Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, August 13, 1949, Page 6, Image 6

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    It's the Crazy Summer Time
pfXr i T . ry
THERE WERE "Lady Satan," an Indian maid and a Hula Hula girl, too, among the "get-ups." This trio nonchalantly
putting included, left to right, Mra. Vernon Ferry, Mrs. Elmore Hill and Mn. James L. Sears.
rONORING Miss Beverly Hutchi
son, who is to be married August
27 to Kenneth A. Holmes of Al-
. bany, Miss Patricia Zosel is to entertain
next Thursday evening, assisted by her
mother, Mrs. Walter Zosel, the party to
be at their Superior street home.
Guests are bidden for dessert at 8
o'clock, an informal evening and linen
shower for the bride-to-be to follow.
In the group will be Miss Hutchison
and her mother, Mrs. J. W. Hutchison,
her sister, Miss Marcelline Hutchison
and her aunt, Mrs. H. J. Plumer; Miss
Sally Smith, Miss Diane Proctor, Miss
Lola May Windecker, Miss Jean Doo
little, Miss Marion Sparks, Miss Hazel
Munson, Miss Barbara Smith, Misi Pat
ricia Powell, Miss Patricia Zahare, Miss
Beverly Gustafson, Miss Martha Du
Rette, Miss Donna Whitely; Mrs. Dorothy
Jones and daughter, Miss Beverly Jones,
both of Seattle, who are house guests at
the Zosel home, and Mrs. Zosel and Miss
Mrs. William Walsh was hostess to
day at Coos Bay at a luncheon honoring
Mrs. Douglas McKay, wife of Oregon's
Governor and Mrs. McKay were in
Coos Bay yesterday and today to take
In the Pirates club festival there.
Next week they plan to be at the Til
lamook county fair and on Saturday
next will attend the festivities in con
junction with the opening of the new
Columbia river highway route.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Majek and
daughter, Miss JoAnne Majek, leave
Sunday on an interesting motor trip to
the east. They will stop in Yellowstone
park, Chicago, Niagara, Ontario, Que
bec, Portland, Maine and New York City
before going to Atlantic City where Mr.
Majek will attend the 90th annual con
vention of the Equitable Life Assurance
society. He is local representative for
the company and qualified for the meet
ing on production the past year. After
leaving Atlantic City, the Majeks will
stop in Washington, D.C., Richmond,
Va., and come west by way of Salt Lake
City planning to be home about Octo
ber 1.
Late August Weddings Planned
Late August but continues the inter
esting parade of weddings, and enter
taining for the brides-elect makes up
much of tlie social news.
Miss Beverly Hutchison, who is to be
married August 27 to Kenneth A.
Holmes, is announcing members of the
wedding party.
The ceremony will be solemnized at
8 o'clock the evening of that date In the
First Presbyterian church, the Rev. John
Goodenbergcr officiating. Soloist for
the wedding will be Robert Gwinn and
at the organ will he Miss Lois Goltwald.
Miss Ellen Reynolds and Miss Kath
ryn Anderson, the latter of Areata,
Calif., are to be taper lighters.
Miss Marcelline Hutchison is to b
maid of honor for her sister. Brides
maids arc to he Miss Barbara Bates and
Miss Martha DuRette, the latter of Ger
vais. Hardin Holmes will be best man for
his brother and ushering will be Keith
Holmes, a younger brother of the bride-'
groom-elect, Thomas Edwards and Rus
sell Tripp, both of Albany, and David
Hamouris of Coos Bay.
The reception following Is arranged
t the church also.
Miss Hutchison is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hutchison and Mr.
Holmes is the son of Mr. and Mrs G.
Glenn Holmes of Albany.
Plans for her nuptials are being an
nounced by Miss Barbara Halvarson.
She is to be wed Sunday, August 28, to
Stanley Girod, the ceremony to be at
8:30 o'clock in the evening at the First
Methodist church with the Rev Brooks
Moor officiating.
rV4M i X-K X- ill
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RKTTING THE EXAMPLE to show a costume
of the Snlrm Wnmen'i Golf association Mrs.
beneath that hat.
Lighting the candles will be Mrs. Mer
rltt Wood ot Mayfield, Wash., and Miss
Louise Ulvin.
Gordon Pratt of Portland is to be
soloist for the service.
Miss Barbara Schultz of Forest Grove
has been asked to be maid of honor for
the wedding and the bridesmaids will
be Miss Janice Middleton and Miss Alice
Girod, the latter a sister of Mr. Girod.
