16 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Friday, August 19, 1949 Born of the Storm By SIDNEY B. CARTER ! mhft.nter 30 j An hour later he went Into the I bathroom and washed her face. 'Reentering the guest room, where she and Gertrude were staying, she paused at one ot the windows which .overlooked the terrace. Absently, she stared at the deck chairs, twin ot which were now empty, and then as her gaze strayed farther she gasped. A man and a girl stood at the fringe of the wood land that semi-circled Dennis' house. The girl was Gertrude and the man . . . was someone she had never seen before. As Priscilla stared at them, wondering who he could be, the man grasped Ger trude's arm roughly. His Intention was unmistakable. He was going to hurt her In some way. ,. Priscilla raced downstairs. "Come quick 1" she said breathlessly to a .startled Tom as she went through 'the kitchen. Tom did not hesitate. ' He had caught up with her by the Itlme she reached the back porch. Together they ran across the ter- race toward the woods and were ' almost there before the strange ' man saw them. He turned lmmedl ately, dropping Gertrude's arm, and .started back into Woodland. i As Priscilla and Tom reached the 'place where Gertrude stood, rub 'bing her arm, a sharp, snapping 'sound came from the denseness of i uncleared thicket back among the i trees. t RuHrlpnlv vnipa. RPPmpri tn be coming from everywhere. In the excitement about the stranger, Prts , cilia, had not heard the sound of a i car n the front driveway. ' "Hello," said Dennis' voice. "What 'are you all doing standing here?" The three of them Jumped as if ,they were puppets operated by one string. Priscilla, turning around, saw to her surprise that Dennis was not alone. Daniel was with him. Daniel Kent, who had said i Dennis, to Priscllla's further con fusion, was not looking at . her and Gertrude and Tom any more. He seemed to be looking at somebody In back of them. "Good!" Dennis was saying. "Con gratulations, Duffy." He was smil ing. Priscilla whirled around the other way In time to see Inspector Duffy picking his way out of the tnicKet. "Come back here and give me a hand with him, will you?" said Duffy gruffly. "I had to put a bullet In his leg and now he can't walk, or thinks he can't." Daniel and Dennis helped In spector Duffy drag the man from the thicket and carried him halfway down the driveway, where their task was taken over by two police men. Priscilla, Gertrude, and Tom had followed as far as the terrace and now stood, still speechless. staring. Gertrude found her al ways lively tongue first. "Whewl" she said, dropping Into the deck chair she had left. "Let's all. have a drink first and ex planations second, third, and fourth." "I'm afraid we haven't time for anything," said Dennis, as he and Daniel reached the ktoud on the terrace. "We need Priscilla to go baok to town with us. Dora has been hurt and . . . "Doral" Priscilla exclaimed, more bewildered than ever. "We'll explain on th way," said Dennis. "I know this all seems crazy, but Just take It for granted and come on. The story, according to Daniel's rapid account, was this, Dora had been lured outside the grounds of the home, where a strange man had thoroughly beaten her, Daniel wound up bitterly, "all for a bar of candy." He sighed and then, as Dennis concentrated on driving and Priscilla remained si lent, he continued. "Anyway, the whole thing begins to fit together, as Dennis saw verv quickly, I . . . I'm beginning to be very sorry for what I said to ion two the other day, but I honest y