10 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Saturday, August 13, 1949 Born of the Storm By SIDNEY B. CARTER , fihanfcer 25 In the days and nights that followed, Priscilla tried hard to figure things out. In the daytime she lost her old efficiency at the office as she stared into space in stead of concentrating on the work before her. Night after sleepless night she lay beside uora, dunn ing in a circle and listening, al ways listening, for a sound from Kenneth's room which would in dicate he was in pain. One night, when 6he had to go Into his room to give him his second sleeping pill, she stood be side his bed for a moment after wards. "Kenneth," she said gently, "would it help if you told me about . . . about what happened in San Francisco?" She was sorry immed iately that she had asked. His eyes fastened on her face in terror and he Jerked his shoulders painfully, convulsively. "What do you know about San Francisco?" he gasped. "Why . . . why, I didn't know for sure it was San Francisco," said Prisellla, trying to soothe him. "I was just guessing. There, there. You don't have to tell me. It isn't Important for me to know. Kenneth was so agitated as a result of her question and hei correct guess that Priscilla had a hard time calming him. She drew up a chair to his bedside and sat there until she was sure the sleep ing tablet was taking effect. Priscilla did not ask him again about the San Francisco incident. April crept by and May budded Into being with a Joyousness Pris cilla's heart could not match. She walked to work every morning un mindful of the sunlight shining on her and t noon, when the other girls asked her to joiri them for lunch, she declined politely. Every day she went off by herself to a email eating place on a side street. avoiding carefully the cafeteria where she had met Dennis that day so long ago . . . two dreary months ago , . . seventy aeons ... pne day she had a telephone call at the office. The minute she fieard her mother's voice, she knew tears were being wilfully put into it. It was an old trick her mother had played on her father, that tearful voice, and now Priscilla knew it was being tried out on her. "Priscilla, I heard . . . about everything," Mrs. Hayden said. "I Jus wanted to say that I don'l see any reason for you to make a servant of yourself at the Kents' Lorraine has a new baby, you know," she continued rapidly, for getting to make her voice catch. "and you might Just as well come home and help us out as stay ,at the Kents and be a servant . . ." Priscilla cut it shortly, not carinr whether the switchboard operator, or anybody, might be listening. "I may Just as well be a servant one place as the other," she said firmly and hung up. Let Mother assimilate that, she thought. She needn't th4nk she can boss me the way she bused Dad. And yet . . . people were bossing her fn a sense . . . she wasn't free . , . Was she being strong in staying with Kenneth now ... or was she Just being ineffectual, unable to nlnn her own life and have it go the way she wanted It? She felt she must make some opportunity to see Dennis soon, to talk things over. That night Kenneth changed from the meek person he had re cently been and made himself as ovucuit as possible, demanding that she glva him both a drink of whisky and a sleeping pill. "You've had enough whisky for today," Priscilla told him. "Don't you want to get well?" "Aw, you can't fool me none. I ln't never gonna get well." "Don't talk like that Kenneth. Ysh'II get well If yon take care of yourself. The doctor snvs In another week you can sit up." Tills was true. Whpe Kenneth's face had not lost any of its haggardness. there was every reason to believe he would soon be up In a wheel chair and . . . after that . . . crutches. . . "Listen," Kenneth yelled sud denly, as If to prove In spite of his words that he was indeed get ting better, "I wanna glass of whisky and you better damslght bring It here." Priscilla lost her temper. "Look here, Kenneth," she said, "I don't iiave to stay here. I only came to help out. II you cant talk oe cendy, I'll leave." Their raised voices brought Mrs. Kent, Pop, and Dora into the bed room. Mrs. Kent ran over to her son's bedside. "What's the matter?" she cried. "What's Priscilla doing to you?" I m not doing anything to him," cvxclalmed Priscilla Indignantly "And If he can't appreciate what I'm doing for mm, I'm going to This last remark seemed to hit where it did the most good. DesDite her antipathy toward Priscilla at a daughter-in-law, the sharer of her son's affections, she evidently did not want her to leave. Oh ... oh. I guess we'd best not Interfere," she said and prompt ly turned the temper she had In tended lor priscilla toward Dora and Pop. "Dora," she scolded, "it's past your bedtime. Why ain't you never ready lor bed when It's '.Ime to go? And you, too." she snapped at Pop, you and your bad heart. You can always stay up wnen you want to , . ." She herded them out of the room literally snapping at their heels. Kenneth fell back on his pil low, exausted by the excitement. I'm sorry. Priscilla," he said weak ly, "but I'll never be no good again." Again Priscilla felt that deep Oity for him. She gave him his sedative, which he took meekly enough, and then he went back to Dora's room where the chi d was slowly getting undressed. Priscilla sat down on the side of the bed. "Priscilla." "Yes. Dora." Dora's slow mind was evidently wonting on a mmcuic connection "Do you know why I think Ken neth feels bad tonight?" wo. wny should he feel anv worse tnan usual?" Those men were here todav. mld Dora. "Those men you know the two men who brought him nomcr (To be continued s E V E R 0 P E R I-I SENT MY 1 OKAY-MAYBE RING OUT TO (YOU'RE LEVEUN' BE CLEAN EOVWITH ME, BO" KAY tJALLjY ! jf out YDuvE BEEN -4 cviin ivic mc ULLl CROP-KILUN' FROST EVER SINCE STEVE SHOWED FOR YOUR INFORMATION " THE 6UY'S SLATED FOR A RUB OUT--AS SOON AS HE FINISHES MAKIN', THE NEW 20 PLATES FOR BEAVER BEFORE I STRETCH OUT ON THAT OLD BRASS BED AND TRY TO SLEEP, I'VE GOT U HIDfc THIS KING "AND THE CIGARETTE PACK CAMERA Jaunty Jumpers Htr la the per fect outfit for the kindergarten or grade school crowd. Make it for mid-summer in crisp cottons and for autumn in gay lightweight flan nels, plaids or velveteen. Pattern Envelope No, R2735 con tains tissue pattern for Jumper and blouse sir.es 4, 6 and 8 Included; hot- ROOM AND BOARD I'M LEAVING TONIGHT AHEAD OF THE REST OP MDU, FOR. OGOWAN LODGE,' TO SEE IF THE ROOM SETUP IS OKAY BEFORE MX) ALL ARRIVE SO GIVE MG 5IOO TO PAY IN ADVANCE FOR TWO WEEKS THEY TELL ME'OGOWAN LODGE HAS A BIG WAITING LIST 1 V .BPT BALDY'- BUI VOuvE BEEN 4 FINISHES MAKIN i TO HIDE THIS RING "AND J - ' SST GIVIN' ME THE OLD THE NEW 20 W THE CIGARETTE PACK YTTM XTv 'vSg-ACROP-KILUN' FROST PLATES FOR CAMERA rr--rS'i '21 7A jL. J v J2A -jar -nce eaverj " jf F? ,ZH i4.Mll444:i N A)5v A ff "-DRESSED UNDRESSED Vjf U !!! r (f' fex J(v ivT CWICIENS chickens .v :j YJ"S WF Y..-WrWrS THAT AHEAD? Islfe,; ftf QUICK, BANDY--THAT1H1 ui ;X R P MUD AN' SLIME AN' BLACK WATER Wjs Iff ROTTEN OLD BARGE LOOK I M1 W OLD LADOER-GRAB IT AS ffli II ' I . - .M IS AN' QRASS TEN FEET HIQH-AN'TH' "fetf U AT TH' WATER RACIN' AGAINST SWlll M WE HIT-.