"ill : P a P 12 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Thursday, August 18, 1949 h P; .A J " ' ij T.. V U7t CONGRESS- . -V, SHOULD, 'INVESTIGATE BIG 5 MONOPOLY Injunction Served Harry Bridges (lelt), president of the ILWU, in picket line on the Honolulu docks, is served with a circuit court injunction prohibiting the picketing action, by Territorial Deputy High Sheriff John Young. Bridges con tinued to picket ln direct defiance of the Injunction. (AP Wirephoto) Landslide Buries 12Alivein Japan Tokyo, Aug. 18 P) Thirteen persons were buried alive today by a landslide in western Kyu shu island. Kydo news agency, In a dis patch from Saga prefecture, said rescue workers had been unable later to find any bodies. The landslide occurred in the village of Kita Taku. , Observatory reports from Fu kuoka said heavy rains through out Kyushu would break all rec ords for the past 60 years. Mishap at Playground Injures Lebanon Boy Lebanon Dick Huddleston 10-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Huddleston, has a fractured left arm, lacerated lip, nose broken in two places, and deep face scratches as the result of an accident on a slide in the playground of the federal hous ing area. The topmost child of three on the slide ladder, lost his footing causing the Huddles ton boy to be thrown to the ground, a distance of five feet Cheese will be hard and tough if it is cooked too long or at too high a temperature When a dish containing cheese is baked in the oven it's a good idea to keep the temperature moderate. When a cheese com bination is cooked on top of the range it should be put in a heavy saucepan and the heat kept very low, or put in a dou ble boiler over hot, not boiling water. Networks War Plans Made New York, Aug. 18 m The war between the networks" Is ready to go into all-out action. Plans for NBCs campaign, the largest and costliest promo tion and publicity effort in the history of the network, were announced by Charles Ham mond, NBC vice president. The promotion phase will be a three-pronged drive employ ing the combined potential of radio, newspaper and magazine promotion. Every possible type of on-the- air promotion will be employed There will be announcements on sustaining programs, cross reference announcements on commercial shows, announce ments at station breaks as well as commentator and disc jockey announcements. There will also be a network showcase" program and two regularly scheduled programs on which the stars of the network will appear. CBS promotion and publicity plans will include similar de vices to support "the greatest schedule of programs ever to be carried by any network." The CBS bigwigs recently held a special meeting in New York to lay the 1949-50 battle plans but the full extent of their gigantic program will not be revealed until a later date. inal captured here Sunday, has admitted taking part in rob beries totaling more than $62,000 in several states, police an nounced today. Mrs. Bircham led police to a cache of $7,516 last night. The money was found wrapped ln a green raincoat, hidden in a hole about one foot deep on a farm near West Point, Ky. Earl David Bircham, 45, is charged with the fatal shooting of Patrolman John Tennyson and serious wounding of Patrol man John Ross. His young wife was questioned by police for 14 hours yesterday. Polish OfficiaT To Seek Refuge Washington, Aug. 18 (U.B Tadeusz J. Rakowskl, resigned Polish consul general In Mon treal, is seeking political refuge in the United States today. His decision to desert the communist-dominated Polish government was revealed by Ar thur Bliss Lane, former 17. S ambassador to Poland. In a statement issued through Lane, Rakowski said: "I am a Catholic and I cannot accept the onslaughts of the com munist government upon the Catholic church." Child Gnaws Painf Off Furniture, Dies Hyattsville, Md., Aug. 18 UP) Four-year-old Claudette Garver loved to gnaw the paint off fur niture. She died Saturday. The county medical examiner certified her death resulted from lead poisoning. Claudette s three-year-old sis ter Elizabeth was treated at Children's hospital for the same ailment. Their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Garver, said for the past year the children persisted in chewing the paint from the fur niture in their home. Mrs. Gar ver said Claudette ignored all punishment to gnaw on furni ture "just like a little beaver." Atlantic Crossed In Small Sailboat Dartmouth, England, Aug. 18 ) Two daring .British broth ers completed today an epic Wife Aids Hubby In Many Robberies Louisville, Ky., Aug. 18 U.R) Mrs. June Bircham, 26, wife of the nation's number one crim- jaimjesiy PECTIN Weil-Known Man Felt Like Swollen Balloon Full of Stomach Gas "I'll be glad to tell anyone who writes to me what Kal-O-Dex has done ln my case," says A. H. Siemens. 