22 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore.. Thursday, August 11, 1949 CI-AitlFIED ADVIBTIBtNGl Per Lint 1 Per Unt I ttmu -40 Per Lint timea 0c Per Line 1 month 18.00 Outside a Bales l& P line P day Uta. 10c i I lime mln ae time mln 11.30 No RefundJ BEAD! SB l Ucil Hiwi CoL Only. Par une j0c To Place an Ad Phone 2-2406 FOR SALE HOUSES MIW HOME by owner, 8140 Carlton Way N. on 88 to Carlton Way. 186 ST OWNER Engle wood school dt., well const, l-bdrm. home. Full burnt, with good (urn. Insul., new roof, new redec. About 10 rr. old. Approx. lot 50x110. Bu by door Lots of shrubs end flowers, gar den In. Pb. 8-0300. 8395 Breyman. al91 Y OWNER. Duplex, furnished, 10 block from town. Income 1110 monthly, priced to sell, 16750.00. Set Mr. Jam, Willi Music Btort. 191 SY OWNEBi 3 bedroom Komt. Idea loca tlon. Will accept lot a part payment. 37800. Terms. Ph. 33849 or 84431. altu S. High St. Mod. Home lu s bdrma., den, llv. rm. -fining comb., kltehen with nook, full burnt.. loU of bullt-lna, auto oil heat, fireplace, car peted, hdwd. lira., ll. lot. 113.600. Ph owner It i-em, '" i Owner Must Sell Thl, 1 tt. eld S BR ranch-type euburban home located N.E. with untln. attic, lit. kitchen, DK, fireplace, alt. tar., hdwd. flra.. V bllndi, auto, heat, on Ite. corner lot. Immediate poaaeaalon Priced to nil at 10450. Tot mora In formation ae. htU at 3855 Sunnyvle or call 2-2761. . m' BY OWNER Hew euburban hum, hdwd. flra., .it. far,, on laa. lot naar bui 4a achool, We will tranaiar u. i. loan iu parmanU ara only 146, thl Includer tax.., lntareat A Inauranca. 3-320 Chea ter, off Lanalng, Ph. 2-7111. a!91 LEAVING STATE a mm HR haiue. Hdwd. firs. ge. lot. Nr. schools. 1160 Nebraska Bt. a!98 2 ACRES $4,800 Beat of aoll. Attractive amall home on hlrh iround midway between Kelaer Walter Musgrave, R'ltor . . . bvi I-.! no 1311 JMgtwaier l-BEDBH. MOD. IIOMT.. .123x2f)B lot. 10600 1st house north of Rlckreall barbecue, Rlckreall, Ore. 1 92 c BDRM. HOUSE, 2310 Broadway, 18500 w...i. .inn N. Liberty. a 188 tOVELT 6-ROOM house, loti of ihade for hot days, insuiaiea. -. - bdrms., lge. living rm., dining rm.. lota of bullt-lne, hdwd. (Ire., landscaped 3 yrt. old. 847 Pled monLPh.JI -4761. a192 OUT OF STATE owner here to sell prac tically new Vt ttory home, 6 lge. rnoma down, unfinliihed up., hdwd. floors thru out, breeaeway, att. gar., lot 7flxH0. P H. A. termi. Balem Heights Dlit. fi85 Ewald Drive. B. on BOE to Ewald. a!02 I BEDROOM bungalow with bath, Hvlnn room, dining room, kitchen, fireplace, garage, near McKlnley Brhool. Price 7800. . . ... S BEDROOM suburban homt with baths, nice rumpus room In full bn-"-ment, llrlng room, dining room, kitrh n, nook, hardwood floors, automatic heat, garage. : P. H. Bell, Realtor j 361 Chemeketa Bt. Ph. 2-1845. 3-4B98 ! Evtl. 3-7841. 3-75B8. MUST SELL 3 bdrm. house on "". Klngwood. Ph. 2-1341. 1M MlTHT SELL 16600. Modem 2 Rd. rm. FH.A approved Small down pnymnit, W. Balem. Ph. 36189. in"' BY OWNF.R Imm. pons. 4 bdrm. newly redecorated, fireplace, air condition fur- M.nt .fhnnl flnum cltV bUS. Lot flRvins la l.nninff Ave. alDH Lpflvinir the State My I13B3 equity In 1 yr. old 3 B R. home. Insulated, hardwood firs., com 'pletely modern. Move rlaht In for 5')0. Bal. P.H.A. Bet 548 Blllar Ave. Ph. 2-3880. HW S BDRM. HOME, att. far., 1 blk. to bus A jchOOl. 13000, 1450 down. 3300 Simpson. al93 1 BEDROOM house, Wast Salem, 14.000 Phon V431B. al90 BY OWNEROut 3-B.R. homt with Ban dix washtr and V. blinds. 1mm. pom. 16300. Phone 3-3318 or 3-8246. a ma ITeO. RANGE, Oood cond. Cheap. Kltchrn alnk with fixtures. Phone 3-8706. alfltl . Priced to Sell t Bedrooms all one fir. Ranch type. Lars llvlna rm. with fireplace. Kit chen wltn lots of bunt-Inn and anack bar. Hdwd. firs, thru out. Dble car. Just out of etty limits. Beautiful flowers and ahrubs. Priced at 88800. C. W. Reeve, Realtor 46 . Com'l. Ph. I-4&00, Eva. 3-PMS BY OWNER 1 bdrm. homt reduced to I6S00. 633 N. 17th St. al4 A ctrrre for isono Just the plo. for a couple. Hdwd. floors, slot utility rm., brand new house, lawn. If. applt, oherry and pear trees. 10 blk a. vast of Bt atehouaa, Reas. Terms, or ahould to O.I. Phone 3-6080. ED. LUKINBEAL REAL ESTATE 440 N. 14th St. a 104 111. 000 SPECIAL Mo. 8 lone, N. Com'l. St., I R R. tue. a cm fir. Deep dry basm., oil ht.. In top cond. Beautiful lawn and shrubn. 64 ft. front lot. Hse. Is built on one aVdt of lot, leaving 30 ft. for business bulldlnr. 110.000 ON STATE STREET 4-1. R. hat. No. I Zone. Tull bnsm., nrnt and elean, worth the money. Ph. 3-6680. ED. LUKINBEAL REAL ESTATE 440 N. 14th Bt. alQ4 I8B00 - 3 BEDROOM Pull basm., Ig. lot, pvd. at., bui by door Xntlewood DUt. Ph. 8-6880. ED. LUKINBEAL REAL ESTATE " 410 N. 14th St. alP4 FOR BALK by owner New 3-B.R. house, floor furnace. Phone 3-0163. al4 We Think These Are Good 10.860. Nearly H acre, 3 bdrm. nrw home; 1mm. possession. down. Kelzer Dial. 17300. tt acre; 3 bdrm. house, approx. 4 yrs. old. Above averaie value. 11500 or less will handle. Sweat dlAt, IS7b0. 3 bdrm., new; wall to wall carpet; ood terms; South Salem. 