Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, August 16, 1949, Page 7, Image 7

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    Edited by MARIAN
Capital Journal Salem, Ore., Tuesday, August 16, 1949
Set Place
For Picnic
The picnic planned for Spin
. sters club members and their
husbands and friends, next Fri
day evening, will be at Paradise
island, it was decided at t h e
meeting of the group last eve
ning. The supper is to be a no-host
event at 6:30 o'clock.
The meeting last evening was
at the home of Mrs. Carlton J.
McLeod with Mrs. Frank Turn
er and Mrs. Gale Besse as co
hostesses. Because of Labor day coming
on the regular meeting date the
club decided to hold its next ses
sion August 29, Mrs. Roger
Schnell and Mrs. Robert Elgin
to be hostessea.
Auxiliary Meets
The Keizer fire department
auxiliary met Friday evening
at the fire department hall. The
women cleaned the hall, after
which there was a social with
games and refreshments.
Those present were: Mrs. C
C. Burnette, Mrs. E. A. Lawr
ence, Mrs. H. B. Teets, Mrs. John
Oudeans, Mrs. Paul Yung, Mrs
Olin Brown, Mrs. James McCor
mack, Mrs. Walter Ketchcr, Mrs
Dene Hocking, Mrs. John Mek
ker, Mrs. Bernard Gr.ooks, Mrs
Norman Brusuen, Mrs. L, A.
WOODBURN The Women's
Missionary society of the Pres
byterian church will meet Wed
nesday, August 17, at 2:30 p.m
in the church. Mrs. Flora Hash-
berger will be the devotional
leader and each member is ask
ed to bring an item on missions
for a round table discussion.
All women of the church and
friends are invited.
RETURNING at the week-end
from a two weeks trip were Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Zimmerman.
They drove to Salt Lake City,
then through Bryce canyon,
Zion park and the north rim of
the Grand Canyon.
uA4 - J. Vfu
Independence Wedding Wed July 30 was Mrs. Kenneth D.
Fuller, the former Mary Rosalie Cline, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Monroe Cline of Independence. Pvt. Fuller is the son
of William H. Fuller of Ridgeficld, Wash. (McEwan studio
by Butter Brown
Herb Tea
An event of interest through
out the valley will be the 12th
annual herb tea to be given
Thursday of this week, August
18, by the Lebanon Garden club
at the Thomas Dlllard home,
route 2, Lebanon.
Herbs, vinegars, sachets, lav
ender sticks and dried and fresh
herbs will be featured in dis
plays. Selections of tea blends may
be chosen by each guest and
herb cookies will be featured in
the refreshments.
Invitation has gone out to all
Garden clubs in the state for
their members to attend. The
general public is invited.
Mrs. Smith
To Entertain
Among hostesses of the mid
week will be Mrs. H. G. Smith,
who has invited guests for
luncheon and bridge.
The luncheon will be at 1
o'clock at Miss Emma God
frey's place, the bridge games to
follow at the Smith home' on
Center street.
Guests for four tables have
been bidden. Arrangements of
summer flowers will be used
for decorating.
Wedding Sunday
Mrs. Grace V. Stuller of Oak
land, Calif., and Cecil W. Stuller
of Salem, were married in the
church parlors of the First Chris
tian church on Sunday, August
14, at 2 p. m.
The Rev. Walter R. Naff, Jr.,
officiated. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene
Crosby of Beaverton were the
only attendants.
VISITING at the Ross W.
Clarke home are Mr. and Mrs.
Clyde E. Millhollen from Fres
no, Calif., and Miss Nancy Jo
Millhollen of Los Angeles. Re
cent visitors at the Clarke home
were Rev. and Mrs. W. O. Fish
er and Bobby of Shreveport, La.
and Mrs. Helen Hall of Beau
mont, Texas.
ft, f:
For Director .
Honoring Miss Gertrude Ache
son, new executive director for
the Salem YWCA, who is to be
here for the day, Thursday,
members of the YW executive
and personnel committees will
meet at luncheon Thursday at
1 p.m. in the Marion hotel.
Miss Acheson recently came
west from Rochester, N.Y.,
where she was YW director, and
is visiting in Portland for a time
before coming to Salem to as
sume her duties as executive
director on September 1,
For Wedding
Invitations were mailed' this
past week-end for the wedding
of Miss Phyllis Elizabeth Schnell
and Robert Walter Strebig, the
ceremony to be solemnized the
evening of Friday, September
2, at 8 o'clock in the First Con
gregational church.
