22 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Thursday, August 18, 1949 I REAL ESTATE I REAL ESTATE AUTOMOBILES lAUTOMOBILES OMOBILES lAUTOMOBILES C1.ASS1FIED ADVERTISING! Pt Lint lto Per Una I time 40c Per Unc tlmej 0e Per Lint 1 month 13-00 Outside of Salens 16e per line pet day. Uln. loci times mm 80e timet mln $1 JO. No Refund BEAD CBS In Local Newi CoL Onlyt Per unt To Place an Ad Phone 2-2406 FOR SALE HOUSES MEW 4 Bdrm. House, 3310 Broadway, $8500. A. E. Heaaley, 2305 N. Liberty. a!98 Leaving the State My $1393 equity In 1 yr. old 3 B R home. Insulated, hardwood firs., com pletely modern. Move right In (or 1500. Bal. P.H.A. Bee 542 Biller Ave. Ph. 2-3880. a 199 S. High St. Mod. Home Eu 8 bdrms., l,n. llv. rm.-dlntng comb., kitchen with nook, lull bsmt., lou o bullt-lu, uto oU hot. fireplug, car peted, hdwd. firs., lie. lot. 112.600. Ph. owner at S-61S6. tOR SALE by owner, new Klngwood HRiahlj. v home. 1 Dorms., naru- wood floors, fireplace, auto, washer it dish washer, large lot. Call 35500. a!96 iiEW t BDRM. home. Choice corner, close In. Ph. 2-5438. NEW 3 bdrm. home, close to senior Hi Good price At terms. Contact owner, 1560 "B" St. INOLEWbOD Dlit. 2 BR. Price 1500 un der P.H.A. appraisal. 1150 dn. I'h 2-5526. " BY OWNER: New 2 bdrm. modern house. Has oil furnace. it garage. Lot 50x126 14600. Terms. 2330 Hyde St., Salem. alB7 SACRIFICED for 16050. owner leaving city. 1841 home with S BR & Bctlvlty room, weather stripping it Insulation, nice yard, close to bus it school, P.H.A. Phone 2-4703. 187' tBD. RM. house on 1st floor. Hear schools. Good cottage on same lot. Tm. 5255 N. 6th. B196 By Owner, Ig. 5 rm. nearly new sub , urban house, close to city limits, achools and bus. Hd. floors, auto, heat, piped to all rooms, lg. utility room, breezeway with att. gar. Unfinished up with stairs and electricity In. FHA terms. Balem Heights Dlst. Priced to sell quickly. 6S5 Ewald. "18 BY OWNER. 2 acres, modern 2 B.R. home Ven. blinds, garage it shop bldg.. ber ries and orchard. One block So. ol Rosednle school. Rt. , Box 219. a202 NICE 8 BEDROOM home completely re decorated. Immediate possession. 17800. Terms. Phone 3-3S4B or mmi 3 BDRM. HOME $1300 down. Open dolly 1140 Lewla. Ph. 25422. ?18a! BY OWNER 2 BR. house, fireplace. Ben dlx. elec, heat, hdwd. firs., v. blinds, 1 " year old. Call 27860. 1060 E. Rural. aloe BY OWNER: Sale or trade on 2 B.R. house, clean 6 b.r., bath, kltch., L.R.. D.R., separate ent to s B.H elect, wtr. htr., elec. or gas cooking, v. blinds, full baamt., garage. Call 0 to 5 pm. 1S35 Trade St. 01118 BY OWNER: NEW 2 BD. RM. HOME. ST. ELMO ADDITION. LARGE LOT; FENCED IN BACK YARD. COMPLETE OUTSIDE FIREPLACE AND PATIO AND GARAGE. PH. 25348. MUST SELL 3 bdrm. houae on 'A acre. Klngwooti. rn. a-m., run orttiQ f One-half ncre at 300 Ewald avenue, macadam surface; no dust: city water; lovely Tlew, nine Inrao walnut tree, flowcra and shrubbery; dwelling con taining kitchen, living room, dining room combined with bar; aliower, one half bath down stairs; large bed-room upstairs; garage and ulllty room all constructed lat three year: excellent condition. Price 17500 cah, or on term. NORA B. BNOOK. 196 LOVELY SUBURBAN SB800. 3 bdrm. on 1st floor. Hdwd. fir thruout. Large living rm. Fireplace. Large window facing East. Dble. gar Lawn, shrub St flower. Terms. C. W. Reeve Realtor S 8. Comm'l. Ph. S-4500. Eve. 3-0530 alOB MANBRIN GARDENS REDUCED TO $0050 I large rooms. 1140 aq. ft., oil furnace, fireplace, utility, large lot, nice shrubs. Definitely priced for Immediate sole. $7500 Nob Hill, 2 B.R., den. 2 block to school, nice aurroundlng home, fenced yard, workhop In garage. Thi place ha lot f charm. CALL D. L. BISHOP Chas. Hudkins & Son Over 27 Year In Snleni' 150 N. High Bt. - Phone 2-4139. al97' WHY PAY RENT? 1750 down. Use jour O. 1. loan on this new home North. Utility rm., att. gar. Large lot. Full price $6050. C. W. Reeve Realtor 45 B. Comm'l, Ph. 3-4590. Eve. 3-953(1 al96 fllMM,. CLEAN, modern, 3-B.R. home close to Balem High. Hardwood floor, fire place, full bHsemrnt. Immedlnte pos session. Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co., Realtors 153 B. High St. - Ph. 3-4131, Eve. 2-5561 Near Leslie Jr. High 110.5003 bed rm. English style with bsmt. Nice anwdust furnace, fireplace, on the Mil. Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 960 B. Commercial Phone 33849 Ive. 3ViflO OWNER FOR ("KB to aril modern 2 bdrm. home. 881 Honemont, West Balem. al99 BY OWNER Small unfurnished house, north, 11950. (300 (In. ; I'h. 3-5211, 3-1303. CHEAP Move In and complete. Plumbing A- wir ing roughed In. i A. 2 bedrooms, att. gar. Price (.1300. (HOO down. C. W. Reeve Realtor 45 8. Comm'l. Ph. 3-4590. Ere. 3-9.S36 at96 BY OWNER; 3 bdrm. '" Dome. 1st floor, xcel. corner lot. Clone lo Catholic St public school, bus by door. (8650. Would consider trade for smaller home also In Highland dlst. 2205 N. 5th. 'Joo y2 Acre - $7,200.00 Almost new 2 Bd. Rm. home. Electric throughout. Bchool bu by door. Sin nil garden spot. Nice yr. Terms. Will trade for houae In town 1 Acre - $2,500.00 Oarage house. 