'22 .0 V NE i KE . ,1 . I '.I .'.J '8M 1 I 1 Ha. ... .1 to 1 . .I m :! Si i l ,-j r 55 r ov -3, 8 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Thursday, August 18, 1949 6 Hospital Aides Burned to Death Hopkinsville, Ky.( Aug. 180J.R) Six women hospital employes burned to death In the flaming wreckage of their car near here last night after it was slammed In front of a truck by another ear, the state police reported to day. The state police said the car in which the women were riding was knocked in front of a truck carry-all by another car being driven by a soldier "at a high rate of speed." The driver of the truck es taped although the truck and a load of new Studebakers were destroyed in the fire that en ?Ctncli; "' j Cake Mix f , is the finest 81 ! I have ; 1 eveiMised." Mt. tin MlWrV lovtlomll Catwatfa : J? W 'j. , ' K S veloped them irom the women's automobile. Mercy Mission Repeated With Same Situation Port Angeles, Wash., Aug. 18 (u.PJ In a unique case of history repeating itself on a mercy mission, the same coast guard PBY plane was en route to pick up a sick civilian who was stricken Just one week ago on the same boat in the same position off the coast of Washington. The ailing man is John Carob cla. ex-navy hospital corpsman His symptoms were given in a radio message from the fishing vessel Invincible as suffering pains In the back of the head chills, rapid pulse, swollen eye lids and stomach pains. Carobcia diagnosed his trouble s food poisoning. But the kipper of the 83-foot Invincible radioed he believed Carobcia was having a relapse after be ing treated last week for a bad head gash. Last Wednesday the PBY took Carobcia to Boeing field where he was put in an am bulance and rushed to Marine hospital in Seattle.' Home port of the Invincible is Tacoma. Its owner is Paul S Babich. Carobcia was stricken while his boat was in the identical location it was when he took ill last week off Cattle Point in the San Juan islands. Missing Plane Sought Fairbanks, Alaska, Aug. 18 (IP) A young Fairbanks couple, missing for two days on a flight to 'Dawson, Y.T., were being sought today by U.S. and Cana dian air force and civilian planes. The pair, Hess Ragins and Hilda Schronbrod, were last reported taking off from Tana cross, southeast of here Tues day afternoon. iiia'lniMice V C HARACTSK. WAKE 'CM ACT FONMZ TORWUJ Sv5p Six funny Walt Disney charac- jSOL ters Gooly, Minnie Mouse, JfSmr r Donald Duck, Pluto, Mickey JA$WTffiri3fi Mouse and Funny Bunny. 4 to 5 waliE'Ng T Inches, full color I Collect all six I kpytiiM Wirt DiMir ftottcbm -kiv TL-l3 uXiw AISO IN KfUOOO'S IAIIIN UMS I ff MM fj I J Nourishing? Yea I Oood? Yes I Made if A ' the genuine Kellogg way, with bran I mLQtlEtk I I (or extra "bulk" what many people x afl need to help prevent constipation I cTySftSrrJIliw r 1 For that "bran-new" feeling (and a IJrSSSSSSSA I I "Joinle") get Kellogg's new, unproved 'tBizffiSrl 40 Bran Hakes. I 1 1 Smells Good! AJfiJpI I 'Tops' for Your LS Ctf I I ESKStS o ..ppin9 new tha I meat U. S. Government Wt ferf Mm Keit-lRotion. Inspected horse meat. Yet it costs far less than butcher meat. Supercharged with all known "dog-health" vitamins . . . enriched with vital minerals. No wonder V . dogs tJirive on itl Just open a can of Ken-L-Ration and m serve.It'sthateasy!Get3cansfromyourfavoritedealertoday. fZZT m I FREE DOG BOOK-Nothing like it! Send name and address for your free copy today. Ken-L-Ration, l- I Chicago 77, Illinois. XJZT'J t Look for UiH Seal Here's the just step in making linens jasH The problem In laundering while and color-fast cottons and linens It how to make them snowy-white and color-bright without wearing out the fabric. The answer is ... launder with Cloroxl For Clorox Is easy on fabrics .. , makes linens snowy-white, color-bright extra-gently. because it's free from caustic and other harsh substances. Clorox also conserves linens another way ... it lessens rubbingl In addition, Clorox removes stains, de odorizes, makes linens sanitary! let laundering with Clorox be your first step in making your linens beautiful . and longer lastingl I 2S3Sil;l dj 47 fej I Ml i VV H.r.'