Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, August 11, 1949, Page 6, Image 6

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    Capital Women
t Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Thursday, August 11, 1949
Shower for
Miss Young
Honoring Miss June Young,
who is to be married September
3 to Stanley Ralph Underwood,
Mrs. Donald Prciss is to enter
tain this evening with a crystal
and china shower. The party
will be at the home of Mrs.
Preiss' mother, Mrs. Paul H.
Acton. Early dessert will be
served, followed by an informal
evening. Varied summer flowers
will be used in decorating for the
Invited to fete Miss Young are
Miss Mariann Croisan, Miss
Charlotte Alexander, Miss Ad
dyse Lane, Miss Betty Jean
Manoles, Miss Phyllis Schnell,
Miss Edith Fairham, Miss Caro
lyn Carson, Miss Jean Claire
Swift, Miss Connie Cocking, Miss
Jean Fidler, Miss Shirley Lukins,
Miss Loraine Poindexter, Miss
Patricia Viesko, Miss Marjorie
Tate, Mrs. Leonard Rynearson,
Jr., Mrs. John P. Maulding, Mrs,
Douglas Armstrong, Mrs. Scott
Adams of Portland, Mrs. Lester
D. Green, Mrs. Donald Summers,
Mrs. Donald Scheeler, Mrs. Reed
Vollstedt of Albany, Mrs. Rich
ard Kuhn of Portland, Mrs. Hub
bell Young, mother of the hon-
oree, and Mrs. Paul H. Acton,
who is to assist her daughter.
Pugh-St. John Clan
Gathers for Reunion
Descendants of the families
of Jesse Washington Pugh and
William St. John, who crossed
the plains from Iowa to Oregon
in the 1840s and settled near
Oakville, gathered for their first
annual reunion recently at Sil
yer Creek Falls.
The 70 persons attending, un
der the chairmanship of Oscar
B. Stauff, elected Mrs. Eunice
Pugh Houston of Albany to
Berve as president of the clans,
while Mrs. Gladys Pugh Elam
of Corvallis was elected secretary-treasurer.
Attending from out of state
were Mr. and Mrs. James Elza
Pugh, Oildale, Calif.; Mr. and
Mrs. James A. Pugh, James S.
Pugh and Pamela Pugh, Lyn-I
wood, Calif.: Mr. and Mrs. W. A.
Neville, Oakland, Calif.; Mr. and
Mrs. Richard Clair Neville, Rich
mond, Calif.; Mr. and Mrs. WaV
ter Whelan, Susan Whelan and
Mike Whelan, San Diego, Calif.;
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar B. Stauff,
Payette, Ida.; Ardinelle Jamison,
Council, Ida.
Corvallis persons present were
Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Pugh, Jo
anne, Kathy and Paula Pugh;
Mr. and Mrs. Walter R. Elam;
and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Neville.
Attending from other Oregon
cities were Mr. and Mrs. Forrest
Asbury Pugh, Brogan; Mr. and
Mrs. Leonard E. Pugh, Albany;
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Leroy Elam,
Jeanne Elam, Ivan L. Elam, Jr.,
and David Elam. Aumsville- Mr
and Mrs. Jack Ohrling, Linda
sue ana sneyiy Ann Ohrling,
Eugene: Mrs. Ella St .tnhn
Brown. Cutler Citv! Mr anri
Mrs. George E. Brown, Salem;
Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln St. John,
Shedd; Mr. and Mrs. Ira St. John
and Donna Sloper, Albany; Mrs.
Letty Farmer, Dolores, Duane
ana boddv .f armer, Snlem; Mr
and Mrs. L. E. Srrlvnpr F.nnnno
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Dickinson
and Marvin Acheson, Albany
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Nofziger
Elmer Nofziecr. Jr.. .Tpskp Unn.
aid, James and Patly Nofziger,
saiem; Mr. and Mrs. Sterling
orlbskov, Gary and David Grib
kov, Eugene; and Miss Paula
Haikins, Albany.
Wedding Aug. 26
Albany Miss Marjorie Herr:
former physical education in
structor in the Albany high
school, will be married to Willis
T. Caldwell, Salem. Friday
August 26, at 3 o'clock in the
afternoon, at the First Presby
terian church in Albany. Miss
Herr is the daughter of Mrs
Helene Herr of Albany.