680. Large lot; 3 bdrm; alt. t arnae: about 3 yrs. old. 11800 a 111 handle: North Salem. lin.OOO. jj acre: new 3 bdrm; dhl. garage: best of isrden aoll. Trrma. EnM Ens If - wood rilt. IsSOO. Older 3 bdrm.. neat and clenn. lovely yard and jhrubbery: Vr.t side. SALEM REALTY CO. REALTORS 14t N. High St. Phone 3-7PC0 Eve, phone 3-45J1. alUO' ATTENTION NEW MODERN S RM. HOME. LATEST THINO IN INTERIOR DKCOUATINli BEAUTIFUL COLORED PLUM HI NO. LOW DOWN PAYMENT. SMALL MONTHLY PAYMENTS. SEE 11 I.F.N HAMILTON, 3015 N. 34th. Ph. 8-3386. a I'M t BDRM HOME in Wet Balem 1500 do nT Hal like rent or will take trailer house. After 6 p. m. Ph. 37138. aI91 "$7150 : BEST LOCATION Near high, ParrLh. Enilewood schools Clean as a pin, 3 bedroom, 1.R, DR. kit bit ;v ut lilt v, gar . n:ce lot. 1 his Is god I ERTY j CREEK PROP1: Reduced 11500. Large beautifully land- scaped lot. Even an Island, Very n:ce 6 rm. house. Secluded but right In Salem CALL P. L. BISHOP Chas. Hudkins & Son 8S0N- HlihBt. Ph. 3-4139. alBl' VY OWNER: Modern 2 BR home. Near St Ac Jr. high. Hdwd. IJoora, oil beat, ou f ahruba, 10.100. 132 D. a 191 Win a Guest Ticket to See "Look for the Silver Lining" AT WARNERS ELSINORE THEATRE HERE ABE THE HCJ1.ES: Read the Capital Journal Want Ads and find the title ol this picture coming soon to Salem Clip out the want aa in which the picture title appears and ac company it with a simple state ment of 2j words or less on 'Whv I Read The Capital Jour nal Want Ads." with vour name and mailing address, and deliver or mall to the Capitol Theater boxofflce. Contestants will be Judged on sincerity and originality The FIVE best statements re ceive?! each day will each receive a guest ticket to see "Look for the Silver Lining," coming soon to the Elslnore theater. All entries become the proper ty of the Capital Journal and decision of the iudges Is final Employees of the Capital Jour nal. The Capitol or Elslnore Theatres and members of their Immediate families are not eligi ble to participate in thl? contest FOR SALE HOUSES THIS IK a (food buy In east end home. 2 nice bdrm., living & din Inn room, fire place, elec. heat, 1000 feet of floor ipnct. Only .7350. Goodwin & McMillin REALTORS Ph. 1-4707 464 Court Eve. Ph. 2-4773 or 3-7383. !! $6500 A nice neat two bedroom bungalow with a fireplace and a full basement, attach ed Karaite, located Junt off State street. Ilial location for Income property, or for a State worker, or for a retired couple. This Week's Special 8 bedroom home with unfinished iip stairs, attached garnse, price tills week only t7,ooo. Property xoes oft market at cnO of week. Here Ls a buyer's dream, properly can not be reproduced for the iMikliiE price, terms can be a rr a need. Bee McQueen Eve. PI). 2-B476. Suburban Trade Excellent thrra bedroom home with llv- Int room, dlnlna room, fireplace, full dry ba.se incut, double Karaite, 1'4 acres of aood land, nuts, fruit, excellent garden. I're.scni owner desires larxe farm and would nuike a trade, or will ell hit. pluce and buy a (arm. What have you? Joe L. Bourne Realtor 1140 N. Citpitol Ph. 3-8310. alOl' 2 GOOD BUYS Heart of Hollywood dlst. Ideal loca tion. Beautiful yard. 3 bdrroums, '.-4 bxml., dec cooking A water heater. Let us show you till. era nd place. Priced right for only $GH,0. Terms. This rambling home Is located In the city close to schools. Lieu, cooking At water heater. LoU of bulltlns. A real buy for 17050. 11500 down. . Rawlins Realty Ph. 3-4604 Kve. 3-6013, 2-5767, 3-7138. BEAUTIFUL HOME Falrmouut Hill AM. Llv. rm., din., kit., nook, 3 bdrma., den, and bath on main floor. Full biifieinent with playrm., bdrm., shower rm. and laundry. Automatic el ectric rurnrtce. 8 fireplace., Insualtrd. weather.itrljipi'd, vcu. blinds, awnings, dble. gar., very lite. lot. fenced yard, 1870 John St. Phone 3-8336. al2 LI-AVINd STATE Make ofter on equity bal. K.U.A., new lae. 2 bdrm. mod. home s all. tmranr. unfinished uiutalrs, V blinds. 011 uiriince, inrjutn-c, int, ouaiiu nrn planted. Sre anytime 3675 Scenic View Drive. So. Com'l. up Ewald 3 blks. a 193 SMALL HOME SPECIALS OARAGE HBU. Cute and cozy 3 rma., bath and utility rm., wired for range, elec. wlr. hlr., deep well pump. On choice a acre rn.U. Price 2l)ru. Or trade as dwn. pyiut. on homo up to 10000. 1 BDRM. HOME. In city. Wired for range, fire. wlr. htr., a arise. Shady lot. Better see It today. Price Is only mMi SMALL 4 rm. lue. near Bwegle school. Oood elec. wtr. system, garage, small barn, chicken )i.m. 3'. acres choice toll. Price SIIMIO. Small dwn. pymt. UNFINISHED but liveable 2 bdrm. home in city on dble. lot. price 13150. Terms 1250 dwn. Or trade on homo In city. COLHATH LAND CO. 16B3 Center St. - Ph. 34553, eves. 81196 all' NEW and CLEAN Here in a new 2 bedroom home located at 101)6 S. a:iid St., unfinished upstairs; paved corner; Includes Hot-Point range at 15,350. Unexcelled View of Salem from this comfortable 2 bedroom home located at 74(1 lien Loniand Dr., base ment, completely automatic I urnare; nicely lnndM-aprd yard. If you want view, don't miss this one. Mattson & Roethlin HEAL E. STATU 3 B.R. EAST All on 1 dr., clo.se to school, city bus service, lame ganiae, n-arly 3 A. beau tiful fllbrrl.i fine family home really nn excellent value at 1H950. N. COMMERCIAL ST. Lane lot, bust nr. a tone, 8 rm. houtr, easily converted to a,t.v JiiaI 15500. KEIZER STEAL Oter 13 A brtween Kelr.er Ai Chrmawa, strawberries. 