Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, August 12, 1949, Page 15, Image 15

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    Church Recalls
25-Year History
Court Street Christian church
will celebrate its thrity-fifth an
niversary Sunday, according to
an announcement by w. H. Ly
man, minister.
The congregation first began
as a mission Sunday school con
ducted by members of the First
Christian church. In August
1914 the church was organized
with 23 charter members. The
church first met in a bungalow
constructed by volunteer labor
For years the church was
known as "The Bungalow
Church." In 1922 construction
was begun on a new church
building. The educational unit
was completed In 1925. At the
present time the church is en
gaged in building a new sanctu
ary which will house the grow
ing congregation.
"Looking Backward," will be
the theme for Mr. Lyman s mes
sage Sunday morning. The an
niversary services will be con
cluded Sunday evening with a
message, "Looking Forward"
and a Fellowship hour which
will follow the evening wor
ship service.
Male Quartet Sings
In Outdoor Concert
The Calvary male quartet
from the Bible Institute of Los
Angeles, will present a series of
sacred music numbers Sunday
at 7:00 p.m. at Marion Square,
Commercial & Marion streets,
sponsored by the First Baptist
church of Salem, of which Dr.
Lloyd T. Anderson is pastor.
These young men are all stu
dents at the Bible Institute of
Los Angeles and preparing for
full time missionary service
The leader of the quartet is El
mer Hiebert of Dallas, Oregon,
with Bob Goertz also of Dallas;
Dick Cook, Eugene, and Cliff
Custer, Oakland, Calif.
At the piano will be Henry
Lorenz of Los Angeles. The
quartet is on a summer tour
along the Pacific Coast, Nevada
Utah and Idaho, and the young
men have been heard regularly
over the Bible Institute. Hour, a
network broadcast released
from Los Angeles. The Bible In
stitute of Los Angeles is a train
ing school for ministers and mis
sionaries and has a student body
of over one thousand.
Flnt Frtsbyterlan Earl Ky Fenton,
pastor. Sunday school at 9;4S; morning
worship at 11; young people's meeting at
Beth! Presbyterian Earl KaT Penton.
pastor. Morning worship at 10; Sunday
aonooi at iu:.
Christian Don Priest, pastor, Sunday
chool at 10 ; services at n; c. je. at 7
evening service at 8.
Assembly f God Lester Gibson, pastor.
Sunday school at :; preaching at 11
ana tas; x. r. as
Free Method It t Mrs. Roiella B. Doug
las, pastor, Sunday school at 9:45; preach
ing at 11 and 1M.
Fearsejaart Arthur Ooble, pastor. Sun
day school at 9:46; worship at 11 and
1:45; Y. P. at 6:46.
Ohareh f Jesaa Christ ( L.D.8. Sun
day school at 10; Sacrament meeting at
The RMrganlied Chirch of Jesas Christ
4 Latter Day tlmlnti George Omans, pas
tor. Church school at 10; preaching at
11; Zlons League at 7; lecture study at 6.
Charch f Odd Raymond W. Hood, pas
tor. Church- school at 10; worship at 11
and 8; Y. P. at 1.
St. Mary'l Mission (Episcopal) William
Van Meter, Vicar. Holy Communion at
:30 a.m.
Bible Baptist Earl Baker, pastor. Sun
day school at 8:45; worship service at 11
and 7:45; T. P. at :4B.
Immanuel Lntheran Harvfn N. Chrlsten
sen, pastor. Sunday school at 10; worship
service at 11; Luther League at 7:30.
Gervals Presbyterian Ernest Tremblay,
pastor. Sunday school at 10; worship at
11; C. E. at 7:30.
Methodist Ormal B. Trick, pastor.
Church school at 10; worship at 11.
St. Lake's Catholfe V. L. Moffenbeler,
pastor. Sunday services at 6 a.m., 8:10
a. m, and 10:30 a. m. Benediction after
10:30 mass Sundays..
' Nldarot Lutheran (Monitor) Services
at 9:30 a. m.; Sunday school at 10:46.
