N ;0 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Thursday, August 18, 1949 1 Born of the Storm By SIDNEY B. CARTER (Chanter 29) Prlscllla did not know how long le eat there on the narrow cot ilore Dennis came, but eventually le beard the barred door open and ose. They key clicked In the lock id the matron's footsteps went vay. Prlscllla looked up dazedly. It as Dennis. The young lawyer put his brief se on the iioor ana nis unns ound his girl. "Darling," he said ntly. "I just came to tell you that ertrude will be here this alter n with the money for your bail.' "But what ... oh, Dennis 25 lousand dollars!" Prlscllla could t believe It. "I out a mortgage on the house. ennis explained, and then In an jer to her look 01 concern: "uon Drry, dear, I'll get it back when ie time comes." Dennis kissed her, picked up s brief case and left. Prlscllla imDosed herself to wait for aft- noon to come . . . and Gertrude, was harder, she found, to wait r freedom when it was so close an to sit hopelessly, as she had :en doing, knowing nothing, ex iting nothing. That afternoon, Just as the sun ys began to filter timidly through ie barred window, Priscilla was Id to get her things together and me along. She had been bailed it. As she walked out of the door of ie Jail with Gertrude and into the ee spring air once more, Prlscllla It exhilarated. For awhile, at ast, she would not have to think the trial to come. A whole week ' freedom. Priscilla had never iprcciated freedom before. She oked at the faces of people on the reet. They seemed to lake It as matter of course tnat tney snouiu ! walking around, free as air. hey don't know how wonderful is. sne tnougnt. uney can t un irstand . . . "How are we going to get to ennis' house?" she asked the tall unette who walked beside her. "Dennis' car, naturally," Gcr ude answered. "I've got the keys. "Dennis is certainly bossy these vys," Gertrude was saying, as the w-slung coupe took them past mernld Valley and on out into the mntry. "Whv?" Gertrude chuckled. "He didn't ;k me if I could let my muslc ipils go for a week and come it to stay with you. e torn me.' ie shook her head admiringly, -low there's a man." "Gertrude, are the police mak g any effort to find that man ho hit me over the headv Lies- ration crept into her voice in lite of her euorts to Keep it caun, eadv. "Couldn't say. honey. We'll ask ennis when he comes home to ght." Gertrude turned the car to the road that led up the hill to to house. "I do know." she added, hat Dora and Mrs. Kent and poor d Mr. Kent are all being held i material witnesses." The car came to a halt In the 'iveway and the two girls sat there. .Iking. "Where are they?" Priscilla was lzzlcd. She didn't see what point lere could possibly be In holding ie Kenljs when, according to in ector Duffy, they had all testl ed against her. That could mean lly one thing that none of them id seen the real murderer when 3 entered the house that night. Or ;rhaps it meant that one of