Portland Splits with Coast League Leaders San Francisco, Aug. 15 (U.R) The Hollywood Stars could thank their lucky Angels today tor some timely hitting and pitching In yesterday's Pacific Coast league games. The league leaden themselves could do no better than a split, but the bottom crawling Los Angeles Angels pulled down the Sacramento Solons twice. All the other clubs split Sunday bargain bills. Hollywood dropped the open- r to Portland 8-3, but salvaged th second one 7-1. Oakland beat Seattle 7-0, and then fell 3-2. San Francisco got by San Diego 9-3 and then got bopped 3-2. The Angels dropped Sacra mento to five and one half "games behind the Stars by win ning 7-3 and 3-1. The second game was a 12-inning thriller that saw Sac hurler Ken Hol combe's win streak snapped at 10 games. In the first one Los Angeles jumped on Frank Dasso for four first inning runs and then held to that lead. Lee Anthony went the route for the angels and gave up only seven hits. Cliff Aberson parked the first inning rally with a three-run home run. Holcombe pitched good enough ball to win his 11th straight and 18th of the year, but instead got his sixth loss. The Sacs led 1-0 in the ninth, but Los Angeles tied it and then V got two more runs in the 12th. I Cal McLish and Ken Gables held the Solon batters to seven hits. Portland bombed three Star pitchers for 15 hits in winning the first one, but could only solve Gordon Maltzberger for three in the second. One of those was a home run by Leo Thomas, Dr. Frank Dierickx was the loser. Frank Nelson baffled Seattle with seven hits to win his 11th game in the first contest in the north, but the Rainiers beat Milo Candini in the second one. Herb Karpel was the winner, giving up seven hits. The San Francisco Seals look ed like cinchs to win two games, but faltered in the last inning of the second one. The seals blasted Lyman Linde for seven hits and five runs in the fourth Inning of the first one to cinch it and led 2-1 in the top of the seventh of the second. With two down Harvey Storey lofted to Walt Judnich, but the veteran outfielder made the Seals fourth error of the game and Storey wound up on second. A follow ing single and a triple gave the game to the Padres. Official Box Score i First Game) Portland B H Marquz.cf 4 1 Bhupe.lb 5 2 rhomaa,3b 4 2 Rucker.lf 5 1 3rovia,rf & 4 fiasinski.l 4 1 Oladd.c 4 1 Austin, si 2 2 Hollywood A B H O 0 Stevens. lb 5 18 lHandly.2 5 0 4 3 Noren.cf 4 1 4 0 Kcllehr.lf 4 2 4 0Baxes,3b .4 3 1 4 Sandlock.c 3 ' 2 1 1 Gorman, rf 4 10 0 O'NeiJ.ss 2 0 3 lWoods.p 2 0 0 0 White, x 1 0 0 0 Genovs.ss 10 1 0 Prankln.y 0 0 0 Fallon. i 10 0 Roy.p 0 0 1 SeatE.p 0 0 0 Helser.p Llska.p 1 0 uynn.p Penigtn.rf Totals 38 lfi 27 10 Totals 36 10 27 13 x Filed out for O'Nell In 6th. y Walked for Woods In 7th. Hit into double play lor Roy in 8th. Portland 030 101 021 8 1 Hits 131 311 12215 Hollywood 000 002 010 3 Hits 110 016 02010 Winner Helser: Loser Woods. Pitcher Ip Ab R H Er Bb So Helser 6 24 2 8 2 1 2 Llska V3 6 0 2 1 1 0 Lynn 2 6 1 0 0 1 0 Wood! 7 29 5 11 6 2 1 Roy 1 4 2 2 2 1 0 Seats 1 6 12 10 0 E Baslnskl. R Shupe, Brovla 2. Basin kl, Oladd 2, Austin 2, Noren, Kelleher 2. HBP Gl add by Woods. LOB Portland 10, Hollywood 9. 2B Basinaki. Gladd, Shupe, Baxes. 