Eav. Horton Speaks
Hopewell Rev. Richard Hor
ton of Amboy, Wash., the re
cently appointed pastor for the
local church will be in the pul
pit August 14, Adelbert Smith
of Grand Island with his truck,
accompanied by Owen Pearse,
will go to Amboy Thursday for
the household goods of Rev. and
Mrs. Horton, They will reside in
the Wheatland district in the
house recently vacated by Rev.
and Mrs. Conrad Rhoads and
We need people who will drive their own can to
the fields.
We need people who will camp at fields in West
Stayton and vicinity.
0 We need people in yards and will supply transpor
tation from this office daily.
South Cottage 4 Ferry Sts. Telephone 39288
Marion County Bean Growers
Jalem 4 L hutched
St. Mark Ev. Lutheran 343 N. Church
Pastors: Rev, M. A. Getsendaner, D.D.,
Rev. John Batlien. Sunday school, 9:45.
Mornlni worship service, 11. Sermon,
"The Friendship of Jesus."
rhriit Lutheran State street at 18lh.
O. R. Schnlz, pastor. Divine worship at
8:45, and 11 o'clocx. Sunday school at 9:50.
First Christian High and Center. Min
ister, Dudley Strain. Associate minister,
waiter Nail, cnurcn scnooi, y:. Min
ing worship and communion, 10:60. Ser
mon. "Strategy Toward Oneness,' Wal
ter Naff. Phi Zeta Chrlsto will meet with
th Dallas erouo at Dallas. CY.F. iroup
will meet at the church, 6:30. Evening
worship, 7:45. Sermon "Pray as Sons,"
waiter Mall.
Court Street Christian 17th and Court.
W. H. Lyman, minister. Bible school As
sembly 9 :45 a.m. Morning- worship and
communion, 10:50. Sermon subject, "Look
ing Backward." Youtn nour, i. jsvemns
worship, 8. Sermon, "Looking Forward."
Institute of Religious Science Holds a
10:30 a.m. healing meeting. Service at 11.
Subject, "The Law of Liberty." Rev. Olive
Stevens presents Tonl Van Ornum.
Central Church of Christ Chemeketa
at Cottage. M. C. Cuthbertson, minister.
Bible school, 9:45. Preaching and worship,
10:45 a.m. ("Work Is Righteousness in
Action"), and 8 p.m. ("What Is the
Church of Christ?")
Bethany Evanrelical A Reformed Mar
lon and Capitol. Rev. Russell Mayer, pas
tor. Sunday school, 10. Morning worship,
11, Evening worship, 8,
First Baptist Marion and Liberty. Dr.
Lloyd T. Anderson, pastor. Rev. C. E.
Brlckwedel. Associate pastor. Sunday
school, 9:45 a.m., with classes for all
ages. Morning worsnip, n, "urace lor
All." Third study In book of 1 Corin
thians." Dr. Lloyd Anderson. Special eve
ning gospel service In Marlon square at 7
featuring the Calvary Male quartet from
the Bible Institute of Los Angeles. The
message of the evening will be brought by
the pastor.
Halbert Memorial Baptist One mile
north of the Underpass on Highway 99-E.
Rev. C. E. Brlckwedel, pasor. Sunday
school, 9:45 a.m., with classes for all
ases. Morning worship, 11. Message by
the pastor. Young Peoples league, 6:30.
Evening gospel service, 7:30,
Four Corners Baptist Elma avenue at
State street. Vernon Forrest, sup't of Sun
day school. Sunday school, 9:46 with class
es for all ages. Morning worship, 11. Mes
sage by Rev. Leland Wilkinson, guest min
ister. Evening gospel service, 8. Rev. Wil
kinson, guest minister.
Faith Tabernacle No. 5th at Gaines.
Max Wyatt, pastor. Revival services con
tinue with Rev. Benson and Dart from
Idaho. Every night except Monday at 8
p.m. Sunday school, ID. Sunday worship,
11. aermon topic. "The Church at the
Central Lutheran -Gaines and N. Cao-
ltol. G. B. Rundstrom. pastor. Junior
service, 10. Morning worship, 11,. Junior
league, 7:30.
