V County 4-H Club Members Rush Plans for Polk Fair Dallas Activity in all the homes of 4-H club members will be at a high pitch this week as they make final plans for their exhibits at the Folk county fair to be held at Monmouth August 25 and 27. Competition in showmanship contests will be extremely keen (his vear, particularly in tne- beef and dairy contests. In the dairy showmanship contest Sam Stewart, two year winner of the Lyle Knower showman ship trophy, will be out to win for the third time and perma nent possession. The dairy show manship contest is scheduled for August 26, at 1:30 p.m. with Ben Newell, Marion county ex tension agent as the judge. A new trophy is being award ed this year to the champion heef showman. This trophy is being awarded by John Grund and Clarence Grund, jr., Mon mouth, both of whom were out standing 4-H club members in Polk county and are offering this trophy in their interest of having good quality club work continued. Strong competition is exDected for this trophy. The beef showmanship contest will be held August 25. The judge will be Kenneth Minnick, Ben ton county extension agent. An increased number of live stock exhibits has created neces sity for construction of an in creased number of stalls and pens in order to have sufficient space to accommodate everyone. New stalls and pens are being built outside and will be covered with a tent. Judging of exhibits in the 4-H clubs divisions will begin promptly at 1:30 p.m. August 25. with the sheep showman ship contest followed by judging of the sheep classes. During the rest of the day beef, poultry, and rabbits will also be judged, On August 26, the livestock judging will be completed with the hogs scheduled in the morn ing and the dairy for the after noon. All Kinds of Horses Will Show at Stale Fair Horses and horses of each and every type will be one of the attractions at the Oregon State Fair, September 5 to 11. Manager Leo Spitzbart ported this week that more equines than ever before will be crowded into the various competitive classes during the week. As an example, he cited the draft horse division which is doubled in total entries over 1948 and the imposing list since long before the war. Exhibitors include: Percher- ons, Earl Miller and Carl Man tie, Salem, Albert Klein Aums- ville, Meadowland Dairy, Port land, Florence Koehn, and Har lan Bones, Turner. Belgians will be exhibited by Lenore W. Al thaus and Joseph Fox, both of Troutdale, W. C. McCool will show his English Shires while Roy E. McCoy of Eugene will display his string of Clydesdales Harrison Cutler, horse show manager, reports that most stall space is already filled by the unprecedented number of show strings on hand for the nightly competition. Charles A. Evans, superintendent of racing, ex pects at least 500 thoroughbreds and quarter horses to be on the grounds for the Fair's six day racing meet. ' Latest Indications point to at least two pony rides, featuring the tireless Shetlands, for the youngsters in the newly con structed "Kiddieland." Secrecy Alibi In Vice Probe Los Angeles, Aug. 18 W 1 The policeman who wired gam bler Mickey Cohen's new home for sound two years ago today defended the secrecy in which resulting recordings had been kept until two days ago. L. Rudy Wellpot, suspended vice squad chief, told reporters that C. B. Horrall, who recently retired under fire as police chief, knew all about the recordings while they were being made between April, 1947, and March, 1948. Wellpot said they were not turned over to the grand jury, which since then has investi gated criminal situations to which Cohen was linked, be cause "they had no bearing on the investigation the grand jury was then making." The grand jury recently in dicted Wellpot, Horrall and three other policemen on perjury charges stemming from convicted Brothel Queen Brenda Allen's allegations that she paid vice squad officers protection money. She is serving a year's sentence for pandering. The microphone listening de vice recordings constitute a mass of conversations of Cohen and visitors and of innumerable long distance calls to other cities. Lonely Heart Couple to Die New York, Aug. 18 VP) Plump Martha Beck and her lover, Raymond Fernandez, were convicted of first degree murder today in the lonely hearts murder case. The verdict carries a mandatory death sen tence. Both defendants received the Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Thursday, August 18, 19499 verdict stoically. Fernandez stood erect, his face displaying no emotion. Mrs. Beck rested her taut fingers on the defense counsel table. The verdict was announced by a jury that had been kept in session all night on orders of the court. The court set Monday for sentencing and defense motions. Fernandez, 34, and Mrs. Beck, 29, were convicted of slaying Mrs. Janet Fay, 66, Albany, NY, widow, at Valley Stream, NY, in a scheme to fleece lonely women in mail romances. The state charged that the killing was deliberate, and in his summation FriwnrH Unhincnn Jr., Nassau county, NY, assistant district attorney, told the jury the motive was "dead men tell no tales." The