i in jv ec ; h( A ' th re Jc : M q " pi - A D. . so " fe " 0 : th ; V Ai tic . te P : ne U. t vfi th ap kl de di ep on n ca . i - re. Wi : wi tc) da i m Hi At fai : ab ; wt f' the of : ne . cai vli . fin tes ; pe . De ; spi '. tec tra . 14 Capital Journal, Salem, Rodster Races to Feature Reverse 'Caps Saturday . Every event on Saturday night's roadster racing program ; at Hollywood Bowl will be run as a reverse handicap, directors 1 of Valley Sports, Inc., promoters of the races, announced Friday The reverse handicap feature proved so favorable to the fans last week that it will probably become a permanent part of hot rod racing on the Bowl's quarter-mile, asphalt track. In a reverse handicap, the slowest cars start at the front of the pack, with the fastest cars to the rear. SPORTS HARDWARE It VI ii ' , " US. GOLF OPEN J xVl Cory Middl.coff II rt 1 J 500-MILE AUTO RACE TENNIS DAVIS CUP Bill Holland United States HEAVYWEIGHT BELT Eziard Charlei for better summer snapshots Then bring your exposed rolls of film to ut for expert de veloping and finishing . , , our skilled workmen have the mod ern equipment and know-how to do the job right. All prints are made on Kodak Velox pa per for best results. 7-hour service on all orders. Capital Drug Store Stote and Liberty Oregon, Friday, August 12, 1949 wVf ' Saturday night's program gets underway with time trials at 8 o'clock. Valcott to Test Swedish Fighter Stockholm, Aug. 12 VP) Jer sey Joe Walcott, a three-time loser in bouts for the world heavyweight boxing title, will meet Sweden's champion Olle Tandberg at the Rasunda soccer stadium here Sunday, The strong, slow-going Tand berg has proved a giant killer in the past. He defeated Joe Baksi, another American, in the same arena two years ago. The fight is scheduled for 12 rounds, i MIDDLEWEIGHT BELT Jake LaMotta Wi,' "On the Corner" JK ; a- . "... -Hf -Jl itU'dr .- -Y 4 tf. "p&JUct - s4 Stay TVct&out 7(ncU -1 vvw'r.iAf Split 'V System To Guide All-Star Gridders Friday Chicago, Aug. 12 VP) The tricky split-T formation, which is another way of saying Bud Wilkinson, will be the principal weapon of the College All-stars when they take on the Philadel phia Eagles tonight. Wilkinson, head coach of the All-stars, used the split-T in piloting his University of Okla homa team to a Eig Seven con Terence football championship and a Sugar Bowl victory over North Carolina last season. The 16th annual Collegiate Pro game, for the righteous cause of charity, is expected to !Utract 90,000 customers to mammoth Soldier Field on Chi cago's lake front. The pros have an edge of eight victories to five since the series was started in 1034. In support of the basic split-T offense, Wilkinson was expected to give such great passers as Notre Dame's Frank Tripucka, Michigan's Pete Elliott, Oklahoma's Jack Mitchell, and Oregon's Nor man Van Brocklin a fairly free hand in their specialty. Coach Greasy Ncals brought his Eagles to Chicago Thursday from their month-long training session at Grand Rapids, Minn. Legion Juniors Open District Heats on Friday Portland, Aug. 12 VP) Five teams towed the line today for the opening of the regional American Legion junior base ball tournament this after noon. Bremerton, Washing ton State titlist, and Lewiston, the Idaho champion, were paired in the first game (2:30 p.m. PDT). A night doublehcadcr (6:30 p.m., PDT) pairs Hillsboro, Ore., and Butte, Mont., with Waipahu, T.H., meeting the winner of the Brcmcrton-Lcw-iston title in the night's fi nale. Walter Johnson pitched 113 shutouts for the Washington Senators during his career for the major league record. Don't Worry! By . By J. H. WILLETT ol Ibr Capllftl Drug Str There should be a hea''h campaign against worry, for it is one of the most prevalent dis eases. The damage it does to both mind and body is not measurable. Worry has never solved one single probleml More often it merely takes energy that is needed for the action that will set things right. This is especially true in the matter of health. If you wilL consult your doctor he can tell you if anything is wrong and help you to correct it. By plac ing your health care in such capable hands, your mind will be free to help your body get well. Thti U lb BSHlh of m 9tt t Edit erlKl adTrrtlitmtnts appearing In thll piper Men rrld7. Capital DrugStore State & Liberty Phone 3-5118 SPORTS ROUNDUP Los Angeles Has Salemitis, Too Los Angeles, Aug. 12 VP) Hey Mr. Wrigley: A lot of loyal Chicago Cubs fans out this way are doing a lot of head scratching these days. They're having trouble trying to figure out why the Cubs, last place in the. National league, continue to peddle the best players from Los Angeles, last place in the Pacific Coast league. While both Cubs and An gels wallow deeper in the cel lar, the parent club has brought up only one player, second baseman Wayne Tcr williger, who was playing his first year of AAA ball. Meanwhile the Cub front of fice, apparently with the sanc tion of Owner P. K. Wrigley, has sold two hard-hitting vet erans, Catcher Eddie Malone and Third Sacker Johnny Ostrow- ski, to the crosstown White Sox, and disposed of other veteran Angels to assorted minor league clubs. Obviously it's a youth move ment ot sorts; although you'd have a tough time selling An gel fans on that one. They had to look at