Calvary Chapel. Full Gomel 1143 N.
Liberty St. Pastors: Rev. Claude C. and
Mary W. Bell. Sunday school, 10. Morn
ing worship, 11. Evening service, 7:45
Rev. Mrs. O. C. Harms, special guest.
United Pentecostal 445 Ferry. Rev.
Nathaniel Wilson, pastor. Sunday school,
9:46. Morning service, 11. Sermon. "The
Life Look." Evening service, 7:45. Sermon,
oustaicen notions About Repentance."
First Church of Christ. Scientist Lib
erty and Chemeketa. Sunday school at 11.
Morning service at 11. Sermon. "Soul."
Nursery for children up to 3 years of age
provided during the morning service. No
aunaay evening service during August.
Salem Heights Community. Non-denom
(national Liberty Road at Madrona ave
nue. Rev. T. C. Brown, oastor. fiundav
scoooj, id, rreacning, ll.
service, 8, Tues,, Aug. 18. Subject, "The
Law of Prosperity." Library 12 noon to 3,
Jesus Name Pentecostal 117S Lewi St..
Ronald V. Slttser, pastor. Sunday school,
10. Morning worship, 11. Pastor will speak.
Evening evangelistic, 7:45.
West Salem Methodist Third and Garth.
O. Leonard Jones, minister. Church school,
9:35. Worship, 11. Sermon, "The Line of
March In Missions." 6:30 p.m., Youth fel
lowship. First Presbyterian Chemeketa at Win
ter. Chester W. Hamblln, pastor. John L.
Goodenberger, assistant pastor. Church
school, 9:45. Morning worship, 10:65. Ser
mon by Mr. Goodenberger, "The Vision
Splendid." 6, Youth fellowship.
Leslie Methodist Smith rnmmnroial a
Myers. O. Wesley Turner, pastor. Sun
day school at 9:45: mornlnc aiu-vlm at
11, sermon subject, "The Valley of De
cision"; Youth Fellowship at 7; evening
service at 8, sermon subject, "The Power
a ourrenaerea Lire.
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Di
Saints 5th and Madison. John E. Salis
bury, bishop. Sunday school at 10; Priest
hood meeting and primary at 11:30; eve-
mug bse vice at o:ju.
Wesleyan Methodist 15th and Mill ftt
A. G. Yates, pastor. Sunday school at
10; morning worship at 11; young people's
uiccbiuK i,; evening service at t:jo.
"uuuim hujb, jjuoior. nun
day school at 9:45. Morning worship at
nc ymowt prencmng on A IJieBSing
or a Curse." Program by the Bethel Guild
Society at 7:30 p. m.
Christian Jr Missionary Alliance W nth
and Gaines. Herman J. Bohl, pastor; Sun
day school at 9:45: mornin rvir n-
evening service at 7:30; Young People's
First Spiritualist 248 N. rnmmrrH.1
Rev. Mary Gerken. sneaker. at a-tn-
services at 7:30.
Vnltht 1U.H..t.l r ii ...
. W '"""" Biiuni Win
and Ferry Sts. Louise E. White, pastor.
Sunday school at 9:45; Morning worship
at 11, sermon "Man's Accountability to
God," by Dr. Daniel H. Schulse of Wil
lamette university; Church time at 11
Flrat Methndlit nhtirrh anrf eta. at.
Brooks H. Moore, pastor. Church school
at 9:46; morning worship at 11, sermon,
Church of the Founauara fiaaneL F.
Vine fit.. Lebanon. Ore. Rev. James Tavlor.
pastor. Sunday school at 9:45; Services
at 11, cermon topic, "God's Inheritance in
you; 8:45 Foursquare Crusaders (young
people); 7:30-p. m. Sermon topic, "What
Is the Foursquare .Gospel?"
Rev. and Mrs, Claude C. Bell
Anniversary at
Calvary Chapel
Three great services Monday
will celebrate the first anniver
sary o Calvary Chapel (Full
Gospel) in their new building
located at 1143 N. Liberty St.
