20 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Wednesday, Aug. 17, 1949 ' Born of the Storm By SIDNEY B. CARTER (Chanter 28) l don't want to take your girl friend In." Inspector Duffy was saying In exasperation. "It's no pleasure to me. But, can't you see Itoe picture? Here's a babe whose iiusband's mean as hell to her. She hates him. He's sick now. He fcan't make a living lor ner, even She's In love with another guy . ghat's you. Well, one night three witnesses three, mind you see her standing over her husband's dead body with a bloody knife In her tana . . . There was a sharp, and slightly profane, exclamation from Dennis. "Well," said Duffy, with a shrug in' his voice, "what do you thing we are down at headquarters, dumb bells?" Dennis Indicated that that was what he thought. Priscilla spent a bad night in Jail. As she left the house with Inspector Duffy, there had been soiinds of crying coming from the living room. Priscilla felt sorry for Viola at that moment. Daniel had been a good husband up to now, but that mean streak that seemed to run through tne K.ents made it hazardous to be mixed uo with them in any way. Even Pod what had Inspector Duffy Dald? Three witnesses. That must ihean that Pop and Dora, too, as well as Mrs. tf.ent, naa maae tneir i statement to the police . . . three statements auainst Priscilla. ' The young girl had her chance to make a statement of her own when she reached headquarters, DUt, after a moment's hesitation, she declined. For one wild moment she granted to lash out at them, tell them the truth, try to make them see how It was. but common sense told her not to. She must trust Dennis to do her talking for her She must. There was nothing much in the oell, Just a cot. A barred shaft of May sunlight slanted in. Priscilla liiv down on the cot and let the tears come. There was no one to see her. Why not cry. The condemned woman naa a gooa cry. i She thought about the two mys terious men who brought Kenneth Borne. Who were they? Wouldn't the police make any attempt to find hem? Maybe they were criminals, she thought. Maybe Kenneth had got mixed up in something really Bad In San Francisco. But, even jjo, why should either of them want So kill him? Why? Why? Her mind, like her footsteps, went round and round. There was no way out. I Priscilla tossed on her prison cot that nignt. Dennis i uennisi wny difl I leave you and go back to Kenneth. Why? Kenneth, even in death had brought trouble to her. No sleep came until toward dawn, when she fell into a deep and troubled nightmare . . . ! "Get up." said the matron's voice, Priscilla opened her eyes. "Here's ydtir clothes." Priscilla sat up and looked at the suitcase the matron was handing her. It was not hers was Gertrude's. She opened it and looked inside. It contained some clothes she had left at her old home. The matron turned the lock on the cell and looked at Priscilla curiously for a moment through the bars. "A little girl brought them," she said. Prlicllla almost chuckled as she pictured the scene