, ' 16 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore, Tuesday, August 16, 1949 'PONY VA GST IT, BOSS? Y ALSO.BALDV, SHE 1 IT MEANS THIS GIRL IS "BO KAY'S J At this moment, in Mvtrhv Sanitarium-! C A STRAND OF DARK CARRIES BRUNETTE SISTER IN A BLONDE WIG AND l H . lMBSf'MISS KAYNE.' -ARE YOU "1 " HAIR ON THIS COMB POWDER AND LIPSTICK THE REAL "BO" KAY IS LOCKED UPA I -sN--kASLEEP F- MISS KAYNE .'J T AN' "BO" KAY'S A MVHAT DOES (T MEAN ? IN THAT LOONEY-BIN T I f H I mi Mil A E taffy top vrr-f '"IMlt 1 I l j) Tlfl miTt IF RADIO PROGRAMS Born of the Storm By SIDNEY B. CARTER TUESDAY P.M. I KSLM " I KGW I KOCO IT I KOIN (ChaDter 27) ' Prlscllls dropped the knite and ran, stm screaming, irom uie ruum Thrusting Pop and Dora aside, . mnrip for the teleDhone down stairs. She wanted to call the one person In the world on whom she could depend. Her left hand shook as she tried to hold the telephone to her ear and there was another dllllculty. The receiver sewneu u slippery. To her horror, even though the lower hallway was dark, she knew why the receiver was slipping, Her hand was covered with blood ThL rpnllzAtlon made her sud denly calm. Her mind began to work logically. Kenneth had been murdered. The murderer had 1 struck her on the head and had ' got away ... or was still some where In the house. Call the police flrt- Then call Dennis. "Police," she said to the operator and gave the address of the Kent house. Her voice shook, but her mind was now clear. She would need Dennis for more reasons than one. She would need him as a man and as a lawyer. Kenneth was dead and his blood was on Priscilla's hand. By two o'clock emotion had ex .V hausted Itself and they sat, Prls ' cSlla, Mr. and Mrs. Kant and 'f Dora, In the shabby living-room j waiting for Inspector Duffy to come " back downstairs. The home had , been searched and no one had been found there . . . except the i family. Dennis had come as soon ' as he could and now he sat beside " Prlscilla on the couch. Two pa ll trolmen had gone out In the prowl i car to search the neighborhood for . a stranger, or strangers. She tried not to think of the 1 sight upstairs. Better keep her ;, mind on her own plight. She had had time to wash the blood from ,i her hand, but It was still on every f thing she had touched, on the tele- phone and on her negligee which now lay crumbled beside her on ; the couch. All that could be ex- ;. plained easily, out there was some thing eyse that could not be ex. ' plained. Her fingerprints, as she '" well knew now, were on the murder weapon. She hod never really seen .. it, out sne naa neici it in tier . hand. Prlscilla began to recapitulate " In her mind the events of the night K It could not have been later than ' eleven o'clock when she was In the u drugstore telephoning Dennis. The boy behind the counter might - re- member. She had been out of the u house at the time of the murder . . 