t " ei .: h a: u - r ' ji ; r ' pi A ; D s 1 ' C ' O' th VI A ti. te vi th dt 4 ot ct t re W w dc B 1 f Ai ia V wi Capital Journal, Salem, Born of the Storm By SIDNEY B. CARTER ChaDter 24 1 un TCpnt went out and came back in a lew minutes. "We best let 'im go to sleep now. ine men what brunk 'im told me to give im one ot these pills when he can't sleep," she said, picking up a bottle lrom the tame oesrae Ken neth's bed. "If he's still up after a hour or so, we gitta give 'im another one but be keerful never to give Im more'n two in one night. Too many'll kill him. Ya best give 'im one now." Prlscilla went to the bathroom for a glass of water to go with the sleeping plU and when she came back, Mrs. Kent was pouring whiskey. Prlscilla stopped her Just as she was going to give it to Kenneth. "No!" said Prlscilla, surprised at the sharpness of her own voice. Mrs. Kent drew back and then glared at Prlscilla indignantly. "What do you mean?" she asked. "Ain't my poor boy got a right to have a drink If he wants one after all he's been through?" "That's all right," said Prlscilla more gently. "But not at the same time he takes the sleeping pill, father the drink or the sleeping pill, but not both at the same time. Liquor and opiates don't agree very well." Kenneth turned his head to ward her slowly, his eyes searching her face. "Okay," he said. "Okay. Let Prlscilla be the boss for awhile." Mrs. Kent still glared at Pris ellla, but she let it go at that. She and Prlscilla supported Ken neth's back while he took his medicine. The two women plumped his pillows and tucked in the cov ers. She wants me here, Prlscilla thought. She'd be frightened with the responsibility all by herself, and J'et she still can't keep from resent ng me. . "Is Pop awake?" asked Prlscilla. "ia like to see mm." "Yeah." said Mrs. Kent frrum bllngly. "He's been sick, too. Don't know what I'll do with both of 'em in bed and all the work . Prlscilla walked across the hall to Pop Kent's room and found him sitting up in bed, reading his paper. "Hello, Pop," called Prlscilla pleasantly. Mr. Kent looked up questlonlngly and his face broke into a smile when he saw Prls cilla. "Well, welll Here's our little girl back again. It sure Is good to sec ya." i Pop's wholehearted welcome and very evident desire to have her remain made It more difficult for Prlscilla to refuse Mrs. Kent's en treaty that she move back and help her care for the Invalid. "I kalnt do it all meself," she whined. It was arranged for Prlscilla to sleep with Dora and take care of any of Kenneth's needs during the night, Mrs. Kent giving her son a small bell, with which he could summon Prlscilla if neces sary. "Dora'll wash out yer stockln's fer ya tonight and later ya can bring some things, if ya'll come." During the night Prlscilla had to give Kenneth his second sleep ing pill and when she woke the next morning he was still asleep. Bhe had a light breakfast, kissed Pop good-bye and, on her way to work, she phoned Gertrude. They arranged to meet for lunch. , "Hello, Softie." said Gertrude, as soon as Prlscilla had told her the news. Prlscilla flushed. "You'd be a softie, too, if you could see Ken neth now." she said defensively, "he's so different." "Well, suppose he Is," said Ger trude. "He's had his big fling, here and in San Francisco, or where ever he's been all this time, and all at your expense, If you ask me." "I know, I know," murmured Prlscilla and then her gaze came back. "What about