them id seen and for some reason was 5t telling. Maybe Inspector Duffy asn't so sure , . . "Mr. and Mrs. Kent are at the mnty Jail." Priscilla was startled, hen they had come to the hearing i custody the same as she had. ut why? They hadn't done any ling or had they? All sorts of Visibilities came into her mind, op, certainly, could be discarded I a possible murderer. Even It he od been drunk, which he wasn't, e could not have killed so much i a mouse. Mrs. Kent? Priscilla lought of the slashed throat, the idence of a crime committed in ie heat of insane passion, and dts irded her second theory. Mrs. ,ent wasn't that crazy! "Where is Dora?" "She's at the Home of Dclln lcnt Children," Gertrude snid. lot that she's a delinquent child, I course. That Just happens to be ie only place they could keep her 5 the moment." Dennis telephoned at tlx o'clock that he would spend the night in town. He intended to work very late, he said. His voice sounded tired , . . and worried. "Darling is there ... Is there anything new?" Priscilla asked. "Yes, there is," Dennis told her, his tone brightening a little. "I've been working on Duffv to tell all and believe me it hasn't been easy but I found out one thing. There are otner iingernrints on the mur der weapon beside yours. That helrjs They've been sent to the FBI for checking." frisciua turned awav from thp I teiepnone with a feeling of help lessness. She wished she could do I something actively to solve this mystery that threatened her. Frustration nossessed her so com pletely she could scarcely eat the aeucious iooa lorn had prepared lur ner ana ueriruae. in aetec-( tlve stories, she thought resentful ly, me noroine goes around pick ing up clues and things. In real life, apparently, one didn't. One simply sat and waited. "Won't It be wonderful." said Prlscllla suddenly one afternoon as. sne ana Gertrude sat in deck chairs, their backs to the warm May sun. "if Dennis and I get married and have children nnri noia on to Tom at the same t me?" She began to speak her thoughts all In a rush, the force of her dream sweeping her away for the moment. I mean. If Tom takes care of the house so well, I'll have all the more time to spend with the children . and Dennis . . ." The beautv of her dreams carried her that far ana then she stoDDed. lnats not going to naDoen." she added abruptly and went into the house to cry alone. no ue uonunued) 3074 SIZES 12 n A Wonderful Line New notes for Fall Flattery I The back-dipping tunic provides majestic grace against the stem-sum skirt ... the upper losing gives a snug, smooth lit. No. 3074 is cut in sizes 12. 14. 16, 18. 20. 30. 38. 