u V P 0 ; t ' i ii a : i t M i 1 t I It 11 J hi J1 i ... il i st ,e C( 1 n ... Aid j, It j Vjfl 1 .th IS a a t ho s;h IB 8 all IV" , IS I Car it Mi Mi lb in In a h ' m . tli - ! I r 16 Capital Journal, Salem, CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING! Per Lin J fie Per Lin 4 times 40c Per Lint 6 lime 00c Pei Line . month 13 0b Outside oJ Salem ISe per line p' day Min 10c, time min 00c 6 Limes min It 30 No Hefundi READERS In Loral News Col Ooi Pet no JOc lo Place an Ad Phone 2-240fi FOR SALE HOUSES Nl-W HOME oy owner 2140 Carlton Way N on 93 to Carlton Way. ai95 NEW Btlrm. House, 2310 Broadway, $8500 A. E, Heasley. 2305 N. Liberty. al9B MSt'bELL 3bdrm. house on acre, Kingwood. Ph, 2-7241. 193 BY OWNER Imm. posa. 4 bdrm. newly redecorated, fireplace, air condition fur nace. New school clo.e, city bus. Lot 83x182. 35 Lansing Ave. a!93 Leaving the State My $1303 equity in 1 yr. old 2 BR home. Insulated, hardwood (Ira., com pletely modern. Move rinht In lor $500. Bal. F.H.A. See 642 Blller Ave. Ph. 2-2880. al9! X BDRM HOME, att. Bar., 1 hilt, to bus St school, $3900. $450 down. 2260 Simpson al93 BY OWNER -3 bdrm. home reduced to 15900. 622 N. 17th St. ft IS A CUTIE FOR $5900 Just the pic. for a couple. Hdwd. floors, nice utility rm., brand new house, lawn Ig. apple, cherry and piar trees. 10 blks. east of Statehouse. Reas. Terms, or Ihoiild go O.L Phone 2-6G80. ED. LUKINDEAL REAL ESTATE 440 N. 14th fit. al94 $11,000 SPECIAL No. 8 Zone, N. Com'). St., S-B.R. lise. on one fir. Deep dry basm., oil ht,, In top cond. Beautiful lawn and shrubs, 06 ft. front lot. Hse. Is built on one aide of lot, leaving 30 ft. for business building. $10,000 ON STATE STREET 4-B.R. hse. No. S Zone. Full basm., neat and clenn, worth the money. Ph. 2-8680. ED. LUKINBEAL REAL ESTATE 440 N. 14th St. alf4 $8500 - 8 BEDROOM Full basm., Is. lot, pvd. St., bui by door Englewood Dlst. Ph. 2-6680. ED. LUKINBEAL REAL ESTATE 440 N. 14th St. B184 Sy OWNER: Modern 2 BR home. Near Sr St Jr. liluh. Hdwd. floors, oil heat, .ots of shrubs. $10,500. 1325 D. a IDS FOR BALE by owner New 2-B.R. house, floor furnace. Phone 2-0162. al94 SMALL 2 do tl room house, Hardwood firs. Plastered. Two lots. 2395 Claude St. Ph. 25513. Nice corner lot 60x125. al08 $650 Down, Move In i B.Rms., modern, plaster, Karase, nerds dec. Cost 16750. You can buy at $5500. E. M, HUNTER REAL ESTATE 770 S. Corn. Ph. 24649 - 25407 Boating and Fishing 10 acres, 2 B.Rm. mod, fireplace, 8 mile Hnlcm, sncrllice sale only $0500 with $2000 down. E. M. HUNTER REAL ESTATE 170 S. Com. Ph. 24649 - 25407 flin3 Best Buy in Salem t B.Rm. llv. din. kit. bnth and ahower, fireplace, hdwd. basement, plns ter, wnlklnn distance. Only $oaso with $1500 down. Vncant, E. M. HUNTER REAL ESTATE 170 S. Com. Ph. 34640 - 254S7 al3' ACRES: I-bedroom house; small barn chicken house. Some fruit and nuts. On paved road. Price $5250. Will consider trade on small Salem home. COZY 8-room home. Deep lot; garage Vacant. Price J7300 - Terms. NORTH SUMMER ST. HOME: 4 bedrooms. lnrge living room; fireplace. Corner lot, shade trees. $15,500. LEO N. CHILDS, INC. REALTORS 144 State St. Ph, 2-3663 a 19.1 Eve. Call 2-4007 or S-6789. 190 Kappahn Road 1 block from highway. 1 mile north of ily limits on pavement. 1 acre with 8 rm. house. Lots of scrubs. ONAS S. OLSON Keizer Real Estate & Ins. 655 Chemawa fid. Ph. 3-13R0. a!93 i A. 3 bedroom house, baths, base ment, automatlo heat, garage, $13,500. LARGE LOT new 2 bedroom house, auto matlo heat, oak floors, garage, Imm. Poas. $9950, LARGE corner lot new 3 bedroom house, attached gnrage. Imm. Poas. $6950. Transportation and Stores Close to All P. H. Bell, Realtor 161 Ohsmeketa St. Ph. 1-1548, 3-4806 Eves. 3-1841, 3-7566. ,3 S. High St. Mod. Home Has 3 bdrm... den. llv. rm. -dining eomb.. kitchen with nook, full bsmt., lota of bullt-ins, auto oil hoat, fireplace, car peted, hdwd. flrs.,lge. lot. $12,600. Ph. owner at 3-6106. al96 A. A. Larsen, Realtor SCHOOL TIME IS NEARING $8950. 3 bdrm. house. LR, din., Kitchen, hath, nook. Pull basement. Flreplnce. Nice yard and shrubs. Bus by door. Close io shopping center. 4 blocks from Hi and Jr. Ht schools. INCOME PROPERTY 10,000. i block from Hi school. 3 bdrm liv., din., kltchBn, bnth. music room. Full basement wlih 2 rm. apt. separate entrance. Idenl for a school teacher. Let the apt. pay tor your home. SUBURBAN iia.DOo, owner must sell beautiful 2 71. nm mooern siyie. 1 ot.rm., llv., din., kitchen, bath. Full basement. Auto, oil furnace. Thia house has $9500 FHA com mitment. Lame lot. Beautiful lawn and ahruba. Bus by door. Call or see Andy Halvorsen. Office 3-8629 New location 191 8. Home 3-7103 Hlsh 81 A. A. Larsen, Realtor al93 FOR SALE by owner, new KUigwVod" HrlRhts view home, 3 bdrms., hard wood floors, fireplace, auto, waaher A dish waAher,lar lot. Call 35506, al96 Sew t BDltM. home. ChoicVcornerrcitMe In. Ph. 2-5438. aio0 SUNDAY DRIVE BUYS 1096 8. 33rd St. (new) tJ7t,0 195 Waldo Ave. (FHA) $1,500 Down 3380 Rawlins Ave. $55 per mo ..11350 Dn 150 N. 16th ($61 per mo.l ,.$4,100 Down 140 Ben Lomond Dr. (view) $10 500 430 Wild Wind Dr. (Swimming Pooh 11!. 950 Terms FOR THESE AND OTHERS CALL Mattson & Roethlin REAL ESTATE -" 331 K. HUn Eve. Ph. 3-7634 - 3-1734. al3 KV 3 bdrm. home, close to srnlor"nf Good price Si terms. Contact owner 1560'B" St. Bi97 IXGLEWOOD Dlst. 3 BR. Price $500 un der F.H.A. appraisal. $1150 dn. Ph 3-6536. al97 Sy OWNER 19300. Nearly new 3 bdrm" house. Englewood dtst. (1630 down Monthly payments 151. 