18--CapltaI Journal, Salem, CTJ4S91FIED ADVEETISLNQi tJtel Lint IK it?et Line J time 40c , pet Line 1 time. c J,Per Line 1 month . U.00 4,puull of Balera lSe per line pei tit kiln. lOet I time, rain, too , time mln $1.20. No Kelunrte KEADCKS In Local Newe CoL OnlTl Iper un Me Jo Place an Ad Phone 2-2406 FOR SALE HOUSES NMV'HOME by owner. 2140 Carlton Way. W."on 99 to Carlton Way. 15 NEW' Bdrm. House, 2310 Broadway, $8500. iJV H.v. 2305 N. Liberty. al98 S Leaviner the State lay 11392 equity In 1 yr. old 2 B.R. home. Insulated, hardwood lira., com pletely modern. Move rlnlit In (or j00. I. F.H.A. Bee 512 Blller Ave. Ph. B4 "OWNER 2 bdrm. home reduced to 900. 622 N. 17th Bt. a ninriia IVM3 tQftn Just the Pic. for a couple. Hdwd. floors, nlea utility rm., brand new house, lawn, Itvapple, cherry and pear trees. 10 blks. ut ol Statehouse. Rom. Terms, or afaould go O.I. Phone 2-6680. ' ED. LUKINBEAL REAL ESTATE 440 N. 14th St. a!94 111.000 SPECIAL No. 3 Zone, N. Com'l. St., 3-B.R. hse. on one fir. Deep dry btu.ni., oil ht., In top cond. Beautiful lawn and shrubs. 66 ft. front lot. Hse. is built on one td of lot, leaving 30 ft. for business building. $10,000 ON STATE STREET 4-BR. hse. No. 3 Zone. Full basm., neat and clean, worth the money. Ph. 2-6080. ED. LUKINBEAL REAL ESTATE 440 N. 14tll St. Pi" $8500 - 3 BEDROOM Puii basm., ht. lot. pvd. st bus by door fcnglewood DLst. Ph. 2-66fi0. ED. LUKINBEAL REAL ESTATE 440 N. 14th St. a!94 fOB SALE by owner New 2-B.R. house, floor furnace. Phone 2-0102. a!94 SMALL 2 bedroom house. Hardwood firs. Plastered. Two lota. 2395 Claude St. Ph. 25512. Nice corner lot 60x125. a IPS R TTiD-h St. Mod. Home --& - Bu 3 bdrms., den, liv. rm.-dlntng comb.. kltcnen wun noon, iuu .mm,., bullt-lns, auto oil heat, fireplace, car petcd, hdwd. firs., Inc. lot. $12,600. Ph. owner at 3-6196. n9H FOR ' SALE by owner, new Kingwood Heights view home, 2 bdrms.. hard wood floors, fireplace, auto, washer A dish washer, large lot. Cull 35500. alQ6 NEW t BDRM. home. Choice corner. Close in. P. 2-&4JB. "JTL ffEW 3 bdrm. home, close to senior HI " Good price $x icrms. contact. um" . J; 1560 "B" St. i2 li INGLEWOOD DLst. 2 BR. Price $500 un 'I der F.H.A. appraisal. IHnO dn. Ph. 2,-5820. L! by OWNER: New 2 bdrm. modern house. 1 Has oil furnace, Sz Karaite. Lot 50x126 14000. Terms. 2330 Hyde St., Salem. al97 h SACRIFICED for $fl95u. Owner leaving I city. 1841 home with 3 BR St activity room, weather stripping iu"' nice yard, close to bus St school, I'M! A Phone 2-4703. alD7 "bi. RM. house on 1st) floor. Near ehnnii rinfid rntLnue on SB mo lot 7 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION By Owner, Ig. 6 rm. Hourly new Rub s' urban house, close to city limits, nchools 1 and bus. ltd. floors, auto, heat, piped , to alt rooms, Ig. utility room, hreezeway with att. Bar. Unfinished up with stairs and electririty In. FHA terms, Balein 3 Heights Dlst. Priced to sell quickly. S85 Ewald. lfl8 . BY OWNKR. 2 acres, modern 2 B.R. home 5 Ven. blinds, untune & shop blda., ber H rles and orchard. One block So. ol Rosodale school. Ht. Box 2HI. a202 L F HOUSES on 1 lot, $105 Income. $8,000. P Terms. Hcnncssy. 55 Hiwuy Ave. a!05 Neai University spacious older home In very line condition. 3 llR's up & 1k rms. dn. fine lot. Live stream. API. iise.i.usAiuiiiuc.i. 412,600. B. Isherwood, Realtor IP0T N. Capitol St. Office Ph. 2-3R62 '$3250 FULL PRICE ' $1000 DOWN 140 PER MONTH Wixlern 2-bedroom house. Oil clrculatlnn hea'.er, electric water healer. garaKC. This may be the reasonable priced house that you have been looking for. Hollywood District IGP50 FULL PRICE 3 BEDROOM HOUSE Full basement, fireplace, hardwood and piaster, corner lot, lurnace heat. Will carry large P.H.A. loan. Abrams & Skinner, Inc. 411 Masonic Building Ph. 3-H217 Real Estate Insurance Mtg. Loans ninft fflCE.C HEDItOOM home completely re decorated. Immediate possession. 7Bno. Terms, Phone 3-3H4D or2-44Jll. laR i HI) KM. HOME $i:i00 down. Open dnlly 1140 Lewis. Ph.354U2. tilim' SV "OWNF.R 2 MR. house, llreplare. llen dix, elec. heat, hdwd. fir?., v. blinds, 1 year old. Call 27860. 105B E. Rural. ill OB BY "OWNER: Sale or trade on 2 11. It. house, clean 5 b.r., bath, kltch.. L R . DR., separate ent to 3 B.R. a, elect, wtr. Mr., rlec. or gas conk Inn. v. blinds, full basin t., garage. Cull 9 to 5 p.m. 1535 Trade Bt. ali'D BY OWNER: NEW 2 BD. RM. HOME. ST. ELMO ADDITION. LARGE LOT, FENCED IN BACK YARD, jeo M P L E T E OUTSIDE JfTREPLACE AND PATIO AND GARAGE. PH. 25348. FOUR CORNERS "B.R. on 1 fir., large garnge, nearly A. filberts, close to school, city bus, priced Ight at 18950. Crawford. . KEIZER DE LUXE ' Excellent 10 yr. old home, fireplace, full bxmt., lane lot with business possibili ties,' fronting on 2 well travelled sir wis Sell or bwbp for good 5 rm. home In Bast or South Salem. Crawford, BURT PICHA, Realtors 379 N. High St. Olllce 2-3tlt9 Eve. 2-5390 or 3-7451. a!9-P McKinley School District Lots ted Just outslds city limits south, A t bedroom pi watered home with bii.se ment. A 2 bedroom plasirrd home with basement. Oily water, bus by door' acre. Just REDUCED to $5,930. ACT NOW. Building This Fall? We have a wonderful home-site on BEN LOMOND hill. First property east of i.40 Wild Wind Dr. 203 It. on uppft road, city water: 1 bik. to McKlnlry grade school. Restricted district. 