Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, August 16, 1949, Page 13, Image 13

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l ' 14 Capital Journal, Salem,
Onfl-Winrffirt Candidates in the 1949 English Channel
LUIIIJ I'lllUUIJ swjm stand under their flags beneath the
Dover cliffs, England. From left are: Mrs. Willi Croes van
Kijsel, Holland; Philip Mickman, England; Shirley May
France, USA; Elna Andersen, Denmark. The four will not
compete as in a race, but each will make a try whenever the
swimmer desires.
Tennis Doubles
Tourney Enters
Second Round
Chestnut Hill, Mass., Aug. 16
(U.R) Top-seeded Gardnar Mul-
loy of Miami, Fla., and Billy
Talbert of New York City start
ed after their fifth title today as
the second round of the National
Doubles tennis championships
opened at Longwood Cricket
The favored Davis cuppers
faced Capt, James t'arrin of Wa-
ban, Mass., and Edward Serves
of Medford, Mass., after draw
lng first-round byes.
First-seeded foreigners Jack
Bromwich and Billy Sldwell of
Australia, who also drew a first
round bye, were matched with
Dixon Osburn, Dallas, Tex., and
Stephen Potts, Memphis, Tenn.
in the other featured match.
Second-seeded Richard (Pan
cho) Gonzales, last year's na
tional singles champion, and
Frank Parker, the veteran he
replaced on this year's Davis
cup team, had to work to roach
the second round but the Los
Angeles partners easily disposed
of Blair Hawlcy of Boston and
Henri Saluan of Wcsleyan uni
versity yesterday In straight
acts, 6-3, 6-0, 6-2.
The sixth-seeded tandems of
Jim Brink, Seattle, Wash., and
Herbert (Buddy) Bohrens, Ft
Lauderdale, Fla., and foreigners
Robert Abclcssclam and Paul
Remy of France also survived
the first round.
First-round byes were drawn
by the rest of the seeded tan
Admission prices to movie
theaters in Argentina now range
from 3 cents to SB cents.
ilk, IM. HIIU J
Ore., Tuesday, August lfi, 1949
Palmer Pockets
Plump Payoff
Chicago, Aug. 16 (U.R) Johnny
Palmer, a youthful southern golf
pro who has been knocking at
the gates of big-links money for
two years, counted his first big
playoff today as -faithful tour
ney fans rate him now with the
big names of the game.
Palmer picked up a check for
the $10,000 from George S. May,
the biggest single prize on pro
golf's summer-winter swing, for
a four-under-par 68 at Tarn
O'Shanler, two strokes better
than the 70 of veteran Jimmy
Demaret, who won $7,000 for
second place.
The two tangled in a playoff
for the May "world champion
ship" after tying at 275, 13 un
der par, over the regulation 72
hole distance.
Wouldn't you rather get a hicger, more modern car for
your money? Wouldn't you rather have a enr with Twin
Beds . . , with Weather liye Conditioned Air . . . with the
safety of a Unitized Bodyand-framep
Wouldn't you rather drive the standout car of the year in
styling the one that's streamlined fl the way?
Just step into this Kash A irfiyu!
Here's where you get the most passenger and luggage
room for your money . . . and the feather-soft ride of coil
springing on all four wheels.
Here's where the curved windshield is undivided in all
models and you hove the safety of the Uniscope.
Yes with all this a Nash "600" pnvs you back w ith
. over 25 miles to the gallon, at average highway speed!
Come in and see the year's best buy in automobiles the
value that's breaking all Nash sales records! Cet behind
the wheel of the Nash "600" or Nash Ambassador.
Williams Paces
American League
Chicago, Aug. 16 (P) Bos
ton's big Ted Williams led
American league batters again
last week.
But Williams, a carry-over
leader from the preceding week,
was being hard pressed by
George Kell of Detroit. Wil
liams' average was .352, only
one percentage point above that
of Kell who rose from fourth
to second plaoe in the leaders
last week.
Stephens, Boston shortstop,
led in runs batted in with 130
and also took honors for the
most homers with 31.
Williams scored the most runs,
114. He and Kell lied for the
most doubles, 32. Dom DiMag
gio, Boston, had the most hits,
146, and Dale Mitchell, Cleve
land, the most triples, 17.
In the pitching department
Allie Reynolds of New York led
with his .786 on 11 victories and
three defeats. Mel Parnell of
Boston has won the most games,
made a trip to Tie
milts per tallon. t.
Eagles Well
(For Hugh Fullerton, Jr.)
Chicago, Aug 16 (Okla
homa Sooner partisans trace the
fine hand of Jim Lookabaugh of
Oklahoma A & M, In the 38-0
humiliation plastered by the
Philadelphia Eagles on Bud
Wilkinson's all stars.. Looka
baugh (as per custom for the
past four or five summers) was
in the Eagle camp and explained
the intricacies of Wilkinson's
split-T to the pros . . . How good
a job of briefing the Aggie coach
did was only too evident at Sol
diers Field last Friday night
. . . Especially after the Eagles
in five early scrimmages
couldn't stop the split-T at all
. . . Sooner folk moan it wasn't
right neighborly of Jim. . . .