state charged Mrs. Beck beat Mrs. Fay over the head with a hammer and that Fernan dez then strangled the widow with a scarf to end her de mands for return of $6000 Fer nandez had gotten from her. SQEEZ KLEEN Glass Cleaner Just Squeeze It On and Wipe It Off! You'll save two-thirds your cleaning time if you use SQEEZ-KLEEN! No waxy film! No oily scum! No muss to clean up! SQEEZ-KLEEN makes wood work glisten . . . mirrors sparkle . . . windows shine! One 6 ez. Plastic Bottle plus On 16 ox. Refill. . .both for only 69 Made by the makers of WHITE ROSE BLEACH! non I DCS if Si WM) (all? Check in the lists below, a typical group of items you would buy on a weekend shopping trip. Add the prices. Then compare the total with what you would pay elsewhere. See how Safeway's policy of low prices on all items can save you money. Don't judge savings on "specials" alone. Compare all prices and we believe you will agree you get more for your money at Safeway. Canned Foods: W Take Beef Prices for Example: By offering good values in both U. S. GOOD grade beef and U. S. COM MERCIAL grade beef Safeway customers can now enjoy good-eating steaks and roasts more often. For, you may buy U. S.GOODat our usual low price, or one grade lower (U. S. COMMERCIAL only slightly less tender) at a big saving. And since Safeway buys only U. S. Gov't graded beef, lamb and veal, you know your satisfaction is guaranteed on every cut or kind of meat you buy! Star-Kist TUNA 35 Solid pack fancy light meat tuna. Regularly 43c No. 12 Can CRISCO Shortening 79e Crlsco fans sav Crlsco results are always perfect. 3-Lb. Can STEAKS: Round Steak U.S. Good Lb. Round Steak U. S. Commercial Lb.. SIRLOIN STEAK, U. S. Good, Lb. 89 SIRLOIN, U. S. Commercial, Lb. 79 T-BONE STEAK, U. S. Good, Lb. 98 T-BONE, U. S. Commercial, Lb.. 85 75' 69c ROASTS: Standing Rib Roast 70 U. S. Good Lb. ' Standing Rib Roast U. S. Commercial Lb. RUMP RST. bona In, U.S. Com. Lb. 65 RUMP RST., bone In, U.S. Gd. Lb. 75 POT ROAST, blade cut Lb. 59 BEEF SHORT RIBS Lb. 19 SNOWDRIFT Made bv the Wesson 3-Lb Oil people. You know " Its quality. Can 79c ROYAL SATIN SHORTENING ... Fine quality short- ening at a saving! Can 69' SOUP MIX Betty Crocker noodle or green pea. pmi. w tor ail Ass't Lunch Meats X.'ASc Swift's Premium SLICED BACON Sugar Cured Smoked PICNICS Center Cuts of Loin PORK CHOPS Lean Shoulder PORK STEAKS Vi-lb. pkg. 35C ib.39e lb. 89c lb. 59$ Pure Lean GROUND BEEF Loin Cuts of - VEAL CHOPS Shoulder Cut VEAL STEAKS Eviscerated Fowl, Rabbits and FRYERS .lb. 35 lb. 79C lb. 65c lb. 65c Peas Gardenside, New Pack S03 can Peas Sugar Belle, Fancy Pack. 101 con Asparagus SunZr wJjrW Pork and Beans 235 Corned Beef Bentos 12-oz. tin 35c Deviled Ham ubbs no. v. 19 Deviled Meat l-. n.. v 10 Potted Meat ubbs n. n 15 Lunch Tongue ly-. ... 32 Pig's Feet Roth-. m- ir 29 Ripe OlWeS Ebony Lor9. No. 1 can 25 uiihnw Jell Well ,, x Flavors 5c Miracle Whip K,aft', pmtj33e Nob Hill Coffee i45-!89' Mb. fe 2-lb. 7Qe Airway Coffee ba 40 ba 7y BiSCUitS Bollard's Oven-R.ody 229 Sandwich Spread Lunch bo ,t. 59 Price in this aJ effective thru So oy. We reserve fhe right to limit Delicious! CHEESE Breeze Brand Cheese Food 2-lb. Q pkg. 07 Regular Size Bars CAMAY SOAP 3,0,23' IVORY SOAP The economy large size bar at a good s.arge price. Bar 14' TIDE for Washing 25 e When Tide's in, they say dirt's out! 18-Ox. Pkg. Camay Soap, bath size 223 Trend, for washing pkg. 19 Unit Starch 12-oz. pkg. 13 Swedish Mints lb. pkg. 29 Chocolate Drops lb. pkg. 33 Chiclets 6 pkts. 19 SUGAR Tillamook Cheese Cider Vinegar White Vinegar Cider Vinegar Cider Vinegar 01(1 Mill Pickling Spice C&H 1 lb. 59 Heinz, qt. btl. 22 19 19 K.i. 59 19 Heinz, qt. btl. Old .'Mill (l. J Fresh Produce Prices quoted on fresh produce are always the lowest pos sible consistent with quality. And Safeway's pound pricing policy gives everyone an even break. Clnre mont 6-oi. Peaches are coming. Stock up on sugar at this price! 25-lb. Sack 2.17 DUZ te- SOAP laud Does a good job 20Vj-Or. O C e of all trashing. pfcg, White Magic SOAP Have you heard about the big White Magic Soap Quia Contest? Get a pack age and all the details at Safeway. You may win ... ! 23-oz. Pkg. 25' 46-oz. Pkg. 49e Sno White Salt 4-lb. bag 13 Snowflake Sodas, Mb. pkg. 43 Bireley's Orange, 7 oz. 6 for 25 Nesbitt's Orange, bot. 6 for 30c Pepsi-Cola 12 oz. bottle 5 Coca-Cola 6 bot. i. POOCH - Big news for dog lovers. Pooch has become Root Beer r"8iSrr;.s;0.:227 White Rock Water 28-oz. 15 White Rock Ginger Ale -. 20 Hires Root Beer 12-oz. bottle 5 Canada Dry Water 28-oz. 20 Canada Dry Ginger Ale " 20 New l lb. Food i Cans a favorite almost overnight! 3i ib. .91-1 Cans JLO PEACHES Bket 33c Green Apples Good Cookers 3 iDs. 25c Seedless Grapes 2 ibs. 25c Bartlett Pears Mellow, sweet Lb. 8c Fresh Prunes Can 'em "ox' 1.79 Lemonade Lemons Full of juice Lb. 23c tCORIV SwelrKeVncls. Ib. 8C Pick 'Em Out. Carrots, fat, crispy kind Lb. 7c Egg Plant Don't plant I Brad nd fry Lb. 12c New Potatoes White Roi Green Peppers Mud, Danish Squash Tomatoes Field frown "CANTS" Sweetest Melons of the Year lb. 10 ibs. 39c Lb. 10c Lb. 5c Lb. 10c .b 9c i i it.