3 rm. hou.-e, good well, electricity, beau, secluded bldg. site among tall firs- consider swap on 6 rm. hou-te -dill price 16300. Oood terms. Crawford. BURT PICHA, Realtors 379 N. HUh St. Office 33649 Eve. 8.5390 or 3-7451 siyo j New and Very Nice ITitno- Two bed rm. plastered home with hd floors thruout, elec. heat, heav ily in mi In ted, shake ex I e nor, att. gar. awe, Uik-e lot. swell garden, good terms. Located eal . Goo. A. Walters, Realtor 60 s. Commercial Ph. 3.1 at? Ee. 35360 al92' I1WNFR (illNE to Calif. Says '-Sell OFT ME AN (.FEH.' See this 4 BR home. l.e. L A: D rm. wt;lt wall to wall car pi'Us ai'acliMi, K A: ball., f'place.. unlln. iw-in; . A; furnace, outside f'vlace., fish pmul. aer of nice shrubs it LOE 'I it Kb-;-. Extra b'.dg. site with view. YiMi'll Ijiiv It' :i,M). tTILt'h litis I OR YAH K. Suburban acre A- hit It. ne.ir nrw Balem sctiool. 8 BR mod home. sar.ie. Pltry hse. E;ec. h-at. Reiulix aoe.-!. Plentv biilit-lti. Lovely ln At lii'f:, 1MMKH. POSS. Very good terms. Hrdur- d to sell. NTO. Larson Home tt Loan Co. Fx.-1. 11. r t bthic Personal Senlce 164 8. C.iiu'1 St. Pil. 3-S389 Eve. 3-7440 al93 SMtl.l, J bed room house. Hardwood I!r. Pia.'tered. Two lot.. 3J9.V Claude St. Ph 2.S512. Nice comer lot 60M35. al95 Fix These Up Yourself vjti.w. 3 HR's. ' sere nr. Hoomere. Wired for ranre. Well A; elec. pump. M'.'iW. 8 HR-i. J'i acres, Wired for rang. City water. Near Glen Creek. B. Isherwood, Realtor 2P07 N Caplto! St. Oflict PH. 3-3862. Evea. 2-8147 or 3-WU8 193 FOR SALE HOUSES GRABENHORST SPECIALS BE SURE TO SEE THIS INOLEWOOD 7 bdrma, llv. rm.. din. rm., full baamt.. eawduat heat, near aehoola and churchea. Prlca 18.900. CALL BE.'.' ROI6EN. BUSINESS & WAREHOUSE SITES Woodrow St. Hollywood District, lota, 13,000. Madlaon St. Eaat of Baker Bt.. 50x100 ft. lota 12.500. Bouth Hth Bt. South of Crosji at. 100x100 ft. lot., 16.500. South 13th St At Rural 81. 42x100 corner lot 15.750. REAL VALUES CALL COBURN L GRABENHORST WEE ONES ' 3 bdrm. Ige. lot, Inalde rlty limita. 13.750. 1'e acrea. 3 rm. home, corn, atrawberrlea, chicken houae, well, Keller Dla trlet. I1.S00 down. 14.000 total price. CALL PETER GEISER GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 0. Liberty St. Phone 8-3471 Cvenings and Sundays Call Karl West 3-1338 - Roy Ferris 3-8010 - AUCTIONS AUCTION! HOYT ST. SURPLUS SAT. & SUN., AUG. 13 & 14, 1:30 P.M. AT. SURPLUS AND NEW MERCHANDISE. ELECTRICAL AND PLUMBING SUPPLIES. NEW VOUNO WASHERS it EL EC. WATER HEATERS. SUN., HTH, 1:10 P.M. INTERNATIONAL 3 K 5 TRUCK, O.M.C. I14T 16' BED 1,41, FIRE INOINE, INTERNATIONAL La FRANCE, 8'x20' TRAILER 10 TON; SPUD PEELER; DISH WASHER; ELEC. BAKERY OVEN II BUN PAN; LAUN DRY DRYER; IJ5 H P. MARINE MOTOR W MARINE TRANSMISSION. EVERYTHING GOES AND SO DO WE ENTIRE PLANT ABOUT M ACRE, 000 SQ. FT. BUILDINGS W RR PRONTAGK TOR SALE OR LONO TERM LEASE. ZONE 4. 1351 HOYT ST. FOR SALE HOUSES SUBURBAN Country living with city con vinces. Small 3 Bit nearly new modern home, '.i acra beautiful shrubs and lawn, fenced. Chicken house. fruit trees, electric Water system, bus by door. 4 ml. out. This place is clean and orlced 11500 to cheap. Full price 15S0O Terms. Phone 3-7P83, a 191 ' GET SETTLED BEFORE SCHOOL HOMES NEAR HI fill, Jr. high A: grade school. Here is one 3 bdrm. home near High school only 173.r0. ENOLEWOOD home and is it nice. 110,730. Terms. 8AL1.AI HEIOHTH school, new 3 bdrm. home. tlflOO, 1800 down. Buy like rent. New homes Highland Dist. L. E. Klumpp, Realtor 480 N. Church Ph. Eve. or Sun. 2-0343 or 2-0i:fl.al'Jl' ONE ACRE HOME. 10 mln. drive from Sa lem. South on USE. Jauo aown i-ci month payments. Or 11500 down. per month. Call E. Bchobert 2-0787 alba Bv"OW'NER: Small unflnLshed house, north. 11B50. 1300 dn. Ph. 3-5211. , 23-'-M3. al'J5 BY OWNER; Price reduced on ood amall home. 14850, Ph. 8-0488. lBlo n. ijiocriy. FOR SALE LOTS LAKOE LOT 61x1.75. One block from rlty limits. City water. 4 cherry trees Oi u apple, pn. aouvo. anion LOT Rdxl'jn with north front. 5 lots west of Lansing Ave. on Livingston, raven rd., 3 blocks from new Capitola achool. 1800. Terms. Ph. 33056. aal!L!' t-'AIRMOUNT VIEW ADDITION, Salem f exclusive residential dist., rignt on iop of Falnnounl hill. Each lot has finest view. Drive up Wash. St. All lot have 90 fl. frontage. Just a few mora avail able at 13500. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Excluslvo Listings - Personal Service 164 S. Comm'l fit. Ph. 3-6380. Eve. 3-7440 aal'.l4 LOTS with water, electricity, bus, close to school on Silver! on highway, wny pay rent. Build your own home. 115 down, 1 15 per month. General Real Estate ass Center. Ph. 3-3289. r am BY OWNF.R: Lot; South: 60x112; city water; ffiOO, 2& dn., 110 a mo. t'li. 2-5211 - 2-8056. anlS-5 PAIRMOUNT HILL on Washington Si. between Ftr and Falntiount alreeut, filling south. Lovely level lot 50x100 with trees, shruba and 3-car anr age. Only 12150. Or will trade for late model car. Call 3-4016. Eve. 3:8313. an 192 FOR SALE FARMS 40 ACRES All level, very good soil, most all In cult. At all fenced. On pavement about 13 miles to Salem, good all year creek, 3 chicken houses, barn, new plnstered three BR modem home. Oood well with elec. water system. Don't fail to see this one. The price Is more than rluht at 113,000. 80 ACRES EAST Only 13 miles to Salem, fine soil, all in cult. At 30 A. under irritation, nrw A. bean field, 23 tons hay in burn. 6 A barley. 12 A. com, 7 A. rye, 10 A. J';ix 10 A. oats. 3'j tons of cherries de'.ivrte.! one cow, new tractor, new Irrigation out fit with new aluminum pipe. All yeai creek, good spring, good deep well, chicken houses for 3000 chickens, lare barn, good all modern 3 BR hou.se and lots of fruit. This farm will really pay off & would make a good stock farm Everything goes tor only 119.000, 8 ACRES NORTH Ideated just tinrlh of Salem and all Wil lamette soli. About one acre of Hartlett pears A- bal. all cleared and In grain crop with ii crop to purchaser. You can't miss on land like this priced at only 13.500. and tlOO dn. to right party Buildings that can be made into tem porary living quarters are on the prop erty. Sullivan Realty Co. 3305 Portland Rd. Phone S-3355. bl!f Cheap 80 A. on Little Nestucca river. 30 A cleared. Oood small hse. Barn. Full pr.cr 13950, 11550 will handle. C. W. Reeve, Realtor 943 S. Commercial Ph. 3-4590 Ee. 3-9536 or 2-3088 blflO la"t;KEtilbert ranch with family or chard. 4-rm. housee, good deep well. 11500 down. bal. $4500. Ph 2-M30. b.si 5 Acres South 8 bedroom hse, Nlre grote. On bus line and close to school. Some fruit. 16000 lth terms C. W. Reeve. Realtor GRADE A DAIRY . 37 head dairy stock tl6 milklna), trac tor machinery, pickup truck, etc. in cluded with thm 53 A. all tillable val ley farm. 30 A. water right sninl'. creek. Mod 4 BR plast. home, new Grade A barn, oulbldia. 133.300 equipt or 116.P0C farm a'one. STROUT REALTY SI . lam St. Ph. 3-U13. bll' IFOR SALE HOUSES Juat eaat o Drive-In. 50x120 ft. Peter Gelser 3-f Ben Rolsen 8-3471 IAUCTIONS FOR SALE FARMS LOVELY SETTING 44 level acres all (liable. Mod. 4 BR home, f'place, bulltlns, ahrubs, flow ers, shades. Neat barns. 1 A choice walnut.-.. Owner with other interests In cludes some equipment at 114.500. STROUT REALTY 959 S. 13th St. Phone 2-5323. BY OWNLK 100 acrei all In cultivation. No building. Fine buildlnic spot. School bus, milk route and electricity at door. Come see tiie crops growing now. Priced to cell. II, C. Hammer, Kt. 6, Box 213, Salem. 4 miles cast out Center St. blD3 BY OWNF.R Business Interests compel us . to co back east, mo we aru selling our country home. There are ten fertile acres with strawberries, blackberries, and red raspberries lor Income, also some young fruit trees coming along. The house la nearly new, contains two bedrooms, and Is of Nmart modern de stcn. It Is all electric and has many other attractive special features to make for comfort 111 liv.ntt. Pric 117.500 and worth it. One-half mile south of Clear Luke school, east side of road. Reese A. Hall, Route 3. Box 204, Salem. b206 LAKE I.AIIISH, Bcaverdam onion farm. Come and see onion crop growing in field now. Einll Kraune, IU. 1, Box 144. HronkH, Ore. 5 mi. N.E. blOJ FOR SALE ACREAGE CHEAP. MAKE OFFER for fast sale. 2 BR notice. Redecorated. Elec. water sys tem. Nice bath. Tree. Flowers. About aire. Near bus, school. At store. Close In. Modern a rms., A. 1H500. Term.s. W1LLAMLTTE REAL ESTATE 172 S. Liberty, Salem. Ph. 3-7113. bblOO 7 ACRES with income. Modern home, barn loU of fruit, $10,500. Rl. 2, Box 363. Ph. 31857. DbUH 12 Min. from Downtown 5 A. with 3 bdrm mod. home In beau tiful grove of larne oak. Setting must be seen to be appreciated. Dble. gar., chix hse.. shed 2flx36, ultnb!e (or small barn, fit nil ly orchard, berries,, potatoes At sweet corn ready to eat. City & school buses, owner leav.n state Si price re duced to 112. ol)0. Consider part trade. On paving, 1 mile E of Kel.er achool. Rt. 2. box 49F. Ph. 2-4298. Drive by and .-re owner or call Bill Hopkins with A N. Duncan. 12 Ladd At Bush Bank bldg. Pu 3-9.. flB. bbl90 REAL ESTATE .''OR SALE OR LEASE property between Mill c.iy A; Gutes. Sultabla for buai ne.i or home siles. Box 442, Mill City. Ph. 3434, cl92 FOR COI R I'FOt'S efficient service on jour ren! esm;- problems please call A. E. DANIELSON Ifia N. 12th St. Ph. 3-5620. cll For. YOt'R SAVINGS Investment buy a flrvt mortar Lie on real estate Salem &- .'icinlty Examine security yourself Amo ints 1500 to xevera) thousand dol lars, net Investors S-, We make all col lections for you it dr.slrcd. STATE FINANCE CO.. 153 S High e BEST BUYS KINGWOOD Rrnnd new home, fireplace, attached snrarp, radiant oil heat, immediate pos sesion. F.H.A. loan approved for 17400. Total 1 nee of 197,i0. May take a lot an part down payment. Eve. Phone 8 0473 or 3-358. EXTRA NICE Almost new home. Electric heat, fire place, l.ooo sq. ft. floor space. Attached garane. Kniitrwood school. 