1 bd. rm. L.R., kitchen, utility rm. Wired for elec. range. Eire, pump. Good well. Ideal place to build on. RAWLINS REALTY HOLLYWOOD DISTRICT Ph. 14664 Ev. 36013 - 37128 - 25757 Rl97 1 A. 3 bedroom home. 14 both, base ment, automatic heat, garage. (13,500. LARGE LOT new 2 bedroom house, auto mata heat, oak floora, garage. 1mm. Pom. 19950. ttAROB corner lot new I bedroom house, attached garage. Imm. Pom. (6950. Transportation and Stores Close to All P. H. Bell, Realtor 111 Chemrkela St. Ph. 1-1645, I-4M6 Bra. .7ti, J.JW1. .... Win a Guest Ticket to See "The Mighty Joe Young" AT WARNERS ELSINORE THEATRE HERE ARE THE RULES: Read the Capital Journal Want Ads and find the title of this picture coming soon to Salem Clip out the want aa in which the picture title appears and ac company it with a simple state ment of 25 words or less on 'Whv I Read The Capital Jour nal Want Ads," with your name and mailing address, and deliver or mail to the Capitol Theater boxoffice. Contestants will be Judged on sincerity and originality The FIVE best statements re ceived each dav will each receive a guest ticket to see "The Mighty Joe Young," coming soon to the Elsinore theater. All entries become the proper ty of the Capital Journal, and decision of the Judges is final Employees of the Capital Jour nal. The Capitol or Elsinore Theatres and members of their Immediate families are not eligi ble to participate In this contest FOR SALE HOUSES gll.SOO. BEAUTIRUL, new. modern, 2-B.R. home Englewood Dlst. Corner lot. 3-car Karaite. Immediate possession. Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co., Realtors 163 B. High fit. - Ph. 3-4121, Eve. 2-5561 ilflB' 11, 500 - RANCH STYLE HOME Nice large L.R.. D.R., kitchen. Knotty pine den. Fireplace. 3 bd, rms. Patio. Double garage. Large lot. Good P.H.A. terms. 110,500 - FURN. 4 BD. RM. HOME Nice large L.R., with fireplace. Hwd. floor. Nice lawn St shrubs. (7,500 - $2000 DN., (50 PER MO. Brand new 2 Bd. Rm. home. L.R., din ette, kitchen, attached garage. Hwd. floor throughout. OMB1V8 REAL ESTATE 460 N. 13th Ph. 25091 alB7 ONE ACRE on Lancaster Drive, with good 3 B.R, home, good barn (cement floor) chicken house, nice garden apace, one of the brat for the money. Goodwin & McMillin REALTORS Ph. 34707 484 Court Eve. 24773 or 27283. a!07 FURNISHED HOUSE 3 Bd. Rm. modern home. Completely furn. Auto, neat, fireplace, hdwd. floor. Beautifully landscaped, back yd. and garden. All fenced. Paved St. "Paid.1, 3 niks. from St. Vincrnt school. Close to bu. Immed. Poss. Shown any time. 985 Pine St. Httfln. GOOD, clean, modem. 2-B.R. home Kngiewood Dtat. Want good house trail er for equity. Payments (47.96 per mo. Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co., Realtors 153 B. High St. - Ph. 3-4121, Eve. 2-5561 Near Bush School (7300 Very good 4 bed rm. plastered noma on paved street, only 6 yr, old, heavily Insulated, wired for range, oil floor furnace, utility rm., hdwd. flra. (1750 will handle. Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 9(10 S. Commercial Phone 23649 Eve. 25260 al97 St-'llW. LATE built 2-BR home N.E. on bus line. OH heat. Large attached garage. Fruit tree, nice lawn. Lot. 100x157. Call O. V. Hume State Finance Co. R'ltors 153 8. High St. Ph. 3-4121. Eves. 2-5206 alOS KilVQtt. NEAT 3-room home 4-Corners dlst. Corner lot 100x180. Cull O. V. Hume with State Finance Co. R'ltors 153 S. High St. Ph. 3-4121. Eves. 2-5206 al96 ftmoo. SPECIAL reduced to sell. Very mod ern. 2 bdrm. FHA appr. Small down Payment will handle. Ph. 3-6189. a301 BY OWNER New 2-bdrm. home. Hdwd. firs., plastered, auto, oil furn., built-in wnrdrobe. Must aer to appreciate. 1695 N. Collage. Open 11)1 8 p.m. Will go FHA. BY OWNER '.a acre, a 5-rm. house, SB- rose and large utility rm. 3155 D St. 301 ENOLKWOOD $9950 3b1k. to sch.; 3 B.R.. all plast. home, full basin., lg. din. rm.. fplc, hard to bent at this price. Ph. 2-8080. ED. LUKINHEAL HEAL ESTATE 440 N. 14th St. aJ00 CLOSE IN NORTHEAST This 1 one of those bargains your hear about but seldom see. variety of fruit trres, shrubs. 2 A. of good ground, barn, chlx lise.. deep well, full dry biism., 2 B.R., nook. Ir. din. rm.. fpic, bu by door. Only SRB50. Ph. 2-6680, ED. LUKINHEAL REAL ESTATE 440 N. 14th St. a200 BY OWNER 2-B.R. home, fireplace, narawooa noon, utility rm., alt. garage. Lot 63VX21T. FHA. 3780 LaBrauche Ave. q302 A NICE clean furnished 3 room home near school and bu. Lot 100x100. gar age, lot of ahnde. Immed. Voss. This won't last at J2!50. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listing 164 S. Com'l St. Eve. 3-7440. Personal Service Ph. 3-831.9 a 198 INCOME 3 furnished ainrtmenU plus spadou 8 room home for owner, or rent all at 14 net on Investment. Close In, bnl ne none. Only $11,750. 335 S. Winter. a 198 t BK. all on one floor, oil clrc. heat, gas cook ins range goes. Very neat, garage, lot 61x198. Small barn As poultry house. $7500. ClOOD 3 BR home, (.upstair floored, gar age, fruit, berries, a acre, bus by door. Very good terms. $7,000. SEE THIS 1 acres N.E.. ha good 3 BR nome. inMilated. elec. heot. Very nice yard. (8000. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listing - Personal Service 164 S. Com'l St. Ph. 3-8389 Eve. 3-7440. aigs 3 BDRM. RANCH STYLE Be.utltul LR with fire Place. Modern utility rm. Attached garage. Larse lot in restricted diat. Englewood achool. Attractive price IMMED. POSS. 2 bdrm. home. Lit with fir place. DR nice kitchen. Full basement. Close to achool, .Mores and bun. Price (6,500. BON CLEAR Y WALTER MUSGRAVE Realtors 1211 Edgewoter. Ph. 3-5109. Eve. 3-99S9 al99 14600 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Furn. 3 bdrm. home. Clean. Some term. Call Allen Jones or I Mabel Needham, Realtors J oiaie Ph. 3-9201 . Eve. 3-4335 or 3-8763 al97 LEAVING BEAUTIFUL YARD 3 Bit on eoMly eared for acre. LR with fireplace. DR. breakfast room, basement, 3 car gariue. hum! - '.rd, wra thcrMrlpped. Low heat bill. 2-7241. g!98 Journal Want Ads Pay GRABENHORST SPECIALS STORE BUILDING LIBERTY DISTRICT Lane corner lot, old-type store building with living quarters, Meal for family business. Price 14,500. CALL O, L. ORAB27NHORST. SPECIAL See this 5 ac. beauty spot, located I ml. out. Beautiful wooded spot with 3 springs it stream. 5 rm. home it good barn. See this before you buy at 15.500. CALL GEOROE H. GRABENHORST, JR. SALEM'S FINEST i br. plus den or 4 bdrm, beautiful view, large llv. rm, and din. rm, marble fireplacee, entrance hall and opeen staircase, corner sink in large kitchen overlooking Salem. Full basement, with playroom, bar and fireplace double garage automatic oil heat sprinkling system priced to sell. CALL ROY FERRIS, GRABENHORST BROS., Realtors 134 8. Liberty St. Evening and Sundays Call Roy rerrla 2-B010 - Peter Oelaer 1-9968 - Earl West 2-1332 FOR SALE HOUSES HOME WITH CHEER BRAND NEW MODERN 3 bdrm. home with LR, DR. hdwd. fir., nice kitchen, full bath, auto heat, att, garage. Price (7960. Small dn, paymt. BIG BERTHA REDirORATED HOME with double plumbing, 4 bdrms., excellent kitchen. 3 car garage, lge. lot with many shade tree St fruit. MAKE A GOOD APT. HSE. Price (7500. (100 dn. will handle. AMERICAN LIBERTY ON LIBERTY ROAD. Close in. Big beau tiful 2 bdrm. home with LR, DR, van ity rm. full bath, auto heat, lge. bsmt., double garage. Inc. lot. Maany more out standing feature. Price (11,500. EASY TERMS. SOUTHERN MANSION SOUTHERN STYLE 10 rm. hse. located in Monmouth. This 1 truly aa a good buy for a Monmouth College student. You can rent room and let it paya It way out. Price (8260. TERMS ONLY $150 DOWN. COLBATH LAND CO., Realtors 1683 CENTER ST. Phone 2-4552 al97- FOR SALE LOTS SUBURBAN LOTS (25 down. (10 per month. A. best of soli. Near store Si bu. A low a (500. C. W. Reeve Realtor 945 S. Comm'l. Ph. 3-4590. Eve. 3-9536 LOT 60x122. Paved street. Bu line. Near school St .store. Reasonable. 2229 Lee St Bal98 50il4 LOT on N. 18th St. Restricted dis trict. See at 1916 N. 18th St. or call 3-4085. aa!06 LOTS with water, electricity, bu. close to cnooi on en vert on highway. Why pay rent. Build your own home. (15 down, (15 per month. General Real Estate 253 Center. Ph. 3-3289. aal98 Lots - Lots - Lots Oet your lot today and start building. City water, hard surface street. Ap proved by F.H.A. loon. Priced to sell. Also Highway Bu.il new Property. See A. A. Larsen 191 So. High St., Salem. Ph. 28629 aal98 MR. BUILDER LOOK ! I Here is 2Vj acres right on Falrvlew Ave.; 330 ft. frontage city water St bus service. A real buy at only (3,000. (Sub divide in 5 lots 66x310 each). This won't last long. See Mattson & Roethlin Ph. 3-3838 Real Estate 331 N. High Eve. Ph. 3-7534, 3-1724. aal97 BY OWNER Lge. unobstructed view lot on King wood Ave, Phone 2-1513. aal97 HURRY TO SEE choice view lot. Beat price for quick sale. Ph. 3-3067. aal98' FOR SALE FARM 29 A. Stock & Equipment B rm. house, wired for ran?e, pres sure water, Uarn, garage, poultry houae 16 x 42, 200 chickens. 3 horse, cow. 2 shoata. 60 rabbits, furniture. (9,000. Dunn Realty Exc. Woodburn, Oregon 984 N Pacific Hiway. Ph. Main 136 bl97 102 A. FARM! On river St htwayl 67 A. .crops. Smart modernized house. Bldgs, Nice treed setting! Sacrlflccl (12,600 COUNTRY HOME 10 richest acres Just north Balem! Love ly new home fully modern. Nothing nicer nearer! (17,300 QUARTER ACRE HOME In busy north Salem. Fully plumbed house. Handsome shade, nut Si fruit tree. All Salem utilities inc. pvd. St. (4950 C. W. Stuller, Broker Wallace rd., 'i m. N. of Bridge. bl98' POULTRY A DAIRY FARM. This 30 A. is producing $1100 per mo. on pltry. alone. Loc. only 9 miles from Corvall'-a, highly Improved with 5000 capacity, bldgs., 5 rm. mod. home, plast. Interior. Unci. Bendlx St 30 cu. ft. deep freere.) 3 story barn (can accommoate 10 cows) other bldgs. A very profitable layout for (13 750, ti dn., bal. easy terms. F.S. Hatchery Contract Incl. ORADE A DAIRY. 150 acres. LAKE LA BISH DIST. NEW 3 BR mod. home. Platt it knotty pine finish, flrepl., all hdwd. firs. NEW 3x200 dairy barn, Incl. latest milking parlor Sz lounging bam set-up milk hse. St 2 concrete silos, 100 ton cap. each. Approx. 100 A. cult., bal. rich cut-over land. 10 A. IRItlG. LADI- i NO, 30 A. of that "priceless Benver-Dam soil." Because of the super fertility of sol), unlimited Irrigation, attractive New Bldg. St the choice loc. (on pavin't, short drive from Salemi this ! the BEST DAIRY St STOCK FARM you can pos sibly find for (50.000. Head of 40 good milk cows to be sold extra at bargain. INVESTIGATE NOW. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings - Personal Service 164 S. Com'l St. Ph. 3-8389; Eve. 3-7440 b!96 BY OWNER Business interests compel us io )to oarg east, so we are selling our country home. There are ten fertile acres with strawberries, blackberries, and red raspberries for Income, also some young fruit trees coming along. The house It nearly new. contains two bedrooms, and li of smart modern de sign. It Is all electric and has many other attractive special features to make for comfort In living. Price (17,500 and worth It. One-half mile south of Clear Lake school, east side of road. Reese A. Hall, Route 2. Bog 264. Salem. b306 FOR SALE ACREAGE BY OWNER: 10 acres 3 miles from town New house, fireplace, shrubs, fruit trees, barn, chlx house, ill year creek. Need to sell because of health of child. Price (10.000, (500 down will take it. Bal on terms. Ph. 3-1993. bbl97 81'Bl'RRAN Hi acres. Modern house. Ph. a-3i. bbl96" ACREAGE -'i acre tracts 1550 ft up. 100 ft. frontage on pavement. 112 acre tract (400 per acre, on high way close In. Good subdivision location. 1 Business corner 112x165. Close in (4500. G. A. VICARY REAL ESTATE 818 N. Com l St., Ph, day or eve. 20431 bbl98 DISTANT OWNER must sell his suburban home; 33 acres, nice yard and garden, neat modem home with fireplace; very good poultry house, fine deep well, plen ty of water; garage, pump house, (2000 win handle. Salem Realty Co. REALTORS 149 N High St, Ph. 3-7660. bbl6 REAL ESTATE FOR YOUR SAVINGS Investment buy m tint mortgage on real estate Salem St vicinity. Examine security yourself Amojnts $500 to several thousand dol lars, net Investors a.. We nuka all col lections for you It desired. TATI FINANCE OO, 1U O. Riga - f . C, : ' - Phone 2-2471 Ben Roll en 2-2471 el96 REAL ESTATE NELSON NEWS 3 BEDROOMS $1000 DOWN L.R., kitchen with dining area. 3 bdrmt., bath, lot 54x70. pxmt.; sidewalk In St paid, eoiiy walking distance to Cap., umv.. dc Hospital, 'iota, price 73ao. 6 UNIT APT. HOUSE A really substantial Income property on a 53X100 lot within a blk. ol State Cap. Annual income (3400 based on a long time rental St, low price schedule. Hot W. heating plant, all apt, furnished. (19,000, on easy terms. COUNTRY HOME V WALNUTS (7000 2 Bdrm. home with fplace. elec. W. htr.. kit. with snack bar. 5 A. of 20 yr. old wamuu ready to harvest. 382 ACRES $50,000 363 A 250 A. cult., some under Irriga tion, crop now growing are beans. wheat, oat, buckwheat. Bal. In timber dc pasture, some woven wire fenced. Lge. barn, chicken hse.. double tar. Mod. 8 rm. home. This 1 a real farm. Easy term on pari. NELSON & NELSON Multiple Listing Realtors Personal Service by Men Who Specialize 102 N. Hlgn Ph. 3-4132 dSH FOR SALE: Approximately 2I3 acres, good location, family fruit, nuts St growing garden. Some outbuildings. House mod ern, two bedrooms down, 2 semi-finished upstairs. Large tile fruit room, also utility room. Selling because of health. Take paved road east from Hubbard jchool to 2nd graveled road turning right about 610 mile. Fred Chapelle, Rt. 1, Box 192, Hubbard, Ore. clflS TRADE OR SELL 80 acres on Little Nestucca river. Small 2 bdrm. hse. Shower, toilet, St ldry. trays Barn. Approx. 20 A. cleared. Priced (3760. 11350 will handle. Or will trade for small acreage near Salem. C. W. Reeve Realtor 945 S. Comm'l. Ph. 3-4590. Eve, 3-9538. el96 VA A. NEWLY constructed 3 bedroom home across from Liberty school. Priced to sell. Reasonable terms. Don't wait on this one. DRIVE BY 3370 Brenna Ave., and see a well constructed, conveniently arranged new home. Lawn will be put in. Imme diate possession. Call us for appoint ment. Joe Hutchison, Realtor 455 Court St. Ph. 3-3629 Evenings 2-4789 St 3-6375. cl97 BEST BUYS $6800 Full Price Almost new 2 bdrm, north, attache gar age. Insulated. Close to school, bus St store. Approx. (1,000 down will handle. EVC. Ph. 2-0473 or 3-3538. Kingwood Brand new very modern, attached gar age, Nice view. F.H.A. approved for (7400. Total price (9750. Will take lot as part payment. Eve. Ph. 2-0473 or 3-3558. Englewood 3 bdrm. Stone throw from school. Ex tra large lot, nice yard At shrubs. Spa cious rooms. Owner leaving city. Total price only $9500. Eve. Ph. 2-0473 or 3-3558. FARMS 10 Acres Fruit Very close In. Farm has had very good care. River bottom land. Would ex change for 50 or 60 acre grain farm. To tal price (26,000. Eve. ph. 3-9403 or 3-3558. 5 Acres East New modern home. Choice land. Would make excellent berry farm. Total price (6,000. Would exchange for city proper ty. Eve. Ph. 3-9403 or 3-3558. Al Isaak & Co., Realtor TOP VALUES 5 ACRES. Small house: barn; chicken house. On paved road. Price $6250. Will consider exchanging for small house in Salem. FA.RMOUNT HILL DIST. 2 bedrm. house. Enclosed porch. Cement basement; oil furnace. Lots of trees. Price $8000. CLOSE TO MrKINLEY SCHOOL. Practi cally new 2 bedrm. home. High full ce ment basement. Fireplace: oil furnace. Nice back yard. Price $11,000. LEO N. CHILDS, INC. REALTORS 344 State St. Ph. 2-3683 Evenings call: 2-4007 or 3-6789. ol96' Cliffmore Village Wooded tracts with utilities. Restricted residential. IS miles north on Wallace Road to Harrltt Drive. c!98 .16 ACRES near Chemawa, all fenced, 3 bed room home, hs int., furnace, garage, large modern barn, chicken house, an Ideal place for horses, plenty of pas ture. About half could be subdivided. Please call for