1190 N. 35th St. 1194 BY OWNER: New 2 bdrm. modern house" oil furnace. St inrase. Lot 80x128. $4600 Terms. 3330 Hyde St.. flalem m al97 lACRIKU'ED for 16850. Owner leaving elty. 1941 home with 3 BR St activity room, weather stripping & insulation nice yard, close to bus St school, FHA Phone 3-4703. al97 Tni. rm. houe on fst floor. Near schools. Good cottate on same lot Terms. 2255 N, 5th. al98 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION By Owner, Ig. s rm. nearly new sub urban house, close to city limit, schools end bus. Hd. floors, auto, heat, plprd to all room. Ig. utility room, breeEeway with att. gar. Unfinished up with italr tnd electricity In. FHA terms, Salem Heights Dlst. Priced to tell quickly t8i Ewald. BiM Ore., Monday, August 15, 1949 Win a Guest Ticket to See "Look for the Silver Lining" AT WARNERS ELSINORE THEATRE IIKRE ABE 1IIK RULES: Bead the Capital Journal Want Ads and find the title ot thia picture cominR soon to Salem Clip out the want aa In which the picture title appears and ac company it with a simple state ment of 23 words or less on 'Why I Read The Canital Jour nal Want Ads." with vour name and mailing address, and dellvei or mail to the Capitol Theater boxoffice. Contestants will be Judged on sincerity and originality The FIVE best statements re ceived each day will each receive a guest ticket to see "Look for the Silver Lining," coming soon to the ELsmore theater. All entries oecome the proper ty of the Capital Journal and decision of the ludges Is final Employees of the Capital Jour nal The Capitol or Elsinore rheatres and members of their Immediate ramllies are not eligi ble to participate in this contest FOR SALE HOUSES CREEK LOT We have a lovely 3 B.R. home with 126 ft. along Mill Rate lorated at 264 8, 25th St. Basement with laundry trays, II v. rm. 3ftxl7 carpeted. Interior plastered and celled. Price $10,500. Small mortgage of $1B00.- Johnson. BURT PICHA, Realtors 378 N. High St. Office 2-3fl4fl Eves: 3-7481 or 2-8300 al3' By OWNER, 2 acres, modern 2 B.R. home Ven. blinds, garage At shop bids., ber ries and orchard. One block So. of Rosedale school. Rt. 0, Box 210. n30J 3 HOUSES on 1 lot, $105 Income. $6,000. jermw. Hennessy. 85 Hlway Ave. a 195 3-BEDROOM! on one floor, hardwood floors, fireplace, largo windows, clone to school, stores and bus. Very attractive home In a very good location. $13,500 with $4,000 rin. Balance FHA. No. 340 $1,600 DOWN ! Furnished 2-berlroom home lorn ted east on 60x105 lot. Furniture Includes range and washer. Balance $65 per month. No. 287 $1,000 DOWN! 3-bedroom home and 2 small rentals on large lot with wonderful garden. Clone to school and bus. Located northeast. Full price $7,500. No. 285 $1,000 DOWN ! 2-bedronm homt northeast on large lot with excellent garden. Close lo school and bus. Full price $5,800, No. 3 78 -A Reimann for Real Estate (Open Saturdays 'til 8 p.m.) i 2ol South HiKh St. - Ph. 3-0203 Sim. Si Eves. 3-0712, 2-2532, 2-8241, 3-5006 a103 REDUCED PRICE TO $5,300 2 BEDROOM HOME, COR NER LOT, SCHOOL, BUS, STORE 1 BLOCK. 1310 N. WINTER Near University Lse. spacious older home In very fine condition. 3 BR a up Si Ige rms. dn. fint lot. Live stream. Apt, hse, possibilities $13,500. B. Isherwood, Realtor 2007 N. Capitol St. Office Ph. 3-3862 a 1951 .$3250 FULL PRICE 11000 DOWN $40 PER MONTH Modem 9-bedroom house. Oil circulating healer, electric water heater, laraiir. This may be the reasonable priced house that you have been looking fo Hollywood District 18950 FULL PRICE 3 BEDROOM HOUSE Full basement, fireplace, hardwood and Plaster, corner lot, furnace heat. Will carry large F.H.A. loan. Abrams & Skinner, Inc. 411 Masonic Bultdlna Ph. 3-9317 Real Estate Insurance Mti. Loans a!95' NICE t BEDROOM home completely re decorated. Immediate possession, $7800. Terms. Phone 3-3B4B or 2-4431. a 198 3 IUKIM. HOME $1300 down. Open daily 1 iiu i.rwu. rn, J0u. aiB BY OWNER 3 BR. house, fireplace, Ben dix, elec, heat, hdwd. firs., v. blinds, 1 year old. Call 27860. 1059 E. Rural. al98 FOR SALE LOTS LOTH with water, electricity, bus. close to school on Sllverton highway. Why pay rent. Build your own home. 116 down. $15 per month. General Real Estate JS5 Crntcr. Ph, 1-im. aal8 lll'RKY TO BKK choice view lot. Bat pnee lor nmcK aalf. Ph. 3-3881. aa FOR SALE: View lot facing fast. Kestricted district. F. H. A. approved. 80x140. City Water, trees, perfectly placed. top ot hill, good drainage. Out S. Commercial, up Ewald to 3845 Scenic View drive. aalv. FAIR MOUNT VIKW ADDITION, ftalinV exclusive residential dlst., right on top ... . miMiint nm. aacn lot nas finest view. Drive up Wash. St, All lotj have 90 ft. frontage. Just a few mora avail able at 13MM. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings Personal Service 104 S. Comm't St. Ph, 3-8389. Eve, 3-7440 aal94 $10 DOWN! Lots with water, bui service, eleclrleltv close to dchool and store. Balance $15 per month. Reimann for Real Estate 201 South High St. Ph. 3-920,1 Sun. St Evens. 3-9713, 3-3533, 3-8341, 3-6905 . aal93 OWNER Lot: South: soil ii; etty water: 1800. 