J- J ' AUTOMOBILES QUITTING BUSINESS After 26 years in business in Salem, and for 20 years having handled International Motor Trucks, and for 14 years having handled McCormick Deering Farm Machinery, we are retiring from business. The New dealer's name will be announced soon at this address. For that reason we are selling the following used Motor Trucks and Tractors at practically your own prices. TRUCKS 1 22 Foot Columbia Trailer House, like new. (. 1 1941 Chev. 6 Wheeler Thornton Drive. 1 1940 D-40 Int. 6 Wheeler Thornton Dr. 11940 WA-20 White with 1947 WA22 Motor with Truck Equip. 1 1943 Federal Chassis. 1 1943 Federal Dump. 11935 Ford Flat Bed. J FARM MACHINERY 1 No. 10 3-16" McCormick Deering Plow 1 2-16" John Deere Flow I 2-14" David Bradley Plow ll-16" Wheeled Plow 1 Farmall A 16-A 7 Foot Mower JAMES 2955 Silverton Road EXTRA! IT'S BANNER VALLEY'S MART. Lowest prices Term's to fit your pocketbook 1949 Ford Line Coupe. Low mileage, like new, heater, undercoat $1595 1948 Ford Conv. New top, ra dio, heater. A real car. Priced only . . . $1395 1947 Olds 8-98 Club Conv. Ra dio, heater, automatic win dows & seat adjustment. Hydramatic $1845 More Lower Priced Cars to Choose From Valley Motor Mart THE CAR LOT OF SENSATIONAL VALUES AND CARS WITH A PERSONALITY DON'T FORGET THE LOCATION PHONE 33147 HIGH ITEAGUE'S WE ARE NOT CLOSING OUT OR SELLING CARS "NO DOWN PAYMENT". JUST GOOD . SENSIBLE DOWN PAYMENTS AND AP PROVED BANK CONTRACTS ON FIRST CLASS AUTOMOBILES. COME IN. LOOK AT. THE QUALITY OF OUR CARS. IF YOU THINK OUR PRICES TOO HIGH, MAKE US AN OFFER. WE WILL CONSIDER IT. 25 FINE CARS . . . PRICED $1295 DOWN TO $195 SEE JOE SPURLOCK 352 N. COMMERCIAL ST. PH. 2-4173 Eeague Motor Company .f..JiJHUHfHftfrrf...t,.ff-r,j,f,,,!'t WANTED POSITIONS ENTAL NVRSE Oranuate of S.F. Dental Nures School. Phone 2-5573. hl92 VTETMOR PAINTING. EXP Ph. 3-6796 b201 CHILD CARE U80 Shipping Ph 3-9924. hl92" t'KMENT WORK wanted. Ph 2-4850 a f Flowing, discing, ai moss. Ph. 22057. D202 EDUCATION WELDING SCHOOL Avail yourself of opportunity to learn good trade that pays top wage. Oldest weldlni achool In NW. GI APPROVED WELDINO SCHOOL 530 NB Sacramento, Portland - MU 9680 hh206 FOR RENT ROOMS BOOMS, kitchen priv. Ladle only. Ph. ;i 35210. 520 Statesman St. Jkl92 GOOD SLEEPING ROOM tor men near S shopping center. Phone 3-7503. jkl92 SLEEPING KM. PH. 34335. FFPIVn CMC A, - tk.( arifr Jb i. JiPh Dr. or Mo. 1505 N. Caottol Ph. 3-3425 J 1:204 FEPING RMS. 3 hlork frnm town. Ph f -5316. 195 S. Cottage. JklBS- i VERY NICE RMS. Close In. Lady or Jgenueman. fob 2i. Cottage. J IBS' I AUTOMOBILES H. MADEN CO. EXTRA! BUY'S AT 1947 Ford Super-Deluxe Four Door Sedan. Radio, heater. Guaranteed $1265 1947 Packard Clipper Sedan. Leather upholstered. Runs like new. Don't pass this one at $1595 1947 Ford Deluxe Tudor. Heat er, sportlight, new paint. Glade Green. New seat covers. Good rubber, our special $1095 AT CENTER SALEM qlfll USED CARS FOR RENT ROOMS PLEASANT SLEEPING ROOM for gentle man. 1050 Norway. Ph. 2-4547. Jkl95' ATTRACTIVE sleeping n for employed gentleman near Capital Shopping Cen ter. Reasonable. Ph. 3-4248. Jkl91' SLEEPING RM. for working girl or wom an, on bus line. 1630 Broadway. Jkl94 SLEEPING rm. In priv. home for lady. fiome Kitchen priv. Fh. 3-7012 eves. JkI9I ROOM AND HOME privilege. Ph. 2-1689. 2615 Brooks St. Jkl92 HOLLYWOOD rms 2035 McCoy Ph. 36093 FOR RENT APARTMENTS 2 RM. PARTLY furn. apt. Private bath, electric heat, adults. 1196 Chemeketa. Jpl90' t RM. APT,, also sleeping rooms. Ph. 3-4335. 790 N. Church. Jpl92 2 RM. FURN. apt. 330 8. 14th. FURNISHED 3 room duplex, elec. heat, adults. Ph. 37176. Jpl90 MODERN 2 room. elec. heat, priv. bath, relng., 535 N. Winter. Jpl90 2 ROOM APT. Walking dlst. All utilities furn. 140. Ph. 2-6598. Jpl90 SMALL FURN. apt. newly decorated. 