Howard Girod will be best man for
his brother. Asked to serve as ushers
are Earl Cooley, Robert Singleton, Gene
Fowler and LaVern Hicbcrt.
The reception following the service
Is to he in the Carrier room of the
Miss Halvarson is the daughter of Mr.'
and Mrs. Fred Halvarson and Mr. Girod
the son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy O. Girod.
Another wedding of interest for Sun
day, August 28 will be that of Miss Joan
Hoereth and Theodore Covalt, the couple
to be wed at 3 o'clock that afternoon in
the First Congregational church, the
Rev. Charles Williams of the West Seat
tle Congregational church, and an uncle
of Mr. Covalt, to officiate.
Miss Hoereth is the daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. F. X. Hoereth and Mr. Covalt
the son of Mr. and Mrs. Fcrrel Covalt.
William Bush Is to be soloist for the
service and at the organ will be Jean
Hobson Rich.
Miss Frances Baum and Miss Gayle
Juve are to be the taper lighters. .
Mrs. John A. Long is to be matron of
honor for her lister, and asked as brides
maids, arc Miss Marian Carson, Miss Vir
ginia Lewis and Miss Bculs Arnold.
Johnny Long, nephew of Miss Hoereth,
la to be th ring bearer and serving, aj
i - '
Jesten-MUler itudlo picture
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Jwtcn -Miller studio ptctur
day Is a costume day was the president
Harold M. dinger, and it is really she
the flower girl will be Vlcki Church.
Ferrel Covalt, Jr., is to be best man
for his brother. The ushers will be
Jerry McReal, Jim Williams, Richard
Eckley, Bruce Boatman, Dave Cham
berlain and Bill Johnston.
A reception will follow the service.
Major and Mrs. Henry H. Marsden,
Jr. and their daughter and son, Elizabeth
Jane and Henry, and Majoi Marsden's
mother, Mrs. H. H. Marsden, Sr., are to
leave from Germany next Tuesday to
fly back to the States, it is learned
by Mrs Leon Perry, daughter of Mrs.
H. H. Marsden, Sr. Major Marsden has
been in Germany all the time since the
American forces first went into that
country except for two months' leave,
and his family has been there the past
three years. They are expected to ar
rive in Salem about September 1 after
stops along the east coast, and following
their visit here go to Fort Mason, San
Francisco, where Major Marsden is to
be stationed,
A four-ball foursome event will feat
ure the weekly day for Salem Women's
Golf association, Wednesday, play start
ing at 9 a. m.
Honoring Miss Phyllis Schnell, who
Is to be married September 2 to Robert
Strebig, Mrs. John S. Beakey and her
daughter, Mrs. Roger Schnell, will be
hostesses Thursday evening at the
Beakey home for a dessert party, . a
group of 20 being invited.
This evening Mr. and Mrs. A. A.
Schramm are entertaining in honor of
Miss Schnell and Mr. Strebig. the
couple to be special guests at the hosts'
club group.
1 "'I
and so the
A week ago the Salem Women's
Golf Association put on its annual
summertime "Dress Up" ''ay. And
what an occasion! But a "'good time
was had by all."
There may not have been too much
golf that is, among the elaborately
costumed players. And what a won
derful and awesome sight it was when
the group came in off the course for
luncheon and the costume judging!
Costumes were varied and certainly
veered to the "original" and "unus
ual." Some of the startling numbers are
pictured on the society pages today.
You may have to study some of the
"characters" closely to make sure the
name mitehes the picture anvwov,
each told us who she was we hope!
By Marian Lowry Fischer
ATTRACTING much interest is the
fashion show event for which the
Salem Delta Gamma alumnae are
to be sponsors on Thursday, August 25,
at the American Legion club.
Modeling the new fall fashions from
Esther Foster's will be Miss Inie Lou
Wilhelm of Portland, president of the
Willamette chapter of Delta Gamma;
Mrs. S. D. Wiles, Mrs. Leon Perry, Miss
Joan Voigt and Miss Faye McPhee.
Mrs. James T. Brand is to be guest
commentator for the group. For the
program, Eldon Caley is to sing with
Miss Marian Carson as accompanist.
The luncheon will be at 1 p.m. Res
ervations for the party may be called
to Mrs. James Schuler, general chair
man. The alumnae are sponsoring the
affair for the benefit of the Willamette
chapter of the sorority.
Misses Sara Louise and Margaret
Smith, daughters of Dr. and Mrs. G. Her
bert Smith, will be leaving September
8 for an interesting year away, both to
be in schools in the east.
