10 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Friday, August 12, 1949 1 1 I I fl i It's tough to be old . . . it's tough to be poor . . . But It Is Really Tough to Be Old and Poor at the Same Time Social Security will not pay you enough for a decent re tirement. A few dollars saved now will pay you an addi tional $30 to $50 per month when you are unable to produce. v See C. W. "TOBE" ROBBINS, Dist. Mgr. Business Men's Assurance Company 229 North Commercial Dial 2-1900 No Aqifation Portland, Ore., Aug. 12 0JJ , A calm 22-year-old man today was being held in the city jail for the first degree murder of Thelma Taylor, 15, of Portland, Detective Lt. Carl Crisp said today the confessed slayer, Mor ris Leland, "doesn't show any I .... -5 V 3l agitation or emotion." 1 Leland was picked up Thurs Confessed Slayer Morris Leland, 22 (left) is questioned by Chief of Detectives William Browne of the Portland, Ore., police after Leland had been picked up on another charge and voluntarily blurted out his story of the slaying of Thelma Taylor, 15, of Portland. Police quoted Leland as saying she was a good girl and would make trouble with the police. Leland led police to the spot where he had hidden her body under a log pile. (AP Wirephoto) Cherrians to Attend Regatta The annual Devils Lake re eatla will be held at Delake August 20 and 21 with the Sa. Jem Cherrians to be well-represented on the two-day program nd providing a master of cere monies. Uniformed Cherrians jvill also be escorts for the royal eourt at the queen's ball to be held at the Coaster in Oceanlake August 19 with a street parade the following night. Candidates for queen of the regatta are Marybelle Allum, Joan Notestine, Joan Deter and Marie Dixon. Selection of the queen will be announced at the princesses' ball at Oceanlake August 13 with members of the Devils Lake yacht club spon soring the event. A boat parade featuring the queen and her court will be held at 12:30 o'clock August 20. Races will start at 1 o'clock over a measured mile course on the lake which has been sur veyed and registered with the American Power Boat associa tion. Racing entrants will regis ter at the Anchorage on the sputh side of D river near the new bridge now being built on y. S. highway 101. Six divisions of utility boats Will be featured and following them will be the inboard races apd a free-for-all open to any kind of boat.. Water sports demonstrations will be given during intermissions. Carl Det ejnering, Toledo, will be featured on tne waier wiin nis speea duhi. Miss Toledo which is said to be capable of DO miles an hour. Racing the second day of the regatta will start at 1 oclock viith sailboats opening the event with a grand parade of all boats ti) conclude the observance Sun day evening. Pregnant Pachyderm Reported Doing Well San Francisco, Aug. 12. (U.R) Flora the pregnant pachyderm aboard the American President Line freighter President Taft today was described as "well but temperamental, due to her deli cate condition." Capt. W. S. Tyrrell, skipper of the Taft, radioed the fol lowing report to APL head quarters here as he raced a king sized stork to port: ' Flora well but temperamental due to her delicate condition. Birth uncertain, but soon. Chief officer as medical aboard assist ing trainer (Noel) Rosenfclt in continuing pre-natal care and adapting medical manuel to supply adequate unless twins are born." day while driving a stolen car. At the station he told officers he murdered the girl with a steel bar and a six-inch knife when she refused his advances. Leland began his crime car eer by stealing six cars in 1943, Police said he has been arrested in the past six years on a num ber of changes, ranging from rape to obtaining money by false pretenses. Friday morning, Leland said, the girl "willingly" accompan ied him. After she had been with him all day, he told police, she refused his advances and "I got scared because she was good girl and would make trouble" if he let her go. Chief of Detectives Capt. Wil liam Browne said, "the killing of Thelma Taylor was the most willful, needless murder I have ever seen. The fully-clothed body was buried under a pile of logs. Beauty Winner Gets Prizes; Dolores Loses ' Washington, Aug. 12. (U.R) Nmeteen-year-old Mary Jane Hayes, who will attend the Atlantic City beauty contest this fall as "Miss Washington, D. C." already has began to reap re words. The hazel-eyed daughter of the chief engineer of the bureau o ordnance today collected a new car, a fur coat, a movie camera and projector, a tele vision set and some evening finery. 