They Go Button Crazy on Suits This Fal I ,. .7,.5J ' r - r-. Miss Teel To Wed on August 27 Announced for Saturday, Au gust 27, is the date of the wed ding for Miss Adah Mae Teel and Robert William Nelson, the ceremony to be an afternoon one at 4 o'clock in the First Baptist church with Dr. Lloyd T. An derson officiating. The engage ment of the couple was announc ed last spring at University of Oregon. The bride-eleet is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Teel of Salem and Mr. Nelson is the son of Mrs. William Nelson of Woodburn. Honoring Miss Teel, Mrs. Floyd McClellan and Mrs. Lee Cross are to entertain on Friday evening of this week at a party and miscellaneous shower at the home of Mrs. McClellan. A group of about 30 is bidden to the affair. Plans for the wedding are be told by the bride-to-be. Misses Doris Kimble and Phyllis Mode are to light the candles. Matron of honor will be Mrs. Leo H. Brockway of Lewiston, Idaho, sister of the bride-elect The bridesmaids will be Mrs Archie Nelson of Salem and M1 IM li Hltti'ill Willi Today's Menu (Br tb Auoentd PrM) Warm Weather Fick-up ' Apricot Cooler Watercress Cottage Cheese Sandwiches Vanilla Wafers Apricot Cooler Ingredients: 3 cups chilled apricot whole fruit nectar, 1 cup iced strong tea, dash of salt, 4 teaspoons honey, cherries. Method: Mix apricot nectar, tea, salt and honey, making sure mixture is thoroughly chilled Garnish with cherries. Makes 4 to 6 servings. Watercress Cottage Cheese Sandwiches Ingredients: 1 cup finely chopped watercress (about 1 bunch), 1 cup creamed cottage cheese, 1 teaspoon finely grated onion, salt and freshly ground pepper, thinly sliced whole wheat bread. , Method: . Put the watercress, cottage cheese, and grated onion in a mixing bowl and mix thoroughly; add salt and pepper to taste. Use as sandwich fill ing on bread. Makes IVi cups spread. If you want to separate the leaves of a head of lettuce, re move the core, then hold the head (core side up) under cold running water. The pressure of the water will usually force the leaves apart. The leaves should be dried on a tea towel before using. Button Parade The three suits pictured above are Typical of the fall silhouette, with slim, buttoned skirts. Left, pin check effect in mouse-gray worsted, with velvet collar and skirt buttoned from waist to hem; center, clay-gray sharkskin with many buttons, large patch pockets; right, fall entree in brown-toned worsted, with braid and button trim. All fabrics are by John Walther. more, Calif., served the punch. Miss Marilyn Miller passed the guest book, Miss Patricia Thompson was at the gift table and Misses Crescent English. Marcelyn Kuns and Donna Son- nen assisted in serving. After a short wedding trip Mr. and Mrs. Shaw will be at home in Woodburn. For traveling the bride wore a light blue suit with navy accessories and her orchid corsage. Both Mr. and Mrs. Shaw are graduates of Woodburn high school. Miss Whitecrow Bride at Ceremony in Woodburn Woodburn The Church of God at Woodburn was the setting for the marriage of Miss Colleen Joyce Whitecrow, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Perry Whitecrow, to Duane Robert Shaw, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Shaw of Sacramento Saturday, August 13 at 2 o'clock in the afternoon. The Rev. R. W. Hood officiated at the single ring ceremony in the pres-- 1 ence of about 100 invited guests. Baskets of pink and white glad ioluses and candelabrums were arranged about the altar. Soloist was Miss Virginia Yo- der who sang, accompanied by Miss Karene Kuns, who also played the processional and re cessional marches. Mr. Whitecrow escorted his daughter to the altar and gave her in marriage. She wore a wedding gown of white satin, fashioned with tight-fitting bo dice, closed in the back with self covered buttons, a yoke of seed pearls and long sleeves. The full skirt extended into a full length train and the fingertip veil was of net edged with lace. The bride carried an arm arrange ment of gardenias centered with a white orchid corsage. ' . Maid of honor was Miss Lois Thompson in a frock of powder blue taffeta. She carried an arm bouquet of Rubrum lilies, and wore a floral tiara in her hair. Bridesmaids were Miss Doris Waymire and Miss Jean Bothum, wearing identical frocks of pink marquisette. Their flowers were gardenias and pink carnations and they also wore a floral head dress. Marion Shaw stood as best man for his brother