Miss Sally will go to Randolph-Macon
Women's college in Lynchburg, Va., as
a junior, having completed two years at
Willamette university here.
Miss Margie is to enter DePauw uni
versity at Greencastle, Ind., as a fresh
man, having graduated this past spring
from Salem high school.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Howard Shubert were
hosts last evening at a dinner at Silver
Creek Falls lodge, inviting the guests
later to their home for cards.
Being welcomed to Salem is Mrs. Cecil
Edwards who arrived recently from Po
mona, Calif., to join Mr. Edwards who
has been here for some time. They are
at home at the former Jim Burrell home
on route 4.
Mrs. Edwards is known professionally
as Gladys Brown, and is widely recog
nized for her sculptoring. Her subjects
are almost exclusively horses, dogs and
Honoring Mrs. Edwards, Mrs. Lee U.
Eyerly is entertaining Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Liudahl will be
hosts at their home next Saturday eve
ning, August 20, at a dinner to honor
their daughter, Miss Donna Liudahl,
and her fiance, John W. Holmstedt, Jr.,
of Paxton, Neb. The dinner will follow
rehearsal ' for the Holmstedt-Liudahl
wedding, which is to take place the aft
ernoon of August 2L
Some 20 will be in the group, includ
ing members of the wedding party and
out-of-town guests, also Mr. and Mrs.
J. W. Holmstedt, who will arrive Thurs
day from Paxton, Neb., for their son's
Mrs. Don Stupka entertained at her
West Wilson street home this week at a
miscellaneous shower honoring Miss
Lucille Forman, who is to be wed Au
gust 20 to Clifford M. Campan.
Bidden to fete Miss Forman were Mrs.
W. C. Inman, Mrs. Adam Hertz, Mrs.
Alford F. Forman, Mrs. L. Guthrie, Mrs.
J. Swienink, Mrs. Ella Voves, Mrs. Bud
Nelson, Mrs. A. Anderson, Mrs. Wini
fred Heidler, Mrs. Grant Schaffner, Mrs.
P. W. Geiser, Mrs. A. G. Forman, Mrs.
Wilbur Davis, Miss Edith Reinwald, Miss
Everlyn Forman.
Mr. and Mrs. Barney L. Bull announce
the engagement of their daughter, Miss
Darline Bull, to Robert C. Hjort, son of
Mrs. H. J. Hjort. No date is set for the
wedding but it is planned as an October
event. The bride-elect attended Ontario
schools and is employed at the telephone
company. Mr. Hjort attended Salem
schools and is with the Standard Oil
company here.
Miss Norma Jane Cass, who is to be
married August 28 to Richard Thurin
of Pasadena, Calif., will be honor guest
for a miscellaneous shower for which
Miss Mavis Eggens and Miss Ramona
Evans will be hostesses next Friday eve
ning at the Eggens home. The evening
will be spent informally and late re
freshments will be served.
The guest list includes: Miss Cass,
and from Portland: Miss Betty Canter,
Mrs. Jack Over, Miss Lois Johnson, Miss
Betty McCurdy, Miss Jane Laselle, Miss
Isabelle Jones, Miss1 Dorothy Meade,
Miss Gayle Monnett, Miss Barbara Al
ford; from Salem, Mrs. Luis Cass, moth
er of the bride-elect, Mrs. Clifton Cass,
Miss Catherine Williams, Miss Peggy
Burroughs, Mrs. John Evans, Mrs. E. H,
Eggens, Miss Velma Davis, Mrs. Don
Dill; from Forest Grove, Mrs. Richard
Givens, Miss Jini Shelton, Misses Hazel
and Evelyn Davidge; from Albany, Miss
Janice Fisher and Mrs. Lewis Sturges;
from Beaverton, Miss Elaine Bowman;
from Tillamook, Miss Shirley Long;
from Woodburn, Miss Beverly Hughes;
from Aumsville, Miss Bonnie Klein;
from Corvallis, Mrs. Donald Smith; from
Eugene, Miss Frances Gilbert; and the
two horteaaea.
Salem Women s
Jesten-Mlller atudio picture
HERE YOU DO some good guessing on who they are, left to right Mrs. Edward Rotb a ,! Bokhara.. From scarecrow
is who. According to the record given Mrs. W. T. Waterman, Mrs. Richard Cha J5d3 gladiator, 'twas really a sight.