1 or had she? Dennis would swear that she had been with him until one o'clock, but what if Kenneth's " murder had taken place at exactly I that time? What difference would ,1 a few minutes make, one way or the ,. other. Yes, she decided, looking at It Irom Inspector Duffy s point of - view, she might well have done It. ' As she thought about Inspector . Duffy, the subject of her thlnk , Ing came down the stairs and into . the living room. Dennis moved . his legs and sat forward tensely, looking at the Inspector's face. "I want to question all of you," said the detective. "It won't take long." This last remark surprised Prlscilla. She had not expected him to make any show of considera tion. Dennis had risen to his feet and now stood in the middle of the room, making Inspector Duffy look smaller than ever. "Mrs. Pris- oilla Kent is my client," he said, .."and I believe she has the right to keep silent until she has my counsel." - Duffy looked at the tall young man speculatively. "Okay," he said at length. "That's okay with me. And so It was that Dennis took Prlscilla out of the house and over to Viola's, where, after the , administration of a sedative, she . managed to get a few hours' sleep. It was not until the next after noon that she was arrested on sus picion of murder. The four of them sat In the living room and smoked In si lence for awhile, deep in their own thoughts. Even Viola, who smoked very little, had been "chain-smoking all morning. Prls cilla, looking at her friends, sighed. I wanted Kenneth out of the way. he thought bitterly. I'm going to be Dunished for wanting that Dennis leaned over and patted her . hand. Then he looked at Daniel. jjjZj ioulh of the Border These fes n tlvB "day-of-the-week" towels make 5X I J" 41 gay conversation pieces in any -fijSvv lit" home. Embroider this sparkling Tr" senorlta In simple stitches and vi- VNK7X. fl brant colors. These pretty towels 1 make a grand gift for a shower or 1 17lCk. C Mv f I TT housewarmlng party. JV-AJCv'ty I Pattern Envelope No. R3546 con- TNVtejMt I tains hot-iron transfers for 7 de ' ?WaS5S I 'n' lor chart, stitch lllustra- ' SPii1 r To ob,ln 'nl pattern, send 20c ; IOTs. I CCJN8' Hiving pattern number, -fl VlTW " vour nnme' address and zone num JsSOU a1 b,r to PcRM Roberts, Capital Jour- J ( nnl' MlM'0n street',Snn Fran- "Can you tell me anything about this?" he asked. Daniel seemed to rouse himself from great depths of thought. "About what?" he asked, frown ing. Prlscilla felt, suddenly, a faint antagonism between him and Dennis. She wondered why. "I mean," Dennis rephrased, "did your brother tell you anything about these two men who they were?" "What two men?" Dennis betrayed a certain amount of irritation at Daniel's obtuseness. The two men stared at each other, their antagonism coming out into the open. Prlscilla looked from one to the other, shocked. She had thought that Daniel was her friend. "I think you know," Dennis snap ped, "what two men. Dora saw . , ." "Dora's only a child . . ." "Dora saw them," Dennis con tinued, "yesterday afternoon. They went to your brother's bedroom and had an argument with him. Now, the question Is did they return last night?" If we want to save Prlscilla . . ." Daniel's face had taken on fury as Dennis spoke and Prlscilla, to her horror, saw an expression so line K.ennecn-s It made her gasp. It was the first time she had ever seen any meanness in Daniel. He rose slowly from his chair and stood, legs apart, Jaw thrust out. "I don't want to save Prlscilla, he said meaningly, ". . . or you." as ne i,urnea ana siroae irom tne room, a small whimper, like animal's, came from Viola's throat. "Daniel . . ." But he was eone. Through the window they saw him get in his car and start off in the direction of his mother's house. Things happened In a hurry after mat. inspector Dully arrived alone Or. rather she thought at first he was alone. She did not know there was another detective waiting for mm in tne car. "You've no right to take her In.1 Prlscilla heard Dennis say. "You've got no evidence . . .' "Listen," said Duffy, "her mother -in-law signed a statement that'll send her to the chair, unless the Jury happens to like blondes." (To Be Continued) 2364 SIZES 6 14 Praotlcal Packets Pert nanel de tail centers interest a ton this tvnl- ctu scnooi styiei No. 2364 is cut In sizes 6. 8. 10. 12 ana u. size 8, 3 '4 yds. 35-in., !4 yd. ou-iii. coiurasung. SUMMER Is the time for nrettv styles the Fashion Book the place iu mm ineiii. r-.veryming you need Tor that wonderful two weeks with pay. plus plenty of charming and wearable fashions for town, country home. The SUMMER FASHION BOOK brings you over 150 pattern uesigns ior an ages and occasions. ana an aesigncd for easy sewlns Prico Just 20 cents. Order vour copv I1UW. send 25c hir PATTERN with name. Address, and Style Number aiate uise aesired. Address Capital Journal 552 Mis sion hi. Ban Francisco 6. Calif w m wit tfw simwff 1 11 1 lT l l c-c-e "-ii iwwitu r"G n it i rwae wwi i ehrav.TArtSt:L"iMCKt-?i VfTiSi I W CUNT 6E6 ATHIfKJ IN HEPE-CANT 111 SOMEBOCW HERE -OH fcai J gf A MOON-HA1 AN IRON BfiR THAT KaH . I p I tVEN tUgUtEPT TTHW enNVWr MUO II El THIS BBBUNKIFjONLY MM'.I OUQHT TO DO TH TRICK BESIDES MM i WE'RE SOAKED WITH EASY NOW B!"S I WE HAD A UGHT ffirSr1 " il JUST HOLDIN' A THING LIKE THIS Ak"m N h saw mn i.-!F..iJE. im't &v5,- in -n feiu m fe i Jil r,, 1 16- 111 fit' jy&i T INS JUAT MUD BRICK ) ASLEEP-THEY ASK SO j- AGA H. .WHAT DO YOU 5 ' t Butm5! IS A I ' wr(m WgeM- MEn w N tMf?rmi Jtmttr7 -Hnii TriBi (- HE SCtfS THAVE TH MOST (--THAK'S SOFT-HEARTED J V (-HM.'-OVE-fAULT' HEERD I W -'HE'S A-rOLLVM' V44 HfSKO PERFECT CHARACTER AH IKW I JOHN A-CLOSI UP HIS T7f MONEY JmGLWrOO.'T I 6rtfl JojT i fefe' . SEEN ON A HOOMIN BEIN:-r J STORES-MY.'-HE MUST p!, HE IS MtTCHM JOHN GO OFF mTO TH' vJS?''- 'St Y L BUT HE GOT ONK. FAULT- HAD A Aa DAY.' V2 TO THEM LONELY MOOS- ( IMOWSlS. .o'lSCOVEt (Wi , THASS WHY THEY CALLS HIM ) LISSEN TTHEM COINS il1BTaTO WIF A F'EEMOOLYARLaSf I- Kr 5f.rif J M L 1 I I TW -TUIC IPCR.H UU.IUUAT Y ..atuilI'I I.IC 1 Vll l'l,C nctTKl UfDU'lKlftl'. M. , 1 . V ' i 1 I " . nuiniiuni. i 4 rLAy. stKIOUS.LV- YOU MtCU I (S THE DOCTORS 1 HE JUST I OSTTHE JHAVE VOU . . H TOO MADHI fiPTmlT ri . . I . - ... fv IMC 1 J - - , WCKC in w - : ' J f uuur I KCUKCMI ion : in WCKC I II WIPE AT s F U5F Of J'N ., ? BEEN PI AY S . 