-ITS OUR ONLY HUI if Alt P M TIDE'S SWEEPIN' US FARTHER AN' ,,',, It tT-WeU. 66 0UMP6CH, UR6 jHffllj fcL CHANCE - NOUI ClESI mJ ill'" H 1 FARTHER UP THIS CREEK". Miti Iflhirra .ijlOllll ffitfrf--,-.! , jSinl n jtmrm E&wtSk&jmzmm wmtji&zwjmww i n fmr'i 11 rJn'. f ' rwHATVERYOUREIf W0T BAK,WS '"T B-JrTV0R COOKIMS'S GOOoM DADCrS NOT COOKINSjI 3iJj Typical School StyleThe con- " ir ffl ' W SHOULD I YEH, MIGHT AS W you KNOW I'M 1 LATEg..fc y ,p that Rep LK5HT DON'T w START ROWIN WELL I - ITS f GETTlN' TIRED S mFOLI CHANGE TO GREEN SOOIS m IV US HOME GETTIN'DARK, 3 jyST WATCHING iB MSZA JE"- 1 I'M COIN' THROUOH jfl 1 gAYE.ME HEARTY THg 1 U UyELLOW CAT lSUAND KV-K fVA R MOVIN6! WE'RE 6AILIN6I J ' KNOW WHAT KIND OF c"&, 11 ISN'T 'Sn THE YDU -PUESOLrnT ABOUT THAT PLACE ?riM- M... f-0 M'L.J U S. -PAN,An,NML1- RE6ULAR COASTAL CHAI?T OFTHE "TRES IWRlAS" I JSSvISSI J ' jpr - Wt&a i.. fn mniKi y rjirs' .ggfgB?.-w 0 v nmrm a I I TELL YOU, JUNIOR SOONER y THATS PRORABLV ""'...Ht J v nBl.M. .I'""" I I i'P. F.2!???IIfN WHAT V C2n OR LATER, YOUR FATHER WILL THE TIGHTEST 5QUEAK.,k-trtl VI wTatz-Tu t I nntnmium ivubi C-qiVl CATCH ON . I'M AMAZED THAT j yf HAE.MRS. '-v (F0R, ' WW? TV 6 ISiW (h li HE DIDN'T REALIZE IT WAS BEBl JW0RTHS. from NOW) K DT yfe., PLAV f0 V-4$r m lu, J ic reap'ng iHcH RADIO PROGRAMS SATURDAY P.M. 'KSLM a KGW IKOCO T 'KOIN Mails Untverilty Theatre Round I'P Time Treaaurj; Show Frank Henlnrwar Unlcersftr Theatre Round Up Time Treasury Show Smoke Bfnci Bandi of Land Curtain Call. Danger Ahead Bwoke Rlnfi Bandi of Land Open Bible Orrhentra Hawaii Calle Rands of Land Candlplitlit and Red Barber Hawaii Callp Bandi of Land Sliver Orchestra Grerorr Hood Here's to Vets News Orchestra Gregory Hood Elmer Peterson Troplcnn News Muslo Hit Parade Driver's P1 1 'house Muslo for You rabernael Eeh Hit Parade Here's to Vets Musio for You Comedy Playhouse Damerous Top Band Muile M-rm-nes Comedy Playhouse Assignment Top Band Dick Hay met Dick Powell Handstand Sine It Acalo T B A Dick Powell Bandstand Sins; It A.ala Volee of Truth Grand Ole Opry DuiroUt Dope Sim It Aialn Volee ef Truth Grand Ole Opry Baseball Sing It Aialn Life Begins at HO Vlo Dam one Show Baseball Vaugton Monro Life Begins at M Vie Dantone Show Baseball Vaughn MonrM Meet the Press Dance Orchestra Baseball Gene Autry Meet the Press Danee Orchestra Baseball Gene Aotry News Dlreo, Playhouse Baseball Five biar Final It's tat Te Dlreo. Play.ouse News Round-Up Gang Busters News Three Sons Dancing Party Gang Busters Harry James- Rollln Trio Dancing Tatty Jantzen Beach Open House Wax Museum Dancing Party Jantzen Beach Open House Wax Museum Dancing Party Serenade Open Hons Wax Museum Dancing Party Orchestra Open House Wax Museum Daneln Party Orchestra Sim Off Sign Off Sign Off Sign-Off SUNDAY I News Wormwood Forest Cameos of Music Cameos of Music Mn,l Bible Highlights Bible Highlights Masto Church In Home Cent. Lutheran church In Home 1st Baptist Ch. Newi 1st Baptist Ch. Morn. gerenade Velee ef Prophecy j0h Doe'o Volee of Prophecy Muslo Radle Bible Class Silver Strings Radio Bible Claas silver Strings Latheraa Hour Eternal Light Lutheran Hour Eternal Light 5Jwa Gien glelley Orcheelra Glenn Sbtilley Ne"" Chicago Round Milt Hcrth Trie Table Tone Tapestries News Tone Tapestries David Rose Orch. Sunday Favorites Design for Canary Pet Show Listening News Living 11)40 Musle Living 1949 Mystery Hall Boston Symphny Mystery Hall Boston Symphny House ef Mystery Boston Symphny- House of Mystery Boston Symphny Kane, Private Eye Air Force Band Kane, Private Eye Air Force Band Under Arrest Music or Master Under Arrest Musle of Masters Mr. Fix-it Hollywood Calls I Congress Report Hollywood Calls Deep River Boys News - Fellowship Voice Fellowship Voice Chapel of Air Clark Dennis Ave Maria Hour Ave Maria Hour Church In Wild. Organ Loft Sacred Heart Wayne King First Baptist Vb First Baptist Ch First Baptist Ch Fits! hupitnt nil. Serenade for Strings News Guy Lombardo Words A Muslo Words A Muslo Bandstand Dugout Dope Baseball Baseball Baseball