r. Fl Mi ii Si 24 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore, Thursday, August 11, 1949 mm mw umnrn Your Thoughtful Attention Is Invited to This Greatest of All Salem Bargain Events SEMIANNUAL $295 BS88R8 3 PAIRS VISIT PRICE'S BIAUTY SALON Salem's finest btauty lalon. Con ult Vivian Enyort, owner. PRICE'S FUR SALE: Famous all over the Coast; imme diately after our closeout sale. PRICE'S CAR AND TRUCK RENTAL SERVICE Located at Church and Center. Drive your own and save half. LUCIEN LELONG Closeout regular $2.25 size per or". $1.00 Closeout colognes; regular $5.50 oT"r $2.50 SCARFS One lot priced up to $4.95 to be closed out quickly of only $1.95. Other scarfs aa only 55C A for 4 LUU Saturday will be the last day of this sale. Shop early for these truly sensational savings. Complete close out. All shades, colors and sizes. Values up to $12.95. Final clean-up of our better dressy dresses. ... Up to $59.95. Now for final clean-up at this low low price. Formerly sold to $2.00 per pair. Now at this price 'til Saturday. In all colors as well as black. With imported lace. All sizes. Form erly sold at $12.95 to $15.95. Come and get them. Pure silk. , : 8fc08 ) $(95 rrirv-r-sr-mr i?V dfjRiifl Only two dozen to WUnrRl J) CT(3S) 9 this ,0t; up VLMJIZAOLJ ,ZUyjCJ rs J to $10. Come and I " Only one to a custom ed. We have sixty in this outstanding pur chase. Red, kelly, wine, brown and navy. Regu lar $19.95. Come and get yours. Group better Dresses, Costumes, Suits, Coats All drastically reduced. Cannot price each individually but all will be moved quickly. Cotton Dresses Come and get them while they last. $5.00 Up to $19.95 values at only JEWELRY Very fine numbers. Regularly sold up to $3.95. wnue tney last at only 55 c; 2 -'LOO Jewelry formerly sold up to $6.95. Now goes on sale at complete closeout. $ 1 .00 HATS WOMEN'S FINER MILLINERY. Complete closeout or an our exclusive num- i bers. Reaularlv sold ud M to $19.50. Get one or more now. 5oo.nd$750 Beautiful Dresses Sold up to $45.00 Last $4 A AA call at only IU.UU FABRIC GLOVES Wonderful response to our opening. Now we will close out all our fabrics and some ff leathers at only P I .UU SWIM SUIT CLOSEOUT At cost or less. Nationally advertised, beautifully styled in beautiful colors and fabrics. Now go: $8.00 f.j or $15.00 values.... t2fj values. $4,95 Ss0 ...$8.95 $6.95 $12.00 values. SHOES Hundreds of pairs of famous makes such as: RICE O'NEILL SELBY-STYLEEZ MADEMOISELLE DRAMATICS Most all styles and colors. Be here early whi are complete. Joyce values to $10.95. values to $12.95. values to $12.95. values to $13.95. valeus to $14.95. values to $14.95. values to $16.95. values to $18.95. $5.95 3.95 4.95 5.95 6.95 . 7.95 8.95 . 9.95 CTtrtf I M..tti