2i lots in all. Make an olfer NOW. vMattson & Roethlin REAL ESTATE Ph. 3-5838 231 N. Jtith Eve. Ph. 3-7534 - 3-1724. al5 BY OWNER In vest Inn tc, you will find it Ju;t aa easy to own this quality sub urban home. Large liv. ft din. rms. H W. floor, ven, blinds, fireplace, large win dows, handy ktchen, 2 master slfe bed rooms, basement, party rm., air cond. furnace l'a acre In ml. deep well, kimm! lawn, plenty of shrubbery, bits line c!a-e to -city limits. East, Shown by appoint ment. $3550 down, could use late model car. Mr. Mason. Phon 3-8B41 from 9 to I. a 195 Ore., Tuesday, August 16, 1949 Win a Guest Ticket to See "The Mighty Joe Young" AT WARNERS ELSINORE THEATRE HERE ARE THE RULES: Read the Capital Journal Want Ads and find the title of this picture coming soon to Salem Clip out the want aa in which the picture title appears and ac company it with a simple state ment of 23 words or less on "Wliv I Read The Capital Jour nal Want Ads." with your name and mailing address, and deliver or mail to the Capitol Theater boxoffice. Contestants will be Judged on sincerity and originality The FIVE best statements re ceived each day will each receive a guest ticket to see "The Mighty Joe Young," coming soon to the Elsinore theater. All entries Decome the proper ty of the Capital Journal and decision of the judges is final Employees of the Capital Jour nal, The Capitol or Elsinore Theatres and members of their Immediate families are not eligi ble to participate in this contest FOR SALE HOUSES MUST SELL 3 bdrm. house on acre, Kinffwood. Ph. 2-7241. al96 ENGLEWOOD Three bdrm. home (1 dwn 2 up), LR, DR, Fireplace, hdwd. firs., extra deep full cmnt. usmnt. with oil furnace. Corner lot with nice lawn, shrubbery, Harden, and shade trees. Located on north 17th St. Price IB500. Consider home In Corvallis In exchaiiKP. NEW WITH BSMT. 2 bdim homo with LR, DR, hdwd firs, full cmnt bsmt with auto oil furnitce, lot 63x13ft. Price $0750. $1750 Down FHA. $1500 DOWN Buys this knotty pine special with 3 odrnis, lne livlnu rm, Karaite. Choice Vk acres north. Pice $0650, Consider city home. COUNRTY HOME Located on pavement east near Pratum, 4 yr old 4 bdrm home with LR, DR, nook, very neat & clean. Dble garaite. small barn, chicken hse. 3 acres choice soli. Luruo abundant garden. Price 112,000 iiicludlnK some machinery. Con sider wood 2 bdrm home in town in exrhnnirt'. COLBATH LAND CO. A Home & Business ONE OP THE BETTER STATE 8T. Furnished homes. 4 bdrms., basement can be miide Into aiunt. No. 3 zone. All for $10,7fiU. Terms. A HOME IN ENGLEWOOD Lovely 2 bdrm., Iireplnce, garage, fenced yard. $10,750. MANHHIN GARDEN BEAUTIES One 2 & 3 bdrm. homes, fireplace, large rooms, HW firs., mirage. $1500 down. Small monthly pints. NEW HOME. TERMS LIKE RENT L. E. Klumpp, Realtor 4HI) N. Church Ph. 2-7042 Eve, or Sun. 2-0343 or 3-0120. alD4 FOR SALE BY OWNER One-half acre at 390 Ewald avenue, macadam surlace: no dust: city water: lovely view, nine large walnut trees, flowers and shrubbery; dwelling con taining kitchen, living room, dining mom combined with bar: shower, oni naif bnth down stairs; large bed-room u list a Irs; garage and ut lit y room all roiislructed last three years; excellent condition. Price $7M)0 cash, or on ti-nns.N.OR A U. SNOOK. 198 OWNKlt FOKCEH t"oellr.iodern2" odriiT home. tll Koscmont, West Salem. a!911 Y OWNER Small unfurnished house. north, i)ur0. $1!0U dn, I'h. 2-5311, 2-3'Jin. LOVELY SUBURBAN fftKOO. 3 bdrms. on 1st floor. Hdwd. firs. Ihruout . Largo living rm, Fireplace. Ijro window facing East. Dble. gar Law ii, hlirubs A flowers. Terms. C. W. Reeve Realtor 945 8. Comra'l. Ph. 3-4590. Eve. 3-9536 a 196 WHY PAY RENT? J7.ri0 down, U.so your O. I. loan on this new home Norlh. Utility rm., att. gar. Larire int. Full price JllttriO. C. W. Reeve Realtor 945 S.' Comm'l. Ph. 3-4590. Eve. 3-9516. alllu Lovely 2 Bdrm. Home Hdwd. firs, thruout. fireplace, V blinds, full bsmt., close to shopping center. 19400. Ph. 3-3289. General Real Estate 255 Center St. al94 CHEAP Move In and complete. Plumbing .V wlr lint rouuhed In. A. 3 bitlrooms, att. gar. Prtc $:iJlll). JBno down. C. W. Reeve Realtor 1145 8. Comm'l. Ph. 3-4590. Eve. 3-9536. alflH FOR SALE LOTS SUBURBAN" LOTS- 35 down. $10 per month. A. best nt sotl. Ne;ir store ,V bus. As low lis $500 C. W. Reeve Realtor 945 S. C'omm l. Ph. 3-1590. Eve. 3-QM nalitfl iOxlliI I.OT on N. 18th St. Restricted dis trict. Sep at 1915 N. 18th St, or en!! 3-4085. flitl9t; LOTS with water, electricity, bus, close to school on ailverton highway. Why pay rent. Build your own home. 115 down. 115 per month. General Real Estate 3,S5 Center. Ph. 3-32H9. aal98 HI'llllY TO SEE choice view tot. Best price for quick sate. Ph. S-3G67. aalf8 FOR SALE: View lot facinn east. Restricted district. F. H A. approved. 80x140. City Water, trees, perfectly placed, top of hill, Rood drainage. Out S. Commercial, up Ewald to 3645 Scenic View drive. aal94' FlIHlvlOIlNT VH'W AUDITION, 8alrm exolitMve residt'nttnl dtst., right on top of Falrmount hill. Each lot hus finest view. Hrlve up Wnsh. St, All lots have 90 ft. frontage. Just a few mora avail able at J2M1. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings Personal Bervlce 1B4 R, Comm'l 81. Ph. 3-8389. Eve. 3-744P aal94' HV OWNKItl Lot; South; 60xTT2:city water: J BOO, $25 dn., $10 a mo. Ph 2-V.M1 - 3-i56 aa!95' FOR SALE FARMS " WANNA SWAP? Several I a rms to trade fur City Prop erty. W!at Mve -ou7 Crawford. BURT PICHA, Realtors 379 N. H!h St. Office 2-3649 Eve. 2-5390 or S-74M. bl94' FOR SALE OR EXtTI ,-!,wk; B0 acre irri gated iHtrn 10 yr. leae Taylor grarlng. With or witliout Hock equipment at R-Mid, Ore Modern 3 bdrm. liou.se, other bldnK. good, on pavnt road, school bu Phone. Jo Hlnce, Bend, Ore Rt. 1. Box 300. bl94 FOR SALE HOUSES --si ' I lilTH 'I (bJ 2080 N. ! Finished & Open 2 Bedrooms Large Living Room Dlnln Room Kitchen, lots of built-in. Fireplace. PRICE $8800 WM. T. J. FOSTER, 1550 Baker St. GRABENHORST SPECIALS AMERICAN COLONIAL Class In South in beautiful setting of oak trees. Living room 27x15. open staircase, 3 bdrms.. dble. plbg., steam heat. 5 yrs. old, excellent condition thruout. $20,000. CALL ROY FERRIS WEST SALEM 3 B.R. VIEW HOME Part basement elec. heat, nicely landscaped, Ige. living room, beautiful breakfast nook. This home Is a buy at $11,000, $2,000 down. To see CALL EARL WEST. BARGAIN! $3,000 will buy this 56 acres located on paved road, spring, oak & fir timber, some can be cult. Long Iron In lie on paved road. SEE THIS. IT IS A BAR GAIN. CALL G. H. GRABENHORST, JR. GRABENHORST 134 S. Liberty St. Evenings and Sundays Call Roy Ferris 2-8010 - Peter Oelser 3-B Earl West 2-1232 FOR SALEFARM POULTRY & DAIRY FARM. This 30 A. Is producing $1100 per mo. on pltry. alone. Loc. only 9 mites from Corvallis, highly improved with 5000 capacity, bldgs., 5 rm. mod. home, plast. Interior. (IncLs. Bendix & 30 cu. ft. deep freeze.) 3 story barn (can aecommoate 10 cowsl other bldgs. A very profitable layout for $13,750. Va dn., bal. easy terms. P.S. Hatchery Contract Incl. GRADE A DAIRY, 150 acres, LAKE LA HISH DIST. NEW 3 FIR mod. home, plast. fz knotty Pine finish, firepl., all hdwd. firs. NEW 35x200 dairy barn, Incl. latest milking parlor it lounging barn set-up milk hse. & 2 concrete silos, 100 ton cap. each. Approx. 100 A. cult., bal. rich cut-over land. 10 A. IRRIG. LADI NO. 3D A, of that "priceless Beaver-Dam soil," Bee uuso of the super fertility ol soli, unlimited lrrlgntlon, attractive New Rldg. & the choice loc. (on pavm't, short drive from Snleml this is the BEST DAIRY Ss STOCK FARM you can pos slblv find for $50,0(10. Head of 40 good milk cows to be sold cxira at bargain. INVESTIGATE NOW. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings - Personal Service 1G4 S. Com'l St. Ph. 3-8389; Eve. 3-7440 bl96 RY OWNER Business interests compel us to go back east, so we are selling our country home. There are ten fertile acres wiin strawberries, DiacKoerrics. and red raspberries for Income, also some young trim trees coming along The house is nearly new, contains two oeu rooms, ana in or smart modern ue Bign. It Is all electric and has many other attractive special features to make tor comiort In living. Price $ 17.590 and worth it. One-half mile south of Clear Lake school, cast side of road. Reese A. Hall, Route 2. Box 264, Salem. b20tl FOR SALE ACREAGE 2 ACRES All kinds or fruit. 6 rm. house, chlx hse. Oarne. Close to school. $0750. Ph. 3-3'JHU. General Real Estate 255 Center St. bb!94 DISTANT OWNER must sell hLs suburban home; 31 acres, nice yard and garden. iu'hI modern homo with fireplace; very good poultry house, fine deep well, plen ty of water; garage, pump house, $2000 will handle. Salem Realty Co. . REALTORS 149 N. High St. Ph. 3-7660. bbldtf 7 ACRES with Income Modern home, barn lots of fruit, $10,5110. Rt. 2, Box 202 Ph. 31857. bbl94 REAL ESTATE THREE BEDROOMS I.lv. tin. with fireplace: large din. rm.; fine kitchen. All on one floor. A spacious home: built 3 years; located on a large well improved tot. $9950. Terms. (E. A. McOLAUFLIN) Edw. A. Dyck - Realtor 338 N. Comm'l. St. Ph. 2-5211 - 23303 2-tiU.S6 ' C194 TRADE OR SELL 80 nrres on Little Nestucca river. Smalt 2 bdrm, hse. Shower, toilet, A Idry. t rays Burn. Approx. 30 A. cleared., Priced 53750. $13.i0 will handle. Or will tr:ul; for .Mirt 11 ncrca;c near Salem. C. W. Reeve Realtor 945 S. Comm'l. Ph. 3-4."!l0. Eve. 3-9538. cl96 REST BUYS $(5800 Full Price A I mail new 2 bdrm. north, nttached car a jc. Insula ttxl. Close to school, bits A .'lure, Approx. M.lXiO down will handle. Eve. P!i. 2-fl-173 or 3-3558. Kingwooil Brand new very modern, attached gar awe. Nice view. F.H A. approved for 74(10. Total price $97.iO. Will take tot a. part payment. Eve. Ph. 2-0173 or 3-3558, Englewood 3 bdrms. Stone throw from school. Ex tra large lot. nice yard St shrubs. Spa cious rooms. Owner leavlnv city. Total price only $9500. Eve. Ph. 2-0473 or 3-3558. FARMS 10 Acres Fruit Very rlo.se In. Farm has had very good care. River bottom laud. Would ex change for 50 or 60 acre grain farm To tal price $25,000, Eve. ph. 3-9403 or 3-3558. 5 Acres East New modern home. Choice land. Wpuld make excellent berry farm. Total price fti.OOO. Would exchange lor city proper ly. Eve. Ph. 3-9403 or 3-3538. Al Isaak & Co., Realtor Ph. 3-7920, 3-45911 3035 Portland Rd, Cl98 TOP VALUES 5 ACRES. Small house: barn: chicken house, On paved road. Price $5350. Will consider exchanging for small house hi Salem. FAIRMOUNT HILL DIST. 2 bedrm. house. Enclosed porch. Cement basement; oil furnace. Lots of trees. Price $8000. CLOSE TO McKINLEY SCHOOL. Practi cally new 3 bedrm. home. Hmh full ce ment basement. Fireplace; oil furnace. Nice back yard, Price $11,000. LEO N. CHILDS, INC. REALTORS 344 State St. Ph.. 2-33 Evenings call: 2-4007 or 3-8789. cl9fi' Cliffmore Village Wooded tracts with utilities. Restricted residential. l' miles norUi on Wallace Road to Harrltt Drtvt. 