13500 down, bil. Mke rent. Total price only 110.500. Eve. Phone 3-0473 or 3-3558. $(5500 BARGAIN Brand new. Close in north. Immediate pos.se.ss Ion. Attached garage. Very close to school. 3 blocks to bus. If you are an Orenon O.l. you can buy this house with a small down payment. Eve. Phone 3- 0473 or 3-1'tf8. FARMS 10 Acres 4- rm. mod. house. 3 acres orchard. Some berries. Possesion to suit buyer. 6 miles from S4lem. Tot al price only 15.000. Eve. PMoaie 3-9403 or 3-3558. j TUUA1 ferHiLylAU 10 eres with aood modern home. All bnt'dlnss in apod condlt'on. Oood well. Owner leavm state. 11.000 down. Total price reduced to 17350. Eve. Phone 3-3403 or 3-3558. Al Isaak & Co.. Realtor FINE IN vis TMFNT: Home and income. About one-third block in heart of small tow n near Stem. Two good bull dines: one tin-co :th ba.ement. furnace. 31 furnish! rooms: two apartments. Own er -et.r.ng and offers to sell at attract :t VT-Tce of !'.6 000. HI UNO STT1(1N. CAVE AND LIVING Ql'AHl'FllS on Hwy. 99N: .7 of an acre Price s 10.500. Will exchange tor aub urban "OT.f SI 1U RUIN HOME: Located on paved road, Fust. 4 acre dark soil: A. berr.es; small bum; aarage: elec. water vteti, Close to school. Price 18300 p.trt terms or wi'.l exchaiKr for small acreage near Marlon or Jefferson. LEO N. CHILDS. INC., REALTORS 3(4 SUte Ft Pb. 3-36S3 Ett. Call 3-6739 or 3-4007. c!90 AUTOMOBILES SHROCK "SEZ" FOR BETTER BUYS better call and look over our selection of good Used cars. We have a rapid turnover in our stock and have the model that will fit your purpose at the price that you want to pay. 1948 HUDSON Commodore Sedan, R&H. 1947 OLDS Sedanette, i R&H, Hydra. 1947 PONTIAC Sedan, R&H. 1947 HUDSON Sedan, Heater, O'drive. 1946 FORD Coach, good and clean. 1942 DODGE Sedan, rebuilt motor. 1942 HUDSON Sedan, Mech. perfect. Two Lots Open Evenings For Your Convenience Down Payments Tailored to Fit Your Purse Shrock Motor Co This Time Highway Sales Yard 3020 Portland Road Ph. 27023 REAL ESTATE Cliffmoor Village Wooded tracts with utilities. Restricted residential. Vh mhes north on Wallace Road to Harritt Drive. cl92 $5000.00 Two bed rm. house on Vb acre, 1 block from Kelzer school. $6000.00 34 acres, 38 a. In walnuts A; filberts, fenced, no buildings. Call Ray Davis. Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 960 S. Commercial Ph. 2-3849 Eve. 8-8658 cioa OLDER TYPE of Home but very comfor table, loc. on Breyman Avenue, 1 BR. down, 1 up, LR, DR, kit., built-lna, elec. cooking At water heatr. Oarage. Im mediate poss. 15500. Terms, l'i, ACRES North, 8 BR. Basement, LR, Kit., Nook, Elec. cooking, Eiec. w.h. Nice garden spot, poult, ruse., garage, fruit. 17500. See Mr. Brown. RANCH STYLE 2 BR home, 8 yrs. old. Plastered. HW flora in living room. Elec. heat. Close to school, F.H.A. ap praisal 18250. For quick sale 17500. 3 BR HOME, 14 acres, 17S ft. frontage, on pavement, good subdivision property. Small barn, poultry house, garage. Just ouLside city limits N.E. Very low taxes, good aoll, family orchard. Only 19900. Terms. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings - Personal Service 184 S. Com'l St. Ph. 3-8389 Eve. 3-7440. c!92 NELSON NEWS W. SALEM COTTAGE SACRIFICE This young couple have bought a lot and are going to build a larger home for their growing family,, hence their cot tage (neat aa a pin) Is on the market for quick sale for 13200. Should have 12000 cash 2 bdrms, 10x12 LR 10x12 kitchen, elec, heat, wired for elec. range. Insulated, V. blinds, pvd. St., sidewalk, lot 40x100, food garden ground. HOME DELUXE N. 14th Substantial prewar home, bsmt., laundry, F. oil furnace, LR with fplace, 3 bdrms, bath, nook, on 1st fir. 2 bdrms, fhower, kitchenette on 2nd fir. Hwd. firs, V blinds, tile drainboard, car, 50x100 lot. 117,900 with FHA loan value. AUTO-COURT BARGAIN For a real bargain In an auto court In the S20.000 bracket don't fail to check with our business dept., at once. HAYESVILLE ACREAGE 3 A. all in cult., t bdrm home, wired for elec. range, elec. W htr. 18000. NELSON & NELSON Multiple Listing Realtors Personal Service by Men Who Speclallxt 703 N. High Ph. 3-4633 clflO WANTED REAL ESTATE !00 ACRES more or less, wanted by pri vate buyer, Salem area preferred. Give exact location, price, all details Im mediately. Write Capital Journal Box .168. ea!90 WOULD YOU Sell your house (up to 18000 full price for 1150 down and 1150 per month? If so call Pyle with COLBATH LAND CO 1683 Center St. Ph. 84553 caI91" NOTICE! If your property 1 for lale rent or exchange list It with us Wr have aL kinds of cash buyers HT B FINANCE CO REALTORS 153 S Hlgb Bt ea WE ARK In need o) gooo houses to sell In or neai Salem If ou wlab to lis your property for ialr ee G.RARENHOHST BBOS. REALTORS 134 S Liberty St Phone 3-3471 ca REAL ESTATE WANTED HOUSE llstin-JS needed to natlsfy our customers. We have the buyera