AUTOMOBILES PONTlACSGOODlviircMs '48 Pontiac Sdn. Cpe. R&H, low mileage $1895 '41 Pontiac Sport Coupe, R&H ... w Pontiac Sedan lt- '36 Chevrolet Sedan 195 '36 Plymouth Sedan .'.'!!!!.'.'.'. 195 Herrall - Owens Co 660 N LIBERTY "McKay's "GOOD VALUE" USED CARS AND TRUCKS "OK" AND "GOOD VALUE" USED CARS in Chevrolet Stylemaster 4 Door Sedan, mir f Heater. Complete motor overhaul iblOyS 47 47 46 41 Packard 160 H.P. 4 Door 'ackard 160 H.P. 4 Door Sedan, fl.-wrvr-Hadio, heater, overdrive, low mileage .... J2f)j Chevrolet Convertible, Radio, Heater, air White Sidewalls, Foglites, fender guards .. JplOZO Buick Super 4 Door Sedan, Radio, Heater. j,, ,nr Exceptionally clean 2)1475 Pontiac "6" 4 Door Sedan, Hter $895 Three "Good Value" Cars 40 Plymouth 4 Door Sedan, Radio & Heater . . . $395 40 Pn"ac Business Coupe $445 39 Ford Tudor, Heater $495 Douglas McKay Chevrolet Co. Member of Salem Used Car Dealers Ass!n 550 No. Commercial Phone 3-3175 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS I DISTILLED white vinegar for all pickllni put post A "Keeps your pickles krlsp.' ALio old time pure apple elder vlnesar Puritan Cider Works, West Salem. n205 45 AUTOMATIC pistol, holster St shell. Perfect shape. Call 24048 after 5:00. nl97 USED MAYTAG cast aluminum tub, bal loon winger. Good condition. 160. 930 Hood St. . nlflS STEEL CLOTHESLINE PosU, railings In stock Si made to order. 1145 N. Liberty. n216 PLASTI-KOTE, the cellophane-like finish for your floors or linoleum, that re quires no waxing. Yeater Appliance Co., 255 N. Liberty. n216 ELECTRIC SEWING Machine. Free-West-irm house. Yeater Appliance Co.. 255 N Liberty. n316 USED ELECTRIC range 129.05 to J 139.50. Yeater Appliance Co., 255 H. Liberty. n216 USED ELECTRIC refrigerator. Yeater Ap pliance Co., 255 N. Liberty, n216 USED ELECTRIC Washing Machines, 119.95 to (129.50. Yeater Appliance Co.. 255 N. Liberty. n2l6 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WE NEED junk batteries. Paying 11.76. Retread Tire ServlcB, 320 So. Lancaster nalflB IT'S YOUR FAULT! If you sell your household goods without getting my price. I consistently pay more cash than any oher dealer. Ph Glenn Woodry 35110 for Immediate re sults. Will pay bonus price for com plete households. nal05 WANTED furniture vo glue b repair Lei Bros. Purn Reflnlahlng Co ph 2-1001 llSED FURNITURE Phone J-918B. oi" PERSONAL CAR ACCESSORIES at cost price, first come first served as this Is a close-out sale. Dealers welcomed. R. D. Woodrow Co. 450 Center. P AFTER THIS DATE I will not be re sponsible for any bills contracted by anyone other than myself. John W. Hun ter. 1149 Ruge St., West Salem. p!95 Stanley home Products. 555 Cross St. Phone 2-5446. p21 linn REWARD for the first Information leading to arrest and conviction of per son who killed a certain blue-eyed white male cat In vicinity of Summer At D St. Aug. 8 or 7. .Identity absolutely not disclosed unless desired. Pn. 38706. Pl4 Three sisters Convalescence Borne, 3595 D street, Salem, Oregon. Phone 23859, where your loved ones get the best. Fully staffed, 24 hour service, newly equip. A rrlst class nursing home. Miss Bernlce Struckmeler, Supt. P201 AUTOMOBILES WILSON'S LOW COST SPECIALS ..$295 .. 275 1936 OLDS 2-DOOR 1937 CHEVROLET COUPE ... 1936 CHEVROLET SEDAN ... 195 195 145 1937 PLYMOUTH SEDAN 1933 BUICK SEDAN OttoJ.WilsonCo. Commercial at Center Eisner Motors to Buy WILSON'S 1946 PONTIAC SEDAN ' $1395 EXCELLENT CONDITION OTTO J. WILSON CO. Commercial at Center GOOD VALUES 1949 CHEVROLET SEDAN 3000 Mile 1948 CHEVROLET AERO Tu-tone Green RAH 1948 FLEETLINE 4 DOOR 1300 In Extras 1947 AERO, maroon color. A beauty. 1947 AERO, black. W.W. tires R&H. 1947 CHEVROLET CLUB COUPE Fully equipped. 191 CHEVROLET CLUB COUPS 1931 SEDAN A DANDY Eisner Motor Co. 352 N. High St. Salem, Oregon 17 3f FORD coi pe. -46 motor, radio, beat. r. sportllte. fender skirts, etc. New oa;nt. Phone 2-6076. IM 3 riiEV. SEDAN, new front end. heater, good motor. 3440 Sunnyvlew. Ph. jg MM chev. roi'PE, isno cash. 183S Ave. Phone 3-M91, tail evening. 1BS AUTOMOBILES PH. 24113 Corner" Sedan, AUTOMOBILES WILSON'S LOW COST SPECIALS 1931 OLDS 3-DOOR .... $295 137 CHEVROLET COCPE ., 275 1938 CHEVROLET SEDAN ., .... 195 1937 PLYMOUTH SEDAN 195 1933 BUICK SEDAN .... 145 OttoJ.WilsonCo Commercial at Center 4190' FOR SALE: 1B36 Nash sedan. $50. Ph. 3-S810. 