40. and 42. Size 18, 3 yds. 39-ln. Just outl The FALL-WINTER FASHION BOOK presenting fash ions they are wearing now and new styles to come, uver ioo practical, easy-to-sew, up-to-the-minute pat tern designs for all ages. Remember, it's smart to sew your own and save money. Order your copy now, price just 20 cents. To obtain this pattern, send 20c in COINS, giving pattern number, your name, address and zone num ber to Peggy Roberts, Capital Jour nal, 828 Mission street, san fran cisco 3, Calif. R2853 a Flower-of-thc-Month Here is the btninn.nf? of a series of "How-er-of-t he-month" de-signs to em broider! sttirtUiR off the colorful parade Is the vividly beautiful pop py lor Aimnst . . . the demure morning-Blory for September. 1 Pattern Envelope No. R2853 con tains hot-Iron transfers for 8 motifs each of poppie.i and morning glories, measuring from 7 x 6 Inches to 4 x 3 inches; color charts, stitch il lustrations, material requirements und complete directions. To obtain this pattern, send 30c in COINS, giving pattern number, your name, address and so ne num Iwr to Penny Roberts, Capital Jour nay, 8118 Mission Street. San Fran cisco 3, Calif. ,t hyjr? 'M '. 828 Mission Street, San Fran- I ir i ma 10 a umc, ohui uv, -i r w THtut I bi tvt 1 t ttT IN ,' I i5 I I LITTLE MISS I 1 dchvlk, i K.yjuj-t uicvc i w,"-v waoin I oukc P1Jwr5r"2'y it ,A B" FAKER 5 WITHOUT THE EACK-yVvOKE V0U UP FRONT OF YOUR VOICE ON l Bit jTr" (lijf"i NW"" g-S!r" 'j I ' ' ' V 1 ' l i 'i n v. w z: 1 i a J-K o1 A J 'o . Wn X. 0 EwwfeWwWfamn'iBiMiiwiiiMiiiii ha! now WHERe th' wctter? y" , fcy here's th' water keg b W THERBB A LANTERN AND THAT W NO ICE O COURSE-QEE! NO CjOTHlH: ): . ffl B-BUT IT'S IT'S EMFTV I Siafl I CAN-YEP-MATCHES-I HOPE THERES Wk SEEMS AS HOW THOSE SHELVES "i. 'f WEV6 6gT TO GET WATEl Kt! p IM "rHIS thinq ifi "jljf VOU RETHROU6H TAKE IT EASV,AMSY-.I THEEE AlNiTroU ,VES THERE N f OH ,MY ACWIN'SACK'.I THS I EyPERIMEMTIM y KNOW JUST WHAT 1 DID) 6CWNA BEIS-YOO MADE A 'I'LL HAFTA TAKE )Ul!!! T t Wp,RITi,,1:?llte,URA'1D TWE NEyT MUD ) NO NEXTBARSAIM AND ANOTMER MUDeATHl-Nv. U LWORSei5 HEN 1 PAId)1CK WILU BE PERFECT S!e2LN?!-5'TIC,", VTO 6IT THIS C!SMS r..'rnl.'5 W5?5?7 t-Hn?-A BOOrFUL GAL LKE MOONBEAM I tVjsSliVA 1 IV Z I fcONE FAULT j&mk. THESE WOODS AT NICHT.'-THAR MKHT II Xwft til I rfOT.WSj JtT? WELL. HOW IS ( pRETTy Y XLW POLSE IS V YOU'RE I WELL, VOU CAN KwELL-TWO M HFPE's TWO BUttKsl MV PATIENT J GOOD, I S AS STEAPY JhOLDIMP ) GET UP IN A FEW JhOW 1 LLARS FOR fj3f FOR TOE MEDICBINF M T TODAy? DOC. I AS A CLOCK 1 My '., TWS I I WOM'T jj mch THE MEDICINE 9l THEEDffllNE- U fA "OW V nr-n WR'SI BECOMING M AND EIGHT Vj ItL PAY T f7 I AREo C7 J ANVMORE J I DOLLARS FOR BACK THE VISITS J J vjjy RADIO PROGRAMS 'KSLM urn i THURSDAY -P.M. KGW ikoco r KOIN riOB Walter Troban Wonana Secret Bfarthra ftanch Cyri Maney :IB Frank HrminKfa7 Sunny Side . Bhrthm Rancb Mttle Shew h :S0 Fassinc Parade N'ewi Biog Crosby Senn f Pi alrlei M New Richard Parknen Spert Page Larry USeuer m M B-Bar-B Eancb String Serenade Candle Uxbt and Knei Manning g- .Ift B-Bar-B Ranch String Serenade Silver Band n Parade ki:Ml Adv. of Champ. Symphony Salute Newt Cbet Baolley JT' : Muele Elmgr Petereon Bill Btern Stwt 7:00 Gabriel Heatter Nelion Eddy Pat O'Brien Escape ;IS Northwest Newe Nehion Eddy Musical Jaokpet Escape :80 Westeoast Janes Mason Bandstand Crime Pbeteg, : Ramblers James Mason Dngout Pope Crime Photog. A :00 Medicine Drama Fred Waring Baseball First Nlgbtcr JJ Ifl Mtjiie Home Fred Waring Baseball First Nlgbter Morgan Manner Dranet Baseball Dane Oreh. Morgan Manner Dragnet Baseball Dane Oreh. sm. 00 Bop Along Cassldy Sapper Clnb Baseball Chas. Colllngwood L:16 Hop Along Cassldy News of World Baseball Cbleagoani :S0 Coast Surrey Silent Partner Baseball Mr. Keen ' Coast Sarvey 8 lent rartaer BasebaU Mr. Keen A "D News News Baseball Five Star Final lfl:la Select Local News B ports Pare Final News Keundup Sunset Serenade llj 30 N' " Bands sf Land Track 1190 Spin to Win . Music Band Way an Track 14W Spin to Win sa 0(1 Walter Trohan 3am Hayes Track 1490 Serenade 1 I :l Bob Poole Show Wax Mnseaai ' Track 14!H You A the Warld P 1 :!I0 Bob Poole Show Wax Mbscbsb Track 1490 Orchestra L 48 Mask Wax Museum Track 1490 Orchestra 12:00 Sign Off Sign Off Sign Off Silent "" FRIDAY- 6 A.M. TO 4:45 P.M. m 90 Newt Hodge Podge News p ilfl Dawn Patrol News KOIN Kltch f" ):3(1 Nerthwest Newa Hodge Podge KOCO Klock KOIN Kleek .:W March Tin. Podge Podge KOCO Klock KOIN Klock 7:W Dawn Patrol Farm Time Tex Rltter KOIN Kleck :1ft Dawn Patrol Farm Time News It Sports News :H0 Dawn Patrol The Old Songs Top e' Horning Newa i4a Nrwg News News Fred Beck g :00 Newi Smooth Music Western Melodies Consumer Newa Breakfast Gang Smooth Music Western Melodies Art Baker 30 Muxir Riders of Saga Stars Sing Make Believe 2 !" Top Tffcdea Sam Hayes Church In Wild Make Believe 9! Bargain Counter Second Cop Melody Time focal Varieties :B Rise and Shine Second Cup Melody Time Sews Sons o( Pioneers Jack Berch Without Words Grand Slam Music News J. Chas. Thomas Rosemary I A 100 Northwest News Hostess ' House Guest Artist Wendy Warren , B Kate Smith Sings Hostess House Northwest Reports Aunt Jenny Vy :S2 ''tor'i Call Tommy Dorsey Concert Miniature Helen Trent J WHes Walts Tommy Dorsey Concert Miniature Our Gal Sunday sa :00 News Lopeg Orcb- Glass Wax Big Sister " fl I :1ft Gospel Singers Lopex Oreh. Glass Wax Ma Perkins 1 11 :0 Perry Como Today's Children Glass Wax Young Dr. M alone " ! Walti Serenade Lora Lawton Glass Wax Guiding Light I! gfll :0 ToD Trades Double or Nothing Hollywood Muslo News " ' I S Newi Double or Nothing Hollywood Musle Come Get II I ; Queen for a Day News News Norah Drake . M Queen for a Day Light of World Ted Dale Presents brighter Day 1:00 Ladles First Life beautiful Mac's Melodies 2nd Mrs. Burton A Ladles First Road "f L.fe Mac's Melodies Perrr Mason :$Q Northwest News - Pepper Young Mac's Melodies BrlghtA Light 48 Bob Ebcrly Show Happiness Mac's Melodies Alr-flo ?:0 Tell Neighbors Backstage Wife Mac's Melodies Newspaper of AJr :I0 Johnson Family Stella Dallas Mac's Melodies Newspaper of Air Organ Reveries Lorenso Jones Mac's Melodies Winner Take All fB Bing Sings Wldder Brown Mac's MeloJIes Tunefully Yours J :0 Against the Storm A Girl Marries Mac's