Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, August 16, 1949, Page 11, Image 11

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    12 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Tuesday, August 16, 1949 p HI
uervdi vvuiiidii
Drowns in River
Highway Planning Held Up
Awaiting Source of Funds
Silverton, Aug. 16 Until the amount of funds available Is
known it is impossible for the state highway commission to plan
future programs, R. H. Baldock, state highway engineer, told
members of the Cascade Highway association and the Chamber of
Commerce Monday night. Post-war costs are 65 percent above
fthose of the pre-war period, he
Ninety percent of the $18,000,
000 allocated for construction in
Oregon in the next three years
has already been contracted with
prime consideration "the great
est good for the greatest num
ber of people." Funds have been
divided into five geographical
sections with 23.25 percent to
the Portland area; 18.83 percent
to the northwest area; 40.21 per
cent to the southwestern sec
tion; 18.98 percent to eastern
and 17.83 percent to central Ore
gon, he said.
Proposed national road legis
lation was opposed by Baldock
on four points; too much inter
ference by Washington officials:
increased tendence to depend on
government for all assistance;
government interest in smaller
farm-to-market roads and fed
eral legislation tending to de
crease money in the state to car
ry on its program and state so
cialism. Completion of the Wilsonville
highway from the White school
north of Hubbard to Barbour
boulevard in Portland was urged
by Arthur Schafer, Scio, presi
dent of the Cascade Highway
association. Plans were also
started for a caravan to start at
Springfield and picking up ad
ditional automobiles en route to
Portland for a luncheon meet
ing with the Chamber of Com
merce the last week in Septem
ber. Lindsay Wright, Stayton,
was named chairman of a com
mittee to make arrangements
The association will hold its
next meeting September 19
Subpoenaed Harry Hotl
man (above), Milwaukee ad
vertising man, has been sub
poenaed by a senate investi
gating committee which is
conducting an inquiry into
capital "five percenters."
Hoffman was linked with the
gift of deep freeze units to
Maj. Gen. Harry Vaughan,
presidential military aide who
called him an "old friend."
(AP Wirephoto.)
Bus Drivers
Reject Offer
Seattle, Aug. 16 VP) The
nine - week - old strike against
north coast Greyhound lines con
tinued today as union headquar
ters announced an overwhelm
ing rejection of the company's
latest offer.
Striking employes rejected
the offer, submitted last week,
by a vote of 349 to 19, the an
nouncement said. Balloting was
conducted by AFL Motor Coach
Employers' union, local 1384, in
Bellingham, Seattle, Auburn,
Chehalis and Portland.
William G. Hosie of the fed
eral conciliation service sched
uled another meeting today be
tween company and union rep
resentatives. But union officials
said that inasmuch as the com
pany offer had been submitted
to members at the request of
Acting Seattle Mayor David Le
vinc, they would report back to
him before holding further
Hoffman Chides
Europe's Trades
Paris, Aug. 16 (IP) Marshall
Aid Chief Paul G. Hoffman told
European trade leaders today
their countries are doing less
than they should to earn their
U.S. dollars.
Hoffman said he saw no way
to meet Europe's chronic dollar
shortage except by earning dol
lars through exports. He had
found, he added, little evidence
that this fact is being squarely
faced except by one or two
B-36 Probers
Move to Wesf
Washington, Aug. 16 CP) Act
ive investigation of the B-36
bomber and its history switched
today from Capitol hill to the
west coast.
A house armed services sub
committee headed by Rep. Price
(D-Ill.) left for California to
talk to Gen. Henry H. "Hap" Ar
nold, who was chief of the air
force during the war, and to sev
eral airplane manufacturers.
Committee staff members were
with the congressmen.
The full committee is investi
gating Informal reports that po
litical favoritism and business
relationships may have had
more to do with the success of
the giant six-engined bomber
than did its value as a military
plane. There were four days of
public hearings last week.
State Gets $71,200
From Horse Racing
The state racing commission
has turned over to the state
treasurer a total of $71,200, the
state's take in betting at horse
racing from Oct. 20, 1948,' to
Aug. 12, 1949. The money will
be distributed to Oregon coun
ties to help finance county fairs
Each county got $1,977.78.
Graor Norhtaa'i Graoteif Jroil
Chicago is just two night
away from Portland on the
fleet new Empire Builder.
For only $2.13 more than a
standard Pullman lower berth,
enjoy the privacy and comfort
laov. Portland Jolly rl J fM.
For information or mentation
C L. Riflciforr
Trav. Pan. Atent
607 8. W. Washington St.
Portland fi, Oregon
Pnona: Baaoon 7273
St. Paul, Aug. 16 Mrs. Law
rence Charboneau, Gervais Rt.
1, was drowned in the Willam
ette river four miles north of
here about 3 o'clock Monday af
ternoon. Her body was recover
ed an hour and a half later.
Mrs. Charboneau was a mem
ber of a swimming party in
cluding her husband. She was
considered a good swimmer and
had swum to a log r.-.ft, riding
it down stream. A few minutes
after she again entered the wat
er she was heard to scream but
before others in the group could
reach her she had sunk.