; d. ' " 'n' i -- I
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"SHOT" JUST as they came In and were figurine their scores were Mrs. Conrad Paulson,
at left, and Mrs. Leon Perry a bit concerned they could not don the rest o( their
costumes before the picture was taken.
Hunter-Jones Rites Today
Bride at a garden ceremony solemn
ized this afternoon was Miss Betty Lou
Jones, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Verne
R. Jones, who was married to Charles
Hunter of Sonoma, Calif., the service
taking place at 2 o'clock at the Jones
residence With Rev. Samuel H. Jones
Pink and white gladioluses formed
the aisles to the garden setting, the
ceremony taking place before trellises
for the background with baskets of the
white and pink gladioluses in front.
Bernard Phillips played the organ
music and Bertram Sturm was the so
loist. In White Marquisette
The wedding gown was of white mar
quisette, designed with round neckline,
cape sleeves with bands of organdy em
broidered flowers and bands of the
same organdy flowers in the full floor
length skirt. The fingertip veil of ny
Ion net was arranged from a headdress
of pearls. For her flowers the bride
carried a bouquet of pink roses, white
orchids and lilies of the valley. Mr.
Jones gave his daughter in marriage.
Mrs. Neil Hamilton as matron of
honor wore a blue slipper satin gown,
designed with a bertha, puffed sleeves
and a peplum. She wore flowers in her
hair and carried a nosegay of pink roses
and lilies of the valley.
Young Miss Janice Jones was junior
bridesmaid for her sister. She wore a
frock of pink organdy, fashioned with
hooped skirt. She wore a wreath of
flowers in her hair and carried a minia
ture nosegay.
Russell E. Martin of Sonoma, Calif.,
was best man for his nephew and usher
ing were Robert Jones, brother of the
bride, and Robert Rath.
Jtuten-Mlller atudlo pletura
- JL
The bride's mother wore a navy sheer - -
gown with navy accessories and corsage,
of pink roses. Mrs. Russell E. lttortinrt?
aunt of the bridegroom, was attirai in a
brown suit with brown accessories and
corsage of gardenias and pink roses. .
Reception Follows
White satin ribbons in long loops, w';-!1
caught with tiny nosegays of lilies of the'' in
valley and sweet peas, decorated the.- I;
stairway down which the bride came to
enter the garden, and pink begonias in jsl
copper hanging baskets decorated the ' o
A reception followed the service."
Smilax and white freesias encircled the ' ' -wedding
cake, the bride's table being, sr,
set in white. Mrs. Donald Toomb serve 'r
the cake and Mrs. Glen Langren pre-..j .
sided at the punch bowl. Miss Bar's f
bara Jones, a cousin of the bride, passed .....t
the guest book and took charge of the" 'o
For her going away costume tlw
bride wore a navy blue suit and top
coat, white accessories and orchid cor---
sage. The couple will live in San Jose,
Among out-of-town guests at the wed'""
dtng were Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Wilsonsn
of Portland, grandparents of the brider' -
her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Stan
ley E. Hodgen of Santa Barbara, Calif-V1"
and Mr. and Mrs. Russell E. Martin M
Sonoma, Calif., uncle and aunt of MrM
Hunter and with whom he has made
his home.
Mr. and Mrs. Karry W. Scott arid
their snn nnri riaiicfhtar-in-latir Mr andiA
Mrs. Verne Scott of Davis, Calif. -ireturn'-). Mrs. Davis has chosen for her daugh
this week-end from a few dayfVtoC4G.:.- ter's wedding a rose beige dress with
trip in the Hood Canal country. The! navy accessories and corsage of pink
younger Scotts will be in Salem during.:.;.; carnations, and the bridegroom's mother
the coming week for a visit here. will wear a navy dress with matching
ms i . a
ABOUT TO LEAVE the course the photographer was faced with this trio left to right,
Mrs. B. G. Anderson, Mrs. M. A. Pekar and Mrs. Forrest Bodmer the latter finding the at
tire a bit uncomfortable for golf.
'HE marriage of Miss Joyce Arletha
Davis, daughter of Mr. ana Mrs.
J. Harold Davis, to Charles F.
; Golden, son of Mr. and Mrs. William L.
v Golden of Hillsboro, will be solemnized
Sunday evening, the service to be at 8
'o'clock in the Seventh Day Adventist
church with Elder A. J. Gordon officiat
White and yellow gladioluses are to
decorate the church. Leslie Hull is to
sing and Miss LeBreta Logan will be
the organist.