Melodies News ' JF -Ifi Against the Storm Portia Faces Life Mac's Melodies Meet the Missus y:SQ Muslo Just Plain flll Mac's Melodies Meet the ftllssna : Novelties on Par. Front Page Farrell Mac's Melodies Robert Q. Lewis 4:00 Say It With Music Welcome Traveler Movie Time RobertQLewls " tlft Say It With Music Welcome Traveler Philosopher Robert Q. Lewis ;30 Song of Our Aunt Mary Byers Bedlam Robert Q. Lewla :4B News We Love Learn Brers Bedlam Robert Q. Lewis DIAL LISTINGS: REX. 1190; ROAC. 550 rOAp Thursday P.M. B: 00, On the r WAV Upbeat i 6:60. MO Sports Clubt lpy Thursday P.M. 8:00, Squirrel r Canes 6:30. Johnny Luiack: 6:00, WELUNOVV, RUSTY, NOBOPY RIHTL" If NOWS THATS WHAT PROF. TERf?IS Anp mis party was tryin' to RNP OUT WHEN THEY WAS LOST Rpp 7 ! ' . . , t i"1 WELL WOW T PPBSONALLV Bl6 AS THIS THEV WAS' 7 60U.VWHAF rtto ONLV j KM Twe THREE TOES.. I SAW 'EM WITH COULDVB D VOU MEAN THERE ARE A B 1 6 U ?ARsTTaNP A MV EVES.. 'ON THE BEACH V MAOISM, " STRAN6E ANIMALS ON I FEW STT?ANfiE PLAWTS.. w vffl &AL.TY f VAK .. i oue. chance; pT" g Kepinr Vp With SporUt 6:15, Home Edi tion Newsi 8:80, Modern Romances i 1:00, Headline Edition) l:lff, Timer Davtst t:M. Damon Runyon Theatre; 8:00, Counterspyt .SQ, First Hundred Versi 0:00, Original Amateur Ifouri 9:1.1, Music for Dreaming! 10:00, Richfield Reporter) 10:15. Inter metzoi 10::i0, Concert Hourt 11:30, Memos to Tomorrow) 12:00, Xtra Hour) 1:00, Sign Off. IFV Friday A.M. fl:00, Early Bird) VE.A 6:43, Dirt Doctort 7:00, Wash burn Newm 7:10, Band Bout 7:30, Bob Hazen Showt 1:45, Time Tempos t 8:15, Martin Agronskyi 8: HO, Zeke Manners! 8:1,1, Troplcanai 9:00, Breakfast Club! 10:00, Neivsi 19:15, Stars of Today! 10:30, r. elody Promenade; 11:00, Ted Malpnet 11:1.1 Oft 1 en Drake) 11:30, My True Story f 12:00, Betty Croc km 12:15, Newsi 18:30, Bnukhaxe Talykingj 12:45, Nancy Crairt 1:00. Northwesterners; 1:80, Kay West; 3:00, Breakfast in Hollywood! 2:30, Easy 6:00, News; ff:15. Dinner Melodies: 6:30. 'Round the Cam pf I ret 7:15, Evening Farm Houri 8:00, You and Your Security! 8:15, Great Songs I 8:80, Program of Canada) 8:45, Loggers' Fire Weather Forecast, News: 9:00, Musle That Endures! 9:45, Lift Up Thy Volcet 10:00, Excursions In Sci ence! 10:15, Serenade! 20:45. Newsi 11:00. Sign Off. If ft A Friday a.m. to 4:4B p.ss. IWMI 10:00, The News: 10:16, fcv peclally for Womem 11:00. The Concert Hall; 12:00, News: 13:15, Noon Farm Hour: 1:00, Ride 'een Cowboy: 1 tlS, Variety: 1:80, Melody Linn 2:00, Caval cade In Drama: ttit, Memory Book of Music: 8:00, News, A mi 1:45, Meet th MenJousr S:M, Bar prise Package: 8:80, Bride and Groom t 4:00, Ladies Be Seated! 