198 FOR SALE HOUSES 17 Street For Inspection Auto Oil Heat Venetian Blinds Hardwood Floors Thruout A Auto Washer Large Lot TERMS HOME BUILDER Phone 2-9853 BROS., Realtors Phone 2-2471 Ben Rotsen 2-2471 a 194' REAL ESTATE NELSON NEWS W. SALEM COTTAGE SACRIFICE This young couple have bought a lot and are going to build a larger home for their growing family, hence their cot tage (neat as a pln Is on the market for quick sale for $3200. Should have $3000 cash. 2 bdrms. 10x12 LR. 10x12 kit. Elec. heat; wired for elec. range, Insulated, V. blinds, pvd. at., aldewalk, lot 40x100, good garden ground. CROISAN CANYON VIEW PROPERTY A beautiful home located on an elevated bench overlooking wooded Crolsan with rd. A creek below. 5-rm. house with ige. patio which could be used as den or recreational rm. Attractive fplace, Ige. picture windows In LR St kit., hdwd. firs., piped oil air conditioning purnace. att. gar., Ige. lot. $12,000. PLUMBING OR HARDWARE BUSINESS SELL OR TRADE 30x60 cement bik. bids, with 30x30 garage on 35x100 ft. lot, 2 bdrm. apt's upstairs, ea. wired for elec. range, for sale with II j: lures St tools at $21,000. plus stock at Inventory, Located in good valley town with expanding business. $15,000 cash wlU handle. Will take small busines or home lor half. BROOKS FARM FOR SUBURBAN 23 1 j A., 20 A. woodlot pasture, 75 bear ing walnut trees, f A. filberts. Lge. plastered mod. home, fplace, barn, Bar. near store, pvd. rd. Price $12,500, some terms. For sale or exchange for Salem NELSON & NELSON Multiple Listing Realtors Personal Service by Men Who Specialize 7o2 N. High Ph. 3-4622. Cl94 For. YOUR RAVINGS Investment buy h first mortgage on real estate. Salem Si vicinity. Examine security yourself Amounts $500 to several thousand dol lars, net investors 5fi. We make all col lections for you It desired. WANTED REAL ESTATE IF YOU WANT TO SELL YOUR BUSI NESS, CALL, WRITE. OR WIRE US. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings - Personal Service 164 S. Com'l St. Ph. 3-8389; Eve. 3-7440 cal94 NOTICE! II jour property ut for sale rent or exchange, itsl It with us We have nil kinds of cash buyers STATE FINANCE CO. REALTORS 153 8 High 8t ca REAL ESTATE WANTED HOUSE listings needed to satisfy our customers. We have the buyers if you have the property. We help finance. Phone 2-7983, loom 320. Oregon Bids. HAVE cash buyers for farms 30 to 100 acres priced up to $17,000. Phone 2-7983, room 320, Oregon Bldg. ca212 WF. ARE In need oi goc-o nouses to sell In or neat Salem It you wtsb to its youi property for sale ie GRABENHORST BROS. REALTOR!! 134 8 Liberty St. Phone 3-2471 ea EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE GOOD TRADES 3 rm garage house east on '4 acre. Very neat, trade on city or suburban home up to SBTiOO. acres and 2 bdrm home (not quite fin Lsltedi In Kelner. Price $5500, Trade on 20 or more acre farm N or NE with dairy possibilities. Up to $12,000. 40 acre farm east with 8 rm plastered hse. price $u,ooo. Trade for good city or slightly suburban home around same price. COLBATH LAND CO. 1683 Center St. Ph. 24552: Eve. 24395 Cbl95 WILL TRADE a modern 2 bdrm. house for a smaller house. Ph. 20524. cbl95 BUSINESS OPPRTUNmES si.Mto. MtM. hse. and service station. 3 A. on paved rd. Good location for store. 3 miles from Salem. C. W. Reeve Realtor 945 S. Commercial - Ph. 34590, Eve. 39536 cd!196 Home & Income Property 3 new modern units and nice 2 BR home on largo lot. Exc. location. Room for expansion. Owner must leave state. Call Mr. Noonchester with H. E. Corey Real Estate 1365 N. Broadway Eves. 2-0103 Ph. 3-0552 3-3816 cdl95' No Blue Sky One of the better grocery Si market In Salem at Inventory price. Gross sales approx. $17,000 per month. Long lease and modern fixtures. If you'e looking for a market with a good established business call Pat Jarvlll for appoint ment. Rostein & Adolph Inc. tlO'j N. Com'l St. Ph. 33030; eves. 36569 cd!96 LOT for rent at 3295 N. Portland Rf Heart of the business dtMflct N. of underpass. One acre ground. $35 per month. Ph. 24169. edl9S Safe Investment Zone No. 3. 3 bldgs. with 11 rental plus owner's apt. Income $365 plus monthly. Can be increased. Lge. busi ness lot 63x165'. B. Isherwood, Realtor 3007 N. Capitol St. Office 2-3862. cdt95 ATTRACTIVE" restViirant"oir99E N8a Irm. Would make nice drive-In. Phone 23326. fdl96 Hlin FRAME building suitable Tor ware 'house, wholesale, etc. Located on paved alley. 10 blocks south. Price $3250. Ph 36196. cd!96 Tor "V.E BY OWNKR: Stone build-.ni. located in downtown SUverton. Ideal lni-'lnrsg location plus monthly income Living quarters in rear. Owner leavtna state and willing to deal. Contact Ken neth C. Free. 133 -B Pltka St., SUverton or Phone 371, SUverton. dl9l I REAL ESTATE OHMART & CALABA, Realtors Close to Schools Roomy 1 bedroom houxe, full basement, located on N. 14th St. near park and shop pint center. Owner transferred and wante to aetl. 18500. Eye Appeal Here'i a cute 2 bedroom suburban home. Brand new, but nice lawn, shrubs and trees. Well constructed and planned. FHA financing available. English Style 4 bfdrooms, 2 bath, lovely yard and on N. 21st Street. Full basement and automatic heat. Imagine only $11,000. Cape Here that dream house with a view. About 18 years old, excellent construction, 3 baths. 3 bedrooms, oil furnace, all in perfect condition. New rugs and drapes In eluded. We think this Is an excellent buy. Appointment only. Farms DAIRY FARM. 74 acres. 