Dennis?" she asked, looking Prlscilla squarely in the eyes. "Doesn't he need you?" : "Oh, yes, I suppose he does," jild Prlscilla and then she broke out passionately in despair. "Oh, reri.rune. uus is sucn a stupid situ ation. Did you ever think of the rfhaln of happenings that led up jp bi uo you suppose tne war could r ; wyykjJJA ' A swk ii I A&2 II I I Q' I I I tr-CV II i mr s v -sw I AX II i r as ii m w.i a Oregon, Friday, August 12, 1949 have caused these things to hap pen?" "It eould," said Gertrude, "and did, in plenty of cases besides yours." They sat in silence for a while. Prlscllla's wandering attention came back to her companion. "By the way," Gertrude was asking, a shrewd look in her eyes, "You haven't told me what caused Ken neth's paralysis?" prlscilla looked down at tier plate. "I don't know." she said hesitantly. ' You mean you haven't asked him? Doesn't his mother know?" Prlscilla didn't answer. Gertrude lost patience. "Prlscilla Kent, an swer me. Are you afraid to ask him? Are you afraid of what you'll find out?" Prlscilla forced herself to look at Gertrude. "Yes," she said finally. "I'm afraid of what I'll find out." That evening when she had had a talk with Mrs. Kent, Prlscilla knew that her original feeling had been correct, her fear Justified. The doctor had been there that day ana he had told Mrs. Kent that Kenneth's paralysis had been cauS' ed by a gunshot wound. Kenneth had evidently been shot in the back. Mrs. Kent told Prlscilla that and then clamped her lips shut as n sne were sure she had said too much. She got up from her chair ana startea to walk away. wait a minuter' Prlscilla was worried more by this half-know ledge than she had been before she found out anything at all. "Mother Kent, who were the men who brought Kenneth home?" I don't know," snapped Mrs, Kent. "Tain't my business nor yours." And Prlscilla was unable to get another word out of her. (To be continued) Flare-Back Bolero The bolero- suit makes an ideal basic outfit for fall I This brand new version alves you the back-swept jacket way out rront in iasnion plus the skirt with tne nign-rising waistband. NO. 288B is cut In sizes 10. 13. 14.1 16. 18, 30. 36. 38 and 40. Size 16.1 Jtt yas. oi-in. SUMMER is the tlmp for nrpt.tv styles the Fashion Book the place mj mm uiem. fevervimne vnn npen for that wonderful two weeks with pay. pius plenty or charming and wearable fashions for town, country home. The SUMMER fashion BOOK brings you over 160 pattern designs for all ages and occasions, and all designed for easy sewing Price Just 30 cents. Order vour copy now. Send 25c tor PATTERN with name, Aaaress, ana style Number State Size desired. Address Capital Journal 551 Mis sion gn... pan rTancisco 6, calif. PATTERN No. R25.U Animal Antlr. ur clever, hllmnrmu lltfla animal, I. embroider on your tot's bibs, clothes ur imracry linens, lneir Cunning mikiiB mime lur piensniu neeaie work hours. Pattern Envelnn Nn R1M1 tains hot-Iron transfers for bib and 3 designs stitch Illustrations, color chart and complete directions. To obtain tne pnibcrn send 20c IN COINS giving pattern number Vmir noma arlrlraci awr4 ber to Peggy Roberta Capital Jour" uivi, cue missiua ovreeb. ean fTan claco 3 Calif. fcOME OVER HERE, BABY TPLEA5E-X-I FEELl LET ME CO.'- I'D RATHERlM Wi JUST A MINUTE. "BO" KAY VOUR ) VOU'RS TREAT1N' BALOY LIKE.NERVOU5-" - VWALK HOME TONIGHT KBNO IS CONE AGAIN .' I - ,. . J I : I I T I pf1 I DON'T FORGET TO S. I I .'-.'.,:'. 