Capital Edited by MARIAN 6 Capital Journal, Salem, Breakfast Will Honor Bride-Elect Honoring Miss Mary Morgan, who is to be married next Sun day to Donald G. DeLisle of Ashland, a group of five will be hostesses Tuesday morning at a breakfast and shower at the home of Mrs. Oscar I. Paulson. The hostesses will be Mrs. Earl Cooley, Mrs. M. C. Buchanan, Mrs. Glen Weaver, Mrs. Allen Lee and Mrs. Paulson. Attending will be Miss Mor gan, and her mother, Mrs. Ralph L. Morgan; Mrs. O. E. Snider, aunt of the bride-elect; Mrs. Don ald fiillosr three from Portland, Mrs. J. H. Gordon, Mrs. Richard King and Mrs. L. Y. Eaton; Mrs. F.lmEr Halstead. Mrs. William G. T .nrimlR Mrs. E. F. Ross, Mrs. Rex Putnam, Mrs. Charles F Rpikp Mrs. D. A. Emerson, Mrs William McKinney and the five hostesses. House-Pardey Rites Aug. 6 Aurora Miss Hildegarde H Pardey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Pardey of Aurora, was wed to Thomas Brockway House, son of Mr. ana mrs. . thnr E. House of Portland, Sat urday, August 6. The ceremony was read by tne nnae s Bi ,.i rcr-v. William R. Krax berger, in Oregon City's Zion T.nthprnn church. Rev. b. u Wuest assisted. The church was decorated with baskets of white gladioluses, white asters and ii..u.! piin, timers. Bows of white lace marked the bridal aisle. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a white satin gown with fingertip veil of Spanish maderia, and carried a cascade bouquet of white rose buds and slephanolis. Miss Gretchen Pardey was her sister's maid of honor. Her gown was of golden yellow or gandy with sweetheart neckline, cap sleeves and full skirt. She and the four bridesmaids, whose gnwns of organdy shaded from deep to .pale yellow tones, car ried cascade arrangements of i-hinpsp pold-banded lilies, tied with bows of blue, and each floral headdress. The bridesmaids were Miss Georgia Ann Randall of Central rami, Miss Lucille Pardey of Aurora, Miss Lorna Koenig of Milwau kie and Mrs. Robert Gade of Bremerton, Wash. Kathleen Pardey, seven-year-old sister of the bride, wore a blue organdy frock, carrying yellow daisies tied with a blue bow. Lt. Arthur E. House, Jr., USMC, served as best man for his brother. Ushers were Lt. Robert Gade, USN, of Bremer ton, Stanley Sharp and James Powell of Portland and Jack Slater of Salem. Albert Hopp sang and Mrs. E. Buchfinck accompanied and al so played the wedding music. Mrs. Pardey, mother of the bride, chose a gown of rust crepe with a white orchid cor sage. Mrs. House, mother of the bridegroom, wore a white or chid on her cocoa crepe gown. At the reception afterward, at the West Linn Inn, yellow daisies and white freesias were used on the bride's table, at which Mrs. Foster Jenks. aunt of the bride, served the cake, assisted by Miss Virginia Busby of Independence. Mrs. E. C. Diller of Aurora played during the reception. Pink, white and yellow gladio luses with palms formed the dec oration theme about the rooms Both Mr. and Mrs. House were June 194!) graduates of Oregon State college, where the bride groom served at president of the Associated Students last year He is affiliated with Kappa Sigma and his bride with Kap pa Delia. Mr. House is with the House and Leland advertis ing agency in Portland, a firm headed by his father His bride Is secretary to the office man ager of the Portland city schools. The young couple chose Ore gon beach resorts as their honey moon destination. Upon their return they will reside in Port land. For her going away cos tume Mrs. House wore an Irri descent purple tailored suit with black accessories and an orchid. MEETING tonight will be Hal Hibbard auxiliary, United Span ish War Veterans, for a Joint social with the ramp, at 8 o'clock In Veternns of Foreign Wars hall. There will be refresh ments served. OREGON GRAPE camp, Roy al Neighbors of America, is to meet Wednesday at 8 p. m. in the Veterans of Foreign Wars hall. Ill'ltRARI) Mrs. Gladys