125 Oerth. West Salem. Jpl95 S RM. BSMT. -APT. S35.00 month. Wood stoves. Ph. 33611. JP190 3 ROOM furn. apt. 2191 Maple. Corner of Highland Ave. Jpl91 2 RM. furn. apt. Priv. outside cnt. St bath. Ph. 36093. 2035 McCoy. JplBJ IAUTOMOBILES TRACTORS 1 TD-9 With Dozer and Drum 1 TD-6 Wide Gauge 1 T-20 Wide Gauge . 1 Model 20 Caterpillar 1 Farmall H 1 Farmall A 1 WC, Allis Chalmers With Mower 1 Oliver 60 Row Crop 1 Eyerly Tractor Complete with Plow, Cult., Mower and Tiller. Ideal for Bean Grower. GARDEN TRACTORS Several new and used ones to choose from, with various equipment. Phone 2-4123 FOR RENT APARTMENTS UPPER S ROOM furn. apt. Private bath, washing facilities, garage. Employed cou ple. Call eve. 2-5035. JpWl" NEW 8 ROOM modern court apt. Refrig erator, range, wash. mach. furnished. $60. Ph. 3-4205 after 5:30. jpl90 RELIABLE COUPLE or widow to take care of my lovely apt. for 6 months. Free rent to the right party. Write box 2B0 Capital Journal. Jpl92 FURNISHED 3 room apt. pm. uath. 1475 ti. Com. PH. 20747. JP1H1 t 2-RM. APT. S35. 1 1-rm. apt. 125. Both furn. 040 s. Capitol. jpiso TJNFURN. APT. Large bdrm. Living rm. Dinette. Kitchenette, Bath room with sower. A.B. kitchen range. Elec. heat, light St water furn. Children, dogs & cats excepted es. Fn, 3-aoai. jpi95 FURN. APT. Priv. bath, upstairs, adults. 2455 State. Jpl90 PART FURN. 3 rm. apt. St nath, modern eiec. neat, AauitB. 1310 Madison. jpilH FOR RENT HOUSES 2 B.R. house In Kelzer Dlst. Possession Immediately. Ph. 25005. Jml9Q 2 BDRM HOME with apt. upstairs. No cnuaren. ,ui n, unurcn. Fn. aiuia. JmlBO1 SMALL HOUSE or ground floor apt. In West Salem by elderly couple. Phone 3-8849. Jml92 3 BDRM. HOUSE unfurn. 3280 Portland Rd. N. Jml92 S BDRM. unfurn. Gar., utility room. iirepiace, eiec. neat, aouiw, sou. 1925 N. Church. Ph. 36934. Jml90 GET SETTLED BEFORE SCHOOL BUY LIKE RENT New homes, hdwd. firs., auto, heat. Pav ed streets, inside city limits. L. E. Klumpp, Realtor 480 N. Church Ph. 2-7642 Eve. or Sun. 3-0343 or 2-0126 Jm 4 BR HOUSE, older type. Call after 6 P.m., 2-8854. Jml91 MOD. 5 BDRM. furnished, auto, heat, bsmt., wtr. Mr., gar., Ph. 2-0442. Jml92 3 ROOM HOUSE furnished, 125 per mo. 2'A miles n. 01 Brooks, Rt. 1, BOX 83. Ph. Gervais 3272 after 7 p.m. Jml90 FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SPACE, excellent location, 218 Liberty at Court. Phone 23923. J190 POWER TOOL rentals for home and In dustrial use. Howser Bros. Ph. 3-3646. J FURN. OFFICE. Mezzanine floor, 212 N. High St., 135 per month. Year lease or longer. Call 34016. J192 FLOOR SANDERS for rent. Montgomery Ward. J TO DO a good Job rent a good floor sand r We etl everything to complete the Job. HOWSER BROS . Ph. 3-3646 J' lOOD USED PIANOS. H. L. Stiff. OFFICE spaces and desk spaces. Ph. 25692. J SEWING Machines Portable or Treadle Service on all makes. Ph. 3-7671. J202' BUSINESS EM. for rent. H. L. Stiff. i V DRIVE trucks, cars. Ph. 2-9103. TRAILERS 12.00 per day. Howser Bros. 1410 8 12th, West Balem. J : BDRM. home. Woodburn. Ph. Salem 2-0490, Mr. Pass. J190 SINGER ELECTRIC portable sewing ma chines. Reasonable rates. Free pick up at aenvery sinter sewing Machine Co 130 N. Com 1. Ph. 32513 J' WANTED TO RENT RESPONSIBLE FAMILY urgently need 3 bdrm. home. Excellent Tefer. Good care guaranteed. Ph. 33253 or 37922. Jal93 WANTED to rent unfurn. 