. Lighting the tapers will be Miss Mar
jorie Brath, wearing a taffy colored
gown, and Miss Janice Horner in blue.
,: The bride will wear a wedding gown
of cream colored satin fashioned with a
yoke of Chantilly lace, a low waisted
Tjodice that comes to a V in front, long
sleeves coming over the hands and a
flared skirt. The veil is fingertip length
and for her flowers the bride will carry
a bouquet of white carnations and step
hanotis with orchids in the center. Mr.
Davis is to give his daughter in marriage.
Miss Mary Davis, sister of the bride, is
to be honor attendant. She is to wear
i B g.een pastel organza gown and her
flowers will be a nosegay of contrasting
: Miss Shirley Bloom, in orchid pastel
organza, and Miss Beverly Costeno in
fl yeUow pastel organza, are to be the
bridesmaids, each to carry a nosegay
' of flowers contrasting with her dress.
a.! - m ivrTw,airf will stand with
u Mr Golden as best man and serving as
ushers will be Roy Schmunk, Richard
Costello. Edwin Davis, brother of the
bride, Rudolph Dolinsky,. Gary Kueblwr
, and Jack Horner.
MONG hosts next week will be
Lt. Col. and Mrs. Mark Hillary
who are entertaining at dinner
Thursday evening at the American
Legion club.
- Honor guests are Col. and Mrs. Charles
B. Eggens of Vancouver Barracks and
Dr. and Mrs. Clyde Goldsberry, who re
cently came to Salem from Medford.
Covers will be marked for 22 at the
Invitations were received the latter
part of the week for the wedding of Miss
Margaret-Jane Emmons and John Syme
of Parma, Idaho.
The ceremony will be solemnized the
evening of Thursday, September 1, in
the First Presbyterian church at 8:30
o'clock, the reception following also to
be at the church.
The bride-elect is the daughter of Dr.
and Mrs. Carl W. Emmons of Salem, Mr.
Syme the son of Mr: and Mrs. James
C. Syme of Parma, Idaho.
Miss Emmons returned this week-end
atter several weeks directing Camp Kilo
wan for Camp Fire Girls.
Tomorrow Miss Emmons and her
mother will go to Portland for two days.
There they will greet Mrs. W. W. Em
mons, prandmothcr o. the bride-elect,
who, with her daur-htcr, Mfc Lur.le
Emmons, came west from Lockport, 111.
for the wedding, the two at prerent be
ing in Portland visiting a sister of Mrs.
Emmons, Miss Lulu Heist. .
Miss Emmons will be honored at a
party for which Mrs. Earl Cooley will
entertain next Friday.
' B
A daughter, who has been named
Mary Kathryn, was born Monday, Au
gust 8 to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Scott
Halstead in Portland. Grandparents are
Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Simmons of Salem,
Mrs. Haltead being the former Betty
Gene Simmons. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hal
stead of Portland are the paternal grand
parents . v i-t
Jesten-MIUer studio picture
accessories and a corsage of white carna
tions. The reception following is to be at
the home of the bride's parents. Mrs.
Orpha Thomas is to serve the cake. Mrs.
E. L. Kuebler is to pour. Assisting will
be Miss Doris Golden, sister of the bride
groom, Miss Stella Radke, Mrs. Fred
Mathis, cousin of the bride, Miss Janette
Wheeler, Miss Doris Kuebler, Miss
Vivian Campbell, Miss Margaret Gray.
White and yellow gladioluses also will
be used in decorating the home for the
For traveling the bride has chosen
a brown wool sharkskin suit with brown
and green accessories and will wear an
orchid corsage.
The couple plan a trip to Victoria, B.
C, and will be at home in College Place,
Wash., after September 20, Mr. Golden
to continue his work at Walla Walla col
lege. The bride also is a former student
of Walla Walla college.
Gaiety Hill Garden club members have
planned a trip to Eugene, Monday, the
group to tour Chase Gardens there. The
members will leave in the morning and
will take their picnic lunch and will
spend the day there.
The United Commercial Travelers
auxiliary is to meet Wednesday for a
salad luncheon and informal afternoon
at the home of Mrs. T. F. Bagan, 490
Wing street, at 1 o'clock.