3B Stevens, rhomas. HR Noren, Kelleher, Brovla. SH Austin 2, Marquez. SB Mar quel 2. RBI Gladd 2. Helser 2, Shupe 2, Brovla, Thomas, Noren, Kelleher, Bandlock. DP Handley to O'Nell to Stev ens; Thomas to Shupe. T 2:10. U Mu tart, Runge and Somers. (Second Game) Portland Hollywood H O 0 3 UarquE.cf 2 Shupe, lb 2 Thomas,3b 3 Rucker, It 3 Brovla.rf 3 Basinskl.3 2 Oladd, c 0 Austln.ss 2 Dlerlckx.p 1 Fernands.c 3 Wenner, x 1 Plemini.p 0 1 Stvens.lb 10 9 0 1 Handly.2 2 2 11 0 Noren.cf 2 0 10 0 Gorman, rf 4 2 2 0 OKellehr.lf 3 13 0 2 Baxes, 3b 3 1 2 4 0 Unser.c 10 3 0 4 Austin 2 113 1 Matibur.D 3 0 0 3 0 White, cl 10 0 0 0 Totals 32 3 18 8 Totals 22 6 21 10 x Hit Into double play for Dierickx In Ith. Portland 000 100 01 Hits 000 120 03 Hollywood 301 111 x 7 Hits 201 111 X 6 Pitcher ip atj R H Er Bb So . Dierickx 4 14 5 4 6 8 2 Fleming 2 8 2 2 2 3 1 ' Jlaltsberger .... 7 32 1 3 ' 1 2 3 Austin. R Thomas, Stevens 2. Hand-1-y 3, Gorman 3, Unser. HBP Marquez by . iltzberger. LOB Portland 3, Hollywood i? HR Thomas. SH Maltzberger. SB ftevens 2, Gorman, Kelleher, Handley. RBI Thomas. Gorman 2. Kelleher. Baxes. Unser, White. Handley. DP Baxes to Stevens: O'Nell to Handley to Stevens; Austin to Baslnskl to Shupe. T 1:40. U Brtnge, Somers and Mutart. A 7405. Hillsboro, Bremerton In State Legion Final Portland, Aug. 15 TO Washington and Oregon champions Bremerton and Hillsboro meet at Vaughn Street park tonight to ttetermlne regional winner in the American Legion Junior base ball aeries. Two games may be necessary. Bremerton posted a third straight win Saturday night to vault Shirley Ready to Hit Channel Water ' Dover, England, Aug. 15 TO Shirley May France expects to start her 21-mile . channel fwlm late tonight or early to morrow. Harry Boudakian, coach of the 17-year-old Massachusetts mermaid, said she might cross tonight to Cape Gris Nex, France, and start the battle with the Vawift waters of the English 'channel on the first good tide about midnight. , a Dtl c. a (By tht Aiftocinted PreM) W L Pet. Hollywood 82 6S .569 Sacramento 76 67 .531 Oakland 77 68 .631 San Diego. .72 71 .503 Seattle 72 72 .500 Portland ....70 73 .490 .465 .414 San Francisco 67 Los Angeles 60 Kesults Sunday Oakland 7-2, Seattle 0-3. San Francisco 9-2, San Diego S-3. Portland 8-1, Hollywood 3-7. Los Angeles 7-3, Sacramento 3-1. Saturday Scores San Francisco 9, San Diego 3. Seattle 9, Oakland 4. Los Angeles 8, Sacramento 2. Portland 8, Hollywood 2. Society Note: Idaho Grid Star Gets Hitched Note to housing boss of Uni versity of Idaho football play ers: One of your team's star tack les is going to need an apart ment for two during the up coming gridiron campaigns. Evan Richey, hard-hitting linesman of the Vandal eleven, was married to Jeanne Tan ner, a Salem gal, at the First Christian church here Sunday. And if there had been a referee in the wedding au dience, he could have penal ized the football player as he kissed the bride after the ex change of "I do's." The pen alty: Too long in the huddle. Babe Ruth struck out more times than any other batter during his major league career 1,330 times. BoSox Continue to Press Leader New York, Aug. 15 (U.R) The 1 continuous charge of the Bos ton Red Sox is full of individ ual success stories, the latest I being "the comeback of hand-1 some Jack." Jack Kramer, a husky hunk of hurling hero, is handsome enough to play in the movies. But that's nothing compared to the handsome way he has join ed in the spirit of the Red Sox surge, which today hoisted Joe McCarthy's men into second place in the American league standings, a scant four games behind the ' leading New York Yankees. When the Red Sox were floundering on the road to obliv ion those dark weeks leading up to July 4, Kramer was as bad as the worst of them. He lost six straight games without earn ing a victory all season. 