Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, August 15, 1949, Page 3, Image 3

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Perfect Schoolgirl Yvonne Marsh (above), 16, was sel
ected in London by six judges, on the basis of beauty, sports
activities and scholarship, as Britain's perfect schoolgirl.
'Harry Truman Stood Here'
-Inauqural Wood for Sale
Washington, Aug. 15 (u. People will pay for almost anything
' that has touched the person of the great or near-great.
. Bobby-soxers rip the shirts off the backs of the crooners and
sell the pieces to other teeners;
"Washington slept here" places
'charge admission; a gin mill in
North Platte, Neb., gets a big
house from tourists as result of
a sign out front which reads:
Buffalo Bill drank here."
And here in the capital, a
wrecking and building material
company has bought up all the
lumber that was used to seat the
thousands who attended Presi
dent Truman's inauguration last
It is 'being resold to private
home builders. Sam Mostow,
busy manager of the Ace Wreck
ing and Building Material com
pany, says business is good.
One family bought planks
from the platform on which the
little man from Missouri stood
when he solemnly swore to
faithfully execute the office of
president and to the best of his
ability to protect and defend
the constitution. ' '
Another family bought lum
ber from the platform where the
president and his vice president,
Alben W. Barkley, stood and
watched the long parade and
sipped coffee and tipped their
silk toppers at each nassing car.
The Ace people know quite
bit about that lumber since
they had the contract to tear
it down after the inauguration.
They bought the whole business
from Skinner & Garrett, who
had purchased it in the first
place and erected the stands.
It comes in slabs running
from two by six inches to two
by 12.
In all there was 700,000 board
feet of fine white pine just the
thing for presidential sitting and
standing, and fine stuff to go
into a new home.
The Ace company wouldn't
say what it had to pay for the
lumber, but Sam Mostow grin
ned when he said he didn't
expect to lose any money on the
Parking Rule Changed
Hubbard Thalia ' Rebekah
Lodge met for a brief business
session. Mrs. Ella Becker, noble
grand presided. An announce
ment was made that the build
ing had been posted to the ef
fect that all automobiles must
be parked ten feet from where
there is no curb. Following the
meeting most of the members
present held a hot cake supper
m the yard of Miss Frances
Weaver and her mother.
Final Curtain
On August 24
Ashland, Ore. Aug. 1.1
Shakespeare under the stars
continues to thrill record size
audiences at Ashland's Eliza
bethan theater as the Oregon
Shakespearean Festival enters
the second half of its ninth an
nual season.
TTafh nf th fiv nlav Will be
presented two more times before
the final curtain rings down on
August 24.
Theater-goers nave already
registered from 26 different
states. Washington, D.C., the
province of Alberta, and the ter
ritorv of Hawaii. While the
number of out-of-staters far ex
ceeds those visiting the outdoor
theater in previous seasons, Rob
ert-E. Dodge, festival associa
tion president, reports that ap
proximately one-half of the au
dience has come from neighbor
ing communities where residents
appreciate that Shakespeare as
produced on the Ashland stage
is as fine entertainment as they
are privileged to enjoy.
Most popular of the five plays
is the well known love story
"Romeo and Juliet," with 16-year-old
Mary Jane Pitts of Port
land and Ralph C. Burgess, Jr.
of Ashland in the lead roles.
Second choice has been the rau
cous comedy, "The Taming of
the Shrew," starring Alta Wil
son of Reno Nev. and Richard
Graham of New York.
Youthful theater-goers have
been delighted with the fantasy
Midsummer Nights Dream,'
featuring 15 youngsters who ap
pear in fairy roles alongside
more experienced actors. An
gus Bowmer, founder and pro
ducing director of the festival,
continues to bring down the
house as the lovable Bottom, the
weaver, complete with ass's
Tense drama packs every
scene of the historical play
"Richard II," with Philip Han
son of San Francisco in the lead
i ole. The revival of the tragedy
"Othello" finds Jane McArthur
of Pensacola, Fla., as the heroine
and Richard Graham of New
York in the male lead.
Romeo and Juliet" will be
seen again August 19; "Richard
II" on August 15 and 20; "Mid
summer Night's Dream" on At
gust 16 and 22; "Othello" on
August 17 and 23; and "The
Taming of the Shrew" on Au
gust 18 and 24.
Reservations may be obtain
ed by writing to the Oregon
Shakespearean festival associa
tion at Ashland. Ore. Curtain
time is at 8:30 every evening
except Sundav.
1:1 Atr AC A K ITT An I
A. Juilliarc
"i ...and If i WASHABLE I i 1
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CJ irii
Capilal Journal, Salem, Ore., Monday, August 15, 19493
Landmark Disappears The historic old John E. Lyle house,
built in 1858, and the old oak trees which surrounded it have
yielded to progress at the corner of Levens and Ellendale
streets in Dallas, as Barham Bros., contractors, of Salem
break ground for the new Lyle elementary school. Descend-'
ants of the pioneer feel that he would have been happy to
know that his place is being used for educational purposes
for he was instrumental in starting some of the first educa
tional institutions in the county. He opened Jefferson insti
tute on the Carey Embree donation land claim in 1846. With
in a year, the modern school, bearing his name, will stand
as a monument to the work of pioneer school teachers. (Abel
This fabric makej love to your skin! It's Juilliard Featheroy . , ,
the combed yarn, featherweight corduroy with 21 tiny ribs
to the inch. Vat dyed for color fastness to laundering and sun.