thought . . . under the circum stances . , . you two being in love and all that . . ." "That's all right. Forget It," said Priscilla quickly. "But how does It all fit together? I still don't sec entirely . . ." "It's like this," said Dennis, driv ing more slowly as they entered the town. "The man who tried to kill Dora Is the man who killed Kenneth. The police have had a dragnet thrown out for him since last night and this afternoon they got a tip that he was In the neigh borhood of my house." ' SIZES 1-iuid I'lus Plain The two-niece look lor ran features two fabrics! I Popular plaid-plaln partnership Is I penect cnoice lor tnis style No. 2817 Is cut in sizes 13. 14. 1. 18, 20, 36. 38, 40. 42. 44. 40 and 48.1 aize is sxiri, l' yds. M-ln.; jacket, tvt yas. M-in. Just out! The FALL-WINTER I FASHION BOOK presenting fash ions mey are wearing now and new styiea to come, over 150 practical, easy-to-scw. up-to-the-minute oat- tern designs for all ages. Remember. it's smart to sew your own and save! money. Order your copy now, price JUKI I cents. I To obtain this pattern, send 30c in coins, giving pattern number, your nnme. address and zone num-l ber to Peggy Roberts. Capital Jour nal, 828 Mission Street, San Fran cisco a, uaiii. Dennis drove into the hospital driveway and parked. To make it brief," he said. "They're un doubtedly checking his fingerprints at headquarters now and If they cneck with those on the kniie he's Rafe Carlson, wanted In Sanl Francisco for several robberies and known to operate with two other men, one of whom fits Kenneth's description." "But why did this ... this Rafe Carlson kill Kenneth?" "I don't know yet." said Dennis patiently, "but that's beside the point right now. What you must do is get Dora's story. The poor xia s Deen inrougn a lot ana she's been frightened half out of her mind." Dennis opened the door I on nut side. "tne must nave wit nessed the murder, else why would the murderer be so anxious to have her out of the way." May 2Bth. the dreaded dav of tne trial, came and went smooth ly. Dora was still in the hospital, but her statement had become a part of the record. For two more days the trial went on but at the end of the third day, Rafe Carlson,1 under pressure from Dennis, ad-1 mltted that he had murdered Ken neth Kent. It seemed that he. Ken neth, and a third man had held up two banks in San Francisco. Ken neth had been wounded during the second hold-up and, after forcing a I doctor to treat his wound, the other I two men had brought him home. But Kenneth, who had hidden the major part of the monev gained from the first hold-up, then refused to ten nis pals where he had hid den it. Rafe had killed him for his stubbornness. Tlie Jury, after deliberating eight minutes, acquitted Priscilla Kent of the murder of her husband. As she and Dennis left the courtroom together, she felt that thev would at last be allowed the happiness for wnicn tney naa waited so long. Dennis out his hand over Pris cllla's where it lay on the arm of her chair. "The bad things are over now and the good things are coming." He raised his glass with his free hand. "Let's drink to our happiness . . . together." "To us!" she said softly. The Emerald Valley of her dreams was now wunin her grasp. (THE END) Id- -3TII tc : Bulled to You Meet the first days of autumn in this flattering two-toned hat with matching bag. Stitch felt with contrasting colored thread for an unusual effect. The set is simple and inexpensive to make. Pattern Envelope No. R2583 con tains tissue pattern for hat and bag, sewing and finishing instruc