..no.hMn,po,t.ntH,...tepl II AV5 fctez;.- flta I bag 22c -i sy """H oaiins, iuoi, loner powli and r ' , . U,; i floors. That's why millions of 1 i Vy wo",n clu)CIorox in reg- ftj550sji i riMIOSSIO rlORAl DISION J $m& get these htW with CL0R0( j f gsSSSX rf I cJ3 iob of disinfecting f ,1 " 0m GENTLER GREATER, ald'alVhTss &jtiy7l7Jii VW'Mm BLEACHING ACTION I DISINFECTING EFflClENCY sb,ian,...mad. by V J.ft Ul Wfif Wrtttlons sSL -..longwlife for linens! 1 ... pdM tmnb prstection ! an exclusive formula ( mS UU Xy-J f 1 P'O'.c.edbyU.S.pal.nt. V, CQ( ZTT. You Will Always Find Better Quality and Better Values at Erickson's f very Purchase Guaranteed to Pleasel PRICES EFFECTIVE FRIDAY, SATURDAY, SUNDAY HOURS: Portland Road Store 9 a. m. to 10 p. m. Four Corners Store 9 a. m. to 8 p. m. W 111 FRESH EGGS 22: " 63c SLICED PINEAPPLE 33c Santa Rosa 2't FRUIT COCKTAIL- 29c Welch's Fancy For Delicious Quick Salads VELVEETA CHEESE 2 l 79c Kraft's Cheese Food BARTLETT PEARS O Mm , ,25c tall Triumph, No. 300 cans Buy them by the can, you cannot afford to can at these prices. PITTED CHERRIES Red yQ Sour Standby, No. 2 can MmwC APRICOT Halves in Syrup 1 Q Nature Made No. 2V4 can I C Stock-up! We cannot replace them at this price. PLANDARIN ORANGES Food Crest Q H oz. can for Ideal for Salads and to serve for breakfast. GRAPE JUICE Island Belle Quart bottle ... DICED BEETS Del Monte, No. 303 jar. . SHOESTRING POTATOES Blue Bell No. 2 can for PICTSWEET BIG PEAS No. 303 can, fancy CREAM STYLE CORN Mission 9 No. 303 can. . , GREENS Turnip or Mustard y Napoleon, No. 2 cans for 29c . He 29c 10c 33c 29c Skinless Frankfurters Armour's All meat, U. S. inspected LB, 6 lb. carton, $2.10 m V LJ Armour's tenderized bann lfaVsTVl brand' half or whole' BOILING BEEF . $1 ftfl Fresh, lean short ribs 4kW lbs. I V W LINK SAUSAGE 39c ib 49c Smoked. Sold ta No. 1 market only. .lb. FRESH FISH LING COD Half or Whole. Per Pound SALMON Silver or Steelhead. 3 to 5 pounds Filet of Red Snapper .lb. 35c 19c 29c 35c Per Pound , All Fish Will Arrive Fresh Each Morning Starting Friday HOT SAUCE SWEET PEAS HAPPY VALE No. 303 Ca PAROWAX TOMATO 8 oz. can 3 2 ctns 5c 25c 15c Krispy Crackers 1? Sunshine, 1 lb. box FLAVORADE PUNCH Assorted Fruit Flavors 3 Pk9- 10c SUNSHINE CANDIES Creme Mix 1Q 10 oz. pkg I OC TOMATO SOUP 25c Campbell's 3 reg. cans. for -A GRAPES Orcwrd fimh fiuit FRESH FROM LEADING GROWERS TREES TO YOU 25c Thompson Seedless Ideal for salads . . lbs. 16 bag tea LIPTON ORANGE PEKOE TEA BAGS 8 bag. pkg 9 c 48 bag pkg 49 c 100 bag. pkg 98 c ORANGE PEKOE BAGS V Ib. pkg 29 C ' lb. pkg 55, Green Tea Bags 16 bar pkg. 17c 48 bag pkj. 45c BANANAS Golden ripe. Note low price GREEN PEPPERS Local grown fine for stuffing POTATOES Washington No. 2's 50 lb. bag SUNKIST LEMONS For your health's sake, use more lemons. POTATOES V. S. No. l's from Washington 10 lbs.. 13c 2,5c 89c 29c 29c CROWN'S Kitchen Queen Flour Family Patent Ib. bag. . 79c 25 lb. bag 1.79 Printed Apron Bags lOo additional! Graham Flour 100 whole wheat CRACKED WHEAT FARINA 'bo! 39C WIENERS Oscar Meyer, 10 ei. can 39c TOILETRIES Jergens Lotion Deal $1.00 Size . . . . 89c FREE 45c Jar Jergens Liquid Cream Shampoo 50c size with small bottle A C Free, both for H JC Woodbury Beauty Blend J Q Lotion reg. 35c bottle 'C FREE Reg. Bar Woodbury Facial Soap Hand-Eez Pliofilm Mitt Ofl. Pair WTC Protects hands while dishwashing, gardening, polishing, etc. BOOK MATCHES ") Box of 50 Mm for 23c SWIFT'S CLEANSER. 24c BORAX CHIPS 20 Mule Team Lge. box. . 28c BORAX SPANGLES For dance floors Lge. pkg. 33c WAX APPLIERS Old English, Large each. 98c SIMONIZ GLASS WAX Large 1H Pint Can 29c SUPER SUDS Ur,. 2Lg. 7 rv. Pkgs. w C PALMOLIVE s?3 22c PALMOLIVE tin 2 21c VEL-aKSg g 25c FAB 2ykrg37c CASHMERE BOUQUET 23c CLOROX , , AMERICAS F AVO RITE BLEACH AND HOUSEHOLD DISINFECTANT PILLSBURY'S HUNGRY JACK PANCAKE FLOUR 3? 27c Devil'i Fudge White Golden Spice rmv ADD ONLY WATER 35c BEOS 3060 PORTLAND ROAD 3720 E. STATE ST.