Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, August 13, 1949, Page 8, Image 8

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WIL Standings
(By the Associated Pre)
W. L. Pet.
Yakima 81 41 .664
Vancouver 75 45 .625
Spokane 64 58 .525
Wenatchee 61 62 .496
Victoria t...55 68 .447
Bremerton 51 70 .421
Salem 51 71 .418
Tacoma .4 50 73 .407
Games Last Night
Yakima 5, Bremerton 3.
Vancouver 5, Spokane 1.
Wenatchee 10, Victoria 2.
Tacoma 12, Salem 5.
Meet- for State
Coast Golf Title
Gearhart, Ore., Aug. 13 VP)
Gracie De Moss, the favorite
from Corvallis, Ore., and Mrs.
Lloyd Burgess, Astoria, will
meet today for the champion
ship of the women's division in
the Oregon Coast golf tourna
ment. Miss De Moss reached the fi
nals yesterday with a 6 and 5
victory over Mrs. Ken Fields,
Yakima. Mrs. Burgess won her
match from Sue Huston, Port
land, by the same score.
Ralph Dichter, Gearhart, de
' feated Bill Wittenberg, Portland,
2 up, and Bob Duden, Portland,
eliminated Bob Nichols, Gear
hart, 3 and 8, in the men-under-40
Jerry Patterson, Portland,
ousted Art Neimi, Kelso, 4 and 3,
and Erik Nelson, Portland, won
from Sarge Gething, Portland,
2 and 1, in the men-over-40
Campbell Defeats
Brydon to Snare
Beginner Singles
Tim Campbell of Englewood
school won the beginners cham
pionship cup by defeating Ian
Bryden, a schoolmate, 6-2 on
the Olinger courts.
Bob Wolf of Leslie ended in
third place followed by Lynn
Minnify of Richmond. Double
elimination play brought an end
to the tournament late Friday.
Participating in the tourna
ment were: Allistair - Brydon,
Mary Campbell, Eric Bryden,
Mike Maison, Pat Gilmore,
Phillip Klans, Richard Carlson,
Roberta Amundson, Larry Merk,
Allen Boyer, Dianne Amundson,
Rodney Schmidt, Gerald Minn
ify, Diane Amundson, Morris
Johnson, and Ralph Dixon in
, addition to the winners.
Jarymen Notch
Brownsville Win
Salem's Jary Florists baseball-
rs rang up a 3 to 2 victory over
Brownville s townies on the los
era' diamond Thursday night.
Hits by Emery Alderman, Gene
Harp and Pitcher Mike Glenn,
coupled with a Brownsville er
ror, gave the Salemites all their
runs in the second frame. Glenn
gave up only two hits in twirl
ing the victory. The locals travel
to Siletz for a game Sunday aft
ernoon. Jary Florists 03 0 000 000 3 4 3
Brownsville 100 000 1003 3 3
Olenn and cummlnss; Cochell and
New Softie Loop
Opens Schedule
Woodburn A new Softball
league with teams from Wood
burn, Hubbard, Hawthorne and
Molalla opened a double-elimin
ation tournament Thursday
night at the Hawthorne lighted
athletic field. Another double
' header is planned for Friday
night and the balance of the
schedule will be played Tuesday
and Thursday evenings.
The final race of the 19-night
Harrington, Del. trotting season
was won by a horse named
Sailor Man in a driving rain.
Unbeaten Hillsboro Meets
Bremerton in Legion Play
, Portland, Aug 13 VP) There'll
be only one unbeaten team left
In the Pacific Northwest region
al American Legion junior base
b a 1 1 tournament today after
Bremerton, Wash., meets Hills
boro, Ore.
Both came through unscathed
in opening round games yester
day. The Washington titlists posted
two victories, 4-1 over Lewiston,
Idaho, in the afternoon and 7-6
over the Waipahu team from
Hawaii in the evening.
