a, Shown Above is a profile view of a newly developed im plement for use by strawberry growers. It is designed to trim the tops and runners from strawberry plants. The in ventor, Alfred Howe, Silverton, is interested in securing a manufacturer and distributor. Machine Makes Life Easier For Strawberry Growers Alfred S. Howe, Silverton, recently constructed a new imple ment for strawberry growers, and after a working model has dem onstrated its practicability, is now seeking a manufacturer and distributor of his machine. Application for patents has been made and patent drawings executed by J. T. Anderson,- Portland, coordinator of inven tions. Anderson, who will e a display of inventions and mod els at the Oregon State Fair next month, will also show mov- ini pictures of the Howe ma chine. Feature of the machine is its ability to cut down the time re quired for trimming the tops and runners from strawberry plants and at the same time pro viding the close cultivation of the plant, all in the same opera tion. The machine consists of a pair of disks with saw teeth which straddle the row of strawberry plants. A pair of cutting blades, or shoes, are located adjacent to the disc. These shoes travel under the runners of the straw berry plant while the disks are rotated, thus shearing off the runners. The runners between the plants are bushed aside bv power-driven reel into the path of the cutting discs. Cutter blades operate at the same time to cut the tops of the plants. Other cutting discs be hind the trimmer discs complete ly clean the area and also culti vate the ground. The equipment is mounted on a frame with wheel support on wnicn a motor is mounted for driving the disc and reels. The implement is adapted to be Dull ed by a tractor. Bradley Confirmed As Chief of Staff Washington, Aug. 16 tfP) Gen. Omar N. Bradley today took over the nation's highest military post. The former army chief of staff was sworn In by Secretary of Defense Johnson as chairman of the joint chiefs of staff. He is the first to hold the office, re cently created by congress. The joint chiefs of staff are the operating heads of the three armed services the army, navy and air force. They serve as the chief military advisors to the president and the secretary of defense. Norway's housing shortage Is great and many Norwegians have inadequate shelter. (Advertisement) Life "Saved my A God-lend foe GAS-HEARTBURN" Wliaa noem rtomeh arid causes painful, nnfToeat trig tM, tour stomach and heartburn, doctors usually prescribe the tautest-acting medicines known for yraptomatlc relief mpdtcinesUkethoselnBeUaas Tablets. No laxative. Bell-anB brings comfort In t Jiffy or return bottla to us for double money back. BELL-ANS for Acid Indigestion ZSi (Advertisement) Tired Kidneys Often Bring Sleepless Nights When disorder of kidney fraction permit! !oisonoue matter to remain in your blood, t may cause nagging backache, rheumatic pains, leg pains, lots of pep and energy, get ting up nights, swelling, puffiness under the eyes, headache and dizziness. Frequent or Scanty passages with smarting and burning sometimes shows there is something wrong With your kidneys or bladder. Don't wait I Ask your druggist for Doan a Pills, a stimulant diuretic, used successfully by millions for over 50 years. Doan's give hftnn wlinf nnrl will holn the 16 miles Of kidney tubes flush out poisonous waste from your wood, utc uon riui (Advertisement) LOST: MISERY OF CONSTIPATION "It's wonderful how much better I feel. And T need no more laxatives- all due to eating one dish of ALL- JJKAN daily! 1 sin cerely recommend this cereal." Mrs. J.A.Hamma,1226W. Main St., Portland, Ind. Just one of many unsolicited letter e. You, too, may expect wonderful relief if constirjntinn ia due to lack of bulk in your diet. Just eat one ounce of crisp, flavorful ALL- iJKAN dally, drink plenty ot water. If not satisfied after 10 days, send the empty carton to Kellogg's, Battle Creek, Mich. Get DOUBLE YOUR Hemorrhoids (Piles) fistula Fissure, "rolapse and oth sr Rectal Disor ders corrected the s a v , convenient way No hospitaliz ation, quick relief Dr. E. Reynolds Clinic Nsturo-Rectal Speclimt 1144 Center St. Silem. Or. Ph. 19460 raCB PARKING a -n Morse to Race At State Fair U. S. Senator Wayne L. Morse will be a state fair visitor . and again will enter his horse in the horse show, it was learned Tues day from friends of the senator here. It is understood that many members of the senate plan to leave Washington during La bor Day week and as a result there will be a lull in senate ac tivities during Morse's visit in Salem. Horse show patrons will re call the excitement caused last year when the Morse entry, Sir Laurel Guy, won after close brushes with Harry Zell's en try from Portland. Earlier, reports had indicated that Senator Morse would not bring any horses to the fair this year, but apparently he has changed his plans. Mother, Daughter Give Birth to Babies Same Day Peoria, 111., Aug. 16 l.R)Mrs. Clarence Smallberger, 20, leaving the delivery room of Proctor hospital after giving birth to a daughter, passed her mother, Mrs. Meurle Huff, 38,. going in to give birth to a son. Mrs. Huff's