1 '47 CHEV, ,4-ton panal. Good eond. ti We. 3 good pare. RAH. Ph. 3-7587. WILSON'S 1949 CHEV. CARRYALL $1885 ALMOST NEW OTTO J. WILSON CO. Commercial at Center ql6 '3 PONTIAC 2-door deluxe. Good run ning eondlttoo. 1310. lOBg Kite. Ave. 3-1434. ql99 19SR CHEV. truck, flatbed. 157" wheel base. SUB for quick sale. At Qulnaby Corners. ql96 WILSON'S 1949 CHEV. CARRYALL $1885 ALMOST NEW OTTO J. WILSON CO. Commercial at Center qlflS1 49 MERCURY 4 Dr. Sedan. Radio, Heatfr As overdrive. One owner car, 7600 mile."! Cash price 12045. Ph. 33743. ql94 SACRIFICE '40 Ford convert. New ttres, natter? St seat covers. 1145 N. 21st. Ives. Ph. 3-8748. ql94 194 DODGE 2 dr. Sell or trade on 1947 model convert. Ph. 3-9031 or 3-3722. ql97 FOR SALE. 1935 4door Pord convertible. Ph. 29932 days. 34843 nights. ql99a I94H CHEV. eonver. Loaded with acces sories. Excellent condition. 31775. Ph. 2-4431 or 3-3849. 0.1B8 1936 FORD SDN. Good condition. 1300 or best offer. 539 N. 33rd St. Phone 3-4758. q!95 WILSON'S 1946 PONTIAC SEDAN $1395 EXCELLENT CONDITION OTTO J. WILSON CO. Commercial at Center l!)3ft STl'DE com. 1350. Good condition In Si out. See at first barber shop across bridge. West Salem. ql96 1086 PLYMOUTH sedan. New motor, top. gas pump St water pump. Good rubber, heater. 8.B. lights. Tel. 3-6803. q!94 WANTED: Clean used can. 3160 South Commercial 150 USED CAR lot. Am. car on the ol 150 your old one 13th St. Junction. q307 Eisner Motors Fine Cars 1940 G.M.C. H-on Picaup. Eicell. eond. New motor. See L. E. Oler, call eve ntnaa. 400 N. Grant St., flllverton. Ore ql96 ZEEB'S USED CARS BUT SELL TRADE TERM 332 fairground Rod Pnooo 3-8454 Eisner Motors to Sell 11940 HEAVY Duty Chevrolet 8-yard dump true. Baceuei.. l 60S K. flalem Rd Dallas, Ore., at Dal las city limits. 0,198 T.m 1-ue-v innr. F ti . RAH. black MOTORCYCLES, SCOOTERS I h. d. 4-74 with 11.600 miles. Windshield. lap rooe ana iBum u(. over 50 mllei per hr. 9376. Gene Diets. 255. N. River Rd. Ph. 37332. qil95 FARM EQUIPMENT JOHN DEERE Modil I Tractor. Call St. p.i.l MJ qbl94 HAVE S TD-H tractors, wide gauif. 1 new. 1 uied. Will lell one. A. O. Cnolltk. 312 Panama Bldg. BS 9013. 199 BOATS SUPER RPFPTAT. New 13 it. Bern! V Bottom boats. Beam 54 in. Transon 48 In. 177.50. North Salem Bo t Shop. Rt. 7 Box 22. Ph. 20060. qql05 TRAILERS NEWLY DECORATED light trailer house. Sleeps 3. 1600. Ivan O. Martin. Ph. 3-4419. t!95 T FACTORY BUILT trailer house. Bu tane range. OH heat, good eond. Priced lo sell. 3910 N. River Rd., Fir Crest Trailer Park. tl97 SAVE 50 on Trailers Sportsman Tear drop, all aluminum. 1379.50. Cub Senior walk-In mdoel 1395.00. T. W. Gibson. 1735 8. High, Salem. Phone 3-6248. U96 SEW SENSATIONAL NO LIFT boat trailer. for iniormation write Box 369 Capital Journal. DEALERS WANTED. t216 I ft. TRAILER, turn.. g!. eond., $350 Ph. 39386. alter 6 p. m. or 1005 8. am FINANCIAL We LIKE to MAKE LOANS We make loans to 4 out of S who ask for one and enjoy doing it. $25 to $500 on Autos Up to $300 on Salary, Furniture Cash lor any good purpose Take up to 20 months to repay Don't borrow unnecessarily, but if a loan solves a problem, phone or , come In today. Personal Finance Co. of Salem SIR State. Rm. 125 Phone 2-2464 C. R. Allen Mgr.; Lie. 8-123 M-1165 HBB PRIVATE MONEK Special rates and terms on largei loans long and short time payments ROY H SIMMONS 136 Boi'h Commercial St Phone 1-0161 $ CASH $ $25 to $500 FURNITURE. LIVESTOCK EQUIPMENT LOANS CP TO 1300 Oar loans up to 1500 Coma In or phona Hollywood Finance Co. 1991 Fairgrounds Road Across street from Dank No Parking problems Phone 27012 -Lie N M369-S391 Floyd Kenyon. Mar r SEE DA fOR ATTRACTIVE FARM LOANS ONLY OR , INTEREST I to 40 Years and No Commission Leo N Childs, Inc. REALTORS 344 State Bf Phono 3-3fifi3 GENERAI FTNANCB CORP. LOANS Lie S-138 and U-321 nd ROY R SIMMONS INSURANCE AND LOANS 13a S Commercla St Tel 3-9181 r' AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO. 183 S Church Parklnx Plenty Ph 2-24S1 Lie No M-13H S-1S4 FARM ANT, CITY LOANS 4'4 and t VOUR OWN TERMS of repayment within reason Cash for Real Extate Contracts and Second Mortgages CAPITOL SECURITIES CO -.01 Pioneer Trust Plde. Ph 3-7162 r PRIVATE LOAK WANTED On home and business property valued at $2S.O00, located In Salem. Income from property S235 per month. Want 48900 loan at 6 Interest. Call 3-4542 ask for Stevens. rl99 TRANSPORTATION WANT TO SHARE Expenses with some one ROtne to moux ram, 8. u wumn next week. Ph. 3-6365. xl95 LEA VI NO AUGUST 21 for Enid Okla. Go inn thru Bolae, Salt Lake, Ounnlaon & Dodge City. Wilt take one or two peo ple. Call a-7I4fl. xl94 DIRECTORY 4DDING MACHINES All makes iifed machlnea told, rented repaired Roan 46(1 Court Phone 1-1773 APPLIANCE SERVICE ELECTRIC ROME appliance repair aervlcr new appliane Vlnce'i Eieetrle Phone Free eatlmatea Trade-Ina accepted on 3-9239 137 B Liberty St 0 flpence'a Home Appliance Repair. "Noth ing to Sell But Service." Phona 2-4602 Prompt. o206" AT-UR DOOR GRINDING Tawnmower tharpenlni and repalrtni Dexter's Ph 36833 o L!TO RADIOS Authorized Warranty Repair Station for all make of Auto Radio Morrow Radio Co 153 S Liberty Ph 3-69B5 o MARION MOTORS NASH SERVICE Towlnt service day phona 1-9206 NlfM 2-1804 33" Center. ' Mike Panek, 275 6. Com'l. Ph. 3-5161. Brake and wheel allgnlna apeclall.ts o208 BUILDING CARPENTRY Remodel, repair that home now. Tarma. No down payment Phone 2-4850. o BUILDING CONTRACTORS Alt Bros. Also houses raised. New foun dations. Phone 2-5909. o216 All Bros. Also houses raised. New foun dations. Phone 2-5909. o212 Tongue and troove chmney blocks, wholesale or retail. Mortarlesi Block Co Ph. 3-7324. o205" BULLDOZING Dean Robinson. Ph. Bulldozing, leveling, road bldg., clear lng, teeth for brush. Vlrell Huskey, 1010 Falrvlew Ave. Ph. 2-3146, Salem. o213a Bulldozing, leveling it fine grading Prompt service. A. L. Elcln. Ph. 3-1264 o207( BUSINESS PROFESSIONAL EXCHANGE Telephone answering service. Day-nlte Your secretary. Ph. 39133 0195 CASH REGISTERS Instant delivery of new RCA cash register Al makes sold rented. re pai-ad, Roen 456 Court Ph 3-6773 ' CEMENT WORK For expert guaranteed satisfaction new or repair of foundation, sidewalks. driveways, patios, curbs, walls ete Call 2-4850. CHIMNEY SWEEP Furnace chimneys bacuum cleaned Enaley. 771 8. 2lat. h. 3-7176. o208 CUSTOM BUTCHERING Custom killing, curing St smoking and locker meat for sale. Salem Meat Co. 25th St Turner Rd. Ph. 34858. o211 ELECTRIC AI. CONTRACTING Vlncf' Electrle for electrical wiring contracting repairing 157 S Liberty Ph 1-9239 O EXCAVATIN DITCHING Hoe, Dragline, shovel. Free estimates E L. Boatwrlght. 410 Oregon Bldg. Ph 39fiu3. o202 EXCAVATING A GRADING Excavating Si grading. Ben Otjen At Son. jib tturai Are. fa. jjbbu. ouv EXTERMINATORS Cockroach, Moth Exterminator Service. Ph. 3-3056. Lee CroJs, 1555 Pearl. ol08 Breitnauot'f for flowers Dial 3-9179 C JAINTOR SERVICE Window Cleaning Janitor Service Floor Waxinf BuHdinta Factories - Homes E.t'-r,tes Without Obll2atlon AMERICAN BLDO. MAINT. CO, Ph. Salem 3-9133 c INSULATION Johns-Man villa. Phona 2-3' 46. Wheat Causes Weaker Market Chicago, Aug. 16 W Weak ness in wheat, especially the September delivery, cramped the advance of feed grains at to day's board of trade session. Off and on, during the session selling in the nearby wheat de livery depressed other grains, but corn exhibited considerable independent strength. At times September corn was up around a cent, the result of some com mercial buying and short cover ing. Oats followed the lead of corn in a modest manner, but when wheat declined near the close all deliveries slumped. Cash grain traders placed corn bookings on a to - arrive basis at 15,000 bushels and sales at 100,000 bushels. Wheat traders expressed dis appointment because expected flour business did not material ize. . . At the finish wheat was 1 ,4 to 2 cents lower than yesterday's close, September $1.98-. Corn was Va higher to 'k lower, September $1.19-'4. Oats were V to lower, September 64 '. Rye was 3 to 5 cents low- September $1.41. Soybeans were IVi to 2 cents lower, No vember $2.36 Vi -36. Lard was 10 to 15 cents a hundredweight lower. September $12.27-25. DIRECTORY LANDSCAPT NURSERY 1 A 'Doerfler Si Sons. Ornamentals 150 H Lancaster Dr ai 4 Cor Ph 2-1322 o LAWN MOWERS Sharpened, guaranteed service. Npw power and hand mowers. Call Harry W. Scott, 147 S. Com'l. St. O207 LAWN MOWER SHARPENING At you: door lawnmowe- PhsrpcnlnR Dexter the la winnower man Ph 36833 HOUSEHOLD PRODUCT J R Watkins Co products Free ivery 1717 Center Ph 3-5395 MATTRESSES Capital Bedding Phone 3-4069 OFFICE FURNITURE Si SUPPLIES Desk chairs, files and filing auppne safes, duplicators and supplies desk lamps typewriter stands brief eases Pierce Wire Recorders. Roen 456 Court MUSIC LESSONS Spanish St Hawaiian Guitar. Mandolin. Banjo, etc. 1533 Court St, Ph. 1-7569. 0214 Sprai or brush painting. Ph. 22664. o201 Ifstrom's are equipped to do roui painting Phone 2-2493 e PAINTING St PAPERIIANGING Painting and paperhanging. Frta esti mate. Ph. 3-9513. 