The body was recovered from
the immediate vicinity and treat
ment given by a crew manning
a Newberg pulmotor for more
than an hour. D. A. Hodson,
Yamhill county deputy coroner,
took charge of the body. The
Charboneaus, who were recent
ly married, had started work
Monday in the Ray hop yard.
Following discovery of an
empty boat floating near Dar
ling's landing in Siltcoos lake
south of Florence, the body of
Jean Skelly, 26, former resi
dent of Hubbard but lately liv
ing near Newport, was taken
from the lake. State police re
port that her companion, Wal
ter Simpkins, Newport, may al
so be a victim. His automobile
was found parked nearby on the
shore of the lake.
While attempting to run Mar
tins rapids in the McKenzie
river Saturday, Floyd Poole, 25,
Springfield, was drowned. With
him was Lloyd Comer, Kings
Valley. The boat lost its propel
lor and swamped in the swift
water. Poole's body was recover
ed Sunday.
County Fair Interests
Grand Island Fitting their
livestock in preparation for the
Yamhill county junior fair to be
held at McMinnville August 24.
25 and 26 are members of the
Grand Island 4-H club.
"(Jlneli f
is lops for
ifiialily. . .
I'v fried
f hem all."
lartMrv Sot Motil, Qiwrd, Koniot
6 If 49 tO
jt mmt
' WUj ' 0UESEC -jC
IAKFF I lK LOUISE liilrll1
Be your own travel magician! Route
yourself East via world-famed Band!
Enjoy magnificent scenery, marvelous
food, superlative service coast-to-coMl!
Then follow your Maine Circle West
again! By any direct route... or deep i
C...L -.i:r
oumu, vjiui suites, sunny iaiuurniai
For Magic Circle reservations, consult
suu your local agent or see.
207 Amsrfcon tank Slda., Portland
Doctors Find Body Odor
On 13 Parts of Body
; v Vff j
Soap with purifying ingredient
gets ikin cleaner,
givei all-orer protection.
It's true though few people real
ize this unpleasant fact! Body
odor is Hot confined to the under
arms. To guard popularity you
must give 13 parts of your body
top protection.
Popularity it priceless. Don't ever lose it!
The cleaner you get every part
of your skin, doctors know, the
safer vou are from "B. O." (body
odor). And by comparing daily
baths with different soaps they
found one soap-Lifobuoy Health
Soap-gets skin cleaner, "tops
"B. 0." as no other leading soap
can. It protects popularity betl
Lifebuoy's purifying ingredi
ent makes it moro effective
BRainst the "invisible dirt" that
brings on "B.O." Lifebuoy guards
all 13 trouble spots where body
odor occurs.
Get that clean, clean Lifebuoy
feeling! Buy big NEW bath size
Lifebuoy at your store today.
So mild so COOD (or your slda!
Lifebuoy is iiu'Wrr . . . wonderful
for delicate complcxiont! Enjoy
the rich white lather from Life
buoy's coconut oil. Make friends
with Lifebuoy today! Another firu
priAtuctof Lvxvr BrothtrtCvmpany.
Gets Skin Cleaner . . Slop. "B 0."
at No Othei LeaJing Soap rn
For the first timeyes, for the first time,
we are able to offer a J&EjIE of famous
rj .iRPw "Gala" . . . Graceful Inter
ymt,mim,nppjrj- 'itawtayiiniii itfw.yyjpr.- V)'- twining vine and flower design
irgrK . 4 ' mak" this c,oth a beauty:
ijr?. ' SiTHt&r JS edge design,
h hlXir'Jti WI W 4 "-.and swirling leaf design form -(fX
XyViSS Cases-43x36 Sfk! Size 81xl08
Just take a second look at the famous name "Quarter"
it will make you come a-running! Yes, they're the
famous Quaker cloths, offered for the first time at un
believable low prices all because of such tiny imper
fections that have been so expertly mended you'll need
a magnifying glass to find them.
Available in mellow ecru color in a variety of sizes to
suit your need. They're wonderful values for "Sunday,
best" or every-day use.
"Baroness" ...classic Size 63x83
design with handsome scroll table CJ (kit
:CounteSS" ... Prettv Si"72x9
floral and swirling leaf design form
an eye-catching pattern.
Domestics, Mezzanine
Luxurious sleeping at
budget prices with Cannon
Made of 130-count muslin they're sheets with a stubborn charac
ter, yet soft as a handkerchief to the touch. Colorfast pastel shades
of pink, yellow, blue, gray, green, peach packaged in pairs in
Sheets 72x108 $2.49
Cases 43x36 ..5c Size 81x108
Bedding, Mezzanine j
New Low Price On These
Famous Griffon Pinking Shears
It's back-to-school sewing time so make your
sewing just a little bit easier with these Griffon
Pinking Shears. Lightweight, but durable they Reg. $4.95
pink as they cut, lending a professional look to a jj m
your sewing.
Notions, Mezzanine
Wt give and redeem S&H Grten Stamps on ad