Following their marriage the
couple will make their home in
Engagement Is
Told at Albany
Albany Mr. and Mrs. Seth T.
French, 914 W. Fifth avenue,
Albany, announce the engage
ment of their daughter, Miss
Betty French, to Cadet Earl
Johnston, of the United States
Military Academy at West Point,
N. Y. He is a son of Mr. and Mrs.
Albert E. Johnston of Route No,
1, Salem.
No definite date for the wedd
ing has been set. Cadet Johnston
will be graduated from West
Point in 1950.
Miss French was graduated
from the University of Oregon
last spring, and has been em
ployed by the United Press Bur
eau in Portland. She plans to
leave for the east this fall.
Cadet Johnston was graduated
from Salem high school, and at
tended Oregon State college a
year before entering the mili
tary academy. He served as a
captain in the air corps of the
United States army during World
War II.
Byers Family
Reunion Held
The Byers clan held its 31st
annual reunion July 31 at Inde
pendence City park, with more
than 50 members present.
Hobart Jackson, a cousin in
Glenwood, Iowa, sent favors for
the picnic tables.
Mrs. Olive Byers, oldest mem
ber of the clan, celebrated her
87th birthday in May. A short
business meeting was held with
John Byers, president, presid
ing. The officers were re-elected
for another year: President, John
Byers; secretary-treasurer, Nelia
Phillips; historian, Ada Belknap;
sergeant- at- arms, Garfield
Members present were Mr.
and Mrs. Seth Byers, Mr. and
Mrs. Ronald Byers and daugh
ter, Janet; Mr. and Mrs. M. J.
Wearin of Springfield; Mrs.
Marjorie Doidge, Mr. and Mrs.
John Byers, Don Byers, Port
land; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Byers,
Boring; Mr. and Mrs. William
Sharp, Jr., Philip Doidge, Yam
hill; Mr. and Mrs. Bliss Byers,
Banks; Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Gul
vin and daughter Janice, Hills
boro; Mr. and Mrs. William
Byers and daughter, Karen, Mr
and Mrs. Karl Byers and son,
Karl, Jr., Valsetz; Mr. and Mrs.
O. D. Byers. Milwaukie; Mr.
and Mrs. O. J. Adkinson, Wood-
burn; Mrs. Ada Belknap, Rick-
reall; Mr. and Mrs. Ed Belknap,
Monmouth; Mr. and Mrs. Paul
Doughty, Beaverton; Mr. and
Mrs. Jeff Ayers, Corvallis; Mr.
and Mrs. William Burton, Eu
gene; Earl Brunk, Mrs. Clara
Brunk, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth
Bayne, Mr. and Mrs. Bud Bar
tell, Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Os
borne, Karen Lewis, Mr. and
Mrs. Edwin Phillips of Salem;
Mr. and Mrs. Garfield Byers and
Mrs. Olive Byers of Indepen
Miss Olson
To Entertain
Miss Donna Liudahl, who is to
be married August 21 to John W.
Holmstedt, Jr., of Paxton, Neb.,
will be honored at a miscellane
ous shower and party for which
Miss Anna Faye Olson is to en
tertain this evening at her home.
Mr. Holmstedt also will be an
honoree at the party. Follow
ing an informal evening a late
supper will be served. A group
of 15 friends has been invited,
Dorothy Roth
Tells Betrothal
Albany Of interest in Albany
and Salem is the announcement
of the betrothal of Miss Dorothy
Roth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Dan B. Roth, 729 W. Seventh
avenue, Albany, to Earl O'Neal
Elshire of Albany, formerly of
Salem. Tentative plans for the
wedding have been made for the
first of the year.
Miss Roth recently returned
to Albany from San Leandro,
Calif., where she was employed
following her graduation from
Oregon State college at Corvallis
in 1948. She is a member of Kap
pa Alpha Theta social sorority.
Mr. Elshire attended school in
the east and also attended col
lege in Pennsylvania. He served
as a lieutenant in the air force
of the United States marine corps
during the war.
Picnic Event of
Tuesday Evening
Nine couples and their fam
ilies attended the picnic ar
ranged by Delta Zeta alumnae
Tuesday evening in Leslie park.
Attending the event, with
their families, were Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur Lewis, Mr. and Mrs.
Maurice Buchanan, Mr. and Mrs.
Hugh Morrow, Mr. and Mrs. V.