60 A. cultivated can all be Irrigated. 7 rm. modernized house. 8 stanchion barn, chicken house. $10,000 with crop. Va cash. 2 of Central Howels best farms. Come In and let us tell you about them. 26 A. east close In. No buildings. Willamette soil. Make and offer. OHMART & CALABA, Realtors 477 Court St. Phones 34119 Eves.: 28053 - 33833 - 23488 - 25996 BUSINESSOPPORTUNITIES - FOR SALE: Beauty Shop. Good location, business, and equipment. Will make easy terms. Call Main 135 Woodburn. Evenings Green 189, Red 287. Must be sell before Sept. 1. cdl95 INCOME PROPERTY - 20 ACRES 15 acres growing crops, S acres summer rail owed, beautiiul building site. Terms, Priced to sell. Write Capital Jounral BOX 278. Business Property Business bldg, with living quarters. Ideal location on busy Edge water St. - Exterior rough. Interior comfortable and attractive. Can be utilized for va riety of small business ventures with small remodeling cost. Suitable for of flee as Is. Asking price Is only $8500 with terms to suit. Ph. 35109. cd!94 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED Need taverns, groceries, restaurants, service stations and motels or courts. Have out of state buyers for all of the above. Phone 3-7983, room 320, Oregon Bldg. cd212' GOOD INCOME grocery store and fix tures. 2 gaa pumps, 6 cabins, 2 ml. N of underpass on Hy. 99 E. W. J. Jarms, Rt. 7 Box 145. Salem. Ph. 24319. cd207 "The Mighty Joe Young. ' FURNITURE FOR SALE BABY FURNITURE Baslnctte, lined, with stand. Small crib with mattress. Wood en swing, sterilizer. 695 Edlna Lane. dl94 WANTED FURNITURE HIGHEST prices paid for furniture and household articles. Notning to big or sm Ph. 38558. da207 WHY? Can Glenn Woodry pay so much more money lor used lurniture. He pays no rents. His business Is Intense. That really makes sense. Ph. 35110 to get immediate cash for your furniture, appliances, rugs, an tiques, sporting equipment or what have YOU. dai94' USED FURN. Check our prices. Valley Furn Co.. 285 N. Com'l. Ph. 27472. da20a HIGHEST PRICES paid Phone Glenn at Woodry Auction Market. Ph 3-5110. da AUCTIONS LIVESTOCK & FURN. AUCTION Wednesday, Aug. 17 at 10 a.m. St 7 p.m. Open washing machine Fairbanks Morris washing machine Maytag washing machine Electric stoves Wood stoves Gas ranges 5 ft. Frlgldalre refrig. 6 ft. Majestic refrig. Blue velour davenport Sz chair 5 piece breakfast set Beds, mattresses St springs Garden tooLi St misc. ?t" St 'V new galvanized pipe Fresh vegetables St apples Farm machinery and trailers Chickens St rabbits Calves St ven Is Weiner St feeder pigs Crws, heifers St horses LANE SUDTELL'S - Auction Sales Yard Located l'i Mile East of Salem on SI 1 vert on SUverton Road 'To Buy or Sell Call 3-6098." ddl94 AUCTION TUES., AUG. 16th - 7:30 P.M. L,arge group ot electrical appliances, stoves, refrigerators, washers, elec. mo tors. BldR. materials, sash, doors and screen doors. Furniture and many other articles. Merchandise Mart, Wallace Rd.. West Salem. ddl94 AUCTION TONif E" 8 P. M. GLENWOOD BALLROOM 4'i MILES NORTH OF SALEM ON 99E Consisting of furniture, appliances, etc. as follows: Used daveno Used swing rocker Used 4-piece bed suite A Used spring A: mattress 0 Used set 3 end tables A Used lamps 1 Used dinette set ciub chair A Bendix washer, '48 model, used 6 montlis A New bed suite A Spring and mattress, new A Chrome dinette A Lot garden tools A Boat & trailer A Large lot of fruit A 8-piece dining set A Linoleum A Chest of drawers A Vacuum cleaner A New daveno set A Floor lamps A Dozen of Items ALWAYS A BIG SALE Glen Woodry, Auctioneer PH. 3.110 SELL ON COMMISSION OR PAY CASH" ddl94 FOR SALE LIVESTOCK A HEIFER and 2 Holstetn bulla Irom college herd. Can be registered, old enough for service. Joe Brink mon. Brooks, Ore. eI96 FOR SALE Berkshire boars. Papers avail able. Ph. 31501. Rt. 4. Box 830. el96 LIVESTOCK WANTED BONDED AND LICENSED livestock buver. E. C. McCandllsh, 1127 B 25. Ph. 3-8147. ea305 FUEL TRI CITY FUEL PHONE 27443 16' Slab Wood and Edgings Fresh Cut Screened Sawdust 12" Inside Mill Wood Dry Wood ASK FOR SSeH GREEN STAMPS ec CALL HIGHWAY FUEL FOR Diesel and Stove Otis. FRESH CUT SAWDUST Dry Slab Wood Dry Plainer Ends S Block Wood. Ph 36444 PHILUPS BROS Old fir, oak, ash Sz maple. 4' fir, 16" slab and edgings. Ph. 31458. ee FRESH CUT sawdust delivered at summer rates. Phone 2353 Dallas collect. eel94 West Salem Fuel Co. 16 IN DRY OR GREEN SLAB WOOD DRY PLANER ENDS OLD GROWTH BLOCK WOOD, 16-IN. CLEAN - NO BARK SCREENED SAWDUST RURAL DELIVERIES DIF.SEL AND STOVE orL Phone f-lem 2-4031 ALo ?ick up wood al IMS Ediewater St.. West Salem ee" Journal Want Ads Pay I REAL ESTATE - Cod 24116 cl95 1 FUEL GET YOUR winters fuel now and save, Good clean sawdust, dry Sz green slab. ory ana green edgings. Oregon Fuel Co. Ph35533. ee200 FOR SALE POULTRY NEW HAMPSHIRE chicks for Immediate or future delivery Hatches every Tues Fox Hatchery, 3830 State St. Ph. 3-4969 t WHITE FRYERS for sale. 75c St $l.