957 Shipping. 0214' PAPERHANGING Expert Paperhanglni and painting. H J. Woodworth. Ph. 2-5B68. Free est. o201 Kemtonlnn. Interior decorating, free ea tlmates. Ph. 20501 o!99 Bldg. maintenance, painting, Ph 20501. PA IN TIN Q & PAPERIIANGING Call 22608 for your Painting hanging. Attractive rates. Paper 0l97 Don Lucero 0193 PICTURE FRAMING Picture framlna Phoue 1-6687 Hutcheon Paint Store Fisher, 844 8. Com'l. Ph. 3-3019. P'tUNING-SPRAYING Phil 1 3 W Belike h. 2-1208. ROAD BUILDING A GRADING Road building Si grading, land clearing with teeth. Small or large Job. Prompt service. L. Ekln. Ph. 3-1264. o213 SAND A GRAVEL Valley Sand & Gravel Oo Silt, aand Ml dirt Excavating 10B shovel St cats Tractor scoop Si trucks for dirt moving Ph office 24002, rea. 37146 c Salem Saw Writs. Ph. 3-7603 1393 N &th. o203 SEWERS AND SEPTIC TANKS Electrle Roto-Rooter Exclusive Patent RasOT jharp Steel .Cutting Blades Clean Sewera or Drains septle Tank; Cleaned Rea Ph 1-5327 or 9-9468 t.rTIC TANKS Mike's Septlo Service. Tanks cleaned. Roto Rooter Service on Sewers. 1079 Elm St., W. Salem. Ph. 3-9468 1-5327. o209' K Hamel. Septle tanks cleaned Electrle machine service on sewer and drain llnrs. Guaranteed work. U43-6th 3'. West Salem. Ph. 3-7404. 0197 Care taken with lawns. No mileage charge. Call collect Todd's Seotlc Tank Service. 2545 State. Phont 2-0734. o SEWING MACHINES Bought, sold, rented, repaired, EZ terms All makes. W. Devenport. Ph. 37671 0202 All makes repaired, free Singer Sewing Machine Co Commercial Ph. 3-3312. estimates 130 No TYPEWRITERS Smith Oorona, Remington Royal. Under wood portables All makes used machines Repairs and rent Roen. 456 Court TRANSFER A STORAGE '.ocal St Distance Transfer, storage Burner oils, coal Si briquets Trucks to Portland dally Agent for Bekln House hold coods moved to anywhere In U S oi Canada Larmer Transfer St Storage Ph 3-3131 o' VENETIAN BLIND 5 Wade l-t Salem Fret est Phone 37328 rimer the Blind man o 3alem Venetian Blinds made to order it reflnlshed Ralnholdl St Lewis 3-3630 WEATHERRTRIPPING Free estimates. T. PULLMAN, Ph. 3-5965 O208 Portable acetylene c anywhere. Ph. 33485. WELL DRILLING Fred Wymore Rt 2 Box 317 Ph. 3-3135 0210 WINDOW SHADES Washable. Roller Made to order 1 Day Del Relnholdt Si Lewis Ph 33639. e' WINDOW CLEANING Ame V indow Cleaners Windows, wails At woodwork cleaned Floors cleaned waxed and polished Ph 33337 247 Court Lantdoo. Culbertaoo and Mather WOOD I SAWDUST Wst Salei Fuel Co Ph 3-4031 LODGES 1.0.OJ meet every Wed nesday merit. Visitors wei corns, MARKET QUOTATIONS Salem LiveiUvh Market (Br Valley Packing Company I spring iambs 119.0 Feeder lambs 110.00 to 114.00 Ewes 11.00 10 14.00 Cutter cowa 19.00 to 110.00 Fat dairy cowa .110.00 to 111.00 Bulls 113.00 to 111.00 Calves, good (300-450 lbs.) 114.00 to 116.00 Veal (130-300 lbs. good ..119.00 to 120.00 Portland Eatlda Market Corn sold for 11.25 to 11.16 a five dozen ear pack on the Portland last Id t Farmers Wholesale Produce market to day. Tomatoes were 11.33 to a flat. Peaches were offered at 11.35 a flat. Cantaloupes brought 14.00 to 14.35 a crate for jumbo all Dtllards with W. pato district melons going at 12.00 to I1.1S a crate. Lettuce was 13.50 to 13.75 a traM. Portland Pro tinea Bu tic rfalTenl alive, aubject to Irnme alaie change. Premium Quality maximum to ,36 to 1 percent acidity delivered in Portland 63 -66c lb., 92 acor 6164o lb., 90 score, 57-60c, 89 score. Sic. Valley routes ana country .oinis ir less man first. Butter Wholesale FOB bulk cube to vhoieifclers: grade AA, 93 score, 92c A 92 score 61c: B. 9D score, 59e lb.; O S score, 56c. Above prices ai strictly nominal. Cheese Selling price to Portland whole sale: Oregon singles 19 -40c; Oregon S m. loaf 42-43e; triplet lass than Ingles. Efii (To Wholesalers) A grade large 6Vfc-62Vtc; A medium, 54Vi-5?'c, grade B taige, 53Mi-55V,c; small, A grade, 44 Portland Dairy Market Butter Price to ret alien: Orada AA prints 67c; AA cartons 68c: A print 67c A cartona 8ci B prints 64c. Ei Prices to retailers: Orada AA large 68c do.; certified A large, 65c; A large, 64c: AA medium, 61c: certified A. medium, 60c; A medium, 59e; A small. 