Many ministers and delegates
from three states, California,
Washington and Oregon, as well
as other delegates will be at
tending the services, including
the Rev. Mrs. O. C. Harms, sec
retary-treasurer of the Califor
nia Evangelistic associ a t i o n,
Long Beach, Calif., who will
also be present in the Sunday
evening service at the chapel.
Musical numbers and special
guest speakers will be featured
at each of the three services,
commencing with an afternoon
meeting Monday at 3 oclock,
followed by a dinner for the vis
iting ministers and out of town
delegates, served at the May
flower dining hall by the ladies
of Calvary chapel. A vesper ser
vice is scheduled for 7 p.m., and
the great rally for 7:45 p.m.
Rev. and Mrs. Claude C. Bell,
the pastors, extend a hearty in
vitation to the public to attend
these special meetings. Rev. Bell
is the Oregon state supervisor
for the California Evangelistic
association and Mrs. Bell is the
Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter
Day Saints (Mormon) K. P. Hall, Oak
and Mill. Sunday school, 10, evening serv-
Chrlstfan Science Sunday school, 9:45:
services, 11.
St. Paul's Catholic Father John J
Walsh, pastor. Sunday masses, 8 and 10;
week days, 8.
Assembly of God Berrel H. Scott, pax
tor, Sunday school, 9:45; Divine worship,
IU Young People' society, 6:46; evangel
istic, 8.
Church of God Rev. E.' E. Nix. pastor.
Sunday school, 10, Worship hour, 11. Eve
ning service, 8.
Seventh Day Adventlst Elder A. D.
Chllson, Salem, and Harold Johnson, local
elder, in charge. Sabbath school, Saturday,
9:30. Morning worship, 11, Saturday. Sun
day evening evangelistic service.
Marquam and Molalla Concrerations,
Methodist Rex Kendall, pastor. Joint pas
torate. Forenoon services at Marquam, af
ternoon at Molalla.
Pllfrlm Holiness D. C. Olson, pastor.
Sunday school, 9:45. James Graham, sup't.,
Virginia Alger, assistant. Sermon by pas
tor, 11. Young people meet, 7. Evangelistic
sermon, 8.
Immanuel Lutheran S. L. Almlle. pas
tor. Sunday school vacation during Aug
ust. Divine worship, ll. sermon by Skep
stad, recently returned missionary to
China, Luther League meeting, 7:30. Re
ports 01 the saskatoon convention.
First Christian Arthur Charles Bates,
minister. Bible school, 9:45. M. B. Ford,
supt. Assisted by Lynn R. Neal, Harry Vet
ter and James C. Bonner. Communion and
sermon, 11. Subject, "God's" Fellow Work
ers." senior Christian Endeavor, 7. Eve
ning service, 8. Sermon hour given over
to answering questions submitted by mem
bers and friends.
Methodist Ben F. Browning, minister.
Sunday school, 9:45. Norman Naegll.
supt. Classes for all ages, nursery. Morn
ing general worship, ll. sermon by pas
tor. "Mirrors in the Church." Nursery for
children under ace of five. Youth fellow
ship, 7:30.
Calvary Lutheran James A. Tofte, pas
tor. Sunday school and Bible class, 10. Miss
Olga Johnson, supt. Morning worship with
communion, 11. Sermon by pastor. Luther
league song service, 7.
Trinity Lutheran M. J. K. Fuhr, pas
tor. No Sunday school during August,
Morning worship hour. 11:00. pastor In
charge. Luther League, 7:30 p.m.
Christian and Missionary Alliance
Oordon T. Br at void, castor. Sunday
school, 10 a.m. Morning worship with
sermon by pastor, 11 a.m. Young peo
ple, senior and Junior, 7 p.m. Evening
service, pastor in charge, 8 p.m.
