Keizer Has Country Fair As Benefit for Scouting Keizer, Aug. 18 Preparations are complete for the- Keizer county fair carnival, to be held at 8 o'clock tomorrow night as a benefit for Keizer Scout Troop 41. The carnival is to be an outdoor affair at the Keizer corners and will include a wide variety of typical country fair events. Running the gamut from hog$ calling and husband calling to free outdoor musical entertain ment and movies, the event will feature assorted prizes. The country fair is expected to put the Keizer Scout troop over the top in its drive to col lect $500 to enable the troop to go to the Pendleton Round up. Leaving Monday morning by chartered bus, the Scouts will camp the rest of the week on the Umatilla river near Pendle ton and will spend a day and a half at the Houndup. This project, for which the troop has been gathering funds for nearly two years, will wind up a three-year period as Scout master for Mickey Hickman, who retires as local scoutmaster September 1. Hickman resigned following a unanimous vote by the troop requesting him to re main. He will be followed as scoutmaster by Otto' Yunker. Remaining as assistant scoutmas ter is Marvin Black, with Lloyd Woods being added as assistant scoutmaster. Street Paving Will Start at Lebanon Lebanon Work on the joint state-city paving program on Williams and Milton streets is due to commence sometime late this week, according to informa tion received at the city record er s office. Warren Northwest Construc tion of Portland, who will soon begin paving other city streets, received the state bid to hard surface Milton street from Main to Williams, and north on Wil liams to Grant. The state will assume part of the paving costs with the re maining costs assessed against property owners. The roadway will form the first half of a by-pass for trucks traveling through the city. School Board Counts Pennies Dallas Faced with high costs that will make the construction of the new Lyle school a narrow squeeze to get within the $250, 000 bond issue approved by the voters, the Dallas school board is seeking every means to cut the construction costs. The board has asked the city council to waive customary buil ding permits as required under a Dallas ordinance. On the gen eral contract . of $210,000, the usual fee would amount to $420 plus additional sums for plumb ing and wiring, depending upon the number of toilets and out lets. This request was based on the fact that the school is tax exempt and must conform to all codes even though no city inspection were required. Faced with the request, the council was in doubt as to the proper disposition of the matter at the regular meeting. Finally, the matter was turned over to the finance committee with in structions to check other cities as to the usual procedure in luch cases. Upon hearing that Bill Black ley, city auditor, had received word from the industrial acci dent commission stating that as many firemen as wanted could be covered under accident' com pensation, the council voted to give the volunteer department the right to extend coverage with a maximum of 50 men. Ai the present time only 25 are covered. William A. Boydston was ap pointed a member of the Dallas ambulance commission to suc ceed Eugene Hayter, who has re signed. Boydston's term will ex pire January 1, 1950. The ap pointment was by Mayor Hollis Smith and was confirmed by the council; Walt Whitman's poems, trans lated into Spanish, were featur ed at a recent open-air recital in Palermo, Argentina. DERRIA MARTIN Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Thursday, August 18, 1949 11 was in danger . . . because she helped a wounded man get away from two sinister-looking individuals. The man, HAID SCOTT ... was as mysterious as he w a s hardboiled. What connection did he have with The House on Lilac Street Read this exciting new serial story starting Saturday in the Capital 4. Journal Solem'i IiCadlnr Newspaper OLDSMOBILE Factory Delivery Make a Date with the "88" at Lansing SAVE up to $307.00 Freight And save every day with that "Rocket" High Compres sion Engine-Hydramatic Drive Combination, COME IN WRITE OR CALL LODER BROS. Tel. 34119 465 Center vmnHlN63S mountain tooL The Price Thrill! The Taste Thrill! ..of '49 (parents-) j iff i 1 I One Bottle makes 6 FULL PINTSI 1 il crAi HERE IS HOW IGA STORES GIVE YOU LOWER PRICES Mass Buying Power Efficient Operation THEN IGA's increasing volume cuts operating costs and result in even lower prices. So check item after item and see what you save. CRISC0 SHORTENING Special Low Saving Price. 