Oregon's champions chalked
up their single win against Butte,
Mont., 5-3.
Lewiston and Butte will
battle it out in the day's second
game, with the loser dropping
out of the double elmination '
Bremerton got its double tri
umph on the strong arm of Fred
White, who set Lewiston down
on three hits and then came back
in the last inning against the
Hawaiians to choke off a threat
ening rally.
Skid INI ear Cellar on
Tacoma, Aug. 13 Salem stood
a precariously one-and-a-half
games above the Western Inter
national league cellar today, af
ter the Tacoma Tigers, oocu
pants of the undesirable eighth
spot, defeated the Senators 12 to
5 here last night.
Salem used four pitchers in an
attempt to cool off the hot Ta
coma bats, but the Tigers bash
ed out a total of 15 safeties as
every man on the team except
one made a dent in the hit col
umn. Bob Drilling, Gene Peter
son and Jimmy Foster went
to the hill in that order and
saw their pitchers waylayed
by the win-hungry Tigers.
Bob Hedington, regular third
baseman, switched over to the
mound to toss the final one
third inning.
Five Senator errors helped
Tacoma along considerably. In
the first three innings, the Ti
Redbirds Lead as Dodgers
Lose; Tribe Slips to 3rd
New York, Aug. IS u. First
place belonged once again to
the St. Louis Cardinals today
the rich reward for compiling
a phenomenal winning mark of
.857 through the most pressure
packed three weeks this season
has yet seen.
The relentless Redbirds drove
back to the top of the National
league last night by whipping
the Pirates 8 to 2 at St. Louis.
The Brooklyn Dodgers, aft
er being out in front all alone
for 24 hours, slipped a half
game behind the cards by los
ing a 5 to 3 decision to the
Boston Braves.
That .857 figure for the ram
bling Redbirds breaks down to
18 victories In the last 21 games
that have gone to a decision
with the last five wins in a row
and the pitcher going the route
in each. That tally doesn't in
clude two tie games with the
Dodgers that must be replayed
from the start.
Over the last 21 games, the
Dodgers have won 14 for a
very commendable mark of
.667. That mark would out
distance an ordinary team, but
the cards are acting like an
extra-ordinary team.
The double drive has spread
eagled the rest of the league,
with third-place New York 12
games behind Brooklyn. If the
pressure keeps up, something
else has got to crack.
The Card pitching certainly
shows no signs of wobbling.
Righthander Gerry Staley was
the fifth route-going winner last
night, holding the Pirates to
six hits but missing his second
straight shutout when Tom Saf
fell homered with one on. A
oair of three-run homers by
Stan Musial and Joe Garagiola
eased Staley's way on his eighth
win. The game saw the Cards
go over a million in attendance
with 1,009,529 for 58 home
The Braves apparently can't
repeat as NL champs, but they
are spoiling things for the
Dodgers. Last night's win was
their seventh in 11 games
this year with Brooklyn. Nel
son Potter went the route with
a seven-hitter. Don Newcombe
was the loser, yielding two
run homers to Tommy Holmes
and Jeff Heath,
In a National day game, the
Phillies downed the Giants, 2
to 1 at New York to end a
three-game losing streak behind
the three-hit hurling of Hank
Bobbles also figured heavily
in Bremerton's wins. Three of the
four runs against Lewiston's Joe
Ruddell were unearned. The Ida
ho ace also tossed a three-hitter
but had loose support as his
mates committed five errors.
The fleet Waipahu club show
ed plenty of speed on the paths
In converting six hits Into six
runs, but seven miscues In the
field proved fatal.
Hillsboro stepped off to an
early lead against Butte, then
broke a 2-2 deadlock in the last
of the third and was never seri
ously threatened after that. Jim
Nierman scattered eight hits in
going the route for the winners,
and got three of his team's 11
The abort acorea;
Lewiston 000 010 0001 3 S
Bremerton 000 010 Six 4 3 3
Ruddell and RUss; White and Alfred.
