I i 8-! i Capital Journal, Salem, Born of the Storm By SIDNEY B. CARTER (Chapter 26) . Prlscllla was startled. rVinfr. hn-nnenfid." "Tell me "I don't know," she said leth argically, "what happened. They tarted yellln' at him and I got cared and hid under the staircase. "Ohl" Prlscllla was so annoyed . t.ha nhiiri'x dullness she wanted k o slap her, but there would have t i een no justice in umt. wu,u 1'iot slap a child for having been b orn stupid. She walked down the 1j iall to Kenneth's room and crept oftly in. He was not qutle asleep, "Ken leth," she said gently. "Yes, honey," he said, his voice ull of sleep. Priscilla's heart was ouched, although It was only pity he felt when she heard him call ler by a term of endearment. She ould not, she knew then, ask dm about the men and why they tad yelled at him. He would not ell her. She would have got no ilace, and he would become frlght ned as he had when she tried to uestion him before. She leaned over him and took IP lis face in her hands, Intending o place a chaste flss upon nis orehead. But suddenly it occurred o her that such a kiss might hurt i ! lim more than comfort him, so she I u ilaced a little kiss on his Hps, ! Irawlng back quickly and smiling loodnight. She saw his expression ! change and, feeling that she had i irought him happiness, she went to j ted with her mind almost at ease. I Everyone was asleep . . . except ' "riscilla, who lay staring into the he semi-darkness. May moonlight I .treamed in at the narrow window i ind touched Priscilla's coverlet with ' illver fingers, touched and beckoned. ' rlscilla felt Its power. Come out, F' lome out, Prlscllla. Find your true ice .. . true-love ... in Emerald alley. Prlscllla stirred uneasily, i 1o matter how she turned, the ' k itrong, coarse sheet seemed to bind ! p ler too tightly, much too tightly. 'She pulled the sheet off altogether , md, tucking It in carefully around i . Dora, Prlscllla got out of bed. I Ten minutes later she opened the hi Iront door which was easy for gl .here had never Deen a iock lor it i jy) nucn less a key and went down . lie path to the silent street. Her ' 81 leart beat fast with a sense of ad ' ' venture . . . and freedom. She w lulled her white Jacket closely ct iround her as she walked toward A 'he business district. Now to find i telephone and call Dennis 11 It seemed that centuries passed a elween the time she called Den lc lis and the time she was in his irms, yet It could scarcely have won more than 20 minutes. She eft the telephone booth and walked a nit of the drug store self-conscious-g y, although there was no one there A -0 see her except a sleepy soda-jerk. w Is she stood on the corner and wnit ' id, she began to feel chilly and a lttle frightened. Suppose Mrs. Kent " ihould find her gone? Prlscllla vi would never hear the last of It. n But then . . . Kenneth was getting etter. Wouldn't it be possible for ler to leave him soon? Wouldn't a me ever get away? Prlscllla pulled a' ler coat closer and shivered. h Dennis' low-slung coupe drove 3 ip and, as soon as he leaped over ' onen the door. Prlscllla lumned n. She couldn't wait to feel his nearness. It seemed so long, so a mielly long, since she had been r rtth him. He kissed her once upon p :ne mourn ana ner pulses raced with c ;he motor as the car speeded toward jj Emerald Valley. It was not until the town clock A itruck one that, Prlscllla waived roodbye to Dennis and ran, like the fair-tale heroine, back to her j. place