daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. McClain of Woodburn, and Rob ert J. Kraemer, son of Mrs. Catherine Kraemer of Mt. Angel. The ceremony will be an event of August 27 at St. Luke's Cath Miss Gray September 7, as date for her marriage to Dale Crandall, son of Dale Crandall, Sr., of Merced, Calif. v The simple service will be at 11 o'clock in the morning in St. Paul's Episcopal church, the Rev. George H. Swift, officiat ing. The reception following Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Friday, August 12, 1949 7 will be at the Gray home. The couple will be in Eugene this next year, Mr. Crandall to finish his senior year at Uni versity of Oregon. The bride elect is a graduate of the Sacred Heart hospital school of nurs ing. NEIGHBORS of Woodcraft are meeting Friday evening in the Salem Woman's club house, 460 North Cottage. Mrs. Gussi Shaw, guardian neighbor, will preside. There will be a pro gram and refreshments will be served. Sets Date A September bride will be Miss Yvonne Gray, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Gray, Sr., who has announced Wednesday, olic church in Woodburn. Miss garet Ann Fisher, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence R. Fish er, to John G. Mowery, son of McClain is employed in Salem and Mr. Kraemer is employed at Lebanon. Mr. and Mrs. Gaye J. Mowery of Roseburg, was revealed at an In formal dessert party Wednes day evening at the Fisher residence. Miss Fisher Is Betrothed The engagement of Miss Mar . ' s; -r ,? - Wed Here Sunday Mrs. Frank Charles Rock, Jr., the former Pauline Morse, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul W. Morse, was married last Sunday in St. Paul's Episcopal church, a reception following. The couple are to reside in Los Angeles. Mr. Rock is the son of Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Rock of Saem. (McEwan studio picture) MR. AND MRS. T. E. Bark man left today on a three weeks vacation trip which will take them to Yellowstone, Utah, Cal ifornia and Arizona. VISTORS here for a few hours, Friday, were Mr. and Mrs. William P. Rockwood of Wash ington, D. C. who were guests of Mrs. Rockwood's aunt, Mrs. Margaret Rosecrans. Today's Menu Company For Supper Raw Vegetable Dunking Platter Chipped Beef, Macaroni and Tomato Casserole Snap Bean Salad Bowl Bread and Butter Vanilla Custard with Sliced Bananas Coca Chiffon Cake Cocoa Chiffon Cake Ingredients: cup cocoa, cup plus 2 tablespoons boiling water, cup plus 2 table spoons sifted cake flour, 1 cup less 2 tablespoons sugar, IVi teaspoons double-acting baking powder, Vi teaspoon salt, V cup salad oil (not olive oil), 4 medium-sized eggs (separated), teaspoon vanilla, teaspoon cream of tartar. Method: Add the boiling wa ter to the cocoa gradually, stir ring until smooth; allow to cool. Sift the cake flour, sugar, bak ing powder, and salt into a medium - sized mixing bowl; make a well in these dry ingre dients and add the oil, egg yolks, vanilla, and cooled cocoa meas ure. Beat with a spoon until smooth. Put the egg whites (make sure they measure cup) in a large mixing bowl, sprinkle them with the cream of tartar and beat with a rotary beater or electric mixer until they form straight stiff peaks when the beater is slowly with drawn. If whites are stiff enough they will not slide when bowl is partly inverted. Pour the egg yolk mixture gradually over the surface of the egg whites, fold ing in until they are all blend ed; do not stir. Turn into an in greased 8x8x2-inch pan and bake in a moderate (350 F.) voen for 30 to 35 minutes or un til top springs back when light ly touched. Invert pan immedi ately, resting two of the edges on other containers so that the cake hangs free of the table. Al low to cool thoroughly, about an hour. Loosen cakes from side with a spatula, turn pan over and hit edge sharply on table so cake will fall