an appointment. AN ENGLISH type home with 3 bdrms.. living room, fireplace, dining room, kitchen, nook, bsmt., and furnace, rumpus room together with an acre of ground. School and transportation. GOOD CLEAN grocery stock doing a cash business in a fast growing community. Bus stops In front of store. Will soil half an acre of ground with the build ing or Just the stock and flxutres alone. Living quarters in the rear. A HOME FOR A G.I. Lot Is 50x50 with 3 bedrooms, living room, dining room and kitchen, car port. Priced $4700. EAST on Center street, we have a 2 bdrm. home with a living room, dining room, kitchen, floor furnace, bath room, gar age, Venetian blinds. $7,500. IN CAPITOLA district a 3 bedroom home. living room, dining room and kitchen, garage. $6900. P. H. Bell. Realtor 361 Chemekrta St.. Salem. Ore. Phones 3-4696 - 3-7585 - 3-7841. clSB WANTED REAL ESTATE NOTICE! if your property 1 for tale, rent or exchange, list It wttb ua We have all kinds of cash buyers STATE FINANCE CO. REALTORS 153 8 Hlib St et REAL ESTATE WANTED HOUSE listings needed to satisfy our customers. ve nave trie buyers If you hava the property. Wt help finance. Phone 2-7983, 100m 330. Oregon Bldi HAVE cosh buyers tor farms 30 to 100 acres priced up to in.ooo. Phone 2-7983, room 320. Oregon Bldg. ca213 WE HAVE BUYERS for small groceries with living quarters, also snack bars. See us If you want to sell your business. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings Personal Service 164 S. Com'l St. Ph. 3-8389 Eve. 3-7440. cal WE ARB In ntod ol gooo tkoutM to eel In or near Salem If you wtan to itei your property for gale on GRABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS 134 S Libert St --Phone 3-347) n Journal Want Ads Pay FORD DEALER TRUCK SPECIALS Easy Terms AS MUCH AS 24 MONTHS TO PAY FARM TRUCKS 1947 Ford' C.O.E. 2 Speed Axle, Stock Bed 1946 Ford L.W.B. 2 Speed Axle, 8.25 tires, rebuilt motor. 1946 Chev. L.W.B. 2 Speed Axle, 5 speed Clark Trans., 8.25 tires. 1941 Ford L.W.B. 2 Speed Axle, 8.25 tires. DUMP TRUCKS 1940 Chevrolet 4 yr. Box, 2 Speed Axle. 1949 Ford F-6 146" W.B. Chassis, 2 Speed Axle, 8.25 tires. 1949 Ford F-6, 4-5 yd. Box, only 360 miles on this one. PICKUP 1945 G.M.C. 'A Ton Pickup. 4 Speed Transmission. WE CAN GIVE-YOU FAST DELIVERY ON NEW PICKUPS AND TRUCKS - ANY SIZE ' Valley Motor Truck Dept LIBERTY AT MARION WANTED REAL ESTATE WANTED! tSOOO. house In town to swap for 62 'i acre stocked St equipped farm 12 ml. north priced at $13,500. What have you? Good 3 or 4 B.R. house in No. Salem to swap for 3 B.R. home on Falrmount Hill. Any kind resldentiol or Income property in valley to swap for coast property. Good business lot. with or without house to swap for beautiful 3 B.R. suburb an ranch home. BURT PICHA, Realtors 379 N. High St. Office 2-3849 Eve. 2-5390 or 3-7451. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE Tn TDinTi i mnm h mis S Int. nrenn View ai Ol CllzaDULIl OL., ncwiswii, im noma in Salem, immediate action neces sary. Write Arthur Hahrht, box 105, DvrliiFBnnrl Wash . ftl Ph. 2-4873. Salem. Cbl97 SELL OR TRADE 15 ACRES With good 2 bdrm. modern home, con crete foundation, plastered, 6 cres cane berries, R.A. cherries, pcaars St grapes, nam. henhouse and small 1 room house. Price $9,000, or trade for house St lot In Salem from $5,000 to $9,000. see Allen Jones or Mabel Needham Realtors 341 State, Salem Ph. 3-9201 Eve. 3-4335 or 2-8763. cbl97 RESORT PROPERTY A NEW SHAKE-ROOFED log house With rock fireplace St terrace. Sleeps e Miles of sandy beach ALSO A good se lection Of OCEAN FRONT LOTS, VIEW LOTS St WOODED TRACTS. See LIND GREN, owner, at Gleneden Beach, Ore., 4 ml. S. of Taft. ccl97 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES MOTEL with 12 units plus attractive 8- room owners home. Steam heat. All in best of condition. Well located on 99 highway. Bringing in good Income. Call O. V. Hume With State Finance Co. R'ltors 163 S. High St. Ph. 3-4121. Eve, 2-5208. Cdl9B 8-UNIT APARTMENT HOUSE $400 mo. inc. from 8 fur. units. Steam ht. Not made over, built as apt. hse. Close to state office bldgs. Price Is $35,000. Ph. 2-6880. ED. LUKENBEAL REAL ESTATE" 440 N. 14th St. cd200 $12,000 GROCERY Owner paid Income tax on $B500 from this busl. last yr., will be close to same this yr. $5000 stock, bal. equip., sub., north. Ph. 2-6680. ED LUKINBEAL REAL ESTATE 440 N. 14th St. cd200 IT'S GOOD! 4 modern furnished rentals, plus own er's living qtrs., clean S: neat north Salem. Only $9500. Appointment only. Crawford. BURT PICHA, Realtors 379 N. High St. Office 2-3649 Eve. 2-5390 or 3-7451. Cdl96 LARIES READY TO WEAR STORE. In town close to Salem. Inq. 460 State St. cdl97 DOWN TOWN grocery store In valley town. Reasonable rent with lease. Doing good business. Price $6,000 plus inventory of approx. $6,000. Call O. V. Hume State Finance Co. R'ltors TRUCK LINE IN MARION COUNTY Very valuable franchise and I.C.C. rights. Late model trucks, warehouses, and real estate. $37,000, E Z terms. Gearin St Co.. Newberg. Cdl97 LOT for rent at 3205 N. Portland Rd. Heart of the business district N, of underpass. One acre ground. $35 per month. Ph. 24169. cdl96 Sandwich&Confectionary Fully equipped, new building, also liv ing quarters. HIGH SCHOOL trade, lard for couple. Everything goes, $10,750 DUNN Realty Exc. Woodburn, Orecon 984 N. Pacific Hlway Ph. Main 136 cdl97 No Blue Sky One of the better grocery St markets In Salem at inventory price. Gross sales opprox. 