46c: cartons 2c additional. Cheese Price to retailers: Portlana Oregon Mng.e 39-42c Oregon loaf, 6 b loafs 44li-45c lb.; triplets, l'-i cents less than singles. Premium brand, si nails, 51 'ac lb. loaf, 53liC Poultry Live Chickens No 1 quality FOB Plants, No. 1 broilers under 2'i lbs. 26-27c lb. fryers 2Vfe-3 lbs., 30-32c; 2-4 lbs., 12-33c roasters, 4 lbs, ana over 32c lb,; fowl, leghorns, 4 lbs. and under l9-31e, ever 4 l9-2lc; colored fowl au weignu c roosters, all weights, 18-20C. . Kabblli Average in growers: live wnuea 4-5 lbs i 18-20 - lb.; 5-6 lbs. 11-18 lb; oio red 2 cents tower, old or heavy ooes 8-14c; dreued fryers to butchers, S3-S7c Country-Killed Meat Veal top quality 31-33C Ib.l ether grades according to weight and quality wi h poor or heavier 24-2BC Hogs: Light blockers, 2l-33e lb.: sow J4-20C Lambs: Top quality, 37-3lc lb.; mutton IO-12c. Beef: Good cows, 23-24e lb.; manners- cutters. 2l-23c. Fresh Dressed Meats (Wholesalers to retailers per cwt.): Beef steers, good, 600-800 lbs - 143-46 commercial, 136-141: utility, 131-134. O wa Commercial. 133-36: utility. 119 31 Canners-cutters, 125-27. Bee! cuts i ood steers)- Rind quar ters 1.S3-55. rounds. 153-55. full loins, trimmed. I70-S75: triangles. 136-17; square chucks, 138-40; ribs, 152-55; forequarters. HH-37 Verii and 'alf: Quod, 138-40: commercial i33-35; uti.Hy 126-30 Lambs: Oood-choice, spring lambs, 143 45; commercla. 137-39, Mutton: Good. 0 lbs. down. 118-20. Pork cuts: Loins. No. 1. 8-12 lbs. ID 62; shoulders, 16 lbs. down, 140-42; apart ribs 148-51; carcasses, 135-36; mixed weights 13 lower. Portland Miicrllaneiini Ca icara Bark Dry 13 lie lb., green 4c lb Wool Valley coarse and medium grades 15c lb. Mohair 15c lb. on 12-month growth nominally. Hide Calves, 23c lb., according to weight, kips 20o lb., beef 10c lb., bulls 4-5o lb Country buyer pay lc less. Nut Quotations Walnuts Franqualtea. first quality lum- DO. 34.7c large, 12. 7e; medium, 27.2c; second quality Jumbos, 20.2c; larta, 28.3c m.dlum, 26.2ci la by, 13 2e; soft shell, first quality large. 39.7c medium. 26.2c: sec ond quality large, 21.3e; medium. 34.7c; baby !3.3o. Filberts Jumbo, 20o Ib.l larga, He medium. 16c: imilL I3e, Part land ' Grain Portland, Aug. 19 (jf) Oash grain: Bar ley No. 2. 45-lb B.W. 41.00. Cash wheat (bide soft whit 2.01'i; soft white (excluding rei 3.01 14; white club 3.08 Vi! western red 3, 08'. Hard red winter: Ordinary 1.08!; 10 per cent 2.08 V; 11 per cent 3.91; 13 par cent 3.08. Hard white heart: Ordinary 1.99'A. Today's ear receipts: Wheat 91: barlay 12; flour I; corn 4; saU I; mill feed 19. Portland Livestock Prrtland, Ore., Aug. 19 (U.B Livestock: Cattle salable ISO; holdover 280: calves 75; holdover 16: market opening slaw most classes: soma beef cows about steady; few common and medium steers 17.00 to 32,50: odd common and medium beef heifers 14.00 to 19.00; light miiad cutter dairy type steers and heifers down to 11.38; canner .and cutter eows t.10 to 11.00; common and medium beef cows 12.00 to 14.00; good 1100 lb. beef eows Monday to 18.00; good young cows to 15.50: medium and good sausage bulls 16.00 to 17.60: outters down to 13.06; good beef bulls Monday 18,00 to 16.50; good and choice vealers salablt 21.00 to 22.ID; top Monday 23.00: heavy calves slow. . Hogs salable 128; market not fully es tablished; few bids around 1.50 lower al 22.50 for good to choice 110 to 330 lbs.; selected lots 33.00; odd specialty sales early to 31.50; no early action sows; good under 400 lbs. quoted 16.00 to 17.00; heavy sows salable down to 14.00 and below; good and choice feeders lacking; salts Monday 24.00 to 34.50. Sheep salable 600; holdover 300; market .slow; few medium and good sprinters steady at 16.00 to 19.00; good and cholae 20.00; few good feeders 16.00; bulk supply unsold: good slaughter awes salable 1.04; common lo medium 3.00 to 1.00, Chicago Livestock Chicago, Aug. 16 (f (USD A) alible hogs 0,000; very slow and uneven; butch ers 75 cents to 1.25 lower; most on weights under 200 lb; sows mostly 78 cents low er weights over 426 lb scarce and only around 60 cents lower; top 30.78 very Spar ingly; practical top 20.50; bulk good And choice 1B0-250 lb 20.00-20.50; 150-180 lb 18.00-10.76; 350-300 lb 10.00-20.33; few Up to 350 lb downward to 17.50; good and choice sows under 360 lb 16.5018.00; few up to 18.50; 276-400 lb 15.26-16.50; 400 476 lb 14.00-16.50; few odd heavier sowt as low as 12.00. Salable cattle I.SO0: salable calves 506; choice steers and heifers moderately active and steady; lower grades alow, steady to 25 cents lower; beef cows dull, peak to 36 cents lower; canners and cutters about steady; bulls and vealers about steady; top 28.75 