20 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Friday, August 19, 1949 I- 9j ,(' 3 X .VB ;' v. rat -jenmA': iA vv if ft V c f if "I-"J' i Face Death in Chair Mandatory sentences of deaih in the ; electric chair face Martha Beck (left) and her lover, Ray i mond Fernandez, (right) after a jury in New York returned j a verdict of guilty of murder in the frist degree in the "Lonely i Hearts" murder case. The jury found them guilty of the ' bludgeon strangulation death of Mrs. Janet Fay last January , 4 after deliberating for 12 hours, 34 minutes. (AP Wirephoto) Lee C. Stoll Dies In Oregon City i Oregon City, Aug. 19 W) Lee C. Stoll, head of the labor-management committee c r e d i t ed with keeping Portland free of strikes throughout the war, died jn a hospital here last night, i The 58-year-old mediator had undergone an operation recently if-'- a long illness. J The director of the slate em ployment service for eight years until 1947, Stoll also had been state director of the war man power commission in the war and a member of the Clackamas county planning commission. He lived at nearby West Linn. The funeral date has not been set. Sphagnum (peat) moss is an tiseptic and objects like logs, cloth and even bodies buried in it are prevented from rotting and sometimes preserved for centuries. New Courthouse Sketches Get Commissioner Approval Elevation sketches of the proposed new Marion county court house as submitted Thursday afternoon to members of the court house building commission and others met with general approval. The sketches bring the exterior and interior arrangements for the planned new building very nearly to what it is expected it will look like after actual construe- tion. kr i 1 t I io Attend Methodist Camp A group of 55 boys and girls from the First Methodist church will leave Saturday morning for Suttle Lake where they will en gage in a week's outing and in stilue at the Methodist owned campsite. They will be in charge of Mrs. Harry Scott and Ray Fedje, counsellors. Upon their return to Salem they will take charge of the worship service at the First Methodist church, the morning of Aug. 28. Those making the trip are: Mary Alice Andresen, Mary Ann Aston, Paul Baker, Doris Bas inger, Floyd Belt, Don Bennett, Helen Booth, Donald Bunse, Gene Crose, Bob Dought, George Edgell, Bill Field, Layton Gil son, Dean Graham, Gaylord Hall, Marilyn Hall, Edna Marie Hill, Kirk Humphrey, Joyce Kirby, Eric Klepp, Marian Put nam, Donna Phelps, Wayne Rog ers, Merlyn scnuize, Kicnara Scott, Edith Ann Simpson, Doris Spaulding, Sick Sohrt, Shirley Taylor, Don TeSelle, Shirley Will, Keith Wright, Doyle Mc Millan, Joyce Younger, Berl Holden. Addition of a "smoke tower' to handle escaping smoke or gases from the building in case of fire is a requirement under the building codes and it was indicated did not cause too much alteration in appearance and will also serve as a fire escape. While it was pointed out the building itself will be virtually fireproof, fire danger lies in ac cumulations of paper and fur niture in a building used for such purposes as the courthouse and protection of employes and patrons from such possibility is essential. The plans Indicate a porch at the west entrance facing high street which will be adorned with marbled columns, the first floor being set back about 18 feet under the upper stories. There will be a clock on the High street side at about the third floor. Also on that side a balcony will be provided for ap pearance sake and also as a ros trum for speakers at various ceremonies. A flagpole will be another feature. Exterior portion of the struc ture will be faced with white marble and in a general way will conform to other buildings in the civic and Capitol groups. There are still some minor exterior changes to be made which will be ironed out by the heads of the departments ef fected to make their work sim pler and more compact. Abilene, Kans., famed as the frontier head of the old Chis holm cattle trail, was given its Biblical name, meaning "grassy plain," by a devout woman set tler. 35 Escape Death in Transport Crash Stephenville, Nfld., Aug. 19 (JP) Thirty-five American serv icemen escaped drowning last night when their transport plane plunged into St. George's bay, near the U. S. base at Harmon field on the west coast of New foundland. The plane was en route from the Azores to Westover field, Mass. It was to refuel at Har mon field. The plane ditched in the bay and the men scrambled into din ghies and onto rafts and reached shore. No one was reported miss ing. Oregon Vacation Lures Silverton Mr. and Mrs. Zeno Barstold of ' Manteca, Calif., spent their annual vacation in a motor tour of scenic-sight see ing. The visitors were accom panied to the local area by Mrs. Toralf Omholt who visited rela tives during the state tour of the Barstolds and returned to California by train. "...and there'll be Sicks' Select V i In LT SALEM. OAEQON m EXTRA PALE!" BUY TRY COMPARE with ANY BEER from ANYWHERE SICKS' BREWING COMPANY ;i LjL L - ' - j ' ' ;X 6 Cu. Ft. Family Size Vs Model ML-60 lf'.L- 4 19475 l ONLY , Other Models j as low as JF f ifion or jf AT HOGG BROS. ON A BIG NEW WHEN YOU USE HOGG BROS. SENSATIONAL M MMtS-KE PLAN! l - - - YES, OTHER FRIGIDAIRE MODELS MAY BE PURCHASED ON HOGG BROS. MITIR-ICI PLAN THE NEW MODEL ML-60 HAS MORE STORAGE SPACE ... IN LESS KITCHEN SPACE Here is Frigidaire's newest family size or apartment size re frigerator . . . offering maximum food storage in a minimum of space . . . takes only the area formerly needed for a 4 cubic foot model ! Imagine, 6 cubic feet of storage with a big, Super Freezer, extra tall bottle space, double-easy Quickube Trays, all-porcelain interior and roomy, rust-proof shelves. Just come in and choose your Frigidaire We will deliver and install it and you PAY NOTHING DOWN All you do is make a deposit of 25c a day in the "Meter-Ice" Once a month a representative will call for your deposits When payments are completed the meter will be removed It's less than many people pay for daily ice The money doesn't "melt away" when placed in the "Meter-Ice" It's such an easy way to purchase a beauti ful Frigidaire OPEN 'TIL 9 FRI. NIGHT WILLAMETTE VALLEY'S LEADING APPLIANCE & HOME FURNISHERS SALEM OREGON CITY 115 South Commercial St. Dial 3-9148 HOME FREEZERS, TOO Vo?5 iK II Holds 290 lbs. frozen foods. 8.8 cubic foot capacity. Finger-tip balance lid. Extra-thick, sealed-tight insulation. Two handy sliding baskets. Quick-freeze shelf. Automatic alarm signal. Interior light.