Heyerly has announced the en gagement of her daughter, Miss Shirley Heyerly, to Raymond Gerig of Pratum. A wedding date has not been set. Women LOWKY FISCIIKB Ore., Monday, August 15, 1949 Plan Silver Tea A silver tea, to be given for the benefit of the building pro gram of the First Christian church, is announced for Tues day, August 30. The affair W . ; hours to be between 3 and 5 o'clock in the afternoon, and 7 and 9 o'clock in the eve ning. "Early farm life" will be the theme for the event and a pri vate collection will be shown in a novel way. Mrs. Erccl Kay and Mrs. Ben Lambert are co-chairmen for ar rangements for the event. All members of the church and friends are invited. Lawn Party for Mothers, Tuesday Mrs. Goldie Kyle, delegate for the Disabled American Veterans auxiliary, has left for the nation al convention in Cleveland, Ohio. Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Bennett and Mr. and Mrs. Verne Ostrander went to Newport to attend the state picnic on Sun day. Mrs. Bennett is state jun ior vice commander and Mrs. Ostrander state historian. On Tuesday, August 16, the auxiliary is entertaining the Am erican War Mothers and Gold Star Mothers with a lawn party at the home of Mrs. Stuart Johns, 3790 Monroe street, be twecn 2 and 5 o'clock. The next business meeting of the auxiliary will be September 15. Mrs. Verne Ostrander enter tained for the Disabled Ameri can Veterans auxiliary at her home Friday night, honoring Mrs. Harry McWhorter with a shower. Games were played and after the gift presentations, refreshments were served. Mrs. Ostrander was assisted by Mrs. Stuart Johns, Mrs. Eldon Griffith and Mrs. Alma Spalding. In at tendance were Mesdames Paul ine Byer, Eva Bennett, Sybil Pickering, Harry Rickard, Lo- retta Kinney, Alma McWhorter, Pauline Richards and Vonah, Evelyn Bremmcr, Rose Hager dorn, Sadie Pro, Cora Hutchin son, Vorna Wilier and Freddy, Hlta untfin, Jeanette Stevenson, Katie Johns, Miss Mary Brem- mer, Fanny Bard, Helen Martin, Alma Hatfield, Fern Richards, the hostess and honored guest. Special guests were Elmer Byer, ueorge fro, Verne Ostrander, Boyd Bennett and Harry and Bob McWhorter. Here from South Miss Betty Jean Merten of Los Angeles, accompanied bv her mother, Mrs. Anne Corcor an, is vacationing at the home of her aunt, Miss Frances Kucn sting, 3fi0 E. Rural avenue. Miss Merten attended Salem schools and for a number of years studied voice under Miss Lena Belle Tartar. She belongs to the Roger Wagner Concert Chorale of Los Angeles, a group of 60 voices, and reccntlv riar- ticipated In two programs in the "Symphony Under the Stars" at the Hollywood Bowl. Miss Mer ten will return to Los Angeles in time to be maid of honor at the marriage of her brother, George, to Miss Mary Rose Puhr on September 10. Miss Stenger and Mr. Hitt Married Sunday at Gervais Miss Anne J. Stenger, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Stenger of Gervais, and Carter E. Hitt, Salem, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Hitt of Aberdeen, Wash., said their marriage vows Sunday afternoon at a service in the Sacred Heart church at Gervais, the Rev. Martin Doherty performing the ceremony at 2 o'clock. White and yellow gladioluses decorated the church for the wedding. Gordon Pratt of Port land was the soloist and. Mrs. Marie Donncly was at the or gan. Given In marriage by her father, the bride wore a dress of French bridal lace over satin. The dress was designed with fitted bodice, softly etched with seed pearls at the yoke, and a drifting skirt underscored with ruffled net. The veil was an all-silk Imported illusion one arranged from n halo of lace and illusion with orange blos soms at the temples. For her flowers the bride carried a bou quet of stephanotis with a white orchid and ivy. Mrs. W. G. Stuntz. Jr., was (he honor attendant for her sis ter. Her gown was yellow mar quisette over yellow taffeta and was designed with tne drop shoulder effect, fitted bodice and full tiered skirt. She wore a garland of white carnations in her hair and her bouquet was of white fuchsias and ivy Mrs. Ralph Stenger, Wood burn, tistcr-in-Iaw of the bride, and Mrs. John Drescher of St. Paul were the bridesmaids They wore gowns identical to that of the honor attendant and their headpieces and bouquets also were the same as those of Mrs. Stuntz. 