The reception following is to
be at the East Hoyt street resi
dence of the bride-elect's par
ents, Mi. and Mrs. Philip Henry
Schnell. Mr. Strebig is the son
of Mr: and Mrs. Walter F. Stre
big of Salem.
For Newcomers
Mrs. Stephen Tabacchi and
Mrs. James Lugenbeel, recently
moved to Salem from Seattle,
were honored Friday afternoon
at an informal tea for which
Mrs. Floyd W. Shepard and Mrs.
John H. Carson were hostesses
at the Shepard residence.
Assisting at the affair were
Mrs. James Linn and Mrs.
Gregg Lancaster, who poured;
Mrs. Paul R, Hendricks, Mrs.
Thomas Holman, Mrs. James
Young, Mrs. Hollis W. Hunting
ton and Mrs. Jerald Backstrand
VISITING In Salem are Miss
Margaret Griffiths of San
Bernardino, Calif., and Miss
Eleanor Griffiths of Sioux Falls,
S.D. They are guests at the
home of their brother and sister-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. W. K.
MRS. L. C. McLEOD returned
Tuesday from a week in Cali
fornia. She returned south
with her son and daughter-in
law, Mr. and Mrs. George M.
McLeod, who were here for a
week from Berkeley.
daughters, Mary and Judith, left
today by plane for their home in
Detroit, Mich., following two
months visit here with Mrs. Nor
man's parents, Mr. and Mrs. N.
J. Lindgren, and with her two
sisters, Mrs. LaVerne Young and
Mrs. W. K. Griffiths.
Today's Menu
Beef Saute with Tomato Sauce
Masked Potatoes
Corn on the Cob - Carrot Molds
Bread and Butter
Fresh Fruit - Beverage
Carrot Molds
Ingredients: I package lemon-
flavored gelatin, 2 cups hot
water, Vt cup ripe olives, 1 cup
finely grated carrots, 1 small
finely grated onion (pulp and
Juice), Vi cup finely cut parsley,
salad greens, mayonnaise or
creamy-type salad dressing.
Method: Put the gelatin in a
medium-sized mixing bowl and
add the hot water; stir until
gelatin is entirely dissolved.
Chill until about the consistency
of egg white. In the meantime
cut the olives from the pits in
thin slivers into small mixing
bowl; add the carrots, onion,
and parsley and mix well. Add
to thickened gelatin and mix to
distribute. Turn into Individual
molds and chill until firm. Un
mold on salad greens and top
with mayonnaise. Makes 6
In using canned baked beans
for a hot-weather salad put the
beans in a strainer and rinse
under gently running cold water.
Toss the beans in the sieve to
drain them before using.
A smart girl
starts her season with
Teen Age celebrates spring
with new style treatments ol
your ever-faithful saddle.
Remember, all saddles aren't the
same. Teen Age adds an extra
fashion fillip with new colors, new
variations. We have your favorite
(n a range of pert and
pretty patterns and shades.
State St.
laaaaflte He
Wed at Woodburn The marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Wil
liam W. Tremaine (Delores Hathaway) was solemnized July
30 in St. Luke's church, Woodburn. The bride is the daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Phil Hathaway of Champoeg and Mr.
Tremaine is the son of Mrs. Estella Tremaine of Woodburn
and the late V. W. Tremaine. (Bruno studio)
Miss Hibbs Bride Sunday
At McMinnville Ceremony
Unionvale Sunday afternoon, August 14, at 3 o'clock in a
beautiful candlelight service in the First Methodist church, Mc
Minnville, Miss Anna Lois Hibbs, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Royal Wesley Hibbs of the. Unionvale district, and John Orion
Becker, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Becker of McMinnville, ex
changed their wedding vows.
The wedding date was the 23rd
anniversary of the bride's par
ents. Rev. John Schroeder offici
ated In the double ring ceremony
in the presence of a large group
of relatives and close friends.
All white flowers were used
In decorating the altar and
church, carnations and gladio
luses, with candelabrums hold
ing lighted tapers. Candles and
flowers were in each window.
Preceding the service Miss
Nellie Ferguson and Miss Mary
Launer, cousins of the bride,
lighted the altar and window
candles. They wore pink floor
length dresses and gardenias.
Soloist was Rev. George Millen
of Unionvale.
The bride, given in marriage
by her father, wore a white .sat
in floor length gown designed
with close fitted bodice, short
sleeves and round neckline. The
skirt terminated in colonial ef
fect, allowing lace ruffles of the
dress to be seen. The tulle
fingertip length veil was ar
ranged from a halo of orange
blossoms. For her flowers, the
bride carried an orchid on a
white Bible encircled with white
satin ribbon streamers knotted
with white stephanotis. Her
double strand of pearls was a
gift from the bridegroom.
