Capital edited by MARIAN 6 Capital Journal, Salem. Ore., Wednesday, Aug. 17, 1949 Entertaining Compliments Brides-Elect This week is featured by much ntertaining for brides-to-be. Among parties planned for brides-elect is the one for which Mrs. Axel Jacobsen will be host ess Thursday evening at her Valley View avenue home to compliment Miss Joan Hoereth, who is to be married August 28 to Theodore Covalt. About 30 have been bidden and the group will honor Miss Hoereth with a miscellaneous shower of gifts. Late refresh ments will be served following an informal evening. MIm Hobson Feted Honoring Miss Dorothy Ann Hobson, who is to be married next Saturday to Frederick H. Graham of Longview, Miss Marylou Herndon and Miss Nor- vada Smedley are to entertain Wednesday evening at the home of Miss Smedley. About 30 friends in Chi Omega sorority have been bid den, the group to fete Miss Hob son with a linen shower. Late refreshments will be served fol lowing an informal evening. The Graham-Hobson wedding is to be Saturday in St. Paul's Episcopal church. For Miss Hutchison Mrs. Ralph Wirth is to enter tain Friday evening at her home at a party honoring Miss Bev erly Hutchison, who is to be married August 27 to Kenneth A. Holmes of Albany. Guests have been invited at 8 o'clock and will honor the bride-to-be with a crystal show er. In the group will be 18 for mer neighborhood friends of Miss Hutchison. I Couple Ved Saturday at St. Mary's in Mt. Angel Mt Angel In a setting of white and pink gladioluses and greenery lighted by cathedral tapers, Miss Rita Drescher, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Drescher of Monitor, and Andrew Hein, son of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hein, Sr., of Canby, spoke their mar riage vows at a double ring ceremony, Saturday morning, at the St. Mary's Catholic church, Mt.- Ansel, at 9:00 o'clock. Rev. Damian Jentges, O.S.B., offi ciated at the nuptial mass and read the wedding service. Mrs. Vincent Smith presided at the pipe organ for the pro cessional and recessional wedd ing marches, and accompanied Mrs. Marion Howe of Canby, who sang preceding and after the ceremony. Miss Pauline Saaifeld and Mrs. J. L. Wachter who sang at the offertory, and the St. Mary's choir who sang the high mass. Mr. Drescher gave his daugh ter in marriage. She wore the traditional white satin gown fashioned with fitted bodice, French lace at the low shoulder line topped by a marquisette yoke with round neckline, long sleeves and full skirt ending in a long court train edged in French lace. A coronet of orange blossoms held the fingeritp lace- edged veil of illusion, and the bride carried a bouquet of American Beauty roses and white stephanotis with white satin streamers. She wore a double strand of pearls. Mrs. Henry Roshak of Tigard, stood as matron of honor for her sister. She wore a gown of teal blue faille designed with a drape collar on the low shoulder line nt the fitted bodice and full floor length skirt. Her halo headresi was of matching tulle and she carried a fan shaped bouquet of varigated gladioluses. Bridesmaids were Miss Betty Twito of Woodburn, Mrs. Wil liam Gelbrich Jr. of Canby and Miss Annette Willis of Canby. j All were dressed in gowns ofj pink faille made identically to. that of the honor attendant. They ! wore haloes of pink tulle and i oarried fan-shaped bouquets of gladioluses. j Edward Drescher, brother of he bride, served as best man for Mr. Hein, and ushers were Jim Christian, Bill Gilbert and Ron-! aid Tatone, all of Canby. For her daughter's wedding.' Mrs. Drescher wore a gray and j pink crepe afternoon dress with rose-colored accessories. Mrs. I Hein was dresed in navy bluej with navy accessories for her! son's wedding. Both mothers; wore corsages of pink and white! carnations. Following the services, a wedding breakfast was served at the Memorial hall with covers placed for fifty guests. The) bridal table was oentered with' a tiered wedding cake and ani arrangement of gladioluses and lighted tapers. Serving were! Mrs. Joseph Rosno, Mrs. Albert Uhing and Mrs. Henry Zollner, who also assisted at serving the buffet supper at the reception held that evening in the same halL After the supper a wedding danoe was held. Mrs. Phil Lutz of Salem, aunt of the bride, poured, Msi. Edward Goebel of Canby, sister of the bridegroom, cut the cake, and Miss Marjorie Drescher, sister of the bride, Women LOWRY FISCHER Club Picnic Twenty-one enjoyed the picnic gathering for the Etotka club Tuesday at Champoeg. A fea ture of the program was a re view on the club's history, pre sented by Mrs. Vard A. Hughes retiring