8 r issrar 11 WTTiyy 1 4r ti4r kVf I Vn LI , l: J rJ vf;, ' r i ; It r-f:Hi l ' ' i -''M'l OW1 . , t a sf? 'JZsr -si Their Wedding Recent Event Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Steng er were married in early July in Sacred Heart church in Gervais. Mrs. Stenger is the former Betty M. Wyffels, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wyffels of Woodburn, and Mr. Stenger is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Stenger of Gervais. ( Jesten-Miller studio picture) Mudd-Bailey Wedding Sunday in Hood River The marriage of Miss Laura Yuvonne tsaney, aaugnier oi mi. and Mrs. William E. Bailey, Hood River, to Jack Eugene Mudd, son of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Mudd of Salem, was solemnized Sunday afternoon in the First Baptist church in Hood River. Pink and white gladioluses and burning tapers in candelahrums decorated the church for the1 ; service. The Rev. uoraon r.. Woodall read the vows at 3 o'clock. Lighting the tapers wore Misses Doris Dethman and Blanche Kennedy. Soloist was Don Gilchrist and at the organ was Mrs. Lois Talbot. A period gown of white satin fashioned with a hooped skirt was chosen by the bride. The dress was in off shoulder effect with the satin, the yoke filled with marquisette and had a gathered front skirt with three rows of lace beneath, and a long train.. The fingertip veil was of marquisette with lace edging and was arranged from a halo seed pearl headdress. For her flowers the bride carried a bou quet of red roses. Mr. Bailey gave his daughter in marriage. Miss Doris Meyers, Miss Biy the Kennedy, Miss Geraldine Dethman and Mrs. Kenneth Hango were bridesmaids, wear ing green, blue, lavender and yellow taffeta gowns, respec tively, the dresses being design ed with hoop skirts, gathered in front and with lace edging. Each wore a picture hat and mitts matching her gown and carried a bouquet of gladioluses, bou vardia and roses. Young Miss Christie Jcrnstedt, a cousin of the bride, was flower girl. Kenneth Burnett of Salem was best man and ushering were Gordon Hofstetter and Wood ford Carson of Salem. The reception following was the gardens at the Bailey residence. Mrs. Homer Elliott of Boring, aunt of the bride, pre sided at the punch bowl. Mrs. Melvin Harder of Portland and Mrs. Ray Schwartz of Hood River served the cake. Mrs. Kenneth Jcrnstedt had charge of the guest book and others assisting at the reception were Gilbert Clarke, Mrs. Robert Robert Hitt was best man for his brother. Ed Harding, Math ew Petrich, Ralph Stenger and William Whorton were the ush crs. For the wedding the bride's mother wore a navy silk print suit with navy and white acces sories and the bridegroom's mother was attired in a gray suit with gray accessories. Both wore corsages of pink tuberous begonias. The reception was at the home of the bride's parents. Mrs LaVern Eggers, sister of the bride, served the cake. Pour ing were Mrs. Richard E. Hart of Portland and Mrs. Joseph Hennv of Brooks. The tiered wedding cake reflected in a mir ror and was surrounded with ivy and white flowers. Miss Loretta Muhs and Miss Betty Steele were in charge of the gifts and passing the guest i book was Miss Bertha Muhs. For going away the bride wore a beige suit with beige and brown accessories and cor-: sage of white orchids. Following a trip north the couple will be at home at 1S81 Market street, Snlem, after j September 1. The bride at-i tended Mt. Angel academy at Mt. Angel and the bridegroom