out. Makes 8 serv ings. Sunday Brunch Melon Cup Crisp Cereal with Raisins and Thin Cream Creamed Eggs on Deviled Ham Toast Beverage Creamed Eggs on Deviled Ham Toast Ingredients: 3 tablespoons butter or margarine, 3 table spoons flour, 2 cups milk U teaspoon salt, dash of fresh ly ground pepper, 1 tablespoon finely cut parsley (use scissors to cut), 6 hard-cooked eggs, 1 three - ounce can deviled ham, 5 slices toast. Method: Melt butter or mar garine in a heavy saucepan; re move from heat, add flour and blend well. Add milk gradu ally, stirring until smooth after each addition. Add salt, pep per and parsley and return to range; cook over low or moder ate heat, stirring constantly, un til thickened and bubbly; cook two more minutes. Serve over toast that has been spread with deviled ham. 5 servings. Ditto Home Scene Of Family Reunion Dayton A family reunion was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Will Ditto when members of their family gather ed. Three sons: Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Ditto and children of Eu gene; Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Ditto of Seattle; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ditto and three children of Portland; four daughters: Mrs. William Sartain, Oakland, Cal., Jean of McMinville, Mary and Carol, Dayton. Spending a week in the Ditto home, were his sister and fam ily, Mr. and Mrs. Odell Whitted and daughter Barbara Kay of Columbus, New Mexico They drove 2,000 miles to get here and returned to their home by way of California. s r-i' , - : I n' V 1 I i ill - w 1 A miniature colonial nosegay,1 with a butterfly perched among the blossoms and bearing the: names "Margaret and Jonn on its wings, marked each place. No date is announced for tne wedding. Both of the young couple attended the University of Oregon. Bidden to the announcement party were Misses Diane Proc tor, Prudence Craig, Sally Smith, Shirley Etzel, Patricia Zosel, Jane Schmidt, Audrey Chrisman, Roberta Tussing, Pen ny Gilmer and Jean Gilmer. 2 Entertain At Shower Mrs. E. L. Gray, Jr., and Mrs. James P. Lies were hostesses Wednesday evening at the home of the former at a shower hon oring Mrs. Wilbur Tripp. An in formal evening was enjoyed with a late lunch served. Varied colored gladioluses decorated the home for the party. In the group were Mrs. Tripp, Mrs. Warren Erwert, Mrs. Bill Fritz, Mrs. Norman Lind, Mrs. Charles E. Prince, Mrs. Elmer S. Meade, Mrs. Morse Stewart, Mrs. John R. Hunt, Mrs. Wayne Ferris, Mrs. Floyd McNall, Mrs. Maynard Nelson, Mrs. Hubert Harris, Mrs. T. N. Morris, Mrs. W. C. Cross, Mrs. John F. Van Osdol, Mrs. John M. Meier, and the two hostesses. Sojourners Plan Luncheon Event Plans for a luncheon meeting at Silver Creek Falls lodge on August 25 were announced at the Sojourners club party Thurs day afternoon at the Salem Wo man's club. Mrs. William E. Healy is chairman for the event, the luncheon to be at 12:30 o'clock. Cars will leave the Wo man's club building at 11:30 o clock for the falls. Guests at Thursday's meeting ncluded Mrs. Fred Fleury, Mrs. W. W. Rosebraugh, Mrs. E. H. Balch, Mrs. Roy Schragg, Mrs. Paul Davis, Mrs. Perry Robb. New members announced in clude Mrs. C. E. Gray and Mrs. Milan Basinger. Honors at cards went to Mrs. W. L. Scrogg, Mrs. Oliver Mans field, Mrs. Theodore Linn, Mrs. Howard Sargent, Mrs. Melvin Bedsaul. Mrs. E. J. Church was chairman for the committee of hostesses. The dessert tables were attractive with arrange ments of marigolds in acorn squash halves. 