Salem WIL Standings (By the As Delated Press) Yakima 80 41 .661 Vancouver 14 45 .622 Spokane 64 57 329 Wenatchee .60 62 .492 .Victoria 55 67 .451 Bremerton 51 .425 Salem 51 70 .421 Tacoma 49 73 .402 Games Thursday Yakima 5. Tacuma 0. ' Spokane 8, Vancouver 7. Wenatchee 6, Victoria 2. Bremerton 7, Salem 6. For "Cheesecake" Peggy Castle, 5 foot, 7 Inch beauty newly signed for the movies by Universal - International Studio, Is the first beauty so signed with a ' "cheese-cake clause" in her contract. Clause gives studio, not Peggy her self, the last word on when she will no longer have to post for leggy publicity pho tos. Peggy will make her movie bow in "Buccaneer's Girl." -'--- - - .teady for Bed Beaten to Lesnevich Eiiard Charles pounds away turn t" NBA heavyweight championship fight at New York's Yankee Stadium. Charles, too fast and shifty for aging Gus, retained his NBA crown by a TKO at the end of the seventh. (Acme Telephoto) Pairings Announced for Woodburn Golf Tourney Woodburn The Woodburn championship golf tournament will open here Saturday at the local course and pairings have been announced by George D. Jones, chairman for the annual vent. . The boys' championship play also opens on Saturday. Opening matches are sched uled as follows: Championship flight Pat DeJardin vs. Marshall McKw: Frank Chapelle va. BUI lock; Burt Wllleford vs. Tom DeArmond: Matt Mochel vs. Howard Nelson; Clifford Shrock va. Walter Miller; Tony DeJar din vs. Ivan DeArmond; Clyde Smith ys. Walter Lawson; Dave Cavett vs. Dr. Jamea Deaaen. Second 11 If ht Bob Jackaon vs. Grlbble; Harold Austin vs. John fitrawn; O. C. Pos ter vs. Edaar Tweed; J. Wolf vs. Prank Nathman; Kenneth McOrath vs. Ralph Aekerman: Lee Wither vs. Ray Olatt; Btm Hoefer vs. J. Melvln Rlnto; Jake Herihberser vs. Tony Bltlr. . Pourtti flltht Oecree u. jonea vs. Bill Mtrrlott; MIckie McClure vi. Marlon Hen nlnt; Harold Ingram vs. Kenneth Thomp on. Oaptalna appointed are Cavett. McKee. Wtthera. Rlnao and Jonei. The first round ot matchea are to be completed by Aua ujt 16. the second by Au. 33. the third br Aut. 30 and the final matchea by Sept. 6. All matchea are 18 holes without handicap except the final champion lp round which will be 39 hole. Anyone Whine to play but not Included In the Palrnlsa are asked to contact Oeorae Jonw or Clyde Smith. Pairlnta for the boya" champlonahiP are: Championship fiiiht Plank vs. Thomp ; eturgu vs. NUon; Gorman vs. Rudl; IMIabs Ninth Inning Rally Fails, Tars Win, 7-6; Senators to Tackle Cellars in New Series Bremerton, Aug. 12 Salem's Senators, who only the night be fore had climbed into sixth place in Western International league standings, were shunted back to seventh spot Thursday night as Bremerton hung a 7-6 defeat on the Oregonians in the series finale. Salem won the series, 2 to 1. The Senators now move to Tacoma to do battle with the cellar-dwelling Tigers. Salem will open the series just two and a half games out of the cellar themselves. Bremerton led all the way in Thursday night's mix, but Salem threatened strongly with a two-run spurt In the ninth. Trailing 7-4 as the final frame started, the Solons started a po tential rally when Bud Peter son drew a walk off Len Kahout. Bob Cherry strolled to the plate and stroked a high, sailing home run, scoring Peterson ahead of him, but that was all Salem could do. Bremerton scored first with a single run in the second in ning and added two more in the third, all off Johnny Bur ak. Salem came through with one run in the fourth, only to have the Tars take a liking LOCAL UNITED PRESS Homer Slams Dodgers Into Lead New York, Aug. 12 U.R) The four bagger made a first placer out of the Brooklyn