attended Washington State col- lc I; Miss Battleson To Give Program Aurora Miss Phyllis Battle- son, Canby, mezzo soprano solo ist, will be presented in con cert Monday evening, August 22, in Atkinson Memorial church, Oregon City, prior to depart ing August 29 for New York City to seek new laurels in the music world. . Miss Battleson, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ben .Battleson has served as soloist at Atkin son Congregational church the last two years, and also as ju nior choir director and pastor s secretary. She has studied voice the past six and a half years with Mrs. Samuel F. Owen of Glenmorrie and Portland, and has given concerts in Kalispell Mont., and appeared frequently as soloist at functions in Port land, Oswego, Oregon City and other Oregon cities. She sang on KOIN until summer vaca tion. Miss Battleson will be accom panied to New York City by her mother and they will spend the winter there. Scouts Aid at School Session When mothers and their pre school children met at the State School for the Blind for a six- day educational program the past week, 23 intermediate Girls Scouts from Salem assisted in taking care of the little tots while their mothers attended the sessions. The Girl Scouts are from troops Nos. 50, 37, 65, and 4. The leaders are Mrs. Paul Bale, Mrs. John Reid, Mrs. Les lie Morris and Mrs. Hal M. Ran dall. Those wso assisted were Myr tle Robb, Betty Walker, Rose mary Gilbert, Patricia Weaver, Phoebe Lou Braun, Jane Fro man, Karen Obrist, Lynne En arty, Joanne Hoover, Peggy Reed, Nancy Payne, Lore Lee Qinnett, Sharon French, Lo Anne Mundingcr, Sondra Jochimsen Dorothy Stewart; Kaye Tomlin son, Charlotte Gruber, .Glenda McCormick, Ann Berger, Phyl lis Kay Parsegren, Carroll Ran dall, Barbara Smith. Lightfoot, Mrs. Gene Jackson and Mrs. Jack McConn. For traveling the bride wore a black suit, a gray hat with red feather, red gloves and gray accessories, also a corsage of red roses. Following a trip to Victoria and Seattle the couple will be at home in Astoria after September 5. The bride at tended Llnfield college and Mr. Mudd Willamette university. (Advertljtmtnt! Smooth Away Discomfort of Chafed, Itchy Skin Vw. il l jimplf asthttl BthKrilh mild Rrtiinol Soap, then apread on mrdicftted Rrxinol. Wonderful how quickly and Rfntlv thf soothing ingredients in this famoua ointment givt blissful relief. No One Really Enjoyt Poor Vision Many put up with It be cause they do not realize the condition their eyes are in Dr. S. A. Wheotley OPTOMETRIST 15 Court St. -- Ph. 244S9 'At Home7 Will Fete Musicians Honoring four young women prominent in music, an informal at home is being given this eve ning at the residence of Miss Lena Belle Tarter between the hours of 7 and 9 o'clock. Honorees include Lucile Cum- mings (Mrs. James Martin) who is here from New York City; Miss Betty Jean .Merten, visit ing from Los Angeles; Mrs. Jean Sechrist Dawes, here for the summer from Los Angeles; and Miss Jewell Gueffroy, who is to be a senior at Northwestern next year. All friends of the four are in vited, especially members and alumni of the Crescendo club. Miss Tarter lives on the Schur man road off South River road. Assisting at the at home will be Mrs. Robert Schmidt, Jr., Mrs. Robert Wyatt, Mrs. Sephus Starr, Mrs. Ivan Brown, Mrs. Walter H. Zosel, Mrs. P. H. Bry- don. Miss Steele Is Bride Aug. 11 Four Corners At a 7 o'clock ceremony on Thursday evening, August 11, Miss Mary Jane Steele, daughter of Mrs. Ora Pool, Crescent City, Calif., and Frank Steele of Grants Pass was married to James Mattson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lester W Mattson at the Mattson home, 865 Eldin avenue, with Dr. Dan iel Shulze of Willamette univer sity officiating. The bride was given in mar riage by Lester E. Gange. She wore a light gray gabardine suit with white hat and matching ac cessories. Her corsage was of white