and the ush ers were Delmer Kuns and Jer ry Bonacker. Mrs. Whitecrow wore a gray suit with black accessories and a corsage of white gardenias for her daughter's wedding and the bridegroom s mother wore an afternoon print with black ac cessories and a simliar corsage A reception was held at the church. The serving table was covered with a lace cloth and centered with a three tiered wed ding cake flanked on either side with white tapers and low bowls of pink and white sweet peas. Mrs. Albert Albin of Donald aunt of the bride, cut the cake Mrs. Lester Marks, another aunt, presided at the coffee urn, and Mrs. Arthur Chapelle of Liver- COMBAT TOOTH DECAYS THE MODERN WAY FLUORINE... The Amazing New Anti-Decay Discovery You've Been Reading About, Now Available to Every one in This Convenient Home Use Form Here is the FIRST and ONLY dentrifice on the market containing the chemical compound called "FLORO-AMMONIUM-CARBAMATE," a scientific combination of the two most important improvements in dental history. FLUORINE . . . which helps to maintain the calcium metabol ism, PLUS all the features of AMMO NIUMION which neutralize the acid bac teria in the mouth. FLORADENT . . . helps to maintain a certain fluoride concentration on one's teeth and retain an alkalinity above pH7, necessary for the effective control of dental decay. VTv. 7' e ' MS. f l E 2; ) VI - fN: V ' ' It tent V 51 i unmw.iii? m, Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Wednesday, Aug. 17, 19497 Picnic Planned Woodburn The August pic nic meeting of the Woodburn Business and Professional Wo men's club will be held at Settle mier park Thursday evening, August 18, beginning with a no host dinner at 7 o'clock. Mrs. Eugene Stoller, Mrs. E. F. John son, Miss Esther Johnson, Miss Gladys Adams and Mrs. J. W. Richards will be in charge of arrangements. Coffee, cream and sugar will be furnished by the Wed In July The marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Ashby Know er (Josephine Ruth Haury) was solemnized July 22. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert E. Haury of Salem, Mr. Know er the son of Mr. and Mrs. William E. Knower of West Salem. (McEwan studio picture) Miss Barbara Bowerman of Portland. Acting as the flower girl will be Mary Brockway of Lewiston, niece of the bride elect. Ralph Nelson is to be best man for his brother and usher ing will be Ellis Teel, brother of Miss Teel, John Estepp of Hills- boro, Gerald B. Smith, Jr., and Lyle Baldwin, the latter of Os wcgo. The reception following also will be at the church. Be sure it's PURE CANE L8k J v Be sure with C HH committee. Those attending art to bring their own table service, and also a "white elephant" for prizes. Entertainment will b silent movies shown by Eugena Stoller. HOME from a two weeks va cation is Miss Genevieve Cock erline, who returned Monday. She spent the time in San Fran cisco and Carmel, Calif., and at Reno, Nev. PEGGY SAGE Lipstick Combination Special Value 0e4... $2.00 Value for U. IBS An easy-lo-keep-clean envelope type case of soft plastic, containing two Pegcy Sage Lipstick Convertibles. Handy for rc-use in holding pen and pencils or your lipstick and lipstick brush. $2.00 Value SI for IS Or if you prefer a light shade for daytime wear and a darker one for evening. Your choice of three shade combinations, in an all plastic compact box that can be rc-U8cd as a hobby pin container, safety pin stronghold or a "what-not box." Capital Drug Store After Flourine Treatments BE SURE OF LASTING PROTECTION USE DENTAL CREAM TWICE A DAY Large 214-Oz. Tube days, scfml days, Goad old Buster Brown days! , BUSTER BROWN (mffln' Ed's SwMthcot Visit our Children's De partment; where you can trust the fitting of your child's feet to the experi ence and knowledge of our trained personnel. We fit your children with the care and patience that we do our own. 481 State Street Buster Brown rings the bell again, mother, with a wonderful, value-packed collection of handsome, durable hearties for school wear. Bring your young scholars in today and choose for them from our grand selection. Remember, they're all famous Buster Browns . . . backed by a reputation of forty-five years of top quality shoemaking. You just can't buy better! Listen to the big Buster Brown Raido Show on N. B. C. every Saturday morning. Fun for the kids, and big value newt during our School Days Jam boree. 8:30 A. M. Station KGW V. ON SALE AT ALL BETTER DRUG COUNTERS