nine pound son was the 13th child. The seven pound four ounce girl was Mrs. Smallberger's third child. The mother and daughter had separate rooms but their babies were delivered by the same doctor. The mothers ar rived at the hospital 35 minutes apart Sunday. Hereford Breeders Will Sponsor Show Here in March By CLAUDE STEUSLOFF Oreeon Polled Hereford breeders will sponsor a sale and show at Salem in March, 1950, according to action taken last night at the summer meeting of the breed association held at the Chamber of Commerce. W. H. Fisher of Oregon City is chairman of the committee appointed to arrange for the event. Ralph Cook, Medford; Dick Hibbard, Imbler; Lee Minkoff, Clatskanie; Roy New port, Culver; and Paul Town send. Salem, are committee members. Fred Vanderhoof, Woodlake, Calif., a national director of the Polled Hereford association, said single registration certificates representing both the American Hereford association and the Polled Hereford association may soon be available. At present Polled breeders must carry a double set of papers for each animal registered, since their cattle are all descended Irom horned Herefords. Beef Production the Hereford Way, a 30-minute sound film shown during the meeting, brought out that seven out of each ten beef animals registered in U.S. are Herefords. It showed the hardships endured by range cattle during the great snow storm of last winter. Hereford registrations have increased 100 per cent in ten southern and eastern states from 1940 to 1945. California is now 11th in Here ford recordings. Joe Johnson, animal husband ry instructor at Oregon State college, reported the new beef barn almost ready for occupan cy. With an increased beef herd and more irrigated pasture acre age he expects the college beef cattle program to be adequate in two years Dick Hibbard, national direc tor, announced $8,000 in premi ums would be awarded at the Western Polled Hereford sale and show in Denver December '10. C. E. Newton, Corvallis; Ev erett Wilson, Shedd; Mrs, George Amort, Sweet Home; Mrs. W. H. Fisher, Oregon City; and Mrs. Bob Sears, Salem, are a commit tee to prepare for the next meet ing of the Oregon group at the Willamette Polled Hereford ranch, Brownsville, Sunday aft ernoon, September 18. Bob Sears, Salem, is president of the association and presided over the meeting which was at tended by 50 breeders. Soil Conservation Day Plans Outlined Plans for the Willamette Val ley Soil Conservation day to be held at the Irving Bartell farm near Aumsville September 17 were discussed at Stayton Mon day night. The Vern Jette farm, adjacent to the Bartell place, will be visited for strip crop ping while other holdings in that district where soil conserva tion is being carried out will al so be visited. Robert Schmidt, Albany Rt. 2, chairman of the state Grange agricultural committee, is gen eral chairman with Leonard Burns, Santiam soil conserva tion district, technical commit tee chairman and W. M. Tate, Sublimity, master of Marlon county Pomona Grange, chair man of local arrangements Chairmen and sub-chairmen will meet at the Bartell farm Aug ust 23 to make a preliminary survey. Sponsors of the tour are the Santiam Soil Conservation group and the Oregon State Grange with the cooperation of the US Conservation service; state association of sou conser vation, district supervisors and representatives of the Salem, Stayton and Silverton Chambers of Commerce and members of the Marion county court. Gov. Langlie Orders Ten Percent Cut Olympia, Aug. 16 (P) A 10 per cent cut in expenditures were ordered by. Gov Langlie yesterday for every department under his control. But, he added, even this cur tailment will not solve the state's financial crisis. Langlie took the action after learning that the state spent $14,000,000 more during April, May and June than it took in, If that kept up, he said, the gen eral fund would be broke by January 1. ljP HMmieii! m Minimi curt "JTCr J Q I ii "Jin Tj!jy( .if fO While sijeuull lire., rtar ichml Aieldt, jUn ? if! Ltrt J Capital Journal, Salem, Ore.. Tuesday, August 16, 194917 here two Yale men were acci dentally infected. Both recovered. Hostess Miss Ruth Nichols (above), famous American aviatrix, was hostess aboard Transocean Airlines which was forced to land at sea 15 miles off the coast of Ireland. The plane was enroute from Rome to Shannon, Ireland, carrying 58 persons. (AP Wirephoto) 25 Cases Enteriiies Reported in County With 57 percent of the physi clans reporting, the Marion county department of health learned that there were 25 cases of enteritis (intestinal disorder) prevalent in the county during the week ending August 13. All cases were reported from Salem. Other instances of communica ble disease included two each of chickenpox and bronchial pneu monia and one each of mumps, strep sore throat, undulant fever and Vincents angina. Of the 52 physicians who turned in report only 13 had come in contact with communicable disease. Four Named to State Bar Governing Board Portland, Aug. 6 W Four new members have been named to the board of governors of the Oregon state bar. Elected to three year terms were Gordon W. Sloan, Astoria (first district); R. E. Kriesien, Burns (second district); James Landye, Portland (third dis trict), and Paul E. Geddes, Rose burg (fourth district). local AtfMt For Convention Visitor Stricken Portland, Aug. 16 (IP) P a u 1 Baccaert, 48, of 156 Lawndale avenue, Norwood, Manitoba, col lapsed of a heart attack while walking with his wife on t downtown street here early to day and was dead on arrival at St. Vincent's hospital. Bassaert was here to attend the Knights of Columbus convention. Many Polio Cases Due to New Non-Crippling Virus New Haven, Conn., Aug. 16 VP) Yale scientists expressed be lief today that a large number of cases diagnosed as polio myelitis may actually be attributable to a new and apparently non-crippling virus. Existence of the virus, first reported By tne new JtorK state department of health, was con- firmed by the Yale researchers after a year's study. Isolated during last summer's polio outbreak in southern New England, North Carolina and Texas, the origin of the virus still is unknown and its means of transmission are obscure. But the Yale scientists reported that all infected persons who have come to their attention have re covered with no harmful aftereffects. A report of the Yale research was published today in the pro ceedings of the Society for Ex perimental Biology and Medi cine. Commenting on the report, Joseph L. Melnick, associate professor of microbiology, de clared: "It is believed this new virus was the cause of widespread ill ness last year during the polio myelitis season. Last year there were about 28,000 cases in the Uniled States which were re ported as poliomyelitis, the larg est number since 1916. "On the basis of this research at Yale, it is believed a size able percentage of these cases may have been falsely diagnosed as poliomyelitis and were ac tually attributable to this new virus. "We have reason to think this may be a fairly common disease, and with this new information physicians, working in conjunc tion with virologists in poliomy elitis areas, may have available a valuable new tool for specific diagnosis." Two New York scientists pub lished the first description of the virus. They were Gilbert Dall- dorf and Grace Sickles of the state health department at Al bany. Sub sequent investigations showed patients with the virus had some of the symptoms us unlly associated with polio. The average length of illness runs about 10 days, and the disease is prevalent during the usual polio season. But it leaves no permanent injury. During their investigations VAN LINES CO. LARMER TRANSFER and STORAGE At Your Service! FOR YOUR ... 1 Storage Hauling Fuel . . . NEEDS DIAL 3 3131 OR SEE US AT . . . 889 N. Liberty "OUR REPUTATION IS YOUR SECURITY" nmmm with Each Tf I liL IE' PURCHASED NO EXTRAS TO BUY! LIBERAL TRADE-IN! Owners report 17,18,19 MILES PER GALLON-AND UP! Up and down the coast, owners are dis covering there just isn't a better value than this handsome new 1949 Mercury! It's the smartest-looking, easiest-handling, smoothest-riding car in its class. And thriftyl Owners report 17, 18, 19 miles per gallon and up! Even more with Overdrive! What's more, yon get the best deal from ns, too! No extras to buy I Come in today. NOW PRICE INCLUDES! 5 Super Cushion Balloon Tires, Grille Guards, Oil-Bath Air Cleaner, Oil Filter, Wheel Trim Rings, Electric Clock. Docs not include sales tax. license fee. $2283: L lAofo wt cm ih punm 1949 0 fa c ia Si Warner Motor Co. 430 NORTH COMMERCIAL PHONE 2-2487 Tube at no extra charge with the purchase of a first line . . . first quality Western Giant "Double Duty" Tire 18 Month Guarantee 6.00-16 4-PLY WESTERN GIANT "DOUBLE DUTY" I IKE K 1 QsPEpIS 1jlfll3 '"Jumbo" Butyl Tube at no extra cost with any other "Double Duty" Tire. Petleral Excise Tax Extr DUST CLOTH 21c Chamois type... 15x27 inches . . . specially treated for duiting and polishing. "SUPREME" COMPOUNDED MOTOR OIL Reg. 87c per GALLON 74 Gal. In Your Container "Supreme" is 40c per quart quality oil. It is scientifically distilled, processed and compounded from 100 pure paraffin base crudes. Cleans as it lubricates. AUTO FAN $6.95 1 6 inch, 2 - speed soft rubber blade defrost ing fan . . . built-in switch . . . adjustable to any position. f4 00 FOR YOUR OLD BATTERY Trade-in your old battery on a new "Vareon" and save $4.00. You can't buy a better battery than "Varcon" Reg. $12.45 1- YEAR GUARANTEED Fits most models of Chevro let, Crosley, Dodge, Frascr, Ford, Kaiser, Nash, Stude baker, Plymouth and some other make. 2 - YEAR GUARANTEED "Varcon Deluxe" fits same cars as listed above. Also Hudson, Lincoln & Mercury. 2y8-YEAR GUARANTEED "Varcon Super-Active" with Fiberglas insulation. Fits all cars listed above. SPARK PLUGS In sets of four or more. 69c Each These are genuine "Champion" Plugs. Fully tested and guaranteed. High Pressure Gun Grease Reg. 26 c High quality grease for autos, trucks, tractors and machinery. u 19c $12'45 Ex. j I Reg. $19.45 i ' - - - - J i; $1C.45 OET TRADE-IN PKICE j I J Ex. ON ANY OTHER SIZE t WISTIAN AUTO IUPPLY CO. K-:b:':y,'3 N. W. Cor. Court & Commercial Sts., Salem Ph. 37177 Ore. THE WEST'S OLDEST and LARGEST RETAILERS OF AUTO SUPPLIES