For the future book, jot down
the name of Notre Dame's Bill
Barrett as a candidate for sopho-more-halfback-of-the-season
. . .
He'll start playing behind Emll
Sitko, but maybe not for long
. . . A 180-pound son of a for
mer pro player, Barrett Is a
combination of a scared rabbit
and a run-away Jeep in the open
field. ...
Pity the sports announcers
who will have to tell about Illi
nois halfbacks Dick Raklovits,
Bob Rylowicz and John Vuke
lich . . . Raklovits is a hot pros
pect from Chicago who had to
sit out a season when the Big
Ten decided he. had the wrong
kind of scholarship.
Big Ten title talk centers on
defending champion Michigan,
Rose Bowl champion Northwest
ern, Ohio State, and Minnesota
. . . The sleeper may be Purdue,
which lost a starting line but
may have the best backfield in
the league . . . The Boiler
maker one-two punch of Harry
Szulborski and Norb Adams will
pack a jolt . . . Furthermore
Stu Holcomb has no gee-whiz
building up to worry about this
season, and no opener against
Notre Dame.
Still more about football: Pro
scouts at Minnesota's spring
practice(how about that?) rate
Clay Tonnemaker as the best
Buy Your Ticket
for the Lion's Club
"Umpires Night"
Tomorrow, Wed. 17th,
7:30 P. M.
Added Attraction the
Ticket Booth
Cor, State and Liberty; or
any Lion's Club member.
CorHtt, Rtuli fj, Evtnu, H aihiHlen.
Here is the only cr scientif
ically designed with Girder
built Unitized Hodvmd-
frime one solid wcldcdunit.
Adds 50 greater rigidity...
eliminate! iisrlesn weight...
prevent! body iqueaki and
rattles . , means a better,
safer car.
- Briefed on
T System
center prospect since Bulldog
Turner ... At 245 pounds, they
say Tonnemaker is an ail-American
cinch . . . Curly Lambeau
of the Green Bay Packers thinks
his Wild Bill Kelly may fill at
least one of Don Hutson s shoes
with Stan Heath and Jack
Jacobs pitching to him. Lam
beau is one pro operator who
doesn't fear television . . . The
Packers have four games tabbed
for viedo, but they're in Milwau
kee . . . "Over the long haul,"
claims Curly, "television will
develop as many or more new
customers than will cause old
ones to stay away."
Fore: Promoter George S.
May still flits around Tarn
O'Shanter in shirts which could
be mistaken for Japanese ki
monos . . . The lads on the golf
Hi I J
wiyi. ffi s 1 1 1 c v
AcfftMea Shell Premium is
powerful gasoline
M ,
Activation makes
the difference
Shell splits molecules: Shell scientists
tike the finest svitlsble crude sctivate
the molecules by splitting them tnd
rearranging the atoms according to
Shell's formula for a perfectly balanced
gajoline. The result Shell Premium,
the molt powerful gasoline your
car can use I
beat are more than a little irked
with Sammy Snead's growing
display of temperment . , , Once
happy-go-lucky, Snead now gets
touchy after a poor round (the
few he has) ... He snaps at
photographers and some times
strides away from would-be in
terviewers . ... Gabby Hartnett,
the old Cub catcher and now a
pretty good Sunday golfer, is
a great admirer of Snead's . . .
He watched him power a few off
the tee in Tarn's "World" meet
and opined that "Snead's drive
are all I need to round out my
game" . . . Gabby once hit a
pretty long ball himself, one in
particular that Pittsburgh will
never forget. ...
Frankie Frlsch, Cub boss, en
joyed driving his new car with
a modern gear shift until he
If you're heading for real
whiskey enjoyment, steer
your course to "Gibson's
Selected 8." Mixed or
straight, "8" is great!
YES, many of today's engines have been
stepped-up . , . they call for more powerful
gasoline! Now Shell gives you the most
powerful gasoline your car can use Shell
Premium it's "activated." No other fuel can
top its power in your car!
This is made possible by Shell's own, spe
cially produced power components tnd by
Shell's own blending methods!
Actually, Shell splits molecules to get more
power for today's more powerful engines. So
you get a gasoline that's "activated" 3 ways!
1 . Arttvotad for knocklats power!
Pulling hard in low gear or traveling at full
throttle. Shell Premium delivers full, quiet powerl
2. Activated for fast "getaway."
Shell Premium delivers the extra power you can
feel no "balking," no "stuttering" you go!
3. Activated for full mileage.
Shell engineers "balance" Shell Premium so that
every drop of fuel goes to work for youl
had to try backing up in Chi
cago's loop. "Nearly knocked
over 10 people and caused a
traffic jam," laughed tne rora
ham flash. "Nobody ever told
me how to put the darn thing
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The time during which wild creatures must pro
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Life Insurance can be planned to meet individual
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A Manufacturers Life representative can help
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Earl A. Gooch District Representative
975 North 16th St. Telephone 3-3314 Salem, Oregon
your car can use!
"Service is
my business
in reverse. Now I'm practicing
on back streets". ...
Australia now has 284,000
"permanent rural workers;" be
fore the war she had 416,000.
the most