In the Hayden household when Gertrude barged in and took the clothes She wondered how her mother and Lorraine had taken the news of her arrest ... an accused mur deress. The thought sobered her. There was nothing to chuckle over. But she felt a sense of warmth, nevertheless, In knowing that she had a friend like Gertrude. She wondered why Gertrude had not gone to the Kent home, but per haps the police wouldn't let her. Perhaps they wouldn't let anything be taken out, even clothes. Drusie must have brought the nutcase, she surmised. She al most cried again when she thought of her little sister. It had been such a long time since she had seen her. Priscilla dressed herself as best he could In a faded blue dress, and there was a clean white pique collar to wear with It. When she walked Into the Judge's Chambers at nine o'clock, no one could have told that she had spent the night In Jail. Everyone was there . . . except Pop. He must have had a heart attack after I left last night. Pris cilla thought. His heart could never stand a shock like that. Before Priscilla took a seat at the right of the desk, her glance flickered over the others. Dennis was stand ing at the window, looking out. He did not turn around when she came in escorted by a court attendant. She had the feeling this time that it was not inaiiierence on nis part. It was that he could not bear to see ner in custody. f riscuia sat down. The Judge had not entered as yet, and so tney waited in silence, Mrs. Kent, Viola, and Daniel opposite Priscilla as If lined up against her. But vioia ana Daniel aren't against me. Priscilla thought, a hint of hvsteria rising again. They can't be. And yet what difference did it make whether they were or weren't? They weren't witnesses. Prlscilla's eyes fell hopefully on Dora who sat pigeon-toed, staring at her feet. Perhaps, Dora ... but there could be no hope there, either. Dora was too stupid . . . Mrs. Kent fixed ner eyes on Priscilla and glared malevolently. Everyone stood ud when the Judge came In and then, before I Priscilla realized the hearing had started, it was over. Dennis stated that his client pleaded "Not eulltv" the Judge set her bail at $25,O0C and her trial for next week. Mav 28th. Nine o'clock. That's all there was to it. There was no talk of violence nor capacity for violence. of a gaping wound and blood on an innocent hand. There was nothing. Priscilla, dispatched to her cell. sat down on the cot and waited lor May 28th . . . nine o'clock. (To Be continued) 2171 Y SIZES Jl t , 1 1 2324 SIZES 12 - 44 Spice for Suits Ideal blouses lor under suit wear! No. 2171 is a cap sleeve charmer, simple and com fortable. No. 2324. features tab and bow detail at the front No. 2171 Is cut in size 12. 14. 16 18, 20, 36, 38. 42, 44 and 45. Site 18. 194 yds. 39-in. No. 2324 Is cut in sizes 12, 14, 10, 18. 20, 38, 38. 