Baseball Roy Rogers Roy Rogers Nick Carter Nick Carter Baseball Baseball Music for Sunday Music for Sunday News Biggs, Oranlst Biggs, Orjsnlst Chariot Wheels Church of the Air Church of the Air Church of the Air Church of the Air News Howard Smith Gallery Gossip News Invitation to Learning People's Platfora 1 People's Platform Salt Lake Taber, Treas. Bandstand Trees. Bandstand Chorallers Chorallers Magie In Musle News CBS Symphony CBS Symphony CBS Symphony CBS .Pymphony CBS Symphony CBS Symphony Soap Box Derby Orchestra My Serenade Nes Symphonette Moslo for Sunday Musle for Sunday For Christ For Christ Alexanders Media tion Board VD Radio ProJ. News Secret Mission Seeret Mission Family Theatrs Family Theatre Murder by Expert Murder by Expert Medical Hllltes Northwest News Twenty Questions Twenty Questions Burl Ives Lanny Rosa News Musle BUI Cunningham News Sign Off Hollywood Calls Hollywood Calls Surprise Serenade SurprUe serenade Voice A Events Voice A Events Orchestra Orohestra NBC Symphony NBO Symphony Star Playhouse Star Playhouse NBC Symphony NBC Symphony Ethel Merman Ethel Merman Who Said That Who Said That Horace fleidt Horace Heldt Pesotia Kazan Elmer Peterson Symphony Hour Symphony Hour Symphony Hoar Symphony Hour Catholio Hour Catholic Hour News Mary Ann Mercer Wax Museum Wax Museum Sign Off Donald Stewart Donald Stewart Donald Stewart Donald Stewart Baseball Baseball Baseball Baseball Baseball Baseball News Round Up Time Was . Frontier Town Frontier Town Frank Race Frank Race Muslo for America Music for America Dave Dennis Dave Dennis Sunday Concert Sunday Concert Sunday Concert Sunday Concert Sunday Reverie Sunday Reverie Sunday Reverie Sunday Reverie Sign Off Family Hour Family Hoar Yours Truly Yours Truly Hit Parade Hit Parade Call the Police Call the Police Rocky Jordan Rocky Jordan News George Fisher Corliss Archer Corliss Archer Our Miss Brooks Our Miss Brooks Life With Lulgl Life With Lulgl Hit Parade Hit Parade Philip Marlowe Philip Marlowe The Whistler The Whistler FJve Star Final Sam Spade Sam Spade St. Francis Hour Serenade Let's Dance Orchestra Orchestra Sign-Off DIAL LISTINGS: HEX, 1190; KOAC, 550 lAAf Saturday P.M 5:00, On the lVMi Upbeat; 5:50, 650 Sports Clubi No. 2420 Is cut in sizes 2. i. 6 and 8. Size 4, 2 yds. 36-in., & yd. jo-iu. contrasting. SUMMER is tne time for orettv styles the Fashion Book the place to una mem. Everythinft you need for that wonderful two weeks with pay. plus plenty of charming and wearable fashions for town, country home. The SUMMER FASHION BOOK brings you over 150 pattern designs for all ages and occasions, and all designed for easy sewing. '-iiuo juav v ceiiu, wraer vour copy now. Send 25c hrr PATTERN with wnme, Address, and Style Number State Size desired. Address Capital Journal 652 Mis- sion 01. aan tTancisco 8, CftHI. ry Saturday P.M. 5:00, Uncle Bob's lCA Day) 6:30, Dixieland! 6:00, Here's te Vetst S:1K, Home Edition News) 0:80, Modern Romances) 7:00, Musical Etch ings; 1:80, As We Set lit T.B, It's Your Business! S:00, Lone Ranger 1 8:30, The Eyet fit- Break the Banki 9:30, Name the Movlet 10:00, News; 10:18, Some Like It Hot; 11:30, Beverly Hills Orch. 12:00, Xtra Bonn 1:00, Sign Off. If C Y Sunday A.M. 7:00, Morning lCA Melodies! 8:00, Fine Arts Quar tet; S:Sft, Musle Time! 9:00, Revival Hour; lfl;00, Parade of Hltsi 10:30 Voice of Prophecy) 11:00, James Rooseveltt U:1B Romance ef Highways) 11:30, National Vespers; 12:00, This Week Around the Worldl lt:90, Piano Playhouse t 1:00, News) 1:16, Foreign Reporter) 1:30, Hour ef Faith) 2:00, Opera Album) 2:30, 'Mes sage ef Israel; S:00, This Changing World) 00. Newst 6:15. Look at Australia) 6:80, London Letter) 6:45, Holland Today and Tomorrow) 7:00, Light Opera Tonight) 8:45, Loggers' Fire Weather Forecast) 9:00, Dunce Parade; 10:45, News) 11:00, Sign Off. . . . 