3 lb. can , PREM LUNCHEON MEAT Special Low Saving Price. 12 oz. can IGA SOAP GRAINS Everyday Low Price. A toy bar of soap in each package. Large package PICKET FLOUR Idaho hard wheat flour. Special low price. HIGHLAND SYRUP 57c Cane and Maple from Old Vermont BEN-GEE CHINESE DINNER REG. PKG. A complete Chinese dinner with Vegetables, Noodles and Soy Sauce. JUNKET ICE CREAM MIX FUDGE MIX Chocolate or Fenuche REG. PKG. 53c with Sauce. 12c 33c COMPLEXION CLOTH IN EACH PACKAGE ,4&k Sally MafJM BEAUTY SOAP 4 Bars 33c mm- 'smv a vm 'tun RICE KRISPIES. 5 Ms oz. pkg. ... 15c 18c SHREDDED RALSTON Pk9 Get a Little Women jewel box for 50c and a box top from Shredded Ralston SUNSHINE CHEEZ-ITS 8-ox. pkg Dainty cheese squares IGA MUSTARD 8-ox. jar With a paddle on each jar 17c 13c IGA WHOLE KERNEL CORN, No. 2 can ... . 19c Just like fresh corn off the cob 25 lb. bag, $1.69 EVERYDAY LOW PRICES THAT SAVE YOU MONEY 10 lb. bag. 79c 37c 23c 73c OSCAR MEYER SELECT BEEF 12 ox. can . . 55c With a sack of mild barbecue sauce for added flavor and deliciousness. SlS f ' IASV TO Whipped Lemon Topping Broadcom Auguit 6, 1949 Vi cup chilled 1 tablespoon Utnon Pel Milk juice 1 tablespoon tufa teaspoon grated lemon rind Put milk and sugar into small bowl. Whip with chilled rotary beater, or electric beater at high speed, until fluffy. Add lemon, juice and rind. Continue whipping until stiff. Serve as a topping on Ribbon Icebox Dessert, (ask for recipe at our store), Plain Cake, Gingerbread, or other desserts that will blend with the lemon, flavor of this topping. Makes 1 Vz cups. To Make Ribbon Icebox Dessert with Whipped Lemon Topping you Will Needt PET MILK 2 Tall Cans ELSINORE FRUIT Cocktail Ncan! IGA JELL-IT Gelatin 3 okB, IVC 23c 33c 12 oz. can . . OSCAR MEYER WIENERS Skinless Ready to Eat Pleasingly Tender Mild Flavor. ARMOUR'S DASH DOG FOODlb.-n The best for better health for your pet. 51c d Flavor. 14c In the Whole Bean Ground to Order SUNBRITE ri CAklCCD WLknnrfklX Mm cant It gives you quick action for household cleansing. SWIFT'S CLEANSER 2 isehol 2. 15c ing. 25c In red, blue or green to match your color scheme. BORAXO 8 ox con Cleans dirty hands with quick and gentle action 10 ox. 17c ion. 11c Sunny Morn If you like t ik m is H mild, this Lb. Jt J ilthicoffe. y g.OC lof you. 3 Royal Guest A vry rich, Lb. A ft strong blend Pkg.ffOw of h world'. Speci!ll Low but coffou. Price- POPULAR BRANDS COFFEE con 53c Hill-MJB-FoIgers-Schillings-etc. BORAX POWDER Keep some on hand for so many household uses. 1 35c SPANGLES 16 ox. pkg. . . . Buy It at Your IGA Store for Your Dance Floor Specials For Friday, and Saturday 17s 25c TOKAY GRAPES Flaming red, sweet and juicy ; LB. SEEDLESS GRAPES , For your fresh fruit salads. Special low price LBS. CELERY HEARTS 10r Only the crisp, tender hearts of the celery .' BUNCH I V GREEN PEPPERS Mr Your family will enjoy a dish of stuffed green peppers LB. IVI FRESH CARROTS Qr Local grown, brought to you garden fresh ' bunches ' DANISH SQUASH 9r A delightful change in your vegetable dish s LB. are yours with They're so food 'n so thrifty Deviled HAM A quick-fix sandwich iavoriiel 19c Deviled TONGUE l5c Economical pftigBfc bacauie if mPf goes so far! fflV 1 ?.1!I.'.HIH:S1 LIVER Spread Can bo used in 10 many iasty wayil 14c mm $20,000 FIRST PRIZE FOR NAMIN THIS lil' SHM00. STOP AT YOUR IGA STORE FOR AN ENTRY BLANK DUZ large 25c IVORY SOAP Aed. 1 for 25c DREFT 25c Large Pkg. . SPECIAL LOW PRICES Ivory Soap to:9' 2 27c Camay Soap sf.9 . 3 f0r 23c Camay Soap $... 2 i0, 23c Spic and Span 9". 25c ITEM FOR ITEM THE IGA STORE IN YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD WILL SAVE YOU MONEY! Pearson's Food Mkt. 294 No. Commercial Model Food Market 275 North High St. Orcurr's Market 4200 North River Road Central Cash Market Monmouth, Oregon Ronner's Grocery Gervais, Oregon Equall's Grocery Woodburn, Oregon Independence Food Market Independence, Oregon Scio Food Market Scio, Oregon Highland Market S00 Highland Ave. Ken Golliet Mehama, Ore. Open Sunday Broadway Grocery Brdwy. tt Mkt.-Open Sunday Quality Food Mkt. 17th and Market St. State Street Market 17th and Center Carter's Market 1230 State St