' Etotka club has planned its ' annual
summer picnic for next Tuesday, Au
gust 16, at 1 p.m. in Champoeg park,
the dinner to be a no-host one. Mem
bers wishing to arrange about transpor
tation are asked to contact Mrs, Ralph
Staged Annual Colorful Costume
1 ijlle"
i l I ""''; I -P If '"will t ' NniiNHni f. : '
; v''r hl1 j ; V In ' ,
THESE are four who would not have to yell "fore" If others on the course saw them
Wilbur (pipe the high button shoes), Mrs. Robert Drager with tho "quivering face,"
B. Wood.
T" pinsters club is to meet Monday
IS evening at the home of Mrs. Carlton
' J. McLeod. At this time final plans
will be made for the picnic to be given
by the club next Friday evening, August
19. Miss Jane Carson is chairman for
the picnic committee. Mrs. Gayle Besse
and Mrs. Frank Turner are co-hostesses
for Monday night's meeting.
Down a carpet of white to an altar
decorated with gladioluses in pastel col
ors and palms, Friday night at 8 o'clock
at the Kingwood Bible church in West
Salem, Miss Iris Proudfit, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Russell M. Proudfit of
Hollywood drive, and Wilbur Levi Frie
sen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Friesen of
Salem, walked to exchange their mar
riage vows. Rev. A. A. Loewen officiat
ed at the double ring ceremony. The
church was lighted only with candles.
Singing before the ceremony were Win
ton Zimmerman and Miss June White.
Mrs. Ruth Ratleff was the organist.
Lighting the candles were the brother
and sister of the bridegroom, Clifford
and Leona Friesen. The bride was given
in marriage by her father.
Her wedding gown was of all white
marquisette in lily and orchid pattern.
It was made with a high net yoke edged
in lace, fingertip sleeves and train. The
veil was of net and fell from a haloband.
The bride wore a string of pearls, a gift
of the bridegroom. Her bouquet was of
stephanotis surrounding a white orchid.
The maid of honor, Miss Beth Ham
ilton, wore a white marquisette gown
like that of the bride, only the orchids
were in colors. The bridesmaids, Miss
Patricia Keppinger and Miss Shirley
Bosell, wore gowns of pale yellow and
green marquisette, made like that of the
bride's. All wore hats and mitts of the
same material. They carried nosegays
of small flowers. The little flower girl,
Cail Sharkey, also wore a gown like
that of the bride. The ringbearer was
Michael Barham, three-year-old nephew
of the bride. The dress of the candle
lighter, Miss Leona Friesen, was of aqua
made in the same style as those of the
attendants and she wore a headband and
wristlet of flowers.
Robert Funk stood as best man and
groomsmen were Emil Veer and Robert
Kliever. Ushers were Marvin Lowen
and Clifford Schmidts.
Mrs. Proudfit wore an afternoon dress
of lavender with navy accessories and
Mrs. Friesen a beige suit with brown
accessories. Their corsages were of
stephanotis and carnations.
The couple greeted the guests at a
reception in the church parlors with Mrs.
Clifford Schmidts introducing to the
receiving line. Playing for the hour
was Miss Leona Van Tassel.
At the bride's table Mrs. Paul Bar
ham, sister of the bride, cut the wedding
cake and serving were Miss Patricia
Skaggs and Mrs. Arlo Fast, an aunt of
the bridegroom. Serving the punch was
Miss Muriel Stewart; the commee, the
bride's cousin, Mrs. Arlo Young, and the
candy and nuts, the bridegroom's aunt,
Mrs. George Friesen. Assisting about
the rooms were the bride's cousins,
Misses Donna Proudfit, Thelma Proud
fit, Geraldine Proudfit and Mrs. Norma
Rae Spencer. Passing the guest book
was Miss Mary Lou Houser and at the
gift table were Misses Carol Schmidts,
Delores Friesen and Betty Friesen.
When the newlyweds left for a trip
along the coast the bride wore a copper
slipper satin dress with navy accessor
ies. The bride is a graduate of Salem high
school and both are graduates of Salem
Bible college. They will live in Salem.
Salem Central WCTU has planned its
annual trip to the Children's Farm home
near Corvallis on Tuesday. They have
chartered a bus to leave Salem at 10
a. m. Those interested are asked to call
Mrs. H. R. Mitchell, 25250 for reserva
tions. Each member is to take her picnic
lunch and table service. Coffee will be
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IT'S PROBABLY TOPSY al Ihc left, but she said she Is Mrs. Charles Miisscr. while
at the right, Mrs. Glen Stevenson certainly could not be lost on the greens In the
striped pajamas.