Turner Christian nhurrh nilherfc n
Carey, pastor. Bible School at 10; morn
ing worsnip at 11, message by the pastor,
"The OlorloUS Church": Christian En.
deavor at 7; evening church service at 8,
sermon topic, "What Does Satan Think of
C. M. LAFOLLETT orchard
10 Miles North on Wallace Road to Wheatland Ferry
V Mile South of Four Corner! on Lancaster Drive
Dallas Churches
William Rn.
rirai rrnnjininu
bow, D. D ..pastor. Sunday school. 9:45,
Morning worship. 11. Sermon. "The Minis
try -01 me urainary iiu.
Sunday school and unified worship ser
vice. 10. Sermon, "On Overcoming Lone
liness." tor. Bible school. 9:45. Morning worship.
by the pastor. Fellowship hour. 6:30.
Christian Endeavor, 7. Evening evangel
istic service, 6. Sermon, "Morning and
Evening, One Day."
Rnnrflleal Mennonlte Brethren A. P.
Toews, pastor. Service for older people. 9,
In church parlor. Sunday school, 9:35.
Morning worship, 11. Sermon. "Union
With Christ." Fellowship groups elect of
ficers, 7:15. Baptismal service, s.
pastor. Sunday school, 9:45. Morning wor
hin m -id Christian fellowshlD. 7. Eve
ning service, 7:45.
Salt Creek Baptist Emanuel Wolff, pas
tor. Sunday school, 9:45. Morning wor
ship, 11. Evening service, 8. Morning
topic, "Tne Jew ana raiesiine oiory ana
Prophecy." Evening topic, "The Unavoid
able Christ."
Apostolic Faith Forrest Damron. in
terim pastor. Sunday school, 9:30. Devo
tional service, 11. Evangelistic service, 8.
Grace Mennonlte J. J. Regier. pastor.
Sunday school, 10. Worship service, 11.
Farewell service for students leaving for
school, 7:30. Communion service follows.
Evanrelical United Brethren R. Wil
liam Elmer, minister. Sunday school, S:30.
Morning worship, 11, Youth fellowship, 7,
Evangelistic Bible study hour.
Christian and Missionary Alliance Sun
day school, 9:45. Morning worship, 11.
Rev. Paul Wilbur, evangelist, will bring
the message, "The Heavenly Quest." Eve
ning service, 8. Sermon, "God's Message
for These Days."
Trinity Lutheran Karl lifer, pastor.
Sunday school, 10. Divine service, 11,
Falls City Seventh Day Adventlst
Ralph Gladden, pastor. Sabbath school,
9:30. Preaching, 11.
First Baotlat Sunday school. 9:45. Morn
ing worship, 11. Training Union, 7. Eve
ning worship, 8.
Church of God Henry Loggan. na&tor.
Sunday school, 9:45. Morning worship, 11.
Young people's meeting, 8:45. Evengelistlc
service, 7:46.
Assembly of God L. Otis Triplets min
ister. Sunday school, 9:45. Morning wor
ship, - 11, Message by the pastor. Vesper
service, Christ's Ambassadors. Junior
church, 6:45. Evangelistic meeting, 7:45.
Christian Science Sunday school. 11.
Sunday school, 9:46. Subject of the lesson
sermon for this week Is "Soul."
Seventh Day Adventlst Sabbath school.
9:46, sermon, 11.
St. Thomas Episcopal Cyril P. Hanney,
vicar. Church school, 10. Morning prayer,
11. Holy Baptism, 12:30.
Falls City Christian Charles Knox.
pastor. Sunday school, 10. Morning wor
ship, 11. Christian Endeavor, 6:30.
Free Methodist R. W. McCormick, pas
tor. Sunday school. 9:45. Preaching ser
vice, 11 and 7:45.
Union Missionary Baptist Harmony
community. W. A. Heard, pastor. Sunday
school, 10. Sermon, 11.
Church of Christ Bible study, 10. Com
munion, 11. Sunday evening study, 6:30.
Eola Sunday School Sunday school.
9:45. Morning worship, 11,
.Rlokreall Sunday School J. N. Thles-
sen, superintendent. Sunday school, 9:30.
Fall City Free Methodist Gilbert John
son, pastor. Sunday school, 10. Morning
service, 11, Young peoples meeting, -j;ju.