L. Sexton, Mr. and Mrs. B. L
Bradley, Mr. and Mrs. O. K
Beals, Mr. and Mrs. Bjarne
Ericksen, Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Corngan of Burbank, Calif
brother-in-law and sister of Mrs.
Ericksen, who are visiting here,
and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Foster.
The alumnae club will begin
its regular schedule of meetings
in late September.
Several Guests
For Golf Day
A large group of guests at
tended women's day at the Sa
lem Golf club, Wednesday. The
visitors included Mrs. William
Crothers, Mrs. John Marr, visi
tor from Tillamook, Mrs. Wil
bur Stadelman of The Dalles,
Mrs. Cecil Lantz, Mrs. P. C.
Anderson, Mrs. Harold Gilles
pie, Mrs. J. W. Tindall, Miss
Barbara Viesko, Mrs. Coburn
Grabenhorst, Mrs. Patty Coun
cil, visitor from Franklin, Va
Mrs. Robert Siglcr, visitor from
Stockton, Calif.
For the day's play, Mrs. John
Heltzel and Mrs. Harold M. Ol
inger tied in class A, Mrs. din
ger winning; Mrs. Roy H. Sim
mons, class B winner; Mrs. Char
les Musser, class C winner; and
Mrs. L. M. Hammerstad, class
D winner.
For next Wednesday there is
to be a four-ball foursome event
for the women. Announced
tentatively for Sunday, August
21 is another two-ball foursome
event for the club.
Goldenweds Honored Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Valentine were
honored recently at a family dinner gathering observing their
50th wedding anniversary. Friends called later in the after
noon for an informal at home.
yf r J!
Jt "
Program Outlined for Herb Tea, Aug. 18
Leoanon Speatter at the 12th
annual herb tea to the Lebanon
Garden club on Aug. 18 will be
Miss Adelaide Barker of the
Oregon State library, through
whose efforts a remarkable col
lection of herb books have been
added to the state library, it is
announced by Mrs. Einar Ras
mussen, speaker 'chairman for
the tea to be held at the coun
try home of Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas Dillard.
Mrs. Rasmussen, in charge of
the herb exhibit of the tea, is
working out the idea of display
ing the fresh herbs in addition
to the products made from them
Working with Mrs. Rasmussen
is Mrs. Oliver Gundersen, also
an experimenter and herb book
collector. The Lebanon Garden
club herb exhibit at the State
Fair last year was planned and
executed by them, and proved to
be one of the most popular ex
hibits. It has been asked for
again for this year's fair.
Mrs. Rasmussen will also
show at the herb tea samples of
the favors made by Oregon Gar
den clubs for the National Gar
den club convention held this
year in Portland. As state chair
man for the favors committee,
she contacted clubs all over the
state and distributed the favors
during the week of the conven
tion. Not only Mrs. Rasmussen,
but the Oregon clubs which
made the favors are now receiv
ing letters of appreciation from
federated members from many
states, particularly eastern.
An artist and artisan with
gourds, Mrs. F. H. Haskell, who
grows them larger than Africa's
calabashes on her farm between
Albany and Crabtree, will ex
hibit her handsome crafted and
painted gourd baskets, bowls
and decorative pieces at the herb
Planting her own seed each
year, Mrs. Haskell finds that
gourds come true to type, and
on her south Santiam river bot
tom toil, they grow a little
larger each year. Her largest
gourd is six inches taller, and
some inches larger around than
the largest gourd of which she
has seen any record.
Mrs. Bruce Ensley's fuchsias
will be on exhibit at the herb
tea again this year, showing the
results of many years horti
cultural experience and skill,
learned through practice and ex
periment. Mrs. Ensley adds to
her fuchsia varieties each year,
and produces specimens of tree.
hanging, bush and other types,
She is a member of the Oregon
Fuchsia society.
For the convenience of out-
of-town guests, highway 20 just
north of Lebanon will have signs
designating the location of the
Dillard home.
Recent Bride Is
Honored at Party
Oak Point Mrs. Ronald Law
rence (Farrol Webb) was the
honor guest at a miscellaneous
shower at the home of Mrs. Don
Webb, The afternoon was spent
in playing games and viewing
the gifts.