Matron of honor was Mrs.
Raymond Barr, sister of the
bridegroom, In a peach floor
length dress and white picture
hat with green trim. The brides
maids were Mrs. Alfred Hart-
man, cousin of the bridegroom,
a yellow floor length dress
with blue trim, and a white hat;
and Miss Mildred Hackworth,
in an ice blue floor length dress
and yellow trim and a white
hat. The three attendants car
ried white testaments with
white carnations and white sat
in knotted streamers.
Little Janet Clow as flower
girl wore an apple green floor
length dress and carried a bos
ket of flowers and scattered
Little Charles Clow was ring
bearer. Ray Hibbs, brother of
the bride, was best man. The
ushers were Alfred Hartman
and Raymond Barr. Miss Col
leen Coburn and Miss Jeanne
Westfall had charge of the gifts.
Miss Lauramae Goodrich had
charge of the guest book,
For her daughter's wedding
Mrs. Hibbs wore a dress of
green and darker accessories of
the same color. Her corsage was
of gardenias. Mrs. Fred Beck
er, mother of the bridegroom.
wore an afternoon dress of green
and matching hat, and her cor
sage was of gardenias Mrs. John
Hibbs, 85, grandmother of the
bride, wore a black dress with
orange yoke. Her corsage was
of white carnations tied with
orange ribbon.
Immediately following the
service the bridal couple greeted
tnose attending the wedding.
"Folk Songs of Briil"
MM 812
"Sings For You"
MM 843
Don Cossack Concert
MM 844
Concert In C Major for
Violin. Cello, Piano, Orch.
MM 842
Downstairs Oregon Bldr.
State and High J-8631
The reception was held in the
church parlor. Mrs. Charles
Ferguson, aunt of the bride,
served the cake after the bride
cut the first piece for her hus
band. The cake centered a lace
covered table where guests
were served cafeteria style. Miss
Roberta Hackworth was at the
punchbowl. Cutting the ices
were Mrs. Ed Clow, Mrs. Harry
Fisher, Mrs. Carrie Kidd and
Mrs. Paul Zouner.
When ready to leave for a
wedding trip to Crater Lake,
the bride wore a dusty rose suit,
white hat with navy and white
trim and an orchid corsage. Up
on their return their home will
be 436 Galloway, McMinnville.
The bride is a graduate of
Dayton Union high school and
has been employed at Oregon
Mutual Insurance company at
McMinnville. Mr. Becker re
ceived his schooling in Montana
and is employed at McMinnville.
LADIES of the GAR are to
gather for a no-host luncheon
and social, Wednesday noon, In
Willson park.
Just In fmo for fchooJf Famous
nam fountain pan, writot like a
dreaml Ph popular mechanical
pencil. Gold -colored caps, black
barrelt. Grand tot grand giftl
Act fasti Offer good only
whie supply lastsl
Here's the famous G-E Clock -
love. Wakes 'em soothingly,
more jangling alarms! (If they
Diiz7.cs tin shut off!) Smart
looking, with its ivorv Mastic
beautiful table radio, a G-E
an electronic reminder, all in
one! Model 67.
Wedding Set
For Saturday
Planned for next Saturday
afternoon, August 20, Is the wed
ding of Miss Beryl Roberta
Schantz and Dean Morrison
Wilcox, the ceremony to be
solemnized at 2 o'clock in St.
Joseph's Catholic church with
the Rev. T. J. Bernards ottici
ating. The bride-to-be is the daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. William M.
Schantz, Mr. Wilcox, the son of
Mr. and Mrs. George Wilcox,
all of Salem.
Miss Shirley Schantz is to at
tend her sister and Walter
Turner of Forest Grove is to
be best man.
The reception following will
be at the Schantz residence.
Family Reunion
A family reunion was held
Sunday at the Trade street home
of Mrs. Mary E. Croshaw honor
Ing relatives and friends from
Boyd, Wis.
The honor guests were Mrs
Laura Nass, a niece and cousin
of the Croshaw family, Lester
Croshaw, a nephew and cousin
of the Croshaw family, and Mr
and Mrs. Raymond Koepl
Thirty-four were present, in
cluding the honorees, also Mrs.
Mary E. Croshaw, Mr. and Mrs.
David Croshaw and family, Mr.
and Mrs. George Bogoslan and
family, Mr. and Mrs. Deran Par-
seglan, Mr. and Mrs. Chester
Watson and family, Mr. and
Mrs. Gilbert Croshaw, Mrs. Jack
Schaefer, Elmer R, Potter, Miss
Daisy Parsegian, Walter and
Richard Parsegian, Mr. and Mrs.