Featured in the famous Stradivari Shirt , , . made with all the
custom details of needlework, styling, and collar balance. Now
in the new, longer length . , . with individualized fit in collar
and sleeve length!
Port Wine
Forest Green
Magic Red
Corn Yellow
Palm Green
Old Spice
Beige Tan
Nickel Grey
Stone Blue
Independence Fiesta Spirit
Is Reflected with Shirts
Independence The spirit of the annual fiesta scheduled for
August 31, September 1 to 3, is beginning to show in the hop
center of the world.
The 20 dozen hop stenciled T-shirts are being seen worn by
many Independence people and are selling fast in several local
stores. It was reported that iv-
dozen more have been offered
and will remain on sale through
the fiesta days.
The queen's gown and her four
attendants' gowns will be made
by Mrs. Clara Graves. It was
decided that the young queen
will wear the traditional white
and her princesses will wear
pastel colors. All will wear
royal capes. The queen will also
be presented with a wrist watch
and lockets will be given to each
attendant. '
The queen and four attend
ants will be chosen by uniden
tified judges at a bathing beau
ty contest downtown August 31,
at 4 o'clock. Location of the
judges' stand will be announced
later. Any girl 8, 9 or 10 years
of age may enter and no prev
ious arrangement to enter the
contest is necessary. The only
requirements are that she wear
a bathing suit and b at the
stand by 4 p.m.
The queen and her attendants
will be judged mainly on per
sonality and poise. They will
reign over all the events plan
ned for the fiesta. The queen
will also be presented with her
gown and royal cape as a gift
from the Hop Fiesta.
Maurice Dodson, chairman of
the kiddies' parade announced
that there will be four prizes of
fered for the best entries. These
awards will be purchased and
displayed in store windows.
Second and D streets on the
Primus lot will be the. scene of
the carnival, It was decided
Ben Muhleman, chairman of
the horse show, announced that
a 45-minute show i( being
planned and will be held in the
Hop Bowl just preceding the
grand parade on Thursday. A
trail will be made running from
B street through to the Hop
Bowl to make an entrance to the
Glen Woodry of Salem has
been signed to provide the music
for the grand finale dance on
Saturday, September 3.
Parade chairman Harry Day
announced subcommittee heads
for the various parade divisions.
They are Paul Dodd, band; Mau
rice Dodson, industrial; Clar
ence Primus, commercial; jonn
Pfaff, civic; E. P. Oppliger, fra
ternal; Melford Nelson, agricul
ture, and H. R. Layton, comic.
Grads Find Jobs
Eugene, Aug. 15 W) How do
college graduates fare in hunt
ing jobs?
Mighty well, the University of
Oregon placement service in
dicated today. A survey of last
year's graduates showed that
nearly everyone who wanted a
job got one.
DIAL 3-4933
Shop In Air Conditioned
Comfort At SEAMS
Plenty of Free Parking
Five Lovely Pastel Colors
Soft, springy, closely-woven! A blend of 33Vb wool,
41 rayon, 25 cotton. Generous size allows for '
plenty of tuck-in at foot and sides. Beautiful pastel shade
in blue, yellow, rose, cedar, and- green, wide 5-inch con
trasting rayon-satin binding. See them now!
tori HGr WAV
Chenille Bed Spreads
Cotton Sheet Blankets
Reduced For Savings
Were 1.79
Now only
No more cold toes when you sleep between cuddly cot
ton sheet blankets. Closely woven for more strength and
longer wear. Napped to fluffy warm finish on both
sides. Rich cream white in 70x90-in. size. Reinforced
overlooked stitched ends. Buy now at reduced prices)
Reg. 3.98
Here is a perfect opportunity to give your bedroom new fresh
ness and charm for fall at a price you can easily afford. Long
wearing bedspreads of deep, fluffy cotton chenille in a woven
design, made more lovely with fringed sides.
1 Plaid Blanket
70x80-in. SummerWeight Cotton
Sears Price Is . 1,55
Add.d winter wormnWlto right w.ignt
for wmmmt. 1 00 eoHen In rot. or bnw
ona1 whit, plaid. S.kct younl
3-Pound Blanket
Tone-on-Tone Florol Bordsr
Fluffy Nop . . 4.98
M 7284 inch!; 10 woo', 25 cot
ton, 65 rayon, 4-Inch binding, ftlvo.
ros, cdar. Quality at a intlbl prkl
Unbleached Sheeting:
Strong, long -Wearing Corron
81-in. Width, yd... 65c
Ui In tvry room I For dfopti, to
eovtr An furniture, curtain.. Bleached
pur whit. Quolity at a low pricl
Gay Bath Mat Set
Harmony House 1.98
Sears excluifvs "Fantasy" design
In a mat and lid cover set of qual
tty chenille on a heavy canvas back.
In bright two.fone combinations.
Gay Terry Towels
Made For Wear Thriftily Priced
20x40-in. Size 49c
Budget prked value Ip fluffy cotton
terry towels In d.llghtful pastels.
550 N. Capitol Street
Phone 3-9191