carnations. Mrs. B. J. Taylor was matron of honor. She chose a gray suit with gray hat and matching ac cessories. B. J. Taylor was the best man. Immediately following the ceremony the couple were greeted by the guests and re freshments were served en buf fet. Present to extend congratu lations were Mr. and Mrs. E. J. McCluskey, Mr. and Mrs. H. E Walls, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Cal kin, Mr. and Mrs. Max Swink Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Wing, Mrs Violet Rundhaug, Mrs. Char lotte Archer, Mrs. Harrison Greenley, Misses Evelyn Esau Marlene Perkins, Lois Eggers Alice and Carol Mattson, Nellie and Deana Archer, Gerald and Donald Thurman, Earl Bartle may. Jack Cartwright, Ray Ta- tourell, James Flowers, Wendell Archer, Chester Elkin. The couple will drive as far south as Crescent City, Calif., to greet Mrs. Mattson's mother Upon their return they will re side at 4015 Glenwood drive. New Group Brooks A new group known as the Labish Garden club has been organized with the follow ing officers named: Mrs. Emma Wadley, president; Mrs. Hazel Bartlett, vice president; Mrs. Marguerite Lowery, secretary treasurer. Charter members are Mrs. Emma Wadley, Mrs. Mary R. McClure, Mrs. Gertrude Reed, Mrs. Margaret Zahare, Mrs. Nettie Wright, Mrs. Hazel Bart lett, Mrs. Anna M. Neilman, Mrs. Hattie Van Cleave, Mrs. Mar guerite Lowery, Mrs. Ora Gregg. The organizational meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Gregg. Next meeting is to be with Mrs. Van Cleave on Van Cleave road. WOODBURN Play at the Woodburn golf course last week was low score on the odd holes with one-half handicaps. Mrs George D. Jones was winner in Class A with Mrs. George Timm and Mrs. Mariorie Christensen tying in Class B. In the playoff Mrs. Christensen won. Hostesses at the luncheon hour were Mrs. Kenneth McGrath and Mrs. Gerald Smith. Committee for this week will be Mrs. Clyde Cutsforth and Mrs. Marion Henning. Tele-fun by Warren Goodrich "I don't trust my memory for correct numbers nowadays no more getting the stork by mistake for me."...When you're not sure of a number, please look it up before you call... Pacific Telephone. v5 VA,J Membership Teams Meet for Social Mrs. Charley Hunt and Mrs. Walter Beck, captains, with their members of the losing membership teams of the Mar ion auxiliary, Veterans of For eign wars, entertained the win ning teams with a social evening at the VFW hall, Thursday eve ning. Entertainment for the evening included pinochle and games. Late refreshments were served. Congratulations were extended to Mrs. James Beall, Mrs. Elvra Beard, and Mrs. Arthur Rose on their birthday anniversaries. Special prizes went to Mrs. Mike Becker, Mrs. B, R. Osborn and Mrs. Mel Clemens. Mrs. Leon Hansen, captain of one of the winning teams pre sented Mrs. James Beal with a gift for having obtained the most members on her team. Present were Mrs. Elmer Idean, Mrs. Nancy Clare, Mrs. Kenneth Frad, Mrs. Clarice Ma son, Mrs. Hazel Case, Mrs. Maude Olson, Mrs. Mammie Phipps, Mrs. Velma Beck, Mrs Joan Hunt, Mrs. Edna Lyle. Mrs. Henry Fournier, Mrs. John Henny, Jr., Mrs. Bertha Ray, Mrs. Alfred Aeschlimann, Mrs. iva Hamilton, Mrs. Arthur Davis, Mrs. Paul Tharalson, Mrs. Joseph Benoit, Mrs. Mary E. Strayer, Mrs. Mabel Hornef- fer, Mrs. Aileen Holweger, Mrs. Clara Craig, Mrs. Blanche Sturm, Mrs. Hannah Beard, Mrs Helen Frad, Mrs. Ora Furlough Mrs. Ethel Forbis, Mrs. Jessie M. Sanders, Mrs. Goldie Week ly, Mrs. Mary Beckers, Mrs. Floy Collar, Mrs. James Beall, Mrs. Lena Osborn, Mrs. Elea nor Miller, Mrs. Shirley Beatty, Mrs. Mary Rose, Mrs. Genevieve Olson, Mrs. Frank Prince, Mrs. Willie Boone, Mrs. Pauline Lewis, Mrs. Lillian Myers, Mrs. Vera White, Mrs. Elsie Norton, Mrs. Alice Siewert, Mrs. Helen Marshall, .Mrs. Helen Noyes, Mrs. Kathryn Schmidt, Mrs. C. M. Briggs, Mrs. Elvera Beard Mrs. Grace Hartley, Mrs. Ren- nie Benson, Mrs. Ann Clemens, and Mrs. Marie Hansen, Plan Silver Tea Circle No. 5 of th Prpshv- terian church wnmn ic nnn. soring a silver tea on Wednes day in the garden at the home of Mrs. I. M. Doughton. 