Butte 003 000 1003 S 3
Hillsboro Ill 100 01s 11 4
Franklno and Hanley; Nierman sod
Bremerton 210 003 Ml 7 1 3
Waipahu 000 410 010 t 7
-Warner. Cardinal t9. White fit and
Hike, Alfred IS); Ureno and Kate.
gers scored eight times, and
only one tally was earned. Drill
ing, who was starting pitcher,
was victim of the eight runs
and was charged with the loss.
Foster was touched for four
Tiger tallies in the eighth.
Meanwhile, Tacoma chucker
Ray Fortier was holding the
Senators in check until the sixth
inning, when he walked three
batters then served up a pitch
which Orrin Snyder converted
into a single and two runs. It
was Snyder's second of four hits
in the ball game.
Salem scored twice more in
the eighth on singles my Mel
Wasley and Snyder and a
balk. They tacked on their
final run in the ninth on hits
by Bud Peterson and Snyder.
With the end of the WIL
season little more than three
weeks away, the first place Ya
kima Bears and runner-up Van
couver Capilanos are racing
Salem, Oregon, Saturday, August 13, 1949
Cincinnati and Chicago were
not scheduled.
In the American league, the
Boston Red Sox took second
place by downing the Sena
tors in both ends of a day
night bill, 15 to 7 and 13 to
11. The Senators made 29
hits on the day, the Sox 28.
Boston wrapped up the open
er' with seven runs in the
sixth Inning, won the night
cap with two in the eighth to
break a tie as Billy Hitch-
Major Standings
(By the Associated Press)
W L Pet. W L Pet.
New York 67 39 .633 Detroit SB SO .541
Boston 63 4S .583 Ohlcaso 46 63 .426
Cleveland 63 46 .570 Washinstn 38 67 .362
Phtldlphla 5B 43 .546 fit. Louis 35 73 .327
Results Friday
Boston 15-13, Washlnston 7-11.
New York 7, Philadelphia 3.
Ohlcaso 6, Cleveland 5.
Detroit 4, St. Louis 1.
W L Pet. W L Pet.
St. Louis 67 39 .633 Phlldlphia 54 55 .404
Brooklyn 67 40 .626 Pittsburgh 48 58 .453
New York 54 52 .609 Cincinnati 43 64 .402
Boston 56 63 .509 Chicsf o 41 68 .376
Results Friday
Philadelphia , New York 0. (7 inn
lnss rain)
Boston 5, Brooklyn 8.
St. Louis 8, Plttsbursh 3.
Only ssmes scheduled.
V. I .'iv.. 1 1 !wt .
I AllkC FaW Sammy Snead of
lvwivj lujj Va ( peerj from b(
of his ball (arrow) which he
a cement curb on the second hole at Tarn O'Shanter world
championship tourney at Chicago. His ball rolled to within
six feet of the cup. Sammy sunk the putt for a birdie on the
par-five hole. (AP Wirephoto)
White Shoots 65
To Take Tarn Lead
Chicago, Aug. 13 VP) Buck
White, a chunky, chuckling
southerner who's been a pro for
most of his 39 years, rode out
in front today, gunning for the
$10,000 first prize of the Tarn
O'Shanter world golf meet.
The straight-shooting Buck,
who signs his name O'Neal
White of Greenwood, Miss., shot
a seven-under-par 65 yesterday
for a halfway total of 135.
Right behind Old Buck was
Johnny Palmer of Badin, N.C.
He banged a 69. His starting 67
made his two day total 136.
Four golfers were tied for
third place at 137. They were
Clayton Hacfner of Charlotte,
N.C, 66-71; Henry Ranson, Chi
cago, 67-70; Jimmy Demaret,
Ojai, Calif., 69-68; and Jim Tur
nesa, Briarcliff, N.J., 68-69.
down the stretch in the final
month at better than a .900
clip. Both won last night to keep
their spread at five games.