2 bdrm. hse. Od. location. For 3 adults. Good refer. Call Mr. G. Tookey at the Capital Journal. "Look For the Silver Lining." Jal92 DON'T YOU have one of Salem's nicer homes, furnished, you'd rent to a quiet family of three? Like south Salem but Interested in any preferred location Call 3-9133. Jal91 YOUNG EMPLOYED couple want 1 or 2 bdrm. home. Reference. Ph. 3-4368. J Hi 91 EX-G.I. and expectant wife urgently In need of a suburban home. Will post cash damage bond if desired. Ph. 3-8296. Jal92 3 BDRM. unfurn. house by Christian fam ily. Ref. Ph. 3-5219. Jal95- EMPLOYED COUPLE desire furn. 4 or 5 rm. house. Will pay to 140. Two chil dren. 8 mo. and 20 mo. Needed desper ately, so we ean have our children with us. Ph. 35133. Mrs. H. A. Stlmson. Jtl92 WANTED TO RENT 3 bedroom home. Have 2 small children. Will pay to $75. References furnisned. Phone 3.7622. jal92 YOUNG ENGINEER, wife and 7 year old daughter urgently need 2 bdrm. furnish ed house by Aug. 15. Ph. 2-3495. Jal93 YOUNG COUPLE need unfurn. except re frig St range. 1 bdrm. house No chil dren. Ph. 2-0852. JalOl Journal Want Ads Pay AUTOMOBILES Buy with Confidence AT Warner Motor Co. 1949 1949 1949 1948 1947 1946 1946 1942 1942 1942 1942 1941 1941 1940 1940 Lincoln Spc. Sedan, 8,000 miles. Loaded . , Merc. Sedan, 11,000 miles. Radio, heater . . . Mercury Club Cpe. Radio, Heater, O'drive Kaiser Sedan, R&H Lincoln Sedan, R&H, Overdrive Chev. Aero, New Paint Mercury Sedan Dodge Coupe Buick Sedanette, New Paint Plymouth Sedan Chev. Aero Buick Sedanette, New Paint Lincoln Coupe 'Sedan, clean Lincoln Sedan Packard Coupe Sedan, clean 1940 Ford Deluxe Sedan, clean 1937 DeSoto Coupe YOUR BEST BUYS ARE AT YOUR LINCOLN-MERCURY DEALER Warner Motor Go. SALEM USED CAR DEALERS ASSOCIATION 545 CENTER WANTED TO RENT COUPLE & 8 yr. old daughter want 2 bdrm. unfurn. house. Pay up to S50. Excellent refer. Ph. 2-7826. ja!92 WANTED TO rent or lease with option to buy, 2 or 3 bdrm. home near school. Call Mr. Wood, 24083. Jal91 ROOM AND BOARD BOARD Sc CARE for elderly people. 3457 D street. J J 191 ROOM AND HOARD. One elderly gentle man. Ph. 36680. 266 S. Cottage. JJ192 BOARD AND RM. 850 E St. Ph. 3-8706. JJ207 LOST AND FOUND $25 REWARD for toy red male dog. Answers to amy. fn. jmsj. Kiau LOST: Brown bill fold at State Bids, con taining valuable papers. Some money. Liberal reward. J. F. Steelhammer Sr. Ph. 2-14S6. kl92 LOST Lady's rose-gold Gotham wrist watcn. He ward. Mrs. isveiyn raraon, McMInnvllle. Ph. 4935. k!90 LOST: Red leather keytalncr with keys. Call 24969. klOO" MISCELLANEOUS WILL TRADE new mnn's bicycle for W eiectric arm. rn. juoit aner a p.m. mlDO' . DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 2 HR SERVICE IN HOST CASES DR. HARRY SEMLER DENTIST Adolpn Bldi!. State Si Commercial Sts SALEM Phone 3-3311 m' BUILDING MATERIALS BUILDERS Realized substantial savings on lumber. Rock bottom price for larger amounts. 2x4 and shlplap, top grade No. 3, $36 per M. No. 4 117 per M. Free delivery. West Salem Saw Mill, 1050 Wallace Rd. Ph, 39593. ma214 RED CEDAR SHINGLES No. 1 V.0 8.00 per. sq. No. 2 R.0 4.50 per sq. Rylock Screens Lumber - Sash St Doors Complete Line Building Materials OREGON PULP it PAPER CO. Lumber Dlv. h. 2-2421 mal92 f LL 211 Salem, we sell the ocst Cedar Shinies from Tillamook, Grand Ronde or Cascade hitch mountain timber. No. 1. 18. No. 2 (5. Delivered. Ted Muller. Sa-lem-Indcp. Road. ma' 18" No. 1 Cedar Shakes, Natural or paint ed Prim coated or stained. Cedarwall Fittlte or Bt;ar Brands S9 per sq. up. De livered with undercourse. Ph. Ted Mulle. 2-1196. 1 DRESSED FRYER Rabbits Ideal for freez ing. Wood mnse, 1 bdrm. house for rent. Rt. 8, Box 802. Dallas Hiway. ml91 BAD CEDAR GUTTER 22c. No. 1 cedar wall shakes it under course ah In pies $12.80 per sq, Ted Muller. Ph. Balem 2-1196. ma1 PLYWOOD LARGE stock ol sizes, thicknesses it grades. Both Plain 61 water proof, f'ncf start at 5c per sq it. ALSO GOOD stocks of " and "A" Insul atlns boards Low prices on " St W sheet rock Keith Brown. Front At Court Sts., Salem. ma ALUM A - LOCK - ALUMINUM LOCK SHINOLE The modern permanent root ing See your dealer or Call Dlst 3-6401 mal97' SPECIAL; Cedar sldln. i"x8" Random ler.gth. C-grade. 