for three loads hlgh-eholee 1.072-1,260 lb steers; bulk good and choice steers 25.50-28.25; medium to low-good kinds 21.00-25.25; good and aholce helf- 26.50-27.50: load held above 28.00; common to medium oeer cowa i,za-ii.oa. canners and cutters 11.00-14.25; medium and good sausage bulls 18.30-21.00; com men to choice vealers 21.00-27.00. - Salable sheep 1.000; spring limbs strong to 60 cents higher: practical top 23.56; extreme top to small killers 34.00; choice lamb weights 31.00: awes weak ta II cents lower; lights 8.60 down. Wheat Begins to Move Portland, Aug. 16 Gov ernment wheat began moving today to tidewater elevators here from country points after lifting of a rail embargo on export grain. Overseas cargo being loaded In river ports has eased the storage problem. LEGAL NOTICE OF FINAL HP.ARINO administrator of the eitfcts ELECTA E. MCDONALD, deceased, the undersigned has filed in Circuit Court of Oregon for Marion county, in rroi, hli final arcount In estate of aald dice dent, and Reotember 0. 1040. 10 o'clork, a.m. (Pacific Standard Timet, and court room of ifld court hare been Appointed by said eourt for hearing of objections to aid account ana settlement inereei. O. LYMAN MCDONALD Administrator Aforesaid. Allan O Carson and Wallace P. CI r ion Attorney! lor Administrator. Aug. 0, 16, S3, M, S4-t, SALEM MARKETS Completed frnm reports of Ralrm deal- rs ror tnt guidance 01 t apitai Journal Readrra. (Rcvlwd dally). tatall Feed Pricra Est- Main 15.20. Rabbit Pellets $4.35. Dairy Feed 13.85. Poultry: Buying prices Grade A color ed hens, 22-3.r.c; ernde A Leghorn liem 20-22c: grade A colored fryers, threr bs. a no up, 32-33c. Grade A old rooster)- IS cent Eggs Buying Prlrea Extra large A A. 63r large AA, 62c: larce A. 60-63c. mrdlmn AA. i7(; meaium A, as-Mc pullets 36-40c. Wholeiale Prires Egg wholesale pricr to 1 cenU above these price. above G ide A generally quoted at file medl- in. 63r Butterfat Premium 64-65c. No 1. 63c: No 2. 51- 19c buying prices t Batter Wholesale grade A, 67c; re .all 72c. 1 Gribble Clansmen Gather at Reunion Aurora The annual Gribble clan was held in Champoeg park with about 150 members attend ing. The picnic dinner at 1 o'clock was followed by a busi ness session presided over by the president, Lansing4 L. Gribble of Aurora. Officers elected were Ed Riggs, president; Frank Gribble, vice president; Miss Priscilla Gribble, secretary-treasurer. The program consisted of a prayer by Robert Hampel, min ister of the Aurora Presbyterian church, two trombone solos by Norman Tyler, son of Mr. and Mrs. N. F. Tyler of Woodburn, and two vocal solos by Avon Jesse of Canby. Principle speak er was Allen Gribble, son of Mr and Mrs. Albert Gribble, who gave an interesting talk stress ing chiefly pioneer days along the Old Oregon Trail and de picting points of interest recent ly visited by Mr. and Mrs. Grib ble on a trip to Missouri. Mrs. Earl Gribble was in charge of the food committee and Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Grib ble in charge of the coffee com mittee. Elderly Silverton Woman Has Callers Silverton Augmenting the scores of guests present during the day Sunday In compliment ing Mrs. Catherine Evans on the occasion of her 95th birthday anniversary, were the following calling informally during the evening at the family home in Maple avenue. Rev. Arthur Charles Bates and Mrs. Bates, Mrs. Eliza b e t h Johnson, Mrs. Bcrna dine Reed and son Douglas, of Eugene, Mrs. Collen Albright of Salem, Frank Hubbs, Mr. and Mrs. Vilas Kirk and Rcta and Audrey of Sweet Home, Mrs M. Ritchie and Linda, Pal, Roger and Margo all of Salem, Mrs, Katy P. Sturgis of Brooks Mr. and Mrs. Richard Harris anu Richard and Anne of Brooks, and of Silverton Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Johnson and Phil and Glinda. Salem Heights Mrs. John Douglas visited her daughter. Mrs. Richard La ran in Portland over the weekend. Loretta Bales is attending the Y.W.C.A. district camp for girls at Silver Creek Falls this week She will return Wednesday. C Outdoor Reading Room Carol Cole. 16. relaxes with a magazine as she ridos an inner tube around pool at College Park. Ga., where she was elected "Miss College Park." Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., $1 X " s Miss America Meets a Duchess Bebe Shopp, Miss America of 1948, (right) meets Duchess of Kent at London studio of Noel Coward (center) where both were guests. Stocks Advance Fractionally New York, Aug. 16 (Ti - mild recovery move m e n brought the stock market out of a slights lump today and pushed prices fractions higher. The volume of trading expand ed as prices advanced, and the total was at the rate of around 850,000 shares as against 710, 000 Monday when the market de clined. Some of the utilities were in demand, including American Power & Light and Standard Gas & Electric $4 preferred, both reaching new highs. STOCKS 'Rv the Associated Pressi An To! St Tel Miarorda Bcndlx vi at: on Beth Steel Boeing Airplane , Calif pRckint :inaiinn Pacif'o Cnse J I CaitMtilllnr Chrysler , Comwllh Si Sou , Cons Vuliee Continental Can Crown Zfllcrbach , Jiirt'.ss Wrlaht , Do 1 1 Bins Aircraft , 3 IN. , 51 K , 25N . 8N. Dupoiit de Nem 51 Genera1 Electric 37S rrerai Food 4' Oenrral Motors fil Ooodychr Tire Int Harvester 2I,'1' !nt Pnppi tCnnecoit Libuy McN ft L fh Long Brll A- 3'. vlntgnmery Wtrd M Nash Kelvlnalor 13Ti ; I Dairy 3t NY C.nrta lo- Nnrthprn Pacific Pac Am FI.sH " Pa Oa St Eleo ' Tel f. rel Penney J C adlo Corp ,n RayoniT 34 h ionier Prd Reynolds Metal ' Rlchflf.d 3-nr.s Roebuck 34 louihern Pacific 43 3 andard Oil Co '0 -midebaker Corp 8fi Sunshine Mining ; 33 ' Tranaamerlra lnlon Oil Cal 11 Union Pacific 30'- tinned Airlines "3 U 8 Steel l" Warner Bros Plo 33'i Wool worth lf,Tfc Safeway stores . ... M' Silverton Residents For Detroit Caravan Silverton-With 35 well-filled cars making up a caravan head inc out of town Sunday fore noon around 9 o'clock for the Detroit dam dedication ceremo nials, numerous civic minded families were counted among those attending the affair, Among local folk noted at Detroit for the day were Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Drake. Mr. and Mrs. Wren Mntheny. Dr. and Mr. P. A. Loar. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Anderson. Mr. nd Mm. V. V. Runyan. Mr. and Mrs. A B. Anderaon. Mr. and Mrs. Georire Wlesner. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Riches, Mr. nd Mrs. Ol-nn Drledwell. Ivan Oaks, Mr. and Mrs. H. BatlKch, Mr, and Mrs. BUI Bobbins, John Onndknecht, Mr. and Mr, fl. Parav Rose. Mr. and Mrs. Oscnr Ed- hind, Mr. and Mrs. Norrle Ames, Mr. and Mm. Alfred Adams and smalt son, and Mrs. Paul Innes. Mr. and Mrs. Reed, Mr. and Mrs. H. Regan. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Adams. Mr. and Mra. Ed Adams and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Knless. During the serving hour the Silverton folk were pleased to see that their former mayor, Mrs. J. Cal Schlador, was man ager of the serving assemblage. Tuesday, August 16, 1949 19 OBITUARY Juanlta Fay Bkelly Woodburn Graveside service, with tha ShiRO Mortunry in churee, will be held at lie Belle f.Pj.M cemrKry Friday after noon at 1:30 for Junnltn Fay Skelly, who dr-wnrd In SUt-no&s lake Sunday. She was born in Warrennbura, Mo., June 11, tisWu survived by her husband: by her father, James Van Lien of Hubbard: a brother, Cecil Van Lien of Monrovia: Cnllf.: a sl-Her, Louise Adams of War- re 11s bur. Mo.: and several half sisters nd half brothers. Mm. Mvra Chnrboneau Woodburn Funeral services will ba . held at 10 a.m. Thursday at the Rlngo Mortuary for Mrs. Mvra Charboneau, 17. drowned in the Willamette river Monday afternoon four miles above St. Paul. Interment will be In Belle Pass! cemetery. Mrs. Charbonrau was married only a month rso. She was born in Rupert, Idaho, March 14, 1032, and had llvrd at nervals for the last four montlis, romln from Idaho. She Is survived by her - husband: her parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. McNie of Rupert; three sisters and four brothers living In Idaho. John Bnrtnlk t. Angel John Barlnlk, 91, died on Wednesday morning at the home of his In-law t.d daughter, Mr. and Mrs. lohn Plain at Crooked Finger, where tha Bnrlnlk lived since they retired In 1D.10. Born at Brealau, Germany, October 12, 157. he married Miss Caroline Tanzet there In 1837, who preceded him In death n June 1945. They came to Portland, ore on In ifl89, and In 1900 established a homestend at Crooked Finger, where they Ince lived. He Is survived by two daugh ters, Mra. Mary Plas and Mra. Theresa Hettwer, both of Crooked Finger, and -4 grandchildren. Also a sister, Mrs. J. K. Dubol sot Orchard, Wash.; brothers, Jake Mt. Ansel, Paul of Grand Rnnde, Charles of Genoa. N.Y., and Joseph of Crookrd Finger. Funeral services wera held from St. Mary's church, Mt. Angel, with the Rev. Fr liter Vincent Koppert, O.SB.. officiating, and reading tha rrnv&slde service at the burlnl In Cal- very cemetery, Mt. Angel, on Friday morn- Bearers were Bruno Schmidt, Main. Blelenbcrg, Gerhard Pln, Joseph Sploun- .skl. Georire Ilelvey, and Pearl White head. The Unaer Funeral Home was in charge. John R. Slhlry Dallas Funeral services for John R. Sibley, 62, attorney and abstractor, will be h"ld from the Henkle and Bollman chapel nt 2 o'clock Wednesday with Lloyd Rica officiating. He Is survived by his widow. Mrs. Lulu Slblem, a daughter, Mrs. Calher'ne I. Cnlloway. Washington. D. C, a grnnddnug liter and a sister. He was born In Fairfield, 111., Sept. 25. 