Dodgers to day. Taking advantage of the St. Louis . Cardinal idleness, the Dodgers climbed half a game ahead in the National league with a winning streak of six games, five of which were de cided by home runs. The streak started Sunday. Homers by Jackie Robinson and Bruce Edwards sewed up the first game of a doubleheader with the Reds for a 7-0 win, and Spider' Jorgensen's one-on hom the punch repeatedly, Gus (left) looks ready for bed as in the seventh round of their Butterfleld vs. Tlcknor; Chapel le va. Rlvenea; Wither v. Fisher. Second flight Keraten vs. Biahoprick; Deagen, bye. Loser In the championship flight will drop down into the second flight. Any other boy wishing to enter the tournament are asked to call Leland Plank at Red 171 Friday or Saturday. There is no entry fee and it Is hoped to have 10 or 15 boys In the tourney. Golf Contestants Named by Club The Salem team of golfers who will compete against Tilla mook at 9:30 Sunday morning on the Salem Golf club links was announced by the local golf club Thursday. Comprising the team will be Squee Kitchen, Rex Adolph, Vern Perry, Clayton Foreman, Walt Cline, Ernie Garbarino, Ace Fish, Bob King, Floyd Ken yon, Barney Filler, Harold Gil lespie, Del Gwynn, Jack Rus sell, Millard Pekar, L. C. East man, Buck Hazel, Fred Harp, Bob Parker, Jim Clark, Harold Olinger, Ned Ingram, John Bar ley, George Scales, O. E. Mc Crary, J. M. McAllister, Bill Schaefer, Doug Kline, Ralph Mapes, Con Paulson, Harry Gus tafson, I Series, to Burak's pitches again for a pair of tallies in the fifth. Bremerton went out front 6-2 with a seventh inning run off Gene Peterson, who took over pitching duties for Salem when Burak was lifted for a pinch hitter in the Solon seventh. The Solons had another two- run inning in the eight. Bill Burgher walked, Cherry blasted a double and Mel Wasley follow ed with another two-bagger. The Tars scored what event ually became their winning run in the eighth when Lil Arnerich singled, and came home on a two-bagger by Walt Pocekay. In addition to his homer and double, Wasley rapped out a single to give him a 3-for-5 plate performance. Claude Buckley also was credited with three hits, all singles. Bids of the two Canadian en tries to better their WIL stand ings suffered severe setbacks Thursday. Spokane snapped second place Vancouver's nine game win streak 9-7 and Wenat chee toppled the ambitious Vic toria Athletics 6-2. In the other game, league-leading Yakima blanked Tacoma 5-0. As a result, Vancouver fell five full games behind the top rung Yakimas and Victoria lagg ed by a similar margin behind fourth place Wenatchee. ASSOCIATED PRESS NEWS AND FEATURES Salem, Oregon, Friday, August 12, 1949 er won the second, 2-1. Monday Robinson homered to beat the Giants, 2-1. No homers Tuesday, but Wednesday Robinson's four bagger with two on in the ninth licked the Phils, 7-5. Last night the Dodgers, playing the Phillies again, had a chance to take possession of first place in the league stand ings. They were tied with the Cards, but the Cards were idle. . Once again, the homer told the tale. The Phils had a 5-3 lead. Duke Snider hit one with BASEBALL SUITS TO BE HEAR IN NOVEMBER , New York, Aug. 12 (IP) The $2,500,000 anti-trust suits of Max Lanier and Fred Martin against organized baseball were placed at the foot of the Novem ber calendar by Federal Judge William Bondy yesterday. Yachtsmen find that stainless steel insect screens last indef initely because of their high resistance to salt air corrosion. THRILLS! ' Xf , , Hot Rods Roll Again! HOLLYWOOD BOWL A I ryP Tim Trials, 8:00 P. M. roc stflrtt 9:0o P.M. Portland Rood 1 MiU North of Underpass on 99E Loses Official