tf you have the property. We help finance. Phone 2-7983, 100m 320. Oregon Bldg HAVE cash buyers for farms 30 to 100 acrea priced up to 117,000. Phone 3-7983. room 320. Oregon Bldg. ca313' EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE SELL OR TRADE 15 ACRES with good 3 BR modern home, concrete foundation, plastered, 6 acrea can ber ries. R. A. Cherries, pears. At grapes. Barn, henhouse and small 1 room house. Price 19,000, or trade for house A lot In Salem from $5,000 to 19,000. See Allen Jones or Mabel Needham Realtors 341 State Salem Ph. 3-9301 Eve. 3-4333 or 3-3763 cblBO MODERN 3 rms. S A. 16500. Terms. Con sider cheap lis p. or income property. WILLAMETTE REAL ESTATE 173 S. Liberty, Salem. Ph. 3-7113 cblOO New modern 3 BR home, 2 miles from town, nice view on main hl-way, value 114.300 for farm, 50 acres or more will she or take. Call 27983, Room 330. Ores on Rids. rblDl RESORT PROPERTY Alsea River At tidewater. Well built log cot face consisting of LR, DR, kit., with G E refnt., rante A hot wtr. heater. 3 bdrms. A bath. Oil heat. Covered dock Oar. hobby shop. Cottage completely turn Make ideal yr. around home foi retired cple. Good fishing A hunting. Might consider view aerease. vicinity of Salem as part payment. 18500, which is far brlow pre-war coat. Call 3-4016 Eves. 3-8213 or wrlta P.O. box 309, Salem CC193 To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 IAUTOMOBILES 1941 FORD Coach, R&H, priced right. 1941 DODGE Sedan, Exc, Clean. 1938 HUDSON Coach, R&H. 1938 BUICK Sedan, R&H. 1937 DODGE Pickup. 1933 CHEV. Pickup. 1933 CHEV. Coach. 1933 PLYMOUTH Conv. 1929 FORD A Sedan, good tires PLUS a lot of others in most makes and models. It's Hudson Downtown Sales Lot Where Chemeketa Goes to Church Phone 37922 qll BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES MEAT MARKET and Custom Killing 3 man operation. This place net over 11200 a month according to owner. Best of equipment and lease in one of the better markets. Equipment alone worth more than asking price, 10625. -Phone 2-7983, Room 320, Oregon Bldg. cdl91 AUTO & COTTAGE COURTS, APTS., APT. HSE. Business zone. Make offer. WILLAMETTE REAL ESTATE 172 S. Liberty, Salem. Ph. 3-7113. cd!90 APARTMENT HOUSE Reasonable or consider trade property of less value. Owner must chnnue cli mate before winter. 5 rentals plus Ice. owner's apt. Hih net return. Consider reasonable offers. STROUT REALTY 959 S. 12th St. Ph, 3-6323. cdllH FOR SALE: Beauty Shop. Good location, business, and equipment. Will make easy terms. Call .Main 135 Wood burn. Evcnlnss Green 289. Red 287. Must be sell before Sept. 1. cdl95 POPULAR DOWNTOWN RESTAURANT must be sold because of illness of owner. Going business, long lease, excellent equipment. Priced far below value. For details sea Oscar Sederstrom with Leo N. Ch'ilds, Inc. Realtors 344 State St. Ph. 2-3fl3 Eve. 3-6789. cdl92 Grocery Store 16500 Pull price for this nicely located grocery store, well stocked. Will trade for house in or near Salem. Call Ray Davis. Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 960 B. Commercial Ph. 23849 Eve. 2865B cd!92- Auto Court One of the finest on 99 hfwny. Price Rrrimy renucen ior quick sale, no phone calls, please come in and see us. C. W. Reeve, Realtor 948 s. Commercial cdlOO INCOME PROPERTY - 20 ACRES 15 acres growing crops, 5 acres summer fallowed, beautiful building site. Terms. Priced to sell. Write Capital Jounrnl Box 278. cd PROPERTY In Bend. Oregon. 9 lots, sev-1 rai diors. near city center. 3 lots in commercial aone. Full price 112.500 furniture Incl. Terms $4,000 down. bal. 10 yrs. at 4 . Will consider Salem property in trade. Inquire 1677 Rtite i St., West Salem. cdl90i Business Property Business bldg, with living quarter-. Ideal location on busy Edgewater St. Exterior rough. Interior comfortable and attractive. Can be utilized for va riety of small business ventures with small remodeling cost. Suitable for of fice as is. Asking price Is only 58500 with terms to suit. Ph. 35109. cdl94 ICE CREAM PACKAGE STORE and Snack Grocery, well located, on busy street In new building, all new equipment. Doing nice business. Grocer ies pay the lease. It la the only store of kind In community. A hot bur,, for a young couple. Has unlimited possibili ties. For full details, phone 2630 Dallas. Oregon. cdlD3 Grocery Store - Located In good residential district, modern fixtures and good clean stock and doing a nice steady business, Liv ing quarters and long lease. Total price only S3500. ROSTEIN ADOLPH, INC. 110'4 N. Com'l St. Ph. 33030, 36569 cdlOO-1 FOUNTAIN LUNCH less than ' price. Nearly new equipment, good leas. A real money maker for a good operator. Price 18.000. Ph. 2-7983. cd!9I Service Station REPAIR SHOP Doing a good business, suburban town, good stock, advert bed gasoline, 6c margin, about 18,000 Investment. Very good possibilities. Al Isaak & Co., Realtor Ph. 3-7830, 3-4596 3033 Portland Rd. cdl92' DUE TO II.LNI ESS must sell our super market doing good business. Lone lease, blda:.. nicely located. Will Invoice. Will give some oooa cement sell stock at time on fist Ore., or see ores. Ph. 361. Falls City, Dickinson's Super '.Market cdlP2 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED Need taverns, groceries, restaurants, service stations and motels or courts Have out of state buyers for nil of the above. Phone 2-7983, room 320, Oreport Bldg. cd212 SALE OR TRADE int. in proven rold mine in Trinity county for 13.000. M. J. Kolt. 3324 43th St., Sacramento. Ph. 309S3. Salem. cdl91 GOOD INCOME grocery store and tit- turns, 2 gas pumps. 