5is COLLECT FOR THAT 1 VE ' y" ' R TI061S RgsWN' IN-TO THRT MI , J M I iff MUD? V1-Y1HANS IMiHH HM If '' QUIT WHILE Vm HERS III Nttt P a CR6EKWE DONT WANT Kill 1 Hi I Ih ONTO ME. CAlSDV I A Uftf WI K AHEAD-NOW LOOK! Ill IM IV TO GO THAT WAVT M II Nw li 1 f 1 ' I HR lOF UH-Utr,,N. ll Ifl I VOO MEAN MOO TUATS RI6UT.ANO 1 HAVE 1 VOULL MA.VE. A FREE MUD BUT lOu MUST PROMISE ) riTS5l , J WANNA MAKE TO FI6URE OUST WHAT TO PUT BATH IM MOUR OWKI TUB EVERY , TO KEEP THIS SECRET... T T?J BRICKS OUTAMXIR IN TO MAKE TWEM HOLD r-f OAV IP VOULL LET ME TRY J OKTTIL I J OkAY.WlLBUR H '-ajMOO SO POLKS KIM TOGETHER. AND THAT - OUT TMESE BRICKS ON YOU 11 PERFECT MY l PER A BUCK A J " J j JTAKE THEIR MUD WHERE YOU COME INUxSf v ), ,1m. A '"y ' " S 1 A , VgMWS AT HOME? f" , , JVhJfM AWFUL QUIET. J b . van j rasAiiu odiraeoss K.rTs I SSlf" " DN'T CABE WHUT HE LOOK4 THEY CMLS Hlrt'ONC-1 7THTtFTHlMTSErup"' I (-CRANNY DONE GONi TBD. WMl II MAQiiTlrV 1 IZZir . WIF HI" I J twitf WUIX J0HES 0M I I V WIF bAIT MAE. M I Ht li now wt w I II L ISSSSiS; -'!V,i?W: 'TH )ONERTH BETTER.' VjXT. '" T" I Vi-WONDER JEST I I tlAC.'.'-HA.'-NOU AHLL Ll) l?n?3 lSnaV VM.5SLr?B """"M yr-.g ALL TH' FAULTS HE I If WHUT HIS ONE. I I I FIND OUT UHUT IS ,yO-ONC J lA I au'iJvS; f-y "'" nr MUSBIH. T . X COT. BUT HE DON T FAULT I - i"Tr FAUUT.ONe.rAUU I 1 MnSSt norrrt'V,oa"''i )"w( like T'biwuw V "LlJ faS -w f; k LPOIV Ai IMAT,MLOVE-l5NT PHI.MUTTJ DID I f IT L.L. YOU tp COME ON INI ILLSHOW J ISN'T IT WONDERFUL. MUTT' V IJ I IT WONDERFUL! THE FISH I DID you I SEE WHAT I CAUGHTI fyou X'M NOT HANDIN' VOU MRS. GLOTZ'BABy WEIGHS .. H Ct CAUGHT WEIGH TBN V.J' X Ifr I GOT TWO L er A FISH STORY SI XTy POUNDS ON B V . . . . .. II . ' Pi) , " POUNDS EACH! BEAUTIFUL WWWA THEY'RE TEN . h, SS. P05aftHM.M.MjNOVVj I HAVE A SIX36ESTION, PINE! FINE! THAT "J MARSH IS My MONICKER- n, i v I T ocn- r LET'S SEE... CAPTAIN. HOW ABOLT WOULP SUIT ME AT V'R SERVICE I'M TO ft. uctXi'JJ, D JUST ONE THIN6 MORE, WHAT SORT O' ASSI6NIN6 SALTy TO My I LIKE A TRAPE WIND BE VOUR PRIVATE CABIN RTSv CAP N. IP APPRECIATE IT IF V JOB WOULP FILL 6UESTST SORT OF A -4 STEWARP. JUST CALL AC pSomaiiv U OU COULP ASSI6N ME TO A THAT ORPER T SPECIAL CABIN STEWARP! JlIT7piaut emu ME 'SALTY . EKSONALLY- T "F COT AURPRISE.KATHERINt! iTl 1 OF COURSE, 1 DON'T tlII T ' I; QUANO TU. SCKAIS MEN VlilLU, Jl HERt'S YOUR FAVORITE BOOK i UNDERSTAND IT LIKE y vtl Jr3 -J AU iOIK A LA OiANDUU! OF FRENCH POETRY l-'V- yOUDO-.BUTIT 7drlim'' N. It -7 L t la READTOME!y- TFRENCH 50UND5 PRETTY- K J X Ulf1 N 'i V POETRY?!! j LIKE5IC--T HEP" I Z. AnDEIOOH" IllwTH' dole's rnirv M-mJfPlMiai aiaeaaouaiMiiiilllia llol RADIO PROGRAMS FRIDAT ;kslm SS 'KGW 5:00 waiter Trohmn Woman'i Bcrt Rhjthm Ranch Curt Mmhj Frank Hemingway Snnnj 8ld Rhythm Ranch Tna LillU gfaaw Paitlnt Parade Newi Hint Craibf Sonra of Prairi J Carmen CaTallero Rlehard Hrknti Sporl Paga Larry U Sener 6:00 Ted Drakt Right by Requnt Candle ught A Knox Manning :18 Ted Drake Eight by Request Sllrer Bandi on Parada M Adv. of Champ. Paletta at Piano New t;het Buntley M Mmle Elmer Pctenon Fliiheatler N(" 7:00 obrle matter Webiter Sayi Pt O'Brien Thla Ik Broadway North we it Newa Webster SaTii Mmlral Jackpnt Th a Broadway :S0 Fiihing, Hunting My Hood WIU Proudly Wa Hail Th la Broadway M Fishing, Homing My Good Wlfa Proudly ffi Hall Thlg li Broadway 8:00 Old Barber Shop Dr. I Q Bandstand Columbia Feature 18 Tbli ! Muaia Dr. I Q Bandstand Columbia Featuro 30 Chco Kid Rill Stern Dugout Dopo