among the cinders. She let nerself In through the perenlally J unlocked door and stood Inside the I ball for a moment listening. Silence! tl What a relief I It seemed quite prob able that no one had missed her. j Softly she moved up the steps Ind, walking on tiptoe, paused at L Kenneth's door. No sound there, c but ... a feeling of guilt, against g nil logic, swept over her. Perhaps j. he should look in on him. He might be awake and he might J: be in pain. Prlscllla went swiftly J on to Dora's room and returned S In a moment, without her coat, t and pulling her negligee on over ( her dress. If Kenneth la awake, t she thought, he'll never know I've J been out tonight . . , She opened the door quietly and stepped ln i lide. Or., Monday, August 15, 1949 "Kennethl" she whispered. There was no answer. She found the light switch on the wall, but the light did not go on. Instead, suddenly a thousand blinding stars smashed together Inside her head and then . . . darkness blacker than any night enveloped her. Prlscllla lay motionless on the floor. Slowly, slowly Prlscllla returned from the depths of black uncon sciousness to the lighter darkness of Kenneth's bedroom. At first she could not understand what had happened, that she had been struck, and then, as that fact began to pen etrate her mind, she whispered, "don't hurt me, don't . . ." But there was no reply from Kenneth. There was, Indeed, no sound In the room save her own breathing and the pounding of her heart. Prlscllla lay there for a mo ment with her eyes open and then, as soon as she could gather sufficient strength and courage sne oegan slowly, cautiously to get to her feet. Her head throbbed. It felt as big as the house, Itself. As she put her palms on the floor to raise herself, the fingers of rriscina's leit hand closed over a small oblong object. It was sharp and It was wet. She pushed it away but, on second thought, she grabbed it again, and then rose painfully to a standing position. Her hand found the light switch and this time the light went on. She moved In the direction of the bed. At first she could see nothing In the sudden brightness and then, when she did see, she could not believe. It was something Pris cilia, Inexperienced In the matter of violent death, had never Imag ined nor envisaged Deiore . , , the matted thickness of bloodv blanket, the unrecognizable face . . . the gaping gash that half- severed head from body. When she had left Kenneth earlier that evening, his face had worn a peace ful smile and now this , . . this was what she had come back to. Sobs rose in her throat and she tried to fight them back, tried to think what was best to do. Prlscllla did not know she had been screaming until she turned. knife in hand, and saw them Mom and Pop and Dora staring at her. (To Be Continued) i...... ilVD i-.ilit.-. i-Ul .'-ii UlC indispensable two-piece takes on a new look by teaming two fabrics I Try the bolero in a checked fabric, the wide-waistband skirt in a plain together they total a smart suit. alone, good separates. Mo. zuui is cut in sizes 11, 13, is. 17 and 19. Size 13 skirt. 1 yds. 54-in.; bolero, VA yds. 54-ln. hummjsk is tne time lor Drettv styles the Fashion Book the place to Iind mem. Everytning vou need for that wonderful two weeks with pay. plus plenty of charming and wearable fashions for town, country home. The SUMMER FASHION BOOK brings you over 150 pattern designs for all ages and occasions, and all designed for easy sewing. 