40, 42 and 44. Slse 18, 1H yds. 39-in. SUMMER Is the time lor pretty styles the Fashion Book the place 10 una mem. Jireryining you neea for that wonderful two weeks with pav. plus plenty of charming and wearaDie iasnions lor town, country, home. The SUMMER FASHION BOOK brings you over ISO pattern designs for all ages ana occasions, and all designed for easy sewing Price just 20 cents. Order vour copy now. Send 26o tor PATTERN with Name, Address, and Style Number State Size desired. Address Capital Journal (52 Mis sion St. San Francisco 5. Calif ) Pamirs and Mimosa These de- uipbv Ji jr"M!f "ghtful crocheted pansles and em- llttrV J I (I HlJl' broldered mimosa combine beautl- .Mvjfjr-JkV. iV'J'S rully 40 create a distinctive runner llrlpxtl nna 'l''e niBt' Measuring IS Inches 11 !DjTTrl !-jL y wide, the runner may be as long I f JJL 1 J , as you wish. lr fwZTl Pattern Envelope No. R2708 con- Jr mr2r tains 14 hot-iron transfers for em- f Jfl & - broidery; complete crocheting ln- " O structlons. stitch illustrations for V jf Bm I embroidery and crochet, material T J JKjSje '1 requirements and finishing dlrec- IS- fa tlons " fig To obtain this pattern, send 20c wTii(r X fr ln COINS. giving pattern number, SvV m QjA ' X vollr nBme. address and zone num- 3SVSa Wlf'- liN"' I bfr to PeRRv Roberts, Capital Jour- roy, r, L. TK , I. nal, 828 Mission Street, San Fran- VVy .' t Cisco 3, Calif. I T A DUMMY MADE OF PILLOWS.1! T SHE HAD BEEN MUTTERING! THERE'S ONLY ONE T SHE'D NEVEB T BUT SHE ACTED KINDA . -THE KAYNE GIRL HAS , - THREATS AGAINST HER TWIN ANSWER, BALDY.'-'BO") GET IN A MELLOW TOWARD STEVE A 5 ESCAPED.MISS PRIMM T"- SISTER --PHONE THE i KAY'S SISTER IS A CAR WITH MAYBE WE CAN BAIT A 1 BlIjqT?11 Sjmfxi itfo'ffiyilf SECRET FFVICF f jT' St Ll WfTH 'HIM 1 I II II II I 1 r- r-l . rL J 1 rl L- r& " 1 1 1 Ancefoiw 0 I- I If LEflPN' Lizaeos! rrs I I A wow! her rice is hotrs 1 LJ K)OONLI3HTNOW LET'S HflVE l I I V ANO PRETTY, "TOO- I QUESS- f" ' ' 1 If H NE6D3 A Bgg I B-BUT I 1! P A LOOK INSIDE J I I V BUT AWPUU CICK SSJSm 1 1 HOW fYUH QET A DOCTOR H I Hr r-r, E II ii inilTESgSffl I V i shot uke this r ysotbl I: sAg'SSR AHATHATS Y CINENOW (K. VOU( UP.) Tf ' 1 CANT MOVE! VrirSli LSa-p 2PJE 4 BETTER -HOWMEBBEWEREW AM&YTIN1ETO y WUAT YOU SOT IN THIS 1 WONT USE SO TX)ES IT FEEL?) GETTIM' ti SeY OUT V M MUD- CEMENT? 6 TV e wi uacmi i Mi3t&Js h-sr-M &7mi irl -sHL-Tn nTv f f-HS A-rOLLYIV SOFTHCARTCD 'fcj F u JA. iMWff&K. M P , .r-'o THANK YO,' OH, DONT MENS.HUN (-'CUSS MS I I JOHN AN-HIS SATCHCL FULL O' " AUpj,, Tfi T SO THETIS STRANGER. I IT.'.'-AH IS ALLUSj BONIS? HE. I MONEY INTO TH WODS.'.r-H AJg -X ' m W W kf WHUT VU DNL Hiamn i uuir mmua ' in , thinks Noaom ues mnr-) fw Sr mCLllr PQ&f r111-r re ?Wvo'ure- ukethet.'.' aoaDjLsr -am. , , cfflg X ftAYll X" FAUU 15, r AN' LIMB. AH SIMPLY CRITTZR THET SKtW r Hffifllltfein i VSrr' . , stS ONE.