8 and 40 Unit Sponsors Picnic The annual picnic of Marion County salon, Eight et Forty, was held with a no-host supper at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Zinn near Sunnyside Wednesday evening. In the beautiful gardens tables were placed for Mr. and Mrs. Earl T. Andresen, Mrs. Bonnie Blessing, Mrs. Ben Kuensting, Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Green, Mrs. Frank Powell, Mr. and Mrs. Mem Pearce, Mr. and Mrs. Albert C Gragg, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mar shall, Mr. and Mrs. Byron Lieu- alien, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kirk, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Humphreys, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. DeJardin, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Prosser, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lucht, Mrs. H. H. Henry, Mrs. Mae Heggie, Mrs. Jennie Bartlett, Mrs. Austin Wil son and the hosts, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Zinn. Around the camp fire all enjoyed group singing and harmonica numbers by irank Zinn. At the recent marche held in Salem Mrs. Earl T. Andresen was elected as departmental ser-geant-at-arms and Mrs. Frank Marshall as partnership chair man. Mrs. W. O. Green of Aurora and her officers will be installed at a formal installation on Oc tober 19 in the Cherry room of tne senator hotel. ' WOODBURN Invitations are in the mail for the wedding of Miss Mildred Rose McClain Wed at Stayton Bride of late June was Mrs. Robert Lee Brazeale, the former Georgft Ellen Rand, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Rand, Jr., of West Stayton, the ceremony being solemnized in the Stay ton Baptist church. Mr. Bra zeale is the son of Mrs. Pauline Brazeale of Crabtree. (McEw an studio picture.) RECORDS Vaughn Monroe's New Album "Silver Lining Songs" Includes Look for the Silver Lining A Klu In the Dark Who 7 Shine on Hirveit Mood Time on Mr Hindi AtsIob Prire P 1M $3.2 WP 248 fS. 8p Downstairs Oregon Bid. State and High 3-8632 NOW SHOWING AT ' x HOGG BROS. I f J &Nh- ' " " " ""--Zl!s' Thrill ot Meter-Miser J f f - " Z!!.. 'fP Precision its parts are Srs'' mac'e t measurement If B? A See Lifetime Porcelain- I W KRfcVTfc -J&tOtVW M reatedia,ndedS'tiirrre'Jafn k wJgFO tftfiV i,sli,0",imeb8au,y- 'jPfT- " N. Lift over 100 lbs. with - """ v one fi"9er proof there's iH"""""" - i V no 'u99ing n prying with I I 1 jfe j V Fri9idairo Quickube Trays. .WX I 1 "Proof Show" we've Jpjgf I tpx-f jS ever had! No loose I - II I(!,Sr wk&M I kl l Marvel at "Magic Writ- n, ( II I VtWSS ti """ rw mg and how water I ' I I lH I ILi???1!!! ' B T5prjfitii . freezes instantly-proof of I I i I PSZfN JLd$WS3Rnt Plain, Frigidaire's faster freezing. I j r-l before your eye of pl U? 1 value! See if today! fp-C 1 learn about Sturdy Con- j 1 "tJBfry struction a Frigidaire 1- I ' i i, ii m - I yZdfc " piece all-steel cabinet will "gfTTTryai3 1 V support the weight of i yggsws. EEEj J Nearly 8 cu. ft. and just look at all these features: 1 -piece porcelain interior, full-width, roller-bearing, glass-topped Hydrator, big Super-Freezer, rust-resist ant shelves, famous Meter-Miser mech anism with 5-Year Protection Plan. Quickube Ice Trays, new, usable flat top, tall bottle space, Meat Tender. FRIGIDAIRE DL-86B Model. 8-910 cu. ft. size. New "Iceberg Blue'' inte rior trim, full-width Super-Freezer Chest, full-width Hydrator, Basket Drawer, Quickube Ice Trays, rust resistant shelves, porcelain interior. FRIGIDAIRE Cold-Wall Imperial Model IL-100. 10 cu. ft. size. Sepa rate Locker-Top keeps up to 70 lbs. food safe-frozen for months. Cold-Walt compartment keeps foods moist-fresh without covers. Also 8 cu. ft. size. Choose from 3 types . . . 14 Models . . as low as $J wl WHILE THEY LAST! Com in register at our FtigirJatre Proof-Of-Value Demonstration and get your beautiful Royal Ruby Ivy RowL Smart red glass, designed to bold small flowers or ivy. P0B HOME ;... i. l- li.J : I.. I ior iimneu nine oniyi FRIGIDAIRE IlWl America's No. 1 Refrigerator Come In. Ask Us About Itl OPEN 'TIL 9 FRI. WILIANETTE VALLEY'S LEADING APPLIANCE S HOME FURNISHERS SALEM OREGON CITY FRIENDLY SERVICE 115 South Commercial St. Phone 3-9148