136 An urt . JHlrr ft sjt FQR SALE FARMS No bui win,,. r,n, t,,,,,,,,,,,, ,pot Bch00, bui, milk tout, and el,ctrlclly at door, toma ic, the crop, irowlnj now. Priced to Mil. H. C. It.mmir, Rt. J. Boa 313 - . -R, .Jnllf' ,t out Cnttrr at. bl3 roR she ()R"i:x(iiANir: wn W jaced larm 10 jr. Iraa, Tajlor arailm. Wlih or without atock cqulpm.nt at Bend. Ore. Modern a bdrm. houaa. othar Olrtas. rood, on paved road, achool btu uu. nioc. u,nL or... Rt 1 Box 300. bill FOR SALE HOUSES 1 S Eft If?-, I i 2080 N. I Finished & Open For Inspection J Bcdrooma a Auto Oil Het Lane Llvlni Boom a Venetitn Blind, Dlnln, Room 0 Hardwood Floor Thruout Kitchen, lota of built-in. Auto Waaher J-lrepl.ee. a j.,,,. Lot PKICE $8800 TERMS WM. T. J. FOSTER, HOME BUILDER 1550 Baker St. Phone 2-9853 REAL ESTATE OHMART & CALABA, Realtors Close to Schools Roomy 3 bedroom house, full basement, located on N. Hlh St. near park and ehop- r-... .. wni .luiidicirEu ana want 10 sell, faauo. Eye Appeal J' V!','e ,'1tni suburban home. Brand new. but nice lawn, shruba and tree. Well conducted and planned. FHA flnancine available. English he.t i'.r.' , .,,y!!!;S "nd n N- JL,t St,"L m'nl and automatlo neat. Imasine only $11,000, Cape-Cod b.Ths V'SL'"'' h1?"f "'h " V,!eW- Ab0"' 18 ye"rs old' ""t construction. 3 Eluded V, ? Sffi ,hi. 1'"""' "", " .p,:"et """ "' nd drape in- eluded. We think thia I an excellent buy. Appointment only. Farms houVr lrM4 1, i" cu'"vte n all be Irriaated. 7 rm. modernized house. stanchion barn, chicken house. , 110,000 with crop, 'h cash OHMART & CALABA, Realtors Eve..: 28053 - 33632 FOR SALE FARMS 80 ACRES EAST Alt in cult. St only 12 miles to Salem, all year creek, Irrigation rights for 30 A. New 7 A. bean ynrd, nice all mod ern 4 BR home, large barn, chicken houses for 3000 chickens, good well & elec. water system, lot. of fruit St all good soli. This farm will really pay div idends St would make a dandy stock rarm. Owner has really put it at a bar aain price of $17,000. Will trade for a smaller farm or acreage near Salem Irrigation outfit St equipment may be bounht very reasonabe. Sullivan Realty Co. 3365 Portland Rd. 'phone 3-3255. b!93- BY OWNKR--Buslnesa Interests compel us to go back east, so we are selling our country home. There are ten fertile acres with strawberries, blackberries. and. red raspberries for Income, also some young fruit trees coming along. The house Is nearly new, contains two oedrooms, and la of smart modern de sign. It U all electric and has many other attractive special features to make for comfort In living. Price 117.500 and worth it. One-half mile south of Clear I'sxe scnooi, east side of road. Reese A. Hall, Route 2, Box 264, Salem. b306 LAKE LAT1ISH, Beaverdam onion farm. uome ana see onion crop growing in field now. Em 11 Kraiise, Rt. 1, Box 144, tirooKn, ore. 6 ml. N.E. bl93 FOR SALE ACREAGE 7 ACRES with Income Modern home, barn lots of fruit, $10,600. Rt. 2, Box 262 Ph. 31857. bblB4 1 ACRES on Baxter rd. 1 ml. So. Dickson Mkt. 11800. Terms. Ph. 2-0157. bbl94 HERE IS that small farm you have been wanting, 1214 acres, fruit, berries, beau tiful flowers, creek, 2 B.R. home, barn, Is me poulrty house, greenhouse, on pavement. Only a few minutes from Salem. Hurry. Only $10,500. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Ltstlnna - Personal Service 164 S. Com'l St. Ph. 3-8389 Eve. 3-7440. bh193- REAL ESTATE 4 BEDROOM $7500 Lie. LR. DR St utility rm. 50x150 lot on 33rd St. Walking distance to Capitol At hospital, $3500 down St balance like rent. ENGLEWOOD Distinctive 3 BR ranch style home In a restricted neighborhood. All spacious rooms, beautiful yard, attractive price. JS00 DOWN. $36 PER MONTH Comfortable 1 BP home with gar. on a paved corner lot In West Salem. . OARAGE HOUSE H acre ground. Owner will take car in good condition as all or part pay ment. Price 11600. Call Bon Cleary. WALTER MUSORAVE, REALTORS 1111 Edgewater, Ph. 3-5109. Eve. 3-9939 cl93 Cliffmore Village Wooded tracta with utlllllej. Restricted residential, l'i mllea north on Wallace Road to Harrltt Drive. c!98 FOR YOUR SAVINGS Inveatment buj tlMl moruaae on real aatate Salem A vicinity Examine security youriell Amojnta 1500 to several thousand dol lars, net Investors ft'; We make all col lections tor yotl it desired. STATE FINANCE CO., I5S 8. Hlah BEST BUYS $1800 DOWN. New Salem Heights home. Att. gar., city water, lie. lot. vrv ruir Total prica only $7600. Ive. ph. 2-0473 $8500 SPECIAL Brand new close In N. Near bus. stores school, very well built, hdwd. firs., iMuiHira, eiec. neat, priv. well, dble. lot. Terms arranged. Eve, Ph. 2-0473 or 3-3558. 4 BEDROOM BEAUTY If you are In the market for an excep tionally nice well built home In a select location we have it. Dble. plumbing, bsmt.. dble. gar., elec. heat, weather stripped, Insulated. As a matter of fact this home has everything. Total price 130.000. Evt, Ph. 3-0473 or 3-3553. FARMS 14 acres cleared, close In N. Choice oioi. sit. Total price only $4500. Owner will consider selling 3 or 4 acre tracts. Eve. Ph. 3-9403 or 3-355B. CHICKEN FARM Only 4 miles from Salem. Remodeled home. 32x60 chlx house, brooder house, family fruit, in acres berries. Priced to sell at $9500. Eve. Ph. 3-9403 or 3-3551 Al Isaak & Co., Realtor Ph. 3-7930, 3-4596 3035 Portland Rd. el9S WANTED REAL ESTATE NOTICE! If your property t for sale. rem or sohange, list U with as We hare ah kinds of east, buyers STATE FINANCE CO. REALTORS 153 