?25 10 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Thursday, August 18, 1948 r slfl;i .iff a .Ml . :4 f 41 111 f M ,; SV . ; til pF . , M A vi ft J! 4 e V -J1"' life ImBJE J Warden Seeks Safecracker L. Wanted A lafecracker. Ap .. cly George Alexander, warden ; ji at the state penitentiary. (Non '5 naid adv.) j7 Warden Alexander wa faced i with this situation when he 'f found there was a dearth, or . rather complete lack, of safe ' ' crackers among the 1300-odd in .; mates of his institution. ' . He learned this when he could ' ! not find a modern Jimmy Valen- .i line to open a small safe that Si had been around the prison farm for years, gift of the war assets administration. The combina- r tion could not be located. ! Learning of the situation Rob ert O. Reeves, Salem typewrit , er man, suggested to Warden Al exander that Howard G. Neb lock, Portland locksmith, could ov handle the job. -3. Warden Alexander states Neb lock will probably be given the opportunity. Comics to Aid in School Attendance ui New York, Aug. 18 VP) The " comic book is going to be used - to help keep Junior Interested t In going to school. I The plan was announced yes- t terday by the national social welfare assembly. It said it has arranged with National Comics Publications, one of the coir1'- ' largest com ic publishers, to convey socially constructive messages through popular teen-age comic strips. The first message, urging the youngsters to continue their school careers, will appear in the August issue of 32 comic periodicals, with a circulation of 10,000,000. 5 t .j 'Fire Fighters Get Reinforcements Yellowstone Park, Wyo., Aug. 18 (U.R) Reinforcements joined 100 wenry park service men to day to help battle a defiant and still uncontrolled forest . fire near the south gate of Yellow stone park. More than 160 acres of im prestive timbcrland fell to the flames by last night, Park Sup- crintendant Edmund Rogers said. The fire, caused by lightning, broke out Tuesday about three miles cast of the south entrance road, south of West Thumb. The area Is mountainous with no building or developed areas and is inhabited only by wild game. Receives Plane Model Gen. H. (Hap) Arnold with model of the early Wright "B," the plane In which he learned to fly in 1911, which was presented to him at Hamilton Field, Calif., by representatives of the Curtis-Wright company. General Arnold is expected to be questioned soon concerning B-36 bombers by a congressional subcommittee which is now on its way here. (AP Wirephoto) Man Swallows Radium Needle Pueblo, Colo., Aug. 18 (IP) William J. Nafe, 47, who acci dentally swallowed a radium needle during treatment, was in a "weak and tired" condition today, his physician reported. Nafe, chief clerk of the city engineering department, under went surgery Monday. Doctors used a Geiger counter to lo cate the needle, which had passed into his intestinal tract. Surgeons decided not to oper ate. Nafe was being treated for a throat ailment when he swal lowed the tiny needle. Americans Living Two Years Longer Washington, Aug. 18 (IP) Americans are living almost two years longer than the pre-war life span, the office of vital sta tistics said today. The average life expectancy for white women at birth is 70.6 years and, for white men, 65.2 years, according to calculations based on 1947 death rates. In 1946 white women had a life expectancy, at birth of 70.3 years for the f irst, time exceed ing the Biblical three-score-years-and-ten a n d white men could expect an average life of 65.1 years. Police Captains Are Assigned Salem's three new city police force captains have taken over their new assignments, Chief Clyde Warren said Thursday morning. Captain of the day shift, 8 a.m., to 4 p.m., is Glenn A. Bowman. Leland D. Weaver is in charge of the 4 p.m. to mid night shift, while Stanley K Friese is serving as captain of the midnight to 8 a.m. shift, For Friese and Bowman, the new setup will mean little change. Friese had already been serving as captain of the night shift on a temporary appoint ment basis, and Bowman had been on the police desk days, a job which his captaincy will probably call for much of the time. Sergeants Don Nicholson and Ersel Mundinger will remain in their positions as sergeants on the day shift and 4-12 shift, respectively. Sgt. Walter Esplin will assist Friese on the night shift, re placing Ernest Finch In this capacity. Finch will assume the role of patrolman, driving one of the night patrol can. WANT 10 "WINTER Alt CONDITION" your home? Let ul show you the new low-priced Deico-Heat oil burning Condition" compactly designed for instillation in either basements or utility rooms where space is limitedl SALEM HEATING & SHEET METAL CO. 1085 BROADWAY Authorled Representative BROADWAY APPLIANCE DOES IT AGAIN The Greatest Sale to Ever Hit Willamette Valley Buy at Your Price During Our Gigantic Telephone Auction Sale HERE IS HOW IT WORKS . . . For a period of 30 days you may bid on any llem in the store havlnt; a red tag on it. Your bid Is placed on a white card and attached to the appliance. If your bid Is raised we phone you and give you an opportunity to raise your bid. Yesf Our Easy Budget Terms Still Apply During This Unique Auction Sale Merc are just a few of the many Kerns going to the highest bidder. Refrigerators (some with frozen food compartments); Ironcrs; Pressure Cookers; Vacuum Sweepers- Home Freeiers; Washing Machines (standard and midget); Electric Range; Circulating oil Heat ers, and many more too numerous to mention. WE WILL REMAIN OPEN TILL 9 P. M. ON FRIDAY NIGHTS DURING THE SALE STOP SHOP Put your Reliance in f SAVE 453 COURT M565I waiit STREAK-FREE BLUING? Rain Drops dissolves instantly right in your tudsl Ntrtr streaks or spots . , . you need bo separate bluing rinse of any kind. ma drops m VCood Kouilkf f ping LjSiTv I at you. GAcaFS$jp Idanha Firm Outbids Three for Timber tion transmission line extension Firms outbid were the Thomp- son-Hendrickson Logging com pany, Salem; Harvey Lumber company of Detroit and the M & M Woodworking company of Portland. The Idanha Lumber company outbid three others in offering $55,556 at an auction sale in volving 7,500,000 board feet of timber on Mansfield creek nr Breltenbush. The sale was held by the Wil lamette national forest to pro vide right-of-way clearing for a Bonneville power administra 3,029 Wholesaler In the United States and Canada have used our service. Geokge S.MayCommjt Chlcego 6, Dtinolt All meat-seasoned just right! fait how good, plump and juicy Armoai Ftankfurtars rl Tby'r mad fresh vary day In Portland stasoned Jaat tb way yod Ilka 'am bara In Otagon. Aim oar Prankfurtari mf mtl-mmmt, loo nothing bat fin baaf and pork and onlng I Portland-made to Oregon's taste U. S. GOVERNMENT INSPECTED Frankfurters a leader in America's finest line ot sausage 3-6489 RJLjCAJL POCB 71 I 1288 I State St. I Priced "Kash and Karry"-Less Cash More Carry Join the throng of people that have made our market one of the larger markets here in Salem, You will be pleased at the quality, and very much surprised at the low prices. Freshly Ground Hamburger ,b. 33c EASTERN OREGON HEREFORD BEEF Arm Cuf . Blade Cut ROAST Rump lb. 39c Eastern Oregon Hereford Round Steak ,b. 59c A Grade Milk Fed B Veal Roast ib 4SC Boneless STEW , 49c Tender Skinless WIENERS lb. 39c Fresh Country 4 Sausage lb Short Ribs . 29c Eastern Oregon Hereford T Bones lb. 59c A Grade Milk Fed Veal Steak lb. 49c Tender Boneless SIRLOIN lb. 69c Eastern Sugar Cured Sliced Bacon ,b. 45c QK Eastern Oregon Herefords. Small sixes! BEEF Lean and tender. NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY! Lb.35c BASINVS FOOD MARKET 1288 State Street In the University Shopping Center MARSHMALLOWS Wonder Food Soft and Fluffy...... Pkg. 10c CR1SCO 3lb,,79c MIRACLE WHIP qt 53c CIGARETTES carton 1.45 EGGS Large Grade A dos. 69c PINEAPPLE Del Monte Crushed Flat Cam 2 , 29c R D C A n Sliced White w sx s.r- ft Loaf 19c I Nestles Morsels 2 Dk 35c GARDEN FRESH FRUITS and VEGETABLES We feature one of the most complete stocks of local fruits and vegetables in town Fresh daily from nearby farms at prices you can afford to pay. TOMATOES t ibi 15c 18 lb. box. 89c POTATOES 29c 1.05 WATERMELONS rtttA ,h 2Vac CARROTS Bunch JC CANNING PEACHES DAILT SUPPLY FROM TOWNSEND'S ORCHARDS ALL VARIETIES - TREE RIPENED! Prices Effective Thurs.-Fri.-Sat. Aug. 18-19-20 Shop and Save at BASINGER'S 13th STATE STS. AVING (oCENTER Stores salem Vi Mile North of Underpass On Portland Road WEST SALEM At Foot of Bridge Both Stores Open from 8 A.M. to 10 P.M. Daily Specials for Friday, Saturday and Sunday BREAD White Sliced l'j Ib. Loaf. . 2 . 35c ICE CREAM 0 33c POP VIRGINIA DARE 75c . . .CASE Plus Bottle Deposit WAX PAPER r: 50c COFFEE RED DOT LB. 36c DENNISON'S PORK & BEANS 3 27c cans CHOCOLATE MINT WAFERS (SUNSHINE) Packog . 39c Produce Department Sloppy and Crawford Peaches. Peak of the Season, For canning at the LOWEST MARKET PRICES. BARTLETT nrillf For Canning m Mf PEARS BU,hei 1.49 SUNKIST LEMONS " . ..z. 29c LOCAL TOMATOES 98c 2 lbs. for 1 5 c RADISHES .nd GREEN ONIONS .... 5c WATERMELONS ItiZF'i. 2Vic Meat Department Lowest Salem Prices Every Day HAMS monark 57Ca 1 HALF OR WHOLE LB. FRYERS 59cl BACON SQUARES IQc JOWLS 12c- LIVER SAUSAGE 35cLt LARD 2LK24c GROUND BEEF 39c Raving (Renter Stores I At the Foot of Vi Mile North The Bridge Of the Underpass WEST SALEM SALEM