Box Score Salem () (?) Bremerton B H O A B H O A W.Petrsn.2 3 0 3 4 Bushons.2 i 0 a B.Petr.sii.fii 3 0 3 1 Burgher.c 4 13 0 Pocenay.ri 6 3 o u Wasley,3 Snyder.lf Buckley, rf Krus.l Burak, p Hedlnston' S a 4 0 Tay.or,ll 5 3 3 3 Has n 1.1 4 13 0 Ronning.c 4 3 7 1 4 3 3 1 Brtaanti,s 4 12 4 15 0 Stanford, 3 4 0 4 3 2 0 0 Kahout ,p 4 0 0 1 1 0 0 Foster" 0 0 0 0 G.Petrsn.p 10 0 0 Beard" 10 0 0 Totals 37 14 23 8 Total 36 14 27 9 Singled for Burak In 7th. Ran for Hedlngton In 7th. Struck out for W. Peterson In 8th, Salem 000 101 032 6 Hita 002 223 13114 Bremerton 012 020 llx 7 Hits 033 121 32x 14 Pitcher Ip Ab H R Er So Bb Burak 6 2 9 S t 0 2 Q. Peterson 2 10 5 3 3 3 0 Kahout 9 37 14 6 7 4 Hit by pitcher: Bushong by Burak. Left on bases: Salem 8, Bremerton 8. Home runs; Cherry. Two base hits: Tay lor, Pocekay, Ronnlng, Buckley, Bushontr, Cherry, Wasley. Runs batted In: Ronnlng 4, Taylor, Raenl, Wasley 3, Buckley, Cherry 3. Stolen bases: Rasnl, Brlnantl. Double plays: W. Peterson, Krus, Stan ford. Bushong, Ragni. Time 2:00. umpires: Hathleu and Husband. Yakima 010 100 1025 8 0 Tacoma 000 000 000 0 5 1 Bradford and Tornay; Carter. Lazor (B) and Gardner. Spokane 300 015 0009 13 0 Vancouver 100 000 6017 11 1 Howard and Parks; Nicholas, Gunnar- son (1), Anderson (6) and Brenner. Wenatchee 001 200 3008 7 0 Victoria 020 000 0003 8 3 Orrell and Winter; Vucurevich, Laburn (6) and Day. Page 13 one man on base to tie it up at 5-5. Philadelphia runs in the sixth and seventh and two Dodg er markers in the seventh upped the count to 7-7. In the eighth up came Pee Wee Reese. One man was out and two were on base. He took his time then, on a three and two pitch, he smashed the ball into the up per left field stands for a 10 to 7 victory. Frank Baumholtz's fielding miscue in the eighth inning en abled the Pirates to beat the Cubs, 3 to 2. The Giants and the Bravei played to a rain-abbreviated 7 to 7 tie in the only other Na tional league game scheduled. The Cleveland Indians moved to within four and a half games of the leading New York Yankees in the Ameri can league when the Tribe beat the White Sox, 6 to S, in 12 innings while the Yanks lost to the Red Sox, 7 to 6. Those were the only games scheduled in the American. WEBFOOTS IN THE MAJORS What they did Thursday: IBRHOll RBI Peaky, Red Sox 3 0 0 3 3 0 1 Doerr, Red Sox 4 0 1 0 3 0 1 Oordon, Indiana ....4 13 3 10 1 New Pari-Mutual Plant Installed at Lone Oak A revamped and expanded pari-mutuel plant, designed to care for the largest horse racing meet in the history of the Ore gon State Fair, will be opened at the Lone Oak track Septem ber 5, fair officials disclosed Fri day, Earlier this week, Charles A. Evans, superintendent of ' the oval, said that two $1,000 purses would be included in awards for the first time. The expanded pari-mutuel set-up, which has been rear ranged to include several new quiniela windows, is expected to handle a greater volume than the $368,000 which pour ed through the windows in 1948. Daily cards at the track will CHILLS! SPILLS! The Finale Homer Standoff in A' League Called in Tie Home runs accounted for all scoring in the North vs. South junior "A" league game at din ger field Thursday. But all went for nil. The game was halted at the end of 10 innings on account of darkness, with the score tied at 2-2. The two teams will start all over again on Olinger Fri day evening at 6 o'clock. The Northerners, sponsored by Commercial Book store, got their two runs on a homer by Shay with a man on base in the second inning. The Maple Sporting Goods South team tied the count in the seventh as Stewart slam med a two-run homer. The Commercials nicked Chink Blakely for a total