3. -IB, Song Salesman t 8:30. Sunday with f -nt 4:00, Let's Listen to Musle) 4:80, H llywood By-line j .4:45, .Fantasy .fn Melody) 6:00, Stop the Muslci 6:00, Think Fast; 6:r0, Navy Hourt 7:00, Burl Ivest 7:15, Louella Parsons) 7:30, Chance of a Lifetime! 8:00, Jlmmie FJdleri 8:15, Ted lalonei 8:30, Guest Start 8:45, Roadside Chapelt 0:00, Washington Merry-go-Round; 9:15, Monday Morning Headllnest 9:30, Burl Ivesj 0:45, Intermezzo) 10:00, Rlhfleld Report) 10:15, Washington Mi)rrv-g o-Round) 10:30 Jantzen Beach Orch) 11:00, Nocturne) 11:30 Claremont rch.; 12:00, Xtra Hour! 1:00, Sign Off. Garden Club Guest Pleasantdale Fourteen mem bers of the Country Garden club attended the August meeting held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Glen McFarlane. Mrs. Clair Reichstein was the lesson leader on "Flower Arrangement in Bouquets." Refreshments were served. The next meeting will be at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Pentland of this district. Woodburn Office Closed Woodburn Frank Butterfield has closed his insurance office in Woodburn and left for Santa Barbara, Calif., where he has accepted a position in the post office. His family will join him later. Vail Butterfield, a brother, is also employed in the same post office. Williams Quits Post Woodburn P e r r y Williams, maintenance superintendent of the Woodburn schools, has re signed his position here and has accepted a similar position with the public school at Corcoran, Calif. He recently made a trip to Corcoran and located a home and will move his family there , the latter part of this month. ' R 2725 Iron transfer for embroidery and complete making and finishing di rections plus material requirements. To obtain tin ' pattern lend 30c IN COINS giving pattern number your name, address and zone num ber to Peggv Roberta Capital Jour nal. 820 Mission Street. San Fran clsro 3 Calif n r i AND MOU MISMT BUILD ME UP "TO THE PROPRIETOR. l A5 BEINCa VOU'D BE SURPRISED HOW IT WILL HELP IN SERVICE, ETC,... ACROSS 1, Speed contest L riowerleea plant t. Have debts 13. In a line IS. Opposite of aweather ( 14. In behalf of 15. Arrived 16. One of several factors that multiply one another 18. Serpent 19. Public esti mation 30. Marbles 22. Engrave with add 2. Weight 28. Ribbed cloth 20. Mottled appearance in mahogany II. Gets up S3. Wlng-ed seed 36. Transgression 36. Adjust 38. Waterway 39. Follows 41. Poisonous snakes 43. Music dramas 45. Part of the mouth 48. Army officer 51. River In New England 52. Rubber tree 63. County In Florida M. Short Jacket 65. Spread to dry (6. Wheelesa vehicle OPE PS A C Af la S T P N 1 N sU0"1t" O E ESSE SHA H AlBllA N ROD EllO R E SQAIP Tj A L EflP U L S ) N fil-J T A DM A T SB AEROS OIMEShST R ATA R E A p SOP H I OPT N 113 a EOR6 i LPn O IMsOn o r nJHp e s a p oQeTs s eQt a p 1 r E RTUfjrs LAM I T E n1e1stUe1st1eQpye. Solution of Yesterday'! Puzzlt 17. Oo DOWN 1. Biblical word of reproach ' f f r w 4 7 8 w r " " w3 w4 L 35" ' ! HI 3" ' " iili zzzziiSz 1 fcp wl gl 1 Ww I I i'fT 1 1 I 2. Macaws t. Likening 4. Female sheep 6. Polished sur face of a gem 6. One who runs away to marry 7. Denies 8. Orderly 9. Frequently 10. Court 11. Make a mistake 17. English letter 19. Fixed charges 21. Illuminant 23. Render from one language into another 24. Mexican Indian 25. Become well 26. List of acton 27. Song from an opera 29. Steps 32. Divers 34. Deface 37. Long abusive speech 40. Something given to pacify 42. Blanched 44, Legumes 46. Sacred image 47. Body of water 48. Shorten 49. Palm leat 50. Color 51. Stitch 4 100 senator.: 1, x 111 k.f- i hi i-"! r i hiii. .1 . r m .tm I rar. r. i i i k ms i r. t t m ni Ml 1 lmrot.Tri.. m... k r,. n