tions and material requirements. To obtain this pattern, send 30c in COINS, giving pattern number. your name, address and zone num ber to Peggy Robert. Capital Jour nay, 828 Mission Street, San Fran cisco 3, Calif. reLLL ya boss?'15 shea'Tbaldv'' WTLlI pR'Rrro je Mi- -,1 II,- i 1 p , r I TERMS- I TERMS- TERMS- TERMS - STRIKTiY STRIKTLY STRIKTUI STRIKTLY J I CASH.' j j J J-f H ' CASH.' CASH 1 . it i rr i ip My llf WO NO WW TO Q6T AWAY I Ljf HEY LOOK OVER TH6C f . p BJ THOT POOR WOMAN IN THERETERRIBLE I 1 FROM HERE-CANT SWIM IN I E7 THAT PLANK STKKIN' OUT Of mtmmi P B DROP O' WATER-NO USE HOLLERIN' FOR mi EVEN SEE MOREH A FEW ' I END OF A CATWALK- JPWffiJ c msatm mm ssmmm mm mi a i "I TRI i I I J I f Mb I Ph 1 I I I II ! II BJISkl "-PSf I " i vo v, v araa iMiu. mmMW. .Jtixi i . f 'DADS M&KIKl' "M DAdiJ TUAt PunviPlT I I J rr: .n ct mi m TCiAcikiHl 1 'urau feE uaat ' "tHOSE BRICKS M AUNMS RINSS AT TUe) ( OUR DADDY PLA.YIN- IN V VOL) DID I T ' (AGAlr4aMJDERlONROKIS TIME i -- 7 7TTHE MUD! J . ,k r .. I I VIW HE PLTTS ' , : f vx S Q 2 p ' '' 'V-VN " I . . "."f 'k. . JLJ .. , l -i. I I IM . m . . . i XTTllJ A-HI H.I.IN lr SO y brxri uAXtx w, tmamk vj fo savin nfc NO.THANKr-AM f-Mcs roo aooo OIWT M nUV3Vli1 TuE-r- j3JlVvSN Fun' CLUTCHES O'THtT Ml DOCS GOOD OUDt TB HOOHINfT Mr VH Dr T TMETS fM 1 l . OBIULYBAB.' ASA, JL ON ACCOUNT AH I BUT H DO 4VC CAT .1 flDDV r Wl,!Jr S kissyc.' nM&gsrQ gold-mot bicui 1 hoohiliatn- I TMI, OUVKKT J J rllUr "LJfciJ . Tgtw TarH. ah desires any fault mcr Alius BEAST''' npuPP fM)V'l'Jr,'a'' L &LyC. 77,, naii M., 1 car . 1 M 1 f.tA LZ ISINGW! HEANL HAPPV MVGAL.TONI, AGE!-SAME ( DIFFEI?ENT rOVOOTELtJ rr'S MORE FUM 1 M -LALA I HIS GAL, TON! l.TO'naX (IA? A COUSIN HEIGHT- SAME THOUGH ! fS 'EM U' ISZasI iVfcl I ii r.. n - ivwm j i weght just t's dnah u ""-"j i v j v-tti Jl have made cypmm,rf Justlike n fl-ppeTTV as V mitei v- sfi. TTTZ U- U ' - WOW' I'LL SAY 600t?NESS MB TATE I WKONO r KL6NTT I I'M !Ar,MK. IATE..MLW llAK. "5 HETCESlHE'S WHAT'S WW5N6yOU FIT TO BE TIEP! THE ABOUT LETTIN6 ME TAKE S2n I ,T o . TXpLENTYSoIe ABOUT LOOX LIKE A V MAN WHO'S SUPPOSED TO OVER THAT JOB? I'P BE ,EO i R 6CX5P NI6HT, BILL ! ajMETHlNA! THUNPEPCLOUP' iTl BE IN CHARGE OF ALL OUR A LOT HAPPIER WITH X m noXAV .. LOOK AT MR.TATE! HE 5"tlH'' "U l EQUIPMENT NEVER CAME SOMETHINS TO PO J MEAN IT, OKAY D i fV2(THE caboose nTlll y.)c (i ' ' $7 I V- 1 1- I kraaafr- 1 l..s ' 1 1 I V I 1 : : 1 i. . .j. 1 I 15ZS, DAD ALWAYS WARNED ME THAT A iiiuiaq apfavc I VOL! StE.MARY-. . HMM'.FvrRVimrtV I I 7" I--I MUST HAVE. . LTTtx rV'W IMAN WHO WOULD EAVESDROP WOULO rno , iiirt tVcRYBODy Riittmf PortAPFTiut I I TIME. TO THINK- -: T" 2 WHT utBUUiNi inntuKu.fin. TANTE MABI ' A rrHvvn: l-r BRIDE IT SEEMS' h '"uunutwinnu r : J ' T j.fTTr 11- U WORTH-.BUT-.. CROSS MY HOPEFUL V'" IAfV JT BX'Ot , n tt5y-- -SJ. THAT ?! I ? trtTV -, 'JTT m HEART-. -HAVIN6 YOU FOR A STEP- . V V, flVX A V -i fat i mm iumm m& m .m I ALU 1 1 liiPiJf I 1 1 1 Yl LJZ-1 wk l y I LA IfWJL III RADIO PROGRAMS ,'KSLM ","'KGW oiKOCO r'KOIN a 5M Waller Trofaan Woman's Sccral Rhythm Ranch Curt Maiiev ;, Frank Hculmwir Snnr Sid Rhythm Ranefe Th Lltll Shaw -M Paulni rarade Ncwa Blnf Crntby Soma af Pralrla ! Carman CtTalltra Richard Harkneaa Sport Pan Larry La Bcutr 6: Ted Draka Al Gayla Oreh. Canair liiibt A Knox Mannins :1ft Ted Draka Al Gayla Oreh. Sllrar Ban da an Parade : Adr. af Cham. Palrlta at Plan Newa Cbet Huntley ' Maila Elmer Petensn Fliheaiter Newa 7:0 Oabrln Haatter Webilrr Saya P O'Brien Thla la Broadway 'It Narthwcat Newa Webster Si Muileal Jackpal Thla la Broadway :M Fithlnc, Bantini My Good Wife Bandatand This la Broadway ; Flahlng;. Wanting My Good Wlfa Dinil Popa Thla la Broadway 8:00 Old Barber Shot Dr. I Q Baieball Xayier Cifah 16 Thla Is Hull Dr. I Q Baseball XavUr Carat Clica Kid Bill 8 tern Baseball Danes Oreh. Cleea Kid Rhythm Time Baseball Danes Oreh. 9:00 stralvbt Arraw Snapar Clab Baaeball Cbaa. Colllnrwood :1ft Stralfhl Arrow News of World Baseball Cbleatoana :30 Mnslo Trea In Brooklysi Baacbsll Summer, St. Lonia Masla Tre In Brooklyn Baseball ' Hammer, gt. Lob Is 4 Nw Newa Baaeball Plvt Star Final III :1ft Seleet Local Ntwa Sporta rata Pinal News Ronnd Sports Spotllchl III 1 Nca Bit Town Track 1490 Spin to Win w lift M"l Bit Town Track 1190 Spin to Win n;00 Walter Trohan Sam Hayes Track H90 Ssrcnaoo :1S Bah Poolo Show Was Maieam Track 1490 Ton A th World :tt Bob Pool Show Wax Maieam Track 1490 .Orchestra, :4ft Maalo Wax Mnseam Track 1490 Oreheatrn H:W Sign Oft Slan Off 1:00 A.M., gljn Isilcnt SATURDAY 6 A.M. TO 4:45 P.M. 6:00 Nawa Hodro Podn News :1ft Dawn Patrol Newa KOIN Kloeh :1Q NW Farm Newa Hodse Pedro KOCO Kloeh KOIN Kloek :4S March Tim a Badge Pads KOCO Klocfc KOIN Kloek 7:00 Dawn Patrol Now Hear Thla Tex Rlttar Koln Kloek :1ft Dawn Patrol Now Hear This Now News :10 Dawn Patrol The Old lonra Homes on Land Newa :48 News Newa Extension Bsryle Coniamsr Newa 8:00 News Smooth Mnslo Science Excursion Mnslo for Ton :J5 Breakfasl Ganr Smooth Huale Popular Varletlea Musis tor Ton :I0 Breakfaal Gang Jerry Marlowo Weatern Melodlea Broadway Boat .aft Top Trades Sam Hayes Western Melodist Broadway Boat 9 :00 Barrain Conn tor Fred Warlnr Show Haven of Rest Nawa :1ft Nawa Fred Waring Show Haven of Root Lot's Pretend it seaa t Pioneers Rd MeConnell Mnaie Witfaoni Jon lor Mlaa :4ft Mails Ed MeConnell Worda Jan lor Mlaa Northwest Nawa News Cycle of Sons; Theatre f Tedhr :1ft Moil. Public Affairs Cyelo of Sons Theatre of Today :t0 Pastor's Call Orchestra Concert Favorites Grand Central :4ft Purple Bare Orchestra Concert Favorites Station n:00 News Farm-Homo Hour Saturday Serenade Stars Over :1S Garden Guide Farm-Home Hour Saturday Serenade Hollywood :W Klwanls Choir Mr Taylor Saturday Serenade Give and Take Klwanls Choir Mary Lee Taylor Saturday Serenade Give and Take an AfB. :00 Top Trades " Tounr Oreronlana At the Opera, News I :1ft Newa Tonns Oreronlana At the Opern Driven Playh'a I 7:10 Doe, Platter Jock N,w New M Mlseue '':4ft Doe, Platter Jock RPrt on Kuropo Ted Dal Presents Meet the MIssua 1:00 Deo, Platter Jock Muslcana Saturday Matinee County Fair :1ft Doc, Platter Jock Muslcana Saturday Matinee County Fair :B0 Northwest News Muslcana Saturday Matins Dance Oreh. :4ft Bob Eberly Shaw Musleana Saturday Matinee Dance Oreh. 2:00 Man on Farm Health Saturday Matinee Newspaper of Air lift Man on Farm B't Hlla Saturday Matinee Newspaper of Air :10 News Contrasta Memory Theater Sat. at Chase 4ft Blnr Slnre Contrasta Memory Theater Sat. at Chas 3:00 Guest Star Mind Manners Chln-Up Chatter Newa :1ft Veterana Prim Mind Manners Chln-l)p Chatter Saratora Handt. :10 Airfare Cotton Sinn Chtn-Vp Chatter Way for Youth :4ft Alrforc ilorse Race Chln-Up Chatter Way for Youth 4:00 Bob Poole Shew " News Utt Bit of Jen Griffin Barerof I ' IS Bob Poolo Shew Guest Star "tlla Bit of Jaxx Twp :0 March Tim University Theatre Spotllto n Mnala Dell Trio :4B Newa University Tbeatra Spotllto on Musle John Daly lCV Friday P. M.- IXLA ft:M. Yukon DIAL LISTINGS! KEX. 1190; KOAC, BM 1:00, Squirrel Car! Cballenrct 6:00, Keepinr np With Sportst 6:1ft, Homo Edi tion Newst 6:80, Modern Romances! 