of three hits, while Maple batters were col lecting five blows off Gene Gar ver. Maples 000 000 2002 3 0 Commercial 020 000 0002 5 1 Blnkely and Weaver; Oarver and Tay lor. The 299 score posted by Sam Parks in the 1935 U. S. open was the highest winning total for the tourney in the last 22 years. Fair to Good Forecast for PORTLAND, Aug. 12 ( Good fishing in widely scattered spots of Oregon was reported today by the state game commis sion in its weekly fishing bulle tin. The outlook by districts: Willamette valley: Lane County Eugene: Fishlnir fair to Major Standings (By the Associated Press) NATIONAL LEAGUE W L Pet. W L Pet. Brooklyn St. Lout New York 67 30 .633 Phlldlphla 53 55 .491 66 30 .620 Pittsburgh 48 57 .457 54 51 .514 Cincinnati 43 64 .402 54 53 .505 Chicago 41 08 .376 Boston Reitults Tfaurtday Pittsburgh 3, Chicago 2. Boston 7. New York 7. (7t& Inning tie called rain) Brooklyn 10, Philadelphia 7. (Nlaht) Only games scheduled. AMERICAN LEAGUE W L Pet. W L Pet. New York 66 39 .629 -Detroit 58 50 .537 62 44 .585 Chicago 45 62 .421 Cleveland Boston 61 45 .575 Washlngtn 38 65 .360 59 48 .551 St. Loul 35 71 .330 Phlldlphla Remits Thursday Boston 7. New York 6. Cleveland 9, Chicago 6. (Night, 12 inn ings) Only games scheduled. DeArmond First1 In Woodburn Go Woodburn Tom DeArmond won first place in a recent golf tournament sponsored by the Woodburn Independent, local newspaper. He fired a 39 38 77 gross and his 16 handi cap gave him a net of 61. Clyde Smith won the trophy for the best gross score, 69, fash ioned with a 35 and a 34. De fending champion Cliff Shrock turned in a 35-36 71. include at least nine running races except for the opening day, Wednesday and Saturday will also be booked for daily cards. Dick Munson, veteran turf man in the Pacific northwest, is expected on the grounds late this month to take over for the first time as racing secretary. Feature of the opening card on Labor day will be a mile and one sixteenth handicap for three-year-olds and up for a purse of $1000. Late indications point to a full field for the Debutante Stakes, feature of the Sep tember 6 card. At least 10 two-year-olds, all Oregon bred, are expected to break in the five furlong test. w J ; Si Gymnastics Yankees sec ond s a c k e r Jerry Coleman executes a neat split as he avoids the spikes of Lanks Ted Williams of the Red Sox. who is forced at sec ond in game at Boston. Play started when Vern Stephens grounded to Phil Rizutto at shortstop. The double play was completed. Umpire is Ed Stevens. (AP Wirephoto) Angling Weekend good on McKenzie river and tributarlc. Clear and Linton lake spotty. Prospect for weekend same. Mall your catch card promptly. Condition favornble for upper Willamette river and tributaries, coaxial stream and tributaries low and clear. conditions poor. Some fair catches ol sea-run cutthroat have been taken In lower Sluslaw on spinner and worm. Triangle lake continue to produce nice bass and blueglll. Fern Ridge lake poor with few fish taken. Report from upper lake area favorable with some limit catche taken. Deschutes area: Deschutes river at the mouth: Steel head being taken. Trout fishing in the lower Deschutes fair. Bait best. Bend area: East lake good. Other lakes fair to good. Pack lakes In Cascade ex cellent. Evening fishing beat. Still lots of mosquitoes in higher Cascades. Coastal Section: Clatsop County Best reports on trout are from Youngs river above the fall. Angling throughout the county lair, Tillamook county Angling lor tea-run cutthroat fair In the Nestucca river from Pacific City to head of tidewater with troll. Nehalem, lower Wilson, lower Trask rivers, lair trolling. All other waters above