ft Hlib St ea REAL EST AT R WAMrvn HOUSE listings needed to satlsfr aur customers. We have the buyers If you have the property. We help finance. Phone 3-7963. room 330 nramn hm. HAVE cash buyers lor (arms So to 100 ere pneen up io IIT.OOO. Phone 3-7983. room 330, Oregon Bide. ca213 Journal Want Ads PaY IFOR SALE HOUSES n Jim 9rt I J 17 .Street REAL ESTATE Style 24116 clB.V 23488 - 35996 WANTED REAL ESTATE W E ARB in need 01 kooq houses to soli In or neat Solera If you wish to tlsi Four properly for salr nee GRABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE WILL TRADE a modern 2 bdrm. houae for a smaller house. Ph. 20524. cbl95 FOR EXCHANGE 310 A. slocked and equipped, modern 6 rm. house, 2 barns, plenty out bldgs. Creek on one side. 185 A. under culti vation, would like nice home in Salem or Income property for equity. Will dispose of place with or without stock and equipment. Johnson. BURT PICHA, Realtors 379 N. High St. - Office 2-3649 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ! FOR SALE: 3 year lease on 12'A acres of Marshall strawberries. 12x32 furnished cabin with propane heater St kitchen range St 388 gallon tank. Must sacrifice because or Illness. 6''j miles S. of Sll verton. Mary Crawford Star route. Box 8BA, Sllverton. cdl93 LOT for rent at 3295 N, Portland Rd Heart of the business district N, of underpaw. One acre ground. $35 per month. Ph. 24169. (!1198 Safe Investment Zone No. 3, 3 bldgs. with 11 rentals Plus owners apt. Income 1365 plus monthly. Can be Increased. Lge. busi ness lot 63x166'. B. Isherwood, Realtor 3"07N. Capitol St. Office 3-3862. cdlflS ATTRACTIVE restaurant on 99E N. Sa lem. Would make nice drlve-ln. Phone i?!L: cdl96- 80x00 FRAME building suitable for warT- iiuu.ie, wnoiesaie, etc, Located on paved alley. 10 blocks south. Price $3350 Ph 36196. cdlQ; 9 UNIT COURT. Individual houses. 1 blk. from State Office Bldg. Each hse. has 1 bedroom, living room, hdwd. firs., fireplace, kitchen, nook, bath, Elec Refrlg., Ramies, iarat(es. One of the best Units in Salem. IS 2 .son Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings Personal Service im a. com'l St. Eve. 3-9989. Ph. 3-8389 cdliU 6 UNIT MOTEL 1800 month income, all electric heat. Excellent for 2 room for ex p. Locnted near Dickson's. Price only $19,000. Some terms. E. M. HUNTER REAL ESTATE 770 S. Com. Ph. 24649 -, 25497 cdl93" FOR SALE BY OWNER: Stone building, located in downtown Sllverton. Ideal busThesi location plus monthly Income. Living quarters in rear. Owner leaving state and willing to deal. Contact Ken neth C. Free. 133-B Fluke St.. Sllverton or Phone 373, Sllverton. cdl06 FOR SALE: Beauty Shop. Good location, business, and equipment, will make easy terms. Call Main 135 Woodburp. Eveninus Green 389. Red an7. Must h . "II before Sept. 1. cdl95 INCOME PROPERTY . 20 ACRES 15 acres growing crops. 5 acres summer fallowed, beautiful building site. Terms Priced to sell. Write Capital Jounral Box 378. cti. Business Property Business bldi. with living quarters. Ideal location on busy Edgewater St. Exterior rough. Interior comfortable and attractive. Can be utllired for va riety of small business ventures with small remodeling cost. Suitable for of fice as Is. Asking price Is only $8500 with terms to suit. Ph. 35109. cd!94 ICE CREAM PACKAGE STORE and Snack Grocery, well located, on busy street In new building, all new equipment. Doing nice business. Grocer lei pay the leaee. It It the only store or kind In community. A hot bin. for a young couple. Has unlimited possibili ties. For full details, phone 2630 Da 11ns "'on: cdl93 B US IN ESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED Need taverns, groceries, restaurants, service stations and motels or courts. Have out of state buyers for all of the uota, rnona a-iss3. room S30 orAn Bid. Cd312 GOOD INCOME grocery store and fix tures. 3 gas pumps, 8 cabins. 3 ml N of underpass on hy ISE. w. j. jarms RTBox 145. Salem. Ph. 24319 cd2n7 FURNITURE FOR SALE BABY FURNITURE Basinet te, lined, with aiana. email crio with mattress. Wood- h awins, sieriiiier. BV3 id In a Lane. d14 WANTED FURNITURE nir.HEST prices paid for furniture and household articles. Nothing to big or sm, WHY? Can Olenn Woodry pav to much more money for used furniture. He pays no rents. His business is Interne. That really makes senne. Ph, 35110 to ftt Immediate cash for your furniture, appliances, rugs, an tiques, sporting equipment or what hare YOU. 4,1M. REAL ESTATE GRABENHORST SPECIALS SPECIAL fcVe tht 5 ac. beauty apot, lorated 5 mi. out. Beautiful wooded spot WHO 1 aprinii and Atream. S rm. home and Rood barn. See thia before you buy at 15.500. Call GEOHGE H. GRABENHORST, JR. AN UNUSUAL FARM VALUE I.eaa than H ml. from Sllverton city limit Total 30 acre. 1T4 ac. hop. 3'i ac family orchard. 3 bdrm. modern home pl'ja excellent farm hop equipment, hop house and dryer, barn and chicken houae. City water and AO ft. drlllPd well. Very aultabl for aubdtvlalon. paved road. Salem-Silverton Highway. REASONABLE TERMS con- lder (r.. Call BEN ROISEN. 