POLIO AND YOU 3 Capital Journal. Salem, Oregon, Friday, August 12. 1949 9 two vaccines, again for ani mals. Whether any of these will work for human beings is unknown. The best and only remedies go under the broad name ol physiotherapy, which means long, patient, understanding and affectionate care and painstak ing direction in teaching strick en muscles to make a comeback. Expert Care Only Treatment When Crippler Strikes By HOWARD W. BLAKESLEE (Associated Preu Science Editor) New York, Aug. () When your child gets polio infantile paralysis his fate passes out of your hands. All you can do is to turn him over to specialists, doctors and nurses, and there are not many' of these specialists in the entire United States. That's where the dimes you and the children gave last win ter come to your aid. They prod uced more than $20,000,000 now ready to do the incredible medi cal job of making this scarce aid ready everywhere. Your community has a local chapter of the National Founda tion for infantile paralysis, one of 2,800 in the United States. Call the community or near est National Foundation office They have plans ready. For those unable to pay the full ex penses, the foundation expects to pay the balance. And this is a lot of money, about $1,000 being an average expense for a single case. Some run far higher. Local chapters of foundation keep half of the March of Dimes funds collected, and most of this goes to pay patient's bills, the policy of the foundation is to pay for all or part of the ex pense, depending upon each family's need for help. When local funds are exhaust ed, the national headquarters advances money to help meet the costs. Last year the founda tion and its chapters spent $17, 000,000, patient care, including $6,700,000 from the national headquarters. The foundation undertakes to find a hospital where this care can be given. Many hospitals have neither the equipment nor the experienced personnel. Where cases are numerous, the foundation maintains teams of expert doctors and nurses to go to that area and train nurses and advise local doctors. These teams are top men in polio, in the leading medical institutions of the United States. The foundation last winter took in $25,000,000 in the March of Dimes. Half of this went to the- local chapters, and half to the National Foundation. De ducting the expenses, there is about twenty million dollars left ior polio aid and research. In last summer's epidemic the National Foundation spent about $4,000,000 more than it received In dimes money. borne things which the ex perts will do can later be done t home by you. That will be in the cases where it will take years of training stricken muscles. Where children are unable to move a muscle, nurses or par ents or apparatus built for the purpose does this, exercise. Some day the weakened mus cles get able to do some of their own work. Results sometimes look like miracles. The reasons are intricate, but there is little guess-work. Bulbar polio, the kind that comes to the "bulb" at the top of the spinal cord, has lost some of its death - dealing power. Bulbar kills in several ways. It may paralyze swallowing mus cles, or breathing muscles or Interfere with heart action. In the swallowing trouble, the child chokes to death. 'Opening the windpipe saves most of these, and that was dis covered only two years ago. Iron lungs keep them alive in the breathing paralysis and pure oxygen helps tide over the heart crises, The doctors say give the suf ferer myanesin of priscol to re lieve pain, but not because they think there is any curative ef fect. They use curare to loosen muscles that insist on tying themselves into knots. They have tried remedies like darvi sul and gureomycin. There are swimming pools, rocking beds and other devices for mild ex ercises. i There are more than a score ui medicines oeing usea on ani mals with hopeful effects, and Separate Bids For New School Separate bids on the general construction, mechanical and electrical work on the newly organized Monmouth-Independence school district No. 13-C will be received at the Independ ence grade school building until 8 o'clock the evening of August 31. Construction of the 13-class- room grade school on a 40-acre site midway between the two towns was approved May 23 when a $400,000 bond issue was voted to cover