Evangelistic service, 8.
Chureh of Jesus Christ of Latter Day
Saints folder Miller presiding. Sunday
sohool, 10. Sacrament meeting, 11:45.
Oak Grove ChapelFremont Faul, pas'
tor. Morning service, 9:46, Sunday school
follows. Methodist youth fellowship each
eunaay evening.
Falls City Methodist James H. Royer,
pastor. Sunday school, 10 Morning wor
ship, 11.
St. Philips Catholic Father H. Herman,
pastor. Mass, 8:16.
Bridgeport Sunday School H. Schmidt,
superintendent. Sunday school, 10.
Stayton Churches
baptist Rev. Wlllard Buckner, pastor
Sunday school, 10. Morning worship, 11
Training hour, 7:15. Evening service, 8.
Church of Christ Clyde Freeman, pas
iO Bible school, 10. Worship service, 11
fouth Fellowship, 0:30. Evening 'Worship.
Cfanrch of Christ L. M. Be Id, minister
Bible study, 10. Morning worship, 11. Eve
nlng worship, ft.
' Methodist John Morange, pastor. Bible
school, 10. Worship service, 11. Youth Fel
lowship, g:S0. Evening worship, S.
Assembly at God Rev. Melvln Stock-w-11,
pastor Sunday school, 10. Morning
jervlce, 11. Toung people's meeting, 6:45
Bvenlng avansellstle service 7:45.
Imnaealata Conception Catholic Rev
vath. Jonas, pastor. Sunday services:
Masses , 7:30 and 9:30 a.m.
St. Fsrtick'f Oat hollo (Lyons) Father
Leander Schneider, pastor. Winter sched
ule, 1st, 2nd and 6th Sundays, mass
10:30 a.m.i ird and 4th Sundays mass at
8:30 a.m.
Our Lady of Lonrdei (Jordan) Father
Leander Schneider, pastor. Winter sched
ule, 1st, 2nd and 5th Sundays, mass 9:30
a.m.: 3rd and 4th Sundays, mass 10:30
Baptist Bruce Walt em an, pastor. Bun
day school 10, morning worship 11, Youth
Fellowship 7 evening service I.
Church of Christ Wm. F. Morse, min
ister. Bible school 10, morning worship
11, Junior meeting 7, Young People's meet
ing 7, evening services S.
Methodist church Rev. Fremont Faul,
pastor. Sunday school 10, morning wor
ship 11, Junior Fellowship 6, Youth Fel
lowship 7.
Assembly of God William N. Beachy,
pastor. Sunday school 8:46, morning wor
ship 11, children's service 7:30, evening
service 1.
Of all wage earners in Wash
ington State, 63 per cent draw
pay checks from forest pro
ducts industries.
Indian Preacher
To Talk Friday
Indian Preacher 8 Ch Pg
Rev. C. G. David of Traven-
core India, will speak Friday
night at the Wesleyan Metho
dist church, 15th and Mill sts.,
at 7:30 o'clock.
Rev. David Is a representa
tive of one of the oldest Chris
tian groups in the world. He
is an ordained minister in the
Mar Thoma Syrian Christian
church of Travencore, India.
This church is reported to have
been founded by the Apostle
Rev. David is a graduate of
the South India Bible Institute.
After serving for four years as
a pastor in India, he came to
America, and became a student
at the Pacific Bible College, Ai-
usa, Calif.
After further training and
study he expects to return to
India and devote his life to the
Christian ministry among his
Toni Van Ornum Will
Conduct Mind Classes
The class room of the Salem
Truth center, as well as the
chapter of the Institute of Reli
gious Science and Philosophy
has opened 'its doors to the
teacher and writer, Toni Van
Ornum. She comes here directly
from Seattle, where for nine
months she taught classes in
subjects pertaining to the sci
ences of the mind. Prior to the
Seattle project, Mrs. Van Ornum
worked in Tacoma, Wash., with
Youth, Incorporated, for many
Mrs. Van Ornum is a Los
Angeles woman, and received
her training under such men as
David Seabury, Dr. Ernest Hol
mes, Dr. Frederick Woellner, Dr.