'nee jusc m cents, uroer vour copv now. Send 25e hir PATTERN with Name, Address, and Style Number State Size desired. Address Capliai Journal 552 Mis sion St., San Francisco 6, Calif. R2697 Oro Slltch These enchnntlng rose garlands worked In cross stitch on household llnem, curtains, blouses and aprons are perfectly charming. The pattern Includes three and one half yards of the Insertion plus light Individual motifs Pattern Envelope No. R2697 con tains hot-Iron transfers for 3V yards insertion and eight individual motifs measuring a"i Inches; em broidery stitch Illustrations, color chart and complete directions. To obtain ti.t cmucih tend 20c I IN COINS giving pattern number your name, address and zone num ber to Peggy Roberts Capital Jour nal. 828 Mission Street. San Fran cisco a Calif r "ffSIfulGi SUM 2981 SIZES rfCfr-, r Mill? ON ccecial "assignment for cne secret service Inside 9 counterfeiting gang STEVE ROPER, fjghtini editor finds JunxlT virtual prisoners m the home of th hader, 'Beaver' EqsfirJ man iiimiaiair ii. .iuum- v?rm s " J -Jj CIbco Kid ffi (V f Lt G..r. Do II lrr m b sx WV? MKZ' u v T L Vs. VLC M -x i I S. Ml"5 s'" Loe' " Ai( ; Vv O iB 1 1 - -OX MiiiS i, y m i kvvx 1 1 Af) JkrtAife Ls mm. - i " - "" ' ' mm -" Dwn Patrol Farm Tlma JP F" trieZ? Cln,-;C ' n Pair,.: Farm Tim. , ii JaM.Li.l-, r ! ti Newa 0 1 OT FIRST, I WPS SORT O SCARED d MflYBE WE'RE COINf TO WISH WE T f) il Brea'klaal Gani Kraooooth Mui'a - W OIRTY, SLIMY OLD BARGE-- BUT eS35.W H THffl" WE WERE ALL ALDNE HERE 1 7 WERE ALONE HARK THflT MOON- I :S0 Breakfail Gam Rider, of Saia ( AT LEAST THAT ROTTEN OLD LADDER AND MKJHT NEVER BE POUND J IfTt IS SOMEBODY THEY NEED HELP f ;4' T" rt""' s,m H"" p 1 HELD F IT HADN'T WE'D HAVE l IV NOW, I DUNNO AWRX. BADC-C-COME ON SANDV- I a :0 Baraaln ConDtar Second Cop '.- DROWNEO SURE r '-a I jtllir-r-T. rT-r-mmiltlKSSSIS!'gS ' J O "'""'"rf PI Sacond Cop 1 l Bob Ebcrlr Shorr IapplneBa0 sL TWS LOOKS N IP THE WATER'S V OKAV, I (WN ITS DISIMTESRATED1) I I X COULD TAKE f , T.ti N.iihboTj Back.i... wn. PERFECT-ILL TAKE RI6UT, AMBY, Jf WILBUR- IT.S NIOTUIM6 SUTr-- U BETTER MOD BATH m oTbI'IZ f .oDaj.n. . (ITOVERTOAMBVA 1UTOSSIW VEX 'ER J jHIW WATERlff V IN A PUDDLEl! Us ," sin,. widd" , bS 1 ftfl AND WELL SEE " KTHE BRICK J Ssol -pq v. trcSXT A Gin M.mo. H If, HOW IT WORKSyf . rpV-nr rl 1 I . I llSrfeS 7:" S' Portia Fact. Lll. i j'. a f a t i ir in i i i n."',i ' i i 1 i i . i 1 I- 11 l. 11 1 1 rr- y-t,j' . 11 1 mr, ei 1 1 wi .vr wm rx ' h l n ks vj d,al listings UAI D( iM IT riUiTf, an THCT l-'AH THOUGHT IT AH WILL SET BY W f-'WC-Wry V f-'HH-HE SAID GOODNIGHT I nSL-rr.,.'-AH BIN CORNED SKONK ANW WMyM YO' BED, AN' HOLD W FEU YOUNC MEN I TDAISV MAE IN TH' MOST LS. HAVIM'A NiaHTMARt.1:' AM I CABBAGE, A-SCflEAMm-UtL- . YO' HAND UNTIL r WOIiD BOTHER 1 GENNULMAMX WK.'.'-MIN' KL DBtAMtD AH WAS A UOLY J YO' ET, S" THIS PROVES T4CT AH KNOWS. BY YO' 17 TtMi 7W' A IMPOLITE HAIN'T HIS ONE - - . OLC WOOMIN.'.'- GRANNY .'.'' MjJ BEIN' SOOPER-KO- SNORTINAN' FEARS OSECH Wj FAULT.'.'- AH'U. FOLLY HIM.' 1 I -VhmttcCTTSn HJIa ITHniffl IirfCTS'V. 55 ll HriCAL HAINr WHEEZIN:TWE1 t AMIZZUBLE 5f AH'LL FIND OUT VCT WHUT fc iym)AWWr-S ; A.wc'rmiTiNC- yo' 15 peacefully ) I our buzzard.' is yo: one fault;ohe-fault7-i L 1 THE STEAK f fOMMM ( VOUR Bl LL. .) 2.SO - f I ASKED VOU IF VES. I SAID BUT I DIDN'T ) SURE VOU ) I . !?"ErDIuKETO I .S'VERV IL'-Ch?.!