'But as the Sox snapped out of their sad sack sickness, so Kramer came around, too. He finally won his first game of the season July 24 against the Browns, even though he need ed seventh inning relief. The next time he did better, pitch ing a six-hit victory over De troit. Yesterday he racked up win No. 3, teaming with lefty Mel Parnell for a doubleheader vic tory over the Washington Sen ators. Parnell won the first game, 9 to 3, for his 18th of the season. Kramer won the, sec ond, 13 to 4, for his third. And amid the Red Sox slug ging, the leading Yankees didn't do their cause much good splitting a doubleheader with Philadelphia, wining the first game. 4 to 2, and losing the sec ond on Alex Kellner's five-hit pitching, 4 to 3. Cleveland kept in the fight with a double victory over the White Sox, 4 to 3 and 5 to 0. At Detroit Freddy Hutchin son and Art Houtteman com bined to give the Tigers 6 to 2 and 4 to S wins over the Browns. In the National league, It was Brooklyn's turn to gloat. The "to the finals while Hillsboro, who lost in that game, had to overcome Waipahu, 6-5, yester day to return to the title test. Butte, Lewiston and finally Waipahu were dumped from the double elimination play during the week-end games here. Once-beaten Hillsboro could push tonight's test into an ex tra game by winning the first. But the unbeaten Bremerton team had little trouble Satur day night in handing the Oregon boys the short end of an 11 To 6 decision. The American League has won 12 of the 16 All-Star games played since the series began in 1933. Prettiest Carolyn Rudy, 17 (above), a Bluffton, Ind., high school student, won the title of "Junior Miss Ameri ca" in a national contest end ing (Aug. 11) at Pittsburgh, Pa. She was judged the clev erest and prettiest of the 18 girls in the finals. (AP Wire photo.) This is One Way Of Ducking Punch Portland, Aug. 15 TO Disap pearance of Jesse Flores of Stockton, Calif., has caused can cellation of his scheduled Tues day night 10-round main event boxing bout with Tony Chavez of San Jose. Promoter Tex Salkeld said Saturday that Flores "took a runout powder," and that his action would be filed with the city boxing commission for pos sible suspension. Major Standings NATIONAL LEAGUE W L Pet. W L Pet. Brooklyn 68 40 .630 Phlldlphla 54 57 .486 Louis 67 41 .620 Pittsburgh 50 58 .563 New York 56 52 .519 Cincinnati 45 65 .409 Boston 55 54 .505 Chicago 42 70 .375 Results Sunday Brooklyn 7, Boston 2. Pittsburgh 4. St. Louis 0. New York 8-1, Philadelphia 1-0. Cincinnati 4-8, Chicago 2-0. (First game 12 lnnlnss) Results Saturday Pittsburgh 6, St. Louis . (Night) Chicago 5, Cincinnati 4. Only games played. AMERICAN LEAGl'E W L Pet. W L Pet. New York 69 40 .633 Phlldlphla 60 51 .541 Boston 66 45 .595 Chicaoo 46 64 .418 Cleveland 64 45 .587 Washlnstn 38 70 .352 Detroit 62 50 .554 St. Louis 35 75 .318 Results Sunday New York 4-3, Philadelphia 2-4. Cleveland 4-5, Chicago 3-0. Detroit 6-4, St. Louis 2-3. Boston 9-13, Washington 3-4. Results Saturday New York 9. Philadelphia 7. Boston 5. Washington. (12 innings) Detroit 12, St. Lou 1b 9. Dodgers beat the Braves, 7 to 2, while the Cardinals lost to Pitts burgh, 4 to 0. That gave Brook lyn a one-game lead in the pen nant push. The giants got good pitching, a Polo Grounds rarity, to down the Phillies in' both ends of a doubleheader, 8 to 1 and 1 to 0. Neither Dave Koslo, who won the first, or Larry Jansen in the second, allowed an earn ed run. The Reds swept a twin bill from the Cubs, 4 to 2 in the 12 inning opener and 8 to 0 in the night cap. Wdlcorr KOs Foe In Foreign Bout Stockholm, Aug. 15 (U.R) An cient Jersey Joe Walcott today pointed for his fourth crack at the world's heavyweight cham pionship a crack he mav eet despite three previous defeats. I The bull-shouldered father ofliack and Al Williams will high- six children knocked