J. Lowrey Fendrich and others
well-known in the Psycho-ana
lytic field as well as Meta
physics. '
There will be six classes per
week, which will include two
afternoon classes. Each class is
designed to aid the individual
in learning what the laws are
which govern his life.
Five New Classrooms
At First Methodist
The addition of five new class
rooms on the third floor of
Salem's First Methodist church
is rapidly nearing completion.
Final touches to the $8,000 pro
ject are being supplied by sev
enth, eigth and ninth grade mem
bers of the church's daily vaca
tion Bible school, who are
painting walls, woodwork, furn
iture, etc.
Choir quarters and young
adult and junior high school
classrooms will be housed in the
new addition. The third floor of
the church had heretofore been
an unfinished attic.
The new unit is expected to
be ready for use September 1.
Amity Churches
Baptist Bruce Wakeman, pastor. Sun
day school, 10; morning worship, 11;
Youth Fellowship, 7; evening service, 8.
Mrs. Andrew Wakeman will apeak morn
ing and evening.
Church of Christ Wm. F. Morse, min
ister. Bible school, 10; morning worship.
ll ; Youtn meetings, 7: jo: evening service,
Methodist Rev. Fremont Faul, min
ister. Sunday school, 10: morning wor
ship. 11, Rev. Burdette Edwards, Wills.
lna. euest speaker: Junior reuowsnip. :
Youth Fellowship, 7.
Assembly of God Wm. N. Beachy. pas
tor. Sunday school, 9:46 ; morning wor
ship, 11; Special Youth Service, 7:16;
evening service, 7:45.
Invites You
Two Worship Services
Every Sunday
8:45 a. m. 11 a m.
Sunday School 0:50 a m.
C R.
S n - schulz
.Jl-S Pastor
Bethel Guild to Offer
Humorous Church Play .
The Bethel Guild, a women's
organization of the Bethel Bap
tist church, will present the play
entitled, "The Church Clinic,"
at 7:30 o'clock Sunday evening
The play is a humorous allegory
showing a cure for some church
weaknesses. It was written by
Mrs. E. B. Wilson. Mrs. Edith
Sunderland, retiring president of
the guild, is directing the play.
The public is invited to attend.
The church is located at North
Cottage and D streets.
Church Federation
Schedules Meeting
Silverton The Woman' ATin-
sionary Federation of Immanuel
i-,utneran church is to meet
Thursday evening Ifl in
the Fireside room of the parish
house hostesses to be Mrs. Jonas
Byberg, Mrs. Marvin Dahl, Mrs.
Hannah Thompson and Mrs.
Ernest R. Ekman.
The mid-week prayer service
of the First Christian church
will be held Thursday evening
at the Mill street home of the
Dan Geisers, Ira Loron directing
the program study.
Calvary Lutheran congrega
tional business meeting is to
meet Tuesday, 8 o'clock in the
evening, with Prayer services
announced for Wednesday after
noon at 2 o'clock in the church.
First Methodist to
End Summer School
First Methodist church will
wind up its summer daily vaca
tion Bible school program with
closing services in the church at
7:30 Friday night.
Each department of the school
will have a part in the Friday
program, and an open house will
be held following the service.
The school, which has been
conducted under the supervision
of Youth Director Ray Fedie,
has carried an enrollment of 113
Lyons Church Women
Given Plastic Party
Lyons The meeting of the
WSCS was held at the communi
ty club house with Mrs. Wallace
Power, Mrs. Floyd Bassett and
Mrs. Anna Johnson as hostesses.
Following the business meeting
Mrs. Phillips of Albany accom
panied by Mrs. Wallace of Al
bany were in charge of a plastic
Refreshments were served to
Mesdames Charles Power, Hugh
Johnston, Ray Mohler, Loren
Chamberlain, Willard Hartnell,
Clyde McRae, Walter Bevier,
Glen Julian, Lawrence Wal
worth, Eugene Roye, Clyde Bres-
sler, Wood Oliver, W. H. John
son, Mrs. Daisy Johnston, Mrs.