1 17,000 per month. Long lease and modern fixtures. If you'e looking tor a market with a good established business call Pat JarviU for appoint ment Rostein & Adolph Inc. 1104 N. Com'l 8t. Ph. 33030: eves. 36S69 cH9e' For Sale Court 8 small houses with fireplaces and a 3 bedroom house, mod., big living room, fireplace and hot water heat, sprinkling system. This place of 8 A. Li covered with a nice grove, also creek St springs and located on 99E Just outside of city limits. Term: See A. A. Larsen 191 So. High St., Salem. Ph. 38829 cdl98 ATTRACTIVE restaurant on 99E N. Sa lem. Would make nice drive-in. Phone 23326. cdl96 80i0 FRAME building suitable for ware house, wholesale, etc. Located on paved alley. 10 blocks south. Price $3250. Ph 36196. cdl96 INCOME PROPERTY - 20 ACRES 15 acres growing crops, 5 acres summer fallowed, beautiful building site. Terms. Priced to sell. Write Capital Jounral Box 278. cd' BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED Need taverns, groceries, restaurants, service stations and motels or courts. Have out of state buyers for all of the abovt. Phone 3-7983, room 320. Oregon Bldg. cdJ12 GOOD INCOME grocery store and fix tures. 3 gas pumps. 8 cabins. 3 ml. N of underpass on My 99E. W. J. Jarms. Rt. 7 Rot H5. Sslem. Ph. 24319. cd307 FURNITURE FOR SALE LOVE SEAT like new with down filled cushion. Also almost new full sited Hollywood bed. Ph. 3-7530 after 6 or on Sunday. dl98 lD DAVKNoTteO N. High. Ph. 1-8377 dl6$ PHONE 3-3147 .197 WANTED FURNITURE HIGHEST prices paid for furniture and household articles. Nothing to big or em, Ph. 38558. da207 USED FURN. Check our prices. Valley Furn Co.. 285 N. Com'l. Ph. 27472. da 208" HIGHEST PRICES paid. Phone Olenn at Woodry Auction Market Ph 3-5110 da FOR SALE LIVESTOCK A HEIFER and 2 Holstein bulls from college herd. Can be registered, old enough for service. Joe Brlnkmon. Brooks, Ore. el96 FOR SALE Berkshire boars. Papers avail able. Ph. 31501. Rt. 4. Box 830. el96 LIVESTOCK WANTED BONDED AND LICENSED livestock buyer. E. C. McCandllsh, 1127 8 25. Ph. 3-8147 ea205' PETS REG. IRISH Setter pups for sale at 410 uandaiqria Blvd. Ph. 3-9440. ec20r FOR SALE Male Dalmatian puppies. 4060 IJurbln Ave. Ph. 2-0091. ecl97 j-rrrrrrrrrrrr,,,, TRI CITY FUEL PHONE 27442 16' Slab Wood and Edgings Fresh Cut Screened Sawdust 12" Inside Mill Wood Dry Wood ASK FOR SAiH GREEN STAMPS CALL HIGHWAY FUEL 'FOR Dlese! and Stove Otis. FRESH CUT SAWDUST Dry Slab Wood Dry Plainer Ends St Block Wood Ph 26444 PHILLIPS BROS Old fir, oak, ash Sz maple. 4' fir, 16" slab and edgings. Ph. 31458. ee West Salem Fuel Co. 16 IN. DRY OR GREEN SLAB WOOD DRY PLANER ENDS OLD GROWTH BLOCK WOOD, 16-IN. CLEAN - NO BARK SCREENED SAWDUST RURAL DELIVERIES DIESEL AND STOVE On, Phone filem 2-4031 Also pick up wood at 1525 Edgewater St.. West Salem ee GET YOUR winters fuel now and save, uuoa ciean sawaust, dry St green slab dry and green edgings. Oregon Fuel Co. FOR SALE POULTRY NEW HAMPSHIRE chicks for Immediate oi iiuure delivery. Hatches every Tues Fox Hatchery, 3830 State St. Ph. 3-4969 NEW HAMPSHIRE chicks every Thurs day Ph. 2-2861. Lce"s Hatchery f PRODUCE PEARS 75c BU. 7 MILES NORTH ON NORTH RIVER RD. AT CLEAR LAKE DAVE SCHLAG Rt. 2, Box 259 ffl98 BARTLETT PEARS U-Pick 75c. Delivered si.oo. Bring containers. N. Hlrons Rt. 8 Box 740 Dallas Highway. Ph. 22251. If200 CANING BEANS U-Pick 4c lb. Clear Lake bp an farm. Rt. 2 Box 274, Salem. Ph. 31859. ff!98 SWEET CORN, cucumbers. Sllverton Rd.. Hollywood Dr. Ph. 2-2678, Wm. Ridings. ff 198 BARTLET PEARS at 75c a box. Bring ooxes. Emu Folk, Rt. 6, Box 308 on Swe gle road. ff 196 SLAPPY PEACHES in their prime. Soon gone. tiDerias rriaay. m. r. Adams, Wallace Rd. Ph. 22216. ffl98 GRAVENSTEIN Apples, Bartlett Pears, urawiora reaches at waiianaa. j. c. Savage. Ph. 31344. ff200 HILL GROWN PEACHES Slappys and Pears now ready. Wind falls, C raw lords, Imp. Elbertas, Hales, Mulrs and prunes soon. Rollln Beaver. Up Glen Cr. Rr. Ph. 47F2. ffl99 GOLDEN CROSS sweet corn at Its best now for canning or freezing. 3497 N River Road or call 3-7110. Dinty Moore. ff 198 CHOICE BARTLET Pears, $1.50 bu. or U- pick $1.00 bu. Allrma Motel. 3645 Port land Rd Bring boxes. Ph. 24510. ffl99 OUR HIGHLAND Slappy peaches are now ready, improved Elberta later. Puritan Cider Works, West Salem. ff!99 lANNING SWEET CORN 2c an ear. Call Mr. A. Hickman on route 4, Baxter rd 2-8135. III96 PEARS U-pick. Bring container. 70c box. Ph. 2-7152. ff201 SLAPPY PEACHES, pears Ss apples. T. C Mason, rt. 2, box 267, Salem. 