blond Ol- le Tandberg out of contention when he kayoed the burly Swede in the fifth round of their sche duled 12-round bout here last night before 43,000 at Raasunda stadium. Thus Walcott, who twice lost to Joe -Louis and once to Ez zard Charles in title bouts, be gan dreaming of his fourth try for the .crown. He said he will tour Europe in exhibitions for the next few months, hoping he can get a crack at the Lee Sa-vold-Bruce Woodcock London bout in October. He hopes to use such a fight as a stepping stone to a second fight against Char les. WRESTLING Tuesday Night 8:30 MAIN EVENT Frank Stojock vs. Al Williams OPENER 6 Man Battle Royal SALEM ARMORY SoloDDsSmiare Saved from the ignominy, at scending into the league celler, the to climb a rung up the ladder series with the Bremerton Tars at 8. The Tacoma Tigers, downed WIL Standings (By the Auoelated Priut W L Pet. W L Pet. Yakima 83 43 .604 Victoria 56 10 .444 76 46 .623 Salem 54 71 .433 65 60 .530 Bremerton 52 73 .419 63 63 .504 Tacoma 60 76 .307 Vancouver Spokane Wenatchee Beaulta 8unday Yakima 2-3, Bremerton l-o. Salem 6-8, Tacoma 2-7. Victoria 15, Spokane 4. Only games scheduled. Reeulti Saturday Bremerton 7, Yakima 3. Spokane 7-2. Vancouver 3-4. Wenatchee 0-4. Victoria 1-3. Salem 12, Tacoma 4. BOXERS POPULAR Santa Clara, Calif. TO Stu dent bodies at Santa Clara, and cross-town San Jose state, have elected heavyweight boxers as student body presidents. LOCAL UNITED PRESS Pair of Portland Golfers Win Title Gearhart, Ore., Aug. 15 U.R Bob Duden of Portland, Grade Demoss of Corvallis and Jerry Patterson of Portland today held the tri-division champion ships of the 1 Oregon coast golf tournament. Duden finally subdued Ralph Eichter, tourney medalist, Sat urday after '42 holes, to annex the championship for men un der 40. Miss Demoss defeated Mrs. Lloyd Burgess of Astoria, 8 and 7, for the women's title, and Patterson downed Eric Nelson, Portland, 7 and 6, to win the men-over-40 title. (1 liaiii'ifi'Mitrtfc Valuable Man j . Y ,":; : ... t .7",- r Bryan pose with the trophy won as most valuable player in College All-Stars game in 1948. Award was made to Rhode myre at Chicago's Soldier field between halves of the Col lege All-Star vs. Philadelphia football game late last week. (AP Wirephoto.) Rematch Slated For Armory Mat A rematch between Frank Sto- light Tuesday night's weekly professional wrestling program at the armory. Williams took last week's affair and should he VaU3f..i least for the time being, of de Salem Senators will endeavor when they open a three-game at Waters park Tuesday night three times over the week-end by the Solons, will follow the Tars into the local domain. Manager Bill Beard and his crew whipped the Tigers twice Sunday, 5-2 and 8-7 after tak ing Saturday night's contest 15-8. The series went to Salem 3 games to 1. Cal Mclrvin, given a three run lead in the second had easy going as he won Sunday's first encounter. Dick Greco, Tacoma chucker, had difficulty with his control as he walked eight Sen ators. He gave up but eight hits as against 10 for Mclrvin. Jim Olson took the win in the second game as he went the dis tance. He gave up 12 blows as did Ballard, his mound oppon ent. Feature of the attack was Mel Wasley's inside - the - park homer. The blow, his 21st cir cuit blast of the season, decided ASSOCIATED PRESS NEWS AND FEATURES Salem, Oregon, Monday, August 15, 1949 Babe Ruth Not Forgotten One Year After Death By OSCAR FRALEY New York, Aug. 15 (U.R) The Babe will have been gone a year tomorrow and, while most baseball men feel that sooner or later someone will surpass his "big 60," the world knows that records aren't needed to remember George Herman Ruth. It has been 22 years since the 60 home runs. That's a tremen dous space of time in a game! where records are made to be broken as this greatest of them all surely will be some day. And, while the odds are against it, they may even wipe his name completely from the (' S v.'