No Liquor at Embassy Parly Washington, Aug. 16 W) Fruit juices took the place of scotch and bourbon at last night's Indian embassy celebra tion ol the second anniversary of the independence of India. Madame Vijaya Lakshmi Pan dit, the ambassador, was the hostess at the formal diplomatic reception. The teetotal absence of alco holic drinks was quite a blow to some of the regular Washing ton party-goers among the 750 who attended the formal affair. However, it was in line with the teachings of the late Mahat- ma Gandhi, who said that the India of his dreams would be wholly free of "the curse of in toxicating drinks and drugs. Just a Peek A bird's-eye view of his new son was all Charley (Shipwreck) Lupica, the Cleveland flagpole sitter, got as his wife came home from the hospital with the new arrival. The ambulance bearing Mrs. Lupica stopped in front of Charley's perch so he could get a peek at the baby. Charley, who has already beaten the old flagpole sitting record of 72 days, plans to stay aloft until the Cleveland Indians are in first place. (Acme Telephoto.) OPPOSITE OF DACHSHUND New Breed of Dog Only Half-a-Dog Long (AP Newsfeature) Tokyo The Japanese have a new breed of dog. It can be de scribed as one dog high and half a dog long. That compares with the classic description of the dachshund half a dog high and a dog and a half long. The new breed has the face of a bulldog and looks normal except that as your eye moves back from his head it gets to his tail too soon. It might be the Japanese heard about Arabian horses, which have one or two vetebrae less than other horses and are noted for their grace and speed. Perhaps a dog with shorter backbone might be as outstand ing among other dogs, they may have reasoned. At any rate the short wheel base model made its appearance in the Gunjo district of Gifu prefecture. Its backbone is about 20 inches (50 centimeters) long and he stands about as high. When he sits it looks like half of him is in a hole through the floor. husbandry department have ex pressed an interest in the new breed and may prepare a report after a thorough investigation But so far, no one has dis closed how the abridged verison was developed. Or why. TEAGUE Motor Company is giving TERRIFIC DEALS on New 1949 Kaiser - Frazer Cars "THE BEST DEAL IN TOWN" e We Have the Amazing New Kaiser Traveler For Immediate Delivery, Why not treat yourself to a free trip and take fac tory delivery. We can arrange it. TEAGUE Motor Company 355 North Liberty Salem Phone 2-4173 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Tuesday, August 16, 194915 v i i GO Nw,r 1 we!Ltrip 1 EAST. NEW BREED Half a Dog Long Breeders say the dog Is not a freak, like an egg with two yolks or a hole in one on the golf course. They say dog lovers are paying exoribant prices for the quick-rump animals. Professors of Gifu univer sity's agriculture and animal on the Smooth-Railing.;. Streamlined NORTH COAST LIMITED NOW yon can makt perfect connection! at Portland for your trip aait on Northern Paclftc'a NORTH COAST LIMITED. Arrive In Portland al 8:00 P. M. and leave at 9:00 P. M. Conning weat, yon arrive in Portland at 7:15 A. M. and leave for home at 7:45 A. M., or 8:45 A. M. When you travel on the brand new all-room Pullman can; or, economical tourist Pullman steeping cars; or, on deluxe "Day-Nite" coaches... you will be glad you chose this comfortable and scenic route east. F01E fer futttw JnfermeHefl write A. C. STICKLEY, General Agent Portland 4, Oregon 439 S. W 4th Ave. Jjl A trip to the beach . . . the first tin of the season . . . summer warmth with its relaxation. A refreshing glass of light Olympia. These ate among the good things of life. itm xnm water - ttrr, lie LigHt Rfmimtnl hmrtgt if Milium tf Hmfm Pnfk iVMriA MtWIN COM.ANT. OITMMA. WMHINdTOM. . f. A. SAFEWAY Sells only U. S. Government Graded Beef, Lamb and Veal by shopping regularly at m mvzawRivr Save a lot by saving a little every time you shop. That's what happens when you supply all your food needs at Safeway. You see, our prices are low on every item every day... so you're bound to save on the total of purchases you make here. For examples of Safeway'8 money-saving values, check the lists below. For the convenience of out-of-town and late shoppers. SAFEWAY STORES at 2120 Fairgrounds Road and 1420 State St., are open until 8:00 P.M. EVERY EVENING EXCEPT SUNDAY. These Prices Good Thru Sat., Aug. 13 ROUND STEAKS NOW SOLD IN 2 GRADES TO HELP YOU SAVE! U. S. GOOD TP. V. C. COMMERCIAL Q. Pound JC Pound G7C LEG OF LAMB 69c LAMB SHOULDER ROAST 49c PURE GROUND BEEF - 35c SMOKED PICNICS - 39c SLAB BACON ; 49c In Our Grocery Section COLUMBIA RIVER CHINOOK PARAGO BRAND No. Vi can SALMON 29c Airway Coffee This mild mellow blend will please your family as it has thousands. See what you save by buying it in the bag. Ground fresh to your order. Lb. bag 40c 2 lb. bag 79c DBF VI A Good 12 ox. lt Hunch for Lunch Can I V SPAGHETTI 2 -29c LIMA BEANS & HAM Bz 10c POST TOASTIES - 13c MARGARINE 19c CRACKERS s - 2:45c BISQUICK 212 39c BREEZE CHEESE-, -s79c SHORTENING SUGAR RAISINS Royal 3-lb. Satin tins C & H SUNMAID 75c 25 - $2'7 15c 1 1 ox. pkg. EDWARDS COFFEE 51c Other "canned" Coffees, lb. can 53c HIGHWAY PEARS -25' Mrs. Wright's WHITE or WHEAT BREAD Nationally Advertised Canned Milk 2 can" 23c CHERUB MILK 2 Con. 21C SILK TOILET TISSUE 6 Rons 25c JELL WELL The bread that's good because It's mad the right way! ALWAYS FRESH LOAP 19c 6 "Natural' Tasting Flavors PKG. 5c ZEE FACIAL TISSUE SPECIAL OFFER 2 HB 15c Watermelons LUX FLAKES IVORY FLAKES RINSO, DUZ TIDE, DREFT VEL, OXYDOL IVORY SNOW WHITE KING and SUPER SUDS s o A P Your Choice ib. 3 Sweet meatad ript melons nothing sa refreshing nd satisfying. Regular Pkg. H C8 I1W BANANAS FREE PARKING At All 3 Salem Safeway Stores Firm, golden ripe fruit. . . . 2 lb, 29c Peaches Delicious firm ripe fruit. Fill up the fruit bowl! 3j to 4 lb. BASKET ... TOMATOES Firm ripe field grown. Dandy sllcers for lunches LB. 33c 10c i