Danca Oreh. :4& Cisro Kid Rhythm Tirao Baseball llanca Orch. 9:00 Straight Arrow Supper Club Baseball Cbaa. Colllncwood :IS Straight Arrow News of World Baseball Chleoioana :S0 Musta Tret In Brooklyn Baseball Summer, St. Laula At Musle Trea In Brooklyn Baseball Summer, St. Loula AiN News News Baseball Ftta Star final III :1 Select Local Newt Sports ran Final Newa Round-B Sports Spotlight 111:30 Ncw m ToWB Track I4!H) Spin to Kin " :46 Music Big Town Track 14ff0 Spin to Win T60 Walter Trohan Sam" Hayes Track J4WI Serenaoe :15 Bob Poole Show Wax Museum Track llfHI You the World :S0 Rob Psolt Show Wax Museum Track Itflo Orchestra :45 Musle Wax Museum Track 1490 Orchestra jgioo" Sign Off sTgn Off 1:00 A.M., Sign Silent SATURDAY 6 A.M. TO 4:45 P.M. 6:00 Newa Hodga Podga News A Dawn Patrol ' Hodge Podge KOIN Klork 30 NW Farm Newa Newa KOCO Klork KOIN Kloek .45 March Time Hodge Podgo KOCO Kloek KOIN Kloek :00 Dawn Patrol Now Hear This Tex Bitter Koln Block :15 Dawn Patrol Now Hear Thla News News :30 Dawn Patrol The Old Songa Homea on Land Newa 4B News News Extension Service Consumer Newa News ' Smooth Musle Science Excursion Musle for Ton 15 Breakfast Gang Smooth Musio Popular Varieties Musle for Ton -30 Breakfast Gan Jerry Marlowe Western Melodies Broadway Beat M Top Trades Sam Hayes Western Melodies Broadway Beat 9' ' ;00 Bargain Counter Fred Waring Show Haven of Rest News 18 Ncwa Fred Waring Show Haven of Rest Let'a Pretend SO Sons of Pioneers Ed McConnell Music Without Junior Miss ;45 Music Ed McConnell Words Junior Miss TqO Northwest News News Cycle of Song Theatre of Today :1s Music Public Affairs Cycle of Song Theatre of Today :30 Pastor's Call Orchestra Concert Favorltea Grand Central ;45 Purple Sago Orchestra Concert Favorltea Station !00 News Farm-Homo Hour Saturday Serenade Stars Over :1ft Garden Guide Farm-Home Hour Saturday Serenade Hollywood :S0 Kiwanls Choir Mary Lee Taylor Saturday Serenade Give and Taho Klwanis Choir Mary Lee Taylor Saturday Serenade Give and Take mAf:0Q Top Trades Young Oregonlans At the Opera News BJj5 Newa Young Oregonlans At the Opera Drivers Playh'aa I X:S0 Doc, Platter Jock N New M ln Mlssua I :4ft Doe, Platter Jock Report on Europe ted Dale Presents Meet tha Mlssua 1:00 Doe, Platter Jock Musleana Saturday Matinee County Fair :1ft Doe, Platter Jock Musleana Saturday Matinee County Pair :30 Northwest News Musleana Saturday Matinee Dance Orch. :4ft Bob Eberly Show Musleana Saturday Matinee Danca Oreh. TOO Man on Farm Your Health Saturday Matinee Newspaper of Air :lo Man on Farm BUa of Hits Saturday Matinee Newspaper of Air :S0 Newa Contrasts Memory Theater Sat. at Chase :45 Bins Sings Contrasts Memory Theater Sat, at Chase 3:00 Guest Star Mind Manners Chln-IJp Chatter News .10 Veterans Prgrm Mind Manners Chin-Up Chatter Travers Race 30 Alrforca L. Cotton Sings Chin-Up Chatter Ted Black Orch. :4ft Airforco Horse Race Chin -lip Chatter Ted Blark Oreh. 4:00 Bob" Ya ole Show News r'e Bit of Jaxx Griffin Barerofl .16 Bob Poole Show Guest Star Little Bit of Jaxz News :30 March Time University Theatre Spotllte on Music DrM Trio :45 News University Theatre Spoil I U on Musle John Daly DIAL LISTINGS: KEX. 1190; KOAC, 550 V kY 'rlAy p- M. 6:00, Squirrel Caget lUA 5:30, Yukon Challenge! 