-') I WOULD GVE IT J" I WE'LL WOLPTWIS COURSE UNTIL (-AYE AVE,' laJ WEPCK UP CAPE SAN LCAS..THEN V SIR FL 6ATO AMARILLO.TME f I'LL 6IVE OU CW CCORSE FROM fr A I YELLOW CAT" YELLOW CAT Uui ' TMEffE.. STEP INTO My CABIN JfctZ&- Til CVOUR AO RE AOS.. A PS?0O fi7rl -nnRUMPET V XXV I0ENTON Tj rJr porsale cvvO arms n (i ( (VERV CHEAP.' XXV 0 J D . K applyat (Xxx 0 fyttSr - ,yCj - ' benton y y I AN OVERLOADED KMHERmtfAlZoNMTdo7EcT SMatiOiJtk I fe COME HERE--OARLINgT)-' . I POWER CIRCUIT II WHy D,o V0U )) TH FO IUECAN PLM 'THE WH I TIV Hll V 1 1 WANT T0 COMPLIMENTks;. WMW II U BIT I HOPE THIS BEDPOST . "1 I Meenwhile.lf THERE'S SOMETHING 5WOKY 1 pj 111 JLfl lm NEVER BLOWS ITS TOP- I AHOTHER GOIN' ON, BOSS"BOKAV LEFT j iH JfSSH I IF "BEAVER" EVER FOUND I member of HER BAG IN MY CAR TONIGHT lO lfW9Nl mv f-AMFBA AND THE I the .W is WHEN I FRISKED IT. I FOUND ft S9 rJrl r SHOTS I MADE OF HIS Xsboutfobe s . THISi 1 ,4r??pl' ASM 1V - 71 I FUNNY MONEY, IT) GET A lexposedasm s3Q f flTr L A ' lm WKHh -AST HOLE IN THE HEAD unr VJ ' SLM PIKE, THIS ISLAND WE'RE HEAPINS FOR-YELLOW CAT ISLAND.. MEAN ANYTHING TQ M3U 5 Thm M-wait now: ISN'T THAT WHEI?E POES THAT NAME SOME SCIENTIFIC EXPEDITION WAS ' LOSTf..SOMETHING LIKE THAT A RADIO PROGRAMS MONDAY 1S UBO KGW :00 Walter Trohan Woman's Seere Sunny Side News 16 I Frank Hcminrwar Pasting Parade Carmen Cavalarro Ted Drake Trd Drake Adv. of Champion Muilc Richard darkness Muilcal SoIrM Musical Solreo Voice of FIrealont Telephone Hour Telephone Hoar Jane Pickens Jane Pickens Contented Hour Contented Hour Radio City Playhouse Supper Club News of World One Man's Family One Man's Family News Sports Page Orchestra Drcbcitra Vnm Burt Wax Museum Wax Museum Wax Museum TUESDAY 6 A.M. TO 4:45 P.M. Welcome Travelers Welcome Travelers Aunt Mary We Love St Learn 5:00, Squirrel reen Hornet, 0:00, Keepinr Up With Sportsi fi:lfl Home Edi tion. 6:30 Modern Romances! 1:00, Headline Edition: 1:15, Elmer Davis; 9:30 Mr. President, 8:00, Lone Ran gen 8: SO, Sonr Shop: 8:4S, Arthur Gaeth, 9:00, Railroad Hour, 0:30, Ella Mae Morse; 9:48, Henry J. Taylori 10:00, Richfield Report en 10:11!, Intermezzo; 10:30, Concert Hour, 11:00, Memos to Tomorrow; 13:00, Xtra Hour) 1:00, Slfn Oft. ICY Tuesday A.M. :H), Early Bird; lU News, 1:16, Band Boxt 1:30, Bob Hazen Show) 7:45, Time Tem pos! R:l, Martin Auronskyi 8:30, Zeke Manners) K:1K, Troplcanat 0:00, Breakfast Club) 10:00, News, 10:19, Stars of Today; 10:30, Melody Promenade; 11:00, Ted Ma I one I 11:15, Galen Drakei 11:30, My 12:00, Betty Crocker; 12:18, Nrn-si 12:30, Baukhajte Talkinm 12:45, Club Timet 1:00, Northwesternersi 1:30, Seafood Mart Starts Lebanon A market handling all types of fresh sea foods will be included in city businesses after next Thursday when pro AOfiOSS L Accomplished 4. Kind of perfume; variant 5. Play the lead 12. Kins: French 13. Demolish 14. "Grand old name" 16. CTamene coin 16. Discourse copiously 18. American elk 20. Fortune SI. Unrefined metal 12. Fitted at an angle 26. Coiu'onl 28. Bewilder 29. Silkworm 30. Curkoolfko bird SI. Glacial snow Held 32. Evergreen tr 33. Weight 34. Among 25. Take the chief meal 8R. Locomotive! 