IS Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Thursday, August 18, 1949 CSlLlwk r i w i a j None Other Has It! THE WASHER WITH THE THE GIANT 3-INCH WRINGER ROLLS ARE SAFER, FASTER EASIER TO USE AND MORE EFFICIENT PAY 5.00 DOWN 7.00 Month on Sean Easy Terms (Usual carrying charge) CHECK THE FEATURES COMPARE THE PRICE! Only Seals sells a washer that 'gives you the modern features of Kenmore! Newly developed Visi-Matic wringer is an open view type that permits an all-over view of wash going thru wringer. GIANT SIZE WRINGER ROLLS LARGEST EVER! Only Sears has it! Big 3-inch rolls and larger design wring er means more efficient, faster extraction of water from clothes. Smooth finish eliminates snagging, tearing of clothes. GIANT OVERSIZE TUB WASHES UP TO 9-POUNDS! Porcelain enameled tub washes up to 9-lbs. in one loading. 6-vane agitator provides water washing action. Automatic drain pump. 20-minute timer gives you semi-automatic operation. Iweaplar 4ealrn r B t w pjrlncar flvea vo 3A mora aatqal aipoaed wrlniar araa (aatarl l-Poallian wrlniar and pftwtr kf eanatruellon mean htltrr aalanea, mora eonvanlenoa. No need to art levrra or aad ira fnr he (Ian 3-ln. wrlnarr roll preaaure. Rnltl adjua automatically. s Newly developed Vll-Mntl wrlnfer permlta all-over view af laundry folnf throufk wrlnter rolla. IRONING IS EASY SAVES MORE TIME WITH KENMORE IRONER 15295 PAY 5.00 DOWN 7.00 Month on Sean Easy Terms (Usual currying charge) Its big 26-inch roll and simple to use controls make you an expert ironer right from the start when you own a Kenmore! . Thermostatic controls. .Double knee or finger tip controls. .See Kenmore today Sold exclusively by Scan! 1 I l1 41-Inch United Top Ken more Electric Range With Robotimer 22995 Terms Easy Here is value built-in! See the deluxe feature of this sparkling new Kenmore electric speed-cooking range! Has exclusive infrarod top burners and big Top-or-Well dutch oven cooker. Gives 25 more coking capacity. See the exclusive features of this big 18-inch oven Ken more at Sears! SEAR) ' 2 Cufc(c F Co"$Por sr " SHOP IN AIR CONDITIONED COMFORT I " pays to p . V CosPorS I . Se- r.rm, - fc:n?o-.o, -ft1,.. 1 lmm:! PLENTY FREE PARKING FREE PARKING 550 N. Cqpitol Phone 3-9191 7 noser 24995 OH Sf"?' 1 1.50 la "9 for 27 , fSt--e,an ISSN's vo;top:r- See r- u"ree of - eorj Sel ,dsp0' tod tiSfon sars"sove!todysHoP.Qn; Stort Hours: Daily, 9:30-5:30 Friday, 9:30-9:00