'22 3 .01 14 Capital Journal, Salem, Or., Wednesday, Aug-. 17, 1949 Four Corners Parents Leave For Visit With Ball-Player Four Corners, Aug. 17 Mr. ana mm. f. T. Deckard were guests of honor at the home of their daughter and son-in-law, at a going away dinner. The Deckards left on the streamliner from Portland for a three weeks' visit with their daughter, Jamie Ruth Deckard. Miss Deckard has played professional Softball for ten years and is now nPc playing with the Rockolas of.4"7 Beck avenue, compliment- A Bill JOT C 1 ,INI , c 1 Er 9 Si 1 n -1 .it Chicago. On August 19 the mem bers of the team will honor their parents at a banquet In Chicago. Guests for the dinner were Mr. and Mrs. John Deck ard, Linda and John, Jr., Maur ice Deckard and Janice Phillips Mrs. Phillips and Janice and Maurice Deckard drove their parents to Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Hardie Phillips is-' ''v v w '"' Vr ed their daughter, Janice Ruth, upon her ninth birthday anniver sary at dinger park with I swimming party and picnic sup per. Extending congratulations to her were Betty and Faye Fu trell, Lee Cook, Gary Bixler, Lo lita Miller, Joyce Brant, Bar bara Burns, Linda and Johnny Deckard. Other guests were her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. P. T. Deckard, Maurice Deckard, Mr. and Mrs. John Deckard Survivors Mr. and Mrs. Dick Derr (above) of Oakland, Calif., were rescued, unin j Jured, following the crash of i a Transocean airliner off the coast of Ireland. Derr is i South American sales manager ! for the concern. Fortynine j persons were rescued, nine lost their lives. (AP Wirephoto) Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Daniels and Mr. and Mrs. Lee Haworth, South Lancaster drive, have re turned from an 8200 mile jaunt that took them north to Canada, to the Glacier National park, to the Plains Indian rodeo at Browning, Mont., east to Niaga- Falls, New York City and Washington, DC, south as far as Tennessee returning by way of Oklahoma, Arizona and Colora do. Recent visitors in the Frank Gabler home, 260 South Lancas ter, were Mr. and Mrs. Matt Mc- Namara and children, Donald, Joyce and Billy of Glendale, Calif. Mrs. Gabler's daughter, Jean Allen, went home with the McNamaras for an indefinite stay. Other visitors of the Gab lers were Mr. and Mrs. James Courtney of Monrovia, Calif. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Hooper, 205 Mabel avenue, have as their house guest this week Miss Su zanne Tucker of Portland. Oth er visitors in the Hooper home were Mr. and Mrs. Archie Ab dill of Roseburg, Ore. Visitors in the Keith Harris and J. C. Mayer homes on Dur bin avenue, Mr. and Mrs. Arne Shannon and daughters, Barba ra, Carol and Margaret of Scio, and Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Simp son and son, Norman of Corval lis. House guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Corning, 3980 Mahrt ave nue, are their son and family, Mr. and Mrs. George Corning, Connie and Leroy Corning of Billings, Mont. The Harold Snook and Ervin Sunderlin families left Monday for a week at Breitenbush. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Shrake and children, Janice, Gregg and Dick and Mr. and Mrs. Arlo Mc Lain and sons celebrated the Shrake and McLaln wedding anniversaries on Sunday with a picnic in Washington park in Portland. 'nlA W - Expectant 'Taffy' Arrives "Taffy," the expectant elephant arrived in San Francisco aboard the SS President Taft, still expecting. Capt. W. S. Tyrrell, ship's master (right) is still hoping the ship reaches Los Angeles, "Taffy's" destination, be fore the blessed event. Trainer Noel Rosdfelt (left) prepares to check Taffy's temperature. (AP Wirephoto) Important Zone Matters Acted on by Commission Dr. Floyd B. Dayton wants to change to a business zone classi fication about a quarter block of property he owns adjoining the northwest corner of North Capitol and Marion. His petition to the city planning and zoning commission Tuesday night was relayed to the new capitol planning commission for consideration. The property is now in Class- II residential. In