the club will be at the home of Mrs. Harold Wilson, Thursday afternoon, September 8. New members are being solicited and an invitation is extended by the members to the new ladies of Engagement Announced Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Both- man are announcing the engage ment of their daughter, Miss Mary Anne Bothman, to Larry E. Saunders, son of Mr. and Mrs. Warren M. Saunders of Twin Falls, Idaho, formerly of Port land. No date is announced for the wedding. Miss Bothman is in training at the Emanuel Hospital school of nursing in Portland. Party Fetes Miss Herbert Miss Isabel Herbert, who is tn be married August 27 to Har old E. Comstock, was honored at a miscellaneous shower for which Mrs. Leonard Odom and Mrs. Kenneth Green were host esses last evening at the Odom residence. About 20 guests were hidden and a late dessert fol lowed an informal evening. Mrs. Ira W. Herbert of Her long, Calif., mother of the hon oree, and Mrs. Curtis Bottomil ler of Vancouver, Wash., a sis ter, were out-of-town guests at the party, Salem Man Weds Tillamook Girl Announcement is made by Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cooper of Til lamook of the marriage of their daughter, Miss Arietta Cooper, to John Dalke, son of Mr. and Mrs. Menno Dalke of Salem. The wedding vows were ex changed at a 4 o'clock ceremony Sunday afternoon, August 14, in the chapel of the First Metho dist church at Tillamook, the minister of the church officiat ing. For her wedding the bride chose a beige suit with white accessories and carried a white Bible. L. Rissell of Salem was best man for the bridegroom. Following the ceremony a re ception was held at the home of the bride's parents for about 30 relatives and close friends. Mrs. Lu Singer, sister of the bride groom, cut the wedding cake and pouring coffee was Mrs. Frank Townsend of Portland. The bridegroom is a graduate of Sa lem High school and has been at the Oregon College of Education at Monmouth for two years and will continue his college work. The newlyweds are spending their honeymoon on the coast. the community who are interest ed to attend. leerjL prions Plan for Christmas Portland, Aug. 19 fs nly a month until Christm i American Red Cross headquar- J wn nere. Tne organization has asked for volunteers to help get readv. ome 72,000 packages and 12.000 holiday stockings must be pack ed, wrapped and shipped over seas to military servicemen within the next month. Tmu- EaUnit Plnunr Dine at FINE FOODS Btuan M H SkMi ML tnm Brliiw mm EmUm Hliftwar Om Btcct r BkmvI Tmlir m to u. Cnr WtttMM RCA VICTOR 45 RPM Releases Popular Classical Western Come In and HEAR THEM! Downstairs Oregon Bldr. State and High 3-8631 This Is f Puts that xli xtra-dirricular in Before, during and after classes you'll be bright as a dollar in these easy-wearers. THE SCOW. A brand new GOLO (creators of the fa mous Tugboat) in Brown Leather and just the thing for everywearing. Sizes range from 4 to 9 and go from AAA to C 7.95 THE BUCKLER. This is your steady friend, classic loafer. Black, Brown, Red Leather or Grey or Green Suede. 4 to 10, AAA-C 6.93 FROM THESE TWO YOU'LL GET extra wear, extra comfort and extra style and you'll find them exclusively at The Salem Shoe Store That the Students Adore ' WE'LL GLADLY CHARGE IT TO YOUR ACCOUNT AT PENNEY'S Salem, Oregon SHOP Friday Night and Saturday Save Yourself Plenty Shop Penney's and Save with Confidence MEN'S SUMMER UNIONS LIGHTWEIGHT SUMMER UNIONS SHORT SLEEVES WITH LONG LEGS - STURDY CONSTRUCTED FOR LONG WEAR MAIN FLOOR 1. 00 New Low Price GIRLS' RAYON PANTIES BRIEF STYLE, LACE TRIM MAIZE, BLUE, WHITE OUTSTANDING AT THIS PRICE SECOND FLOOR 3 for 'L 00 New Low Price JUVENILE JEANS JIMMIE BOXER JEANS 2 TO 8 ELASTIC WAISTBAND NO BUTTONS 8 OZ. BLUE DENIM SANFORIZED" SECOND FLOOR 1.19 New Low Price WOMEN'S NYLON PANTIES FULL ELASTIC WAISTBAND POPULAR BRIEF" STYLE, SIZES S-M-L AND ONLY $1! WHY, IT'S AMAZING! MAIN FLOOR 1. 00 New Low Price MEN'S DRESS SOCKS FULL LENGTH SOCKS . RAYON BODY, DOUBLE SOLE ASSORTED COLORS MAIN FLOOR 4 pair 1. 00 New Low Price SHEETS! SHEETS! SHEETS! ALWAYS WANTED SIZE 81"x99" 128 THREAD COUNT COME IN SAVE! MEZZANINE 1.50 New Low Price WEEKEND CASES EXTRA STURDILY CONSTRUCTED STURDY STEEL SET-IN LOCKS COLORS NAVY BLUE AND NATURAL MAIN FLOOR 5. 00 New Low Price GIRLS' DRESSES GAY GINGHAM PLAIDS AND PRINTS CLEVER STYLES SANFORIZED SIZES 3 TO 6X SECOND FLOOR 1. 98 New Low Price NYLON SWEATERS DEEP TONES AND PASTELS SHORT SLEEVE SLIPOVER STYLES EASY TO LAUNDER. FAST DRING SECOND FLOOR 2.98 CREPE DRESSES . NEW FALL STYLES AND COLORS A'MAZING AT THIS LOW PRICE SIZES 12 TO 44 DOWNSTAIRS STORE 2.98 New Low Price PENNEY'S OPEN EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT UNTIL 9 P.M. ( i V