6:00, Keeping up With Sports) 6:16, Home Edl I tlon News i fi:30. Modern Romances t ?:00, Headline Edition: 7:15, Elmer Davis; 1:30, The Sheriff; 8, Heinle and His Band; 11:30, Your FBI) 9, Fat Mam B:3ft, 'Neath West ern Skiesi 10, Richfield Reporter) 10:16, Ilntermexxo; 10:30, Concert Hourt 1 1:30, Memos to Tomorrow) 12:00, Xtra Hour) 1:00, sign Off. I Lf PV Saturday A.M. 6:00, Dawn Down i l t A beatt 7:00, Round-up Boys; 7:15. I Time Trmpost 7:4R, Adventures In Re search) 8:00, Deep River Boyat 8:15, Mar tin Agronnkyt 8:30, Home Demonstration Agent) 8:45, Frankle Carl; 9:00, Johnny I Olsen Get Together) 9:30, Toyland Tunes) 10:00, Stars of Tomorrow) 11:00, Girls' Corpsi 11:30, American Farmer) 12:00, Treasury Band Show) 12:30, Fascinating I Rhythm t 1:00, Ballad Boxt 1:15, Horse Racest 1:30, Band Boxt S:00, Tea and I Crumpets) 8:00, 101 Ranch Boyat 5:30, Meet the Band) 4:00, Junior Junction) 4:30, I laxsy Concert, Lodges Will Picnic Dayton The'Daylon Masonic I and Eastern Star picnic will be held Sunday, August 21, at the Lafayette Locks, at 1:30 o'clock. a ACROSS Short poem Traditional tale Shoe form Antarctic blrda American Indian English letter King of Israel Article Dlssoluto person Metalliferous rocka Likely Malt beveraga Throbbing: Symbol for tantalum Table pro tectors Airships: colloq. SO. Not the same ones 32. Lavem 33. Peruse S4.- State bordering on Lake Erie Ih. Inside tR. Rural poem 38. Dress up 3!). Type mjiiaroa 41. Any of the N'orse Fates 42. East African coin 43. Accomplish 44. Existence 46. South Ameri can animal 46. Silkworm 48. Moslem 60. Bird's homo 61. Princely Italian house 62. Coloring agent 3 4 S S7 "Sf to ii " ' ZZB!iZZBZ 3!L urn55" 37 S3 !IEZ1ZZZ : g A 1 1 Wri wf ROOM AND BOARD IT SOUNDS LIKE IT'LL BE A 3 ckci 1 Dt i"C ccd a variTiVi V-S' " BUT I VON'T BE ABLE TUH SO. IT'S BETTER. d JUDGE.' -I'VE NERGLECTED THAT WAV MUH RAS5Llr4', SO AAE AN A " ; HE'D FEEL iLU I PAL IS GOfN UP TUH AOK ', AT EASE AT V X FER A MONTH AT A LUMBER. J 'OGCWAN LODGE, i CAWP, AN' GET BACK IN J KNOWING ME t SHAPE r-S DtDNTFIT P.M. "SlKOCO 'IVKOIN Tt OBS Upbeati 6:50, 650 Sports Clnbt 6:00, News 6:15, Dinner Melodies! :. Musio of CxechoaloTakia ; 7:15, ETenlas Farm Bonn 8:00, Research Report! 6:16, Here's I Veteranai S:S0, Great Sonaat 8:45. LoacerV Flro Weather Fereeasti t:H, Mnsle That En do res 1 :45, Lift U Thy Voice; 10:00, Adrentures In Research 1 10:15, Serenade; 10:46, Newai 11:00, Slam Off. lfAr Satnrday A.M. 10:00, Newai lwMKtf 10:15, Especially for Women 11:00, Tbo Concert Halli 12:00, News; It :1a, Noon Farm Houn 1:00, Ride 'em Cowboy) 1:30, Voice of the Armyi 1:4B, Melody MOOT rlcai I a .1 Lanei 2:00, Musio of the Masters) Selenoo News) 1:45, This Is South Africa! 4:00, Driver's Playhouse) 4:15, Songa the West; 4:45, Children's Theatre. Members are ask to bring a pic nic dinner and enjoy the after noon. Those in need of transpor tation call Earle Coburn. rATsisiEiRiTtiTiRWWcra O O R E OUR E C A 1 L 0T AMI nIaHp A t! JB c. a n tHo h m M 1 R IflE R EllT R E E B R A V E R YBT W R L AlM N DQlfi o n j n e JP A R.T7 O EOS N A G A T SPslw O reQ3 R I"I"I"I"ITI1INNET STA6ESUSlElNQRSl Solution of Yesterday's Puzzlt DOWN 1. Telephone eirl 2. Uninhabited 3. Follow Genus ol the hoic Biblical city Knots in wood ' That which Are leave Tennis atroko By Determent 1 Canvas shelter Turn to tho riKht Oriental Disagreement City of the Taj Mahal Clergymen He who fiddled while Rome burned , One of an ancient race Idleness Tropical beverage Ugly old women Part of the lea; Female monster Diminutive feminine name Ijtikewarm Paradise Greater amount Card game Dine To: Scotch. Exista Army officer! abbr. Bv Gen Ahe"1 ( OU, SO?' (I A 1 V-