Ice Frolics to Open Friday Ice Frolics of 1949 will open Friday night at the Salem Ice arena. The show is brought back by popular demand because of the very popular showing of last April. The show Willi run five nights. Producer-Director La Point has decided to ice it again from August 19 through August 23, with a few refinements in vast and settings. Outstanding will be the fea tured skating of versatile Vi vian Hanson, star of many great amateur ice carnivals and shows. Comment among arena patrons is that Salem is really in a pri vilege class to have an instructor of her calibre to teach here and star in the local shows. Also bolstering the cast is Harvey Christenson, outstanding for smooth and effortless skat ing in both his solo work and in syncro skating with Producer La Point in their novel "Wait ing for the Train." Tickets which are a dollar, tax included, are on sale at Quisen berry's drug store, Court and North Commercial, and can also be bought at the box office each night. Shows will start at 8:30 each night. Former Texan s Are Jailed As Result of Linn Feudin' Albany, Aug. 17 Three former Texans were arraigned In justice court Tuesday on charges growing out of a series of events of early Sunday with a background of enmity resembling a southern feud but without fatalities, involving nine or more per sons all living on RFD No. 2 near the old Albany-Salem highway Seburn Burns, Jr., Cecil,, Burns, nis Droiner ana wiiiiam Kerlee all pleaded not guilty to assault charges and were bound over to the circuit court grand jury under $500 bond each. All three, however, pleaded guilty to misdemeanor charges but Justice of the Peace Harlow Weinrick postponed sentencing them. Seburn Burns pleaded guilty to a charge of disorderly con duct, Cecil Burns to a charge of driving without having an oper ator's license and Kerlee to a charge of carrying a concealed weapon, which he remarked, is no crime in Texas. According to information from Deputy District Attorney Courtney Johns, State Police Sergeant Ernest Larios and State Officer Kenneth Moore the story of the altercation goes something like this: A Merle Irwin, Joe Blakely and Sue Wennersten were returning to their home on RFD No. 2 north of Millersburg from at tending a motion picture show and stopped en route at about 2 a.m. Sunday to see Irwin's moth er, 'who was ill. Shortly afterward Carol Ann Wennersten, Ernest Argo and Arthur Burris in Argo's car also drove to the home of Mrs. Ir win, and simultaneously a car containing Seburn Burns, who was driving, Cecil Burns and Kerlee arrived at the scene. The Burns brothers and Ker lee left their car and went to the Irwin car, making threats of violence, its occupants charge, with Kerlee indicating he had a gun. The Irwin car and that occu pied by 'Sue Wennersten, Argo and Burris maneuvered back to the roadway, the officers were told, and the Burns car pursued Irwin northward first on the old Salem road and then on the new highway, f o r c i ng them into a ditch a mile south of the Santi am river bridge. Then the Burns and Kerlee took out after the other car and chased it through the Dever area. Meanwhile Irwin called a wrecker to extricate his car, went to the home of Mrs. Mabel Wennersten, mother of the two girls,, armed themselves and lay in wait for their alleged assail ants, also calling state police. Sergeant Larios and Officer Moore responded and after questioning Irwin, Blakeley and Sue Wennersten were about to leave when the Burns and Ker lee drove up. The officers stopped the new ly arrived trio and found a gun, owned by Kerlee, in the glove compartment of the Burns car. They arrested Kerlee on a charge of carrying a concealed weapon; Seburn Burns on a dis orderly conduct charge and nabbed Cecil Burns on a charge of having no operator's license. Cecil Burns broke away from them, the officers said, and was recaptured but not before he had lugged Argo, who had previ ously arrived on the scene. All three were brought to the Linn county jail where they were still confined late Tuesday. Judge Weinrick continued the felony charges to give opportun ity to the defendants to procure legal counsel. Wymore Home Scene Of Birthday Party Brooks Mr. and Mrs. Or- ville Wymore entertained a group of children for their daughter Charlene on her sev enth birthday. Guests were Mary Lowery, Sue Ann Sturgis, Lorrene, Betty and Lonnie Jack son, Jimmy Wood, Beverly Beiers, Sally and Jerry Nolan. Games were played and the traditional birthday party re freshments were served. Addi tional guests included Mr. and Mrs. George Nolan and Mr. and Mrs. Beiers and Allen. Gov. Langlie Steps Info Bus Line Strike Olympla, Aug. 17 W) Com pany and union representatives studied today a request by Gov ernor Lartglie that they end the nine-week-old North Coast Greyhound bus lines strike and resume service while they settle tneir differences around the council table. Langlie offered the services of the state mediation division ves- terday to