7:00, Headline Edition! 7:16, Elmer Davist 1:80, The Sherlffi S, Heinle and His Band; 6:80, Your FBli 9, Fat Mam 9:80, 'Neath West era Skies i 10, Richfield Reporter! 10:15, I Intermesso; 10:80, Concert Houri 11:30, I Memos to Tomorrow 12:00, Xtrm Hourt sim tin. 1 rV Saturday A.M. 6:00, Dawn Down lL.A beati 7:00, Round-up Boys: 7:16, Tims Tempost 7:45, Adventures In Rs searchi 8:00, Deep River Boysj 8:15, Mar tin Arronskyt 8:60, Homo Demonstration A tent i 8:46, Franklo Carl; 9:00, Johnny Olson Get Totothen 9:30, Toyland Tunesi 10:00, Stars ef Tomorrow) 11:00, Girls' Corpat 11:80, American Farmer: 12:00, Treaaury Band Show I 13:80, Fasclnatlnt Rbythmi 1:00, Ballad Boxi 1:16, Horse Races) 1:80, Band Boxi t:00. Tea and Crumpets: 1:00, 101 Ranch Boys: S:Sfl, Meet tha Bandi 4:00, Junior Junction) 4:80, Jaaar Concert, 1 ft A p "rldar P.M. 6:00, On th lwM Upbealt 6:60, 6S0 Sporta Clabi 6:00, Nowsi 0:15, Dinner Melodies) 6:80, Musle of Czechoslovakia! 7:16, Rvenlns; Farm Hourt 6, Kostelanetx Concert! 8:16, Hero's to Veterans! 8:60, Groat Sonrsi 8:46, Loners' Fir Weather Forecast! 9:00, Musle That Endures) 9:46, Lift Up Thy Voice; 10:00, Adventures In Research! 10:16, Serenade! 10:46, News) 11:00, Sim Off, KftAf A.M. 10:00, Newat 10:15, Especially far Women: 11:00, The Concert Halli 1S:00, Nsws 1J:15, Noon Perm Houii 1:00, Ride 'em Cowbori 1:30, Voice of th Armyi 1:46, Melody Lans) t:00, Musle f the Maaterst 1:80, Sclenee Newa! 8:46, Thla la South Africa) 4:00, Driver's Playhouse) 4il6, Soma of the West) 4:46, Children's Theatre. Birthday Celebrated Silverton Mrs. H. N. Omholt of near Hazel Green was hostess at the iamily country home for the pleasure of her nephew, Ivan Lehneherr who makes his home; with the Omholts, on the occa sion of his 14th birthday anni versary. Fourteen young men of near the age of Ivan were guests in an evening of informal sports and visiting. 3S! ACROSS L Th European basa T. Restrain! It. Sell In email auantlttea 14. Point In th moon a orbit 15. Article 16. Indisposition to cbans; II. Exist 19. Object of devotion tl. Contend tl. Percussion Instrument U. Cltqu 2b. sens 37. Piece out 28. Oblltsratlns 30. Resided S2. Optical flaso tl. Scare 34. Fish 16. Complained 19. Hawaiian wreath 40. Bangs 42. American Indian 41. Part of a plant 45. Polynesian yam 46. Sugar-yielding vegetable 47. Short for a man's name) 41. Siren of th Rhine II. Agin: prefix S3. Sign of th sodlac 14. Strings of can II. Prepared for publication IT, Srsllne stansa Ft tmM 1 rl0nalTlArl Solution of Ysito relay's Pusxlv DOWN I. Near 1. Cook nat In i 1 Water certain -way . Furnish m xcursloi I. Iniquity (. Football Uami T. Harked chrono logically fl. FlnlaJ . TailUas leaping amphibian 10, For ezampl! abbr. lL Chid 13. Appeared 17. Resound 30. Earach 23. Income 25. Plants whoso stems need support 21. Strikes with the open hand 11. Self: Scotch IL Biblical character 15. Llqtieflss again 34. Slat 36. Was necessary 16. Talk Irra tionally IT. Everlasting! poetlo II. Rat 41. Sensational 44. Mot lightly 46. Prejudice 49. Two halve 60, Beforo E3. 1001 66. Fronoua AND BOARD OH T GUESS AT 550 A WEEK, EXPECT THE OWNER OT'OGOWAN LODGE TO ROLL OUT THE SWANK. .BUT MS SURE RUNS THIS PLACE OH A LEAN MIXTURE-' THERES A 20-WATT LIGHT OVER. MV SHAVING MIRROR., BUT HE COULD CUT ON THAT BY HANGING UP A BOTTLE WITH A FIREFLY IN IT Bv Gene Ahprn I SAW HIM WATERING 1 IH- INK. AT TH WRITING DE5KAND WWU NOTICE HOW THIN HE LETS TH BATH SOAP GET? IF THERE WAS PRINTING ON IT, VCHSD SWEAR YOU WERE WASHING WITH A. Caujng card Vhey woftK On a tight Budget at 'Ogcmkan loose A