the cost of the modern one-story school plant. The structure will be of rein forced concrete and in addition to the classrooms will provide administration facilities, kitchen and cafeteria, gymnasium with a stage and locker rooms, garage buildings and a shop building. Except for the locker rooms, the school will not have a base ment. The locker rooms will be beneath the gymnasium. Materials to be used include steel sash, glass block, asphalt tile flooring, some ceramic tile and acoustical tile ceilings. The roof will be flat built-up. Shops will be situated in a separate structure to be known as the Smith Hughes building. Sun-Tan Bathers Hit Woman's Appetite Santa Monica, Cal., Aug. 12. (U.B The sight of "a nearly naked, hairy chested, sandy, oily man" is enough to take away the appetite of one woman resi- dentof this beach city. Mrs. William Kent Cooper made this complaint in a letter to the city council, requesting a law regulating the amount of clothing worn in public places. She said customers in a restau rant can't eat with sun-tanned bathers in sight. The council ordered her letter filed. Mayflower CHEDDAR CHEESE NO KIND NO WASTS Sold In Oim, Two and Ftv lyi-wQ lb. package) jCtflr IMPROVED CRAWFORD PEACHES U-Pick $1.50 Bushel (Bring Your Own Containers) 6 Miles North of Salem on 99E JESS MATHIS ORCHARD AND FRUIT STAND CXD0KC9 i i mi n'i ihm ran r i v k m hi it m m r r m t m u.-mWTi JHM.ftf, if hits SALEM, OREGON Shop Friday Nite and Saturday Comparison Values SHOP PENNEY' S FRIDAY NIT E AND SATURDAY - SHOP AND SAVE WITH C0NEIDENCE PENNEY'S SALEM, OREGON, OPEN FRIDAY NITE UNTIL 9 P.M. WOMEN'S RAINCOATS RAYON SATIN TWILL RAINCOATS BLACK AND GRAY DETACHABLE HOODS CRAVENETTE WATER REPELLENT SECOND FLOOR 12.66 WOMEN'S NYLON HOSE ALL 100 PERFECT NYLON HOSE 5l' GAUGE, 15 DENIER NEW FALL TONES 8 V TO IOK2 MAIN FLOOR SSc WOMEN'S SUN DRESSES SUMMER STYLED SUN DRESSES ASSORTED SIZES AND FABRICS A REAL PENNEY COMPARISON VALUE DOWNSTAIRS STORE 1.00 WOMEN'S RAYON BRAS RAYON-SATIN UPLIFT BRA' 32-34-36 A CUP AN OUTSTANDING PENNEY VALUE SECOND FLOOR 79c WOMEN'S CHENILLE ROBES . THICKLY TUFTED CHENILLE; PRE-SHRUNK PASTEL SHADES, MULTICOLORED DESIGNS COMPARE THIS GREAT PENNEY VALUE SECOND FLOOR 5.00 WOMEN'S RAYON GOWNS RAYON KNITS, CREPES, SATINS, PLAIN and FANCY STRIPES, SMART COLORS ALL WERE HIGHER PRICED GOWNS MAIN FLOOR 2, 00 WOMEN'S RAYON SLIPS RAYON KNITS, JERSEYS, SATINS SIZES 32 TO 46 NEW COLORS ALL WERE HIGHER PRICED GOWNS MAIN FLOOR 00 WOMEN'S RAYON PANTIES NEWEST PASTEL SHADES FULL ELASTIC WAIST A PENNEY COMPARISON VALUE MAIN FLOOR 3 ! 00 WOMEN'S SUMMER DRESSES STYLISH COTTONS, RAYON CREPES ALL WERE HIGHER PRICED VALUES ALWAYS SHOP PENNEY'S AND SAVE DOWNSTAIRS STORE 2 WOMEN'S and CHILDREN'S FOOTWEAR SUMMER SANDALS AND CASUALS BROKEN LOTS AND SIZES AN OUTSTANDING COMPARISON VALUE DOWNSTAIRS STORE 1.00 PENNEY'S NOW OPEN EVERY FRIDAY NITE UNTIL 9 PM. MEN'S 100 WOOL ROBES 100 ALL WOOL FLANNEL ROBES COLORS MAROON AND NAVY BLUE DON'T MISS THIS PENNEY VALUE MAIN FLOOR 4.88 MEN'S WORK SHIRTS POPULAR COVERT AND CHAMBRAY SHIRTS JUST RIGHT FOR FALL AND WINTER WORK A PENNEY COMPARISON VALUE MAIN FLOOR 1.00 MEN'S DRESS SHIRTS WOVEN-THROUGH PATTERNS NUCRAFT COLLARS 14'2 TO 17 SANFORIZED A REAL VALUE MAIN FLOOR 1.50 BOYS' JIMMIE JEANS 8 OZ. BLUE DENIM, ZIPPER FLY DETACHABLE SUSPENDERS COPPER PLATED RIVETS. SIZES 1-5 MAIN FLOOR 1 00 GIRLS' RAINCOATS RAYON SATIN TWILL RAINCOATS- DuPONT ZELAN REPELLENT FINISH DETACHABLE HOODS SECOND FLOOR 5o83 FEATHER BED PILLOWS CRUSHED COLORED CHICKEN FEATHERS 8 OZ. ACA STRIPED TICKING A PENNEY COMPARISON VALUE MEZZANINE 100 SHEET BLANKETS LARGE SIZE, 70"x95" 100 NEW COTTON, WHITE DON'T MISS THIS PENNEY VALUE MEZZANINE 1.66 BATH TOWELS for EXTRA LARGE 22"x44" jm HEAVY WEIGHT QUALITY Pl f UTi SMART NEW DECORATOR COLORS II H II H II MEZZANINE U O 'M' f RAYON PANELS 42"x81" WASHABLE RAYON EGGSHELL COLOR, DELUXE QUALITY ANOTHER COMPARISON VALUE DOWNSTAIRS STORE STYLISH LUGGAGE 21" WEEKEND CASES, LEATHER BOUND SMART PLASTIC COVERED LUGGAGE A REAL PENNEY COMPARISON VALUE MAIN FLOOR 5.00 These are but a few of our outstanding comparison values for back to school! Be on the look-out for future ads on Penney's new low prices on hundreds of lines of back to school merchandise! We are all set for your Fall needs. Make our store your headquarters when in Salem.