arbitrate points of dif ference. He asked that the board s findings be binding on both the company and union. The governor said he felt obligated" to step into the dis pute "because of the public ser vice nature of the industry in volving vital transportation service." Most Attractive Child Enltu MO- ote UiidM 1 fHQTO JU in Cash Prizes 15 Merchandise Prizes MOTHER! Don't miss this op portunity! If your child is un der 7 years of age and over 5 months, bring him in for a sit ting. No obligation . . . You need no photo . . . The entry photo is FREE! No appoint ment Is necessary. Kennell-Ellis Artists Photographers 420 Ortffon Building - Balem Phone 3-7830 A 4i a t , . ! gym m v. A , (f .i.. In Ice Frolics Dolores Koutney and Dean La Point, both local skaters, who will be among star performers in "Ice Frolics of 1949," opening Friday night at Salem Ice arena. YOU'LL BE SURPRISED When you find out how much there is to do at our resort, without high prices. Hot mineral water for drinking and bath treatments, excellent massages. Swimming - Dancing - Hiking - Fishing - Horses Big Bonfire and Radio Every Evening HOTEL CABINS TENTHOUSES STORE AND MARKET Open Until October 1st Road from Oetroit to Bruckman's Open 1:00 to 2:00 p. m. and 5:00 i. m. to 7:45 a. m DST Monday thro Saturdays and all day Sunday and Holidays -For Reservations and Price List Phone Detroit 871 Write: BRUCKMAN'S BREITENBUSH SPRINGS Breitenbush, Oregon East Salem People Guests For Salem 'Rock Hunters' East Salem, Aug. 17 Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Richardson of Garden road were hosts for about SO members of the Salem Geological society at their summer cottage on "Lake Wilder ness" up the Abiqua river east of Silverton on Sunday. It was the annual summer picnic of the .society. v Mr. and Mrs. Richardson havef recently returned from a two Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Wednesday, Aug. 17, 1949 S morial Stadium at 2 o'clock August 21 as a stadium fund raising venture, it is announced by Bob Hunter, stadium special events chairman. The local club will be host to other posses and riding clubs in the area who will be invited to compete, Hunter said. At least half a dozen organizations are expected to take part. ' A goal of $1,000 was tenta tively set, and admission of $1 per adult was decided upon. All proceeds will be donated to the lagging stadium fund drive. weeks' vacation trip east to Greeley, Colo., where they visit ed their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Rich ardson. They stopped at Salt Lake City and Colorado Springs en route and Cheyenne, Wyo. on the trip home. Mrs. Rex Peffer was hostess for a surprise party at her home on Hollywood drive Friday night honoring the birthday of Mrs. Forest Eckles. Pinochle was plaved. Present were Mrs. Sam Stichler, Mrs. Otis Hewitt, Miss Adeline Prime. Miss Gene Lon gin, Mrs. Mac Kinser, Mrs. Leon ard Cain and the honored guest and hostess. Guests the past week In the home of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Neuman on D street were Dr and Mrs. Francis Judefind from Loma Lunda, Calif. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Wehtje are now living at Astoria but scent the week-end at their home on Lancaster drive. They are building a new home east of the Astoria city limits. Albany Horse Show Scheduled Sunday Albany One of the biggest horse shows ever to be staged in Albany will be held as the first public event at the Me- 'Vince's Electric" Vacuum Cleaner SALES SERVICE REPAIRS RENTALS On All Types Household or Commercial Also Waxers ALL WORK FUIX5 GUARANTEED Free Pick-up and Delivery PHONE 3-9239 Use Capital Journal Want Ads. They Will Satisfy ". cur Needs, Ardcn's "FLAVOR-FRESH" ICE CREAM special ol the month. Enjoy the delicious, tantalizing flavor of tree ripened peaches plus the hand-dipped goodness of . , . Arden &3 ICE CREAM ttat was aMev Who had that ragtime band. It's our guess that many of you prefer a sonata or a ballad anyway, many people like many forms of music but everybody loves gleaming silver, handsome watches, dazzling rings. And that's why we make very sure "You Need Never Sacrifice to Own the Finest at and exander's 'eueeru by now, folklore Roberts does it again! Another tremendous value offering of ,1 JtAYO FABRICS N 7- .:T off- r i til .i mj T i ik w . If I r 9 ill at the unheard of price Values to 98c yd. yd. Roberts docs It again with another great yardage sale event that makes It two In a week. We scooped up every last bolt in this cleanup by an important manufacturer and, of course, you get the savings! There's a wide assortment all ready for you to lavish your painstaking tailoring on dresses, blouses, smocks, housecoats, lin ings, even for fancy work and drapes. Sale now in full swing . . . make sure you're here EARLY for the best picking ! YARDAGE, MEZZANINE Embooed Ninon Faille Linen Effects Satin Novelty Stripe Shantung. 17 f north liberty We give and redeem S&ll Green Stamps