Hurstle' Totton and son, Mrs.
Julia Totton and children, Mrs.
Joe Wicke and son.
MEETING on Friday will be
Barbara Frietchie tent No. 2,
Daughters of Union Veterans of
the Civil War, in the Salem
Woman's club house at 2 p.m.
Portland Wedding -
Invitations have been received
here for the wedding of Miss
Beverly Rose Taylor and Fred
erick Brock, in Portland, Fri
day, September 2, at 8 p.m. in
the First Methodist church there
Miss Taylor is the daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Taylor of
Portland, and the granddaugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Davies
of Salem. The reception follow
ing will be at the Taylor home.
Famous Fineline $345
with purchase of a G-E RADIO
Radio students
to music. No
dozo. again
electric clock,
Easy Terms
It's IV
DC, batteries. Model ISO.
Regional Meet !
Jo Be in Salem
Plans for the Columbia Basin
Regional conference of credit
groups tobe held ir. Salem Oc
tober 22 and 23 were outlined
by Mrs. Lloyd Myers at the i
meeting of the Credit Women's
Breakfast club, Tuesday morn
ing. The Salem Retail Credit,
group and the local Credit Wo
men's Breakfast club will be
joint hosts for the conference.
Sixteen attended Tuesday's
breakfast, held at Nohlgren's.
Mrs. D. E. Walker presided and
Mrs. Dorothy Hill led the invo
L. E. Hobbs, field manager of
the department of financial re
sponsibility, secretary of state's
office, was the guest speaker on
the topic,. "Know Oregon's Fi
nancial Responsibility Laws."
Next meeting of the club is to
be September 6.
IN LA CENTER, Wash, over
the week-end were Mr. and Mrs,
William E. Healy. Ward Finley
Anderson, a nephew, had been
here the past week and they
took him over the week-end.
En route back the Healys
stopped in Portland to attend
the banquet given Sunday eve
ning as part of the national
Knights of Columbus conven
tion in Portland.
ANNUAL business meeting for
the North Salem WCTU is to be
Friday at 2 p.m. in the fireplace
room of the Jason Lee Metho
dist church. Mrs. Clara Cooley
is to conduct devotions.
Mrs. Clarence Martin will dis
cuss displaced persons and Mrs.
W. W. Chadwick is to give a
travelogue on her recent trip to
PAST NOBLE Grands club
announces a no-host picnic for
Wednesday evening at 6:30
o'clock at the home of Mrs. Net
tie Larson, 1135 Cross street,
all past noble grands of the Re
bekahs and friends being invit
ed. Each is to take her own table
service. The regular meeting
and social will follow the sup
Cut Flowers
Asters, Snaps, Zinnias,
Marigolds, Delphs
Very Reasonable ' .
3225 D St.
yvr at
o ftxrra coeff
G-E 3-Way. Portable
Perfect company on the campus! Handsome,
lightweight, maroon, ivory or light gray plastic
cabinet. Exceptional power. ACAy J
me at
I'll be there August 15th
for a week. And let me
tell you about some of the
back - to - school fashions
we of the JOHNSON'S
BOARD have chosen os
really just the thing this
Back to school means
back to semi-formal dan
ces and JOHNSON'S has
a luscious assortment of
casual plaids, corduroys,
rustling taffetas (or
smooth) and sleek vel
veteens. One special fea
ture of this group is a
Garnet Red Jonathan Lo
gan velveteen jumper
with a bolero jacket and
a pert, stand-up collar.
Perfect for all semi-for-mals.
Sizes 9 to 15, they
are 22.50.
This is the time to bring
out the crisp, white blou
ses. One, made specially
for school wear, is a perk
Peter Pan, long-sleeved,
trimmed with tiny gold
buttons and cuff links.
Every girl will love this
and it's just 5.95.
You know, corduroy is
both practical and flatter
ing. Jo Collins puts out
a new corduroy suit for
Fall with a full-backed
jacket, scalloped trims for
the front closing and
around the tiny pockets,
set off by small gold but
tons. The skirt is plain
with large hip pockets.
Sold together or apart.
Sizes 9-15. Jacket 12.95,
skirt 8.95.
Having trouble matching
anklets with sweaters?
No more! JOHNSON'S
has o new shipment of
spun rayon anklets with
tops that roll perfectly in
all colors to give you that
match. Only 79 cents.
When you come Into
Johnson's, I'd love to
how all of these to you.
'St or for Ladies