1 cCDv . J II " - I III h73 ( DOIMO? RESTAURANT! r-p, fi KIV, VOO I D 60 HOME AMD I HOME;- J-ft, KU Ai4f7lo 1 ,: STOP J : L mi Ar-iscs ir ! r Wl AH MiKM 1 I -tiraa ,r- i? i j n Mil - , ttt f-fi nwfiMiisf: i-r----.I'"l ptlT" a3S8SAVS..ANP J I VMTH MR PIKES HEL I RLlP T'oH.THAT!! COUUjI I IT WAS PROF.ST.JOHN TERRIS-OUK ,,,,,..,-. . "WERE lOST I 'T SABOUT WLLOW CAT HAVE TOt-P VOU PICTURE & A SEMI-POCUMENTARY TH ATS IT, PIKE VOUVE CTW'! ISLANP.. THAT WAS WHEBE THAT THAT IT'S THE BASED ON THPIR STORY Co WB R HIT IT! IT WAS JUST BEPORE SS SC'BNTIBC WRTy PSAPPEAREP.' I BESj Pp2!fEp WA TO SEE T WLLBE PEARL HARBOR! A RAMOUS L-WWPtiTlrf.. 'A THE ISLAND FOR PRACTICAL TO MAkE FT u SCIENTIST AND HIS PARTY WENT iS-!Zr V 7 .rfT v THIS PICTURE ! RlfiHT ON THE SPOT r mi i o 1 1 1 1 1 1 AJAsr ! 1 1 (oidyou say si rpn 1 I THIS WMTHl LAM 5TRAW, JUNIOR!- VyB I DRUM--MR. GREENWOOD--CAN OU WAWT TO TELL ME THAT J'--vT " PRETENCVN6TOPLAV THOSt PIANO CAN'T I YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT I'M SAYING? you-i i JoT MV WIFE . . . . -IS ; NUMBERS RECORDED BY YOUR JpORCE YOU 'THERE IS SOMETHING YOU THAT IT MRS WORTH ' S S.) w MOTHER!-. I FEEL A4IFI HAD A toon I SHOULD KNOW" ! -J THAT IT, MRS. WORTH . y TRESPASSED ON SACRED I MRSrWORTH' X liT Trj- t' J R LNaRp V '' " Y7-1 Itucmtw KriTL!', AHI TAKE MY WIFE TO ESPeMnimn f 5.00 Walter Troben Woman'! "writ Hhlim Baoeh Cmt Uany :lo Frank Bemlnvirsr 8m" Ehylhm Bana Llltla Show :S0 Pmninr Parada Newa Blng Croiby Sonri of Pralrit :4ft Newi Richard Barkmii Sport Paga Larry LeScner iOO B-Bar "' Brand"-" Muileal Cocktail Candlelight and Kno Manning :1ft B-Bar Brand Muiicat Coektall Bllrar Bandi on Parada 30 Adv. of Champ. He and Janla Ncwa Chet Hnnilay j45 Mntlo Ma and Janla liaak Walton Ha-wa 7:00 Gabriel Heatter Martin A Lawla Pat O'Brien Treaa. Bandstand, to Northweit Newa Martin Lwli Muileal Jackpot Bob Vonnt Show '30 Muilo Klng'a Men Bandstand It Pari to b ;4fl Music Klng'a Men Dugout Popo Ignorant 8:00 Medicine Drama Hollywood Theatre Baseball Hit tba Jaekpot ' Mnslo Hollywood Theatre Baseball Hit the Jaekpot W Rlderi In the Bky In Yonr Hands Baseball Dress Parade :o Riders In the Sky In Your Hands Baseball Dress Parade 9:00 Monte crmo Supper Clob Baseball Lowell Thomas 16 Monte Crlilo News of World Baseball Cbieagoana :30 Favorite Story Hogan'a Daughter Baseball Mr. A Mrs, North sM Favorite atory Hogan'a Danghtsr Baseball Mr. Si Mrs. North I m ;nn News Newt Baseball Fl Star Final Ifl.l Select Local News Sports Page Final Newa Bound Dp Mystery Theatr 1111:30 News Bands of Land Track 1480 Mystery Theatre I Wj45 Mnslo Band Wagon Track 1480 Spin to Win : aa aj 00 Walter Trohan Sam flayea Track 1490 Serenade 1 1 :1ft Bob Poole Show Wax Museum Track 1400 You and World I H iSO Bob Poola Show Wax Museum Track 1490 Orchestra) B L t45 Musle Wax Museum Track 1490 News kIqq Sign Off Ix" Oft Sign Off Went WEDNESDAY 6 A.M. TO 4:45 P.M. 6:00 Newa Hodre Podge Newa 1ft Dawn Patrol Hodga Podge KOIN