185 thousand. Keith Brown. Front it Court Sis., Salem. ma NEW SHIPMENT piast board " S'ic. W 6c sq ft Rock lathe 45 aq It 11.75 MONTGOMERY WARD 6LEM ma GOOD USED LUMBER for sale. Also win dows, doors. plywood, flrtox. After 5 p.m. 2475 Broadway. Ph. 20913. mal94 SAVE On ROOFINO Let Wards give you complete IN STALLED price on your roofing needs -Wide range of colors Call our outsldp salesman for frer estimate Phone 8-3191 MONTGOMERY WARD A CO SALEM. OREGON ma FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS WASHING MACHINE 815. 1835 N. 20th St. Phone 2-6096 eveninita. nl90 REMODELING SALE PRICES Platform Rockers, homespun, 119.88. Ta pestry (24.88. Occasional Chairs 114.95. Rockers f 15.95. We give green stamps. SALEM HOME FURN CO. 137 So. Commercial n!91 FUSCHIAS. Evening please. Max Morris 2125 S. Winter. . nl91 0 GAL. ELECTRIC water heater. Ph. 3-8296. nl92 USED GENERAL ELECTRIC roasWr. Also 3 -burner electric plate. Both in good condition. Phone 2-3534 evenings. nl92 FOR SALE Rpmlnaton Noiseless typewrit er. Pica type. Exc. cond., 160. Phone 35460. nl92 I ELEC. RANGE St 33 Buick. Call alter 6 p.m. at 4275 McCleay Rd. Ph. 2-4392. n!92 REMODELING SALE Turq. Velour Daveno St Rocker. Reg, price 1159 50. Bp. 1129 88. Orren stamps. SALEM HOME FURN. CO. 137 So. Commercial nl91 -103 BRITISH deer MlleW" boxes of shells Best offer or would consider .32 special carbine In trade. After 8 p. m. 1943 N. Church. nl90 PACKARD upright piano mahogany fln Insh. Ph. 348"2. nl90 BABY BUG G V, T allor '" T oT car se at, Jumper. Good condition. 730 B. 18th. O190 I AUTOMOBILES $2695 2095 2095 1495 1695 , 1395 1195 745 695 695 695 745 795 450 595 695 295 PH. 33012 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS SINGER SEWING machine. Good cond. Ph. 37701. 407 S. 23rd. nlGO FOR SALE, 1 three-rm. Quaker oil heater. tteas. uau eves. 2-49fltJ. moo HARVEST BAGS for sale. Northwest poultry si Dairy products Co. 1005 N. Front St. nl96 WE BUY newspapers and waste paper. iivv et. riQut. nam DISTILLED white vinegar for all pickling purposes "Keeps your pickles krlsp. Also old time pure apple cider vinegar. Puritan Cider Works, West Salem. n205 GENERAL ELECTRIC Orosley, Gibe on and uontag Appliance at Gevurts- STEEL CLOTHESLINE Posts, railings in slock di maae 10 oraer. 1140 N. Liberty. nl90 A GIVE AWAY. Big. late model wood cir- culator. Fine shape. Sun. I move so hurry. $5. See 5:30 to 7 p.m. only. 441 S. HUh. Ph. 3-9993. nl92 fl RM. COLMAN oil circulator, pipe. 125 gai. tanK, copper tubing, 185. White rotary tred. sewing machine, 35. As sorted fruit Jars. Ph. 3-8415. nl90 BLONDE SPINET PIANO PH. 34641 SALEM SAND 6 GRAVEL COMPANY Contract Work Road - Clearing - Ditching Sewer & Basement Equipment Rental 15 B yds 10 B ii yds. D-7 Cnt it Dozer D-6 Cat & Dozer D-4 Cat & Dozer See us about ditching by the (t. Phone Days 3-9408 Eves 3-826 or 3-4400 Salem Oregon 1 MAN'S BICYCLE, like new, with acces sories, 127.50. 740 Chcmeketa, Ph. 18519. niei OIL CIRCULATOR or trade for wood heater or cash. Ph. 26436 after 4 p.m. nl9i WASHING MACHINE, like new. Phone 24036 or 467 N. 18th. nl91 MAHOGANY SPINET PIANO 846 CASCADE DRIVE nisi PIANO with beautiful tone, in excellent condition. 1690 S. Cottage St. nl91 18 QT. NATIONAL pressure cooker. Prac tically new. $10. 1290 N. 24th. Ph. 2-7835 ni9i NEW 120 BASS ACCORDION PH. 34641 nlOl FINE GRAND PIANO PH. 34641 nisi FENCE POSTS, poles, all types. Shingles fertilizer St flatrock. Phillips Bros, Rt 6, Box 118. Ph. 31458. n' WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WE NEED Junk batteries. Paying 11.45 Retread Tire Service. 320 So, Lancaster. nal98 8 MM. MOVIE PROJECTOR. Must be In good condition. 