tidewater very low and clear, ang ling not good. Prospects for coming week end fair In all tidewater. Lsr.e County Florence: Summer cut throat entering the Sluslaw river and many limit cacthe reported. Catches also reported in the Alsea river. Bass, catfish and perch good In most central coastal lakes. Mootry's Squeek Past- Pheasants, 21, in Tight Go In one of the closest-played City softball league clashes of the season, league-leading Moot ry's Pharmacy squeezed out a narrow 2-1 extra-inning win over Golden Pheasant on Leslie field Thursday night. The regular seven innings of play ended scoreless. In the top half of the eighth frame, Bob Warren rapped a home run for the Pheasants, the second hit of the game off Mootry hurler Jim Rawlins. But the league-leaders came back with two runs in their half of the eighth for the victory. Ollie Williams led off with a single, and Lenstrom laid down a bunt which resulted in a base hit. Rawlins bunted to third base, and a wild throw scored Williams. Jim Sheldon was passed intentionally to load the bases, then Al Wickert broke up the ball game with a sharp hit to left field. In another City loop contest Thursday, Papermakers downed 12th Street Market 9-4. Clear Lake Stores defeated Navy Re serves 6-1 in the Industrial wheel. Clear Lake 101 m 06 1 Navy Riuerve 001 000 01 3 Orry and Bre&slcr; Baasell. Fox and swlnk. Papermak.ra 102 DOS 1 B 7 4 12th Street 300 100 04 a KniBht and Payne; wlilted and B key. r.olden Pheasant ..,.000 000 011 1 Mootry' 000 000 022 3 i Miller and wrnxer; Rawllna and Hem Stainless steel trolling lures and fish hooks don't have to be polished every spring. They stay bright. Lockstep PCL Leaders Blank Beavers, 2 to 0 San Francisco, Aug. 12 U.R) The Hollywood Stars, the Sacra mento Solons and the Oakland Oaks are practically marching in lock-step at the head of the Pa cific Coast league. None of the three teams has lost a game this week and last night the Stars and Solons won in rhythm. Sacramento shut out Los Angeles 2-0, getting six hits. Hollywood shut out Portland 2-0, getting six hits. The Oaks kept step, but won an 11-6 victory over the Seattle Rainiers. The only upset to an all-first-division march was the 5-3 victory of the San Fran cisco Seals over the fourth place San Diego Padres. The San Francisco win was the only one by a second division club out of 13 played so far this week. Willard Ramsdell, Hollywood knuckleballer, and Tom Rose, Sacramento rookie, were the winners in a pair of almost iden tical games. Ramsdell held Port land to four hits while Rose was blanking Los Angeles on three blows. Hollywood got single runs in the fourth and fifth innings to down the Beavers, despite fine pitching by Jnphet Lynn and Ad Liska. The Portland pair gave up only a half doz en hits, but couldn't match Ramsdell's well-paced perfor mance. Rose did an even better job against Los Angeles. He held the Angels to three blows and won his game when the Sacs scored a run in the first and an other in the fifth. Bryan Ste phens and Ken Gables held the mound for Los Angeles, and lost no prestige in defeat. Oakland's win was just as val uable for the pennant-hungry Acorns, but was based on hitting more than pitching. The Rain- Sizzling 66 Posted by Heaf ner Sets Tarn Pace Chicago, Aug. 12 W) Clay ton Heafner, 240-pound Char lotte, N.C., pro was burning up the trail to golf's biggest bon anza today with a one-stroke lead entering the second round of the Tarn O'Shanter $35,200 "World" championship. Heafner grabbed the ring yesterday with a sizzling six-under-par 66 for a slight edge over two other seasoned campaigners, Johnny Palmer of Badin, N.C., and Henry Hansom, the