6 cabins, 3 ml. N of underpass on Hy 99E. W. J. Jarms. Rt. 7 Box 145. Salem. Ph. 24319. cd:07 FOR SALE by owner 44'x60' itont bldg.. locatea in cowntown suvenrn. iaeai business location plus monthly Income Living quarters in rear. Owner leaving state and willing to deal. Contact Ken neth C. Free. 123-B F;ke St.. Silverton or Phon 373. Silverton. rd!95 FURNITURE FOR SALE PIANO, radio, dresser, bed complete. Sew-! Ing machine, chest of drawers. Model A. j Pn. 30093, dl93 LEAVING-TOWN, owei is srlltng"fur nlture for 3 rms. Complete. Including Elec. Hot Point range. Will sell verv reasonable for cash. 710 N. Hteh. dl91 i BLEACHES OAK DSK, bassinet, dble. btd. Pb, 1-6391. 951 Tamarack. d!93 AUTOMOBILES 'McKay's Corner" "GOOD VALUE" USED CARS AND TRUCKS 1940 Plymouth 4 Door Sedan Radio and Heater $395 1939 Ford Tudor Sedan Heater, Clean inside 1946 Chevrolet 2-Ton Long Wheel Base 2-Speed, shows excellent care . $1395 1942 Ford iy2-Ton Long Wheel Base 2-Speed axle $795 Douglas McKay Chevrolet Co. Member of Salem Used Car Dealers Ass'n 850 No. Commercial Phone S-S175 PONTIACS GOOD WILL CARS '48 Pontiac Sdn. Cpe. R&H, low mileage $1895 41 Pontiac Sport Coupe, R&H . 695 '37 Pontiac Sedan . ; 295 '36 Chevrolet Sedan 195 '36 Chevrolet Sedan 195 Herrall - Owens Co 860 N. LIBERTY WANTED FURNITURE HIGHEST prices paid for furniture and nousehoid articles. Notning 10 Dig or sm. Ph. 38558. da207" USED FURN. Check our prices. Valiey Furn CO., 285 N. Com'l. Ph. 27472. da208 (fill HEt'T PRICES paid Phone Gleno at Woodry Auction Maraet Ph 3-5110. da" AUCTIONS HOYT ST. SURPLUS AUCTION SAT. AND SUN. - 1:30 P.M. AUG. 13 AND 14 All Remaining Stock Goes at Auction 1351 HOYT ST. ddl92 FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE 5 yr. old Ouernsey cow, fresh en any day. Phone 3-1819 el9l URED HEIFFR for sale. Phone 2-2183. e!9l LIVESTOCK WANTED BONIED ANDi7h:eNSf:i liveatock buyer. E. C. McCnndllsh, 1121 8 25. Ph. 3-8147 ra20S' RABBITS 1 ANGORA BABBITS & 1 unit hutch. 630 PETS REG. SPRINGER Spaniel pups. The best. Days 22471. Even. 31508. ecl93 MOORE'S TROPICAL fish Si supplies, lBC. variety. Special on Redswords As Gup pics. Open evenlnxs until fl p.m. Rt.'5. box 483 of McCleary rd. ec!92 WANTED: Good homo for 2 shepherd does. One male As 1 female. Ph. 2-1183. 240 Fi.sher rd. ecl92 nCGS BOARDED and trained- -reason aba rates by day or moni.h Trimming and bathint. Free Pick-up At deliv LeGray Kennels, Rt. 3. Ph. 3-1398. ecl91 FUEL TRI-CTTY FUEL Fresh cut awdust P-ompt delivery Ph 2-7442 We give S Si H Green Stamps Green 16 in. mill wood ec GET YOUR winters fuel now and save. ooon cican Hiiwuuni. uiy en. ecu bu. dry Hiid green edgings. Oregon Fuel Co. Ph. 35533. ee200 PHILLIPS BhOS Old fir, oak, ash Si mapie. 4' fir, 16" slnb and edgings. Pn- 31458. ee FRESH CUT sawdust delivered at summer rates Phone 2253 Dallas collect ee!94 CALI HIGHWAY FUEi. FOR iliefe: and Stove Oils. FRESH CUT SAWDUST Diy Slab Wood Dry Plalnei Ends St Block Wood Ph 36444 ee West Salem Fuel Co. 16 IN DRY OR GREEN SLAB WOOD DRY PLANER ENDS OLD GROWTH BLOCK WOOD. 16-IN. CLEAN . NO BARK SCREENED SAWDUST RURAL DELIVERIES DIESEL AND STOVE OIL Phone Filem 2-4031 Atfo pick up wood at 1525 Edgewater St.. West Salem ee' GOOD WOOD At sawdust. Reasonable prlc p H. W. Maker. Ph. 3-7868 ee!91 FOR SALE POULTRY NEY HAMPSHIRE chicks tor Immediate o? luture delivery Hatches every Tues Fox Hatchery, 3830 State St. Ph. 3-4969 CHOICE red fryers. Live or dressed. Phone 38341. 1192' NEW HAMPSHIRE chicks every Thurs dny Ph 2-2861 Ire's Hatchery f PRODUCE SWEET CORN, canning. Buy dot. or sack. Ph. 21319. ff 193 CUCUMBERS FOR SALE. Frank Bello. Ph. . 5P0 Hollywflod Ave. IflSO DAHLIAS blooming, order now. 1491 1th St. Ph. 20514. ff 190 RASPBERRIES, strawberries, boysenber ries, peaches, cucumbers, tomatoes, ap ples. Friiraard Fruit Farm, -a Mile North of Keizer School. ff200 nOYSENPERRIES. U P!rk, 5e lb. R. G. Dooge, 'a mile E. Liberty School. Rt. 9, Box 21(L Phone 2-314L ffl92 GOLDEN CROSS corn $1.50prr saekTBarT lett pears 31.50 per box. Ph. 3-0158 for delivery. ff 193 HELP WANTED ADULTS interested In picking pole beans thru long season please call 35865 be tween 6 and 9 p. m. Bus transportation furnished. gl90 BEAN AND HOP Pickers Wanted Picking now just started splend d 30 acre field of beans to be followed immediately by how. EXCELLENT CAMP FREE cabins witii electricity, shower baths, laundry, hot water, oiled roads, a clean shady camp with constant supervision. Telephone Independence 39 or 140 for Informntlon. Dean Walker Farms W. H. Walker Ranch C. R, iBob) Pnlllips. M:r- g195 nimVAHi:it. day and nisht shift. Blue Lake Cafe, 376 Patterson. West Salem. LBl90 THORXi.ESS blackberrv pickers wanted. Marvin Van Cleave. Rt. 7. Box 246.' l'a mile ea?t of totom pole. mile north on the Van Cleave Rd. Ph. 35161. gl90 NOW REG ISTER IN'VTb'op "pickergT $lde. poit required for cab'.n reservation John J. Roberts At Co.. Salem. g BFAN PICKERS" Bishops." South River road, 10 minutes from Salem. Bus leaves I?th and Mission 6:00. Farm La bor offire 6:30. Ladd Si Bush Bank 6 33, south on Commercial to Owens. Porjnformation call 3-6137. gl92 B60KKEr.PERTrYPISTfakt charge or office. Give age St experience w:tn ref erences in ova handwriting. Box 379. Capita! Journal. 