president. The review included activities of the group throughout its 35 years. The fall schedule for the club starts in September, an evening meeting being planned on the third Tuesday at the home of Mrs Clifton Ross. INITIATION of Mrs. J. T. Noble, Mrs. Minor Lewis, Mrs. Maude Olson and Charles Hunt ington took place at the Salem Rebekah lodge meeting Monday evening. The F. L. club will hold its meeting this Thursday in the IOOF hall. The Encampment will hold a social on Friday night. A no-host supper to at 6:30 and a dance and cards following lodge. TO MR. AND MRS. Hugh William McElhmny go congra tulation upon the birth of a son Tuesday, August 16, at Salem General hospital. The little boy has been named William Jeffrey There is a daughter in the fam ily, Christy, nearly three years old. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. McElhinny, Tom Hill and Mrs. Pearl Hill, all of Salem. MRS. DORA ATWELL, 773 Mill street, will be hostess to the South Salem Woman's Christian Temperance Union at 2 o'clock Friday afternoon. A travelogue on her trip through Canada and the central states will be given by Mrs. Emil Stripling. The an nual election of officers will be held. passed the guest book. For going away the bride wore a wine suit with gray ac oessories and a corsage of red and white carnations. Following a trip to Yellowstone National park, the couple will make their home m Canby. Olie A".r V . Smort I Shop Ikssa Two Honor Bride-to-Be Miss Janice Middleton, who is to be married Saturday, Sep tember 10, to LaVern Hiebert, was honored at a surprise party and shower for which Mrs. Steve Anderson and Mrs. Donald Mc pherson were hostesses Tuesday evening at the South 12th street home of Mrs. Anderson. The shower was a miscellaneous one, and refreshments were served following an informal evening, In the group were Miss Mid dleton, Mrs. Lester DenBeste, Miss Patricia Long, Miss Bar bara Halvarson, Miss Barbara Smith, Miss Lois Ruecker, Miss Sally Smith, Miss Marion Sayre Miss Patricia Carver, Mrs. Mc pherson and Mrs. Anderson. 2 Brides-Elect Feted at Shower Mt. Angel Miss Ma.cylene Kerr-and Miss Dorothy Prosser, brides-elect, were the inspira tion for a bridal shower held on Tuesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Weissenfels. Hostesses included Miss Mary Lou Weissenfels, Miss Laura Schwab, both of Mt. Angel, and Miss Vivian Vreeland of Port land. Miss Marcylene Kerr, daugh ter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kerr, will be married to Clar ence Erwert, son of Mrs. John Erwert and the late Mr. Erwert, on Saturday, August 27, at St. Mary's church. Miss Dorothy Prosser, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pros ser, and Alcuin Beyer, son of John Beyer and the late Mrs, Beyer, have set September 10 as their wedding date. Guests at the shower included Mrs. Eugene Hoffer. Mrs. John Erwert, Mrs. Fred Prosser, Mrs Louis Weissenfels, Mrs. Ralph Stenger, Mrs. William Lulay Miss Rosemary Stupfel of Am ity, and the Misses Lucy Van played, and I am sure, 'Gone Cleef, Lola Traviss, Violet Hoff man, Lois Eggers, Joan Bochs ler, Mary Ann Hauth, Pauline Weiss, Marian Rickert, Joanne Schwab, Arlene Erwert, Marion Unger, Joanne Berning, Gert rude and Helen Weissenfels. PAST PRESIDENTS club of Marion auxiliary, Veterans of Foreign Wars, is meeting Thurs day at 8 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Leon Hansen, 160 East Mil ler. SALEM CHAPTER of the Gold Star Mothers will meet in the garden of the Fred Birch home, 1085 Highland avenue, for a picnic no-host supper, at 6:30 p. m. on Thursday, August 18. VISITOR at the D. C. Roberts home for a few days is Mrs, Folsom Hayes of Portland. T" IS" ,v" 1 raw if V ,W - t Tiei iCwit toinwtar l i IT Smart Shop IIS north liberty To Be Fall Bride Announced recently was the engage ment of Miss Viona Mary Cowan, daughter of Mrs. Pearl Cowan, to Ross William Heegel, son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert W. Heegel of Alhambra, Calif. Miss Cowan now makes her home in Pasadena, Calif. The wedding is to be September 3. (McEwan studio picture) Hackett Clan's 1 Reunion Reported The Hackett clan met Sunday at Townsend club hall, Salem, for its annual get-together pic nic. About 60 descendants and their families of the late Sam uel L. Hackett were present, in cluding: Mrs. Lela McCarthy, Roy Hackett, Mr. and Mrs. Nyal Hawkins of Portland; Mrs. Har riett Hackett, Ernest Hackett, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Johnston, Donna and Howard, Toledo; Mr. snrf Mrs Tex Jeffries. NewDort: Mr. and Mrs. Harold Johnston, Butte Falls, Ore.; Mr. and