Present were Virginia Miller,
Elizabeth Comstock, Cora Ham-
blin, Winifred Bisbee, Eleanor
McCutcheon, Jennie Peterson,
Phyllis Moore, Elaine Wells
Joyce Becken, Peggy Moberly
Clara Brown, Doloros Rule, Ber-
dina Shoan, Alice Lawrence,
Barbara Lawrence, Beverly Pe
terson, Flora Rogers, Audrey
and Karen Stagner, Barbara
Muller, Mrs. LaVant Pease,
Margene Terjerson, Mrs. Martha
Hess, Edna Bartel, Mary Brown,
Dona Rife, Eva Webb, Hazel
WOODBURN An open meet
ing and family dinner were en
joyed Tuesday evening at Set
tlemier park by the Woodburn
Garden club with about 20 at
tending. The no-host dinner
was served at 7 o'clock and fol
lowing this an informal meeting
was held with Mrs. Ralph Seely
presiding. Neil Hall of Seattle,
a member of the National Rock
Garden club, gave a talk on rock
gardens and alpine plants. He
is the son of Mrs. J. J. Hall of
This closed the activities of
the club until fall. The first fall.
meeting will be held September
13 with Mrs. Ralph Seely, the
new president, and her officers
in charge.
Rites Aug. 8
The marriage of Miss Joan
Thomas, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. R. E. Thomas of Port Or-
ford. to John Macy, son of Mr.
and Mrs. O. A. Macy of Mon
mouth, was solemnized the eve
ning of August 8 in the St.
Christopher's chapel at Port Or
ford, Bishop Thomas Jenkins
reading the 8 o'clock rites.
The bride wore a white eye
let embroidery and organdy
gown with fingertip veil. Her
flowers were a nosegay of gar
denias, yellow rosebuds and
bouvardia. Mr. Thomas gave his
daughter in marriage.
Mrs. Alan Corbin, Gold Beach,
sister of the bride, was the honor
attendant and Miss Anne Sweet
of Bandon and Miss Marjorie
Andresen of Camas, Wash.' were
bridesmaids. Mrs. Corbin wore
a yellow organdy frock with yel
low sash and her flowers were a
nosegay of rosebuds, stephanotis
and pink carnations. The two
bridesmaids were in blue organ
dy, the dresses having matching
sashes, and their flowers also
were the rosebuds, stephanotis
and pink carnations.
Robert Macy was best man for
his brother. Alan Corbin, Gold
Beach, and Gordon Kunke of
Turner were ushers.
Ann Wilson, Seattle, niece of
the bridegroom, was flower girl.
Michael Carolan was solist for
the wedding, also at the recep
tion. Kenny Forty and Edward
Sargenti were candle lighters.
The reception was given at
the Thomas home. Pouring was
Mrs. N. B. Marsh. Mrs. R. A,
Wilson, sister of the bridegroom
cut the cake. Miss Joan Morgan
presided at the punch bowl. Mrs.
Don Sweet was in charge of the
guest book and Miss Joyce
Reeves and Mrs. John Mayea
were m charge of gifts. Assist
ing at the reception were Miss
Ginny Atkinson, Miss Eloise
Andreson, Miss Shirley McKen-
zie. Miss Luellen Flake, Miss
Mary Lou Morris. Among out-of-town
guests at the wedding and
reception were the bridegroom's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. A.
Macy of Monmouth; Misses
Ginny Atkinson, Lenore Wilson,
Joyce Reeves and Joan Morgan,
and Howard Olsen, Bruce Bar
ker and Charles Dovore, all of
Salem, Robert Macy of Corval-
Board Meeting
Tk hnarH nt officers of the
Salem Memorial hospital auxi
liary will meet Friday at 1:30
n m in the hosoital to make
preliminary plans for the new
year's activities for the auxili
ary. Mrs. Gordon O. Leonard
is the new president.
lis, brother of the bridegroom.
Vnr iravelinB the bride wore
n uhitu suit with navv blue ac
cessories. Following a trip to
southern California me coupie
will be at home in Dallas, Ore.,
after September 20.
Mr. Macy is coacmng ai uni
tes schools. Both he and Mrs.
graduates of Willa
mette university, the bride be
ing a member of Chi omega sorority.
Local Girls at
Scout Summer Camp
Several girls from the Salem
area attended the Girl Scouts
camp this summer.
