10 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Monday, August 15, 1949 rr-...:v..y-- ywwi , JwywiiyyL (P 'COAflPARISOH SALEM, OREGON If s Pmmy9s for 99 valu ES! OPEN EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT UNTIL 9 P. M. For mony months our buyers in New York, Chicago, Dallas and Los An geles have been busy gathering back-to-school values for your savings! In most instances we have ample quantities to select from, but don't delay too long come in and see our convenient Lay-Away Plan if you wish. , Listed below are but a few of the outstanding money-saving values we have through out the store! Whan you shop at Penney's you always save! TOWNCLAD WORSTED t n P mi I Men, it's NEWS when you can spend just SINGLE AND DOUBLE BREASTED STRIPES, PLAIDS, SHARKSKINS, TICK WEAVES SHORTS, REGULARS, LONGS You can't beat these popular fabrics for looks, wear and the way they take to fine tailoring! And, they're alway in season! TO GET THE MOST FROM A SUIT INSIST ON TOWNCLAD! Then you're sure of choice all-wool worsted fabrics and hand-tailoring where it counts. Townclad gives you looks and fit seldom equalled, at Penney's cash-and-carry price. MAIN FLOOR , If M75 I ALL-WOOL WORSTED get a WORSTED GABARDINE TOPCOAT like this! VALUE I V u mm I ,M ! Values! . NEWS because this topcoat is 100 VIRGIN WOOL worsted gabardine. NEWS because this coat is CRAV ENETTED doubles as a raincoat. NEWS because this coat is cut over the pattern of PENNEY'S OWN TOP-FLIGHT DESIGNER, then tail ored perfectly throughout. NEWS because this quality coat at 34.75 is cash-and-carry value at its best. MAIN FLOOR I Don't Be Without That Fall Topcoat You Want! ASK ABOUT OUR LAY-AWAY PLAN NOW No Extra Charge... Payments Arranged to Suit Your Needs ''if'.-;,, hit hrr l I Iff $ SHARKSKINS, TICK WEAVES, STRIPES, PLAIDS, FALL COLORS, SINGLE AND DOUGLE BREASTED For every dollar you spend on J. C. Penney suits you get 100 cents of clothing value! No extras, no hidden charges, fust long wearing all-wool worsted fabrics, smart lines (styled by our own designer), hand tailoring at all key points (lapels, armholes, sleeves), FEATURES YOU SELDOM GET AT THIS LOW, LOW PRICE! So come in and make Penney's your clothing headquarters. MAIN FLOOR 5? u union Values! MEN'S SLACK SOCKS 1 pair V00 Fine Gouge Thread Count Deep Tone Colors Compare Penney's Prices MAIN FLOOR .JPIUH I. nW'"MIHil HIV HVi H.wwia 2 for I00 Sturdy AU-Purpose Shirts Compare Penney's Prices Sizes, 38 to 44, White MAIN FLOOR Compare Penney's Pnces Large size, White only just think, U for $1.00 MAIN FLOOR UBTS DRESS SHIWS owV50 Nu Craft Collars, UV4 to 17 Yarn Dyed Prints Worth Twice the Price MAIN FLOOR MTU iHmSSSSmmm