j 8 Capital Journal, Salem, To Give U.S. Another Try Daniel McCarthy, former GI whose attempt to become a German citizen landed him in jail, embraces his mother at Fort Hancock, N. J., following his release from custody. McCarthy was sentenced to eight months in jail last June for illegally entering Germany. His mother, Mrs. Catherine McCarthy, says she hopes he finds a good job and forgets his plans for wanting to return to Ger many. (AP Wirephoto.) : Four Corners Homes Greet I More Out of State Guests S Four Corners, Aug. 15 Many out-of-state visitors continue J to enjoy Oregon's summer climate. The Fred Buckners have had as their house guests for a week Mrs. Buckner's son and granddaughter, Captain L. G. Willig of Oakland, Calif. Leaving ! Monday on the Daylight train for Oakland, Captain Willig will ! stop briefly In Oakland oeiore . cnine on 10 rori fiuana. ' where he will take an advanced , course in Army Transportation, t At the conclusion of this train- 5 lng he will be transierrea wun J a probability 01 overseas seiv ! Ice. I Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Osborn, ! E State street, were hosts at dinner complimenting their. ! euests. Mr. and Mrs. Tom E i Allen of Indio, Calif., Mr. and I Mrs. John Heil of Omaha, Neb, I and Mr. and Mrs. Herman f Wendt of Murray. Neb. This was a .reunion of old friends of 1 many years ago. Other dinner 1 guests were Mr. and Mrs. Stan Bradcn. Arriving Saturday lor an extended visit in the Osborn home was Miss Alva Klotter of Riverside. Calif., who has re cently returned from Hawaii where she was a summer stu dent at the University of Hawaii studying abnormal psychology From here she will go to the Pnnupntinn nf th American Li- Brary Association at Vancouver AUgllSt Z1-Z0. Mr. ana ivirs. nawara s. White, Sherrill and Arlen White left Thursday for a ten day va cation trip along the coast as far as Bremerton, Wash., where they will visit friends. Congratulations go to Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Shippey, 642 S. Lancaster drive, upon the birth of a son, Melvln Jerald, Au- gust 8 at the Salem Memorial hospital. He weighed seven pounds and thirteen ounces, i There is a sister, Sharron, seven years old, and the grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Alvln Hall, ! 638 S. Lancaster drive, Four J Corners, and Mr. and Mrs. Mel J vln Shippey of Tabor, Iowa, a great grandmother, Mrs. Viola 5 Shippey, Gresham, Ore. J New residents of Four Cor- i ners this week are Mr. and Mrs. Ivor T. Jones of Bend, Ore., f who have exchanged their prop j erty In Bend for the Harold S, Dixon residence at 4132 Glen- ( wood drive. The Dixons have moved to Bend and the Jones are living here. They have a I son, Lyle Jones, who Is attend lng Llnfield college. Mr. Jones z Is executive secretary of the t Oregon State Council of Carpen ! ters. . Moving from Salem to Four Corners last week was Mr. and . Mrs. Alvin Wohlgemuth and t sons. Bobbv Phllio and Jimmv They are located In the Harold I Fries residence at 4084 Glen- wood drive. The Fries have t moved to Pasadena, Calif. Mr. Wohlgemuth is a carpenter and l cabinet maker, 5 Tolio Takes Child J Auburn, Wash., Aug. 15 VP) I Two days after he was taken to : the hospital, seven-year-old Ed I ward Lester Givcns died Sunday ; of polio. He is the son of Mr. i and Mrs. Edward Givens of Au- burn. Over 2.500 miles of railway I track In Sweden has been elec f trificd. jMii.'to.iMiiffiimcira rrw 1 j 1 1 rii .1 .t.t Ore., Monday, August 15, 1949 Band Program for Monday Announced Director Maurice Brennan an nounces the following program for the Salem Municipal band concert in Willson park at 8 o' clock Monday night: Mnrch "Barnum anil Balley'g Favorite" King II Ouarany Overture dome March "Blue Bella" Buchtel Nocturne QrLselle Bombasto March Farrar Intermiflfilon Popl Goea the Weasel Callllet Hit the Deck Selection Youtnana The Army March Alford Tico-Tlco Abren Collofisua of Columbia March ..Alexander Licensing Discussed Jefferson At the city coun cil meeting It was decided the business license which has been in effect the past year will be discontinued but the peddlers and solicitors license and mag azine salesmen will be enforced A malt beverage class A was approved for the Jefferson Tav ern. The