Mrs. George Hackett, Mr. and Mrs. Verlon Hackett, Nadine, Virginia Sherrill. Sharon. Dale, Gail, Jack and Scott, Hillsboro; Mr. and Mrs. George Hackett and baby of Pendleton; George Hack ett, Eugene; Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Kriger, Jeanette and Carolyn, Springfield; Mr. and Mrs. Leon ard Hackett, Woodburn; Mr. ana Mrs. David Hackett, Joetta, Don- ella, Ronald, Patsy, Daniel, Del- ma, Kieth and Willa, Mt. Angel; Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Theophilus, immy, Michael and Gene, Mr. i uiu I You won't woit for a rainy day 'to wear this Sherbrooke coat ... , with or without a belt. Everything ' about it spells luxury . . . its look, Its rich, warm Warren of Stafford, 100 wool fleece, rayon lined and Cravenelte" -treated of course. (Colors) (Sizes) $29'5 At Seen In Mademoiselle. Study Group Mrs. D. C. Roberts was hostess to her study club Saturday, en tertaining the group at her beach home at Devil's lake. They spent the day there and were entertained at luncheon. In the group are Mrs. Fred erick S. Lamport, Mrs. George Alexander, Mrs. Harry N. Crain, Mrs. P. W. Byrd, Mrs. David Bennett Hill, Mrs. William Mc- Gilchrist, Jr., Mrs. E. M. Page, Mrs. E. H. Scellars, Mrs. R. D. Slater, Mrs. Roberts. and Mrs. Billy Hackett and Judy, Lebanon; Mrs. Esmer Saxton, Mr. and Mrs. George Gibson, Salem. To pep up tomato juice and serve as cocktail add two ta blespoons of chopped onion, two tablespoons of chopped parslev a half teaspoon of sugar, a tea spoon of lemon juice, a quarter teaspoon of Worcestershire sauce, and quarter teaspoon of salt to two cups of the juice. Chill and strain before serving with crisp crackers. 18 dockers .... 29.95 up Oil Heaters 1425 Edgewater Dinner Party On Thursday Miss Grace Shields is to be hostess Thursday evening at a dinner party at the American Legion club far a group of 12. Special guests will be three friends in the group who are to be married soon, including Miss Margaret-Jane Emmons, who is to wed September 1 to John Syme of Parma, Idaho; Miss Marilyn Janet Hjort, who is to be married September 4 to Ray mond H. Crumme of Berkeley, Calif.; and Miss Jeanne Myers, who will wed on October 2 to Ensign Henry B. Johnson, USN. Covers will be marked for Miss Emmons, Miss Myers, Miss Hjort, Mrs. Robert Siddoway of Portland, Mrs. William Dunn, Jr., Mrs. Gerald Robison, Mrs. Lloyd V. Lewis (Janice Myers) of Eugene, Mrs. Harold Gar dner, Miss Anita Hager, Mrs. Theodore Mankertz, Jr., Miss Peggy Moritz, and Miss Shields. Hannans Are Hosts For Family Affairs bilverton Mr. and Mrs. George Gang (Bernice Hannan) of Shelton, Wash., accompanied for better summer snapshots Then bring your exposed rolls of film to us for ex pert developing and fin ishing . . . our skilled workmen have the mod ern equipment and know how to do the job right. All prints ore made on Kodak Velox Paper for best results, fast serv ice on all orders. M.K.N. EKEE - Pc. Set of Dishes with Each Breakfast Set Purchased During This Sale SMALL DOWN PAYMENT WILL HOLD 'TIL SAVINGS THROUGHOUT THE STORE Drive To AA. K. N, Amid SAVE! Mrs. Gang's sister, Miss Sharon Hannan to the home 01 ineir 4VA Martin Hannans. for POICIIO, ' the week-end following several weeks' vacation for Miss Han nan at the home of the Gangs. ai. nt the home of her Par ents for the week-end were Mrs. Dave Berger and small daugh ter, Judy, of Corvallis. Two family reunions were held with Mr. and Mrs. Mike Hannan and Larry as Saturday 'evening dinner hosts, and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Sears (Lena Hannan) and Nancy breakfast hosts, at 10 o'clock Sunday morning at their home in Church street. mp n Si-. SPARTAN ELECTRIC Bottle and Food Warmer Also a Vaporizer Put a little .water in base, plug in and heat nursing bottle or standard can of prepared baby food ... or put baby food in heat-proof glass dish and set on top ... or it may be used as a vaporizer. Shuts off automati cally. In maroon or ivory plastic. MAIL AND PHONE ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED Capital Drug Store Stare & Liberty 4tmt reg.$109 Now If muffin batter does not fill pans put cold water in empty ones. Fair Workers Wanted Members and others interest ed in the West Salem PTA are wanted In connection with the PTA refreshment booth to be operated during State Pair week. Persons Interested are asked to call Mrs. Albert Flultt, 2-2391 or ' Mrs. Charles Claggett, 3-3966 before Thursday morning "Teen-age racial blotches To cleanse skin carefully relieve pimply irritation and so aid heal ing, use these famous twin helps RESINDLS $395 "On the Corner" 69.95 FALL West Salem