6 mi. N. on Wheatland rd. Ph. 3-1260. ffl99 SWEET CORN, canning, Buy dor. or sack. tn. 21319. II19B" SLAPPY PEACHES now ready. Carl As- plnwall Orchards at Brooks. Phone 21261. ffl96 BARTLETT PEARS, sweet corn, tomatoes speer mellons. apples, plums St etc. Orders taken for all. Leon's Fruit Stand 4905 N. River Rd. ffl98 RASPBERRIES, strawberries, boysenber- rtes, pea cues, cucumoers, tomatoes, ap ples. Frigaard Fruit Farm, 4 Mil North Of Reiser School. ff200 HELP WAtSTED MAN & WIFE to care for grounds and edifice of a Protestant church. Part time salary Job which would not In terfere with reg. work. Ph. 3-4619 for appointment gl96 HOPPICKERS WANTED, starting Aug. 18th. Good picking. Call 31766. Orey hop Ranch. Rt. 2. Box 197, Salem. gl96 HOP PICKERS WANTED. Long run Of early and lates. Stadell Bros., Sllverton. Ore., Ph. Green 183 or Blue 213. g204 BEAN PICKERS. Bishops, South River roaa. io minutes irom saiem. bus leaves 12th and Mission 6:00, Farm Labor office 6:30. Ladd St Bush Bank 6:35. south on Commercial to Owens. For information call 3-6137, gl98a NOW REGISTERING bop pickers. SI de posit required lor caoin reservation John J. Roberts St Co.. Salem. g HQP PICKERS WANTED BROWNS ISLAND 1 MILES SOUTH OF SALEM EARLY HOPS - PH. 23107 USED TRUCKS ' SEE AND COMPARE THESE TRUCKS WE CHALLENGE YOU TO FIND BETTER BUYS OMC 6 wheeler tagalong 4-71 GM diesel ayncromesh main and 6031 aux. air brakes motor, transmission, real axle At cab like new good tires Highway logger special, 1943 GMC model 60S and Wentworth St Irwin dual axle trailer 10.0020 tires motor, axles, transmission and S315G brakes, ready to co on your Job a real buy OMC model AC 3032-4 yd. dump new axle, and steering reconditioned a bargain V 1936 Chevrolet lk Ton Panel good clean del. Only $275 1940 14 ton International D 35 II ft. platform stake motor, ?77f! brakes, rear end, top condition $' '3 1946 Streamliner Pontlac "S" SedanetteR&H, single owner a nice clean job. For quick sale priced $326 below market. Check this 4110 one better hurry tpJ.i.t7U MANY OTHER TRUCKS TO CHOOSE FROM Truck Sales & Service 655 N. Front Street Phone HELP WANTED MALE PHOTOGRAPHIC salesman with retail ex perience, to become head clerk. Must be 36 or over and have amateur photo exp. Exc. opportunity for right party. Write Box 302, co Capital Journal. gal98 MAN WANTED to operate power suction cleaner. Used by us in furnace cleaning. Full time employment. Interesting op portunities. Good pay. Holland Furnace Co. 320 Kearney St.- gal99 MARRIED MAN between ages of 34-30 with car to train for position with large Ins. co. Opportunity for advance ment to right party. Phone 2-3872 for appointment. gal96 SALESMEN: Must be experienced In work goods St shoes. Apply Bishops Cloth ing St Woolen Mills store. gal97' HELP WANTED FEMALE WOMAN GROCERY clerk. Experienced only need apply. Pn, 2-1836 alter 7 p.m. abiea- EXECUTIVE position lor woman 35-45 for pleasant permanent work. Full or part time. Sales experience helpful. Phone 3-6357 between 8 and 10 a.m. lor appt. gbl98 EXPERIENCED beauty operator. Ph. 33836. gbiOl REGISTER for turkey picking now. North west rouiiry ana uairy rroaucis uo. 1505 N. Front St. gbl99' EXP. SALES LADY St alteration lady In ladles ready to wear store. Must be exp., no others need apply. Esther Fos ter. 260 N. High St. gb!96a SECT. OR Steno. needed by Salem firm. Exp. helpful but not nec. Write Box 300 Capital Journal. gbl97 WOMAN housework, stay night 3 adults. 695 N. Liberty. gbl9B EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES OFFICE AND CLERICAL POSITIONS CONTACT Commercial Placement Agency 380 State St Ph. 3-1488. f WANTED SALESMAN OUT OF WORK OR ON SHORTER HOURS? Write us Immediately regard ing opportunities to supply consumers with Rawleigh Products, full time in city of Salem, No experience needed to start. For interview, write Rawleigh Co., Dept. ORH-155-198, Oakland, Calif. ggl96 WANTED POSITIONS EXPERT LANDSCAPE service. Designing, cultivating, constructing, planting, pruning, trimming, picket fences, rock eries, new lawns. Call 2-8668 after 5:16 and all day Saturday and Sunday. hl96 NEW LAWNS prepared St seeded. Light tractor on rubber with dozer. Ph. 28127, Duane Wolcott. 1.231 NEAT APPEARING youna man with sales iMIlty. Age 29 yrs. Married. Desires po- - sltlon with good firm about Oct. 1. Ph. 2-5973. hl97 TREE WORK, topping, trimming, re moving, insured operator, jonn rayne, 248 S. Church. Ph. 26014. hl99 FINE PAINTING, papering. Ph. 3-5522 h207 Mimeographing-Typing POE'S 665 North 16th Phono 3-3643 h207 TELEPHONE CALLS TAKEN. 24 hr. serv. ice Former phone opr. Ph 3-5072. h204 DRESSMAKING St alterations Ph. 3-9840 after 3 h203 TREE WORK, topping, trimming, remov ing. Ins. op Work guar. W. H McAllis ter, 840 Trade. Ph. 2-1496 h201 INTERIOR PAINTING. Exp. Ph. 3-6796 h201 CI.MENT WORK wanted. Ph. 2-4850 ti EDUCATION WELDING SCHOOL Avail yourself of opportunity to learn good trade that pays top wages. Oldest welding school in NW. GI APPROVED WELDING SCHOOL 530 NE Sacramento. Portland - MU 9680 hh306 FOR RENT ROOMS NICE SLEEPING room. men. 448 Center St. Rear Woodrow Bldg. Jkl96 MODERN, CLEAN, quiet sleeping room with private bath and additional read ing room with davenport. Garage for car. $35 month. Ph. 3-9340 after 6:30 P.m. or 205 S. 23rd. Jkl98 SLEEPING RM. PH. 34335. Jk201 SLEEPING SMS. for men. Prlv. entr. & Ph Dy. or Mo. 1505 N. Capitol Ph. 3-3435 Jk204 NICELY FURN. sleeping rm. Close In. 388 N. Winter. Ph. 38142. Jkl97 HOLLYWOOD rms 3035 McCoy Pb. FOR RENT APARTMENTS RM. APT., electric range Sz heat. 675 S. 12th. Jpl98" CLEAN 1 rm. apt. Men preferred. 