transplanted Texan now in Chicago, Palmer and Ransom each banged 67's. .In all, 29 pros broke par 72 to set a terrific opening round pace in the chase for the $10,000 first prize. So hot was the rivalry that Lloyd Mangrum's dismal 76 all but knocked him out of competition. He is defend ing "World" champion and winner of the All-American title Tuesday. In the three other sections of Promoter George May's golf jubilee, the leaders stacked up this way: Women's amateur 15-year- old Alice Bauer of Los Angeles with even par 76, and Mary Agness Wall of Menominee, Mich., Marlene Bauer, Alice's 15-year-old sister, and Grace Lenczyk, the national amateur OREGON HAILS BIG BUY! The best whiskey value "Back East"... CARSTAIRS White Seal The Man who Cares says CARSTAIIIS BLENDED WHISKEY CARSTAIRS BROS. DISTILLING BLENDED WHISKEY, 86.8 PROOF, PCL Standings (By the AjuoclaWd Frua) W L Pet. w L Pet. Hollywood 81 50 .B7S seattlt 71 .491 Sacramnto 75 84 .540 Portland 67 73 .492 Oakland 75 65 .536 SnFTOCflCO 68 76 .453 San Diego 71 67 ,614 LoaAnseU S7 84 .404 Remits Thnraday Sacramento 2, Loa Angelas 0. San Pranclaco 6, San Cltfo I. Hollywood 3, Portland 0. Oakland 11, Seattle 6. icrs for the third night In a row rolled up a lead and then could n't hold the Oak batters. After leading for most of the first sev en Innings, the Suds were de feated by a five-run Oakland eighth. Official Box Portland Hollywood BHOA BHOA S 0 3 0 Stevens, 1 3 19 1 4 17 1 Handley.3 3 0 1 1 4 1 1 a Noren.of 4 15 1 3 14 0 Oorman.rf 4 0 10 3 0 3 0 Kelleher.lf 2 0 0 0 3 13 2 Baxes,3 3 13 3 3 0 3 1 Unser.c 3 17 2 3 0 0 1 O' Nell, as 3 3 13 2 0 14 Ramsdll.p 2 0 11 Marquei,cf Shu pe, 1 Thomas, 3 Rucker.lf Brovla.rf 1,3 Cladd.c Austin,aa Lynn.p Wenner- Llska.p o o 0 0 0 1 Totals 28 4 24 12 Totals 37 8 37 11 Grounded out for Lynn In 8th. Score by inntnui: Portland 000 000 0000 Hits 010 001 1014 Hollywood 000 110 OOx 3 Hits Oil 120 OlX 6 Loser: Lynn. Pitchers record: Ip Ab K H Er Bb Bo Lynn 7 24 2 5 1 1 3 Liska 1 3 0 1 0 0 0 Ramsdell 9 38 0 4 0 3 8 E: Austin, Baxes. R: Noren, Baxes. HBP: Marques by Ramsdell, Stevens by Lynn. LOB: Portland 8, Hollywood 8. WP: Ramsdell. 3B: Shupe. SB: Horen. AH: Bas inskl, Handley, Ramsdell. RBI: Oorman, O'Nell. DP: Noren to Stevens: U riser to Baxes. Time 2 hours. Umpires: Mutart, Runge and Sommers. Attendance 8139. Oakland 220 101 05011 IS 3 Seattle 410 010 000 8 IS 3 Tost. Toolson (1), Oandlnl (5) and Padgett; Schanz, Coleman (8) and Orasso! San tueao 301 000 0008 San Francisco 000 102 02x 6 8 0 Savase and Rttohey; Peres and Jarvis. Lob Angeles HO 000 0000 8 1 Sacramento WO 010 OOx 9 8 0 Stephens, Gables (7) and Novotntr; Rose and Ralmondl. champion from Hartford, Conn, all with 78's. Women's professional Patty Berg and Babe Zaharlai with 74 apiece, and Louise Suggs with 80. Men's amateur Frank Ko vack of Waukegan, 111., with 70 and Walter Cisco of Louisville, Ky., with 71. Defending "world" amateur champion, Bill Camp bell of Huntington, W. Va., bal looned to 76. Nine Game Softie Slate Is Opened Woodburn The Woodburn softball league, sponsored by th city recreation and park board, opened a nine-game two-team schedule this week at the Set tlemier park diamond. Games will be played Mon day, Wednesday and Friday eve nings of each week starting at 7 o'clock. Kenneth Thompson and O. L. Withers of the board are in charge of ihe activity. Two teams of boys through the ages of 12 ,to 15 have been organized with Lyman Butter field and Robert Fisher as cap tains. Bats and balls are fur nished by the recreation and park board which may also pro vide a trophy for the team win ning the city championship. CO, INC., BALTIMORE, M0. 72 GRAIN NEUTRAL SPIRITl Oo