20 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Friday, August 12, 1949 Admits Communist Aim To Smash Government New York, Aug. 12 W) Briefly, this was the question: Does the communist party teach that its proposed workers' dic tatorship could arise only through the smashing of the capitalist government, army and police force? The answer, in brief: "Yes." The reply came yesterday from Robert G. Thompson, New York state communist chairman and one of 11 top American Reds on trial for conspiracy to advocate forcible overthrow of' the gov ernment. Thompson, however, prefaced his affirmative reply with this lengthy analysis of what it meant: "All of history shows that the ruling class is very unapt to give up its control of industry, cap ital and political power in thia"eIimmat'n and cleansing of country and is very apt to meet every move toward social prog ress on the part of the workers and the mass of the people with violence, and no people's front or working - class - led government would just take over readymade the various phases of the state apparatus that are corroded with fascist-minded and in many in stances, lynch-minded elements.' Then he added softly: "Yes as we interpret it in that way.' Federal Judge Harold R. Me dina, apparently missing the fi nal words, ordered the question read again, and demanded a yes or no answer. Thompson protested that to answer without his explanatory Nearly Fourth Million For Oregon Publicity Oregon organizations arc spending $242,774 in 1949 to at tract tourists and promote in dustry and agriculture, accord ing to a national survey con ducted by the research depart ment of The Curtis Publishing company. The study lists the following expenditures: Grant Pass and Josephine County Chamber of Commerce, $3,300; Hood River Chamber of Commerce, $1,000 Klamath County Chamber of Commerce, Klamath Falls, $4, 250; Jackson County Chamber of Commerce, Medford, $2,000; Pendleton Chamber of Com merce, $350; visitors service de partment, Portland Chamber of Commerce, $6,200; travel in formation department, Salem, $220,000; Seaside Chamber of Commerce, $5,674. These sums are for advertising and promo tion purposes alone, excluding administrative and overhead expenses. The report shows that nation ally a record $8,731,000 is be ing spent this year, mostly to attract vacationers. The nation's tourist industry has grown into an $8,000,000,000 business, the study says. preface would place him in a straightjacket. Judge Medina then directed the prosecution to go on with an other question. A check later showed Thomp son's "yes" had been heard by the court stenographer, and was recorded in the testimony. Assistant U. S. Attorney Frank H. Gordon asked Thompson if the establishment of a working class dictatorship would involve your opponents? "Well," said Thompson, "I would say that there were a few Tom Clarks and Rankins and so forth that could stand elimina tion from American public life, and undoubtedly the working class would do a good job of that." Triple-Unit For New Train First of Southern Pacific's new $375,000 streamlined triple-units for the "Cascade", night train between Portland and San Fran cisco, will go into service on the northbound train from Oakland Friday evening, the railroad announced today. Twin of this articulated din ing, lounge and kitchen unit has left the Pullman-Standard plant in Chicago to join its mate on the Shasta Route within a few days. Addition of the new cars marks another important step toward progressive streamlining of the train, to be completed by next summer according to pres ent car delivery schedules, it was stated. "Cascade Club" is the name by which thenew triple-unit will be known. It closely resembles in exterior appearance and general interior arrangement the famous "Lark Club" on the night stream liner between Saq Francisco and Los Angeles. More than 200 feet long, it East Salem Family Picnic Largest One of Season East Salem, Aug. 12 One of the largest family picnics held in East Salem this summer was that held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Werner on Garden road. Relatives from out of the state were honored guests with the following friends and rela tives present. Honored guests were Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hoffman and children Carol Joe and1 Sammy and Miss Elaine Ifft all from Fairbury, Illinois. Que, is attendlntf were: Fred R. Pf.ed- erer also from Illinois; and Irom Silver ton Edward Kuenil Jr.: Earl SUdell, Emll Trachsel. Gary Kaufman, Marlene Von Flue, William Dettwyler, Rose Van Flue, Irene Stadell. Mary Kaufman. Anna Kuenzl, Al Kuenzl, John Kuenzl, Benja- an Kauiman. Elizabeth Kaufman. Hazel Stadell, William JIarl, William Kaufman, Norman Stadell, Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Klopfensteln, Laura Van Flue, Mr. and Mrs. Eiiymoncl Werner, Mr. and Mr. Paul Stadell and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Schmidt gold, Eleanie, Boverely and Marilyn; Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Gerhlng, Warren, Mark and Danny; Helen Harl, Joan Harl, Mr. and Mrs. Werner Keller lials and son, Norman; Delia Kuenzl. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Harl and Nina; Benny Von Flue, Carolyn Walhster, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Kuenzl and Kenny; from Pratum community Mr. and Mrs. Aden Klopfensteln, Janet and Vrrla; Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kuenzl and Judy. From Port land Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hedden and daughter, Ann; Mr. and Mrs. Adam niuemschlen and Jean And Bill Eggiman; Vcrna Kaufman, Rowland Bolliirer. Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Shurter, Diana and Jerry: Lee Kuenci and son. Terrv: CharM Btadell, Evelyn Kuenzl, Alfred Dettwyler , and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Werner and ilnUBhtcrs, Arlone and Carol from Salem I and also from Bilverton Edna Kaufman. Vclma Kuenzl, Mary Ellen Balllger Arnie rrncnsei, joe wanister, Kaymona Kuemzi, John Bolllger, Fred Dettwyler, Howard Klopfensteln, Rudolph E. Dettwyler, Mabel Kuenzl, Lucille Von Flue, Norma Kauf man, Oscar P. Bolliger, Mr. and Mrs. Otto ataaeii and Marvin Kuenzl, Ralph Kuenzl, Olen Kuenzl, Marlon Kuenzl, Arnold Von riue ana Merle Kaufman. Caroline Wan ster, Richard Klopfensteln, and Lawrence Kuenzl. contains one room for dining and lounging that ii 135 feet from end to end, unexcelled for spa ciousness and luxury by any other railroad equipment yet manufactured. Southern Pacific officials say. Roomy kitchen and pantry space has been pro vided in the third car of the triple-unit for speedy meal service. Interior styling and color tones of the "Cascade Club" gener ally follows those worked out for the new "Shasta Daylight" which went into service recently on the Portland-San Francisco run, featuring Canyon Tan, Odell and Crater Lake Blue and Cedar all inspired by colors of the scenic Shasta Route. Justice Douglas On Oregon Vacation Portland, Aug. 12 Of) Wil liam O. Douglas, associate jus tice of the U.S. supreme court, visited here today before going on to his summer cabin in the Wallowa mountains near Los- tine. The jurist arrived here 1 air late last night, byl His son, Willam, Jr. I has gone to the cabin. The twolly from a seven week trip to Eu already I returned to this country recent-'rope and the Middle East. Test its finer performance in your car (new or old) AT HELPFUL ASSOCIATED DEALERS IIDI WAT I It ASSOCIATED OIL COMPANY Palmistry Readings Will tell your past present and future. Will advise on love, marriage and business. Answers all questions. Are fyou worried? Why be in doubt? Special Readings. V" upen s a.m. Moved from 466 Ferry to 173 S. Commercial mmm tLDiS I LONG TIME... ...NO WEAR! that's We have SUMMER PRICED for WINTER ECONOMY! turning a dial- ix mm w m if II iVrAAi m mi mm m m mw w il 1 1 .. '' u- one for you Now!e Big f KWj Hea o,.r,ue liSlf VmJherm a $55 00 ' W mim IfrW.UU PfJ CIRCULATOR ' PUTnHIM For every heating need from $5500 Keepsyou warm with NO WORK. NO DIRT! Pay Only Good HonttkMpInf, B"ia Flor-Ever with the Exclusive uuo tnenr ' canning sterna with Ball Dome Lids. To lest Mai, Jo touch DOME: if it's down, jar is sealed. No other Bd has this amazing feature. In buying new jtn insist on Ball, the only jars that come quipped with Pom Lids. 1949 Ball Blue Book Less than h price! finest Home Can-; ring and Freezing Guide ever issued I 56 pages, hundreds of recipes. Get yours at big saving- offer 1 ' rk t Dig a Isee ff below Vf. Bend top from I box af Dorm Lldt and Bands with ontr 10c, for your new 25c Ball Blua Book. If dealer if out of Dome I,ida atk him to set aome. You mult cnclota boa top to set ia on thla offer I plastic no COVIRIN KEITH BROWN also carries a fine selection of famous floor coverings by PABCO, ARMSTRONG and SLOANE FREE ESTIMATE on installation or material require ments, (If you need remnants, we have a quantity at a fraction of their regular price.) AND ALL WHEN YOU SHOP and convenient location . . . v -1 I H Rda I.UMne. W,WTT 1 Q N PHONE YARD, You're through messing around with coal and ashes when you get a new Duo-Therm Radiant-Circulator! With (lie handsome new Duo-Therm you tend the fire by -keep nice and warm with no work, no dirll Month up IOOK AT THISI riATUHSt FAMOUS DUAL CHAMBER tUDNER gets more heal from a ery drop of oill SPECIAL WASTE STOPPEH keeps heat from rnshinK up the chimney puts it to work warming youl You got many other important features with the new Duo Therm Radiant-Circulator that mean even more comfort, more economy and more convenience! THE MOST BEAUTIFUL HOME HEATERS EVER MADE! Compare these Duo-Therm heaters with any '. '. '. for cold weather economy for luxurious winter warmth and for sheer beauty you can't do better. And, best yet, buy yours now at these amazingly low summer prices save doubly! Look at These Exclusive Features FAMOUS DUAL CHAMBER BURNER . . . gtfs mora heat from every drop of oil. SIMPLE HEAT CONTROL ... you tend the fire by turning the dial. SPECIAL WASTE STOPPAGE . . . keeps the heat from rushing up the chimney putt it to work warming you. SEIE THESE AND MANY OTHER MODELS NOW ON DISPLAY 5? .aS WITH THE FAMOUS DUO-THERM FUEL OIL HEATER Stop tracking coal snd ashes through the living room. Quit stoking an old-fashioned stove ! Get a new Duo-Therm snd do this instead: On the first chilly day strike match start your Duo-Therm then lend Ike fire by turning a diall Heaters May Be Stored At Woodry's Without Charge, Until Needed flUO-THERM TRAILER HEATER with POWER-AIR , It's designed to give you heat ing comfort at minimum heat ing cost. Come in and see the many comfort and economy features of this easy-to-install Duo-Therm.. Trailer.. Heater. Available now at Woodry's. ... jjjjju Duo-Therm I I IVW Ri SEE THE NEW DUO-THERM FUEL OIL HEATER AT WOODRY'S Two striking new Duo-Therm designs inspired by famous "period" furniture! The Hepplewhite Models, with a rich walnut finish; the Chippendales, in modern blonde. Either of these beautiful new Period designs will modernize your liv ing room keep you warm without work without dirtl Always the Easiest Terms in Town- SAIL BOTHf COMPANY, i Oept i, Mvnda, Indian Num.. i Address...., ,. t Olt k U.S. otr. aWkt 1 9. ( . IC) I Wt Si.Ca. J rr