1290 N. 24th St. Ph. 2-78B5. na!91 IT'S YOUR FAULT! If you scjl your household goods without getting my price. I consistently pay more cash than any oher dealer. Ph. Olenn Woodry 35110 for Immediate re sults. Will pay bonus price for com plete households. nal95 TWIN BUNK beds. Ph. 20597. nslflO WANTED furniture t glue A repa.tr Lee ttros. rurn Herinisning co ph a-700l 1TSFD FURNITURE Phone S-91B5 na PERSONAL STANLEY HOME Products 555 Cross St Ph 2-5446 pl92 AFTER THIS date I will not be respons ible for any bills contracted by anyone other than myself. Robert Arnold, Btay ton, Ore. plBO THREE SISTERS Convalescence Home, 3595 D street, Salem, Oregon. Phone 33853, where your loved ones get the best. Fully staffed, 24 hour service, newly equip. A frlst class nursing home. Miss Bernlce Stnickmeir. Supt, p201 AUTOMOBILES TERRA PLANE HUDSON, good condition, cheap. 565 S. 20th. Ph. 3-8756. ql90 LIME TRUCK with steady Job. Can be seen at 1825 8. 12th. Ph. 36109 days or 25724 alter fi p.m. ql90' 11)3(1 FORD 2 door. 2590 Simpson St. ql90 31 CHEV. Pkkup, new rubber. Phone 27BB7. 1094 Wilbur St. qlOO' 42 CADILLAC SEDANETTE Lee offers this quality automobile as an example of the fine selection of ex ceptionally clean cars In stock. Perfect two-tone green finish, set off by white wall tires, radio, heater. Hydramatic drive, only $1495 LEE'S USED CARS 240 N. Church - Ph. 2-1527 ML'ST 8K1J, '38 Buick special 4 door dan. 47 motor. All the extra,. Reason able. Rt. 6. Box 153R. qlH FOR SALE, 1940 Pontiac buslnela coupe. 4495 00. Phone 24218. qlM 3? PACKARD Sedan. In food lhape, for quick tala at ,360. Can b, seen at 1305 N. IH. 4)1,1 AUTOMOBILES U BUICK Super Bedanette, R&H. new, W.B. tlrea. Must sell. Have new car. First food offer goes. 416 W, Locuit. SUyton. Ph. 0O7B. ql93 M FORD 8dn. Good condition. MOO or best offer . 628 14. 23rd Bt. qlOO (50 USED CAR lot. Any car on the tot 150 St your old one. 12th Bt. Junction. q207 Eisner Motors Fine Cars S6 FORD Tudor, good condition, 1250. Would consider trade for model A road ster St cash. 2-0825. ql91 1040 Q.M.C. i-Ton Pic&up. Kxcell. cond. New motor. Bee L. E, Oler, call eve nings, 400 N. Grant St., Silverton, Ore. qlSS 1010 FORD 4 door sedan 8600. Call 28554 after 7 p. m ql90 WANTED: Clean used car. Bob Marr, 2160 South Commercial q ZEEB'S USED CARS BUY SELL TRAD8 TERMS 332 Fairs round? Road Phone 2-0454 1948 FORD PICKUP Mi ton, radio St heater: four speed trans mission. 1400 Down. Bal. 24 months. STATE MOTORS, INC. 340 NO. HIGH SPECIAL 41 PONTIAC "8" STREAMLINER 4 DR. SEDAN Another of Lee's excellent original car Is this beautiful green original finish sedan. This car has had very excellent care. The former owner being Dr. Le bold of Salem. Equipped with radio and heater. Only $845 LEE'S USED CARS 240 N. Church - Ph. 2-1527 Eisner Motors to Buy 48 BUICK Super, dk. maroon sedanette. Perfect cond. Extras. 630 Union St, ql92 1946 HEAVY Duty Chevrolet 5-yard dump irucic. Bxceueni connuion. vernon uycit, 605 E. Salem Rd., Dallas, Ore., at Dal las city limits. ql98 1941 FORD Station wagon, with Mercury motor, per fect condition. 1275 down, bal, easy monthly payments. STATE MOTORS, INC. 340 NO. HIGH mto Eisner Motors to Sell 1941 PACKARD Deduxe 120 sedan like new. Only 47,000 miles. New air ride tires. S325 cash, bal. easy monthly payments. STATE MOTORS., INC. 340 NO. HIGH ql0 IBM HUDSON SEDAN, $175.00. Shrock Motor CO. Ph. 27023. ql91" FOR SALE; 1947 Super deluxe 4 dr. 8 cylinder Ford. Radio, heater, spot light & overdrive. Very low mileage. Clean St priced to sell. Ph. 2-8449 after 6:30 p.m. ql93 CARS & TRUCKS AUCTION Every Friday 7:30 P.M. WE HAVE THE BUYERS BRINO YOUR CARS & TRUCKS AND WE'LL SELL 'EM Bring Them Before T p.m. SUDTELL'S AUCTION 4315 Silverton Rd. 1 mile east of Fair grounds. Come early and look them ov?r, qlOO For a Better Buy Better Try Stan Baker Motors