-FAULT !? .ST A-SAviN-nt uovts tot eyah lived. HE CANT V STICK W WHAT UhMM- YOUR WHAT'S NOW YOU STAY ) DOC, WHEM 1 VOU MOST oH BOY! AIN'T I isaIms ) v2L ( I TEMPERATURE ) THE IN BED THREE I GET WELL. I CERTAINLV 1 p ( mAy GREAT MUTT t V'.3, F ( """""I ferA' DOCr j fitasa plaV the I I' 'tvji'V' 'iifP-'lvb Ysmd x sin wxssksm ??Sgr5ta7 'AVc ,AP yci LOW CAT 1 1 OH, HAVE YOu"Tm0RE'N ONCE, LAP.. PUT IN ANP, LAP..THERES THIN6S ON THAT BLAKffi i"'-EL 6TO BEEN THERE ? THERE ONCE WHEN I WAS MATE ISLANP.. CRITTERS ANP PLANTS PO VOU KNOW WHERE 1 AMARILLO" THE SPANISH l. f ON A SQUARErRI6GER IN THE ANP SUCH. .THAT INT TO BE b WEVEOOIN6, SALTY? J CALL 6OT ABOUT AS sff ,TWbE .. LCTOOe ROYALS, POUNP AJWHERE ELSE IN I r I j . . -TTTTT1 CWHAT'S THE CHARSE? ) UDOOI? TASTE, BUT THERE'S I I ( CASE DISMISSED! J IWCAUSHTMJH HE DREW MV1 jjNO Caw AOAINST Q "AT MthiSTIMEJ TV P,CTUR ON-'', f 8UT, P ( ff . IT J YOU DONT HATE 50ME0NE 1 I I REALIZED LAST THURSDAY ZC 71 , c I HOWVOUMUSrl WHO HAS SAVED VOUR LIFE! J WHO YOU WERE-"AND FOR ALMOST ) MRS MARY WORTH ' M, P HATE ME. .-WHERE IS YOUR A A WEEK I'VE BEEN MENTALLY S - SS.,,. J&Z MR GREENWOOD! A HAND--? Vsssii FRAMING THE MOST IMPORTANT f L05 ANGELES,CALIF0RNIA- M "S V JP SALES LETTER OF MY ENTIRE J " DEAR MRS. WORTH! I . SCr CAREER' , ' !- YOUR COMPANY HAS DONE MUCH TO A A aWjl 7 r- ' HELP GREENWOOOJNC.THROUdH A DIFFICULT R . PERIOD OF RE0R6ANI7ATI0N. J v I i ILsSSB S) SO, AFTER HAVING MADE A T?a T rpJJ-Cj-5F'; S J-"" CAREFUL INVENTORY OF YOUR ASSETS. '. X S , .1 1T" Ojyf jlk X Slrf' I HAVE DECIDED TO PROPOSE AMERCER. J1 ... TflYfl 7 -owIrV VB , jfHr 'N other words, mary. --- j w l liyflvV SiivovTvli ZSZZHtl s will you do me the honor A-si i o iJ " RADIO PROGRAMS IKSLM lk UBO WEDNfSDAY P.M. KGW 1 K0C0 IIH KOIN m CM I m :00 Vftller Trohan Wtmis'i Bterti Ehythm Rineb Cart Mi L l6 Piulm Farad On Snnar Side Rhythm Ranea Mr. Informally J: Cirmrn Ca11elf Cb'ca r'ater, Nawa Bini Crnaby Bonn of Pralrl mW :41t Ted Pratt Richard Harkoen Bport Pt Larrr LaStgtr 6:00 red Drake Chicken Erery Candle Llfht and Knoi Hannln lb Adv. of Champ. Sunday Silver Band on Farads SO Music Muaclal Coektalla Newa Chat Hnntlej 41 Mtiilc Elmer PeKraen Troplcana Ntw 7:00 Gabriel HeatUr Henry Morean Pat O'Brien Conductor'i 8bw. IA Northwest Newa Henry Morcan ifatlcal Jackpot Condueter'i Bhw. :S0 Mnsle Ronald Colman Bandstand Condnctor1! Bhw. :4ft Maile Ronald Colman Duaont Dope Condnetor1! Show. 8:00 :oail Sarvey The Big Story BaiebTll Columbia Peataro 10 Coast Survey The Bli Story Baseball Columbia Featara :So Clseo Rid Curtain Time Baseball Hollywood Huaie :45 Clieo Kid Curtain Time Baseball Hollywood Masle 9:00 What's the Nam Supper Cleb Baseball Cbaa. CoUlncwo IS of that Bone Newa of World Baseball The Chleaioani ;S0 Variety Time Archie Andrewa Baseball Dr. Christian 4fl Variety Time Archie Andrewa BasebiJI Dr. Cnrlatlap, iaj4:00 Newt Ch'ck r'attr Nowa Baseball Plve Star Final llrl lo Select Local Newa Sports Paie Final Newa Round Cp Nlfht Editor lf:So Newa Mr. DUt, Attorney Track 1490 Seminar j Music Mr. Dlst. Attorney Track 1480 Spin to Win I :00 Valter Trohan Sam Hayes, Rep. Track 1400 Serenade I ;1B Bob Poo' Show Wai Museum Track 1400 You, the World I 1 ;80 Bob Poole Show Waa Museum Traek 1400 Orchestra " :4B Music Wax Mnieum Track 1480 Newa WiOO Slrn Off Sln Off Sim Off Silent THURSDAY 6 A M. TO 4:45 P,M. :00 Newa Hodis