Kloek ait N. W. News News KOCO Klock KOIN Klock ;4Jl March Time Hodge Podge KOCO Klock KOIN Kloek Hio Dawn Patrol Farm Time Tex Bitter KOIN Kloek ;S Dawn Patrol Farm Time News A Sports News :S0 Dawn Patrol The Old Songa Top O' Morning News 4H News News Top O' Morning Fred Beck 8" ioo News Smooth Musle Western Melodies Consumer Now lb Breakfast Gang Smooth Mnslo Western Melodies Art Baker :30 Breakfast Gang Rider of Bag The Stars Sinr Make Bellere :4fl Top Trades Sam Hayes Church In Wild Make Believe :00 Bargain Counter Socond Cup Melody Time Vocal Varietlea ID RUe and Shine Second Cup Melody Time News :30 Sons ol Pioneers Jack Bercb Muslo Grand Slaps :4fi Morning Special Newa J. Charles Thomas Rosemary 00 News Tommy Dorsey Guest Artist Wendy Warren I;, Kate Smith Tommy Dorsey N.W. Report Aunt Jenny :ao Pastor's Call Tommy Dorsey Concert Miniature Helen Trent Hft Wiles Waltx Time Tommy Dorsey Concert Miniature Our Gal Sunday :00 News Lopea Oreh, Glass Wax Big Sister fl jin Gospel Blngers Lopes Orch. Glass Wax Ma Perking H :30 Musto Today's Children Glass Wax Young Dr. Malona fl Walts Serenade Lora Lawton Glass Wax Guiding Llrht ijC Top T'tm Double or Nothing Hollywood Muslo News Bj:lft New Doable or Nothing Hollywood Musle Com 4 Get It I fl :S0 Queen for a Day News News orah Drake 0 MS Queen for a Day Light of World Ted Dale Present Brighter Day TT6o Ladles First Life Beautiful Mae'a Melodies tnd Mrs. Barton "g ,5 Ladles First Road of Llfa ' Mac's Melodies perry Mason I ;30 News Pepper Young Mae's Melodies Bright and Light -4B Bob Eberly Show Happiness Mac's Melodies Alr-flo 2 -qo Tell Neighbor Backstage Wife . Mac's Melodies Newspaper of Air ,3 Johnson Family Stella Dallas Mac's Melodies Newspaper of Air .;0 Orran Reveries Lorento Jones Mae's Melodies Winner Take All :4ft Bins Sings Widder Brown Mac's Melodies Tunefully Yours Tqq Against the Storm A Girl Marries Mac's Melodies " News Against the B tor in Portia Faces Life Mao'a Melodiea Meet the Mlssng 80 M"Blc Jant lln Bm "ao Melodiea Meet the Mlssna 4n On Parade Front Paga Farrell Mac's Melodies Robert Q, Lewis 4:00 Say It with Muslo Welcome Travelers Movletlme Bobert Q. Lewis" A Say It with Muslo Welcome Travelers Friendly Robert Q. Lewis 30 Sonus of Time Aunt Mary Byera Bedlam Robert Q. Lewis :4S News We Lot St Learn Byers ' Bedlam Robert Q. Lewis DIAL LISTINGS: KEX, 1190; KOAC, 550 iry Tuesday P.M. 5:00, Squirrel Cagei lCA 6:30, Johnny Lujackt AiOO, Keep ing Up With Sports; 6:10, Home Edition) (1:30, Modern Romances; 7:00, Home Edi tion: 7:15, Elmer Davist 7:30, Report to tb Peoplct 7:4ft, Muslo by Boverot 8:00, Counterspy: 8:30. Town Meeting; 0:30, Monitor News; 0:4,1. Book Adventnresi 10:00, Richfield Reporter; 10:15, Intermez zo; 10:30, Concert Hour; 11:80, Memos to Tomorrow; 12:00, Xtra Honrt 1:00, Sign lry Wednesday A.M. 6:00, Early IV LA Bird; 6:45, Dirt Doctor; 7:00, News; 7:15, Band Box; 7:80, Bob Haien Show i 7:43, Time Tempos; 8:16, Martin Agronskyt 8:30, Zeke Manners i 8:4ft, Trop lcanaj 0:00, Breakfast Clubt 10:00, Newt; 10:13, Stars of Today; - 