Union & High 1D4T Dodge 4 Door Sedan. Radio, Heater St Lifeguard tubes 11046 1947 Chev. 2 Door Sednn. Radio, Heater. Lots of extras 1345 194? Dodge 4 Door Sedan. Heater. A very clean car at 1645 1947 Mercury 4 Door Sedan. Radio, Heater. It's a dandy at 1395 1048 Ford 3 Door Sedan. Radio, Heater. A real bargain at 1195 1941 Dodge 4 Door Sedan. Heater. Beautiful inside St out 895 1940 Chev. 4 Door Sedan. Radio. Heater St overdrive "795 1041 Ford 4 D. Sedan. Heater. (As is Bargain of the year at only) 825 1937 Chrysler Royal 4 Door Sedan. Reduced to only , 350 There's more time out for fun in a dependable Used Car from Stan Baker Motors S.W. Corner High & Union qlOl' 1929 FORD A Sedan, good tires, 1100.00, Shrock Motor Company, Ph, 27023. ql91 48 PACKARD 4 DR, SEDAN A thing of beauty Is a Joy forever a Joy Is Just what you'll feel If you come In St drive this beautiful blue se dan, equipped with white side wall tires, deluxe air conditioning system, electro matle clutch St overdrive. Selling 1700 under new price, only $2195 LEE'S USED CARS 240 N. Church - Ph. 2-1527 1191' 1041 CHEVROLET but. coupe. Ph. Hi M. 14th BU J-31M Capital Journal. Salem, Ore., Thursday, August 11, 1949 23 AUTOMOBILES WILSON'S PRICES SLASHED 1947 Pontiac Sedanet I159S 1947 Pontiac Sedan 1595 1947 Buick Super Sedanet 1595 1946 Buick Super Sedan 1595 1946 Pontiac Sedan 1495 1946 Buick Super Sedan 1495 1947 Chevrolet Tudor 1295 1941 Buick Special Sedanet 975 1941 Packard Sedan .... 895 1940 Buick Special Sedan 750 1941 Olds Sedanet 965 1940 Buick Super Sedan 965 1937 Chev. Coupe 275 1936 Chev. Sedan 195 OTTO J. WILSON CO. Commercial at Center ql91a llimi STUDE. SEDAN, new shaft, (165.00. Shrock Motor CO. Ph. 27023. ql91 SPECIAL 42 PACKARD 110 4 DR. SEDAN This beautiful original black finish se dan would make any prospective owner happy. Original owner cars such as this in perfect condition with very good tires, radio & heater are seldom pur chased for such a low price as $795 $265 Dn. LEE'S USED CARS 240 N. Church - Ph. 2-1527 Q191- M C1IKV. 4-door. F. M.. RAH, black. $1195 3350 Trl.ngl. Drlv.. qlB5 1930 FONT1AC coups. Good mechanic! cond. Be rubber. Cheap u taken at once. Ph. 37148 after 6 p.m. ql90 1937 DODGE Coupe, new paint. $295.00. jsnrocK Motor company, fn. 'jwa. q!91 1041 Z DOOR CUEV. Best cash offer. 1345 N. 19th. St. ql91 47 CI1FV. Mi ton panel, RAH. Oood cond.. Ilioo. 308 M. 13th. Basement Apt. qlOl 101S CHEV. AERO SEDAN. AU extras. 1810 Market St. after 8 p. m. q!92 1940 HUDSON Sedan, $145.00. Shrock Mo- 10 company, fn. z'tuiu. qitji WILL TRADE '32 Chev. In perf. cond. for equity in later model car or win sen outngnt. fn. atoita or see at. eneu ma tlon, State St Cottage Sts. ql92' BY OWNER 1949 Mercury Conv. Good cona. fn. am. q.aa BEAUTIFUL 1940 Pontiac convertible. 5400 miles. 500 discount, Inq. Hotel Senator garaue. ql92 MOTORCYCLES, SCOOTERS WILL TRADE or sell my equity In '49 ucouc ai sacrnice, rn. a-iun alter 0 qalOO 1048 H. D, 74 for sale or trade for late model Ford club coupe. Albert Stain, 121 Orchard Ave. Dallas, Ore, qal02 FOR SALE Cheap 2 Harley Davidson mo torcycles, can at 045 Mantel St. qai93 SAFETICYCLE Commando's 1'4 to 1 h p 100 M. to gal. New and used. HAIN'S OUTBOARD St SPORT SHOP 1201 6, Commercial Phone 3-8090 qalOO FARM EQUIPMENT JOHN DEERE Model L Tractor. Call St. Paul 392. qbl94 USED TRACTOR TIRES, popular sizes. 15.00 and up. Montgomery ward St Co., Salem. qblOl FOR SALE: Cletrac tractor model 80. Mo tor has been completely overhauled. Suitable for triple drum. Box 442 Mills City. Ph. 3-434. qbl03 HAVE t TD-14 tractors, wide gauge, 1 new, 1 used. Will fell one. A. a. Chollck. 212 Panama Bldg. BE 6012. qbl99 BOATS 14 FT. PLYWOOD BOAT, and atl steel trailer. 1135.00 800 6. 