10 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Friday, August 19, 1949 11 Parcels of Land Offered By Management Bureau Daniel L. Goldy, regional administrator, Region I bureau of land manaeement. reported today that seven parcels ol O & C timber carrying a volume of 15,325,000 board feet of timber and 2.150 lineal feet of cedar poles with an appraised value of $130,035.50, and four parcels of public domain timber carrying a volume of 3,057,000 board feet with an appraised value of fiz, 570.90 will be offered for sale beginning September 13. Eight of the parcels will be of fered for sale by sealed bids on September 13 at the regional ad ministrator's office in Portland. These tracts carry a volume of 12,542,000 board feet of timber and 2.150 lineal feet of cedar Doles with a value of $101,110.15. The three remaining parcels will be offered for sale at oral auction on September 12 and 13. One parcel carrying a volume of 1,285,000 board feet apprais ed at $15,936.75 will be offered September 12 at the office of the bureau of land management, 460 north High street, Salem. The remaining two parcels Aged Greek Woman Going Back to Greece Albany. Ore.. Aug. 18 OP) An 89-year-old Greek grandmother, who came here a year ago to live in this country, is so home sick for Greece she is going back there. Mrs. Mary Christie said she could no longer bear living in a country where she does not know the language and whose customs are foreign to her. The aged woman, who home is 40 miles from Salonika, Greece, flew here last year to live with her son, James Christie, an Al bany restaurateur. But she missed her other chil dren, back in Greece. She miss ed talking she loves to talk. So Christie is sending her back home on a plane next Sat urday. So-Called Weaker Sex Outlives Average Man Washington, Aug. 19 U.R The public health service came up to day with figures to prove that women the so-called weaker sex live longer than men. In 1947, the service said, the average life expectancy for white women was 70.6 years while the average for men was only 65.2. Among non-whites, the life expectancy for women was 69.9 and 57.S for men. The average for the total popu lation was 66.8 years. What is b e 1 1 e v e d to be the earliest reference to pearls Is from a Chinese manuscript of 2350 B.C. will be offered for sale on Sep tember 13, 1949, at Eugene in the Post Office building. These tracts'carry a volume of 4,555, 000 board foot valued at $45, 148.50. The tracts are located in the following counties: Deschutes, Douglas, Josephine, Lake, Lane and Linn counties in Oregon Klickitat county, Washington, and Clearwater county, Idaho. A. P. Collins, district forester, bureau of land management, Sa lem, announced today that one parcel of timber carrying an estimated volume of 3,520,000 board feet valued at $45,038.50 was sold by oral auction bidding Wednesday at the district office of the beaueau here. The species sold, and the aver age price per thousand board feet of each, were: Douglas fir $13.75; Hemlock $4; White fir $4.80; Western Red Cedar $3.15. The timber sold was located in Linn county. A lone bid was submitted by Hammond Lumber company. it's the "MAGIC PAN E L" ON THf FAIINrit Bin-bottle! U.J. rUMNe. I JI,S07 Actually Improves Mr. Boston Fine Wines PORT SHERRY MUSCAIlt IOKAY II QUART MR. BOSTON WINES OF CALIFORNIA Mr, Boiton Distiller Inc., Boiton, Matt. Hospital Fund Now $373,075 The latest figure In total of cash and pledges subscribed in the Salem Hospital Development Program is $375,075, Ford Wat kins, general director of the camp a i g n , reported Thursday after meeting of the larger gifts committee at the Marion hotel. Additional pledges reported at the meeting were $10,000 from United States National Bank of Portland and $5000 from the First National of Portland and their Salem branches, also $1075 from other sources. The campaign administration is retaining one person who will solicit pledges from concerns and individuals from whom no pledges have yet been received. What is termed the first phase of the campaign, goal for which is $1,100,000, has now been completed. Lichen is a combination of al ga and fungus growing in partnership. J? if? ...as a hound's tooth! -that's PRES-T040GS THE CLEAN, ECONOMICAL CONVENIENT FUEL GET 'EM FROM CAPITOL LUMBER CO. N. Cherry Ave. Fhone 38862 or 24431 Soft as a Kitten! ss9HV C fa i ? CUSTOM-SUIT-TAILORED SHIRTS Juillia ...and ft WASHABLE I This fabric make lor to your skint It't JuiUiard Feetheroy . . . the combed yarn, featherweight corduroy with 21 tiny rib to the inch. Vac dyed for color fastness to laundering and lun. Featured in the famous Stradivari Shirt , , . made with all the custom details of needlework, styling, and collar balance. Now in the new, longer length . . . with individualized fit in collar and sleeve length! 'AS HNS AS SKILUD HANDS CAN MAKF $10 . IN COLORS: Port Wine Forest Green Magic Red Corn Yellow Palm Green Old Spice Beige Tan Nickel Grey Stone Blue t 143 NORTH LIBERTY DIAL 3-4933 EVERYTHING EVERYTHING At Your wn rms You mm them R. L. Elfstrorri Co. " 340 Court St. THAT'S ONE BIG REASON WE'RE PROUD TO SELL G-E REFRIGERATORS! Come in and see the great new models! GREAT DEPENDABILITY. The famous G-E sealed-ln refrigerating system gives you day-after-day, month-after-month, yar-afltr-year dependable service. PRACTICAL FEATURES. Carefully selected by General Electric re search, the usabe features you'll find on all G-E refrigerators will save you work and money. A REFRIGERATOR FOR EVERY USE. Whether you live in a small apartment or a large house, you'll find a G-E refrigerator thafs just right for you. G-E Space Maker Refrigerators, in 6 to 10-cu-ft models. G-E Combination Refrigerator-Home Freeiers, in 8 and 10-cu-ft sixes. 340 Court Phone 2-2493