(ft at 4900 Crater St. Kelzer dlst. f 195 NEW HAMPSHIRE chicks every Thurs day Ph 2-2361. Lee's Hatchery P PRODUCE HILL GROWN PEACHES Slappys and Pears now ready. Wind falls. Crawfords, Imp. Elbertas, Hales, Mulrs and prunes soon. Rollln Beaver. Up Glen Cr. Rr. Ph. 47F2. ffl99 CHOICE BARTLET Pears, $1.50 bu. or U plck $1.00 bu. Alirma Motel, 3645 Port land Rd. Bring boxes. Ph. 24510. II199 OUR HIGHLAND Slappy penches are now ready. Improved Elberta later. Puritan Cider Works. West Salem. ff!99' CANNING SWEET CORN 2c an ear. Call Mr. A. Hickman on route 4, Baxter rd. 2-8135. ffi96 SLAPPY PEACHES, pears St apples. T. C mason, ri. i, oox 267. Sa em. 6 mi. N on Wheatland rd. Ph. 3-1260. II199 SWEET CORN, canning, Buy doz. or sack. - sum. iiiau' SLAPPY PEACHES now ready. Carl As pinwall Orchards at Brooks. Phone 21261. ni96' BARTLETT PEARS, sweet corn, tomatoes nituci men una. appies, piums at etc. Orders taken for all. Leon's Fruit Stand 4905 N. River Rd. m98 BARTLETT PEARS $1.00 bushel. Delivered Days Ph. 29258 Eve. 31040. ffl95 DILL 10c Bunch. 343 N. Commercial. ffl95 HALE HAVEN PEACHES, $1.50 bushel, U plck. Shfndler Bros., Grand Island. ffl94 BARTLETT PEARS. Bring containers. R E. Worrai, Rt. 8, Box 690. Orchard Hts. Rd. Ph. 16F14. ffl94 RASPBERRIES, strawberries, boysenber rics, peaches, cucumbers, tomatoes, ap ples. Frlgaard Fruit Farm, V4 Mile North of Kelzer School. f 1200 HELP WANTED .MAN OR WOMAN with car to deliver for Photo studio. Also solicitor wanted. Full time. 229 N. Commercial, suite 203. gl94 NEED THORNLESS blackberry pickers at once. Good pciklng. Hurry. Joe W. Op pek, inquire Qulnaby store, rte. 2, box 252. Eifl4 MAN & WIFE to care for grounds and edifice of a potest ant church. Part time salary job which would not In terfere with reg. work. Ph. 3-4619 for appointment. gl96 IIOPPICKERS WANTED, starting Aug. iin. oooa picKing. call 31766. Orey Hop Ranch. Rt. 2, Box 197, Salem. gl96 HOP PICKERS WANTED. Long run of I'wny bud lates. tstacicii Bros., SUverton, Ore., Ph. Green 183 or Blue 213. g204' BEAN PICKERS. Bishops, South River lu. v imiiuies irom saiem. Bus leaves 12th and Mission 6:00, Farm Labor office 6:30. Ladd Sz Bush Bank 6:35. south on Commercial to Owens. For information call 3-6137. gl98 HOP PICKERS WANTED BROWNS ISLAND B MILES SOUTH OF SALEM EARLY HOPS - PH. 23107 gl97 NOW REGISTERING hop pickers, if de- jjuMt requirca tor caoin reservation John J. Roberts St Co.. Salem. g- HELP WANTED MALE MAN WANTED to operate power suction cleaner. Used by us in furnace cleaning. Full time employment. Interesting op portunities. Good pay. Holland Furnace Co. 320 Kearijey St. gal99' PART TIME doorman. Apply In person. Grand Theatre. gal95 FRY COOK wanted. Spa, 382 State. rf..f9s.t.t-ers gal94 HELP WANTED FEMALE REGISTER for turkey picking now. North west Poultry and Dairy Products Co., 1505 N. Front St. gbl99 EXP. SALES LADY Si alteration lady In ladies ready to wear store. Must be exp., no others need apply. Esther Fos ter. 260 N. High St. gbl96 WANTED HOUSEKEEPER on farm While mother works. 2 children. Sun. off. $3.00 day Plus room St board. Capital Journal Box 370. gbl94 SOMEONE TO care for 2',i yr. old boy from 7 a.m. to 2 a.m. dally in my home 1339 Franklin, West Salem. gbl94 YOUNG LADIES ltt-'.4. FREE to travel, travel. New York, Florida and return with nationally known company. Ex penses advanced. Transportation furn ished. Average $200 per mo. Apply Miss Snell, Senator Hotel Rm. 329. Tues, 2 to 9 p. m. gbl94 WOMAN housework, stay night 2 adults. 695 N. Liberty. gbl98 EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES OFFICE AND CLERICAL POSITIONS CONTACT Commercial Placement Agency 360 State St Ph. 2-1488. ml WANTED SALESMAN ATTENTION MEN Eastern firm needs 10 men In Salem Sz vicinity to help introduce new model just put on market. It has been amply terms "THE GREATEST THING SINCE RADIO." Avorase earnings to Inexperi enced men $75 per wk. Exp. men earn $125 St up. You must be able to give 3 good ret. St be bondable. Car neces sary. If you are interested In this on full or PART TIME BASIS Meet factory rep. at Senator Hotel Thursday eve. at S p.m. Ask for Mr. Gertman. gK!95 WANTED POSITIONS EXPERT LANDSCAPE service. Designing, cultivating, constructing, planting, pruning, trimming, picket fences, rock eries, new lawns. Call 2-8868 after 5:15 and all day Saturday and Sunday. hl96 TREE WORK, topping, trimming, re moving. Insured operator. John Pavne, 248 S Church. Ph. 26014. h!99 Mimeographing-Typing POETS 6S5 North 16th Phone 3-3643 h207 TELEPHONE CALLS TAKEN. 34 nr. serv ice. Former phone opr. Ph, 1-S072, hJ04 WANTED POSITIONS DRESSMAKING A alterations. Ph. 3-9840 after 3 h203 CHILD CARE or baby sitting. Your home or mine. Ph. 21945. h!94' TREE WORK, topping, trimming, remov ing. Ins. op. Work guar. W. H. McAllis ter, 840 Trade. Ph. 2-1496. h201 CKMENT WORK warned. Ph. 2-4850. EDUCATION MECHANICALLY INCLINED? Then make the most of your abilities In fast-moving DIESEL Industry. Keep present Job while you train for Installa tion, overhaul and maintenance work. SCIENTIFIC MOTOR TUNE-UP Includ ed. Grow with Industry into a key Job. Get facts no obligation. Write Utilities Diesel Training, Registrar, 3521 Shef field, Chicago 14, 111. hh!94 WELDING SCHOOL Avail yourself of opportunity to learn good trade that pays top wages. Oldest welding school In NW. GI APPROVED WELDING SCHOOL 620 NE Sacramento, Portland - MU 8680 hh206 FOR RENT ROOMS NICE SLEEPING room. men. 448 Center St. Rear Woodrow Bldg. Jkl96 ATTRACTIVE room, private home, gen tlemen. 985 N. Summer, Ph, 3-6368. Jkl94 SLEEPING KM. PH. 34335. Jk201" LIKE PIE? Like a good bed? Good home cooked meals for working men. Newly decorated heated room. Simmons twin beds. This la a home. 695 S. 18th St. Jkl94 SLEEPING R.MS, for men. Prlv. entr. & Ph Dy. or Mo. t505 N. Capitol Ph. 3-3425 Jk204' SLEEPING RMS. 2 blocks from town. Ph. 3-6316. 