" Yakima, opening home
series, slapped down Bremer
ton's Bluejackets, 5-3, to make
it 11 wins in 12 starts since
August 3. The Caps defeated the
Spokane Indians' 5-1 at Vancou
ver to even their series at one
all. It was Vancouver's 10th
victory in 11 games since Aug
ust '5.
At Victoria, the Athletics
dropped their second straight
to the Wenatchee Chiefs, 10-2.
Bremtrton 300 010 000 3 9 4
Yakima 001 004 00X 5 3
Dahle. Pirak 6 and Ronnlnc, Neal 15);
Savsrsse and Oriels.
Spokan 000 000 0011 3 3
Vancouver 010 113 OOx 9 9 0
Bishop, Kimball (1) and Parka; Klnda
father and Sheely,
W, natch, 102 000 23310 11 0
Victoria 001 001 000 2 3 4
Frlck and Winter; Propst and Day.
Page 9
cock stole home. Soker Vern
Stephens hits his 29th homer
to tie for the major league
The Yankees, who hold a five
game lead, beat the Athletics, 7
to 3 at Philadelphia. Tommy
Byrne weathered his own wild
ness in the first two games to
pitch a six-hitter for his 10th
win. Gene Woodling led Yank
batters with a single, double
and triple.
The White Sox beat the In
dians, 6 to 5, at Cleveland,
shoving them down to third.
Herb Adams cracked the de
ciding hit, a ninth-inning sin
gle that scored two runs.
Larry Doby homered for the
Tribe and Joe Ostrowski for
the Sox.
The Detroit Tigers beat the
Browns, 4 to 1, at Detroit. Vir
gil Trucks gave up two hits
and one run to St. Louis in the
first, then hurled a no-hitter
the rest of the way.
(By the Associated Press)
What they did Friday:
Pesky, Red Sox. 1st ..3 4 2 3 3 0 2
Pesky, Red Sox, 2d ..4 1 3 1 4 1 2
Doerr, Red Sox, 1st. .4 3 3 5 3 0 0
Doerr, Red Sox. 3d ...5 2 3 4 5 1 1
Gordon, Indians ....4 13 14 0 0
Whitman, Dodgers ..1 0 0 0 0 9 0
White Sulphur Springs, W.
behind a tree to watch flight
lifted from a depression against
Spoke Merchants
Claim Nags Hurt
Spokane, Aug. 13 P) Spok
ane merchants want the Play
fair track horse racing season
cut from 33 days to 23. They
say the longer season hurts
business. A petition asking the
slash was forwarded to the
state racing commision yester
day by the retail trade bureau
of the Chamber of Commerce.
Racing gets under way at
Playfair Sept. 2.
Fort Worth, Tex. (IP) Leo R.
(Dutch) Meyer has been head
coach at his school longer than
any other football mentor in the
Southwest conference. The Tex
as Christian university coach is
starting his 16th consecutive
season as boss of the Horned
Official Box Score
Salem (5) (It) Taeotna
W.Ptran.3 4 12 1 8paetr,3 4 11ft
B.Ptren.M 1 1 3 Kaney.u 1114
Buriher.c 3 2 6 0 3 1 4
Cherry, cf ft 0 4 1 Orcco.rf 4 0 0 0
Waaley.J 13 11 4 3 10
Snyder.U 4 4 0 0 Sheets.c ft 1 T 0
Bucklt)-,rf 3 0 10 Ballard, 1 4 1 18 0
Krui.l 2 0 8 0 ft 1 0 0
Drlllini.P 1 0 0 3 Fortler.p 4 0 0 1
Q.Petrm.P 2 10 1
Hedmtn.l 2 0 0 0
Beard 1100
Ponter.p 0 0 0 1
Melrvin.l 0 0 10
Total 97 12 34 1ft Total 41 1ft 27 14
Funned lor Kru.
81m led for G. Peterson.