780 NORTH 17TH STREET Good 1 bdrm. home, complete with new furniture, lite, lot with room for 3 residential courts. One of the beat location In town for thia type of development. Price (6,800. Call ROY FERRIS. GRABENHORST 134 S. Liberty Evening - Roy Ferris 2-8010 Earl Wast 3-1233 WANTED FURNITURE USED FURN. Check our prices. Valley rum CO., 385 N. Com'!. Ph. 37472. da208 HIGHEfT PRICES paid Phone Olenn a Woodry Auction Martei Ph, $-5110 da' AUCTIONS AUCTION SALE TUESDAY -7:30 p.m. BIO STOCK NOW CONSIGNED If you have something to sell, bring It In Monday and Tuesday. MERCHANDISE MART Wallace Road West Salem ddl93 FOR SALE LIVESTOCK BAY Saddle Mare and 4 American Saddle Breed FUley. Cheap to good home. Ph 38443. el93" 12(H) LB. CULTIVATING HORSE, $35. mile past Roberts school. Chet Seeger. el93 LIVESTOCK WANTED BONDED AND LICENSED livestock buyer. u. Mcuantiiisn, 1127 e as. Ph. 3-8147. ea205 PETS TRI CITY FUEL PHONE 27442 16" Slab Wood and Eds Inn Fresh Cut Screened Sawdust 12" Inside Mill Wood ' Dry Wood ASK FOR S&H GREEN STAMPS ec TO GIVE away 3 small pups. 1 male St . 1 female. Rt, 8. Box 728, Dallas highway out to "Y Cafe." 1st house north on gravel road. ec!93 FUEL GET YOUR winters fuel now and save. Good clean sawdust, dry St, green slab, dry and green edgings. Oregon Fuel Co. Ph. 35533. ee200 PHILLIPS BROS Old fir, oak, ash & maple. 4' slab and edgings. Ph. 3145B. FRESH CUT sawdust delivered at summer rates. Phone 2253 Dallas collect. eel94 CALL HIGHWAY FUEL POR Diesel and Stove Oils. FRESH COT SAWDUST Dry Slab Wood Dry Plainer Ends St Block Wood. Ph 36444 ee' West Salem Fuel Co. 16 IN. DRY OR GREEN SLAB WOOD DRY PLANER ENDS OLD GROWTH BLOCK WOOD. 16-IN. CLEAN - NO BARK SCREENED SAWDUST RURAL DELIVERIES DIESEL AND STOVE OIL Phone Salem 2-4031 Abo pick up wood at 1525 Edgewater St.. West Salem ee' FOR SALE POULTRY RED FRYERS. McCnln ave. off Sllverton rd. Rt. 7, box 434A. f 193 NEW HAMPSHIRE chicks for Immediate or future delivery. Hatches every Tues. Fox Hatchery, 3830 State St. Ph. 3-4969 f WHITE FRYERS for sale. 75c St $1.00 at 4900 Crater St. Keizer dlst. 1195 NEW HAMPSHIRE chicks every Thurs dp.y Ph 2-2861, Lee's Hatchery f PRODUCE SLAPPY PEACHES now ready. Carl As plnwall Orchards at Brooks, Phone 21261. ff 196- B ART LETT PEARS, sweet corn, tomatoes sneer mellons, apples, plums Sz etc. Orders taken for all. Leon's Fruit Stand 4905 N. River Rd. ffl98' BARTLETT PEARS $1.00 bushel. Delivered Days Ph. 29258 Eve. 31040. ffl95' DILL- 10c Bunch. 343 N. Commercial, If 195 HALE HAVEN PEACHES, $1.50 bushel, U pick. Shlndler Bros., Grand Island. ffl94 BART LETT PEARS. Brin containers. R E. Worral. Rt. 8, Box 590. Orchard Hts, Rd. Ph. 16F14. ffl94 BARTLET PEARS, bring boxes. 8420 Gar den Road Phone 3-3959. If 193 CUCUMBERS, any size, will deliver. Ph. 22928. ffl93 SWEET CORN, canning. Buy dos. or sack, Ph una ffio7 ff 193" RASPBERRIES, strawberries, boysenber ries, peaches, cucumbers, tomatoes, ap ples. Friftaard Fruit Farm, Mile North of Ketzer School. ff200 HELP WANTED HOPPICKKRS WANTED, starting Aug. 18th. Good picking. Call 31766. Orey Hop Ranch. Rt. 2, Box 197, Salem. gl96 1 1 0 PPI OK E R S W A NTED, Long run0f early and intes. stadell Bros., Sllverton, Ore Ph. Green 183 or Blue 213. g204' II KAN PICKERS. Bishops, South River road. 10 minutes from Salem. Bus leaves 12th and Mission 6:00, Farm Labor or flee 6:30. Ladd St Bush Bank 6:35, south on Commercial to Owens. For Information call 3-6137. gl98" HOP PICKERS WANTED BROWNS ISLAND I MILES SOUTH OF SALEM EARLY HOPS - PH. 23107 gl97' NOW REGISTERING hop pickers. $1 de- posis required lor cabin reservation .lohn J. Roberts Sz Co., Salem. g HELP WANTED MALE PART TIME doorman. Apply in person FRY COOK wanted. Spa, 383 State. gal94 HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED HOUSEKEEPER on farm While motner works. 3 children. Sun. off. $3.00 day Plus room St board. Capital Journal Box 370. gbl94 SOMEONE TO7re for 34 yr. old "boy from 7 a m. to 3 a.m. dally in my home. 1339 Franklin. West Salem. , bl94 YOUNG LADIES 18-34. FREE to travel. travel. New York. Florida and return with nationally known company. Ex penses advanced. Transportation furn ished. Average $200 per mo. Apply Miss SnelL Senator Hotel Rm. 329. Tues. . 1 pm' gbl94 "'2,? lwuwt"ork- t7nlght 3 adiiltiv 695 N. Librrty. gblW WANTED: Older woman for tktn mm. Plete charge of household. 2 adults. mo o(i osny. Salary $100 a month. 365 N. 34th St. Ph. 3-6766. gbl93 n.it.u SALESLADIES. Age 35 to 35. For extra work on Fridays and Satur day. Apply Montgomery Ward Co. Bal em, b. I REAL ESTATE BROS., Realtors St. Phone 2-3471 and Sundays Call - Peter Gelser 3-AII68 Ben Rolsen 3-2471 C193 EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES OFFICE AND CLERICAL POSITIONS CONTACT Commercial Placement Agency 360 Stats St WANTED SALESMAN 'LONG NEEDED INVENTION" Established Company. Every home, fac tory, store, farm a prospect. Low price, long profit. Exclusive. Fine outfit. No deposit. Information sent air mall. Write 128 R. C. Building, Red Comet. Inc., Littleton, Colorado. ggl93 WANTED POSITIONS MOTHER, DAUGHTER 16, want work In motherless home or caring for Invalid. Both good workers. Box 277, co Capital Journal. hl93 TREE WORK, topping, trimming, re moving. Insured operator. John Payne, 248 S. Church. Ph. 26014. hl99 DAY CARE for children 2 to 8 years. Large play ground. Address 256 N. 20th or phone 2-3850. hl93 CARPENTER WK. New, repair. Ph. 2-2093. h213 FINE PAINTING, papering, Ph. 3-5522 h207 Mimeographing-Typing POE'S 885 North 16th Phone 3-3643 haoi TELEPHONE CALLS TAKEN. 