1880, and married Lulu A. Dempsey In Dallas Oct. 27, 1909, com I n a here from Illinois in lf)04 and conipletrd hi schooling at La- Creole academy and Dallas college. Sib ley wan a member of Mnrmion lodge No. 9A Knights of Pythias for 26 years and of Dalore Temple, Pythian Sisters. He had lerveri as a rlty council man frnm oep ember IP24 to November 1927. Sibley was the owner of the Sibley Abstract com pany. Marguerite Agnea C touch Albany -Special surgery which she un derwent at the University of California, ved unavailing for Mr;. Marguerite Annes Clonal!, 28, 537 Wet 11th Ave., Albany, filie died In Ann Francisco Sat- rday night. The funeral will be held Wednesday at 2 p.m., at the Fisher funer al home. Burial will be In the Willamette Memorial park. Mrs. Clonal, was a member of the Chrlstain Science church. Mrs. CIoukIi. whme husband Is J. W. Clouah, was born May 1, 1821. at Minneapolis, Mtnn. She rame to Albany In 1945. Sur viving are the widower, a daughter, Dlna Rap, her parents, Mrs. Josephine Holt man, Alameda, Cnl.. and F. Walter Holt man, living in Mlnnejints. and a hall brother, Donald Holtman, living in Mich igan. Frank Smith Walker Aibnnv Frank Smith Walker. 80. Leban-" on. died Sunday In the Willnmette Gen eral hospital following a sudden Illness. Funeral announcements will be mA later. Walker, a retired former, was born in Dorchester. Ont., CanBda. January 15, 186(1. and moved to Oregon In 1902 from HardinRton, Neb. Mr. Walker settled In the Brownsville vicinity, but had lived In Lebanon for the last 16 years. Survivors nre one daughter, Mrs. Emma Lnswell, Salem, and Frank S. Walker. Albanv. Mr. Walker married Laura Simpson in Marlon, Iowa, in 1808. Mrs. WBlker died in 1B35. Three grandchildren alflo survive. Stephen Bodoey Farlre Albany oravesirie services were held at Riverside cemetery Tuesday at 10:30 a m., for Stephen Rodney, Infant son of Mr. and Mrs, Delbert Farlee. 638 Weat Fourth Ave.. Albany, who died In the Lebanon Community hospital Saturday. Surviving are the parents, paternal grsud pn rents. Mr. and Mrs. E. K. Farlee. Mon mouth, and maternal grandparent.1", Mr. and Mrs. Emel K. Knskela. Florcnton. Mtnn. The Kortmlller-Frederlrksen Fun eral home Is In charge of arrangements. ftufua slarnard Tomlln Btlverton Rufus Maynard Tomhn. W. died Monday at his home at Marquam where he had lived the last three years. He was born In St. Paris, Ohio, Jan. 2. 1888. Surviving are three children, Ruth Rice, Mrs. JeHn Ramey and Donald Tom lln. all of Merquam: two brothers, John and Elmer Tomlin. both of North Lewis burg. Ohio: sister, Mary Davis, of St. Par Is; 16 grandchildren and one great grand child. Services will be hld from tha memorial chapel of the Ekman funeral home at 2 o'clock Wednesday, Rev. Pierce Smith officiating and burial In the Mil ler cemetery DEATHS Twin Ron Acerlerlo Infant twin sons of Mr. and Mrs. An tero Acerierto of route 2, Salem, August 13. Private services were held Monday, August 15, under the direction of the Howell-Edwards chapel. Bertha Marie llendrlrkinn In this city August 15, Bertha Marls llendrlck.son. Survived by two daughters, Mrs. Etllth Sampler. Mrs. Edith Sumpter of Valsetr.. Oregon, and Mm. Vera West of North Bend. Oregon; one brother, Ture Hendrlrkson of North Bend: and a sis ter. Amanda Mat.soii of Olympia. Wash. Services wilt be held at the W. T. R'don chapel Wednesday, August 17. at 1;30 p m with concluding services at Belcrest Memorial park, John Clifford F. I ford John Clifford Elford. lale resident of &SS Center street, at a local hospital. Ait: uat 16. at the eae of 48 years. Sur vived by father. John C. Elford of Salem; sister. Mrs. Kenneth W. King of Snlrm; and a brother Mervvn R. Elford of El lenshurg, Wash. Announcement, of serv ice later by Olouih-Barrlck company.