13th. qql92 NEARLY NEW 14 ft. Marina plywood boat Ac D H-P. motor. mnei, hi. qqiau DIRECTORY ADDINO MACHINES All makes used msehlnes sold, rented repaired linen 458 Court Phone 3-6773 APPLIANCE SERVICE ELECTRIC HOME appliance repair service new appliance Vloce'a Electric Phone Free estimates Trade-Ins accepted on 8-0239 t 57 8 Libert) St o Spence's Home Appliance Ropair. "Noth ing to Sell But Service." Phone 2-4603 Prompt. o208' AT UK DOOR GRINDINO ".awnmower sharpening and repairing Dexter'a Pn 36833 o' AUTO RADIOS Authorlied Warrant) Repair Station for all makes of Auto Radios Morro Radio Co.. 153 S Liberty Ph 3-6955. o MARION MOTORS NASH SERVICE Towing service day phone 8-9288 Hlgm 2-1804 33? Center o Mike Panek. 275 8. Com'l. Ph. 3-5161. Brake and wheel aligning specialists O208 BUILDING CARPENTRY Remodel, repair thai home now. Terms No down payment Phone 3-4850. o BUILDING CONTRACTORS Alt Bros. Alio houses raised. New foun dations. Phone 2-5909. o216 Alt Bros. Also houses raised. New foun dations. Phone 2-5909. o212 Tongue and groove chmney blocks, wholesale or retail. Mortarless Block Co. Ph. 3-7324. o205 BULLDOZING Dean Robinson. Bulldozing, leveling, road bldg., clear ing, teeth for bru.ih. Vlrsll Hiiskey, 1010 Falrvlew Ave. Ph. 2-3140, Salem. o2!2 Bulldozing, leveling St fine grading. Prompt service. A. L. Ekln. Ph. 3-12H. O207 nUSHERR A PROFESSIONAL EXCHANGE Telephone answering service. Day-nlte Your secretary. Ph. 39133 ol95 CASH REGISTERS Instant delivery of new RCA cash reglslei AI makes sold, rented, re-pa:-ed Roen 458 Court Ph 3-6173 o" CEMENT WORK For expert guaranteed satisfaction new or repair of foundation, sidewalks, driveways, patios, curbs, walls, etc Call 2-4850. O CHIMNEY SWEEP Furnace chimneys bacuum cleaned Ensley, 771 8. 21st. h. 3-7176. Qj0' CUSTOM BUTCHERING Custom killing, curing St smoking and locker meat for sale. Salem Meat Co., 25th els Turner Rd. Ph. 24831. 021L DIRECTORY ELfcCTBICAL CONTRACTING VI rice' Electric for electrical wiring, , contracting repairing 157 8 blbrrty. t Ph 3-9239 o EXCAVATIN DITCHING Hoe, Dragline, shovel. Free estimates. , IE L, Boatwrlght. 410 Oregon Blda Ph. : 39503. o202 , EXCAVATING A GRADING Excavating & grading. Ben otjen & Son. 816 Rural Ave. Ph. 330H0. o229 EXTERMINATORS Cockroach, Moth Exterminator Service. Ph. 3-3056. Lee Cross. 1555 Pearl. o208' Breithauof for flowers Dial 1-9179 o JA1NTOR SERVICE Window Cleaning Janitor Service Floor Waxing Buildings - Factories - Homes Estimates Without Obligation AMERICAN BLDG. MA INT. CO. Ph. Salem 3-9133 O4 INSULATION Johns-Manvlllc. Phone 3-3748. LANDSCAIT NURSERY P A Doerfler St Sons. Ornamentals 150 N Lancaster Dr at 1 Cor Ph 2-1322 o LA1VXMOWERS Sharpened, guaranteed service. New power and hand mowers. Call Harry W. Scott, 147 S. Com'l. St. o207 LAWN MOWER SHARPENING At you: door lawnmowe sharpening. Oezter the tawnmower man Ph siiaaS. HOUSEHOLD PRODUCTS J. R Watkins Oo products Pre de .lyery 1717 Center Ph 3-5395 o MATTRESSES Capita! Bedding Phone 3 W.9 OI KICE FURNITURE St SUl'I'LIES Desk chairs, files and films supplies, safes, duplicators and uppm-s denk lamps type write 1 stniias brlel ju.sea. Pierce Wire Recorders. Roen 456 Co-irt. o MUSIC LESSONS Spanish St Hawalinn Guitar, Mandolin, Banjo, etc. 1523 Court St. Ph. 3-7569. o214 Spraj or brush painting. Ph. 22604 o201 Ext' Painting & Int. Dec. Reasonable rates. Ph. 3-4082 ol90 "21 f Strom's are equipped to do our, painting Phone 2-2493 oa, PAPER HANGING Painting and paperhanatng. Free esti mate. Ph. 3-9513. 857 Shipping. 