Salem 000 002 0215
Hltj Ml 111 13213
Tacoma 234 000 84x 13
Hltl 323 302 13x lft
Loslni pitcher: Drilling. Balk: Fortier.
Pitcher . Ip Ab H R ErSoBb
Drill. na 3 - 17 7 8 1 1 3
a. Peterson 4 17 ft 0 0 1 1
Foster 0 3 4 0 1 2
Fortier 37 13 S ft 7 7
Hedlnston 1 0 0 0 0 0
Lett on buses: Salem 13, Tacoma 12.
Three bnae hits: G Peterson, Strtter. Two
base hit.t: Ballard, Snyder. Runs batted in:
Sheet 2, Kaney 2, Stetter 3, Ballard, G.
Peterson. Beard 2. Spaeter 3, Jonoi, Sny
der. Sacrltlce: Fortier. Spaeter. Stolen bas
ejt: Jonej, Barr. Double plays: Kaney to
Ballard; Kaney to stetter to Ballard. Time
2:18. Umpire: Husband and Mnthieu.
Mulligan Stands
Pat; Eugene NOT
Interested in WIL
Portland, Ore., Aug. 13 U.R)
General Manager Bill Mul
ligan of the Portland Beavers
today was standing pat on his
offer to sell the Salem Sena
tors of the Western Inter
national league for a reputed
Mulligan did not state a
specific asking price for the
Salem farm club, but reports
here indicated he would sell
for "about $100,000."
Mulligan said the Senators
had been costing the Portland
team about S80.000 an"a"".
and earlier in the week an
nounced he would either sell
the club, or move the fran
chise to some other town and
sell the ball park at Salem.
Mulligan so far has not re
ceived an offer which comes
close to matching his asking
price for the Salem team.
Reportedly the highest bid re
ceived so far from Salem has
been in the vicinity of $60,
000, far less than Mulligan
wants for the club.
There has been much talk
of moving the club of Eugene,
however, it was also reported
that Eugene residents weren't
much interested in a Western
International league fran
chise unless Salem stayed In
the league. There has also
been talk of moving the fran
chise to Wenatchee, Wash.,
but Wenatchee still has a WIL
franchise and has failed to pay
In gate receipts.
Rhyne Leads Wl
Sluggers, Tod
Salemite is 20th
Though slipping four points
to .383, Hal Rhyne of Wenatchee
climbed back atop the Western
International league individual
batting ladder, .016 ahead of
second-place Edo Vanni of Yak
ima, according to latest official
figures released by Howe News
Bureau of Chicago, league statis
ticians. Top Salem Senator on the list
is Bob Cherry, who ranks 20th
among regular players with a
.322 swat mark. Mel Wasley, in
27th spot, was batting .317 when
the figures were tabulated.
Wcnatchee's Jim Warner con
tinued to lead the home run de
partment with 31 circuit clouts
Runs - batted - in pacemaker is
Jack Parks of Spokane, with
Vancouver, second-placers in
league standings, continue to
lead in both team batting and
team fielding. The Capilanos
have a cumulative batting mark
of .307 and a fielding average
of .964.