34 hr. serv Ice Former phone opr. Ph 3-5073. h204 DRESSMAKING St alterations after 3 Ph. 2-9840 - h203 CHILD CARE or baby sitting. Your home or mine. Ph. 21945. hl94 TREE WORK, topping, trimming, remov ing. Ins. op. Work guar. W. H McAllls ter, 840 Trade. Ph. 2-1496. h201 CHILD CARE. 183 6. 18th. Ph. 2-6876. INTERIOR PAINTING. Exp. Ph. 3-6796 h201 CEMENT WORK wanted. Ph. 2-4850 b' PLOWING. DISCING. Al Moss. Ph. 22957. h202 EDUCATION MECHANICALLY INCLINED? Then make the most of your abilities In fast-moving DIESEL industry. Keep (csc.il, job wnne you train lor installa tion, overhaul and maintenance work, SCIENTIFIC MOTOR TUNE-UP includ ed. Grow with Industry Into a key Job. Get facts no obligation. Write Utilities Diesel Training, Registrar, 2521 Shef- iiciu, inicago n, ill. nni94 WELDING SCHOOL Avail yourself of opportunity to learn good trade that pays top wages. Oldest welding school In NW. GI APPROVED WELDING SCHOOL 520 NE Sacramento, Portland MU 9680 hh206 FOR RENT ROOMS FOR RENT: To mother St school age child. Priv. ent., close In. near Gar field school. Board St room for child. Ph. 3-4522, .Jk-193- ATTRACTIVE room, private home, gen tlemen. 965 N, summer, Ph. 3-6368. Jkl94 FOR RENT Room suitable for : chair Jkl93 barber shop, 4375 Sllverton Rd. SLEEPING RM. PH. 34335. jkaoi- i tier pif? til-.. . Zf"r, "J" u t J L1,ke.a od bed? Good home cooked meals for working men. Newly aecorateo: neated room. Simmons twin beds. This is a home, fios s. iftth at. Jkl94 SLEEPING RMS. for men. Priv. entr. St I Ph Dy. or Mo. 1505 N. Capitol Ph. 3-3435 , . SLEEPING RMS. 2 blocks from town. Ph 3-6315. 195 S. Cottage. Jkl95' VERY NICE RMS. Close In. gentleman. 655 N. Cottage. PLEASANT SLEEPING ROOM for gentle man. 1050 Norway. Ph. 2-4547. Jkl95 NICELY FURN. sleeping rm. Close In 388 N. Winter. Ph. 38142. Jkl97' NICE SLEEPING RM. Business dlst. Gentleman. Hot St cold water. 255 Center, , Jkl95- SLEEPING RM. for working girl or worn an, on bus line. 1530 Broadway. Jkl94 HOMEY ROOM. Hot plate cooking St refrlg. Private. 195 S. 24th. Jkl95 HOLLYWOOD rms 2035 McCoy Ph 36093 JklBS' FOR RENT APARTMENTS ! ROOM apartments for rent, 2310 N, th St. Jpl95" LARGE S RM. nearly furn. duplex apt. juu in. rronc at. sau per montn. Kei. required. Jpl95 1 BD. R.M. apt. partly furn. Close In. Ph. Jpl95' SMALL FURN. apt. with priv. bath, adults. ju per montn. lows b. com'l. Jpl03" COURT APT. 3-room St bath, electric heat mag. ana range. 1348 8. 12th. jpl95 4 ROOM APT. priv. entrance. Vacant Aug. jd. zoyj . commercial, rn, 2184 jpi95" ROOM FURN. apt. Close In, quiet coupie, ou. aty n. cottage. jpias' FOR RENT apartment, beautifully furnlsh- en. corner cottage ana center, rnone 21887. 444 Cottage. Jpl95 ROOM furnished apt. Elec. range St re frig. Ph. 3-7176. Jpl94 3 ROOM APT. has range St refrlg. No oth er furnishings. Modern laundry facili ties. Close to business dlst. Available now. 1055 Edgewater, West Salem. Jpl93 SMALL FURN. apt. newly decorated. 135 Gerth, West Salem. jpl9S 2 RM. furn. apt. Priv. outside ent. St bath. Ph. 38093. 2035 McCoy. jpl99 UNFURN. APT. Large bdrm. Living rm. Dinette. Kitchenette. Bath room with shower. A.B. kitchen range. Elec. heat, light At water furn. Children, dogs At cats accepted. $65. Ph. 2-6081. Jpl96a RM. FURN. apt. $40.00. 355 8. 14th. Ph, 31769. jpl95 PART FURN. 2 rm. apt. A oath, modern rier. neat. Aauits. urn Haauon. jpiV4 FOR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT S rm, older home near 18th St State. $55 per mo. Two months rent tn advance. Unfurnished except for oil circulating heater. P.O. Box 181. Jml93 t ROOM modern furn. cottage. Ph. 26618. jmi3 5 BDRM HOUSE. Partly furn. Immediate possession, seo per month. 319 S. 18th St. or Ph. 3-9982. Jml97 UNFURN. I BDRM house. Will accept 1 child, but no pets. Apply 1710 Terry St. Jml93 NEW 1 BR house completely furnished. Oil furnace. No dogs or cats. $80. Ph. 3-6468. Jml94 GET SETTLED BEFORE SCHOOL BUY LIKE RENT New homes, hdwd. firs., auto. heaL Par ed streets. Inside city limits. L. E. Klumpp, Realtor 480 N. Church Ph. 2-:643 Eve. r Bun. 3-034! or 3-0121 Jtn FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS POWER TOOL rentals for nome and in dustrial use. Bowser Bros. Ph. 3-3646 i' FLOOR SANDERS for rent Wa.d ntgomery TO DO a sood Job rent a rood floor sand- r W ell everything to completa thr job HOWSER BROS Ph. 3-3648 "-OOD USED PIANOS. H. L Stiff. OFFICE spacw and desk spaces. Ph. 25692 iEWING Machines Portable or Tread!e Service on all makes. Ph. 3-7671. J202' BUSINESS RM. lor rent. H. L. Stiff. V DRIVE trucks, cara. Ph. 2-9103. TRAILERS $2.00 per day Howser Bros 1410 6 12th, West Salem. TRAILER HOUSE for rent. Shadey. fully equipped. No children. 594 N. 12th St. Salem. J 193 SINGER ELECTRIC portable sewing ma chines. Reasonable rates. Free Pick up ft delivery Singer Sewing Machine Co 130 N Com 1. Ph. 33512 J WANTED TO RENT RESPONSIBLE PARTY would like 3 or 3 bd. rm. unfurn. or partly turn. home. Will be permanent and care for like own home. Ph. 3961)2. jal93 FAMILY OF S want to rent 2 or 3 bed room house preferably near Jr. High, will pay up to $90 for nice place, Ph. 26063 6 a. m. to 6. Jal95- MIDDLE AGED couple desire 3 rm apt. unfurn. except for range 6t refrlg. Will pay to $50.00. Write Capital Journal box 282. jal98 SMALL HOUSE or ground floor apt. n West Salem by elderly couple. Phone 3-B849. Jam URGENTLY NEEDED 2 or 3 bedrm. furn. or partly furn. house. Up to $76. 