915 North Ave.. Reedley Calif. "I was so constipated that rood would Bloat me up nice a uck It just seemed to lay in my stomach and sour and back up brashy ln my throat. Seemed al ways worse at night couldn't rest from rolling and tossing, then get up without any sleep, cranky and hard to get along with. Kal-O-Dex changed all that, lor now i m as regular as a clock no more gas and bloat, and sleep like a top. My wife says that I have a good disposition since taxing Kai-u-uex and look and feel better than I have in years." KAL-O-DEX is an Herbal Form ula containing medicinal Juices from 6 Oreat Herbs; these herbs cleanse bowels, clear gas from stomach, act on sluggish Intestines and kidneys. Miserable people soon feel different all over. So don't go on suffering. Oet kal-o-dex to day at all drug stores. Money Back Quarantee. MARKET m TOWN WHERE YOUR DOLLAR GETS TIME AND A HALF COTTAGE ROLLS Swift's Premium Sweet Hickory Smoke LB. 45c SLICED BACON Well Streaked LB. 45' BEEF LIVER Young Beef LB. 2 SWISS STEAL 59c U. S. GOVERNMENT INSPECTED FOR YOUR PROTECTION BEEF ROASTS I STEAKS I FRYERS I SHORT RIBS 42c ui:;;69c $U9 eoeh 29 Lean Tender Boneless No Waste Large Reds Lots of Lean Meat BONELESS POT ROASTS;- ,59' GARDEN FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES cf a,us I - TT5 50 LBS. SPUDS 99c forXTC Ripe X lbs. UC U. S. No. 2 Gems VINFfiAR I SNOW KREEM T FARMERS vmcuHR Soap powjer Shortening ATTENTION JOC Gal. n We Hare About 40 jC Pkg. ib. ISC 400 Potato Sacks Bri"9 J9 40 "n for Sale! Hot Master Bread Right from Oven, 4 P.M. rKELLrL I AYFL0"ER I CHEESE I Salad Dressing Cornflakes Margarine mmm 00s 3 74c ipmt 29c ltC Pkg. 22C Ib. 2-lb. Pkg. 1 Quart IGA... 49C IGA Store Broadway Grocery BROADWAY AND MARKET STREETS Open Sundays 8 A.M. Till 6:30 P.M. IGA Store 2,700-mile Atlantic crossing in a homemade 20-foot sailboat. Stanley Smith, 30, and his brother, Colin, 20, both veterans of the Royal Air Firce, set foot on land for the first time since leaving Halifax, N.S., in their cockleshell craft 43 days ago. After successfully braving storms, thirst and starvation for more than six weeks without aid, the brothers had to accept a tow from a harbor launch to make their triumphal entrance. The wind failed them B00 yards off shore. Lottery Slips Hid In Flowing Beard Boston, Aug. 18 P) Seventy-two-year-old Harry Ziedman's chest-length whiskers were, po lice charged, the depository for lottery slips. The slips were found in Zeld man's flowing white beard when he was arrested yesterday. He was held for arraignment on a charge of setting up and promot ing a lottery. Private Rites for Margaret Mitchell Atlanta. Aus. 18 Wl Private funeral services were arranged for Margaret Mitchell, and a loudspeaker system was set up so the public could hear last rites today for the famed au-j thor. I The 43-year-old novelist who penned "Gone With the Wind" died Tuesday of injuries re ceived when she was struck down by a speeding automobile. She will be burled in Oak land cemetery, where stands a monument to the south's un known Civil War dead The men ln gray whose story Miss Mitchell told in her Pulitzer prize winning novel. Hundreds of the soldiers of the Confed eracy are buried in Oakland. Mold flavoed gelatin ln an eight-inch square pan and when set cut in cubes; serve the cubes as a salad on a bed of shredded greens with sour cream dress ing; or serve as dessert in sauce dishes with safe custard sauce. .FUVOM im MLCS TO .-rT'UM Quality Meats 170 N. Com'l PEERLESS MARKET Store Hours: 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. At the New Bus Stop Courteous Service Phone 35704 o7lo77 HAMtwh.,. WC "UTT HALF, Ib. 59 C BRAND nilrlJ Ham. lb. SHANK HALF, Ib. 55c " HAMS 59c PICNIC Mssf Half or Whole Ib. est SIDE PORK s. J9c ' CHOICE YOUNG Shoulder MUTTON snouiaer M ROASTS lb 29C LEGS Half or Whole lb. 35c chops lb 29c STEWIb ilVlt SEASONING BACON SQUARES Ib. 12V2C FRESH DRESSED FRYERS HENS and RABBITS 4990 N. River Road Phone 2.8230 mm market Shop Every Day Shop The Easy Way These Prices Effective Friday, Saturday, Monday SWIFTNING 3 B73c DEL RICH MARGARINE ib. 31c MORTON'S r i I For Making Pickles kJk I 4 Ib. bag. 12c C&H CANE SUGAR 25 Ib. bag . 2.25 PICKLING VINEGAR wGBarZ Your 39c M.C.P. PECTIN 3 29c TODAYS &ZST&UY is WHITE KING! GIANT PKG. . 55c LARGE PKG. . . 25c Sierra Toilet Soap. .5 bars JL9i SCOTCH 1A. CLEANSER, pkg IUC Mission Bell M "l Q Toilet Soap . . t bars I C SWIFT'S TOMATO JUICE 46 oz. can . . 25c Garden Fresh Vegetables CRAWFORD PEACHES Large Basket 19c FRESH LOCAL CELERY ZL 10c NO. 1 WASHINGTON POTATOES 27c SUNKIST LEMONS Large Size Dozen . . . 39c KLEENEX Pack 3 pkgs. 79c SWIFT'S ROAST BEEF ST 53c HERSHEY CHOC-BITS . 19c SUNSHINE SHREDDED WHEAT 15c S&W APRICADE ctn" 39c 35c STATE FAIR BRAND tomatoes rr-fo, 10lb.bag .83c FAfflllY flOUPtJ or i on KEIZER SSwn MARKET JOWL BACON SQUARES, YOUNG BEEF LIVER 25c 49c BUSICK'S MARION STREET MARKET Tree parking Open Friday Sand Saturday . nr:i o I II o MONDAY THRU THURSDAY 'Til 6:30 Hunt's Yellow Cling Halves PEACHES No. lVi tin 2 fr 47c PICKET FAMILY FLOUR 5 .b 39c 10 ib, 73c 25 lb, $1.69 50,b. $3.29 Golden Ripe BANANAS 2 - 25c Oxydol Dux Rinso Lux Tide Ivory Flakes Ivory Snow Vel White King 25c LARGE SIZE KRAFT CHEESE soi. 10c GLASS " KRAFT DINNERS Ik ALLSWEET 1 lb. 29ctlfc 57e ASSORTED LUNCH MEATS . 45c IS lb. IN PRINT BAG lb. bog 1.07