Armed Services Arrange for Outstanding Exhibits at Fair On exhibition at the Oregon State Fair this year will be what is probably the first large exhibit of military equipment arranged through the cooperative efforts of all five branches of the armed forces. - Plans for the exhibit, which is to cover an area of approximately 30,000 square feet, were made Wednesday night at a meeting of the Salem Military Man power committee and represen tatives of all branches of the armed forces except the Coast Guard. Unification of the armed forces will be much in evidence In the display with the exhibits from all five of tne branches, army, air force, navy, marine corps, and coast guard placed In the same area. Tents for the exhibit will be furnished by the army, which, at the direction of Gen. Mark Clark, commander of the Sixth Army is also sending an exhibit here and a detachment of 190 enlisted men and 14 officers from Fort Lewis. The detach ment will be camped in the northeast section of the grounds. Ride in Helicopter The army has promised a heli copter from Fort Lewis, which will dally make two flights and present plans are to give all men enlisting at the fair a free ride in the helicopter.. Both the navy and the army plan an exhibit of their medical services and in addition each will have other exhibits. The navy's, which will emphasize its training program, will occupy three tents in addition to that housing the medical services. The Coast Guard, coming from Tongue Point, will occupy two tents with its exhibit. Here for the fair will be the Scottish Kilt band from the sec ond division at Fort Lewis, and also invited to be here is the Marine Corps band from the headquarters of the Department of the Pacific in San Francisco. From Fort Worden, Wash., is coming the band of the army engineers and also to receive an invitation to attend the latter part of the fair is the band from Magigan General hospital. All branches of the armed services will set up their recruit ing booths and there at all times will be chaplains of the three faiths, Protestant, Catholic and Jewish. Special Events Special events have been plan ned by the five branches of the services for Governor's day Sep tember 8. Top ranking officers oi all branches have been in vitea to attend as guests of Gov. McKay. For that day there will be an honor guard of 40 men, eight irom each branch of the armed services, and a color guard from all branches. A combined salute Is to be given by five guns man ned by crews from each branch of the services. Lt. Col. J. L. Winecoff, in spector-! nstructor for the .Fourth 105 mm Howitzer will be in charge of the honor guard and the combined salute and in charge of the color guard will be lit. Col. Henry Russell from the Northern Military district. Col. uaMarr Tooze, commander of the 104th infantry division, Ore gon army reserve division, will be marshall of the colors for Governor's day. Coordinator Named Lt. Col. Henry Russell, offi cer in charge of infantry affairs, ORC, for the Northern Military district has been appointed mili tary coordinator for the entire exhibit by Gen. Mark Clark and his representative in Salem is to be Capt. Richard Reynolds of the ORC instructor group here. Those from out of town rep- I YOU CAN GIVE THE LITTLE WOMAN A BREAK or Take the Boss Out to Dinner - (Is this the same thing?) and do it cheaper . . . OUjau Canat (and the best food in town) tor 99c NOHLGREN'S New Buffet Dinner (Includes choice of entree and dessert) Downtown 5:00 P.M. on 8:30 P.M. State Every Day Street Except Sunday resenting the armed forces at the Wednesday night meeting were Col. Russell from Vancouver Barracks Lt. Col J. L. Winecoff, inspector-instructor, Marine Corps, Portland; W. S. Pilling National Guard; Lt. (j.g.) Rob ert H. Hamilton, U.S. Navy, Seat tle; and Lt. Col. Raymond M. Hay and Capt. Thomas J. Massey from the Portland district re cruiting office. Lawson McCall represented Gov. McKay. Mighty Joe Young Is Unique in Filmdom Unique in screen history is "Mighty Joe Young," with its title character a tremendous gorilla whose feats of daring and brilliance defy ordinary stand ards. See him toss cowboys and riders around when they try to lasso him; watch him become the pampered darling of cafe so ciety and thrill to his agony when, tormented and teased be yond endurance, he towers into a giant of unleashed fury. Thrills such as the dangerous chase between Joe and a group of armed police are equalled only by the heartbreak of watch ing the mighty animal sacrifice everything to plunge into a blazing orphanage where small children are trapped on the roof. Starring Terry Moore, Ben Johnson and Robert Armstrong with Frank McHugh, "Mighty Joe Young," is an Arko produc tion for RKO Radio release. Er nest B. Schoedsack directed the presentation by John Ford and Merian C. Cooper. The picture starts its Salem engagement at the Elsinore the atre Sunday. ABA Endorses Latourette Portland, Aug. 18 W) James C. Denzendorf said today that the American Bar association has endorsed Circuit Judge Earl C. Latourette for the federal judgeship. Dezendorf is state delegate to the national associa tion. 1 ( js,7 . James G. Patton Patlon Will Arrive Tonight James G. Patton, national president of the Farmers Union will arrive in Salem Friday night, early enough for officials of the Oregon Farmers Union and their wives to meet him so cially at dinner at the Gold Ar row cafe. Sunday Patton will speak at the annual picnic of the