'Mary Jane won the local con test earlier in the week in com petition with nine other finalists. Delores Paoloni, featured in i special article Monday by Uni ted Pressman Harmon Nichols, trailed. British Lumber Deal Criticized Washington, Aug. 12 (P) A report that the British had bought $8,000,000 worth of lum ber in the Soviet Union prompt ed Rep. Norbiad (R., Ore.) yes terday to ask an investigation by the economic cooperation ad ministrator. Norbiad made public a let ter to Paul G. Hoffman, the ECA head. It said. "In view of the fact that tte British economy is being sub stantially supported by ECA American taxpayers' funds (as is evidenced by our current an nual expenditures of $1,300,- 000,000 In that country) this pur chase is certainly contrary to the intent of congress in approving the recovery program." The congressman asked Hoff man to determine the facts of the case so that in the future ECA money "will not be used directly or indirectly to assist the Soviet." As you may know," Norbiad wrote, "there are excess stocks of lumber In this country, and many of our mills in the Pacific northwest have shut down for lack of business. "Certainly the ECA was not approved by congress for the purpose of sending funds to ben eficiary nations to expend the Soviet rather it was to rebuild and strengthen those countries as a bulwark against possible Soviet aggression." The Coyote is one of the few animals in North America which is extending its range. Origin ally found in the open country of the west, it has worked its way gradually east as far as Ohio and north into Alaska. HERE'S AN OFFER NO ONE HAS DARED TO MAKE! FREE!' Crowd Hears Hoover A crowd estimated at between 8,000 and 10,000, including many old-time friends and associates, ' heard former President Herbert Hoover (at the rostrum center) deliver a scathing attack on government spending and taxes. Hoover's major address, delivered in Frost ampetheater on Stanford campus at Palo ' Alto, Calif., climaxed his 75th birthday celebration. In the background can be seen the Hoover library tower. (AP Wirephoto) YOU RECEIVE One Beautiful Lamp With Each $20 Purchase! ' Commercial-Industrial-Domestic Lighting Salem Lighting fir Appliance Co. 236 N. High Dial 3-9412 Die Capitol Journal Wont Ads. They Will Satisfy Your Needs Drunken Driver Injures Author . 'I Atlanta, Aug. 12 (U.R) Margar et Mitchell, one of the world's most famous writers on the strength of one novel, "Gone With the Wind," today lay in critical condition after being struck down by a reportedly drunken driver. The author of one of fiction's biggest sellers was knocked un conscious as she was crossing Peachtree street, the main thor oughfare of this city whose civil war fall she reported in vivid prose. She and her husband, John R. Marsh were crossing Peachtree to attend a motion picture when the car bore down on them, its brakes screaming and throwing it to the wrong side of the street. ' Early today she was reported to be conscious at times and could remember her name and realize that she was in a hos pital, i At Grady Memorial hospital, physicians said she was in criti cal condition. Rescued Clarence Blair, Jr., 7, grimy from smoke hugs his thankful 10 - month - old brother, John, whom he res cued from the flaming kitchen of the converted gasoline sta tion' Blair home in Whites uuio, iN. Y. Flames enveloped the structure in a matter of seconds. The house burned to the ground. (AP Wirephoto) Bernarr MacFadden Plans Chute Jump at 81 Dansville, N. Y., Aug. 