. It) mm I f J f 4 . t Jay Rhodemyre (left), University of Kentucky's 1948 center, and Coach Paul repeat he will be given consid eration for a shot at the Coast Junior heavyweight crown now held by Jack McLoughlin. A six mont battle royal will precede the main event. Con testants in this affair will in clude Bill McEuin, George Du sette, Tex Hager, Tony Ross, Pierre DaBell and Al Szasz. 3 Straight Victories the issue in the seventh at time when the score was tied at 8-all. The Senators return home leading the Tigers by 2 Mi games and trailing the Tars by half a contest. Yakima had its league lead built back to five and a half games, thanks to a double win over Bremerton, 2-1, and 2-0. In the second tilt, the Yaks got but three hits off big John Marshall, but all three were concentrated in the fourth inning to score the Bears' trio of runs. Victoria downed Spokane 15-4 as the Athletics laced four Indian pitchers for a total of 21 base blows. Bremerton 010 000 0 1 6 3 Yakima 020 000 X 3 E Ra?nl and Neall Powell and orteli. Bremerton 000 000 0000 8 C Yakima 000 300 00X 3 3 1 Marshall and Ronnlns; Swelf er and Tor nay. Victoria 000 040 60515 31 4 Spokane 001 102 000 4 8 3 Ward and Day: Adanu. Kimball (6), Werbowski (71, Howard 9I and Parka. Page 11 Bambino smashed his record record books on some future date. It will take a lot of do ing against his total of 714 hom ers; his winning the longest game in series pitching history, 14 innings on the hill and his series mark of 29 consecutive shutout innings, among others. But they 11 never erase the glowing memory of the Babe. For here was a man marked for greatness, an intimate idol atry which seemed to make him i member of everybody's fam ly. It was a magnetism out lasting time which is impossible to explain. Even the Babe felt it, and couldn't put a finger on it. Sure, everybody knows me.1 he quipped one day. "Why not, with the mush I've got. But one thing is certain, he nad a grip on the national imag ination even the international feelings such as no athlete ever had, or probably ever will have again. During his last ill ness, just a year ago as letters poured in from kids who never had seen him, a doctor tried to explain it. "Why, because of what he stands for. A kid from any fork of the creek knows he can make the grade if he's got what it takes. You can't buy it. You can't pay someone to do it for you. It's just that kids are par ticular about their heroes." So it was that the kid from Baltimore industrial school left behind a legend, a moral home run for others who started to the plate with two strikes al ready on them. , And when he left, a year ago tomorrow, he had had just about everything he wanted except one. That one unrealized de sire was to manage the Yankees the team he had made. The club will dedicate a plaza to him to morrow, just outside the tower ing white walls, and you feel almost as if it is a salve to the club's conscience For actually the Babe needs no monuments. They have them in the hearts and the minds wherever he played. Even outside the big leagues, for the Babe barnstorm ed all over, and there are mark ers in Georgia cow pastures and in Kansas fields. And In even those remote places old timers will come out and point, and say A GOOD BALL GAME and Plenty of Fun at the Lions Club "Umpire's Night" Wed., August 