lf c Mo FEATURING NYLON PR1SC1LIA CURTAWS S-88 DOWNSTAIRS STORE- Capita Journal, Salem, Ore., Tuesday, August 16, 1949 3 SALEM, OREGON 19 Pmmy9s f r 99 AflPARBON VALUES! OPEN EVERY FRIDAY NITE UNTIL 9 P.M. For many months our buyeri in New York, Chicago, Dallas and Los An geles have been busy gathering back-to-school values for your savings! In most instances we have ample quantities to select from, but don't delay too long come in and see our convenient Lay-Away Plan if you wish. Listed below are but a few of the outstanding money-saving values we have through out the store! When you shop at Penney's you always save! esfs Faill Goats! LITTLE PRICE-.. IG VALUE YoilfS o o o only PURE WOOL COVERTS 100 WOOL TWEEDS Here two Illustrations of what we mean by value! Not just a low price . . . but careful planning to bring you more for your dollar. It means better fabric, better workmanship . . . a wide choice of colors, styles, so you' find your coat! That's true Penney value! DOWNSTAIRS STORE Be smart! Buy on LAY-AWAY! itefr4si i( -,. .. I,., II ,s. 4 ; , I J I. fur fsr 100 Wool WOVEN PLAIDS! only 5 IN NEW UNUSUAL COLORS FOR FALL! Just one example that's typical of the grand styling you'll find in Penney's fall dresses . . . You . . . wearing gay young plaids this fall in colors picked from a grade school chalk box! All are 100 wool plaids and are styled for you just the way you like them ... all are Penney-priced to fit your budget! Come in now and select yours while our large new stock is com plete. Don't forget all are usual PENNEY MONEY-SAVING VALUES! Sizes 9 to 1 5, 1 2 to 20. DOWNSTAIRS STORE RAYON 1 CURTAIN PANELS I iemp wnsm Values! M FUUSizc4V'x8r Popular Ivory Color Buy Now and Save DOWNSTAIRS STORE 1 on liiiiirimrHi mm OVAL RAG RUGS All New Quality Cotton Big Repeat Value A Great Comparison Value DOWNSTAIRS STORE M V'-' : j HOUSE fROCRS .79 oiy 80 So, ca,e Pr',nt; Gay New Fall Plaids Sizes U to 52 DOWNSTAIRS STORE