12.U.R Bernarr MacFadden, exponent of physical culture and wealthy magazine publisher, announced today that he would celebrate his 81st birthday Saturday by parachuting from an airplane one half mile above the earth. cnnDiES 3mlt anJ 2)icioiu ASSORTED CHOCOLATES, CREAMS, AND NUT. CRISP AND CHEWY CANDIES, fl M A LB. Utiller' T I T I I INSUBANCI (" J 1 I U 1 I I J C I O W J Divorce Granted On Baseball Plea Los Angeles, Aug. 12. (U.R) Deputy county assessor Howard H. Oldfield, 58, was granted a divorce from his wife, Char lotte, on grounds she fought with him for the past 39 years and wouldn't let him go to the ball games. "I just love baseball, but she won't even let me listen to it on the radio," Oldfield testified tearfully. "I don't think I have the strength to go on." "Well, you can go to a base ball game every day in the week now," superior judge Ray Brock- man said in granting the divorce. "And shout at the umpire, it will do your ego good." Calliope Players Are Difficult to Find Pasadena, Cal.. Aug. 12. (U.R) The Junior Chamber of Com merce searched frantically today for someone who can play a cal- iope. The circus instrument was to be a central feature of the cham ber's annual community fair opening at the Rose Bowl. But an amusement company which furnished it found that its last player died recently. Alaska's first newspaper, the Sitka times," written in long hand, was started in 1868 and sold for 25 cents per copy. 100 EXTRA for 2 weeks "ut in caie" COSTS ONLY $1.40 Get $100 from Personal on sal rp , furniture, or car. If used re pay Personal in monthly amounts. Li not used, return It alter 2 weeks and pay only $1.40 charges. Loans made to pay bills, medical expenses, repairs and other needs. . LOANS $25 to $500 on Auto ThtAtmat FINANCE CO. 518 State St. Room 125 C. R. ALLEN, Mrr. Lie. S-122 M-165 Phone 2-2464 Lsmt mtdt to rwMcnli of aR wnaandltif towno Ion Want SECURITY Security is the reason you buy a home ... and it's also the reason you should protect your investment with title insurance. A Title and Trust Company title insurance policy gives you a lifetime of1 protection against possible loss of your investment In real property be cause of a faulty title. Fast ... Dependable Title Insurance Service C O FJ 1 V Tltlo Trait Solldlni . 325 1W. Foartli n. Portland 4, Ortoa rnek m AuoeiaM OfMeaoi Mkoat Mono Imd Comma DaSaa tntoM Hlllakora Haad Rfvor la Brando MoMhmvWa Mattonl rofoa Cttj (oaatiart Um ILIMoaa Too Sanaa Taiiaina TaMa CAPITAL IUIP1UI AND t I S I V I I OVII $t, $ 0 0,000 ml SPARTAN ELECTRIC Bottle and Food Warmer Also a Vaporizer Put a little water in base, plug in and heat nursing bottle or standard can of prepared baby food ... or put baby food in heat-proof glass dish and set on top ... or it may be used as a vaporizer. Shuts off automati cally. In maroon or ivory plastic. $395 MAIL AND PHONE ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED Capital Drug Store State & Liberty "On the Corner" GRAND OPENING NOW! ONLY $5 DOWN Sew and Save! Dress up your children in back-to-school togs this e economi NEW KENMORE ELECTRIC SEWING MACHINE 1 Rotary type Sews forward or backward Complete set of attachments Attractive green crinkle finish Shop at Sears and Save Other Models to Choose From A Ffiw for Immediate Delivery You'll be amazed how quickly and economically you can make the children's clothes (and yours, too) with this new Kenmore electric sewing machine. It's a handsome piece of furniture when not in use. Stitch regulator controls length of stitch. Full-sized head; hinged presser foot. Guaranteed for 20 years! Save on its low price at Sears! Srors Hours: Friday 9:30 A.M. to 9 P.M. Saturday 9:30 A.M. to 9 P.M. Plenty of Free Parking " MAIL THIS COUPON TODAY Sears, Roebuck and Co. 550 N. Capitol St. Salem, Oregon Gentlemen: Please send me, without obligation, further information describing the new Kenmore Electric Sewing Machine. NAME STREET OR RR CITY STATE . . (Please print with pencil) paauut&td jtoa trtatuy ac J J 550 N. Capitol Street Phone 3-9191