pinball license was changed to $12.50 a month for each machine instead of $300 as before. FEEL Like a BIG MEAL? GOOD! at NOHLGREN'S New Buffet Dinner You Can Have OH Van (including choice of entrees and desserts) 99c FOR Nothing like it in Salem! No FOOD like it in the Valley! ten Downtown on State Street 5:00 p. m. - 8:30 p.m. Every Day Except Sunday i .t.t.i j i tt? Cana Auto Hits Pole; Power Disrupted Power service in the Silverton area was disrupted for several hours Sunday morning after an automobile Silverton police state was driven by Henry Volk 1616 N. Fifth street, ' Salem struck a power pole on the Sa- lem-Silverton highway just out side the city limits. The impact caused several fuses to burn out throughout the area extending into Silver Creek falls and though the pow er went off at 2:45 o'clock in the morning it was restored in Sil verton by 7 o'clock and later in the day throughout the affected district. PGE employes repairing the damage state that two high-voltage currents were mixed by the impact which caused the general interruption of power. Woodburn Eligible Basic School Cash Woodburn Notice has been received by school officials here that the Woodburn public schools have been rated as "condition ally standard" for the school year 1949-1950. The notice came from Rex Putnam, state superintendent of public instruction, within a week after the district voted 431 to 300 an authorization of $375,000 in bonds to finance solution of the local school housing prob lem. This rating will make the dis trict again eligible to receive the approximately $40,000 in basic school support money which was lost last spring when the state department declared the local schools non-standard. Sets Flight Record Lebanon, Ore., Aug. 15 Stay ing aloft an hour and eight min utes Deane Kelly, student glid er pilot, set a new local record at the Lebanon airport Sunday on his 75th flight aloft. He was using a Schweizer sail-plane which has a wingspread of 52 He reached an altitude of 3200 feet during his record soar. The flight was three minutes longer than his previous best. Another Smashing Gevurtz SAVE NOW! $3 o Down f ' IT'S HATIONAl ! 's.. .'n ... tional SEA.LY Week Here's everything you've " . . W f 7 W S ever dreamed of in a beautifully made inner- ( spring mattress at the lowest price in years. " ' ' , ' ''if f Twin Swims Meg Randall, actress, and her cute minia- -ture, Bonnie Lou Corbin, show the latest in mother-and-daughter swim suits. Their two-piece garments are of cot ton, patterned in a colorful patchwork design. Pomona Orange Has Silverton Picnic Silverton Seven Granges of Marion county were represent ed at the family picnic of Pa- mona, Sunday at the Silverton city park with Mrs. Frank M. Porter, Pamona lecturer arrang ing the program and W. M. Tate of Stayton, Pamona master, and Mrs. Alvin Hartley of Silver ton Hills, secretary, official hosts to the group. A basket din ner was served at 1:30 o'clock During the program and so cial hour Stayton Grange was awarded honors for having the most members present, the gifts of furnishings for their home grange kitchen. The "Chin-up" club member, Clarence Over holtz, received a special gift of a ball point pen prize. The award for the oldest woman member present went to Mrs. Lambert of Stayton, to the oldest man, George Scott of Unin Hill. Four S XyMOT nPHIS sensational money-saving opportunity s , . - "SVwfJl comes to you only once a year during Na- ',, f ' ' game winners were A. A. Sav age of Keizer, J. H. Maulding of Silverton Hills, George Santner of Stayton, and Miss Lois Porter of Silverton. Mrs. Vanderbilt, Jr., Stricken With Polio New York, Aug. 15 U.R) Mrs. Cornelius Vanderbilt, Jr., was taken to Doctors hospital today, a possible victim of infantile paralysis. Mrs. Vanderbilt, the fifth wife of Cornelius Vanderbilt, Jr., grandson of the railroad tycoon, was stricken at the Vanderbilt's Fifth avenue home late last night. She suffered a partial paralysis of the back, neck and leg. She was rushed to the hos pital at 3 a.m. Nine doctors were called and consulted about her case. Sweden is considering a plan to electrify, all its railways. g COLPEK SLEEP7 jll Amateur Astronomers of West to Meet in Los Angeles By J. HUGH PRUETT Aitranomer, ExteniioD