4:30, Add-a-Llne. Hewitt Descendants Gather for Reunion Dayton Ninety-six descen dants of the late Henry and Eliz abeth Hewitt, gathered togeth er for a reunion at the Dayton part:. The Hewitts came to Ore gon from Missouri in 1843 and settled in the Unionvale district. To this union were born nine boys and one daughter. Dr. L. L, Hewitt, Dayton, is the only living son of this union. Mrs. Bertha Tenant, Alameda, Calif., a niece of Dr. Hewitt, came tfie farthest for the reunion. This was the first reunion since 1942, Other relatives came from Lake view, Independence, Portland, McMinnvUle and Dayton. : . r- AC1068 1. Salamander 4. Italian seaside resort 8. Pierce with a pointed weapon 12. Meadow 13. Genua of the maplei 14. Roman garment 15. Womanly 17. Wfnnllke 18. Small depression 19. Back of a boat 20. Remove the rind !3. Collect 26. In the back 27. Old card game 28. Mountain In Alaska SI. Rents 33. Uzardllke animal 35. Chum 36. fjate: comb. form 88. Upright 42. Requests 42. Person of mixed bfood 5. Coxy home 7. Chief Norn god 48. Models 62. Sj-shaped molding fi). County In Nebraska T H6ATE RflHlATO A R r eprov c UaI i.1 1 v. a a lIoIeDe" nd1aJl e s P elsQsTN dRFflA NT A Ngls I LllA wEflS O A a e fssT ,sJ ' "g CENT ERB Lg jTri 0 Nil 3 P ERQ A R N E POg SRC ZtP N M 1 5 I JslS E T BO MEN T A g Ae L U P I H Q EST e sUd eserts Solution of Yesterday's Puzzl II. Devour , S5. Feminine nickname 'Ml w. ; ftl fe , ., W-jn i- 3S 9 9U 3l wr At fM wso si SC. Canvas sbeltw 7. At all DOWN t. Sprit. f, Cbarg. I. PP 4. Narrow road frosting j. pf th. tenth 7. Source ot metal t. Condition I. Endures 10. Edible seaweed 11. Farm building 16. Suggestions 19. Coast SO. Insect's feeler 21, Open court 22. Facts 24. Little child 26. Tears 29. Wharf 30. Insects 32. Understand 34. Wrathful 37. Richly decorated 40. BasebaU teams 41. Surgical thread 43. Debatable 44. Margin 46. Let It stand 45. Cooking utensB 49. Turmerlo 50. Feminine nlckns.ii. II. Pea I'm afraid this proposal 16 ONLV A RESULT OF VOUR DISAPPOINTMENT-. OVER BEBE, MR. GREENWOOD FRANKLY, MARY, IT COULD BE A 'UH - RETURN TO SANITY! I'VE DISCOVERED THAT, AT MV . AGE, A LITTLE YEARNIN0 IS A DANGEROUS THI NG 1 Vyr SflkZQT. :S ROOM AND BOARD . By Gen. Ahern X C VXM?WJ- ji-)X- ft?T UNCLE BERT AND t ARENT WELL, THEY tONY SNORE 1 yrJ -1--. -i-i " vs -i y S. ' k ALONE AS GUESTS IN THE KJ YOU SHOULD HEAR TH' TUBA ' Tjit, J V " ,-) 'ANNEX' -r-WE SHARE Ak,t IN TH' ROOM NEXT TO MINE"- ssJjW y f t '' Si: V THE PLACE WITH BARN igj ME GIVES YOU EVERYTHING - ttA.i CZZT 4 a JS-, A OWLS AND ALL THRU !1 FROM TW GARGLE OP A NILE t- -ff F- r . ot " i1 T f THE NIGHT I HEAR. THE VA CROCODILE TO A VACUUA & - j -S ' - -t---J- -V. SCAWERJNG OF RODENT fef-' CLEANER. GOING OFF i?r fr-&- -y 1 C V i-'V il's-T' FEET idtAvS. A RUG ONTO TH' ' ; tCif lf-. BARE FLO0R.tl ILLIStVLKfVK'lt SLUrr ? Vttot ; w SOMETHING FLIPPANT, PROBABLY: ' J Jrf I WV,. nFVT- fl TO YOU--OR CALL VOU "DREAM WHAT V -TO HIDE HIS VERY GENUINE JOY.' A CyHA ' il U G NX -Iff FLOWER - -OR ASK YOU TO FLATTER WOULD A J' VJf KSpTK . 1 '7 tllJJLLilJ ME WITH FIBS ABOUT HOW YOUNG jMNIOft. A Tl 7 7 xSOT dK ij'il "H VT sa- J ILOOKI--IWONTTRYTO A ; 'jl WW! & j COUNTERFEIT THE SUNSHINE f !l) 1 UL l-AWi NV JZtTW O '! A- V I OF SPRINGTIME- - BUT I CAN J "I 1 W'ik I -' KIS5 T'Aw'IA' I'"' 'tTV3'S lfl