Fat Pat Seerey mak ing four errors in left field one night before he departed for Kansas City and points east. Oh, yes, Mr. Wrigley, your Angels who usually lead the league in attendance are a feeble seventh at the turn stiles this year. And, as one fan put it re cently: "I'm expecting the Cubs to sell Clarence Maddern (best remaining hitter) any day now. When that happens I'm not even going to watch the Angels on television." Could be that Mr. Wrigley and other PCL owners are play ing a new game of sweetness and light. It's been a long time since so many coast leaguers have been sold upstairs in mid- season. Sacramento sent Al Benton to Cleveland; Seattle, Sammy White to Boston Red Sox (Louis ville); San Francisco, Dino Res- telli to Pittsburgh; and Oakland. Lloyd Hittle to Washington and George Metkovich to the White Sox. Where do you think that 4 ' I 111 IIUMI ! MH fi r -1) leaves PCL Prexy Pants Row land and his plea for major league status? Early grid dopesters rate Southern California and Stan ford likeliest to succeed to Cali fornia's coast conference crown. Most experts think the Bears can't repeat without Jackie Jen sen. UCLA, with an all-new south ern coaching staff headed by Red Sanders, is expected to fin ish in the southern half of the standing again. But the Bruins probably will have some of that rebel spirit. The wags now are waiting for the Bruin rooting section to break out with: "Come on UCLA, You All!" Both pro .coaches here abouts, Jimmy Phelan of the all-American Dons and Clark Shanghnessy of the NFL Rams, have been sounding off about a sudden .influx of speedy halfbacks. Both have visions of having something more to go on respectively than the passing of Glenn Dobbs, and Bob Waterfield or Jim Hardy. But pro grids these days are really just enlarged basket ball courts. So to Messrs.Phe lan and Shaughnessy we dedi cate: Runnin's tun, but passin's quicker We've got the speed, the Soft .1 i 'U I' I ! i i i f i ...and it's WASHABLE! This fabric makes love to your skin! It's Juilliard Featheroy . . . the combed yarn, featherweight corduroy with 21 tiny ribs to the inch. Vat dyed for color fastness to laundering and sun. Featured in the famous Stradivari Shirt . . . made with all the custom details of needlework, styling, and collar balance. Now in the new, longer length . . . with individualized fit in collar and sleeve length! VU FINE AS SKILLED HANDS CAN MAKE" i4 1 ,! 145 NORTH LIBERTY IVj 3 I I i By BILL BECKER coaches sing We're going to run with brand new zing. But late in the Fall They'll find after all It don't mean a thing if . you ain't got that sling. Philly Jaycees Honor Robinson Philadelphia, Aug. 12 VP) The Philadelphia Junior Cham ber of Commerce yesterday awarded its Americanism plaque to Brooklyn's Jackie Robinson for his "outstanding qualities as an American citizen." The award, sponsors said, was in recognition of the Negro sec ond baseman's testimony before the house un-American activi ties committee, in which he de nied Paul Robeson's statement the American Negro would not fight against Russia. Addresses Will Change Silverto n Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Yates plan to change their place of residence Monday from Apartment 4, 307 Oak street to the Kramer Apartments, 401 South Water street. The Lloyd Greenfields are moving from the Kramer Apartments to the residence property at 211 North Second street, recently vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Charlie John son who have moved to Missouri their former home. as a Kitten! j CUSTOM-SUIT-TAILORED SHIRTS J j JuiHiardX jp 15 Padre Boss Says Easter Will Give Indians Punch Cleveland, Aug. 12 CP) Can the newest Cleveland Indian, Luscious (Luke) Easter, pro vide the long ball punch the Tribe needs to overtake the New York Yankees? The man for whom Lnke played first base with the San Diego Padres thinks he can. Bill Starr, San Diego presi dent, watched the big Negro slugger make his first appear ance here last night as a pinch hitter in the 12-inning tussle Cleveland won from Chicago's White Sox 6-5. "We hate to lose him," said Starr, "but he's a big league hitter. Last night was Easter's first time in play since June 19 when he left San Diego. The fans buzzed as the six foot, four-inch 240-pounder took his stance at the left side of the plate facing Chico Pier etti, who at five-seven is one of the league's smallest hurl ers. Bob Kennedy was on third base, there was one out and the score was tied 5-5. A called strike, three balls, a foul, then Luke rapped the ball right at shortstop Luke appling for a ground out while Kennedy held third. This failed to dampen Eas ter's elation at becoming an Indian. After the game, he said happily: "It really feels good to be $10 I Colors: L Port Wine Forest Green Magic Red Corn Yellow Palm Green Old Spice Beige Tan Nickel Grey Stone Blue i," in 1.4 M DIAL 3-4933 wearing this Cleveland uni form. I'm looking forward to that first home run, too." Bob Feller holds the major league record record for the most strikeouts in a game he whiffed 18. So smooth so light so rich in flavor, too ! You just can't buy a bet ter drink regardless of price. FINE BLENDED WHISKEY ' 86 proof. 72 grain neutral spirits. tranktort uistiners wrp., n.t.u It tastes so good ! Siflif It costs so little!