Dirliion, Oreion Hlsber Education Syatem Giant telescopes, elaborate spectroscopes and Schmidt cameras, although exceedingly useful -instruments, are not absolutely essential to the trade of "astronomer's," especially the amateur variety. Many have remarked to me: "I'd dearly love to study the stars, but one has to know so much to get anything out of it.1 In answer I can quote the ef fective slogan of the astronomi cal club of Yakima, Wash.: "Anyone who can see can be an amateur astronomer. The non-professional astron omers of all the western states are planning a big convention at Los Angeles starting August 22, 1949, and continuing for three days. There have been smaller regional meetings in the west, such as the (northwestern section of the Astronomical league which meets at Portland, but this all-western get-together for the students of the starry skies is the first of its kind. The plan was started by Prof. G. Bruce Blair of the University of Nevada and others, but it was later turned over to the large and efficient organization, the Los Angeles Astronomical i ciety, which is promoting the undertaking with vigor. Most of the sessions for papers will be on the campus of the University of Southern Cali fornia in Los Angeles. Others will be held at the Griffith ob servatory and on Mt. Wilson at the site of the 100-inch telescope. The convention banquet is sched uled at "one of the finest restau rants on Wilshire boulevard" on the evening of Aug. 23. The next evening there will be a dinner at the Mt. Wilson hotel. According to the latest bul letin, at least 30 papers will be presented. "These include major papers by Prof. Walter H. Haas Nothing Down Pay Monthly VENETIAN BLINDS And Shades W also wash, retape, paint and reilat your old Venetian blinds. ELMER, The Blind Man Call anytime for Free Estimates Phone 3-7328 1453 Ruge St. West Salem We give S&H Green Stamps Special Purchase for You! - 15 A Week Delivers! (New Mex.), Dr. J. Hugh Pruett (Ore.), Prof. G. Bruce Blair (Nev.), Dr. R. S. Richardson (Mt. Wilson observatory) and others." From 30 to 60 minutes each will be allowed for presentation of the major papers. Others will be limited to 10 minutes. T. R. Cave, Jr. (265 Roswell Ave., Long Beach, Calif.), the program chairman, writes that he is swamped with correspond ence. "Everything is going ex ceedingly well with the conven tion. It seems to grow larger and larger with each passing day. The attendance should be equal to or better than any of the eastern meetings." All interested in astronomy are invited to this convention. Owners of portable telescopes are asked to bring their instru ments for display and a possible contest on construction and per formance. It is hoped that this western convention of amateur astronom ers will inspire great numbers, even though they cannot attend, to look often into the sky, that great celestial window through 1 FLY UNITED up and back the same day TO PORTLAND OR SEATTLE-TACOMA! Lv. Salem ; ; 8:35 am Lv. Seattle ; j 7:30 pm Ar. Portland ; 9:05 am Lv. Portland ; 8:45 pm Ar. Seattle . . 10:20 am Ar. Salem ; ; 9:15 f n Also convenient afternoon and evening departures. Fast flights to California and "all the East." (standard Tlmei UNITED AIR LINES Airport Terminal. Call 2-2455 or an authorized travel agent Just look at these features ordinarily found in $49.50 and $59.50 Mattresse. Sealy Miracle Mesh Construction Patented Sealy Durolife Unit Extra high-grade Damask Cover Tailored Handles for Easy Turning Pre-built Sag-Proof Border 8 Large Air-flow Ventilators Expert Sealy Craftsmanship Comfort Engineered for correct Sleeping posture which we earth-bound mortals can gaze Into the inconceivable expanse and greatness of the uni verse and sometimes learn to hear their music "as the silent stars go by." Gold valued at over $36,000, 000 was mined in South Africa in a recent month. for YOU, Madame!" "for YOU, Monsieur!" . It'd personal maid and altt service for all your ;lothes at Standard, Cleanen and Dyers . . . each garment re :efves individual and fine per tonal care! Just one of the many fine services you find at Standard! Call 3-8770 today! We rive S&H Green Stamp! For Better Appearance' Standard Cleaners and Dyers 362 N. Commercial M 7 11 11 s 275 NORTH LIBERTY I I