Those going from here during
the various periods were:
Shirley Bogosian, K a t h i e
Heltzel, Phyllis Morris, Colleen
Nelson, Claudia Peterson, Judy
Remington, Judy Atwood, Sally
Frese, Sherry Dillard, Susan
Keech, Joan Crossland, Sally Jo
Joseph, Barbara Morris, Linda
Lee Ramage, Patricia Robbins,
Patricia Weaver, Joan Bale, Ju
dith Bone, Diane Clough, Dinda
Davis, Priscilla Durham, Anne
Heltzel, Lianne Leonard, Fritzi
Manbeck, Carol McCandlish,
Pat Morton, Catherine Robbins,
Judith Templeton, Patricia Whe
lan, Jill Cummings, Carol Hoff
man, Peggy Ann Hoffman, De
borah Lamb, Laura Parsegian,
Carol Randal, Myrtle Mae Robb
and Helen Steinback.
NEBRASKA club announces a
picnic for next Sunday, August
21, in Leslie park, the basket
dinner to be served at 12:30
o'clock. The club is furnishing
coffee and cream. Each family
attending is to take its own
table accessories.
IN PORTLAND for the day,
Thursday, were Mrs Forrest
Bodmer, Mrs. S. D. Wiles, Mrs.
Lynn Hammerstad, Mrs. George
Hill, Mrs, John Wood and Mrs.
Leon Perry, the group planning
to conclude the day with dinner
this evening.
Miss Tanner j
Party Feted '
Honoring Miss Jeanne Tan
ner, who is to be married next
Sunday afternoon to Evan Rich-
ey, a linen shower and party
were given Tuesday evening by
Miss Donna Lou Lambert, who
was assisted by her mother, Mrs.
Ben Lambert.
At the refreshment table,
Mrs. William R. Tanner, mother
of the bride-elect, poured and
Mrs. Dudley Strain cut the cake.
The table was set with a lace
cloth and a centerpiece of white
gladioluses arranged in an old
blue glass tray with tapers in
blue glass candelabrums at ei
ther side.
The guest list included Miss
Tanner, Mrs. William R. Tan
ner, Mrs. C. F. Hein, Mrs. Ethel
Wright, Mrs. Walter Naff, Mrs.
G. R. Munkers, Mrs. Mary
Lamb, Mrs. Clifford Phillips,
Mrs. F. F. Rahn, Mrs. Dudley
Strain, Mrs. Chris Kowitz, Miss
Mary Kowitz, Mrs. F. F. Mc-
Farlene and her daughter, Miss
Darlene McFarlene of Dayton,
Miss Berna McDonald, Miss
Jeanne du Buy, Miss Lucille
Proctor, Miss Mary Scott, Miss
Gayle Juve, Mrs. Guy Drill, and
the hostess and her mother.
The Richey - Tanner wedding
will be at 4 o'clock Sunday ip
the First Christian church. 4 u
A VISITOR here the past
month has been Mrs. Paul Cas- i
sidy of Alliance, Neb., who left
Wednesday following visits nere
with her sisters, Mrs. Walter
Harris and Miss Mary Gilhuly.
GUESTS at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. George Rhoten during
the early week have been Mrs.
Rhoten's sister-in-law, Mrs. G.
W. Ross and son, Gary Ross,
of Bend, formerly of Salem.
To Place Classified Ads
Phone 2-2406 .
Regularly 35c Per Pound
136 No. Com'l
Salem, Or.
Women's Straight-Cut
Metro Marvels Save You Money . . .
134 North Commercial St.
Salem, Oregon
Long-sleeved Cardigan (reg. 12.95) IwW
Short-sleeved Slip-on (reg. 8.95) f V
Both styles available in lettuce, blue, maize, jade, white or pink.
Rolled neck, short-sleeved slip-on (reg. 4.95) wiWW
Colors: Lilac, blue, jade, aqua, white, pink or royal blue.
Long-sleeved Cardigan (reg. 7.95)... iww
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Colors: Red, jade, kelly green, blue or maize.
Assorted colors.
Cardigan (reg. 7.95)
Colors: Cherry, blue, jade, lilac.
Short-sleeved Slip-on (reg. 5.95)
Colors: Popcorn, blue, rose, lilac, pistachio.
The most popular single item for Fall wardrobes, according to fash
ion experts, will be a smart sweater. Johnson's, the store for ladies,
offers you these grand buys now! Naturally all sales are final; Re
funds or exchanges not possible. For the widest selection in both
sizes and colors may we suggest that you shop early.
IT Store for Ladies