195 S. Cottage. Jkl95 4 VERY NICE RMS. Close In. Lady or gentleman. 655 N. Cottage. jkl95 PLEASANT SLEEPING ROOM for gentle- man. 1050 Norway. Ph. 2-4547. ikl95 NICELY FURN. sleeping rm. Close In. 388 N. Winter. Ph. 38142. JK197' NICE SLEEPING RM. Business dlst. Gentleman. Hot Si cold water. 255 center. jkI95' SLEEPING RM. for working girl or wom an, on bus line. 1530 Broadway. Jkl94 HOMEY ROOM. Hot plate cooking St refrig rnvate, ma ss. .mil. jKiaa HOLLYWOOD rms 2035 McCoy Ph. FOR RENT APARTMENTS -RM. PARTLY furn. apt with priv. bath ana ent. no arinKers or pets, win con sider 1 child. Ph. 2-5604, call between 4: jo and 7 p.m. Jpi94 CLEAN 'J-RM. Prlv. bath. Employed cou- pie. ujj terry. jpiue' 4-RM. FURN. apt., 1st floor. Refrig. Near statenouse. Adults only, no drinkers. Ivan S. Martin Phone 3-4419. jpl94 3 RM. partly furn. apt. 2697 Brooks St. JplDfi 1 ROOM apartments for rent, 2310 N. LARGE 3 RM. nearly furn. duplex apt. zrm n. front st. $50 per montn. net. required. Jpl95 1 BD. RM. apt. partly furn. Close in. Ph. 21M3. JP195" COURT APT. 3-room St bath, electric heat iridg. and range. 1348 S. 12th. Jpl95 4 ROOM APT. prlv. entrance. Vacant Aug. n. commercial, rn. ziich jpisa" ROOM FURN. apt. Close In, quiet couple, $60. 549 N. cottage. Jpl95' ROOM furnished apt. Elec. range St re frig. Ph. 3-7176. Jpl94 SMALL FURN. apt. newly decorated. 125 Gerth, West Salem. Jpl95 3 RM. furn. apt. Priv. outside ent. St bath. Ph. 36093. 2035 McCoy. jpl99 UNFURN, APT, Large bdrm. Living rm. Dinette. Kitchenette. Bath room with shower. A.B. kitchen range. Elec. heat, light St water furn. Children, dogs Si cats accepted. $65. Ph. 2-6081. jpl96 RM. Ft'RN. apt. $40.00. 355 S. 14th. Ph. 2 1769. Jp 195 PART FURN. 2 rm. apt. a oath, modern eiec. neat. Adults. 1310 Madison. Jpl94 FOR RENT HOUSES ATTRACTIVE 3-rm. furn. apt., all electric, sua. aiso 2-Darm. uniurn. nouse, saw. Bus service, l'ti ml. S. 12th St. Junc tion on 99E. jml96 TODAY'S RENT MONEY CAN BUY A NEW HOME Large rooms, hdwd. firs., auto, heat, garage, elec. water htr in city. L. E. Klumpp, Realtor 480 N. Church Ph. 2-7642 Eve. or Sun. 2-0343 or 2-0126 im BDRM. HOME with apt. upstairs. No children. 701 N. Church. Ph. 24848. Jml96 UNFl'RN. 5 RM. duplex. 2 BR St bath up. No pets. 2 blks. to Capitol Bldg. 1 bik. to Scars, Inq. 415 N. Capitol St. bet. noon St 6 p.m. J ml 94 NEW '1 BR house completely furnished. Oil furnace. No dogs or cats. $80. Ph. 3-6468. Jml94 FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE, desk space, Con v. loc. Ph. 39133. J219- POWER TOOL rentals for home and in dustrial use. Howser Bros. Ph. 3-3646 J" FLOOR SANDERS for rent. Montgomery Ward. ! TO DO a good Job rent a good floor sand- T We cll everything to complete the Job HOWSER BROS - Ph. 3-3646 J' lOOD USED PIANOS. H. L. Stiff. OFFICE spaces and desk spaces. Ph. 25692. SEWING Machines Portable or Treadle Service on all makes. Ph. 3-7671. J202 BUSINESS RM. for rent. H. L. Stiff. V DRIVE trucks, cars. Ph. -2-9103. TRAILERS $2.00 per day. Howser Bros 141u S 12th. West Salem. i' LINGER ELECTRIC portable sewing ma chines Reasonable rates. Free pick up St delivery Singer Sewing Machine Co 130 N Com 1 Ph. 33512 J" WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO RENT Small trailer house for the winter. Phone 2-2373. Jal96 WILLAMETTE STUDENT St Wife desire attractive furn. 1 bdrm. apt. or house near university. Ph. 3-5328. Jal96 FAMILY OF 3 want to rent 2 or 3 bed room house preferably near Jr. High. Will pay up to $90 for nice place. Ph. 26063 8 a. m. to 5. Jal95 MIDDLE AGED couple desire 3 rm apt. uniurn. except ior range et reirig. win pay to $50.00. Write Capital Journal box 382. Jal9B fn GENTLY NEEDED 2 or 3 bedrm. furn. or partly furn. house. Up to $75. Ph. 3-5260. Jal95 FAMILY of 4 wishes 3 or 3 bdrm. house. Prefer south location. Oood ref. Phone Hotel Senator 34151. Rm. 209. Jal95 YOUNG EMPLOYED couple with Vi yr old son desire 2 b.r. uniurn. modem house by Sept. 3. Will pay to $60.00. Call Mrs. Wayne Harris at the Capital Journal. . jal98 2 BEDROOM unfurnished house or apart ment in good location by responsible couple. No children. References, per manent. Rar C. Williams, room 442. Hotel Senator, Phone 34151. ja!95 3 BDRM, unfurn, house by Christian fam ily. Ref. Ph. 3-5219. Jal95 ROOM AND BOARD BOARD AND RM. 850 B St. Ph. 3-8706 11207 LOST AND FOUND LOST Old Hymnal. In Sears new atore Thursday. Has sentimental value. Re ward. Call 3-9696. kl99 LOST: Sat. ncihi. bill fold. Identification inclosed. Liberal rewatd. Pii. 3-6446. kl96 LOST; Plastic rim. glasses. Ph. 2-6159. kl96 LOST AND FOUND LOST ladles black patton leather purse between Turner e Main Sunday. Re ward. Nelma DeHut, 4935 Crater St. klOS REWARD for coral gold girls' wrist watch lost at dinger pool Wed. afternoon. Rensto make. Call at 3260 Garden Rd. evenings. kl94 MISCELLANEOUS MONTGOMERY WARD SERVICE DEPT. knows M-W appliances best. Call 3-3191, ext. 14 for pick up or estimate. ml98 DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 3-HR SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR. HARRY SEMLER DENTIST Adolph Bldg. State St Commercial 6ts. SALEM Phone 3-3311 tn BUILDING MATERIALS CEDAR SHAKES WINDOWS 18" No. 1 primed shakes with under course $12.00 sq. New modern R.O.W. weather stripped windows. Many sizes in stock for immediate delivery. Low priced. C. G. Long. Ph. 2-5821, One mile north of Kelzer. ma 199 AETNA STEEL Door Frames, assembled, one unit. Low Installation cost. PUM ILITE, West Salem. mal94 REINFORCING STEEL! And Bl ok -Mesh in 4", 6" St 8" widths. PUMIUTE, West Salem. mal94 ROCK LATH, PLASTER and Stucco mater ials. Complete line, quality materials. PUMILITE - West Salem. mal94" DEAR CUSTOMER, Insist on your con tractor and carpenter using the finest old growth vertical grain yellow fir finished lumber in Salem. On hand at Dick Meyer Lumber Co. 25 Lana Ave. Ph. 34939. Free parking. ma320 DOORS FIR MAHOGANY New doors $5.75 up. Glass doors $10.25. 