17th 7:30 P.M. SALEM SENATORS vs. BREMERTON Tickets Cm Be Purchased Downtown at SCOTT'S CYCLE SHOP MONTGOMERY WARD A CO. CAPITAL DRUG COMPANY and SCHREDER'S POUR STAR MARKET State Emptor" may fet thelra from Ernent Hostel, Highway Travel Info., State Office Building. Dick Lock hard. Income Tax Division, State Office Bunding. Wm. Klmiey, Bureau of Labor, . State Offlee Building. Glenn Weaver, Vocational Education, State Office Building. Bert Walker. State Police, Capital Build In Oua Yvaong. Board of Capital, Capital Building. Vtrn Young, Budget Division, Capital Building. DaroW Elk In, Vocational Rehabilita tion. 195 Chemeketa. Walter Dry, Blind Bcnool. Olenn Hoar, Agricultural Building. Vernon Prlller, State Forestry Building Earl Canfleld Audit Division, 336 North Capitol. Official Box First tame: 8ale (fi) (?) Tacoma BHOA BHOA W.Petrsn.u 4 2 S 4 Spaeter.t 112 4 Hedlngtn.S 4 Kaney.ss Buraher.e 1 1 S 0 Stetter.S 4 0 6 0 Oreco.p 1 0 6 2 Barr.cf 5 0 0 0 Ballard. 1 S 1 0 0 Joiinacm.rf 4 2 9 0 Oardner.o 5 1 0 2 Jonw.lf Cohen 92 8 27 :2 Total Cherry.cf WMlfy.J Snyder, If 3 1 10 0 4 3 10 4 2 5 S 4 12 0 0 0 0 0 34 10 27 15 Buckley.rf Krug.l Mclrvln.p Total core by Inning: Salem .030 010 1005 Tacoma 000 100 1002 Plther: In AB H R Er Rn Rh Mclrvin 9 34 10 2 2 2 3 Greco 9 32 8 5 5 3 8 Hit by pitcher: Snyder by Orwo. Wild Pltche: Greco. Error: Stetter. Left nn btwes: Salem 10: Tacoma 8. Three bust hlta: Kaney. Two bue hits: Hedlnuton. Burgher. Gardner, w. Peter Rn. batted In: Krug, Mclrvin, Johnson, Sny der, Buckley. Gardner. Sacrifice: Cherry. Stolen Bnaea: Burgher. Double play: Was ley to Krug: w. Peterson to Knur a: Oardner to Spaeter to Ballard. Time 2:00, umpire; riammia ana HKuilk. Second game: Salem S (7) Tacoma BHOA H O A W.Petran.i 3 0 0 0 Spaeter. 2 4 3 2 8 Kaney,3 4 12 1 Stetter.lf 3 2 2 0 Greco, ri 3 12 1 Barr.cf 4 9 3 0 Johnson. 1 3 110 Sheets.c 2 19 0 Cohen.AS 4 2 0 0 Bnllard.P Hed)nstn,3 BearxLc Cherry.cf waaley,2 Snyder.lf Buckley.rf Krua.l uiaen.p 4 2 0 0 Bnllard.P 3 2 11 .Petrsn.rf 10 0 Total 31 12 21 Total SO 12 21 Singled for Buckley in 8th. score oy innings: Slem 121 020 28 racoma 400 002 17 pitcher: Ip ab h r ErSoBb Olatn 1 30 12 7 7 1 2 Ballard 7 31 13 8 7 2 5 Left on ba-ses: Salem 7. Tncoma B. Home run: Wasley. Three ba.se hlLc Sheets, Cherry.' Barr. Runs batted in: Greco, Sheets 3. OLsen, W. Peterson, Waa ler 3, Snyder, Krug. Ballard 2, Barr. Sac rifice: Spaeter. Stolen bases: Krutt. Dou ble plays: Hedlneton to Wasley. Time: 1:32. Umpires: Skullk and Flam mi a. Errors: Cherry, Greco, Ballard. MR. BUSHER RETIRES New York W) Mr. Busher Maine Chance Farms winner of the National Stallion Stakes and the Arlington Park Futurity last year, is to be retired to stud. A bowed tendon and throat ' trou ble ended the horses career af ter he won three of four starts for $83,875. Mr. Busher brought $50,000 as a weanling from Mrs. Elizabeth N. Graham. Akron Youth Soap Box Derby Crown Akron, O., Aug. 15 TO For the third time in the Jut fiv years, an Akron entrant today wore the crown of all-Amrion soap derby champion. Racing yesterday over the national derby downs sours where just last week he won the Akron district finals, 15-year-old Frsddy ijerks roiiea nis Diack wainuti speedster to victory over 147 other entrants from 40 states, Panama, Canada and Alaska. The youngster, who carved the body of his mount from an 80-foot walnut tree, has a $5,000 college scholarship coming for his victory. He said he planned to study automotive design, but had not selected his college. A crowd of upwards of 50,- 000 sat in intense heat along derby downs as the host of champions battled it out