10:80, Melody Promenade; 11:00, Ted Malone; 11:1B, Ga len Drake; 11:30, My True Story; 1S:00, Betty Crorker; 12:15, News; 12:30, Bauk hage Talking; 12:15, Nancy Cralgi 1:00, Northwesterncrst 1:30, Kay West; 8:00, Breakfast In Hollywood. Tractor Starts Fire Sublimity Sparki from the tractor exhaust caused a fire that burned over an acre and a half of bent grass which was being raised for seed on the Del- ACROSS 1. Branches of a tree fi. So. American river 26. Large volume 28. By the side of 30. Clerical vest ments St. Representation in miniaiure 8. Band across an 86. Paper fastener escutcheon ' 87. Incline 12. Derisive shout 40. Large tub 13. Signal with 42. Brazilian ino neat: 14. Genus of the olive tree 15. Checks 17. Bombastic parrot 43. Cures 44. Mine approaches 46. Relieve 47. Corpulence talK IS. Agreeable odor SO. Preceding 19. Thick nights 20. .riant 22. Cudgel 23. Finished 24. Preparation1 urted In printing 81. Golf peg 62. U nasn i rated S3. Coxy home 64. English letter 65. Anglo-Saxon slave ST 3 2? ss 3f Wo ROOM AND BOARD W SO THIS IS THE 'ANNEX'OF TSpJ 3 'OGOWAN LOOSE'- Y'kNOW tgf A WHAT IT USED TO BE 7""A Wl 1 4- STALL CARRIAGE BARN l AND I LIKE THE WAY ? 3 THEY SAVE IT THE BIG J 1 TOUCH BY NUMBERING I R OUR. TWO ROCWS ABOVE, y s i w iooandiui y kOAr Tuesday P.M. 6:00, On tba lVSAV Upbeat; 5:50, 550 Sports Club; 6:00, News; 6:15, Dinner Melodies; 6:80, 'Bound the Campflre; 7:15, Evening Farm Honrt 8:00, O.C.E. Fornm; B:45, Loggers' Fir Weather Forecast; 8:00, Musle That Endure; 9:45, Lift Up Thy Vole; 10:00. Excursions In Science; 10:15, Serenade; 10:45, News 11:00, Sign Off, LfOAP Wed AM 10. New; 10 Hi, Especially for Women) 11:00, Concert Hall; 18:00, News; 18:15, Farm Hour; 1:00, Ride 'em Cowboy; 1:15, Va riety Timet 1:30, This Dayi 1:45, Melody Lanet 3:00, Cavalcade of Drama; 8:15, Memory Book of Muslo; 1:00, News, 8:80, Easy Aeest 8:45, Meet the Majojrat '00, Surprise Package; 8:80, Bride and Groom ; 4 :00, Ladles Be Seated; 4 : 30, Add-a-lfne. mar Lambrecht place about five miles north of Sublimity last week. Both the Sublimity and Stayton fire departments were called upon to extinguish the blaze. Solution of Yesterday's Puzzle DOWN Biblical char acter 1. Ring Arthur a lance I. Iroquois1 Indians 4. Mix circularly 5. Lively 6. Edible tuber 7. Public notice! 8. Belonging to publio debate I. African antelope 10. Intelligence) II. Glutted 16. Cut short 19. Consider 20. Relatione 21. Indefinite pronoun 26. Least compli cated 27. Aliments 29. Accomplishes 11. Groups of pupils 12. Goddess of healing 33. City In Belgium 86. Escapes art fully 87. Gloss 38. Depart 39. Fertile spots 41. Tilt 46. Entice: variant 47. Corroded 48. Tavern 49. Behold 6Ji Bv Gertp Ahprn ANYHOW. WE AND TWE BARN SPIDERS HAVE THE 'ANNEX' TO OURSELVES THE MAIN HOUSE HAS 35 SUESTS CROWDED IN LIKE TOES IN A BALLET SLIPPER.' R O I IgR A 3 B U Ml A R Yl A T SUE XA T 7A T B EtO RkllM I T r E P MAS kBp A 2 ETfB R ' T O NtiA M I PHP I N t C N GT N E SHL I t-kall gS3 P A NllC 1 M L E T fTo I R R STER S fT R. A AlslalAn e v i lJIn I P te1ulUp1 if