30" Si, 32" interior mahogany slab doors $13.50. C. G. Long. Ph. 2-5821, 1 mile N. of Kelzer. mal96" Wall Board Plywood Sheet rock wallboard V 4?ic. W fi'ac, W Insulation board 5?;c, hard water proof wall board 7',ic. Low prices on rock lathe Sz plywood for cabinet work, flooring Si walls. C. G. Long. Ph. 3-5821, 1 mile north of Keizer. mal97 BUILDERS Realized substantia) savings on lumber. Rock bottom price for larger amounts. 2x4 and shiplap, top grade No. 3, $36 per M. No. 4 $17 per M. Free delivery. West Salem Saw Mill, 1050 Wallace Rd. Ph. 39593. ma214 SHINGLES MOUNTAIN CEDAR No. 1 $7.75 sq. NO. 2 4.50 sq. No. 3 3.00 sq. C. G. Long. Ph, 2-5821. 1 mile north of Keizer. mal97 LES SPRINGER, men's hatter. 464 Court. We close Saturdays 12:30. m218 iLL 3Ilb Salem, we sell the west Cedar Shli.zles from Tillamook, Grand Rondo or Cascade high mountain timber. No. 1, $8, No. 2 $5. Delivered. Ted Mullcr. Sa-lem-Indep. Road. ma 18" No. 1 Cedar Shakes. Natural or paint ed P.-lm coated or stained. Cedarwall Fittite or Bear Brands $9 per sq. up. De livered with undercourse. Ph. Ted Mull--, 3-1196. ma B & B CEDAR GUTTER 22c. No. 1 cedar wan sunups et under course shingles $12.80 per sq. Ted Muller. Ph. Salem 2-1196. ma PLYWOOD LARGE stock of sizes, thicknesses St grades. Both olaln Sz water proof. Hricei start at 5c per sq ft. ALSO GOOD stocks of and V Insul ating boards Low prices on " Ss 'V sheet rock Keith Brown. Front St Court Sts Salem. ma ALIiriA - LOCK ALUMINUM LOCK SHINGLE The modern permanent roof ing See your dealer or Call Dlst 3-6401. mal97 SPECIAL: Cedar sidins, iMx8" Random length. C-grade. $85 thousand. KeUh Brown. Front Sz Court Sts Salem. SEW SHIPMENT plast board. V 5Ac( tt" 6c sq. ft Rock lathe 45 eq. It. $1.75 MONTGOMERY WARD StLEM ma GOOD USED LUMBER for sale. Also win dows, doors, al plywood, firtex. After 5 p.m. 2475 Broadway. Ph. 20913. mal94 SAVE On ROOFING Let Wards give you complete IN STALLED price on your roofing needs. Wide range of colors. Call our outside salesman for free estimate. Phone 8-3191 MONTGOMERY WARD St CO, SALEM. OREGON FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 6-RM. COLMAN oil circulator. Pipe, 125- gui. ituiK and copper luoing. ana, 2200 Laurel Ave. ni96 MALL CHAIN saw. Reduced for quick sale. ijsi . commercial, vn. z-sbsi. nl94a GRAVEL for concrete mix. Ph. 31160. LEAVING TOWN. Must sell new Kelvlna tor refrigerator St new Kenmore Hot plate. See at 2697 Brooks St. n!96 13 YR. OLD Norge Washing Machine. Good mechanical cond. $45. 2475 S. Summer. n!98 ENGAGEMENT St WEDDING ring set. Ph. 3-7995. nl96 16 MM. NATCO projector. 2447 Fair grounds rd. nl96 OLD CRANBERRY glass at the Bay Wtn- uuw Aiuique onop. court St. Up- gtalrs. nl85 7 FT. USED refrig. $95. 337 N. High. Ph. CLOSE OUT Bargain prices on nationally advertised rower Lawn Mowers. All mowers guar anteed as usual. -20 inch cut Plncor nofers with re trievor starter. Regular price $171.50 Close out price msnn 220 inch cut Plncor mowers less re- inevor starter. Keguiar price $161.50. Closeout orice xi-jkao 6 18 inch cut Plncor mowers. Regular vi ive aizu.uu uioseout price .... $95.00 120 inch cut Reo Royal mower. Regular price nzu.uu. uiose out price ....$95.00 Schnorenberg Seed St Feed 311 N. Water St. SUverton, Ore. n202 FULLER brushes. 1745 Grant. Ph. 3-8357. "218" BARGAINS In colored glat at the Bay rt iiiuuw Alllique Oliop. (JOUrt 5t, Upstairs. ni95. GOOD WOOD RANGE, coils, water tank. van eve. aiter a:uu. Phone 36616. 774 N. Winter. ni95 GENERAL ELECTRIC Croslej, Gibsoo" ana uontag Appliance at Gerurts SALEM SAND t GRAVEL COMPANY Contract Work Road - Clearing Ditching Sewer St Basement Equipment Rental 15 B 'i yds 10 B i yds. D-7 Cat Sz Dozer D-6 Cat St Dozer D-4 Cat Sz Dozer See us about ditching by the ft. Phone Days 3-9408 Eves 3-826 or 2-4400 Salem Oregon o FENCE POSTS, poiea, all types. Shingles, fertilizer St flatrock. Phtlllps Bros. Rt. fl. Box 118. Ph. 31458. n FOB SALE: Typewriter. Ph. 3-6619. nl94 FOR SALE: Montana agate, fresh from the fields. Sprays, bands, color, $2, $3 and $5 grades. Mail orders filled. Not postpaid. Come pick It tf you can. Floyd's Agate Shop 508'i E. 2nd St.. The Dalles, Oreg. Home 527 E 8th. n!94 SMALL WOOD COOK STOVE with colls. A-l condition, also 30 gal. hot water tank, nearly new. Both $25.00. 59S Bel mont St., Salem. Ph. 2-4987. nl94 POWDERINE keeps rugs clean. No liquid, no uds. $1.00 can. Green stamps. SALEM HOME FURN. CO: 137 So. Com'l nI94 REMODELING SALE Modern 2 cushion channel back frieze 2 pc. living room suite. Regular 249.50. So. ork-e 1199 rr. 2 PC. suites honey velvet and beige tap. Reg 229.50. Sale price $149.83. Green stamps. SALEM HOME FURN. CO. 137 So. Com'l nl94 HARVEST BAGS foi sale. Northwest ruuiiry uairy rrOQUClt CO. 1505 N, Front St. n!96 WE BIT newspapers and waste pa-- 1790 N. Front. o2io (Continued on Page 19)