the same classi fication are three lots on Court street which comprise the YMCA building, the Court apartments and a vacant lot owned by Don ald A. Young. An application it pending to change this area to a business classification to permit the erection of a law of fice building on the Young lot and future expansion of the YMCA. It was also referred to the Capitol planning commis sion. Business property adjoins the Dayton property on the north and it is on the opposite side of North Capitol from the Capitol Shopping Center. An application by James Min ts' bearing on a proposed apart ment house In the medical cen ter district near Salem General hospital was deferred. With alterations based on sev eral requests from property own ers the commission sent back to the city council a zoning pro gram for the Klngwood annexa tion In Polk county. Originally as a tentative set-up the com mission had proposed that all the area between the river and Wallace road be an Industrial area and the remainder a Class I residential aone, except an in tervening strip which was pro posed as a business zone. Changes now recommended re: Property of A. J. Becker at Kingwood drive and Glen Creek road, one lot where a store now stands and, Class III-X, special business. City fire station location on Parkway drive, Class II resi dential. Property of Albert Beckman near Glen Creek road, where expansion of greenhouse proper ty Is proposed, Class II residen tial. Extending the business zone strip from Wallace road to Pat-i terson avenue. j Property of Francis Smith near the west boundary of West Salem, business zone for 200-: foot frontage on Dallas high-i way, Class II residential fori eastern portion of property on ' the hill, and Class I residential for remainder. No changes were recommend ed for the following: Vicinity of Philip Peterson's machine shop at 878 Gerth, to remain residential. Victory Circle, to remain resi dential. Three acres owned by Jack A. Olson near Wallace road, where trailer camp is located, to remain residential. On the Salem side of the river an application by G. R. Boat wright for a business classifica tion at the southwest corner of North Capitol and Jefferson, to permit erection of an office building, denied. Application of George A. Stanley for change from Class I to Class II residential for a vacant lot at Rural and Univer sity where a duplex is proposed, given tentative approval and hearing set for September 20. Herd Output in County Heavy Dairy herd production in the Marion county DHIA has been high during the past month. George Kruses herd at Mt. Angel topped the list with 49.3 pounds of fat per cow in July. That is one of the highest re ported in the association this year. One of Kruse's Holsteins made 83.7 pounds of fat to help in the high average. Roy Spring er's herd at Gervais followed close by with 48.1 pounds of fat. Elvon Holman of Jefferson turned in 47.2 pounds of fat for July, a very high average for a large herd. Torvend and Phil lips, Silverton; William Vogt, Salem; Lauritson Brothers, Jef ferson, and Benedictine Sisters all stayed above the 40-pound average. Leonard and Donald Chinn, DHIA testers, report 107.9 pounds of fat from one individ ual cow in the Fred Viesko herd at Gervais. Shoen and Erb, Sa lem, had a Guernsey with 94 pounds and Fred Thomas, Ger vais, a Guernsey with 87.6 pounds. Coatcs Brothers, Salem, new in the association, have a Guern sey producing 83.2 pounds of fat. In the Holman herd at Jeffer son, two Guernseys yielded 80.5 and 78.6 pounds each. Benedic tine Sisters at Mt. Angel came into this select list of 75 pounds or better with a Holstein at 75.3 pounds of fat. The Jersey Breed association has just verified the Neal Miller, HIR record as 431 pounds of fat for 17 cows. Cows in this Wood burn herd averaged 7,505 pounds of milk. Fred Davis, president of the DHIA, Is asso ciated with the Neal Miller operation. CLOSE OUT ON 1949 MODEL ROTOTILLER New low prices while they last (Only a few left) SEE US TODAY Teague Motor Company 355 N. Liberty Salem, Oregon Phone 2-4173 Cut Flowers Asters, Snaps, Zinnias, Marigolds, Delphs