Podie News ' IA Dawn Patrol Hodae Podia KOIN Kloek 30 Northwest Newa Kneass, Newa KOCO Kloek KOIN Kloek ;4fl March Time llodae Pod KOCO Kloek KOIN Kloek 7:M Dawn Patrol F"o Time Te Bitter KOIN Kloek ' Dawn Patrol arm Time Newa A Sport! Newe ao Dawn Patrol The Old Soon . T Momlni Newa :4B NfW Kneass w. News Top O' Morning Fred Beck 8:00 ' Smooth Musle Western Melodies Consumer Newa 16 Dreakfaat Gft&a Smooth Muslo Weatcrn Melodies Art Baker : Breakfait Gana Rld r' p'rp- 8 Th" SUrs Slni Hks Bellen :4ft roT radei Sam Hayea Chrch Id Wildwd Make Bcllovt 9:0 Barcaln Counter Tne Second Cup Haven of Real Feataro Starr ' Mornlnr Special 8ond Cap Hawo of Rest N. s Sons oi Plor.tr. 3 Berch Without Words Grand Stem 4S MugiB Kneass w. Newa John Ch. Thomas Boaemary g :00 Northwest Newn Tommy Dorsey Guest Artist Wendy Warm ' I 1;" Kate Smith Tommy Dorsey Northwest Report Auot j,B- lfl:30 pBltor t; Tommy Dorsey Coneert Miniature Helen Trent .Lib Rid. Purple Sue Tommy Dorsey Concert Miniature Our Gal Sunday :O0 Newa " Lopes Oroh. Glass Wax Bli Slater " " 9 I I Bennle Walker Lope rch- S!1" S" M Prkina I I 80 Wiles Orcanalltlea Today'a Children G Wai yonnt Df " : Walls Serenade Lora Lawton Glass Wax Guldlna Llrht aw jav :00 Top Trades Double 'r Nothing Hollywood Muslo News "J Ift News Double 'r Notblni Hollywood Muslo Come e Gel II fl :8t Queen for a Day Kneaaa w. News Headline Newa Norah Drake :4ft Queen for a Day Light of World Ted Dale Presents Brighter Day 1:00 Ladies First Life Cn Be Butlfl Mae's Melodies 2nd Mrs. Burton" Ift Ladiea Flrat Road or Life Mac'a Melodlea Perry Mason -30 Northwest Newa Pep Young Faro. Mac'a Melodies Bright 4r Llrht :ft Bob Eberly Show Right to Ha'p'ncas Mac'a Melodies Alr-flo 2:00 Tell Neighbors Backalage Wife Mac's Melodies . Newspaper of Air 16 Johnson Family Stella Dallas Mac'a Melodlea Newspaper of Alf :30 Organ Reveries Lorenaa Joaee Mae's Melodist Winner Take All j4ft Blng Sings Yng Wtdder Brwn Mac's Melodies Tunefully loan 3:00 Against the Storm When Glr' Mar'lea M' Melodlea Newa .lb Against the Storm Portia Faces Life Mac'a Melodlea Meet the Ml is as 30 Mnsio Jmt Plain Bill Mac'a Melodlea Meet the Mill as :4B Muslo Front Pg. Far r ell Mac'a Melodlea Robert I. Lewis 4:00 Say It With Muslo Welcome Traveler Movie Tim a Robert I. Lewis""' 1ft Say It With Music Welcome Traveler hilosophrr Robert I. Lewie HO Music Aunt Mary Bycrs Bedlam Robert I. Lewis :4ft News We Love A Learn Dyers Bedlam Robert 1. Lewis DIAL USTING8: KEX, 1190; KOAC, 550 If FY Wednesday P.M. 5:00, Squirrel il. cagei 5:30, Sky King) 0:00, Keep ing Up With Sports i :15, Home Edition wsi 6:30, Modern Romances) 7:00, Headline Edlilom 1:18, Elmer Davis; T:80, Heinle and His Bandt 8:00, Lone Rangeri 8:30, Star In the Nlghti 8:00, Steel Pier Orch.i 0:30, One for the Bookt 10:00, Richfield Reporter; 10:19, Intermessot t 10:30 Concert Hour; 11:80. Memos to To- I morrow i 13;00, Xtra Houri 1:00, Sign Off. If FY Thursday A.M. fl:00, Early Bird) lL.A 1:00, Newai 7:1ft, Band Boxi 7:80, Bob Hasen Showt 7:4ft, Time