925 North Summer. The affair is between 2:30 and 5 o'clock and all wnmpn and friends of the church are invit ed. THE SALEM Writer's club will hold its meeting Wednes-I day, August 17, at 6:30 p. m. with Mrs. E. M. White, 4055 Beck Ave. There is to be a no host dinner. Table service will be supplied. 1k Mcujtaj AwJb Come in now, won't you? Wotch the Maytag Automatic in action. Find out how fast it makes washday drudgery a thing of the past. Let us show you how economicaj it is to operate, how it adds long life to your clothes. Open 'Til 9 on Friday Immediate Delivery Lee-Smith Rites Soon Of interest to many friends in Salem is news of the August 21 wedding of Miss Beth June Smith of Pendleton and John Coleman Lee of Salem. The ceremony will be solemn ized at 3 o'clock next Sunday afternoon in the First Christian church in Pendleton, the recep tion following to be in the Vert club rooms. Miss Smith is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack P. Smith, Sr., of Pendleton. Mr. Lee is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd A. Lee, Route 5, Salem, and the grandson of Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Lee of Salem. Mr. Lee's parents and grandparents will all go to Pendleton for the wedding. The young couple will be at home in Corvallis next year, Mr. Lee to complete his work at Oregon State college. MR. AND MRS. S. E. Tonseth are spending part of their vaca tion in Ashland visiting their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reinholdt. BRINGS America's World Famous Fine China You May Purchase One Piece or a Complete Set BUDGET TERMS ARRANGED Liveiley Building 390 115 SOUTH COMMERCIAL llUMETTt mtlTJ UADINC UPPUANCt t DOME FDINISHERI 1 C""' SALEM OREGON CITY J Te,m Fete Recent Bride Mrs. Edward Hynes and her daughter, Carolyn, were host esses recently at a bridal show- er honoring Miss Marilyn Ras- i mussen, who was married in early August to Harry Lehnherr. A late lunch was served follow ing an informal evening. In the group were the honoree and Miss Alice Perrine, Miss Patricia Zahare, Miss Lois Wacken, Miss Caroline Wohlster, Miss Maxine Werner, Mrs. Jan ell Johnson, Mrs. Grace Burch, Mrs. Bertha Nipeth, Mrs. Henry Rasmussen, Miss Carol Rasmus sen, Miss Patricia Hynes, and the hostesses. UNIONVALE Honoring their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Magee, Corvallis, on the occasion of their fifth wed ding anniversary, Mr. and Mrs. Louis W. Magee of Unionvale, entertained at a family dinner, giving the affair at the Corvallis home of the honorees. Other guests included Mr. and Mrs. Willard Fisher of McMinn ville, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Remme of Dayton. Mr. and Mrs. Rem me are parents of Mrs. Robert Magee and Mrs. Fisher. TO SALEM Oka A Small Down Payment and a Little Each Week or Month on Anything in the Store, including Diamonds Watches Silverware China, Glass Jewelry State St. Salem, Oregon The completely automatic washer that gets clothes really clean! ) Completely automatic. Set two simple controls; Maytag does the washing, rinsing, spin-drying. Famous Maytag Gyrafoam washing action gets your clothes spotlessly clean. It's the same washing action as in standard model Mavtags ac claimed by millions of women. New spinning action. Dirt is flushed up, over, and away from the clothes, Instead of through them. Spin-dry. Clothes come out tangle-free, with no hard-to-Iron wrinkles. Safely lid. What a conven ience! Add clothes at any time. Operating action stops when you raise the lid; starts again when lid is lowered. Fully guaranteed. The May tag Company guarantees this automatic for a full year against defects In operation or workmanship. Beautiful Dependabe Thrifty IIBIRAI TRADMN IASY MONTHLY PAYMINTS