101 Journal Want Ads Pay IAUTOMOBILES .$495 PH. 24113 HELP WANTED TOP YARD for hop picking machine and field crews. Men and women. Alio dry house help. Head dryerman. Call before noon if possible. We start Monday, Aug. 8. Ph. 31763. W, W. Graham Hop Yard, glOO MAN Ac WIFE to take care of grounds and edifice of a Protestant church. A part time salary Job which would not inter fere with regular work. Phone 3-4619 for appointment. glBl BEAN PICKERS wanted. 20 A. of good beans. !i mile S of Waters Ball Park. 1815 8. 25th. Ray McDougal. glBl HELP WANTED MALE YOUNG MEN 18 to 23 fret to travel west ern states. $200 month average earn ings. Congenial associates, quick ad vancement. Must be neat appearing. See Mr. or Mrs. Mack, Argo Hotel, 9 a.m. HELP WANTED FEMALE Permanent Position Nationally known company has opening In local store for woman to train as saleslady. Must be neat Ac have some previous sewing exp. Apply 8 to 10 A. M. only at Singer Sewing Machine Co., 130 N. Com'l. gb!90 COOK for cafeteria In Catholic school. Exp, preferred. Ph. 23S59. gbl90 ACCOUNTANT TYPIST. See Mr. Fenix. Eaton Hall. Willamette Univ. Ph. 39268. gbl90' WANTED FULL and part time candy clerks. Apply In person. Grand Sweet Shop. gb!90 WANTED SALESLADIES. Ast 25 to 15. For extra work on Fridays and Satur days. Apply Montgomery Ward Co.. Salem. gb WANTED SALESMAN SALESMAN 26 to 40. Salem area by na tional corp. to learn electric appliance business. Must be permanent worker. Salary 450 per week to start plus parti cipating commission when qualified. Service car furnished. Some prior selling experience necessary. Some evening work required. Apply B to 10 A. M. only at singer Sewing Machine Co.. 130 N. Com'l-, ggt90 EXPERIENCED HANDWARE man must oe a good salesman and capable of op erating this dept. in an efficient man ner. Farmer Union Co-op., Rlckreall, Org. gglfiO Tried Working for Others Would you like the satlsfaclon A Inde pendence of your own business. W can do this for you right here In your own dist. if you have a car St willing to work hard. Earn 175 per week Ac up. We train you. See Mr. Hardweck Bat. 10 a.m. 595 N. Front. tglSl MEN READ CAREFULLY I want to talk to 10 men who art really ambitious in securing a position that will give them an opportunity of mak ing money, IT DOESN'T MATTER what your past work has been: all wt ask Is that you will be willing to study and learn as we teach you our work. It will be necessary that you be willing to get along on 630 to $50 per week for the first 4-6 weeks while learning. YOU MUST BE ABLE to give the names f three people who will vouch for your honesty and Integri ty, and you must be bondable. We prefer men who are married or those with some responsibility. I would like to talk to men who are mechanically Inclined and who know a good thing when they see It. A car Is essential. If you are honest and of good charac ter, a willing worker and neat in ap pearance and can think on your feet, come to 7S7 Ontor Rt ltei- Thu.. Frl. morn. If out of town, write box' 884 Capital Journal. . voion FOR PERSONAL Interview ph. 8-3388. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES OFFICE AND CLERICAL POSITIONS CONTACT Commercial Placement Agency 3M State St Ph 2-14S" cf" WANTED POSITIONS CHILD WANTED for monthly board, room ..,.,., rftirurn. car. WI.OO per HID. loo Roberta Ave. hlflO- TREE WORK, "topping, trimming, re- ....me uptiaior. joan rayne. 248 a. Church. Ph. 260H. hl9B MOTHER. DAlonTER 15. want ork tn ' ' .... nam, or carinc lor invalid. Both good worlcera. Box 277, eo Capital Journal. ,,, WILL CARE for children In your horn. ni, ..an. niBO" DAT CARE for children 5 to I year,. Large play ground. Addresa 256 N. 20th or phone 2.3650. nlB3 CARPENTER WKNew, repair. Ph. 2-20S3: 11213' RELIABLE MAN with 14 yra. public ac- countlng experience. Phone 2-7082. hl02 WOMAN WANTS baby alttln.. nliht or day. Ph. Mm Brown, 3-6427. hl90 FINE PAINT1XO. paperlm. Ph. 1-5522. h207 Mimeographing-Typing POES 8BJ North 18th Phon. 3-3843 MIDDLE ACE lady wanta baby alttln.. Ph2-4748: hlOl' TELEPHONE CALLS TAKEN. 24 hr. aerv. Ice rirmet phone opr. Ph 3-5072. h204 DRESSMAKING alter 3 alteration. Ph. 2-0840 0840 h5f TREE WORK, topolng. trimming, remov. ui. ,u op wore guar. w. H McAllI. er 840 Trade Ph 2-1406 h201" ((Continued on Page 23)