Tempos) 8:15, Martin Agronskyf 8:30, Zeke Manners; 8:45, Troplcanat 0:00, Breakfast Ctubt 10:00, News) 10:15, Stars of Today) 10:80, Melody Promenade) 11:00, Ted Melons; 11:15, Galen Drake) 11:80, My True Story. fAf Wednesday P.M. 5:00, On the IW-ZAAVn, Upbeat i 5:50, 560 Sports Clab) 6:00, Newa i 6:15, Dinner Melodies i :), Headlines ln Chemistry) 6:45, Guest Start 7:00, Farmers' Union i 7:15, Evening Farm Hourt 8:00, Public Health Serleai 8 lift, Artistry In Classics) 8:80, Veterans' News Review; 8:15, Loggers' Fire Weather Fore east; 9:00, Musle That Endorse i 8:45, Lift Up Thy Voleet 10:00, Adventures la Research) 10:15, Serenade; 10:45, Newai 11:00, Sign Off. IfOAP Thnrs. A.M. 16, Newa Ittlt, IXWnW For Women; 11:00, Concert Hall; 12:00. Newsi 18:15, Noon Farm Heart 1:00, Rlde'em Cowboy) 1:15, Variety Timet 1:80, Melody Lane; 1:00, Cavalcade of Drama i 8:15, Memory Book of Masle 8:00, News. Texas Resident Expected Silverton Mrs. Lucy East man of 317 Oak street, is plan ning for a visit from her cousin, Mrs. Frank A. Ferguson, the former Clara Davis, of Bay Town, Texas, formerly of Sil verton. Mrs. Ferguson left Sil verton for her present home in Texas shortly after her gradu ation from the local schools. A brother of Mrs. Ferguson, D. C. Q. Davis of Houston, formerly of Silverton, across L Playhouse 8. Mother of Iiihmaa) IS. Chide 14. Living 15. Plant of the lily family 16. Finish 18. Mquors 19. Footlike part 20. Force air noisily through tha none 12. Industrious Insect IS. Una indefinitely 24. Yellow ocher 25. Reverent 'ear 27. Leave 2S. Small boat 29. Be uncertain 31. Device used ln making cloth 88. Ripped Football position Internal fruit decay Forward Mineral sprint Always: poetic Metric land measure Cluster of libers In wool Heron Babylonian deity Small body ol land sur rounded by water Things that belong together Portent Headdress Battling Rocky Moun tain park Abandons A R M5AP Aflat fl I N H Tb I T ANT B A ROM A noli N ft slOwaBATleiNPlEP lNK8DT0MESa h e a l sUa d i FrlsEa Solution of Yeittrday'8 Puzxl DOWN 1 Water chestnut I. Tha lady from Troy s. Epic poem 4. Exist g aa 'w " J5 5? " 7 JS k. Toward f. Uniformly T. City In Nevada 8. ExclamaUon 9. Wing- 10. Large poison- oua ilsard 1L One who exaeti aatlsfaotloa 12. Give back 17. Tie gams 20. Title of a knight 21. First even number 24. Varieties 28. Come ln 28. Low haunt 80. Dowry th The common monkshood It. Beginning 25. Netherlands' commune IS. Tatters 37. Insect with two stiff and two soft wlnga 88. Allow 43. Concerning 43. Steps of a ladder 48. Plan of a town site 47. Tall coarse grass stem 41. Mohammedan noble: variant 60. Before 62. Poem 84. Like 66. Ourselves u e.7 ! ROOM AND BOARD Bv Gpn. h.,n I W TOU SHOULDN'T SQUAVMC "sSt MV ROOWV IS SO SMALL S $ ABOUT MDUR ROOM IN THE ANNEX 15 AND NARROW A W I 3 "'THE WALLS OF Mf ROOM ARE If DACHSHUND W3ULD HAVE TO 1 . S frfS p,AJN112fi r m WAS ws TAU-UP M0 down; 1 V "'noTKSJc 3 "THE ONE WINDOW OPENS ' " i rTh Xr kitS? M OVER. THE KITCHEN AN" I YW HAS outboard J 5wETr r. (I X