in 78 trials. The kids were sponsored by local newspapers. Several of the writers who accompanied them were emphatic in their sug gestions that Akron refrain in the future from holding its dis trict trials on the derby downs course. Some said they thought fami liarly with the titled track gave to strangers: "See way over there over the top of that barn? That's where I saw Babe Ruth hit a home run." As far as the Yankees arc concerned, the recognition comes a bit late. As for the Babe, the kids don't need anything to remember him by not the graying kids of yes terday, the apple-cheeked kids of today, or those of tomorrow. b Ailsisa SAVE 30 UP TO ' New Reduced Rates On Your Auto Insurance! NO AGE, MILEAGE OR BUSINESS USE VPCHARGB UAIILITY INSURANCE $I,000$1 0,000 Bodily lnury $5,000 froprty Dimag Similar Savings all form! of Collision Insurance "Tht West's Leading Auto Insurance Carrier" FARMERS INSURANCE EXCHANGE BILL 466 Court St. Salem Golfers Whip Tillamook Dr. Harold Olinger led the at tack with a sharp 71 as local golfers checked in a 59 to 29 win over Tillamook Sunday as two 29-man teams toured the Salem Golf club course. A re turn engagement Is scheduled for Sunday, Aug. 28 over tht Alderbrook course, Tillamook. Salem (59) Runnell 2'i Schaier Pi Varley 3 Ingram 3 (39) Tillamook y Fries I'A Christen son 0 True 0 Swanson 'A Coats 0 Hill 3 '4 Rise Vt Horner 1V4 Anderson V.2 Schults Va Lundy 0 Coata Vt Hawkins 0 Codd Vi Forbia 0 Ooss 0 Jamea t4 Friedrlch t Elliott Mi Smith SVa Randolph 3 Stephens Va Lundy S Specht 3 0 Marr 144 Bedford 0 Horner 0 Wltcher O Russell Cllne 2 oilnner 3 Swynn 'A Gillefipie 2'i Kiine iva Heathman Harp 2' Prince 0 Paulson 2'4 McCrary 3 Filler life Fish 3 King 3 Perry 'A Pekar 2' McAllister 2'fc Hazel Mi Duffu 0 Adolph 2 '.4 Foreman 0 Kitchen 3 Oarbarlno life Scales 3 Parker 3 Graham 3 Softy Circuit In Final Week Final week of the Salem Soft ball league season opens Monday night at Leslie field with Ran dle Oil and Golden Pheasant meeting in the 8 o'clock spot. The second encounter will bring to gether Marine Reserves and Ore gon Pulp and Paper. Mootry's, the leaders by a fufl game over the Papermakers, will see action Tuesday night when they tangle with 12th Street, cel lar dwellers. The following night the druggists wind up their competition against Golden Pheasant. After Monday night the Pa permakers have one regular con test remaining, a session with 12th Street Market Thursday night. Coasts to the Akronites an advantage over the visitors who did not have so much time to get acquainted with the runway. Derks won Jiva heats in grabbing the championship, win ning three in the first lane and one in each of the other two. He opened over the 975.4-foot in cline with a 27.26-second per formance, came back for three in a row with times of 27.22 seconds, and then winged in at 27.16 In the payoff event. Second place, and a new Chev rolet automobile, went to 14- year-old Don Klepsch of Detroit, ninth-grador who raises pigeons. Third place went to 14-year-old Charles P. Muhl, Jr., of Cleveland; forth to 11-year-old Jerry Williamson of Charles ton, W. Va., and fifth to Tommy Navrkal, a 13-year-old eighth grader from Nebraska City, Nab. Second was the best any northwest entrant was able to do in the first round heat re sults. . Rudolph W. Maier, Juneau, Alaska, was second in his group as were Duane A. Swanson, Ta coma; and William N. Gray, Seattle. Finishing third in their groups were David Wedding of Wenatchee and Edward T. Cos tello of Vancouver, Wash. $1070 I Mm it t MH PIhi IS nnciirrfng rHty Na "On the Soof" Claimi Service National Standard Poliof OSKO Phone 1-5661