Miss Tanner to Be Bride
The First Christian church will be
the scene for a wedding Sunday after
noon when Miss Jeanne Tanner, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. William R. Tan
ner, will be married to Evan Richey,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Bradford S. Richey
of Eureka, Calif., the ceremony to be
solemnized at 4 o'clock with Dr. Dudley
Strain and Rev. Walter Naff officiating.
The church will be decorated in white
and lavender gladioluses.
Leslie Hull of Vancouver, Wash., is
to be soloist and Mrs. Walter Naff will
be at -the organ.
Lighting the candles will be Misses
Doris and Patricia Hale, both wearing
frocks of white marquisette over lav
ender and green.
To be given in marriage by her fath
er, the bride is to wear a gown of white
satin. It is fashioned with nylon yoke
bordered with a bertha of the satin;
long pointed sleeves with buttons on the
cuffs; fitted bodice, and full skirt with
bustles at the sides, and extending into
a long train. The fingertip veil of net
is arranged from a seed pearl crown
and orange blossoms at either side. For
her flowers the bride is to carry a bou
quet of white bouvardia and roses with
an orchid in the center.
Three Attendants
Miss Mary Scott as maid of honor
will be gowned in a lavender mar
quisette dress with matching picture hat
and mitts. Her flowers will be white
asters and bouvardia arranged on a fan
of green net.
Miss Norene Flagg of Vancouver and
Miss Mary Kowitz are to be brides
maids, their gowns to be of green mar
quisette identical In style to that of the
honor attendant, and their picture hati
Jasten-MIUer Atudlo picture
first. Left to right Mrs. Glenn
Mrs. John Hcltzel and Mrs. John
and mitts in green. Their flowers will
be lavender fans with lavender asters.
Cyril Nachtshelm of Enumclaw, Wash.,
is to be best man. The ushers will be
Robert Tanner, brother of the bride;
Richard Elder, Joseph and Felix Fan
tello, all of Enumclaw, Wash.
For her daughter's wedding, Mrs.
Tanner Is to wear a rose colored dress
with light gray hat and corsage of gar
denias. The bridegroom's mother will
be attired in aqua with gray acces
sories and corsage of gardenias.
At Reception
The reception following also Is to he
In the church. Pouring will be Mrs.
Walter Naff and Mrs. Dudley Slrain.
Mrs. Floyd McFarlane of Dayton is to
serve the cake. Miss Darlene McFar
lane of Dayton is to have charge of the
guest book and Misses Lucille Proctor
and Jeanne du Buy will have charge
of the gifts. Assisting in serving will
be Miss Berna McDonald, Miss Betty
Richey, sister of the bridegroom, Miss
June Haugen, Mrs. Marjorie Syracuse
and Miss Lois Laudahl. During the re
ception, Philip Blakenship is to play
violin numbers, accompanied by Fred
rick Wilson.
For going away the bride is to don
a two-tone brown suit with beige hat,
brown gloves, other accessories being in
avacado green, and her orchid from the
bridal bouquet.
The couple will be at home in Mos
cow, Idaho, this year, Mr. Richey to
complete his work at the University
of Idaho.
Day Event
WEDDING in Portland witnessed
by many Salem friends last eve
ning was that of Miss Barbara
Ann King and Donald E. Crouch, the
ceremony being solemnized at 8 o'clock
in St. Michael's and All Angels Epis
copal church with the Rev. George Tur
ney officiating.
The bride is the daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Sidney A. King who resided in
Salem for many years, leaving for Port
land two years ago. The bride was
graduated from local schools and has
been attending University of Oregon.
Mr. Crouch is the son of Mr. and Mrs.
Merrill C. Crouch of Portland and also
has been attending University of Oregon
following service in the air force during
the war.
The church aisle and altar were dec
orated with summer blooms for the wed
ding, also lighted tapers. Henry Hewitt
was soloist for the service.
Given in marriage by her father, the
bride wore a white summer faille gown.
The three-tiered collar had edging of
old lace on each tier, and the gown was
fashioned with a very full skirt and
chapel length train. The illusion veil
was arranged from a high seed pearl
crown and was edged in French lace.
For her flowers the bride carried a cas
cading bouquet of white, begonias cen
tered with a white orchid.
M'fs Si'znnne Hu"fins of Salem was
honor attendant. She wore a pastel
yellow sown similar to the bride's in
stvle. The bridesmaids were Miss Pa
tricia Ray of Salem and Miss Patricia
Cook of Portland, both in pastel green,
Miss Marilyn Morse of Astoria and Miss
Janet Paulsren of Seattle, in lavender
The gowns of all four were identical in
style to that of the maid of honor. All
. five attendants carried bouquets of be
gonias in copper, deep gold and deep
roe shades.