Verv Reasonable D-VISTA GARDENS S21SDSt Li 1 1 1 uUiiii 1 1 RL I j. 1 it J New members his month are L. E. Jahns and Sons, Brooks. laffy Didn't Like Ocean Voyage San Francisco, Aug. 17 W) Everybody who crossed the Pa cific on the SS President Taft was relieved today except Taffy, the expectant elephant. Captain W. S. Tyrrell said aft er the Taft docked yesterday that he never had been "bothered by such a worrisome case of preg nancy on his ship in 31 years at sea. The ship's arrival before the stork saved him the role of midwife to an elephant. Taffy is being sent to Los An geles. Trainer Noel Rosefelt said the blessed event may be a Shirley's Swim Delayed Dover, Eng., Aug. 17 VP) Shirley May France will not at tempt to swim the English chan nel tonight, her manager an nounced today. She had planned to plunge into the channel at Cap Gris Nes, France, sometime around midnight, but unfavora ble weather conditions caused reconsideration. day er a month off; it's hard to tell. (AdvertbeiDCiit) Inflamed Eyes? Oct prompt relief with Livoptik. AUo soothei trtnultted eyelids; relieve tired, ore, itchiriB, itlckjr, burning or irriUted eyes or money refunded. 30 jwa luccdu. PrtLsd by thousand. Get Lavoptik to diy (Eye-cup includedl. At all drutflsti. Give your eyes the benefit of expert care. Examination by a thoroughly trained specialist. Modern frame styles. Plenty to See with Clear Vision Optometrists AT BORING OPTICAL Dr. E. E, Boring 383 Court Dignified Credit Phone 1-6506 Dr. Sam Hughes Four-Year Old Boy " Dies in Iron Lung Spokane, Aug. 17 VP) A four-year-old boy died in an Iron lung at a Spokane hospital yes terday, the fourth polio death of the year in Spokane. The boy, Andrew Sather of Spokane, was stricken by the disease a week ago at Yellow stone National park. Other vic tims of polio here were Mary belle Reed, 12, Los Angeles; Richard L. Finkbeiner, 17. Deer Park, and Billy Offerdahl, 11, Chewelah. Egypt has a plan to send men trained in agricultural eco nomics to foreign countries to study the needs of foreign markets. GOING TO COOS BAY OR 0 SOUTHERN OREGON? Try our overnight service On your next trip to Coos Bay er Southern Oregon save time and energy. Travel while you sleep on our convenient overnight trains. Leare any evening arrive at your destination next morning. Ride in roomy standard Pull man or in economical coach. Overnight service returning, too. For fans and schedules call your local 8. P. agent. DON'T MISS-9th ANNUAL SHAKISPEAREAN FESTIVAL AT ASHLAND Dally except Sunday, August I to 24 rU Southern Pacific C. A. Larson, Agent Phone 3-9244 Another Brown's Unbelievable Value . . . ilL, i-v r r-ws-v i-w il nn e"V r KyyU 1 V' T0 INTRODUCE nT ICt) this WCKY NEW UWWSWV f! RING CREATION U 'tSk f REGUIARIY$38.98 & M euaranteeb-Value j J. ec 41111111 T' t -N-y- - la This certifies that the buyer of either a "lucky lancer" er "lucky lady" ring will be allowed the full purchase price if traded in for ANY Diamond Ring at ANY future time. '4M0' 1 2 sv Jii i Here's the lucky ring you've been look ing for. Be lure the name "LUCKY LAN CER" is on the band. It assures you of getting a genuine 1 CARAT ZIRCON of collector quality set in precious black onyx; mounted on a HAND WROUGHT setting of 10 karat GOLD. See it and you'll agree it's worth every bit of the regular $39 price. But it's not $39, not even $29, but only $19.49 . . . while limited quantities last. "LUCKY LADY" Lucky Combination Onyx and Zircon . . . ,'15e49 Reg. $32.00 A daintily propor tioned ring with all the brilliance and splendor ... all the (double luck ... of genuine onyx and zircon. ALL THE FIERY BRILLIANCE OF A $500 DIAMOND, YET YOU PAY ONLY... 5949 Lay-a-Yay for Christmas Now Jeweler, Optician 184 N. Liberty 2 Entrances 420 Court BROWN'S JEWELRY 184 N.Liberty Salem Hw was me t Cnuln. Ilrcon and Onyx tlnj tor Mm at $19.4?- Q laditi at $15.49. I oat andoitng dawn payment af s and oflrM la pay balarxe SOt waakly. Cat a narrow (trip at aapar eiaclly ffia lama lanerH at Hia clrcvnfaronca at your ring flngor to thaw tixt af ring wantad. Pin this ilrlp af popar to tftit coupon. City