Farm ers Union at Champoeg. He will talk to a number of locals of the organization in Oregon before going into Washington state for other appearances. The Champoeg gathering will start with a picnic dinner at noon, to be followed by a pro gram, including sports for both youngsters and adults. In charge of the picnic will be Peter Kirk and assistants of the St, Paul local. Patton has recently spent much time in Washington, D.C. He is accompanied to Oregon by his son. Association Group Wants Wider Street" The University Merchants as sociation, whose members are business men east of 12th street, will petition the city council for the widening of State street from 13 th street east. Better street lighting and bet ter traffic regulation are other things wanted by the association, and which will be asked for In petitions to the city council. The desires of the association will be put before the city coun cil by Alderman Albert H. Gille. Meeting Thursday night at the State Street Barber shop the as sociation also disapproved the Baldock plan. Palmistry Readings Will tell your past present and future. Will advise on love, marriage and business Answers all questions. Are 'you worried? Why be in doubt? Special Readings. a. jpr - Open 9 a.m. ni.i rf to 10 p.m. Moved from 466 Ferry to 173 S. Commercial Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Friday, August 19, 1949 11 Lodges Will Picnic Dayton The Dayton Masonic and Eastern Star annual picnic will be held Sunday, August 21 at the LaFayette Locks park, at 1:30 o'clock. Ice cream and coffee will be furnished. -...J.J..'.AiAA.'..!.A.J..-.J.J...J.iJ.iii4.Ai4.4.4..l.4..1.4.4ii4.4.l ROOFING Now is the time to order that new roof before the busy summer season. Expert workmanship with the highest quality material. Free estimates without obligation. McGilchrist & Sons Salen 255 No. Commercial Street Phone 38478 Would-Be Gunman Admits Weapon Error (J hicago, Aug. 19 u.R) Walter Spellman, 39, admitted today that he made a mistake when he pointed his finger like a pistol to hold up barkeeper Hyman Horwitz, 55. "I shoulda used something that was loaded," he said. Horitz' son, William, 27, saw Spellman drape a handkerchief over his hand and knew he had no gun. He pinned the "gunman" to the floor until police arrived. LUMBER 2x4 to 2x12 - S. 4 S. fram ing lumber, $15 to $20 per thousand. This would have to be seen to be appreciated. Parceled and easy to load with electric crane. Also boards and shiplap. Let us give you a bid on your millwork, etc. Timbers and plank cut, etc. Buy your lumber where it's made and save! Huddleston's Retail Lumber Yard Phone 4012 Route 2, Silverton, Oregon Near Evans & B. P. & S. Mills Ml I rrrc-nu insulation wJ1 TO INSULATE I YOUR HOME J V YOURSELF ! ZONOLITE INTO PLACE! It's as easy as it looks! You just pour Zonolite in between the ceiling joists end level it off . . . and the job's done! No nailing! No cutting! No special equip ment! You can insulate your attic yourself in en afternoon! ONLY ZONOLITE OFFERS ALL THESE ADVANTAGES FIREPROOF NEVER WEARS OUT FITS TIGHT AGAINST JOISTS WON'T PACK OR FLUFF WON'T IRRITATE SKIN NON-EFFECTED BY MOISTURE DIELECTRIC VERMIN AND TERMITE PROOF IRON CLAD GUARANTEE Zonolite Insulating Fill, when installed according to manufacturer's specifications, will never wear out, is 100 fireproof, will not rot or decompose and contains no harmful ingredients that will ir ritate the skin. IT LASTS! FOREVER! ZONOLITE will save as much as 40 on fuel bills . . . thus paying for itseff often in one year! Zonolite insulation saves on spring house-cleaning bills! ZONOLITE insulation will keep your home as much as IS cooler in the summer! ASK ABOUT NO CASH DOWN ! While you're repairing your home for fall and winter ... include ZONOLITE insulation in your plans! Many dealers have NO CASH DOWN plans to aid you in financing your home repairs! MANUFACTURED BY NORTHWEST INSULATIONS CO. BaUi Offictt: Portland, Spokane, Seattle, Tacoma, Yakima FacUtrUi At: Llbby, Mont-, Spokane and Portland OPEN EVERY FRIDAY N1TE TIL 9 YiI north liberty TO mm mil liMU 24 MONTHS TO PAY S&H GREEN STAMPS ARE YOUR EXTRA SAVINGS! never before a penny less than $299.50 , , .I...IILI.i.U.lJI Ill f fiifSSSfl. j ill S 1 ' jj 9 deluxe philco 8.2 cu. ft refrigerator $249-5o There's more of everything In this modern refrig erator marvel! More space . . . more special features . . . large 8.2 cubic foot size. Yours with Philco's new adjustable shelves there are dozens of ways to arrange them to fit your every need. A freezer locker with almost three times the space of other 8-foot models you've known . . two deep glass-covered drawers, full width vegetable bin. Thrilling savings . . . and easy pay-as-you-use terms besides!. appliances, downstairs NO DOWN PAYMENT ELECTRIC FANS Rpff. 14.05. Aluminum blades, two-speed con-. $ CT .95 iroi. win not lip. lu Inch blade. 10-ln. size, reg. $19.95 ...$8.95 STEAM IRON Reg. $19.95. Virutite all- TJa- ithr tttam or dry iron. Thrn-hcat M Q JJ dial control, for iteam ironlnsi fabric aial lor ary irgn. reit, cord attached. W SAVE sfi(l FAMOUS APT.-SIZE ELECTRIC RAXGE Keg. $179.95 0 0 A stove desitrnct! to save space in the small kitchen . . . now specially priced by Roberts Bros, to save YOU many dollars! Quick-Acting seven-heat surface units, extra large oven with famous Robcrtshaw thermostat for even heat control. In gleaming white porcelain, as attractive as it's efficient 1 No Down Payment APPLIANCES, DOWNSTAIRS