0214 PA PERU AN GIN Q Expert Paperhangtng and painting H. . J. Woodworth. Ph. 2-5808. Free est. o3Qla Kemtonlnc, Interior decorating, fret es timates. Ph. 20501 ol99 Bids. maintenance, general repair, painting, Ph 20501. ol9" PAINTING St PAPERIIANGING Call 22608 for your Painting St Paper hanging. Attractive rates. ol97 Painting St paperhangtng. Don Lucero, Ph. 3-5522. ol93 PICTURE PRAM IN Q Ploture framing Hutcheon Paint Store, Phoue 1-8587 o Fisher, 844 S. Com'l. Ph. 3-3019. oSCS" PftUNING-SPRAYINQ Phil 13 W Belike h. 2-120B. ROAD BUILDING Road building St grading, land clearing with teeth. Small or large Job, Prompt -service. L. Ekln. Ph. 3-1204. o212 SAND A GRAVEL Valley Sand St Grave. Oo Silt, sand St Ml dirt Excavating 10B shovel St cats. Tractor scoop Si trucks tor dirt moving. Ph. offlcu 24002, res. 37146 0 Salem Saw Wrks. Ph. 3-7003 1303 N 5th. ' 0203 SEWERS AND SEPTIC TANKS Electric Roto-Rooter Exclusive Puint Razor dharp Steel Cutting Blades. Clean Sewers or Drains Septic Tnnka Cleaned Raaa. Ph 1-6327 or 3-9408 SEPTIC TANKS Mike's Septic Service. Tanks cleaned. Roto Rooter Service on Sowers. 1079 Elm St., W. Salem. Ph. 3-9468 3-5327. o309 K -. Hamcl. Septic tanks cleaned. Etectrlo machine service on sewer and drain linos. Guaranteed work. 1 143 -8th-St.. West Salem. Ph. 3-74U4. ol97 Care taken with lawns No mileage charge. Call collect Todd's Septic Tank Service. 2545 State Phone 2-0734 o SEWING MACHINES Bought, sold, rented, repaired. EZ terms. All makes. W. Devenport. Ph. 37071. o202 All makes repaired, free estimates. Singer Sewing Machine Co. 130 No. Commercial Ph. 3-3512. o TYPEWRITERS Smith Corona, Remington Royal, Under-v wood portablns All makes used machine Repairs and rent Roen. 456 Court o TRANSFEP & STORAGE r,ocal tic Distance Transfer storage. Burner oils, coal Ac Driquota Iruckf io Portland dally Agent for Elckins House hold goods moved to anywhere In US, ot Canada Larmer Transfer Si Storsue. Ph 3-3131 o VENETIAN BLINDS Made In Salem Free ost Phone 37328. Elmer the Blind man o" Venetian blinds mado to order as low as 14.50 a blind. Phone Sears 3-919) tot free estimate. ol00a Salem Venetian Bllnd mado to orduj or raflnlshed Relnholdt A Lewis 2-3839. WEATHERSTRIPPING Free estimates. T. PULLMAN, Ph. 3-5905. o208 WELL DRILLING Fred Wymore. Rt 2 Box 317. Ph. 2-5133. o210 WINDOW SHADES Washable Roller Made to order 1 Day Del Relnholdt St Lewis. Ph 23639 o WINDOW CLEANING Acme Vlndow Cleaners Windows, wails St woodwork cleaned Floors cleaned, waaed and polished Ph 3-3337 347 Court Lan s doc, Culbertson and Matner. WOOD A SAWDUST West Saler Fuel Co Ph 2-4031 LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Sealed bids will be received by Mr. W. C. Llppert, Clerk o! School District No. 61, Polk County, On-Kon, addreiJ' Route 8, Box 602, Salem, Oregon, until 6:00 p.m., August 22, 1949. tor ttie con struction of a one cln.ssroom addition to theft Mountain View School building to gether with other work as required by the drawings and spi-clflcatlcms for the work. Hlds will be openMi at the Moun tain View School at 8:00 p.m. on the above-mentioned dale, and will then and there be publicly read aloud. Bids re ceived after the time fixed for opening will not br considered. Plans and specifications for the work may be secured at the olflce ol Frank H. Struble, Architect, 3BI State Street, Room 200. Snleni. Oreaon. upon the de posit of 115.00 (or each .set, l)epo;.Us will be refunded upon return ol documents in good condition. Plans to be retiirne-; to the Architect within five days alter date .set for receiving bids. Each bid shall be accompanied by a cer tified check, cashier's check or bWMer's bond for not less than 5rr of the amount of the bid made payable to School DlMrlct No. 61. Polk County. Oregon. The School Board of School District No, 61, Polk County, Oregon, revrves th right to reject any or all bids, and to waive Informalities. By order of School Board of School D.scrlct No. 61, Polk County, Orenon. MRS. W. C. LIl'PEHT, Aug.9. I'M 1, 1949; rJl- (Continued on Page 21)