Salem's .269 team batting
mark puts the Senators at the
bottom in team batting, while
their .952 defensive figure ranks
sixth, among the eight teams,
Ab H 3b 3b Hr Rbi Pet
Brennsr. Van. ..157 83 13 1 8 35 31)5
Rhsne. Wen. ..400 153 30 3 13 81 383
Vsnnl. Yak. ..47B 178 27 7 0 83 387
Slnovle, Ss-Vn 220 80 13 8 7 81 384
Sheelr. Vsn. ..288 102 14 0 12 79 354
Stalnbaek. Spo. 3BS 103 19 4 0 41 349
Zsbr, Spo 422 147 38 4 2 87 348
Bsrton SPO. ..407 139 29 3 17 109 348
Oreco, Tsc 430 148 29 7 30 103 344
Taylor, Bre 473 161 28 10 13 107 340
Arnerlch, Brs. ..417 141 32 8 8 59 338
Brisker, Ynk. ..414 140 34 9 8 79 338
Mesd, Vsn 442 149 29 6 18 95 337
Bslsssl, Vic 304 102 31 A 7 40 316
Ortelf, Ysk 310 103 31 4 7 76 333
Rossi, Spo 289 93 19 2 3 55 329
Pocekay, Brs. ..46 151 22 9 11 61 328
L. Trsn. Van. ..437 143 30 6 10 79 327
Richardson, Spo. 328 107 31 1 17 86 326
MeDousald, Vic. 418 135 38 4 13 88 323
Cherry, Sal 422 136 37 7 10 98 322
Hsskell, Wen. ..410 132 30 6 4 52 332
Jennlnss. Ysk. 424 136 33 II 8 05 321
Psrks, Spo 359 115 15 14 32 110 320
Robinson, Van. 302 160 18 7 2 42 319
Pslmer, Spo. ..359 114 9 5 0 33 316
Hack. Vic 416 133 21 4 5 74 317
Wssler, Sal 385 133 17 3 18 83 317
R. Trsn. Van. ..426 132 19 3 1 65 310
Jacinto. Yak. ..425 130 21 3 I 57 306
"Umpires Night"
Wed., Aug. 17-7:30
"Lions" All-Stars
See the Umpires get what you
think they should have . . .
Buy Your Tickets Now from
Lions Club Members
ig Papoose
in the Cleveland Indians' wig
wam Is six-foot-four, 240
pound Luke Easter (above)
who joined the world cham
pions August 11. When he
came east June 19 for a knee
operation, he was leading the
Pacific Coast league in homers
(25) and batting .363. A first
baseman with the San Diego
Padres, a Cleveland farm club,
he also plays outfield. (AP
Austin, Tex. VP) In his last
six years as head football coach
of the University of Texas:
Dana X. Bible lost only seven
Southwest . conference games,
but four of them were to Texas
Christian university.
Men Show Boys, 38 to 0
In Classic All
Chicago, Aug. 13 U.R) It's
the men and the boys again
when the best of the college
football players meet the best
of the pros.
The Philadelphia Eagles,
champions of the National Foot
Li.ll league, last night proved,
with a 38 to 0 trouncing of the
1949 college all star squad in
the 16th renewal of the annual
August clasic, that the pre-war
days arc back.
It was the most one-sided vic
tory in the history of the game
and the margin of victory was
a full 10 points greater than
the 28 to 0 triumph which the
1948 NFL titleholders, the
Chicago Cardinals, racked up
on the 1948 collegians.
Playing in 70 degree tempera
tures before a crowd of 93,
780, the Eagles rolled at will
through the college crew, and
long before the first period
ended the hushed crowd knew
that the days of 1946 and 1947,
when the all stars won by iden
tical scores of 16 to 0 for two
consecutive years, have gone
The Eagles struck viciously
on the ground and in the air,
and the massive and speedy
pro line kept the youthful lads
on the seat of their collective
pants most of the 60 minutes.
Head coach Bud Wilkinson of
Oklahoma, who directed the
all star attack, watched his
split "T" formation puzzle the
pros for only a few moments
early in the game. Then the
Hot Rods Toke
Air Saturday
The roar of the roadsters mav
be heard over station KSLM al
approximately 10:15 o'clock
Saturday night, Dave Hoss,
KSLM soortcaster. will be at
the mike to air the main event
of the hot rod racing program
at Hollywood bowl.
Time trials for the hoDDed-UD
speedsters get underway at 8
o clock, with the first race schn
duied to start at 9.
Watch Your Favorite Drivers!
On Portland Road, 1 Mi. North of
Underpass on 99E
Sacs Near PCL Lead as
Bevos Halt Hollywoods
By the Associated Preas)
Slowly but surely the Sac
ramento Solons are closing
the gap on the front running
Hollywood Stars in the Pa
cific coast league.