38. Gvpsy book 39. Israelite tribe 40. Boring tool 43. Those in chargo of trees 47. Masculine name 48. On the ocean 4fl. Vice BO. Pinch 3 4- S to 7 Hp 3 7 to ii m m I I a HP0 " wr w t IT" il Hi M3? ir iF 43 44 AS AlT W47 I 1 I T 1 I I WM I I ROOM AND BOARD W BRpSStm ANP WAVE THE SAX MY MAN- AND TWEIR LUGGAGE A ,irUT R vtJt M Over, to rooms R J-'Ght - from the V THE ANNEX BASAP ( JO THE I J for tmeir. I Dining -P.M. K0C0 030 NBO mo ke $1 CBB Rbrthta Ranch Rhythm Ranch Bins Crcsbr Sport la Curt Matter LittU Show Son is of Pratrii Larry Le Seuer Candlallthl A Silver Newa Tropkana Knox Manning Rands on Parade Chet Huntley News Pat O'Brien Musical Jackpot Bandstand Bandstand Leare It to Joan Lcsts It to Joan Breakfast With Burrows Studta Party Studio Party Studio Party Studio Party Straw Hat Con. Straw Hat Con. Xavier Curat Xavler Oui-at Studio Party Studio Party Studio Party Studio Party Lowell Thomas Chlcafoans Younc Lovo Younr Lots Final Studio Party News Round Dp Studio Party Studio Party Fire Star Final Inner Sanctum Inner Sanctum Spin to Win Studio Party Studio Party Studio Party Studio Party Serenade You and World Orchestra News Slfn Oft 1leat News KOIN Kloek KOIN Klock KOIN Klock KOCO Kloek KOCO Klock Tes Bitter News db Spurts Top o' Moraine News KOIN Kloek News News Fred Beck Western Melodies Western Melodies Stars Slnr Church In Wild Consumer News Art Baker Make believe town Make believe town Time (or Melody Time (or Melody Muslo Without J. Charles Thorn a i Feature Story News Grand Slam Rosemary Guest Artist N.W. Report Concert Miniature Concert Miniature Wendy Warren Aunt Jenny Helen Trent Our Gal Sunday Glass Wai Glass Wax Glass Wax Glass Wax BIc Sister Ma Perkins Dr. Malono Guldinv Llrht Hollywood Musle Hollywood Muslo Newt Ted Dale Presents Duncan McLcod Come A Get It Norah Drake Brighter Day Mac's Melodies Mac's Melodies Mac's Melodies Mac's Melodies Mac's Melodies Mac's Melodies Mac's Melodies Mac's Melodies 2nd Mrs. Barton Perry Mason n rich I A Llrht Air Flo Newspaper of Air Newspaper of All Winner Take AH Tunefully Yonra Mae"s Melodies Mac's Melodies Mac's Melodies Mac's Melodies News Meet the Missus Meet the Missus Arthur Godfrey Movie Time Phflojopher Byers Bedlam Brers Bedlam Robert Q. LeWa Robert Q, Lewis Robert Q. Lewis Robert Q. Lewd KEX. U90; KOAC, S50 KOAC Mond" PM. 5:00, On the Upbeat; 5:50, 550 Sports Club; 6:00, News; 0:15, Dinner Melodies; 6:80. Musle of Czechoslovakia; T:1B, Evenlnv Farm noun 8:00, The Beaver Tale; 8:15, Great Sonasi 8:45, Lorsers' Fir Weather Forecast; 9:00, Muslo That Endures; 9:48, Lift Up Thy Voice; 10:00, News; 10:15, Serenade; 10:45, News; 11:00, Sltn Oft. Iff AC Tuesa m. to 4i45 .m.i P VAAV io NtWfl) l0:6i Pof Woinmi 11:00, Concert Hall; 12:00, News; 12:15, Noon Farm Hour; 1:00, Rlde'em Cowboy! 1:15, Variety Time; 1:30, Melody Lane; 2:00, Cavalcade or Drama; 2:15, Memory Book of Music; 3:00, The News. Kay West; 2:00, Breakfast In Hollywood! 2:30, Easy Aeesi 2:45, Meet the Menjoust 3:00, Surprise Package; 8:30 Bride and Groomi 4:00, Ladles Be Seated, 4:80 Add- liine. prietors, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hanna plan their opening. The business will be known as the Lebanon Seafood market, loca ted on south Main street in th former war surplus building. R A EPFlElRlNfllWl1-l g. A M Eic o f act o m A a pB"r p u JBisS3 EJa 6 Apr e siieJt C H 5 ib R eo" A R 2 S E SBS A M A R A . i E Zjawfc ANA L T AGSlMV I PE RBjOt ICSSI.O E, R A SBTL P MgPO R A LflS A C 0 El l A P El ETON E Plls L E Dllw END Solution of Saturday's Puzzlt DOWN Pull Greek letter Arranging Mountain erect Cab Viper Apprehended clearly Strike Chinese pagoda Skill Cereal Plane handle! Annoy Song thrush Replenishing Ireland Terrible Com pan i oa Presently Mentally deranged Pineapple Faint Utopian Kind of thread Forbidding American lake Bugle call Corpulent Simple sugar Electrical unit Uncle Toro'i pet Bv Gene Ahern