3-8260. ja!95 FAMILY of 4 wishes 2 or 3 bdrm. house. Prefer south location. Good ref. Phone Hotel Senator 34151, Rm, 209. Jal95 YOUNG EMPLOYED couple with VA old son desire 2 b.r. unfurn. modern house by Sept. 3. Will pay to $60.00. Call Mrs. Wayne Harris at the Capital Journal. Jal98 RESPONSIBLE FAMILY urcentlv need bdrm. home. Excellent refer. Good care guaranteed. Ph. 33253 or 37922. Jal93 2 BEDROOM unfurnished house or apart ment in good location by responsible coupie. no cniiaren. Keicrences, per manent. Ray C. Williams, room 442. Hotel Senator, Phone 34151. Jal95 3 BDRM. unfurn. house by Christian fam ily. Rff. Ph. 3-5219. jal05 ROOM AND BOARD BOARD AND RM. 650 E St. LOST AND FOUND LOST ladies black patton leather purse between Turner Sz Main Sunday. Re ward. Nelma DcHut, 4935 Crater St. k!95 REWARD for coral gold girls' wrist watch lost at Olinger pool Wed. afternoon. Rensic make. Call at 3260 Garden Rd. eveninns. . kl94 MISCELLANEOUS D RESSEiTVr YE R"rabbits, "ideal for freez Ing. Wood range. 1 bdrm. house for rent. Rt. 8, Box 602 Dallas Hlway, ml93 MONTGOMERY WARD SERVICE DEPT. Knows M-W appliances best. Call 3-3191, ext. 14 for pick up or estimate. ml98 DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 2 HR SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR HARRY SEMLER DENTIST Adolpn BldB. -State At Commercial Sts SALEM Phone 3-3311 m' BUILDING MATERIALS DOORS FIR MAHOGANY New doors $5.75 up. Glass doors $10.25. 30" St 32" interior mahogany slab doors $13.50. C. G, Long. Ph. 2-5831, 1 mile N. of Keizer. mal96' Wall Board Plywood Sheet rock wallboard 4l;c, '.a" 6V2C, W Insulation board 6?ic, hard water proot wall board Low prlcea on rock lathe & plywood for cabinet work, flooring St walla. C. o. Lona. Ph. 2-5821, 1 mile north of Keizer. mal97 STEEL AND Aluminum Window Framns Casement, Double Hung St Commercial types. rutaujiLEi west saiem. mal93' . FIREPLACE MATERIALS Superior Heatform St Bennett-Ireland fireplace circulators. All fireplace and masonry materials. PUMILITE - West tsaiem mal93' CHIMNEY HLOf KS ft Foundation Blocks, PUMILITE, west Salem. mal93 ROCKLATH, PLASTER and Stucco mater- la,s- Complete line, quality materials. PUMILITE - West Salem. mal93 BUILDERS Realized substantial savings on lumber. 2x4 ,nH hi p 7 Vr-- m i t M. No. A ,17 per M Fre delive Wes't oairm ou w 1U3U waiinre Ha, fn. 39593. ma214 SHINGLES MOUNTAIN CEDAR No. 1 $7.75 sq. NO. 2 4.50 sq. No. 3 3.00 sq. -C. O. Long. Ph. 3-5321. 1 mile north of Keizer. mal97 LES SPRINGER, men's hatter. 464 Court. We close Saturdays 12:30. m218 i iLL 2ll9(i Salem, we sell the nest Cedar Shli.-rtes from Tillamook, Grand Ronde or Cascade high mountain timber. No. 1 $8. No. 2 $5. Delivered. Ted Muller. Sa-lem-Indep. Road. ma' 18" No, I Cedar Shakes. Natural or paint ed P.lm coated or stained. Cedarwall Fittite or Bear Brands $9 per sq. up. De livered with undercourse. Ph. Ted Mulle-. 3-1198. ma- B Se B CEDAR GUTTER 23c. No. 1 cedar wall shakes St under course shingles ii3.hu per-sq. Tea Muller. Ph. Salem 2-1196. nia PLYWOOD LARGE stock or sizes, thicknesses Sz grades. Both Plain St water proof fnee.t start at 5c per sq ft. ALSO GOOD stocks of V and W lnsul atlng boards Low prices on H" St fri' sheet rock Keith Brown. Front A Court Sts., Salem. ma ALUMA LOCK - ALUMINUM LOCK SHINGLE" The modern permanent roof ing See youi dealer or Call Dlst 3-6401 mal97 SPECIAL! Cedar sidlnn, H"x8" Random ler.gtn. c-graoe. iss thousand. Keith Brown. Front Court Sts- Salem NEW SHIPMENT piast board " sUc: . oe sq. tt Rock lathe 45 sq. ft $1.78 MONTGOMERY WARD 8.LEU ma GOOD USED LUMBER for sale. Also wln- aows, floors, plywood, ftrtex. After 5 p.m. 2475 Broadway. Ph. 20913. mal94 SAVE OS ROOFING Let Wards give you complete CS STALLED iprlci on your roofing needs Wide range of colors Call our outside salesman for free astlmate Phone 3-3191 MONTGOMERY WARD At CO. SALEM. OREGON FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS OLD CRANBERRY glass at the Bay Win dow Antique Shop. 439 Court St. Up 'taln. nl95 7 FT. USED refrlg. 195. 337 N. High. Ph. ni95 CLOSE OUT Bargain prices on nationally advertised Power Lawn Mowers. All mowers guar anteed as usual. 620 Inch cut Plncor noferg with re- iritvor iianer. Keguiar price 8171.50 Close out Price inann 330 Inch cut Plncor mowers less re- trlevor starter. Regular price $181.50. Closeout price $125.00 -18 Inch cut Plncor mowers. Regular price 8120.00 Closenut nrfr to rv. 130 Inch cut Reo Royal mower. Regular price $120.00. Close out price ....$95 00 Schnorenbcrg Seed & Feed 311 N. Water St. Sllverton, Ore. n203" FULLER brushes. 1745 Grant. Ph. 3-8357". n318" ROOriNO Willamette Valley Roof Co., 30 Lena Ave. nl93 BARGAINS in colored glass at the Bay Window Antique Shop. 439 Court St Upstairs. nlflJ. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS OIL HEATER with fan. Practically new. Phone 35830. nl96 GOOD WOOD RANGE, coils, water tank. -an eve. auer o:uu. rnone 3601 36iUfi. nl9rV fllwoiji ii n. winter. GENERAL ELECTRIC Crosle. Q and Montai Appliance at Oevurti SALEM SAND A. GRAVEL COMPANY Contract Work Road Clear In i Ditching Sewer it Basement Equipment Rental lb B '4 ids 10 B yds. D-7 Cat k Dozer D-6 Cat Si Doier D-4 Cat St Dozer 8e us about ditching by the It, Phone Days $-9408 Eves 3-826 ot 3-4400 Salem Oregon n' FENCE POSTS, pojea. all typos. Shingles, fertilizer St flatrock. Phillip Bros Rt 0. Box 118. Ph. 31458. n FOR SALE: Typewriter. Ph. 3-6818. nij)4 FOR SALE: Montana agate, fresh from the fields. Sprays, bands, color, $3, and J5 grades, Mall orders filled. Not postpaid. Come pick It If you can. Floyd's Agate Shop. 508V4 E. 2nd St., The Dalles, Oreg. Home 627 E. 8th. n194 SMALL WOOD COOK STOVE with colls. n-i conaiuon, aiso JO gal. hot water tank, nearly new. Both S25.00, 595 Bel mont St., Salem. Ph. 3-49B7. nl94 POWDERINE keeps rugs clean, No liquid, SALEM HOME FURN. CO. ' 137 So. Com'l nl94" REMODELING SALE Modern 3 cushion biiujiuci uhc& ineze pc. living room suite. Regular 249.50. Bp. price 1199 88 2 pc. suitcn honey velvet and beige tap' Reg 229.50. Sale price $149.88. Green stamps. SALEM HOME FURN. CO. 137 So. Com'l nlS4 HARVEST Poultry A Front St. BAGS foi sale. Northwest Dairy Products Co. 1505 N. : n!96' WE BUY newspapers and waste paper 1790 N. Front. n2i0 DISTILLED white vinegar for all plckllna purposes "Keeps your pickles krispX' Also old time pure apple cider vineRiS Puritan Cider Works, West Salem. "Looi for the Silver Lining." nio5" FOR SALE; Redbone hound pups from real coon hounds that tree, eligible for papers. 1 mile west north Howell school Rt. 2. Box 245A. n)j CASTING POLE and reel, extension pole iwi, Byou selection or apinnerg and other tackle. 2 small tackle boxes. All in excellent condition. Good buy, will sell individually or as a set. Call 2-4274 after 8 p.m. or Saturday, 3660 Liberty Road- ; nl93 45 AUTOMATIC pistol, holster Sz shells. rcneci. snape. call 24048 after 5:00. . n!97 USED MAYTAG cast aluminum tub. bal loon wringers. Good condition. $60. 930 FOR SALE, Estate oil Clrculatlnn Heater, .-.curiy new, usea less than one winter. OrlElnal cost 1139.80. Will sell for 184 50 See at 1533 Court fit. nl91 STEEL CLOTHESLINE PoaU, Tallinn In stock is made to order. 11,5 N. Liberty. n218 PLASTI-KOTE, the cellophane-Ilk, finish lor your floors or linoleum, that r. utiires no waxln,. Yeater Appliance Co. 855 N. Liberty. n21. ELECTRIC SEWING Machine. r-Weat-lnahouse. Yeater Appliance Co., 155 N. USED ELECTRIC ranges I JB 95 to I1J9 50. Yeater Appliance Co., J55 N. Liberty. nlia USED ELECTRIC refrlaeratora. Teater Ap-' Pllance Co., lis N. Liberty. nJlft" vs ELECTRIC Waahlnj Machine.,' lli'Z ' "5-so- '"ter Appliance Co. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WE NEED junk batteries. Paying $1,757 Petread Tire Service. 820 So. Lancaster. na!98 IT'S YOUR FAULT! if you sell jour household looda without , lettlna mi price. I conslatentl; par more cash than any oher dealer. Flii. Glenn Woodry 85110 for Immediate rJ aulu. Will pay bonus price for oomi. plete households. nalBfi ' WANTED furniture to glu, repair L.. Broa Pure Reflniahln, Co Ph 1-7001. , Da CTsEn FIIBNITITK Phone l-Ha. iT PERSONAL AFTER THIS DATE I will not be re sponsible for any bills contracted by anyone other than myself. John W. Hun ter, 1149 Ruge St., West Salem. pi 95 STANLEY HOME Products. 955 Cross St. rnone 2-5446. p21fl- SlflO REWARD for the first Information leading to arrest and conviction of per son who killed a certain blue-eyed white male cat in vicinity of Summer St D Sts. Aug. 6 or 7. Identity absolutely not disclosed unless desired. Ph. 38706. P194 THREE SISTERS' Convalescence Home. 3595 D street, Salem, Oregon. Phone 23853, where your loved ones get the . best. Fully staffed, 24 hour service, newly equip. A friat class nursing home. miw orrnice mrucKmeier. stipt. p201 AUTOMOBILES 49 MERCURY 4 Dr. Sedan. Radio, Heat-tJ St oveidrlve. One owner car, 7800 miles. Cash price $3045. Ph. 33743. ql04 SACRIFICE '40 Ford convert. New tires, rtv.v.j cn vuvera. ina n, am. Eves. HMO CHEVROLET Sedan Delivery, H St D. New V As galvanized pipe. Phone 2-9836. , ql03 1!4 CHEV. conver. Loaded with acces sories. Excellent condition. 11775. Ph. 2-4431 or 3-3849. ql98 IflM FORD SDN. Good condition. 1300 or best offer. 529 N. 23rd St. Phono 3-475B. ql95 89 PLYMOUTH COUPE nuns good, looks good. ONLY $465.00 STEVENS USED CARS, 678 B, 13th St. qlfl3" 41 PLYMOUTH SEDAN ONLY $795.00 V Mohair upholstery and very eleatl STEVENS USED CARS 678 B. 12th St., Salem. qlfl3 1!S8 STUDE com. 1350. Good condition In out. See at first barber shop across bridge, West Salem. qipfl 1034 MASTER Chev. Coupe. $125. 180 W. Wilson. . 0l03 NE"' car. Will sell 1940 Bulck. Oood mileage. No repairs needed. Perfect throughout. Make an offer. Ph. 37383. ql93' 39 BUICK SEDAN SPECIAL u.-vLr S495.00 .Sod Rubbr - Runs O.K. STEVENS USED CARS, 678 12th Q193- 1938 PLYMOUTH sedan. New motor, top, gas pump St water pump. Oood rubber, heater. S.B. lights. Tel. 3-8603. qlfl4 VV7EP! ?Iean u"1 Bob llarr, 2160 South Commercial a 37 PACKARD Sedan. In good inapt, for quick sale at $350. Can be seen it 1305 N. 6th, Q193 w?UIhK 8u,p." Bdw"- RH. new, . ivuu oner goes. 416 Stay ton. Ph. 607B. Locust, q!93 USED CAR lot A, ... .... uur oia one mn at. Junction. . q207 37 PONTIAC OOUPE ONLY - $165.00 New Paint - Runs Oood . STEVENS USED CARS 878 th St.. Siiern. " Eisner Motors Fine Cars 19.10 G-M.c. i-on p.clUi. r-r.n ,nT new motor. See L. E. Qier call eve nings. 400 N. Grant St.. Bllwtoil Ore. ql96 ZEEB'S USED CARS OUT SELL . TRADI HI Palmounds Road not. J,j4 (Continued on Page 17f