Today finds the Stars only 4 Ji
games ahead. That's the closest
any pursuer has been since May
28. If this keeps up the experts
any day now will be asking that
potent question of whether the
Stars "have it" for the stretch
Sacramento edged up there
last night by beating the Los An
geles Angels for the fifth straight
time this week, 5-2. A four-run
eight-inning blast did the trick.
Hollywood, meantime, seem
ed to have the Portland Beav
ers under control, 5-2, going
into the eighth inning. Then
Portland kicked out the props
with a six-run outburst that
gave them the contest, 8-5.
Hollywood still leads the ser
le, 3-1.
Seattle stopped Oakland's win
ning ways, 5-3, by pinch hitters.
Frank Colman's pinch single
scored two in the sixth for Sea
attle to tie it and Al Lyons'
pinch double in the seventh gave
the Rainiers the margin. The
loss left Oakland six games be
hind the leaders.
In San Francisco the Seals
came from behind twice to double-whack
the San Diego Pad-
- Star Go
Stars drove 40 yards to the
Eagles 30, but the honeymoon
ended there when Clyde Scott
of Arkansas fumbled and the
Eagles recovered.
The All Stars never held the
ball in Eagle territory again,
and the blasting Philadel
phians exchanged punts only
once before they moved the
length of the field for a touch
down. Steven Van Buren, one
of the National league's great
est backs, scored the tally on a
one-yard end run and the pros
were off to the races.
Maples Defeat
Mailmen in Soft
Makeup Contest
Because of two forfeitures,
only one Softball game was
played on Leslie field Friday
night. In that contest, Maple
Dairy .scored one run in the
first inning and went on to de
feat Post Office 1-0. Campbell
Rock Wool forfeited to the Ma
rines and Handle Oil forfeited
to Knights of Columbus.
McDaniels of Post Office and
Hilflicker of the Dairymen each
allowed only three hits, and
there was but one error in the
The only run of the game
came when Lowery scored on a
single by Sundin.
The Corvallis All-Slars. com
prised of stellar players from
the various teams in the Cor
vallis city league, will meet the
Salem Golden Pheasant club at
7:30 Saturday night at Leslie.
Post Office 000 non 00 1 1
Mnple Dairy lf0 000 01 I 0
McDnnielji md Scott; Hilflicker and
Tennis Final Set
Finals of the Salem city men's
tennis tournament will be play
ed on the Willamette university
courts Sunday afternoon. The
tourney, sponsored by the city
playground system, got under
way with first round play at Ol
inger and Willamette Saturday
PCL Standings 9
(By the Associated Press)
W I, Pet. W L Pet.
Hollywood 81 60 .574 Seattle 70-71 .496
Sacrsmnto 76 84 .543 Portland 68 72 .486
Oakland 75 66 .532 SnFrncseo 65 78 .461
San Dleso 71 89 .507 LosAniels 87 IS .401
Remits Friday
San Frsnclsco 10-4, Ssn Dleto 4-1.
Portland 8, Hollywood 6.
Seattle B. Oakland 3.
Sscrsmento 5, Los Anseles 3.
res, 10-4 and 4-3. Con Demp
sey marked up his 13th win,
against 11 losses, for the Seals
in the second game.
Today's schedule:
Los Angeles (Booker McDan-
icls 5-7) at Sacramento (Bob
Gillespie 12-11) (nite).
San Francisco (unavailable)
Portland (Tommy Bridges 9-
9) at Hollywood (Glen Moulder
11-6) (night).