633 Ferry. Jp196' 3 RM. partly furn. apt. 2697 Brooks St. JP198 3 RM. furnished apt. 550 N. Summer. Am bassador Apts. Jpl97 ATTRACTIVE 4 room apt. 1st fir. Furn- isnen. Adults only. 190 s. 35tn. en. 35045. Jpl97 CLOSE IN 3 rms. Bath. Prl. ent. 668 N. High. Ph. 3-6687. Jpl98 S RM. newly decorated unfurn. lower flat. priv. bath & 2 ent. Gas stove lurn. Ph. 20328. 1358 8. Com'l. Jpl97 I RM. turn. apt. Prlv. outside ent. St bath. Ph. 36093. 2035 McCoy. Jpl99 I'NFURN. APT. Large bdrm. Living rm Dinette. Kitchenette. Bath room with shower. A.B. kitchen ranie. Elec. heat, light At water furn. Children, dogs & cats accepted. $65. Ph. 3-6081, Jpl96 t ROOM furn. apt. water, lights St fuel furnished. 135 month. Ph. 33429. Jpl97 To Place. Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 short block, rear end, front t79 Salem, Oregon ql97 8-9131 FOR RENT HOUSES ATTRACTIVE 3-rm. furn. apt., all electric, $65. Also 2-bdrm. unfurn. house, $50. Bus service. 1 ml. S. 12th St. Junc tion on 99E. Jml96 5 BDRM. FURN. HOME. $75 per month. Rawlins Realty Hollywood Dlst. Ph. 2-4684. Jml 1 iml98 5 ROOM HOUSE Nicely furnished, Hollywood dlst. Jefferson St. jmi98 i-BDRM, FURN. home. Close to school. 380 Grove. Jml97 EXCHANGE THE use of a 3 bdrm. Salem bungalow for use of a 2 or 3 bdrm. house In ortland. Ph. 39766. Jml97" FURN. 2 rm. apt. Ph. 3-6598. Jml96 NEWLY REDECORATED 2 BR flat with garage. Unfurnbihed. Private drive St entrance. Very attractive. $60. 3435 D St. ' Jml96 TODAY'S RENT MONEY CAN BUY A NEW HOME Large rooms, hdwd. firs., auto, heat, garage, elec. water htr., in city. L. E. Klumpp, 'Realtor 480 N. Church Ph. 2-7642 Eve. or Sun. 3-0343 or 2-0126 . Jm BDRM. unfurn. house. $65. Ph. 28778. Jml97 i BDRM. HOME with apt. upstairs. No children. 701 N. Church. Ph. 24848. tmlOfl FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE, desk space, Conv. loc. Ph. 39133. JJ1U POWER TOOL rentals for home and in dustrial use, Howser Bros. Ph. 3-3646. J FLOOR SANDERS for rent. Montgomery Ward. TO DO a good Job rent a good floor sand- r we Mil everything to complete the Job HOWSER BROS. - Ph. 3-3646 J "OOP USED PIANOS. H. L. Stiff. OFFICE spaces and desk spaces. Ph. 25692. J SEWING Machines Portable or Treadle. on an mages, rn. j-7671. J302' SMALL OFFICE space. Private entrance. tiwwi oi ugni. uooa location. 3704 State. $35. Inquire Howard Maple Sporting Goods. jigg WAREHOUSE with store or office front. ii iw vista, inquire ibu atate St. J197" OFFICE SPACE. Very reasonable. Jl&lf NEW FRUIT stand $30 per month. 3275 a. commercial. J 197 PARKING SPACE $4.00 per mo. 351 Cot tage net. unemeketa St Center. Call Cap ttal Auto Parts. Phone 39151. J197 BUSINESS RM. for rent. H. It. Stiff. J- U DRIVE trucks, cars. Ph. 2-9103. J TRAILERS $2.00 per day. Howser Bros. iiiu a mm, west oaiem. J" SINGER ELECTRIC portable sewing ma- ti.-iieo. neasonaoie rates, rree pick up St delivery Singer Sewing Machine Co. 130 N. Com'l. Ph. 33512 J WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO RENT Small trailer house iur me winter, rnone Jal96 WILLAMETTE STUDENT St wife desire attractive mm. 1 bdrm. apt. or house near university. Ph. 3-5328. Jains RESPONSIBLE Couple with daughter 6 neeas 2-odrm. home by Sept. 1st. Near grade school. Ph. 2-4984 evenings. Jal98 YOUNG EMPLOYED couple desire 2-b.r. uniurn. modern house by Sept. 3. Will pay to $60.00. Call Mrs. Wayne Harris at the Capital Journal. Jal98 MIDDLE AGED couple desire 3 rm apt. uiuum. cxcepi. ior range ec reirig. Will pay to $50.00. Write Capital Journal box 282. jalflS BDRM. unfurn. court or apt. .For 3 adults. Write Box 301 Capital jWnal. Jal98 YOUNG EMPLOYED couple with I '.4 yr. 01a son oesire n.r. uniurn. modern house by Sept. 3. Will pay to 560.00. Call Mrs. iWayne Harris at the Capital Journal jal98 ROOM AND BOARD FOR MEN: good home cooking. Clean and quiet. iua n. am. jj201 BOARD AND RM. 850 E St. Ph. 3-8706. JJ207 LOST AND FOUND li. LOST Old Hymnal. In Sears' new store Tnursday. Has sentimental value. Re ward. Call 3-9696. kl99 LOST: Tan zipper billfold. Ind. inclosed. important papers. Generous reward for return. Ph. 25133. kl97 LOST! Black Cocker Spaniel, wearing oiock narneas. Answers to name of Boots. Phone 3-4814. kl98 LOST: Sat. nglht, bill fold. Identification inciosea. uoerai reward. Ph. 3-6446. kl96 LOST: Plastic rim glasses. Ph. 2-6159. kl96 MISCELLANEOUS MONTGOMERY WARD SERVICE DEPT. Knows M-w appliances best. Call 3-3191. ext. 14 for pick up or estimate. ml98" DENTAL PLATE REPAIR i HR SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR. HARRY SEMLER DENTIST Adolph Bldg. State Si Commarcla) Sta. SALEM Phone 3-3311 m BUILDING MATERIALS CEDAR SHAKES WINDOWS 18" No. 1 primed shakes with under course $12.00 sq. New modern R.O.W. weather stripped windows. Many sizes in stock for immediate delivery. Low priced. C. G. Long. Ph. 2-5831. One mile north of Kelzer. mal99a Wrecking Another House 966 Center St. Lots of built-ins, plumb ing, doors, windows, lumber, etc. Se Chris in alley. mal97 DEAR CUSTOMER, insist on your con tractor and carpenter using the finest old growth vertical grain yellow fir finished lumber in Salem. On hand at Dick Meyer Lumber Co. 25 Lana Ave. Ph. 34939. Free parking. ma220" TWMJQ tTD 1 t-v- 1 vrr New doors $5.75 up. Glass doors flJl 30" St. 32" interior mahogany iiali doors $13.50. C. G. Long. Ph. 2-5821. 1 mile N. of Kelzer. mal96 '(Continued on Page 23)