Lorin Hewitt of Tacoma was best man
for Mr. Crouch. The ushers were Don
ald H. Stanton, Blaine Vincent, Robert
Ellis of Portland and Lee Wimberly
of Roseburg.
The reception following was at the
home of Mrs. Sophia Gard, friend of the
Crouch family.
Among those assisting at the recep
tion were Miss Charlotte Alexander, Miss
Joanne Blaxall, Miss Roberta Tussing
and Mrs. Harvey Loveall, all of Salem,
Miss Joanne Preble, Miss Jean Arm
strong, Miss Betty Jo Hansen and Mrs.
Donald H. Stanton, all of Portland.
For traveling the bride wore a white
silk print dress with white gabardine
topper, wine and white accessories and
corsage of orchids.
Following a trip to the Oregon coast
the couple will be at home at 831 S.W.
Vista, Portland, after August 22.
Miss Mary Morgan, bride-elect ot
Donald G. DeLisle of Ashland, is an
nouncing members of her wedding
party. The ceremony will be solemniz
ed at the First Christian church on Sun
day afternoon, August 21 at 4 o'clock,
the Rev. Dudley Strain officiating.
Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph L.
Morgan of Salem, Miss Morgan will be
given in marriage by her father.
She has asked her sister-in-law to be
her matron of honor. The Misses Elva
Rankin of Astoria and Ruth Willoughby
of Eugene are to be bridesmaids. Little
Miss Diane Lee will be flower girl and
Phillip Perlman ring bearer.
Misses Gwen Chase of Springfield and
Orla Deedon of Amity will light the
tapers. Miss Allene Amacher of Hills
boro will be the soloist. Mrs. John
Schmidt, Jr., will be at the organ.
Earl De Lisle of Klamath Falls will
be his brother's best man. Ushers will
be William Morgan of Corvallis, brother
of the bride, and Jack Mcrriott of Eu
gene. To close the aisles will be Ralph
Morgan, Jr., brother of the bride, and
Vernon Waite.
The reception will be held at the
church. Mrs. Grant Fallin will intro
duce to the line. Having charge of the
guest book will be Misses Barbara Dal
eiden and Joan Lockhard of Eugene.
Mrs. Conrad Lee, cousin of the bride,
will be in charge of the gifts. Mrs.
Oscar I. Paulson will cut the cake. Mes
dames Rex Putnam and M. C. Buchanan
will pour. Assisting in the serving will
be Mcsdames Calvin Stewart of Stayton
and Eugene Lee of Aumsville, cousins
of the bride, and Gordon Wood. Misses
Patricia Zosel, Jean du Buy, Donna
Johnson, Pat Zahare and Lucile Proctor.
The finance and auditing committee
of the Salem Business and Professional
Women's club Is meeting Monday, 7:30
p.m., at the home of the chairman, Mrs,
Sue Booch, 511 Knapp.
A wedding for Sunday, August 21,
will be that of Miss Eleanor Francisco
and P. William Neufeldt, the ceremony
to be solemnized at 2 o'clock in St. Paul's
Episcopal church, the Rev. George H.
Swift officiating.
Miss Francisco is the daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Sidney H. Francisco and Mr.
Neufeldt is the son of Mr. and Mrs. J.
K. Neufeldt, all of Salem.
Miss Billie Pierce is to be maid of
honor. Miss Vonda Powell and Miss
Anna Mae Neufeldt, sister of the bridegroom-elect,
will be the bridesmaids.
Robert Neufeldt is to be best man for
his brother. Ushers will be Roy and
Ed Neufeldt, brothers of Mr. Neufeldt.
Lighting the tapers will be Miss Patsy
Neufeldt, a sister of the bridegroom-to-be,
and Miss Marie DeHarpport. . Solo
ists will be Miss Donna Ekblad and at
the organ will be Mrs. Grace DeHarp
port. The reception following will be at
the church parish house.
Among those to be in Hood River to
morrow for the wedding of Miss Laura
Yuvonne Bailey and Jack Eugene Mudd
of Salem will be Mr. Mudd's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Mudd, his grand
mother, Mrs. Effie Mudd of Salem, his
grandmother, Mrs. Clarence Holeman of
Bronson, Kan., and his uncle, Verne
Holeman, also of Bronson, Kan.
The wedding is to be at 3 o'clock Sun
day afternoon in the Baptist church at
Hood River.