Oakland (Earl Jones 8-6) at
Seattle (Guy Fletcher 18-9)
Official Box
4 13 0 Stevens.l
s 1 12 0 Hsndley.3
110 1
5 2 2 0 Oormsn.rf
3 2 3 0 Kelleher.ll
5 14 3 Bsxes.3
4 2 2 0 Sandlock.o
2 0 13 O'
3 10 3 Salveson.p
0 0 0 2 Roy.p
1 0 0 0 Oenoves,s
Thorn a. 3
Una risk 1,3-a
Aim tin, ah
Mullm, 3"
10 4 1
10 13
18 0 0
10 0 1
1 0
0 6 0 0
0 seats. p
McNulty 0 0 0 0 White 110 0
Uaor.rf" 1 0 0 0 ?rnkln 10 8 0
Fleming, p 0 0 0 1 Urtser.c 0 0 0 0
Woodx.P 0 0 10
Totals 34 113? 11 Total 34 S 37 IX
Walked for AnMln In 8th.
Hit into force play for Sal tun an
in 8th.
Fouled out for Bandlock In 8th.
Et Singled for O'Netl In Ith.
Poppd out for Seats In Ith.
In Ath. 4 t
Ran for Brovia In 8th.
Ran for Thorn In 8th.
Ran for Helaer In 8th.
Portland 200 000 060 t
HlUt S13 000 14011
Hollywood 100 031 100 I
Hit 301 031 310
Winner: Sallsman. Lwer: Roy.
PI tcli re record: Ip Ab R H ErBbSo
SalUman 1 311 M i 2
Plrmlni 3 7 0 1 0 1 0
Salveflon 3 14 3 6 3 1 0
Roy 4M 14 1 3 4 4 3
Mnlt7berger A 3 4 3 3 0 0
Sent V 1 0 0 0 0 0
Wood 1 3 0 0 0 0 0
E: Hundley 3, Oorman. R: Marque.
Tliomaa, Rucker 3, Oladd, Pennington,
Mullen, Lnzor, Steven 3, Handley, Kel
leher, O'Nell. HBP: Pennington by Wood.
Bulk: Saltzman. LOB: Portland t. Holly
wood 8. 2B: Steven, Noren, Gorman,
Marque. 3H: Austin, Roy, Marquei, Hand
ley. SB: Noren, Oorman. RBI: Brovia,
HaInkl, Oladd 3, Lazor. Shupe 3, Oor
man 3, Steven, Noren, O'Nell. DP: Baxu
to Handley to Steven. Time 3:40. Um
pire: Runae, Somer and Mutart. Atten
Oakland 031 000 0003 4 1
Seattle ...001 003 30 5 8 3
Perry, Thompson (71 and Padgett; Hof-
mann, Gatehouse (7) and Qraaso.
La Annele 000 000 0033 1
Sacramento 100 000 04x & 0
Kelly. McLlh 8t and BurbrlnV; Mal
lelie, Dobernlc (0) and Ralmondl.
Ban DIpho 400 000 0 4 10 3
Snn Francisco 310 304 x 10 15 3
(Flrt 7 Innlnaa)
Jurlici, Mooty fsi, Thompson (8) and
Moore: Nagy and Brocker.
.Snn Diego 020 000 0103 10 0
San Franc Lsco 000 031 lOx 4 9 O
Ft ore and Ritchey; Dempey and Jar
vl. Bookmen Defeat
rtsf 8 to 3,
In Replay Game
Commercial Book Store turn
ed back Maple's Sporting Goods
8 to 3 in a junior "A" league
game on Olinger field Friday
evening, in a replay of a 10-in-
ning, 2-2 tie played by the two
teams Thursday.
Keith Farnam went the dis
tance on the mound for the win
ners, allowing six hits. Th
Commercials likewise had a
total of ,six hits, but a half
dozen errors on the part of the
Maplemen spelled the difference
in runs.
mrpip's inn nan o x ,
Cnmmrrcisl IWi MM X R 4 1
Blakplv. Rock 4 snd Wpsvsr; Farnam
and Taylor.
Grover Cleveland Alexander
holds the major league record
for most games won in the first
season 2R.