Catherine Julian, Mrs. Minnie
Smith, Mrs. Alice Huber, Mrs.
Phillips, Mrs. Wallace, Rev. and
Mrs. O. A. Jewell, Mrs. Floyd
Bassett, Mrs. Wallace Power
A total of $64,000,000 is
being spent for improved light
ing by 285 cities and towns in
the United States.
Heat Ife!
of Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Calif.
Great Outdoor Evening
Corner of Marion and North Commercial
Listen to "First Call," KSLM, 9:00 A.M.; Morning Worship,
School Hour, 9:45 A.M. ("There's a class for you"); Youth
Evening Service, 7:45 P.M.
Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon,
Jubilee Festival
Woodburn Sunday
Woodburn St. Luke's Gold
en Jubilee festival will be held
in the parish hall and grounds
Sunday. The event will open
With a "Chicken 'n Noodle" din
ner, served from 11:30 a.m. to
2 p.m. in the Dnrish hall En
tertainment will be featured
throughout the afternoon and
The dinner committee is un
der the chairmanship of Mrs.
Gertrude Jensen, with dining
room arrangements under the
direction of Mrs. John Kinns
and Mrs. P. C. Hunt.
The festival entertainment
will be under the sponsorship of
the men of the Darish with
Frank Beck, Al Halter, Jr., Jo
seph Gamroth. Anton Zeatnn-
pil, John Washburn, Charles
Smith. Frank Nathmnn nnrf .Jo
seph Vitovec in charge of the
days program. The celebration
will close at 11 o'clock.
First Baptist Installs
New Youth Officers
At the senior Baptist youth
meeting Sunday, Dr. Ander
son installed the following offi
cers for the next 6 months: pre
sident, Daryl Willecke; vice pre
sident, Aridth Combs; recording
secretary and treasurer, Alice
Humphreys; corresponding sec
retary, Jessie Mae Humphreys;
publicity chairman, Vera Jones;
contact chairman, Ferd Zurcher;
mission chairman, Joan Trout;
evangelist chairman, Walter
Every Night
Except Monday
1305 NORTH 5th
Revival Meetings - Sun., Aug. 14th
Corner of Leslie and 12th St., Salem, Oregon
Guest Speaker
Old Time Revivalist
Rev. Fred Hornshuh
Noted Chalk Artist
Lester Swaggert
Services Nightly, 7:45 P.M., Except Saturday
Talented Musicians - Guest Speakers - Inspirational Singing
Auspices: Open Bible Standard Churches, Inc.
Rev. A. C. Grimes, Director
Heat tfe!
in a
Friday, August 12, 1949 15
Hopewell Missionary
Society Serves Tea
Hopewell The Hopewell
United Brethren Ladies' Mis
sionary society silver tea was
held at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Howard Stephens.
Morethan 40 attended and the
offering was $30, to be used for
the support of Miss Gladys
Ward, a missionary stationed at
Canton, China.
Mrs. W. E. Grabenhorst of
Pleasantdale, spoke on her work
in the Dayton labor camp.
Mrs. R. F. Johnston of Willa
mina, told of her 11 years work
with the Eskimos in Alaska, and
She exhibited souvenirs of her
art work to illustrate her talk.
Rev. Hovland Speaka
Silverton Members of the
pastorate committee of the Trin
ity Lutheran church are an
nouncing that the speaker for
Sunday, August 14, forenoon
worship hour Is to be Rev. Rob
ert Hovland.
New Zealanders bow repair
their cream separators with
parts from America.
Put Your
Idle Money
to Work!
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Your money left In a
checking account is not
working for you I An
account at Salem Fed
eral will put it to work
earning higher rates
with SAFETY!
Heat tei
Service in
August 14 at 7:00 P.M,
Sacred Musical
You will want to hear this
group of gospel singers.
Sponsored by
Salem, Oregon
KOCO, 11:00 A.M.; Bible
Groups meet at 6:45 P.M.;
j II ftSsvlngi Federally InssndO j j